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BSCS-412: Software Engineering & Project Management

Course Incharge: Mr. Hussain Saleem, Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science, University of Karachi. Copyrighted Material © 2018.
Project Management with PERT / CPM
(Assignment / Workshop)
Revised Document 25-10-2018

Study Material
You have been given a concrete study document on Title: Project Management with PERT/CPM, in PDF Format. Make a complete printout of that
document to prepare it handy. This document is one of the Chapter extracted from the book of Operations Research containing Project case studies and
analytics with concrete opinions. You have to study the whole document line-by-line thoroughly, marking notes, highlights, rough-work etc. while
reading and solving problems and exercises. You have to prepare your own Output Document / Solution Register containing the self-solved problems
in physical register/file form. Following are the Four Assignments objectives which you should compile to submit via your Turnitin account on
appropriate Assignment Links and develop a presentable document to be shown at the time when required for viva/evaluation etc.

Assignment-1 / Case-Study-1: The Reliable Construction Company Project – Analytics & Opinions (10 Marks)
This prototype example is a concrete case study of a construction project executed from none-to-done.
It contain:
(1) Activity List, with objective questions (10) Determination of mean-critical path
(2) Project Network Chart for visual display of project (11) Beta-distribution, and Normal-distribution of probability model
(3) Project mapping on MS-Project tool making Gantt Chart, and to approximate deadline of success
PERT Chart (12) Approximating the probability of meeting the deadline
(4) Determination for Critical Path using CPM method from Start-to- (13) Time-Cost Trade-Offs, Normal and Crash Points
Finish (14) Marginal Cost Analysis
(5) Findings of time-gaps in the form of Slack in Project Schedules (15) Using Linear Programming technique to make crashing
(6) Forward-Pass and Backward-Pass of Activity network decisions, (Defining natural decision variables)
(7) Dealing with uncertain activity durations, making schedule on (16) Linear Model and Non-Negative Models – Devising Conclusions
critical review (17) Budget and Project Costs, Earned-Value-Analysis (EVA)
(8) Approximations using PERT Three-Estimate Approach to (18) Finding Feasible Region for Project Costs without Loss factor
determine mean and variance of probability distribution (19) Value of PERT/CPM
(9) Expected value and variance of the duration using Optimistic, (20) Devising project conclusions
Most-likely, and Pessimistic components
Problems: 10.2-1 to 10.2-3; 10.3-1 to 10.3-8, 10.4-1 to 10.4-7, 10.5-1 to 10.5-6, 10.6-1 to 10.6-3;
You are required to do each example/exercise problem given in this study with your own approach under the above headings. This work
is followed by analytical problems also to be solved. Your work should be handwritten. Wherever necessary, use MS-Excel and MS-
Project to solve your work. Sketch sharp and neat graph wherever required.
Assignment-2 / Case-Study-2: Steps to Success – Analytics (10 Marks)
This example is a case study of office distribution issue project with some crucial steps to success, following tabular data and project
problem exercises to be solved. You are required to do each exercise problem given in this study with your own approach. Your work
should be handwritten. Wherever necessary, use MS-Excel and MS-Project to solve your work. Sketch sharp and neat graph wherever
Assignment-3 / Case-Study-3: School’s out forever… – Analytics (10 Marks)
This example is a case study of job-search steps as process after graduation studies, following tabular data and project problem exercises
to be solved. You are required to do each exercise problem given in this study with your own approach. Your work should be handwritten.
Wherever necessary, use any version of MS-Excel and MS-Project to solve your work. Sketch sharp and neat graph wherever required.
Assignment-4 / Survey-Study-2: UBIT Job/Career Fair… (10 Marks)
This is a survey study of job-search steps as process to be conducted by students near to finish of graduation studies, as the practical
scenario as mentioned in Case-Study 3 above. You have an opportunity to get involved yourself to observe and experience the event. Do
visit, survey the event. Use Assignment Template (already given) Submit on First Page (1) Proof of Presence at Event as (i) Your
Single/Solo Picture with background as Event Site, (ii) Your Class Group Photo mentioning you being present (marking an arrow to
identify you with your name & seat no.), (2) Write one page handwritten summary/observation that how organized the event became.
Do complete post mortem analysis as if you plan such event in future how realistic activity/preparation table you develop. (3) Submit
your Plan and execution table with proper Gantt Chart.
Assignment Submission (Detailed Method is on Page-2)
All above 04 Assignments should be prepared as
(1) Individual output document for each Assignment (Compilation of your numerical work, and printer generated MS Project / MS
Excel Files, Graph etc.) properly filed. And
(2) Softcopy PDF to be developed as per instructions given on previous ITCN work, must prepare on Assignment Template given earlier
to be uploaded on Turnitin enabled link. Combine PDFs to make a single submission for each Assignment.
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Submission Date:
Only softcopy submitted on Turnitin will be evaluated. Submission Deadline is 31-10-2018 till 06:00pm. Late submissions or physical
or via email will not be considered or recorded. A Viva/Semester Performance evaluation of every individual will be held during 1st &
2nd week of November 2018 (if required). Evaluation will be based on work Completeness, Quality, and Timely submission.
Semester Attendance and Exam Eligibility record will be uploaded on every individual’s profile at Turnitin. You are required to correct
your Turnitin Profile as instructed earlier within 02 days till 27-10-2018 or otherwise you will not be able to upload your
assignments etc. Method: In Profile: Goto UserInfo, Enter First Name as your “SEAT No. without <space>, <symbols, -, #, _, :>”, and
Last Name as your “NAME in All Capitals” as per record register/enrollment. Set the default mode as “Student”. Set your security
question for password recovery if forgot later. Do not change any other setting.
Marks Deduction on Carelessness:
Deduction on your “Carelessness” of 20 marks for leaving any discrepancy in violating the instructions/guidelines for (1) Your Turnitin
Profile, or (2) Assignment Submission method, or (3) Violating exam related instructions present, (4) Become disturbing source in class
or irrelevant use of social media involving in any mean or to post any misguiding or annoying content related to this Course etc. There
will be no excuse acceptable for that. Disciplinary action could also be taken in this regard.

Assignment Submissions (Numerical Register/Lab Workshops):

 Place: All submissions should be dropped Only at Turnitin webspace at mentioned links on/before Due Date/Time.
 Submission Method:
i. Download the MSWord File Format from Turnitin Calendar. Do not modify any setting etc.
ii. Take photo snaps of your Handwritten Assignment/Lab work that you have done in your “Notebook/Register/File” and save them in specific
Folder of your Computer; Open MS-Word Template Document; Click on “Header Area” and modify Seat No., Name, Assignment Title, Course
Title with Course Code.
iii. Develop the Document with inserting the saved snaps with appropriate size, crop and sharpness selected from “Picture Tool” of MS-Word.
Save the whole file as PDF; and Upload at specified link on Turnitin. (Must avoid any other format, it will not be considered). Do not develop
any Title Page in softcopy submission.
iv. None of the work will be accepted as physical submission or re-submission. Nor submissions via email or other medium will be accepted.
Caution: Try to submit your work at least Six hours earlier to the expiry time. Extension in Time will not be granted.
 Digital Receipt: You will receive a “Digital Receipt” as a proof of submission in your email immediately after successful upload. You should
retain Digital Receipt carefully for future reference.
 Evaluation Criteria: Complete according to content list, Quality of work i.e. practices and presentation of work along with complete paper work;
Timely Submission.
 Assignment Submission Ethics: If you share your Turnitin Profile password to anybody for your work submission, or If you accepted
responsibility to submit any other person’s work, or submitted the other person’s copied work as either Full or Partial, or from anywhere
(Book/Internet), You will be awarded “0” “ZERO” in your final award sheet. All upcoming work submission will also be treated useless for you
to submit. Your Account might be locked in that case.
 Advice: Do not submit the work that you have not done by your own effort to prevent gaining Zero. (This is ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY).
You are also advised to secure your Assignment Book at home and bring incase if you are asked to show physically.

General Instructions:
Every candidate has to maintain 75% Attendance mandatorily throughout the course as per semester rules. (Rule Book Link)
None of the G1-Form should be presented by any candidate to request endorsement for relief as “Short-of-Attendance”.
Candidates with less than 60% Attendance are clearly IN-ELIGIBLE, they should avoid to appear for exam. Exam Attendance Sheet will not
contain names of In-Eligible Candidates.

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