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Dear Michelle,

I passed my writing requirement for this class last quarter not having any idea what UWP
1Y would be like. I signed up for your class in hope of becoming a better writer, peer reviewer
and reader. It’s safe to say that 10 weeks in, I can look back and confidently stand by my own
writing now. Before I was nervous, stressed and lost as to how I could become a better writer.
After finishing this class, I have learned and picked up on many skills such processes and
rhetorical knowledge that will stick with me for whatever I decide to pursue in my future.

What I felt about writing before I started this class..

I chose the 2 projects in my eportfolio because each one means something different to
me. The living picture narrative highlights my soccer upbringing alongside my family, friends
and favorite music artist. With this, I knew my journey was worth talking about because it has
shaped me into who I am today and gotten me to this point in my life. My struggle to choose
soccer over running wasn’t just a quick decision made overnight. It took time because this
process was not only important to me, but it was part of me. In addition, my podcast project
provides insight to a place that is close to me. I chose Tahoe because it is a place where I can be
in my own mind and live out my own ideas. I find peace within myself when I’m out there which
makes Tahoe so unique and special to me.
Sometimes you have to write about what you want to write about..

The Living Picture Narrative enabled me to self-reflect on my writing process because of

the aspects and concepts that I learned while doing so. I approached the Living Picture Narrative
Project with an open mind. I had no idea what I was going to write about which made me
nervous, but I knew I could think of something along the way. The parts that worked well for me
during the writing process was being able to write freely about whatever was on my mind. I
could write as I went and that I really felt I benefited from. Also, creating my “mapping the
process” figure helped me to visualize what I was ultimately going to write about. I learned I can
incorporate this aspect into another assignment by drawing or even laying out a figure in which I
can see what I am going to write about. The parts of my writing process that didn’t work so well
was the part that worked well for me also. Being able to write about whatever enhanced my
thinking, but also led me to go off topic about things I did not need to be thinking about. In the
future, I can make a list of topics or ideas prior to the process. From there, I can narrow it down
to what I would like to talk about. This will help me become a better writer and get my point
across more clearly.

Through the podcast project I had to revise my entry to effectively explain why Tahoe is
so much more than it’s name. With this, I created this podcast for anyone who might share the
same ideas or thoughts about what Tahoe is to them or to people like us in general. The purpose
of this podcast was to inform people that Tahoe is a place where you can find purpose, happiness
and meaning. As I continued through this process, I was able to strengthen my skills with two of
the course goals; Rhetorical Knowledge and Processes. Through the first goal rhetorical
knowledge, I was able to understand and apply key rhetorical concepts to my project such as
revision, audience and purpose. In addition, I was able to demonstrate my ability to adjust my
reading and composing processes for different audiences. I chose my intended audience and tried
to convey what makes Tahoe so unique.
After I learned some of the course goals and knew which ones to apply to my project
(Travis Scott Dancing)

Three of the course goals that I mastered include rhetorical knowledge, processes and
metacognition. Through rhetorical knowledge I was able to understand and apply key rhetorical
concepts to my project such as revision, audience and purpose. I had to revise my wikipedia
entry multiple times in order to effectively communicate the information about my Dad in the
best possible way. With the living picture narrative I was able to critically self-reflect on my
reading processes and strategies. I reinforced this skill by constantly reflecting weekly on my
writing and the process that came along with it. My reflections enabled me to revise, change, edit
and read my paper even more thoroughly than I did before. Through the podcast project, it
challenged me to become aware and to understand my own thought process. I had to think before
I spoke about my experience. It called for me to be aware of my own awareness.

In conclusion, my eportfolio tells someone about an athlete who will never ever forget
where he comes from. I am proud to be who I am, and ONE DAY I WILL BE SOMEBODY. As
a writer, I have bettered my skills through revision, reading and constructive feedback. I am
happy where I am at as a writer thanks to my classmates and you, Michelle.
Now that completed UWP1Y, I have this mindset for my future

Luke Giusto

Works Cited
1. Giphy. “Search All the GIFs & Make Your Own Animated GIF.” GIPHY,

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