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Lesson Authors

First and Last Names María Ríos

Author's E-mail Addresses

Lesson Overview

Unit Title Vidas Extraordinarias

 ¿Qué cualidades tiene una persona

 ¿Por qué Rigoberta Menchú es una persona
 ¿Qué de su vida es relevante hacía personas
extraordinarias que conocemos?
Students will reflect on what they think makes a life
extraordinary as well as identity and culture. The
purpose of this unit lesson plan is to help students
make connections from the readings and activities to
their own lives and the world around them. In order to
gain deep understanding about extraordinary people
Lesson Summary the students will learn about the life of Rigoberta
Menchú, who works for social justice and ethno-cultural
reconciliation for the rights of indigenous peoples. The
students will recognize the meaning of an extraordinary
person in the life of Rigoberta Menchú and identify
themes as poverty, discrimination, human rights,
identity and culture.
Subject Area(s) Spanish Language Arts 1
Grade Level 9th & 10th
Students will be able to:
1. Answer the following questions:
 ¿Qué cualidades tiene una persona
“extraordinaria”? ¿En que consiste una vida
Student Objectives and extraordinaria?
Learning Outcomes  ¿Por qué Rigoberta Menchú es una persona
extraordinaria? ¿Qué cualidades la hacen
una persona extraordinaria?
 ¿Qué de su vida es relevante hacía personas
extraordianrias que conocemos?
 ¿Quién es una persona extraordinaria en mi
vida? ¿Qué la hace extraordinaria?

2. Students will make connections between the

readings and activities to their own life and activate
prior knowledge.
3. Students will develop a theme on “Vidas
Extraordinarias” by building new concepts on the
topic of identity, culture and extraordinary lives.
4. Students will be able to make connections
between the readings and extraordinary lives.
5. Students will understand what makes and
extraordinary person and be able to connect what
makes someone extraordinary.
 Understanding language.
 Engaging in conversation.
 Presenting information.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2 Write explanatory
texts and provide a concluding statement.
Standards and  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.6 Ask and answer
Benchmarks questions about information from speaker.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.4 Determine the
meaning of words and phrases as they are used
in text.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.3 Analyze the
cumulative impact of specific word choices on

Friday (01-24-19)
3rd Period
1. Toca timbre: (10 min.) – (Ring bell)
Students will watch a video of la Madre Teresa de
Calcuta and answer the following questions:
 ¿Después de mirar el video sobre la vida de la
Step-by-step Procedure madre Teresa de Calcuta: ¿Cuáles piensas que
fueron sus cualidades en vida? ¿Cuál sería el
motivo por el que piensas que la gente la sigue
recordando? ¿Piensas que fue una persona
extraordinaria? ¿Qué la hizo extraordinaria?
2. Diario: (10 min.) – (Journal)
Answer the questions in the next topic in a well-
developed paragraph. (5-8 sentences)
Piensa en alguna persona muy importante o cercana a ti
que pienses que tiene grandes cualidades y por lo
mismo la hacen ser una persona muy especial para ti.
Describe las cualidades de esta persona en un párrafo
de 5-8 oraciones bien desarrollado. Escribe sobre
algunos momentos de tu vida donde has mirado esas
cualidades y describe por que piensas que esas
cualidades la hacen ser una persona extraordinaria en tu
3. Preguntas esenciales (Warm up): (10min)
I will show the questions to the students, so they will
relate the questions to the lesson. I will ask questions
about what makes an extraordinary person, allowing the
students answer in their own words and invite them to
share and discuss first with a partner and then with the
4. Video “song” “En el mismo barco”: (40min)
Students will watch the video and reflect on the content
to be able to analyze the verses of the song according to
their criteria. They will work on an activity individually.
Then we will discuss the whole class on the interpretation
of the verses and relate them to the theme of
discrimination, human rights and culture.
5. PowerPoint “Rigoberta Mechú”: (20min)
-¿Cuáles son las condiciones en las que vivió Rigoberta
Menchú desde my chica? ¿Qué le pasó a varios
miembros de su familia?
-¿Por qué razón tuvo persecución política y se exilio a
-¿Por qué piensas que Rigoberta Menchú podría ser una
persona extraordianaria?
6. Mapa de Ideas “Rigoberta Menchú”: (20min)
The students will develop a map of ideas about the life of
Rigoberta Menchú. They will understand what makes
Rigoberta Menchú an extraordinary person.
7.Exit Slip:
The students need to reflect about the lesson, answer
the question before leave. (2-3) sentences
-¿Qué hace a una persona extraordinaria?
 M. D. V. Student needs to listen to clear
instructions. (subtitles needed)
 V. G. E. Student needs short instructions. Also,
clarification of understanding.
D. M. Student needs notes to understand
better the text.

Approximate Time
 110 minutes (Third Period)
(Minutes, Days, Hours, etc.)

 Video “La Vida de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta”
Materials and Resources  Song “En el mismo barco”
Required for lesson (books,  En el mismo barco (handout)
handouts, etc.)  Power point about the life of Rigoberta Menchú
 Estudio de autores (handout)
 Mapa de Ideas (handout)

Supplies (art supplies,  Paper

paper, microscopes, etc.)  Pencil

 Promethean board
Other Resources (if  Video
needed)  Power Point

 Video “La vida de la Madre Teresa de
Calcuta” (toca timbre)
 Song “En el mismo barco” (handout)
Student Assessment  PowerPoint “Rigoberta Menchú” (estudio de
 Mapa de Ideas “Rigoberta Menchú”
 Boleto de salida (essential question)
 Finish analyzing and writing the mapa de

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