Template MS FF Group Report

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UG Grading Criteria for HBS Coursework (Team/Group Report)

TEAM Presentation & structure Use & presentation of Harvard Content/ Terms/ Findings/ Business Application & Discussion /Analysis /Critical Team Work/ Group contract/
REPORT Referencing Definitions/ Calculations/Log Integration of Data evaluation &/or Reflection Log/Wiki
Task details Follows report structure & Follows Harvard style for in-text Content included - specify task Integration & application of Line of argument, development Evidence of preparation, team
keeps to word limit of ... citation & Reference List requirements as in module information - from coursework of discussion add instructional building, communications, team
Use a minimum of ... sources guide & coursework guidance guidance /module guide verbs to suit the task & level co-operation, contribution

80-100 Outstanding... Presentation & Outstanding... Standard of Outstanding... Exploration of topic Outstanding... Business insight Outstanding... Level of Outstanding… Contribution to
report structure, with numbered referencing within text & consistent showing excellent knowledge & & application. discussion/analysis/ critical every meeting. Resolved any
Outstanding paragraphs, list of use of Harvard referencing system. understanding through thorough & Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection. weaknesses. Collaborated well.
contents/figures &appendices. Accuracy of in-text references & appropriate research. literature/data into work. Highly developed/ focused work. Listened effectively. Respected
Articulate & fluent academic full details shown in Reference list. Impressive choice and range of others’ opinions & ideas.
writing style with ideas cross appropriate content. Demonstrated effective team
referenced. No grammatical / management (contract, log, wiki
spelling errors. etc.). Vital team member.
70-79 Excellent ... Presentation & Excellent... Standard of Excellent ... Level of knowledge & Excellent ... Business insight & Excellent... Level of Excellent… Contribution to every
report structure, with numbered referencing within text & consistent understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical meeting. Resolved weaknesses.
Excellent paragraphs, list of use of Harvard referencing system. Evidence of appropriate reading. Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection clearly Collaborated well. Listened
contents/figures, appendices & Accuracy of in-text references & Covers all relevant points & issues. literature/data into work. developing points in the effectively. Respected others’
cross referencing. full details shown in Reference list. appropriate way with thorough opinions & ideas. Demonstrated
Articulate & fluent academic consideration of all possibilities. effective team management
writing style. Only a minor error. (contract, log, etc.)
60-69 Very good... Presentation & Very good... Standard of Very good... Level of knowledge & Very good... Business insight & Very good... Level of Very good… Contribution to most
report structure, paragraphing, referencing within text & consistent understanding demonstrated. application. discussion/analysis/ critical meetings. Helped to resolve
Very Good use of numbering, list of use of Harvard referencing system. Covers most relevant points & Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection & a few weaknesses. Listened to and
contents/figures, appendices & Accuracy of in-text references & issues. literature/data into work. ideas/points could benefit from respected others’ opinions & ideas.
cross referencing. full details shown in Reference list. Few errors / omissions in further development &/or A very good team player.
Fluent academic writing style. content/calculations. evaluation/comparison.
Very few grammatical errors &
spelling mistakes.
50-59 Good... Clear presentation & Good... Standard of referencing Good... Grasp of the topic & some Good... Business insight & Good... Level of Good… participation in meetings.
report structure, use of within text & consistent use of of its implications presented. application. discussion/analysis/ critical Listened to others opinions &
Good numbering & appendices. Harvard referencing system. Knowledge & understanding is Breadth, depth & integration of evaluation &/or reflection but more ideas. A good team player.
Writing is mainly clear but some Accuracy of in-text references & demonstrated. literature/data into work. ideas/points could be addressed
spelling &/ or grammatical full details shown in Reference list. Minor errors / omissions in content/ /developed further.
errors. calculations.
40-49 Satisfactory... Basic report Satisfactory... Basic referencing Satisfactory... Content / level of Satisfactory... Business insight Satisfactory... Basic evidence of Satisfactory… team member
structure. within text & consistent use of knowledge of the topic. Addresses & application. Limited integration discussion/analysis/ critical Generally attended meetings.
Satisfactory Not always written clearly & has Harvard referencing system. part of the task. Some errors / with literature/ data. evaluation &/or reflection but some Demonstrated some participation.
grammatical & / or spelling Accuracy of in-text references & omissions in content/ calculations. Use of literature/data but limited points superficially made so need
errors. full details shown in Reference list. May benefit from further research. in breadth OR depth. further development.
30-39 Weak... Report format, limited or Weak...Use of Harvard referencing Weak... Limited content / Weak... Unsatisfactory evidence Weak... Limited evidence of Weak… Did not attend enough
poor structure. system with errors & inconsistently knowledge/ calculations. Limited or of business application & insight discussion/analysis/ critical meetings. Rarely contributed
Marginal Fail Muddled work with many applied. Limited referencing within muddled understanding of the Work needs to show better links evaluation &/or reflection. and/or communicate effectively
spelling & / or grammatical the text. Limited accuracy of in-text topic/question. between practical application More development & comment
errors. references compared to those in Does not meet all the learning and theory. needed. May need to do more than
the final Reference list. outcomes. describe.
20 – 29 Inadequate... Report format and Inadequate... Use of Harvard Inadequate... Lacking in relevant Inadequate... Lacks evidence of Inadequate... Lacking / Inadequate… Appears
poor paragraphing / signposting. referencing with many errors &/or content/ knowledge/calculations. business application & insight. inadequate level of discussion/ disinterested, disengaged,
Clear Fail Inappropriate writing style inconsistencies. Content irrelevant / inaccurate. Some literature irrelevant to analysis/critical evaluation & /or uncommitted.
Poorly written &/or poor spelling Does not meet all the learning topic. reflection. Descriptive.
& grammar. Must see CASE Must see CASE outcomes. Must see CASE
1 – 19 Nothing of merit... Poorly Nothing of merit... No or little Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit... No Nothing of merit... Unsatisfactory Nothing of merit… Did not
written work, lacking structure, attempt to use the recommended level of knowledge demonstrated. evidence of appropriate level of discussion/analysis/critical contribute or participate.
Little or paragraphing / signposting. Harvard referencing system. Content used irrelevant / not business application & insight. evaluation &/or reflection
Nothing of Many inaccuracies in spelling & appropriate/ to the topic. Does not
merit grammar. Must see CASE Must see CASE meet the learning outcomes. Must see CASE
Group Report Marking and Feedback Sheet
Module Code &Title
Topic Date & Time
Name (CAPS) 1. ID No. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Please refer to Grading Criteria in the Assignment Brief when awarding marks. Each criteria has equal weightage; C1 to C3 assess life skills while C4 to C6 assess breadth and depth of knowledge.
Grading Criteria 100m X% Comments / Feedback / Feed Forward
C1. Presentation & structure:
Follows logical structure, good time management, use of appropriate visual
aids, good voice control, fluent and articulate. /100 /5
C2. Use Academic Recourses with Harvard Referencing
Use a minimum of 4 sources and citations/links provided in the presentations. /100 /10
C3. Content
Identify a current business issue faced by relevant industry on evidence-
based research; able to summarise the issue(s) with clarity. /100 /20
C4. Business Application & Integration of Data/Literature
Analyse and identify the root cause of the business issue in the respective
industry, supported with evidence. /100 /30
C5. Discussion /Analysis /Critical evaluation &/or Reflection
Clear line of argument, development of discussion, provide relevant and
achievable recommendations. /100 /25
C6. Team Work/ Group Cohesiveness
Evidence of preparation, team building, communications, team co-operation,
individual contribution. /100 /10

Total (Assessor) - Convert to 100 marks /100

Total (Peer Reviewer/Moderator) /100

UH Internal Moderator Comments External Examiner Comments (if applicable)

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