Personality Traits Explained Christopher Shaw PDF

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Personality Traits Explained – Christopher Shaw

There are a couple of things that influence personality. I guess we have to break
down the various aspects of personality before you can move forth.

Introverts and Extroverts: Causes

I believe to nail down the cause of how somebody becomes

introverted/extroverted, you really have to step back and take a look at how a basic cell
works and how it reacts to stimulation on the whole. A brand new cell is like a brain, at
first it really doesn’t know what to make of the world but as time goes on, various forms

of stimuli is received and the brain matures into its final state. A cell very much works
the same way. When a cell is born, it doesn’t know what to make of the world, but if that

cell receives a good amount of positive stimulation from the beginning of its very

existence. Then the cell begins to crave that stimulation because it has become
conditioned to respond to it and that stimulation becomes the cells security. Very much
how a baby cries for a bottle when it is hungry. Now we are going to deal with the
opposite effect. What if a cell doesn’t receive the proper stimulation and it ends up
maturing. Well the cell does not crave the stimulation and in the end becomes introverted
because of the matured state. The actual size of the cell would be smaller as well simply

because there wasn’t any stimulation received as opposed to the extroverted cell which
grew because of the positive stimulation, I know this because of an experiment done
years where a baby received stimulation compared to one who didn’t, well the one that

did grew twice as fast. Now take the single cell premise and apply it to a human who is
really composed of billions of cells in which all the cells are linked and share stimuli.

This implicates that touch is a huge factor before the age of 5, a child who receives touch
will be much more inclined to go after things in life and would generally be the life of the

party if given the chance, simply because it ends up being their security, basically to be
loved by others. The stimulation received as a toddler has given the child the confidence

to portray themselves as a go getter. All in all they are just assuming the role of an
extrovert based on how they feel about the world, and it really does become their
security. An introvert on the other hand likes to work alone, doesn’t feel comfortable
around lots of people. In essence that becomes his security, having everything just right,
orderly and withdrawn from society in general.

Mannerisms and stress before birth

Well in determining how your child is going to end up you really have to consider
all the variables, well one that has certainly been over looked is the stress a women goes
through while pregnant. A women who is easily stressed passes on that stress to the child
in her womb. The brain cells of that child are in the very early developing stages and are
very susceptible to bouts of stress that the mother may be going through, that stress is
dissipated from the mother and transferred on to the child because the body acts as a heat
sink for the brain, basically spreading the stress over a large area to get rid of the
concentrated effect. This stress being dissipated puts new stress on the child screwing up
the important fundamental development in the early stages making the babies cells very
touchy. The newly formed touchy cells keep this state and actually get worse with time,
probably bringing on early grey hair in the process. This babies newly found state puts
the child on edge and craves attention, but in a negative way, leading him to act out when
he gains a sense of self at a young age, becoming defiant etc, it also very much leads to
alcoholism to quell the anxiety build up that may be present later in life, drug abuse as
there habits mature and all kinds of other dysfunctional activity. It basically transfers a
carbon copy of how the mother feels on to the child at the time of birth.


Mannerisms are probably related to the stress before birth issue, I would say that

if there is stress during the birth then the fundamentals of the mother are probably not in
the best shape and the mannerisms that would be transferred to the child would also be

somewhat incomplete and probably erratic in some shape or form. Which is bad because

it’s the mannerisms that determine how successful we are when we are dealing with
people on a day to day basis, and somebody who doesn’t have them will fair a lot worse
in life and will probably lead to a declining quality of life and ailments like depression
and substance abuse to coup with the harsh reality, its especially important in social
relationships as well considering one of the main goals in life is to meet somebody but
that process will be hindered if the very core of your personality does not hold up to the

ever rising standards of society. Mannerisms deal with speech, movement and how you
come across in general. The world is very judgmental and mannerisms are the first thing

people take note of besides actual appearance. So they have to be good to build your
confidence factor which is really a part of touch and an extended part of being an

extrovert which I already covered. They are all connected directly or indirectly.

Logical vs. creativity


This part of the personality determines our interests. I personally believe that this
is one of the only parts that we have absolutely no control over. As it deals with the
frequency in which the brain runs at. And I am going to use cymatics to try and prove my
point. Cymatics is a sort of like a science that uses frequencies that are transmitted into
things like sand or water that form various shapes based on the frequency being
generated, the shapes cycle and get more complicated as the frequency goes up but they
alternate back and forth between logical patterns and complicated artistic ones becoming
ever more intricate. Cells in general are very small and can be influenced very easily by
this radiance. The radiance affecting the cell structure determines the form in which the
cells line up with each other since they are conforming to the radiance. So when a baby is
born. They automatically start taking in stimuli, stimuli that basically falls on to the
resonating cells, neurons etc. The stimulus is then absorbed by the resonating pattern, and
when enough is absorbed you start accessing this information making you ether artistic or
logical. If the cells line up then you transmit the information back based on how evenly
they line up resulting in you viewing the world in a very logical sense. Or you transmit
the information back in shapes that creates an artistic personality in which you look at it
in a very creative sense. Then you have rest of the people falling somewhere in between
which essentially make up the majority of the population.

Brain symmetry

This part of the personality deals directly with how intelligent you become. In
general brain size does count but it is how well it is utilized that really makes the
difference. And I am going to use an autistic brain as a basis to work off of. An autistic
brain is in general more balanced on both hemispheres. I believe this is because of the
lack of emotion taking place coupled with the excess testosterone/estrogen that works as
a stimulant to enlarge the brain in all the areas. As the brain enlarges there is increased
activity taking place within the brain and it looks for stimulation to fill the void. Which is
information based on what they see, basically inanimate objects while totally neglecting

emotion in the process. The unconscious part of the brain takes over and basically

concentrates on filling the need that is considered to be in a state of emergency.
Everything else is avoided until this is accomplished, often it is too late and the brain

never recovers, the child stays confined within his cyclical tendencies. Tendencies which
can make an autistic child very good at pattern oriented thinking but perform very poorly
at anything that requires a social situation, or learning something with out hands on
interaction as they rely on actual touch to learn things. What works against the autistic
child is his unwillingness to try new things because of the ingrained security that
accompanies the autistic child. Almost no new information gets introduced after a certain

age and the child’s learning suffers. But what can happen is that the child every once in a
while comes into his own, learns how to interact with society through force and starts

utilizing his superior brain. Now since it is in fact symmetrical because of the
testosterone that influenced it at an early age, information is distributed equally when
stimulation comes in, allowing greater more accurate judgement. Now if you take this

premise and realize that the brain matures dynamically based on the stimuli being

received, then you will come to the conclusion that anything is possible, and strengths do
arise based on brain symmetry. But it is only after a certain amount of stimuli has been
received can you use it to your full advantage. Bottom line, all parts of the brain need to

be stimulated at a young age so your intelligence can go up as you get older. It really
comes down to balance. And I believe this is how genius’s are born.


Overall people are made up of the above criteria, mix and match them and you
can build personality profiles. Of course this doesn’t take into account the actual
experience and family situation such as the amount of money but you can see what
factors would influence what if you just thought about it. It wouldn’t be too hard.

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