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znd edition


Philippa Bowen
Denis Delaney
Diana Pye

Subject pronouns be: Simple present
Singular Plural Affirmative
we Full forms Short forms
- -
you you I am Lucia. I'm Lucia.

he You are Jacob. You're Jacob.

she they He is a teacher. He's a teacher.

it She is American.
lt is a nice name.
We always write I with a capital letter.
I'm Olivia and I'm from Canada. We are late. We're late.
2 We use you for the second person singular You are late. You' re late.
and plural.
They are friends. They're friends.
You are a new student.
You are new students. We use short forms when we speak and when
3 We use he for boys or men . we write informal messages and e-mails to
Mr. Grant is American. He's the English teacher. friends. We usually use full forms when we write
formal messages or e-mails.
He= Mr. Grant
4 We use she for girls or women .
Claire is Australian. She's my friend.
My name's Joe. I'm 14 years old. I'm from Toronto,
She = Claire Canada.
5 We use it for animals or things. Formal:
lt's a snake! lt's a pen. Dear Mr. Freeman,
6 With pets we can use he or she. My name is Joe Green. I am 14 years old. I am
He's my dog, Sammy. She's my cat , Saba. from Toronto, Canada.
7 We use they for all plural forms.
2 We use singular short forms with singular
They're books. pronouns (/, you, he, she, and it).
They're girls. I'm Jacob. He's American. You're Chinese.
They're students.
3 We only use plural short forms with plural
They're big dogs.
pronouns (we, you, and they).
They're Brazilian.
4 We usually use full forms with names.
In English, you can't omit subject pronouns.
Tim and Sue are British.
Mr. Barnes is from Canada. He's the Principal.
NOT Mr. Barnes is from Canada. Is the Pri11cipal. NOT Tin' and Sue're B1 itish.

We use the verb be to talk about age.

I am 1 2. He is 14.
NOT I have 12. lie has 14.

. W2 0tudent Book p.l3

4 We use its with animals or things.
Possessive adjectives
That's my horse. Its name's Billy.
5 We can use his I her f or pets.
my our My dog is black. His name's Shadow .

your your 6 We use your with singular and plural nouns.

Hello, Mark. I'm your new teacher.
h is
Hello, Mrs. Foster. We're your new students.
her their

The indef inite article: o I on
Possessive adjectives don't change for singu lar, We use a before words that begin with a
plural, or gender. consonant sound, for example, c, s , t, etc.
my pen my pens my friend my friends a classroom a school a teacher
my dog my dogs my dad my mom 2 We use an before words that begin w ith a vowel
2 We use his to show that a person or (some)thing sound a , e, i, o, u.
belongs to a boy or a man. an eraser an exercise an American girl
Hi s name's Dan. His mom is Sara.
His computer is from Japan.
When u is pronounced lyul at the beginning of
3 We use her to show that a person or (some)thing
a word we use a not an.
belongs to a girl or a woman.
a university a unit
Her name's Jen. Her dad is Mike.
When h is silent at the beginning of a word we
Her school is in San Francisco.
use an not a.
an hour

~tudent Book p.15

Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word.
Countries Nationalities Check it o Jt!
Australia American Come on!
Brazil Australian Cool!
Canada Brazilian See you later. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Chile British Sorry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
China Canadian Learn it, use t•
Japan Chilean
Good morning I afternoon I evening.
Mexico Chinese
Portugal Japanese Hello I Hi!
Russia Korean How are you?
South Africa Mexican I'm fine. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
South Korea Portuguese
And you? - - - -- - - - - - -
Spain Russian I'm very well, thanks. _ __ _ __
the United Kingdom South African
(U.K.) Spanish Bye bye I Bye. _____________
the United States
See you on Monday I Tuesday.
Have a nice day. _ _ _ _ _ __

0tudent Book pp.12, 10, 14


Vocabulary be: Simple present

Countries and nationalities Affirmative
1 Complete the countries. Then write the 5 Complete the sentences with am, is, or are.
Ben is Australian.
M e 2L i .£. o M~
ca!!.n~--- 1 Mateo and Lola from Mexoco City.
1 B _ _ z_l
2 The snake red and white.
2 R_ s_a
3 I Australian.
3 _h_n _
4 Mrs. White a good teacher.
4 C_i _ _
5 The students _ _ _ in 8"' grade.
5 S _ u_h K _ r_ 6 You late!
6 l __ a
7 You and Patrick in Class 7B.
7 c __
a _a
8 My dad Korean, but I _ __
8 _u tr_l _ _
9 theU _ i _ e_
S_a_es 6 Complete the sentences with the wards in
10 the _ n_t_d parentheses and the short farm of the verb be.
K __ g _m
Jack's a good soccer player. (Jack)
1 12 years old. (I)
Grammar 2 brown and white. (my dog)
3 late for school. (we)
Subject pronouns
4 a teacher. (my mom)
2 Complete the chart with subject pronouns. 5 my favorite day. (Saturday)
6 my friends. (They)
7 a teacher. (my dad)
8 a good student! (you)
he 7 Complete the e-mail with the words in the box.
he's fm I'm I'm it's She's
rt They're They're We're

3 Match the people and things (1 - 6) with the

Sent: Friday July 27. 15,33
subject pronouns (a-f).
1 Lucas a we Hi,
2 the book b they My name's Kim. !Crm:!!--- - -
3 Maria and I ...__ _ c he
13 years old and ' -- -- -
4 you and your dad d she from Sydney in Auslnlla.
5 the pens • Australian, but
e you
6 my rnom roy mam and dad are from
f it
Hong Kong. ;,._ _ __ _
4 Choose the correct words. Chjncsc. rm a student at
Rcdbrooke Middle School. ' a very
Katy is my mom.<§1 He is a teacher.
big school. My favorite teacher's Ms. Lennon.
1 My name's Eiji. it I He is a Japanese name.
• my Spanish tMcher My friend 1'oby
2 Brad and Monica are from Los Angeles. is a.t my school. but* in a (liffor·ent
They I We arc American. class. • fans of Chelsea. soccer club.
3 Jason is from London. He 1 She is British. My favorite players s r a O:wid Lulz and Ramlre•·
4 Carla and I are friends. We 1 They are in Class 7C. s from Bra~iJ!
5 I'm from Lisbon. lt I She is the cap~al of Portugal.
6 Come on Daniel! You I They are late!

~tudent Book pp.l?-13 Extra practice onlinf

Possessive adjectives 12 Choose the correct words.
8 Complete the chart with possessive adjectives. Hi!
~I I'm name's Amy. ' I'm I My
Subject pronouns ' Posseuive pronouns 13 years old and I'm >Australia I
my Australian. ' I'm I My home is in
Melbourne. I'm • a I an student
at Whitestone High School.
he 1 Christina and Haley •are I is
my friends. 6 They're 1 We're
Australian. bU: ' they I their
··--- parents are from the U.K.
Christina is 13 and 8 his I her
soster is 14. Christina's in my dass at school.
·--- • we're 1 They're in 8"' grade.
Music ' 0 i s I it's my passion. My favorite s•nger
'===:_______] " he's I is Jason Derulo. " He's I His American.
9 Choose the correct words. " He's 1 lt's cool and •• he's I his songs are
fantastic! My favorite TV shows " are I they're
I'm Canadian. but ® ! his dad's from Japan. The X Foetor and Supemorural. They're great!
1 Carol. here's your I their pen.
2 We're from Toronto. Our / Its address is 13 Complete the text with the words in the box.
6 Green Street.
3 New York is farnous for i ts I their stores. a are Her Her He's is Its lt's She's
4 He's Ko rean. His /Its name's Chinmae.
Her name's Daisy.
5 She's a new student. Her 1 His name's Jcssica.
_ _ _ 13 years old.
6 Ben! Kate! Open your I his books!
She's 2 student
7 lily and Kim are Bra1ilian, but his I their mom at Blackrock Junior High
is Japanese. School in Washington. D.C.
8 I'm 12. but her I my sister's 13. ' - - _ favori1e teacher
is Mr. Jackson. •·- -- -
10 Complete the text with possessive adjectives. her music teacher. Daisy is
Hi, in a pop band. ;,_ _ __
My name's Lurs. name is Celtic Faces. Her
I'm from Rio in Brazil. favorite singers • · - - - -
Ifs famous for Lady Gaga and Bruno
_ _ __ carnival. Mars. Her favorite TV show
The boys in the photo _ _ _ Pretry UrtJe Uars.
are > friends. onMTV.
'·- - - - names are ....,. Complete the text.
Diego and lvan. We·re
big mus c fans and • · - - -- favorite band is
Fresno, four Brazilian boys. '··- _ __ names are I'm Harry, and
Lucas. Gustavo. Bell. and Mario. • new Dan' my
song is awesome! brother. > from
Vancouver in Canada.
but ' parents
The indefinite article: a I an are from South Korea.
11 Write a or an. Our passion is music.
a calculator • fans of Conor
1 number 5 eraser Maynard. He's •·- - - -
2 6 _ big star in Canada.
actor fan
3 " - - _ new album is
color 7 American girl
awesome. Our favorite TV show ' - - - - Teen
4 pen 8 English book Wolf. 8 on CTV.

. {!tudent Book p.l S extra practice online

Greetings 4 Complete the dialogue with the expressions
1 Look at the dialogues on page 14 of the in the box.
Student Book. Then complete the dialogues.
Bye. Paula! Have a good weekend.
Hello. Paula! How are you. Jamie7 I'm line.
Annie Hi. JUSbn! I'm very well, thanks. See you on Monday.
Justin Hello Annie!
Annie Justi-1? Paula Hi, Jamie!
Justin Not bad. thanks. N>d 2 _ __ _ __ ? Jamie !.H~e:!!ll~o!..!
· ~~a:!.!u~la~!'----------­
Annie I'm Paula
Justin Bye then! See you •--
Jamie ''- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -
Annie Bye bye.' you! thanks. And you?
Paula ' · - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -
Mr. Oavies Good afternoon, Ms. Green. Jamie "- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ms. Green • - - - - - · Mr. Davies Paula Bye bye, Jamie.
_ _ you?
Mr. Oavies I'm very • · - - - - __, thanks.
And you? 5 Reorder the words and write the dialogue.
Ms. Green • _ fine. Mr. Hayes Ms. I ahernoon I good I Robon
Mr. Oavies Goodbye. Ms. Green. Have a nice Good after noon. Ms. Rob..!!ln:!.:· - - -
weekend. Ms. Robin Mr. I good / llayes I afternoon
Ms. Green Thanks. •o_
you I are I how 7 '·- - - - - --
2 Complete the chart with the expressions in
the box.

Bye bye. Goodbye. Good morning.

Mr. Hayes
very I I'm I thanks I well/ you I and 7
Ms. Robin ltlanks I fine /I'm • ___
Have a nice day. Hi. Hello. How are you?
I'm fine. thanks. See you! See you on Saturday.
Mr. Hayes goodbye I Robin I Ms. I a nice I
have I weekend '·-----
When you meet When you leave
Good ntorrun"'IL __
Ms. Robin thanks I goodbye I you I see I
Monday I on ' ---------

6 Write two dialogues between:

you and a friend
• your mom I dad and one of your teachers
3 Match greetings (1 - 5) and responses (a-e).
1 Good morning.(_ a Thanks.
2 Goodbye. b Hello.
3 How are you? c Bye bye.
4 Hi. d Good morning.
5 Have a good weekend c I'm fine, thanks.

0tudent Book p.l 4 Extra practice on line

2 Arc the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Read the blog. Then label the photos with Correct the false sentences.
the places in the box.
Charlotte is in Jap.:~n.
The Bird's Nest stadium The Bell Tower Fal se She's in China.
The Forbidden City 1 She's with her mom and dad.

2 She's in the Hutong Hotel.

3 Hutongs are modern streets.

4 Charlotte's favorite hutong is in the Bell

Tower area.

5 The Bird's Nest is a popular Chinese restaurant.

6 The Water Cube is in the Olympic Park.

3 Imagine you are on vacation in a city in your
country or in another country. Write a blog
post about the city. Include the following
city • hotel (name, room)
• favonte place(s)
on vacation with

trly lle(jing 13/og

H1, rm Char1otte. l"m on vacation in China with my mom and dad. We're in Find these words and
Beijing. lhe capital of Clllna. lt"s a fantastic crty. and it's very big. Twenty check their meaning.
million people r,ve 1n Beiflng! on vacation
Our hOtel is in the center of Beillll!l-Its name is the Xijuan Hotel. lt"s avery big room
hotel -l'm in room 2042! The view of the city from my window is ama11ng. view
A famous place in Beijing is The Forbidden City. Its avery big palace- w!lh building
beautiful red dOOI$ and 0\<er 950 dnlerettt buildill{ls! Ifs about 600 years old.
Ifs amazing!
One of my favorilc places in Beijing is the Sichahei area. n·s an old IJ0ft ollhe
city w!lh htltongs. Hutongsare small slreets with great shops and restaurants.
They are very old streets. My favonte hutong is near the Bell Tower area. The
hutong is famous for i!s cales and traditional shops. Ifs ab01Jt800 years old.
and ~·s very exciting. The Bell Tower is very big - it's 33 meters high.
The Olympic Park is also very mteresting. The National Stadium. the Blrd's
Nest, is fantastic. Ifs the stadium of the 2008 OlympiC Games. it's beaut~ul at
nighl The Water Cube is also '"the Olymp1c Park. Now. it's the NaMnal
S11~mm1ng Center.

Beijing is awesome'

{!tudent Book pp 16 17 Ex:tra practice online

Grammar rules

be: Simple present yes I no questions and short answers

Short forms
I am not American. I'm not American.

You a re not late. You aren't late. Are you K()(eao? Yes. I "m. No. I'm not.

He is not a teacher. He ssn't a teacher. Is he a student? Yes, he is. No, he ISO 't.

She is not in the choir. She isn't in the choir. Is she Maria? Yes, she is. No. she isn't
tt is not my book. lt t<n't my book. Is it your pen? Yes, it is No. it isn't
V>/c are not from Rio. We ar en't from Rso. Are we late? Yes. you are. No, you aren't.
You are not in my class. You aren't in my class. Ar e you twins? Yes, we are. No. we aren't.

They are not hungry. The aren't hungry. Are they friends? Yes, they arc. No, they aren't.

am not ('m not) Am

Subject + are not (a ren't) Are + subject?
is n ot (isn't) Is
1 We use not to make the negative form of be.
I am not Russian. You are n ot Brazilian. Yes, +am I arc I is
2 We use -n 't to make the negative short forms pronoun
No, + 'm not I aren't I isn't
of be.
ore + not = oren't
1 We make questions with the verb be + subject.
You aren't late. We aren't sisters.
Are you American? NOT ¥ou &e Amer ican?
They aren't friends.
is + not = isn't 2 In English, we do not answer questions with
Yes or No. We give a short answer.
He isn't my favonte pop star. She isn't my mom.
Is it interesting? Yes, it is.
lt isn't Saturday.
3 We make affirmative short answers with
3 To make the short form of I am not we add not
Yes + subject + the verb be.
after the contracted form of the verb.
Are you Tim? Yes. I am . NOT Yes. I'm,
I'm not NOT 1-amt>'t
4 We make negative short answers with
No + subject + the contracted form of the verb
be + not.
Are you Julia? No, I'm not.
Is it ten o 'clock? No, it isn't .

1-JB' {!tudent Book p.l l
Question words 2 We make quest ions with question word +
questio n form of the verb + subject .
What i s it? NOT Wloat it i~
Who are you? 3 Questio n words can be contracted with is.
What is it? We use question w ords + the contracted form of
is when we speak and when we write messages
Where IS Madrid? and e- mails to friends.
When is yoor birthday? Who's your English teacher?
How old What' s your name?
are you?
Where's New York?
Short forms - who's, what's, where's, when's, When's your birthday?
how old's How old' s your brother?
Questi on word + am I is I arc + subject?
We use full answers with questions that start
We use the verb be to talk about age.
with a question word.
How old are you? I am 12.
How old are you? I'm 12 years old. How old is Matt? He•..;i;s.;1.;4;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _,
Where are you from? I'm from Sydney.
Who is Mr. Grant? He's our English teacher.
Gtudent Book p. '4

Review the Vocabulary. Write your ow n study notes (or translation) for each word.
The< ( c
aunt _ _ _ _ _
Don't touch it! - - - - -- - What time is it?
brother - - -- - - it's six o'clock. _ _ _ _ __
ts it ready? _ - - - - - - -
cousin - - -- - - - lt isn't stupid! - - -- - - -- lt's six oh five. - - - - _____
What's this? - -- - -- - - !t's SIX ten.
grandma - - - - - - - - - - it's six for~J-five.
grandpa _ _ _ __
What time is dinner?
grandparents _ -----
it's at eight o'clock.
mom - --------
parents - - - - - ~---­
sister - -- -- - - -
uncle - - - -----

0 tudent Book pp.20, 18, 22

Vocabulary Grammar
The family be: Simple present
1 Complete the puzzle with the family words. Negative
'G R A N D P A 3 Write negative sentences. Use short forms of be.
" D Dinner's ready. Dinner isn't r eady.
1 I'm in a rock band.
'G M
2 You're a new student.
L 3 The windows are open.
• T 4 Mr. Reed's our teacher.
•s l
T 5 My mom's Chilean.
, Io 6 We're in the school choir. - - -- - - - -

The mystery word is - -- - 4 Complete the sentences with 'm not, isn't,
or aren't.
2 Look at the family tree. Then complete the it's a pen. lt isn' t a marker.
sentences with the words in the box. 1 I'm on the soccer team. I _ _ in rhe
karate club.
2 We're Italian. We _ _ _ _ Spanish.
3 She's my friend. She my cousin.
4 New York's in the U.S. lt in the U.K.
5 You're in 7'" grade. You in 8'" grade.
6 My brother's 13. He _ _ 15.

yes I no questions and short answers

5 Match questions (1-6) and short answers (a-f).
1 Am I late? ~ a No. it isn't.
2 Are you American? b Yes, he is.
3 Is Uly your sister? c Yes, you are.
4 Are they in 8"' grade? d No. I'm not.
5 Is lvan from Brazil? e Yes. she is.
6 Is Chicago the capital f No, they aren't.
aunt brother dad cousin mom sister of the U.S.?
grandma grandpa grandparents unde
6 Complete the questions and short answers.
AI an "Lucas is my ::d:::ad::..___
Are Quebec and Ottawa on Canada?
1 Tom ··usa ismy
Yes, they are
2 Lisa "Karen is my - - --
1 your mom and dad Chinese?
3 Alan "Margaret is my _ __ _ No. _ _ _ _ __
4 Mark ··Jack and Margaret are my - - - -
2 _ _ _ _ your address 8 Kennedy Road?
5 Lisa ''Mark is m y - - - -
Yes. - - -- - - -
6 Mark "Karen tS my - -- -
3 - - - - you and Joe cousins?
7 Alan ''Jack os my Yes, _ _ _ _ __
8 Lisa "Ron is my - - --
4 _ _ _ _ you hungry. Paul?
9 Tom "Aian is my - - -- No, _ _ _ _ _ __

Wl01 0tudent !look pp 20 2" Extra practice online
7 Write the questions. 10 Complete the interview.
Are you from Sydney?
No. I'm not from Sydney.
"ew Stars!
No. Nicolas isn't 14. :rom ~onday to Friday, loJ~ Pet~rson
2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ J.S a middle school student. but at the:
weekends she·s a pop starl
Yes, you are on the new soccer team! Where are:tou
3 _ _ _ _
from. lola? '
lhe n~ of your
No, blue isn't my favorite calor. f"m fTom Montreal.
4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
': ----you
ft's Red House
Yes, Lucy and Sam are Australian.
5 ______________ lD'• Yes. I am. but my
parents are British. •:----your
faYOI'ite singer?
No, dinner isn't ready. ' are lol• My favorite singer 1s
tal~ Adele. She's cool.
I'm 16.
Question words u., > ' - - - - the
your name of your band?
birthday? lafo~
8 Complete the questions with What, Who , loJa ft's in April.
lt's The Party Girls.
•·_ _ _ _ in
How old, When, or Where. u... • a your band?
student? lola
Who is your favorite singer? lol.1 My sfster Hayfey o.nd
Yes, I am.
Jessie J. my cousin Rachel.
_ _ __ 's your birthday?
it's in July. 11 Write negative sentences about lola. Then
2 are Rob and James? write correct affirmative sentences.
They're at the movies. She's from New York.
3 's Ana? She i$11'1; from New York. She's from Montreal.
She's my sister.
1 Her dad's American.
4 are your sisters?
Amy's 12, and Jane's 14.
2 She's 18.
5 's the name of your dog?
it's Elvis.
3 Her birthday's in December.
9 Write the questions. Then write true answers.
What I your name? 4 She's a student at Salvation College.
What's your name? My n:ame's ...
1 Where I your mom and dad from? 5 The name of her band is Hayley.

6 Her brother and her bcsr friend are in the band.

2 What 1 your tavorite color?

...Z. Write an interview with your favorite movie

star or singer. Imagine the answers.
3 How old I your mom?
Where I you from?
"Where are you from?" "I'm f rom .. ."
1 Where I your parents from?
4 Who I favorite singer?

2 How old I you?

5 When I your birthday?

3 When I your birthday?

4 What I favorite movie?

5 Who 1 your favorite singer?

0 tudent Book pp.~l ?1 Extra practice online

Asking and telling the time 3 look at the 1V guide and write four dialogues.
l look at the clocks. Then write the times.
6:05p.m. Glee

7:10p.m. American Dad

1~·5 four o'c lock. 7:40p.m. CSI Miami

8:45p.m. The Mentalist

9:50p.m. Law and Order

A What ~ime is 6 /ee?

6 lt 's at six oh five.
2 _ _ _ _ __ _ 1B
_ _-__
- -_
2 A - - - - - -- - -- - - --
B - - - - - - -- -- - - -
3 _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 A-
B _-
_ _-
6 -
_- - -_
__ - -- --
_ __ _--

4 _ _ __ __ _
4 Imagine your ideal night of 1V and complete
the guide with 1V shows and times. Then write
a dialogue using exercise 3 as a model.

s _______ _ Time TV show

7 _ _ _ __ _ __ 1 A Wh& timc is _ _ _ __ _______

6 it's a t - - - - -- - - - - - - -
2 A What t i m e - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -

6 It's _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
8 _ _ __ _ __
.. 3 6A- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
_ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _
4 6A - - - -_
____ - __
-- -
__ --
_ -_
- _-

2 Complete the dialogue with the words in 5 6

A -_-_
- -__
- - - -_
- -_
-- -_
- -_
- --
_ --
_ -_-
the box.

at o'clock ten lime What

A What time is it?

B lt's ' oh five.
A We're late! Our English class is at ten
>_ _ __

6 1_ _ _ _ time is soccer club today?

A it's ' five o'clock.

0 tudent Book p.22 Extra practice online

What's his full
li is full name IS
":;::;t oouglas . his tavorite act or?
Who 1S . Jack
nonert Pattinson1 · on .
ihomas Pattu\s
li iS favori\e aCtOr IS
. • ht movies h1s
B re art some Qnesnons Where is he from!_ the u.t<. Are the Tw•1·~ ?
He's from London, In ·te mov1es.
e answers anout one ot He's s"tish.
tavon , His favorite
and A""'Sta-vorne attors. · b'rthday?
No, the_Y aoreo Ft.rew over
uouYWuuu '"' heR iS hiS I
"HiS birthdaY ·IS on MaY
,-novje IS !le
Cuckoo's Nest with Jac\C
. parents? Nici\OISO!I·
WhO are h IS . d and · passions'?
are R1char What are hiS H'
Their name$ ..... u.K., too. good musician. IS
~Ay're 1rom u~
Clare. •~T He's a . ments are the
\y child? favorite lnstru ·tar He's a fan
Is Robert an....on s o- of three
· 't r"e 1 ""' Piano and theoccer
gul . lie's
No, he ISO : . and Victoria of Arsena1 s f the TV show
children. L•zz•e ~ Unie is also a big fan o
are his two SIS~C three children. Doctor Who.
the old~ of t _e a nop band. What 's his nickname?
" ' a s\n9er ,n a "'Victona . .
Sue S
\l'S called Auror .
IS a His oickname is R-Patz.
Where is his I\Ome? I One
.. two homes.
Roberl. d the other Find these word s and check
t~ome is in London, an
.1 .1 LOS Anqcles. their meaning.
home s "
r orlly child
\ the oldest

Reading Writing
1 Read th e text. Then complete the family tree 3 Use the factfile to writ e questions and answers
with the names of Ro bert Pattinso n's family. about the pop singer Shaki ra.

·- - - - -
, T Rol:>ert
Shakira ls;•bel Mcbarak
Barranquilla. Colombia
februar) 1 '
Z Are the sente nces true (T) or false (F)? Correct WUJiam. from Lebanon
th e fa lse sentences.
Xidia del Carmen. from
Robert is from !he U.S. Colombia
He'5 from the U.K.
senm brothers and sistc""
1 His birthday is in July.
13oll) wood mo\'ies :tnd
Indian music
2 His parents are British. John l.ennon
tennis and swimming
3 He is one of two children.

4 His homes are in the U.S. and the U.K. What I name? she I only child?
Where I from? What I passions?
When I birthday? Who I favorite musician?
5 Twili9ht is his favorite movie.
Who I dad? What I favorite sports?
Who I mom?
6 He's a musician and a soccer fan. What's her name?
Her name is Shakira lsal>el Mel>arak Ripoll.

0 tudent B.ook pp.24 •, Extra practice online

Grammar rules

6 We use There ore when the first noun is plural.

Prepositions of place
There are four chairs and a table.

~ in on
e; under
NOT n,e,e is feo, e:hai•s Md a table.

Notice the difference between There is and lt is:

- We use lt to talk about a thing for the first time.

What's that in the yard? it's a dog.

- We use There to say that somethong exisiS or
does not exist.
There's a dog in the yard.

beh1nd next to near

in front of
1 We make the negative with There is or There
ore+ no t.
There is no t a sofa. There are not any chairs.
2 We make the short form with There is + -n't for
singular nouns.
1 We use prepositions of place to say where There isn't a pen on the chair.
people, things, or places are.
3 We make the shor t form with There are + -n't
2 Prepositions of p lace do not change for numb er. for plural nouns.
in the house in the houses There aren't any books on the shelf.
4 We use There aren't any + plural nouns.
There is I isn't, There aren't any students in the classroom.
There are I aren't
Is there ... ? I Are there ... ?
Ther<! is {There's) There arc two yes I no questions and short answers
Affirma!ive a bed. beds.
There is not There are not
yes I no
Negative {There isn't) (There aren't) Is ther<! a bed?
a chair. three chairs.
Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
Short answer
No, there isn't . No, there aren't
1 We use There is a I on + a singular noun. 1 We make yes I no questions with Is or Are + there.
Ther<!'s a book and an eraser on the table. Is there a poster in your classroom?
2 We use There are some I There ore + (number) Are there any posters in your classroom?
+ a plural noun. 2 We use any in yes I no questions with plural
There are some books on the table. nouns.
There are thre<! books on the table. Are t here any chairs in the living room?
3 The short form of There is is There's. 3 The affirmative short answer has no short form.
There is a horse. There's a horse. Is ther e a computer in your classroom?
4 We do not contract There ore. Yes, there is. NOT Ye3, there'!.
The re are four horses. NOT 'Fhere're foor horses. 4 Only the negative shor t answer has a short form.
5 When w e make a list of lots o f things, we use Are there any computers in your classroom?
There is when the first noun is singular. No, t here aren't.
There is a table and four chairs.
NOT 'Fhere'tlre-a teble11nd four-chairs:

0 tudent Book pp.33 35

some/ any
1 We use some befo re plural nouns in affirmative
sentences when we don't know the exact country baby
number of things.
countdes babies
There are some books. There are some pens.
2 We use any with plural nouns in negative
sentences and questions. shel' wife
There aren't any pencrls.
shelves wives
Are there any books? ---~~~"------'

Irregular plurals
Plural nouns 5 Some no uns have an irregular plural form.
Regular plurals
Singular PILH"al
1 We use -s to make the plural form of most nouns.
man men
lamp game day
woman women
lamps games days
child children
Spelling variations person people
2 When t he noun ends in -s, -x, -ss, -sh, - eh, or
fish f ish
- o, we add .. es.
Singurar· •nr, '''I r"TI foot feet
mouse mice
bus buses

box boxe<
~~ udent Book r I'>
class classes
dish dishes
lunch lunches
tomato tomatoes

Review the Vocabul ary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word,
>-le cupboasd o
-~ L C
bathroom curta os Forget it! - - - - -- - - -
bedroom desk
dining room _ _ &oss! - -- - - - - - - - -
dresser Let's check n out. - - -- - -
hal' fridge
Shut up! - -- - - - - - -
kitchen lamp
L f"""'' ft ~-
living room mirror
EXCUSe me. Where's the . .. , please?
office sofa
stairs shelf
1 lt's on ltre first 1 second noor.
armchair shower
1 bathtub sink
Excuse me. Where are the .. . ?
1 bed sofa
1 bookcase
They're next to I opposite I between I
I chair table
Icloset ' toilet near ... - - -- - - -- - -
(!tudent Book pp.32, 30, 34

Vocabulary Grammar
House and furniture Prepositions of place
1 Look at the house and complete the rooms. 3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the
sentences with the prepositions in the box.

behind between in in front of near

next to on opposite under

in front of 1
2 _ __

L b.. J!.. _I j_
2 o __ __ _ 3 _ __ 4 _ _ __ s _ __
3 1_ _ r
4 d __ ___ r __ _
5 k __ _ __ _
6 b
7 b ___ __ _

6 _ __ 7 _ __ 8 _ __
2 Circle the odd word out.
~£!') table chairs cupboard
1 sofa lamp armchair bath There is I isn't, There are I aren't
2 shower sofa bathtub mirror Aff"rmati.te and negative
3 closet toilet dresser bed
4 fridge bed stove sonk
4 Complete the sentences with There is I are (.I)
or There isn't I aren't (X).
5 desk shelf sink bookcase
There's an office in the house. (,/)
1 five people in my family (.1)
2 a morror on my bedroom. (.X)
3 _ _ __ _ _ two bathrooms in the
house. (X)
4 _ __ _ _ _ a cupboard under the
sink. (.f)
5 - -- - - - a lamp in the office. (X)
6 a good show on TV. (.1)

0 tudent Book pp 12-33 Extra practice online

ts there ...? I Are there ... ? 8 Look at the picture of Lisa's bedroom. Then
read her letter to Your Home magazine.
yes I no questions and short answers Choose the correct words.
5 Complete the questions with Is there ... ? I
Are there ... ? Then look at t he picture in
exercise 8 and write short answers.
Is there a dog in the room?
No. there isn't .
1 any people in the room?

2 any shelves in the room?

3 a table next to the bed?

4 two beds in the room?

5 a lamp behind the armchair?

6 a closet?

some/ any
6 Complete the sentences with some or any.
There are some books on the shelL
1 There aren't _ _ _ _ chairs in the yard. Dear Your Home:
2 Are there posters in your bedroom? Help! This is a picture of my bedroom.
3 There are people in the classroom. it's a mess!
4 There aren't pictures in tf'le hving room. They l~ren't ' some I any shelves
5 There are pens on the table. and my books, DVDs, and video games are
1 in I on the floor.
6 Are there English songs in this book?
7 There aren't American students 1n There 3 isn't I aren't a closet and my
my class. clothes are in three big • box I boxes.
There 5 is I are a box •on I under
Plural nouns my bed and !here 1 is 1 are two boxes
3 in front of I behind the bedroom door.
7 Rewrite the sentences with the plural fonn of the
underlined words. Use the correct fonn of be. There 9 isn't I aren't a desk and my
My ll!:!J is on the table. My pens are on the tal:>te. school things are •Oon 1 in a chair.
lt's terrible!

1 The ~ is opposite the door.
There " is I are a pizza 11
next to I on
2 The woman is in the garden. the bed.
There isn't " a 1 any table
3 Your sandwich is on the table. 14
behind I next to my bed and my
alarm clock is '~on I under the floor!
4 The shelf is near Ihe window.
There ' 6 is I are two horrible armchalfs,
and ' 7 there's I there are an old lamp
5 His foot is very big! •• next to I behind one of the armchairs.
it's terrible! Please help!
6 My cat is under the dcskl

7 The Q:ll!Q is in bed.


0tudent Book p.35 . Extra practice online

Talking about location 3 You are at the receptionof a language school.
Look at the plan and complete the d ialogues.
\ Look at t he house plan on page 34 of the
Student Book. Then complete the dialogues. ARSTR.OOR
Visitor Excuse me. Where's t he d ining room ?
Guide it's ' . it's
between the green living room and the Of<OCE l ll ,so;••RS I
2_ __ _ _ __

Visitor Thank you.

2 ~

Visitor Excuse me. Where's the blue livong room? SECOND flOOR

Guide it's ' . it's

' -- -- - -- - - the stairs,

and ~·------ the office

Visitor Thanks. II¥MII
Visitor Excuse me. • · - - - - - - - - - """""""' IVIIOOM

the restrooms? ---

Guide They're on the first floor. They're 1

the cafe and A Excuse me. Where 's the TV room, please?
s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ the reception desk.
8 it's o n t he second floor . it's
Visitor Thanks. - -- - -- - the language laboratory.
A Thank you.
2 Number the sentences in the correct order.
Then write the dialogues. 2
1 A Excuse me. Where arc the rcstrooms, please?
Thanks. Goodbye. _ 8 They're'- -- - - - - - - -
Excuse me. Where's the reception desk, please? .1. They're '- - -- - - - the cafe.
Ifs on the first floor. _ A Thanks.
A Excuse me, Where's the reception desk. 3
pleat>e? A Excuse me. Where's the cafe. please?
8 _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ ____
B tt's L floor.
A it's ' Classroom 1
and the • _ _ __ _ __
A Thanks.
Thanks. _
it's on the second floor. it's near the stairs. _ 4 You are at the reception desk of the language
Excuse me. Where's the 30 movie theater, school in exercise 3 . Write dialogues for the
please?_ situations.
A- -- - -- - -- - - -_-
8 ______________________ 1 A student wants to go to the language

A------------- Student Excu!>C me. Where's ...

Excuse me. Where are the stairs, please? _
2 A student wants to go to the office.
They're next to the reception desk. _
A---- - - - - - ------- Student
A ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ 3 A student wants to go to Classroom 4.

0tudent Book p.34 Extra practice online

Hearst Ca,tlc "an amazm~ hou"' near San
Simeon, C.,Jifomia tn the U S lt "a JX>pular
tourist artracrion with over one rn1llion v1sitors
a year. The hou<(· i' ahout nincry years old.
Today, Hearst Ca~le 1< a nat1011<1l monument
lt rs also a mu~eum with andcm luropean
furniture:, painting>, and so.dpttrre~.
H carst Castle i~ in a big pa1k. Tlwrt• arc zebras
and other ex<>Li~ animals in the pa1k T here
arc tw o <wimming pools: the N crtuuc Pool
and the Ro111an Pool. T he N crtunc Pool is the
outdoor swimming pool. ' ll 1c1c is a Roman
temple w ith a ~tatuc of N eptune next to it.
The Roman Pool is the tndoor swimming pool.
There are eight Roman \talucs next to it. T here
are al~o tennis courts and a movie thcatcr.
There arc four d ifferent buildin!lS in the C<Jstle.
ll1e main hou~e i~ C<JIIcd Ca>a Grande. In total,
there are 165 I'Oom,, ll1CIC arc: 5g (wdrooms,
60 bathrooms, and cightt·cn lrving room~. ll1c
dining room as awesome. The f\Jmiturt: i~ vcrv
old, and the table i< wry long
check their meanings.
pamlings temple
zeb<as coast
Reading swimming pool

1 Read the article. Then correct the sentences.

Hearst Castle is near Los Angeles. California. He.~r~t Ca~tle i~ near San Simeon, California.
1 Hearst Castle is one hundred years old.
2 There are three swimmrng pools in the castle.
3 There aren't any an1mals in the park.
4 The Roman Pool is the outdoor swimming pool.
5 There are nineteen living rooms.
6 Children's tickets are $25.

2 Imagine you are on vacation.Write a postcard to a friend describing a famous house.
Choose a house in your country or another country.
De<tr Elena,
Her e's <1 photo offhe White Hour>e.
it 's in Wa&hingt on. D.C. lt'o .. .

0 tudent Book pp>? )7 Extra practice online

Grammar rules

Whose ... ? and the possessive 's

We use the possessive 's to talk about 4 We use s' with plural nouns.

the girls' bags

Mark's ball
5 We use 's with names of people that end in the
2 We use 's to talk about possessions with names, letter s.
for example members o f a family.

Charles's cat
Alan is Claire's brother.
6 We use 's with irregular plural nouns that do not
3 We use 's with singular nouns. end in - e I -es.

Kate's book the children's toys

0 tudent Book p41

7 When there are two or more people that
possess something, we use 's after the
Demonstratives: this, that,
last person. these, those

This is a pencil These are pencils.

I ~rril
Susie and Paula's bedroom.
8 We use whose in q uestions to ask about
That is a bag. Those are bags.
possession. We use whose for both singular
and plural nouns. 1 We use this and these fo r peo ple and things
that are near to us.
7 :- , 2 We use that and those for people and things
that are not near to us.
3 We can use the short form that's. We can't use the
contracted form of be with this, these, or those.
That's my teacher.
This is my mom. NOT TJ li3 '3 o' ') '' oou o.
These are my photos. NOT Tloese'oe '"Y photos:
Those are my friends. NOT Those're my friend~
Whose dog is that?
4 We can use this, that, these, and those as
pronouns or adjectives. They are pronouns
when they come before the verb be. They are
adj ectives when they come before a noun.
This is my sister. (pronoun)
That girl is Mexican. {adjective)
5 We use this, that, these, and those to introduce
and identify people.
This is my friend, Michael.
Who is that? That' s my English teacher.
Whose bags are these?
0tudcnt Book p.4:3

Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word.
Po5osessaor skateboard - - - - - - - - ~~..l t, U::O l t•

tablet---------- What's the date today? _ _ __

bike - - -- - - - - - - -
cell phone - - - - - - - - - - watch lt's May 1 ~. - - -- - - - -
digital camera - - - - -- - - - - - Cn ck ot ou ! When's your birthday?
game console Be quiet, please. _ _ _ _ _ __ , it's March 17". - - - - - - -
guitdr - - - - - - - - -- - - - - When's your mom's I dad's
Don't worry. - - -- - - - - -
laptop - -- - - - - - - Lucky you! - - - - - - - - - - - - birthday? - - -- - - - - - - -
MP3 pla y e r - - - - - - -- rhis is fun! it's on June 22"". - - - - - - -

0tudent Book pp.40, 38. 42


l l ook at the pictures. Complete the p uzzle. What is Mario 's favorite thing?

'G A M E C 0 N S 0 l E


Whose ... ?and the possessive 's
2 Choose the correct words. 4 Write definitions of family members. Use the
words in parentheses.
Is your<t>r~r-~1 brothers' name Toby?
Uncle Joe (Dad I brother)
1 lt is your dad's I dads' laptop.
Uncle Joe is Dad's brother.
2 Where are the children's I childrens' books?
1 Grandma Ana (Mom I mom)
3 Alice and Emma's I AI ice's and Emma's
bedroom is upstairs.
2 My cousin Ruth (my aunt and uncle I daughter)
4 Where are the mens' I men's restrooms?
5 My aunt and uncle's I aunt's and uncle's house
is in Chicago. 3 Aunt Amy (Mom I sister)

3 Write questions and answers. 4 Grandpa Bill (Mom I dad)

guitar I Maria
Whose quiUr is 1tf' lt 5 Mano!'5. 5 Uncle lan (Mom I brod'ler)
1 bikes I the students

5 Rewrite the sentences with the names in

2 laptop I my mom
lt's his skateboard. (Paul)
lt's Paul's s kateboard.
1 it's their house. (Layla and Michael)
3 cell phone I Tom

2 When is her birthday? (Lucy)

4 game console I the boys
3 Where are their bikes? (the children)

4 it 's his digital camera. (the teacher)

5 watch I my sister

5 Those are their books. (the boys)

0tudent Book pp 40 41 Extra practice on line

Demonstratives: this, that, J Look at the photos. Then choose the correct
these, those words in the dialogues.

6 Choose the correct words.

This ~~~are my books.
1 Are that I those Lucy's photos?
2 That I Those are the si\Jdents' bikes.
3 Is this I these your new tablet?
4 This I These is my cousins' house.
5 Is that I those Car1os's game console?

7 Complete the sentences with this, that, these,

or those .

hi:::;b_ _ is my 1 Are _ _ __
house. your dogs?

2 3 ·s
Are thos -
. I these photos of your family. Ana?
Yes, they are.
are my cousins. A ' Whose I Who are 1 that I those twO boys?
our scnool. •
B ' That's I Those are my brothers, Tom and Chris.
A • whose 1 Who's the girl next to your brother?
B ' That's I Those Emma. She's my sister.
A She's cute, Whose laptop is that on the table?
B it's 6 Emma's I Emmas' laptop.
A ' Whose I Who cats are they?
B They're my •grandparent's I grandparents'
: A Is 9 that I those their garden?
...-- B Yes, it is.
A it's beautiful!
4 5 's
arc my hamsters. my <:~ unt.

0 tudent Book p.43 Extra practice online

Talking about dates 5 Use the information and complete the
1 Write the ordinal numbers. dialogue.
1" first
3'. 12"' Family birthdays
5'" 20'" My birthd4t: oe/of{
8'" 22••
9'" 30"' Mom: o?/27

My zisttr: 12/17
2 Complete the months.
January , Feb·- - - -· Mar_ __ _ My brolhtr: o4/Z?
Ap ,M . j u__ _ _
Jul , Aug , Sep.__ __ ,
Oc , Nov , Dec__ __
Lily ==""-"='--"-"--"'=OL.
When's your l:>irthd ay _____ , Jim?

3 Complete the dialogue with the words in Jim

the box. Lily 2

Jim it's on March 27".

5" August 2"" date in on 12 When
Lily When's your sister's birthday?
Jim 3
Lucas What's the date today?
Ruby it's February ' . it's my Lily
sister's birthday. Jim it's on April 23"'.
Lucas Oh, cool! How o ld is she? Lily That's my birthday, too!
Ruby She's 2
Lucas My birthday is 3 fvtarch. 6 Complete the chart for members of your family.
Ruby What day? Then write a dialogue between you and a friend.
Lucas it's ' March 13" . Use the dialogue in exercise 5 as a model.
5 's your bir thday?
Ruby it's on 6 Your birthday
Your mom
4 Write dialogues about the famous people in Your dad
the photos.
Other birthdays in your family:
A When's Beyonce's

A When's your l:>irthday, ... ?

s _ ___________ _
1 A _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
A _ _ __ _ __
B _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___
A _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
B _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____
A _ __ __ _ __ _ __ ____
s _________ ____
A _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___

A _- - -_-_
__ -- -- _
_ __ --__- _-_-
B _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
A _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ ___
A _ _ _ __ _ _
B- - - - -- - -- - - - -

0 tudent Book p.4 2 Extra practice on line


f" (\('1

Pets - Our Favorite Possessions! •••"-Find these words and

For a lot of American teens, their cell phone, laptop, or MP3 player is their
favorite possession, but for some teens, it's their pet. •••
There are pets in over 60 percent of American homes. Dogs and cats are people's • •
, check their meaning.
dangerous ullUS<.al
insects adopted
favorite animals. There are over 78 million dogs and 86 million cats in the U.S., •• endangered species
but exotic pets like snakes, iguanas, and miniature pigs are popular, too. •

"My dog's name is ''My sister Zoe's favorile "My pet snake's name "My pet is very unusuaL
Jasper. He's white thing Is her cat. Its 1s Monty He's a milk It's a tiger! His name
and brown. and he's name's Coco. Coco is a snake so he isn't 15 Meow Meow is my
not very big. He's 3 Female cat. She's dangerous! He's black, adopted pet. He isn't
years old. He's my black, orown, and v.ohile. red, and wh1te and he's in my house! His home
best friend. This is a She's very intP.lligenl! about so cm long. His is in China. This is a
photo of Jasper on my She's on Catbock - it's favoritc food is insects. photo of Meow. He's
s~atcboard!" a Faccbook app for Snakes are cool." very beaubfuL Tlgers
A dam, 13 cats' She has ove- SO Nick, 14 are an endangered

••• ~.,:;:
cat fnends! There are species. There are only

over 70 pictures of Coco '/,000 tigers in the
on my cell phone!"
Leah, l4 ... :!!
world today! Meow is
very speoal."

·~ Vicky, 12

1 Read the article and answer the questions.
What are American people's favorite animals? Cats a nd dogs ar e t hcir favorite ani m~ls.
1 What exotic pets are popular in the U.S.?
2 What is Adam's pet?
3 What color is Coco?
4 What lype of snake is Monty?
5 What is Monty's favorite food?
6 Where is Meow's home?

2 Choose a pet and write a description for the magazine article.
Use the descriptions in the text as models.

0 tudent Book pp ~4 •IS Extra practice online

Grammar rules

Simple present Spelling variations

Affirmative 1 We make the third person singular with the base
form of the verb + -s.
like + - s likes
play tennis. make+ - s makes

You study 2 We use the base form of the verb + -es when
the verb ends in - eh, -s, -sh , -x, -z. or -o.
He p lays soccer. He teaches English.
She work$ at home. She goes to bed at ten o'clock.
The movie finishes at eight thirty.
lt starts at 8:30.
3 When the verb ends in a consonant + -y, we
We get home at 4 p.m. change the -y to -i and add -es.
You teach children. She stud ies English.
They like pizza. lt flies from Rio to Miami.
4 When the verb ends in a vowel + -y we add -s.
Subject + base form of the verb (+ -s with the thi rd He plays tennis after school.
person singular) She stays at home on Sundays.
1 We use the simple present to talk about ...
daily routine Pronunciation
I get up at seven o'clock in the morning. 1 When the verb ends in a hard consonant sound
She has breakfast at eight o'clock. we pronounce the ending Is!.
- habits and things that happen again likes flat ksf makes /me• ksf
and again. 2 When the verb ends in a vowel or a soft
She p lays tennis every weekend. consonant sound we pronounce the ending {'!.).
They watch TV every evening. goes lgoo7) reads /rid?)
- facts, things that stay the same for a
long time.
3 When the verb ends in a consonant + -es, we
pronounce the ending l!zJ.
They work in Los Angeles.
He lives in Canada. watches /'wat.Jtz/ uses /'yuz.17)
- timetables.
School finishes at four o'dock.
The English class st arts at ten o'cock.

0 tudent Book p SS
Prepositions of time: Adverbs of frequency
on, in, at Adverbs of frequency
1 We use on with days of the week, dates, and the
100% always
word weekend.
on Monday(s) usuaty
on July 12"' often
on the weekend / on weekends
2 We use at with times and with the word night.
at four o'clock rarely
at 8:30p.m. 0% never
at night
We use adverbs of frequency to say how often
3 We use in for parts of the day, months, and
years. something happens.
in the morning 2 We usually put adverbs of frequency between
in March the subject and the verb.
in 2008 I often go to the movies.
NOT I go often to t! 1e moo ies.
4 We use the expressions in the morning, in the
We usually get home at four o'clock.
afternoon, in the evening, and at night to tell
the time at different times of the day. NOT Vt/e get usually l;on;e at four o'elock.
3 a.m. = it's three o'clock in the morning. 3 When the verb is be, we put the adverb of
3 p.m. = it's three o'clock in the afternoon. frequency after the verb.
8 p.m. = it's eight o'clock in the eveni ng. He's never at home. They'•e often late.
12 a.m. = it's twelve o'clock at n ight.
Watch out!
In English. we do not use the double negative.
We use never with the affirmative form of the verb.

0tudent Book p 7

Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word.
0 ( e~ L OUL
do (my) homework What's your problem? - -- -- -
finish school _ _ _ _ __
Yeah right!
get home - - - ·-- · - - - - - You're crazy! - - - - - - -- - - - - -
get up - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - •t rr . se 't!
go to bed - - - -
What should we do? - - - - -
have breakfast
Let's watch TV. - - -- - - - -- -
have dinner - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Why don't we go out?--- - -- -- - -
have lunch
01<, great I (that's a) good idea!
start school - - - -
What about playing video games?
watch TV

No. it's a nice day! Let's play soccer instead.

0tudent Book pp.54. 52, 56

Vocabulary 4 Complete the text with the simple present
affirmative form of the verbs in the box.
Daily routines
cone get up go have listen live
1 Match the verbs in A with the words in B to
love play speak run
form daily routine expressions. Use each
verb once.
A B Chantal is 13 years old
and sbe comt~>
t start~ a TV
2 get b dirv>er from Canada. She
3 have c school _ _ __ in Torooto
4 do d home with her parents and
5 have e lunch ber sister Sabine. Her
6 watch f breakfast family arc Frcnch-
7 go g up Canadian and lbey >._ _ _ _ l'rench m home.
8 get h school CbantaJ's passion is spon and she is an excellent
9 have my homework gymnast. On weekdays, she .'__ at
10 finish j to bed five thirty and she ' five kilomctcr>
bcto re school. After school, she ' to
2 Complete the text. Use verbs from exercise 1. the gym for about three hours. Gymnast ics isn't
On school days I get up at seven o'clock, easy, but Chamal • spans'
and I 1 breakfast. I ' - -- - At night, Chantal and her f:unily ' - - - -
school at eight fifteen, and there arc six classes. dinner at about seven o'clock, then it's time for
I' lunch at school at one o'clock
homework. After that Chanta t • 10
At three thirty, I ' school and I
music or she •·- - - - video games with
• home at four o'clock. I "·- - - -
my homework from five to six o'clock. At night. Sabine.
17 dinner with my mom. After
dinner, I • TV. I • to bed
Spelling variations
at ten o'clock.
5 Complete the puzzle with the 3rd person
singular of the verbs.
Grammar Across ~ Down ...,
Simple present 1 wash 1 watch 6 cry
Affirmative 2 match 3 have 8 try
5 finish 4 go 9 do
3 Complete t he sentences. Use the simple present 7 study 5 fix
affirmative form of the verbs in parentheses.
10 kiss
My brother walk~ to school in the I
mornings. (walk) w a~he~

1 My mom's Mexican. We Spanish at

home. (speak) 2
2 Nicky in a new house. (live) •
3 My teacher from Australia. (come) 5
4 I_ _ to mustc on my MP3 player. (listen)
5 My dad in a school. (work) I
6 Our dog, Smokey, pina! (eat) ' • '7 8
I •
7 Tom soccer practice at five o'clock. r

tJ I

8 The girls volleyball on Saturdays.

I:_Ll_ I

. 0 tudent Book pp.~4 ~'> Extra practice online
'- .
6 Rewrite the sentences with the words in 10 Write sentences. Use the simple present and
parentheses. Use the simple present.
They finish school at four o'clock. (he) --................ - -
adverbs of frequency.

70% 50%

20% 0%
He finishes school at four o'clock.
oileR $qiJIO\ilne$ rarely never
We study French at school. (she)
Annie I eat 1 pizza on Fridays (50%)
2 We watch TV at night. (he) A nnie somet imes eats pizza o n Fr idays.
1 Marcus I go I to bed before ten o'clock (0%)
3 They play tennis on Mondays. (she)
2 Olivia I study I on Saturdays (20%)
4 They go to school on Saturdays. (he)
3 I I finish I volleyball at six o'clock (80%)
5 I have lunch at home. (she}
4 Mom I listen I to the radio (50%)

Prepositions of time: on, in, at 5 Gabriela I go I to the U.S. in August (100%)

'l Write on, in, or at.
Q!!__ Monday 6 Jacob I play I tennis on Fridays (70%)
1 _ _ ten o'clock 5 _ _ September
2 _ _ May 14'" 6 _ _ weekends
3 _ _ the afternoon 7 _ _ spring
4 _ _ night 8 _ _ Valentine's Day

8 Choose the correct words.

We visit our grandparents€) at Christmas Day.
1 Jack gets home on I at five o'c lock on I at Fridays. 11 Complete the text with the simple present of the
2 He goes to soccer practice in I on weekends. verbs in parentheses and adverbs of frequency.
3 My birthday is at I on August 2.._
4 Katie is tired at I in the evenings on I at Tom's day
school days. On school days Tom
5 Paul's a doctor. He works in I at night. neve•·gets up
6 We play tennis at school in I on summer. {get up I 0%) before
half past seven. He
Adverbs of frequency '- - -- - - -
{have I 100%)
9 Put the words in the correct order and write
breakfast and he
sentences. 2._ __ __ _
play I soccer I sometimes I in the afternoon I I (be I 20%) late
I sometimes play soccer in t he afternoon. for school. He
goes I to I the I movies I often I Douglas 3_ _ _ __ _

(finish I 100%) school at three thirty. After school

2 are I they I late I never he • (do I 80%) his homework,
but he • {watch I 50%) TV. He
3 usually I she I on I Tuesdays I plays I tennis • {play I 0%) sports on weekdays,
but he 7 (play 1 70%) soccer on
Saturdays. In the evenings, he • - - - - - - -
4 on I Saturdays I I I meet I my I friends I
(stay I 80%) at home. He 9 (play i
sometimes 70%) computer games and he 10_ __ __ __
(chat I 50%) with friends online. On school days,
5 hungry I always I are I you he " (go I 100%) to bed before
ten o'clock.
6 to I school I I I walk I rarely

0 tudent Book, 57 Extra practice online

Asking for and making suggestions 2 Put the sentences in order. Then write the
1 Use the dialogues on page 56 of the 1 No, it's cold. What about watching a DVD? __
Student Book as a model. Then complete the
OK, let's do that. __
dialogues with the words in the box.
I'm bored. Let's do something . .l
about good odea instead Lefs Let's go Why don't we go for a walk? __
seven thirty watch Why dotl't A I'm "ored. Let's do something.
s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

B- - ----- --- ------------
______________________ _

2 No, it's late. let's do our homework instead. __

l et's play video games. __
OK, great idea! __
Oh ... OK, but why don't we play video games
after we finish? __
1 A
8 - -------------------------
_________ _____________
Sara I'm bored. What should we do?
Dan Let'!> go out. A----- --------------------
8 _______ _________________
Sara No, there's a good TV show on at
3 No, these DVDs are boring. l et's watch TV
Dan OK, greatl Let's instead. _
z_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ that.
Good idea. Let's do that! __
it's a horrible day! Why don't we watch a DVD? __
A----------- ----- -
B _______ _________ _-_-

A- -- --- - - - ---
3 Imagine you are with a friend and you are
discussing what to do. look at the pictures.
Then write the dialogues.

2 A I'm bored .
Pablo What should we do? What should ...?
Matias What > playing B What about ...?
vtdeo games? I have a great new game. A No, ... nice day.
Pablo No, ot's a noce clay! Let's play soccer wtry ...?
·---------- ---- B OK. .. .

A What ...?
B Why ...?
A No. ... .

B OK, that's .. .
4 Write a dialogue. Use the dialogue in exercise
3 and the ideas in the box.
Ann a it's a noce day. " - -- - - -- - --- boring go to the movies go to the park
we go to the park? horrible day watch TV
Julia Great idea!
Anna Cool. but I'm hungry. Let's buy some ice
cream first.
Julia Good idea! ' ---- - --- - - - -

0 tudent BQok p.56 Extra practice on line

l'ly Dad'san .ftstronomer!
An Unu&u.rl Jo~
My namlts Carmen.
I live in Santiago, the capital of Chile.
My dad has an unusual job. He's an
astronomei'! He works at the Paranal
ESO Observatory with scientists from
different countries. He studies the
At the Observatory, Dad has d very
busy life. He usually works at night. He
gets up in the evening, and he goes to
' bed in the morning! He always starts
Dad works for eight days, and then he works at 8 p.m. and he never finishes
is at home for six days. When he's at before 8 a.m. He has breakfast and
work, he lives at the Res•dencio. This dinner at the Residencio.
is a special centcr for Paranal workers
and visitors. l t is three kllometers from

He also has some free time. He
the Observatory. There are be-drooms,
sometimes goes to the swimming
a restaurant, a gym, and a swimming
pool and to the gym. After eight days
pool at the Residencio. Mom and I
at the Observatory, he comes home
sometimes go there on weekends. it's a
The four telescopes at the Observatory to Santiago. We sometimes go to the
very strange place!
arc on the top of the Cerro Paranal. movies or we play's great to
This is a mountain in the Atacama have Dad at home!
Desert. There isn't any light from towns,
and the clear atmosphere makes it an
ESO =European Sou~ern r·- Find thes~ words. and
Observatory cheek th<m meanong .
excellent place for telescopes.
free time

Reading Writing
1 Read the article. Then match the h eadings in 3 Com plete the summary of the article.
the box with paragraphs 1-4 of t he text. Canmen lives in Santiago, Chile. Her dad is an
Free Time Night Work rhe Residendo - - - - - - - a t the'·- - - - - - -
He _ __ _ fo< eight days, and he
An Unusual Job The Observatory
_ _ _ _ __ for six days. At work, he
' · - -- - at the • . He usually
2 Are the sentences Tr ue (T) o r False (F)? · - - -----night. On work days, he
Correct the f alse sent ences. • _ __ __ _ at • in the

Carmen lives in the Atacama Desert. ' " · - - - - He " · - - - - to bed at 8 o'clock
meals at ~
False C<lrmen loves in SantiJ~go. in Chile. ,.
in the ' ' -- - - · He '

1 The Paranal Observatory is on a mountain.

In his free time, he sometimes " -- - -
m the • Md~e
2 Carmen's dad works for six days a week. " -- - - - At home, he '"·--- - - - - -
and " · - -- - ----with Carmen.
3 The Residencia is next to the Obse•vatory.
4 Write a descri ptionof your favorite day.
Include the following:
4 Carmen ·s dad starts work at 8 a.m.
when you get up
what you do in the moming I afternoon I at night
5 He sometimes goes swimming in h•s free rime.
when you have meals
who you meet
6 He plays tennis w ith other scientists. when you go to bed
My favorite day is Saturday. I neve r get up
l>efore nine o'clock on Saturdays.

0 tudent Book pp 58 59 Extra practice online

Grammar rules

Simple present yes I no questions and

Negative short answers
Full forms Short forms Short answers ~

I do not play soccer I don't play soccer.

Do I work? Yes. you do. No. you don't.
You do not ike tennis. You don • like termis.
Do you like mam? Yes, I do. No. I don't.
He does not He doesn't
study music. study mUSic. Does he like P.E.? Yes. ne does. No, he doe<n't.
She does not like She doesn't like math. Does she study Yes, she does. No. she
Math. Spanish? doc>n 't .
lt doe< not open lt doesn't open Does it open Yes. it does. No, "t doesn't
at 8 a.m. at8 a.m. at 9 a.m.?
We do not live We don't live Do we have Yes, you do. No, you don't.
1n the U.S. in the U.S. homework?
You do no t wnte You don't write letters. Do you like art? Yes, we do. No. we don't .
Do they speak Yes, they do. No. they don't .
They do not work. They d on't work.

Su b ect +
I do not I don't
does not I docsn 't
I+ base form
of the verb
Do I Does + subject + base form of the verb?
Yes, + subject pronoun + do I does.
We make the negative form of the simple No, + subject pronoun + don't I doesn't.
present with do not I does not + base form of 1 We make the interrogative form of the simple
the verb. p resent with do I does + subject + base form of
We do not study French at school. the verb.
She does not speak Russian. Do you have P.E. on Thursdays?
2 We use does not with the third person singular Does Josie walk to school with you?
(he, she, it). 2 We make affirmative short answers with Yes, +
She d oes not hke math. subject pronoun + do I does.
My grandpa does not play video games. Do you have P.E. on Thursdays? Yes, I do.
3 We use do not with all the other persons. Does Josie walk to school wilh you?
I do not like rock music. Yes, she does.
You d o not live near here. 3 We make negative short answers with No, +
We do not have math on Mondays. subject pronoun + don't I doesn't.
They do not teach at our school. Do you have P.E. on Thursdays? No, I don't .
4 We make short forms with do I does + -n't. We Does Mark walk to school with you?
No, he doesn' t.
use short forms more often than full forms.
We don't play tenn1s at school.
My sister doesn't like geography.

In English, we do not add -s to the negative Form or

: the verb in the third person singular.
1 He doesn't play baseball.
I NOT lie does11'1 pla~betr. )
Question words + Wor list
Simple present I Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study
Questioa " Sftnpte pre$ent notes (or translation) for each word.
What do you study at school?
Mt - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When do they have dinner? computer science ------------- - - - - - - -
Where does Kahe live? drama ---------------------------
English - -- -------------- --
What time does she get up?
geography - ----------------- - - -
Question word + do I does + subj ect + base history
form of verb?
What does she study on Mondays? ma~ ---------------------------
music-------------- - ---------- -
What time does she get up?
When does her school start?
- - - --

Object pronouns : Hi, guys. --------------- ---------

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Ifs terrible! ------------------------
Let's go! - - ------------- - - - - - - -
That's it! - - --------------- - -
you you l Part" it, ust· it'
he him What's your first name I last name I address I cell
she her phone number? - - ------------- - -
it's Lucas. /it's Teixeira. / it's ... I
it it
it's (817) 7700 - 0014. 1 - -------- -
we us
you you How do you spell that? T-E-1-X·E·I-R-A.
they them

1 We use both subject and object pronouns to How old Me you? - - - -- - - - - - - -- -

substitute nouns. I'm 14.
John I He goes to that school. Where Me you lrom? --- - - - - - - - - - -
I know John I him. I'm from Brazil. ---------------------
I like science. I like it. Where do you live in Brazil? ----- - - - - -
I hate snakes. I hate them.
Sally Adams teaches English. I like her. I live in Recife. --- -------------- -
2 We put subject pronouns before a verb. Do you have an e-mail address?
We get up at 7:30 a.m.
She studies art on Fridays. Yes. I do. it's
lt starts at 8:30 a.m.
3 We put object pronouns after a verb o r after a What languages do you speak?
A "I like the band 30 Seconds To Mars:·
I speak Portuguese and English.
B ··r like them, too."
I have music lessons with Sara.
I have music lessons with h er.

0 tudent Book p.6'i ._ ___ ...,_0tudent Book

pp.62, 60, 64

Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the negative
form of the verbs in the box.
School subjects
1 Complete the puzzle with school subjects. have get go losten study use wnte
What is the mystery word?
We don't listen to the radio.
'E 1 I _ _ _ _ _ e-mails. I text my friends.
2 Oscar a big breakfast
3 They their cell phones at school
4 Dad home before 5:30 p.m.
5 We Russian at my school.
6 You to school on Saturday

yes 1 no questions and shor. answers

5 Write questions and short answers,
Tom 1 play I soccer I on Fridays? (X)
Does Tom play soccer on Fridayo7
No. he doesn' t .
Rata Nadal I speak I Spanish? (./)
2 Write true sentences for you. Use the words in
the box.
2 Katy Perry I come I from the U.S.? (./)
boring difficult e~sy Interesting

geography lt 'e lntcrceting.

3 you I play I golf? (X)
1 math
2 science
3 music
4 Brazilian children I start I school I at 4? (X)
4 English
5 hisrory
6 P.E.
7 computer science Question words + Simple present
8 art
6 Complet e t he questions, Then write the
answers with the words in the box.
Grammar February 14"' Hawaii June 21"
Simple present the saxophone the White House
When does summer start?
3 Choose the correct words. Summer starts on June 21• .
I doesn' t I @start school at seven o'clock. 1 What instrument Lisa Simpson play?
1 They doesn't I do n't go to my school.
2 Pete doesn' t I don' t play soccer after school. 2 When _ _ _ people celebrate Valentine's Day?
3 We doesn't I don't live in Tokyo.
4 Olivia doesn't I don't get up at six th1rty. 3 Where the American President live in
5 I doesn't I don't watch TV in my bedroom. Washington, D.C.?
6 Our dog doesn't I don't sleep in the house.
7 You doesn' t I don' t know Daniel. 4 Where ___ Bruno Mars come from?
8 Tom and I doesn't I don't study music.

0tudent Book pp.62-6J, 65 Extra practice online

7 Cirde the correct words. Then write true answers. 10 Complete t he interview. Use the correct simple
@>' What do you spell your name? present form o f the verbs in parentheses, and write
I spell it 2-A- C- H- A- R- Y. questions and short answers.
1 What I When do people celebrate Christmas Day?
Millie Morcton is 17 and ,he goe$ to the famou< Julliard
2 What time I What do you get up on weekdays? School in New York. Here. Tl'llus! maga.dnc m.k~ Millic
questions abom her schooL
3 Where I What t•me do you finish school?
Tell us! Dovou like (you /like) your <ehool'!

4 When I Where do kangaroos live? Millie Yes. I' I 10\·e it! lt', a perfonning
ans school and we ' (study) drnrna.
dance. 3Ild music. it's really cool!
5 What I When do you do on Saturday mornings?
Tell us! (you 1 'ludy)
normal subjects. too?
8 Write t he questions for the underlined words. Millie Yes. we • . I '----(study)
What time d o you g et home? seven academic subjcct.s.
I get home at four o'clock.
Tell us! What subj ects • · - - - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - (you I study)'/
Juan goes to school in SM DiegQ.
2 _ __ Millic Umm .. . Engli sh. art. computer science. science.
history, and geography. Oh, and marh. nut 1
Katic gets up ~flven thirty.
3 ___ _ __ _ ____ ' (nor / like) it. it 's very dil'licult!

I have T eJ.J tL~! When •- - - - - - - (you/ do) drama'/

4 _ _science
___ on Wednesday
____ and_
_ ____
Millie We do drama on T hursdays and Pridays. We
The children watch Disney movies on DVD. • (not / do) :1cademic
subjects on 1hose days. T hu•'Sd:1y aud Friday arc
5- - - - - - - - - - - - my favorite days. I 16 ( love) Ihem!
You spell it Y 0-G-U- R- T.
Tell us! " - - - - - - - (you I sing)
Object pronouns i n a choir a1 school?
9 Complete the dialogues wit h the correct object M iltie o, T 1
• but I · ' · - - - - - (<ing) in
p ronouns. a band with my friends. It's fun'
A Does Ms. Harris teach you and Kyle? Tell us! Wbat " - - - - - - - ( y ou I want) to do in
B Yes, she does. She teaches !!!__ _ geography. the future·~
:\lillie I waono be a Sl1lr! I '' ("am) to
A Do you know Natalia? sing and act in hig musical!'. in New York and
B Yes, I do. I go to Dance Oub with _ _ _ London!
A Is art your favoritc subject?
B Yes! I love ____ 11 Write questions and answers a bout Millie in
exerc.ise 10 .
A Mr. Wise is our sc•ence teacher. Where I Milfie I go to school?
B Yeah? I like . He's a good teacher. Where doe5 Millie go to >chool7
4 S he goe5 to t he Jullia rd S c hool in New York.
A Does Nick study w1th you and Lucy? she like I her school?
B Yes, he does. He often helps , too. Doe!:> !>he like her school?
5 Ye5, 5hedoe5. S he love!> it .
A I like Amy and she likes _ __, too. 1 What subj ects I she study?
B Of course she does. You're best friends! 2 she like I math?
6 3 When I she study drama, dance, and music?
A Is this pizza for Sam and me? 4 she sing I in a choir at school?
B Yes. it's for _____ 5 What I she wanl to do in the future?

0 tudent Book yp.61, 65 Extra pr act ice online

Asking and answering 3 Use the questions and answers in exercise 2
personal questions and write a dialogue. Use the dialogue in
exercise 1 as a model.
1 Look at the dialogues on page 64.
You What's your fir st name. please?
Then complete the dialogues below.
Josh it 's Josh.
A What '& your flr&t name . please?
You OK. ana ...
B Ifs Diego.
A OK. and 1 your last name?
B Ifs Faseta.
A > do you spell that?
B F-A- 5-€- T- A.
A Tha~ks. '- -- - a r e you, Diego?
B I'm 14.
A And ·- - - - - are yoo from?
B I'm from Chile.
A Where ' in Chile?
B I" in Santiago.
A ' your address?
B it's 2 1 . Avenida San Juan, Santiago.
A And • your cell phone number?
B lt's 8 I· 7009·00 14.
A " have an e-mail address?
B Yes. I do. it's
A Great! One final question. What languages
10 ?
4 Imagine you are at a language school in
B Umm ... I speak Spanish and English. the U.S. Complete the personal information
form. Then write your dialogue with the
2 Write the questions for these answers. receptionist.
What '!!_Your add,_,r,e.:::
&'?,___ _ _ _ _ _ __
it's 10. Wonston Avenue. Houston.
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __

I'm from Canada. Fil"'5tname

2 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___
La~ name
0 - A- V-l- S.
3 Town/Cir.y
lt's Josh.
4 - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---------
s I'm 13 years old.
______________ _ Aqe

lt's Davis. Nationality

Ifs (32 1) 333-4297.
7 ___ __
Yes. I do. Ifs
8 _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I speak English and rrench. Receptionist What's yourfirst name?
9 You lt's ...
I live in Montreal.

0tudent Book p.64 Extra practice online

What do you usually do in the summer? Do you go to the beach? Do
you play sports? Or do you study? Students at the summer ccnter do all
three! Come and study English at St Giles Center this summer!
About the School
St Giles Ccnter is in St Petersburg, Florida. lt is near the town of Orlando,
and it is next to the ocean. lt has fantastic facilities. There is a sw•mming
pool and a theater. There is also a lake and bc<>utiful gardens.
Summer Language Courses
-- A typical day at the summer school
7:30a.m. Breaklast
at St Giles 8:36-11:00 a.m. English lessons
In the summer, St Giles Centcr
orgamzes English language 11:06-11:30 a.m. Break
courses for young people 11:36-12:30 p.m. English lessons
from all over the world. The
courses start in July and 12:36-1 :30 p.m. lunch
finish at the end of August.
1:36-4:30 p.m. Project work and
[he students usually study in
language skills
the mornings, and they play
sports or do other tJCtiv•ties in 4:36-6:00 p.m. Sports and activities
the afternoon<. Some studen lS
act and dance. Other students 6:00p.m. Dinner
have sailing lessons or go to
7:06-10:00 p.m. Movie nighl/
the beach. In the evenings,
Karaoke I Discos
the students watch movies,
do karaokc, or have discos. 10:30 p.m. Beil
On weekands, the students
don't study. They go on trips Prices
to awesome places in Florida. $1 ,415 per week
They go to Disney World or (lrom July to August)
The Wizarding World of Harry
Potter, for example. These are Find these words and
very popular trips! check their meaning.
courses sailing
facilities tnps
Reading Writing
1 Read t he article. Then answer the questions. Z Imagine you are at St Giles Center. Write a
Where is St Giles Center? telephone conversation with a friend at home.
Tell your friend about the center. Include the
it i& in S t Peur&l>urg, Florida. (it i& the
town ofOrlando, and it i& next to t he ocean.) following informatio n:
1 Where do students come from? - Where is the school?
2 When do the summer courses start and finish? - When do you study English?
3 What do the students on the summer courses - What do you do in the afternoons?
usvalty do in the mornings? - What time do you have dinner at night?
4 When do they play sports? - What do you do after dinner?
5 activities do they do in the evemngs? - What time do you go to bed?
6 Where do they go on weekends? - What is your opinion of the school?
Your f r iend Where is t he school?
You it 's in St Pe'Ursl>urg in Florida.
it 's near the ocean

0 tudent Soolc pp 66-67 Extra practice online

con (ability) Degrees of ability
Affirmative and negative Degrees of ability

I can swim very well. +++

I can swim well. ++
I can dance. I cannot dance. I can't dance.
I can swfm quite well. +
You can Sing. You cannot You can't s ng. I can't swim very well.
; can't swim at all.
He can do He cannot do He can't do
karate. karate karate. We use the following expressions when we want
She can ski. She cannot ski. She can' t ski. to say how well someone can do something .
lt can fly. lt cannot fly. lt can't fly. ... very well
... well
We can play We cannot play We can't play
tennis. ... quite well
tennis. tennis.
... (can't) ... very well
You can cook. You cannot You can't COC>k.
.. . (can't) ... at all
They can They cannot They can 2 We always put the expressions after the verb or
speak Cnglish. speak English. speak English. verb phrase.
He can play the piano quite well.
Subject+ can I can't+ base form of the verb He can't swim very well.
1 Con is a modal verb. All modal verbs follow the NOT l ie ca11't play oe1 y .. ell tile pi8110.
same rules:
- We only use one form for all persons.
I can dance. He can dance. We can dance.
How often ...?+ Expressions
- We do not add an -s to con with he, she, or it.
of frequency
He can ski. NOT lie ern'' slu. Question word Expression of frequency
- We always follow can with another verb in the
every morning I day I month
base form.
I can run. She can swim. once a day I week I month
2 The negative form of can is cannot (con + not). How often ...?
twice a day I week I month
In spoken and informal written English, cannot is
three times a day I wee< I
usually abbreviated to con't.
He cannot play tennis = He can't play tennis.
1 We use How often ... ? to ask how frequently
3 We always use can't+ another verb in the base
something happens.
How often do you play soccer?
I can't speak Korean.
How often do you send e-mails?
She can' t ride a bike.
2 We often use expressions of frequency to reply
to questions with How often ...? We usually
We never use don't I doesn't in negatM: sentences put expressions of frequency at the end of the
with con. sentence.
We can' t sw1m. NOT We don't ca11 ~wim: ) I play soccer every afternoon.
I send e-mails about twice a week.

~tudent Book pp.75 76

can (ability) Imperatives
yes I no questions and short answers Affirmative Neg ive
yes I no Short answers Listen ! Don't listen!
Look! Don't look!
Can 1 dance? Yes. yoo can . No. you can't .
Start! Don't start!
Can you swim? Yes, I can. No. I can't .
1 We use the imperative form to tell someone to
Can he cook? Yes. he can. No, he can't.
do or not to do something.
Can she ride a Yes, she can No. she can't . Open your book. Don't open your book.
2 There is only one form of the imperative for
Can it fly? Yes, tt can . No, rt can't. singular and plural.
Can we act? Yes, you can No, yoo can't. Come here, John! Come here, boys!
Ca n you do Yes, we can . No, we can't. 3 The imperative is the same as the base form of
karate? the verb.
' Can they sing? Yes, they can No, tt>ey can't

Can + subject + base form of the verb? to stop stop Stop!

Yes, + subj ect pronoun + can.
No, + subject pronoun + can't. 4 We make t he negative with don't + base form of
the verb.
1 We make questions with can + subject + base
Don' t go!
form of t he verb.
Can you use a computer? 5 We always use an adj ect ive with the imperative
of be.
Can she send a text message?
Be quiet! Don't be sad.
2 We make affirmative short answers with
Yes, + subject pronoun + can.
Can you sing? Yes, I can.
Can Paul sing? Yes, he can.
3 We make negative short answers with
Watch out!
We never use subject pronouns with tmperatives.
Look! NOT~
Don't look! NOT You don't look'
No, + subject pronoun + can't.
Can you ski? No, I can' t .
Can Car1a ski? No, she can' t . Gtudent Book p 77

4 We never use do, don 't, does, or doesn't in

questions and short answers with can.

, Word list
Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word.
Sports lr<1Ck and field e: $0 t
baseball \'OIIeyball How often do you . . ?
basketball Check it out'
biking every morning I day I month
I feel bad. - - - - - -- -
field hockey
I see.------------
gymnas<ics ___ _ once a day I week I month
What's the matter?
karate - -- - - - - - - - You're right!
skiing------ - - - - - twice a day I week I month
soccer - -- - - -
S\"-'imming - - -- - - - - - three times a day I week I month
tennis - - - - - - -

Gtudent Book pp.74, 72, 76

Vocabulary 4 Look at the chart. Complete the sentences
w ith can and can' t.
1 Complete the words for sports. Then use the
~~o letters to find Kate's favorite sport.
~ ~ ~e..£..a11
1 g _ _ n ....,~ s ___ s
2 ~ w_m ___ g
3 s _ _ i_g
4 s __ c
5 nn
6 ,_ _k _ _ g
7 k _ __ t _
8v _ _ l y _ I
9 f _ _ _ h _c _ _ y
soccer X swim X soccer .I baseball .I '
Kate's favorite sport is b _________ .
guitar .I piano .I swim .I basketball .I ,
sing .I read music .I karate .I sing X
2 Choose the correct words. write songs .I dance X
Paul plays karate l<fielfukey:>on Saturdays.
Matt and Ryan are twins, but they arc very different.
1 Sally and her mom go swimming I volleyball on
Matt is a sports champion. He c<Jn play
Friday afternoon.
soccer and baseball. He ' swim and
2 We often go tennis I skiing in w inter. play basketball and he > do karate. Ryan
3 I never play baseball I gymnastics. 3 play soccer or swim. He hates sports.
4 We do track and field I volleyball at school. but he's an excellent musician. He ' play
5 Janet often goes biking I field hockey. the guitar and the piano. lie ' sing, he
6 My brother and my dad do skiing I karate. " read music, and he ' write
7 I play swimming 1 basketball with my friends. songs. Matt doesn't have any musical talent. He
• sing or dance.

Grammar Degrees of ability

can (ability) 5 Look at the chart. Then write sentences.
Affirmative and ne~ative ski sing play the guitar ride a bike

3 Write sentences with can (.I) and can't (X). © ©©©

lames I play soccer (.I) I ski (X)
James can pl.1y 50Ce<~r. l>ut he c..m't ski
® ©©©
1 Emily I play volleyball (.1) I do gymnastics (X). ©©©- very wel ©© =well
©- qvite weU ® = can't ... very well
2 My clad I speak Spanish (.I) I speak Japanese (X).
· -can't···.;..·.:::
at:..:: ll _ _~__j
Rosy I sing
3 11 swim (.1) I play volleyball (X).
Rosy can silllj well.

4 We I play tennis (.1) I do karate (X).

1 Leo I play the guitar

2 Rosy I play the guitar

5 Susan I ride a bike (.1) I sing (X) .

3 Rosy and Leo I ride a bike

6 Josh and Dan I play soccer (.1) I play
basketball (X).
4 Leo I sing

5 Rosy and Leo I ski

0tudent Book pp.74-7S Extra practice on line

can (ability) 8 Complete t he sentences with the positive or
n egative imperative forms of the verbs in the box.
yes I no questions and short answers
6 Write questions to ask Oliver about his family. be drink play 5t.1r.d take wash
Then write Oliver's answers.

.I .I X X 8 iioo T'-.../
, ______
X .I X X
speak Spanish .I X .I .I Stand
play tenn1s here! the waterl
X X .I .I

you I sk1 7
.I .I

Oliver, can you ski7 No, I can't .

1 your dad I sing 7
.I .I

()_ 3 _ _ _ __
quiet! soccer in the park!

2 you and Paula 1 speak Spanish ?

3 your parents I play tennis 7

5 _ _ _ __
your hands here. pictures 1n the museum!
4 Paula I sing ?

5 your dad I speak Spamsh ?

9 Read t he advertisement. Then complete the
sentences with the words in the box.

6 you /swim 7 call c<Jn can't come don't

learn play very Y.'CII vis•t

Imperatives Join a School Club

7 Complete the sentences with the words in
the box. !C~a~"'--- you sing? can you
Close Cook Don't be Don't 5pc;::k guitar well?
Don't talk l•~ter: Look
_ _ __ _ j
Yes? ' stay at home! 1 to
music club on Thursday evenings and sing or play
n____ to the song.
in the band.
Don't &penk Spanish in the English lesson!
You ' swim at all? Do you want lessons?
1 the door. it's cold in here.
·- - - - to swim at Dolph in Club on Monday
2 - -- - - a t page 87.
3 late for school again! evenings.
4 tl'le pasta for twelve minutes.
Can you play basketball ' ? Then join the
5 in the exam room! basketball club and play on the team.
·- -- - 1904 S76 391 or • our
website for information:

Extra practice on line

Talking about frequency 3
1 Complete the dialogue with the words in the A you I oflen I a I take I how I do I shower ?
box. Then look at the dialogue on page 76 of
the Student Book and check your answers. B morning I take I I I shower I every I a

do every How How often night

often once times 4 How often does Clara play sports? Look at the
chart and write dialogues.
A How often do you use the
B Oh, I use the Internet _ _ _ day.
A How < do you watch TV?
B 1watch rv every ' ___________ for one
or two hours. .I
A• do you go to the movies? .I
B I go to the movies ' or twice
a month. .I .I
A How ohen •·------------ you play sports? .I .I
B I play sports three or four '---------- - -
a week. .I
.I .I
2 Write the expressions of frequency in the box
in the correct order from very often to not l .I
very often. do karate?
How often does she do karate'?
every day once il month She does ka rate twice a week.
once a week twice a day 1 go swimming?
twice a month three times a week

twice a day
2 play volleyball?
3 do gymnastics?

once a month

3 Reorder the sentences and write the dialogues. 5 Imagine you are with a new student and you
are discussing how often you do things. Write
A play I often I how I soccer I you I do ?
dialogues for the activities in the box.
How often do you play soe<:er '?
B three 11 I a I week I limes I play clean your bedroom go to panoes
I play three times a week. have math classes play spons Y.atch DVDs

You How often do you play sports'?

A you I do I how I movies I to I go I the I often ?
Student I play sports twice a week.
B I I to I go I movies I month I the I a I once
A do I how I you I often I your I clean I
B once I my I I I bedroom I clean I week 1 a

~tudent Book p./6 Extra practice online

(anadian T••n! and !port!
Canadian teenagers lo v e sports. Over 50 percent of them play sports every week.
Middle school students usually have three P.E. classes a w eek . Ice hockey, tra ck
and fie ld , bask etball, and vo lleyball are popular P.E. sports, b ut some schools have
unusual sports like skateboa rdin g o r rugby.
Soccer, ice h ockey, a n d b aske tball a re t he top team sports fo r teen s In Canada,
but in d ividual sports lik e swimmin g, g ymnastics, and karate a re very popu la r, too .

Top T•n !port! My name's Jason and I'm on

a water polo teom. At school.

forVounCJ we don't play water polo; we

play tennis and we do track
(anadian! and field. I can play tennis
quite well. but I can't run or
jump at all 1 I can swim very
1 foc:c.r well and on Tuesdays I play
water polo at the swimming
:Z fwi111111intJ pool near my house. Our team
! le~ heckty name is The Dolphins. In the
My name's Kerry and my future. I want to be on the
passion is soccer! I play 4 IHk•fflall Canadian water polo team at
other sports. too. I can play the Olympocs.
basketball and I can swim very s IHf&all
well. but soccer IS my life. I 6 Vllflfyt,an
play for the Red Angels, my
local girls' club. I play on the 7 GYII!nadiu
under-1 4s team.
t ~rat•
Soccer isn't only a sport for
boys! Canadian gins love it, I) ffin.,
and 29 million women play
10 Trade and r..ld
check their meaning.
Reading Writing top jump

1 Read the magazine article. Then write correct 2 Answer the questions. Then __ ____ (prep) __,,...-
s entences. use your answers to write a
Over 50 percent of young people in Canada text about sports i n your country.
play sports every day. - Where do young people play spans?
Over 50 percent of young people in Canada (at school, in sports clubs, ...)
play sports every week. - What team sports arc popular?
Middle school students usually have four - What individual sports do people like?
classes of P.E. a week. - How often do you have P.E. at school?
2 Volleyball and baseball are the Canadian top - What sports do you play '" P.E.?
teen sports. - What spons can you play well?
3 Kerry's favorite sport is basketball. (Brazilian) teenager5 love !.>port s ...
4 Jason plays water polo at school.
5 Jason can run and jump quite well.
6 The Dolphins is the name of Jason's
ice hockey team.
0 tudent Book pp7lJ.:7S Extra practice on line
Grammar rules

Present progressive Spelling variations

Affirmative For most verbs we add -ing to the base form.
play + -ing = playing
Full f
walk+ - ing walking
I am wearing shorts. I'm wearing shorts. 2 However, there are some spelling variations:
You are talking. You're talking. - verbs ending in a consonant plus -e.
Drop the -e and add -ing.
lie is singing. He's singing. have -+ having
She is playing She ·s playing. - short verbs ending in a vowel plus a
consonant. Double the final consonant
lt is working . ll's working.
and add -ing.
We are cooking. We're cooking . sit -+ sitting
You are eating. You're eating.
They are acting. They're acting._...__.
Full forms
am ('m)
base form of the I am not playing. I'm not playing.
Subject+ is ('s) + verb + -mg
are ('re) You are not looking. You aren' t looking
1 We make the present progressive with be + He is not talking . He isn't talking.
base form of verb + -ing.
She is not studying. She isn't studying.
2 We usually use the short forms of the verb be
lt is not working. lt isn't working.
in spoken English and when we write e-mails
or letters to friends. We use full forms in formal We are not acting. We aren't acttng.
written English.
You are not listening. You aren't listentng.
3 We use the present progressive ...
They are not writing. They aren't writing.
to describe something that is happening now.
He's watching TV at the moment. am ('m) base form of
to describe photographs or drawings. Subject + is (:S) + not + the verb +
In thiS photo. I'm playing tennis wrth my cous•n are ('re) -ing
1 We malke the present progressive with be + not
4 We often use the following expressions with the
+ base form of verb + -ing.
present progressive: now, at the moment. today,
right now. 2 We usually use the short forms of the verb be
in spoken English and when we wnte e-mails
or letters to friends. We use full forms in formal
We do not use some ~ in the pteSent progess~~~e.
written English.

These vetbs include: be. hate, like. love, prefer.
wa nt
I love this movie. NOT f'1n-lov"'9 this- r!1Qit!e

8 0 tudent Book pp.83. 85

Present progressive
yes I no questions and short answers
3 In short answers we only use the verb be.
We do not repeat the verb in the -ing form.
Am I playing? Yes, you are. No. you aren't. Is she listening to music?
Yes, she is. NOT Yes. she is h"e"i"9·
Ar e you working? Yes. I am No, I'm not. No, she isn't. NOT No. >he ,,,., hste& ""9·
Is he listening? Yes. he is. No, he isn't. 4 We only contract negative short answers. We do
Is she talking? Yes, she is. No, she isn't . not contract affirmative short answers.
Are th ey going to school?
Is it raining? Yes. it is. No, it isn't.
Yes, t h ey a re. I No, they aren't. NOT Yu. ~·oey 'i e.
Are we studying? Yes. you are. No. you aren 't.
Are you watching? Yes. we are. No, we aren't.
Question words + Present
Are they singing? Yes. they are. No, they aren't.
Am Question word P.resent ogressive
Is + subject + base form of the verb + -ing
Where are you going?
What are they singing?
Yes, + subj ect p rono un + am I is I are.
No, + subj ect pronoun + 'm not / Isn't I aren't. What are you doing?

1 We make present progressive yes I no questions am base form of

with be + subject + base form of the verb + -ing. + is + subject +the verb+
Is she listening to muSic? are -ing
2 We make short answers with Yes I No + subject
pronoun + am I is I are or 'm not I isn't I 0 tudent Book p.SS

Review the Vocabulary. Write your own study notes (or translation) for each word.
c ou What size are you?
boots _ _ _ __
ne you kidding?! - - - - - - - I'm a sma I medium /large.
dress _ _ _ _ __ Awesorre 1VO<i<!
You win. lsitOK? __
hat - - - -- - - - - - - -
hoodie - -- - - - - - - - L rn lt, U"" i ' Yes, it's perfect. I'll take it.
jacket - - - - - -- -- - How much is this T-shirt? - -- -
pants-- - -- - - -- - Are they OK? - - - --
shirt _ - -- - - -- - No. they're too small. I'll leave them.
shoes _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ lt's$18. _ - - - - - - -
How much are these shoes? _ __
shorts Oo you have it on small I medium I
skort - -- -- - -- - - large?
They're$45. - -- - -- --
sneakers Can I try il on?
sweater - -- -- ---- Can I try them on7 Yes. 1 do. 1 No. 1don't. _ __
top Yes, of course. The changing rooms
T-shirt - - - - - are over there. _

0 tudent Book pp.BZ. 80. 84

Vocabulary Grammar
Clothes and prices Present progressive
1 Find thirteen more clothes words in the word Affirmative
4 Complete the sentences with t he present
s i N s progressive forms of the verbs in the box. Use
short forms.
s H s i H 0 R T s f E B
A L R M s 0 N R T buy do eat go tSten
,B s play sleep watch wear
p K R T E s J
lo H s D A w T H s Al She's wearing a new T-shirt.
lo A E K C' A I E T c 1 They - - - - - - - to school.
T 'I 0
s D H
T T 0
J Io

K 2
to his MP3 player.
F s s E R D H K 5 I myhomewo~.
E S E D olo H E R 6 Shh! Grandpa - - - -- -
7 Hey! You - - - -- -- my pizza!
2 Complete the descriptions. 8 We new clothes.

Spelling variations
I'm wearing a white ..:!:... .£.. .£.,
5 Write the -ing form of the verbs.
a blue 's _ _ _ , a purple sing s inging
2 1 study
h- - - - - , and black 7 chat
'b --- · 2 win 8 have
3 clean 9 run
4 use 10 stop
5 sit 11 play
I'm wearing black •p _ _ _ _ , 6 make 12 dance
' blues _ _ _ _ _
a white •s _ _ _ _ a red 6 Write sentences. Use the present p rogressive.
's _ _ _ _ . and rrry The boys I run I in the park.
faVO<ite green 8h _ _ The l:>oysare running in the park.
1 I I chat I with rrry cousin.

3 Complete the chart. 2 Grandma I sit I in the garden.

25c t-wenty-f ive cent5
3 Our team I win I the game.
4 Jack I clean I his bedroom.
··-------- 5 We I make I cakes for the party.
·- --- forty-five cents
• one dollar thirty 6 I I study I math

three dollars ninety-nine

7 Sue 1 use I the computer.

.. ____ one hundred dollars

twenty-nine dollars fifty

0 tudcmt Book pp.82 8 ~ Extra practice on line

Negative Question words +
7 Complete the sentences with negative present Present progressive
p rogressive forms of the verbs. Use short 9 Complete the questions. Use short forms.
forms. What's he eating ?
Dad isn't wo"-'t c=
in,g' - - - - - (watch) TV. He's eating a hot dog.
1 Zak (use) the 1 Where - - -- - - - -- - - - ----?
computer. They're going to the swimm•ng pool.
2 You-- - - - - - - - (listen) to me! 2~- 7
3 Oh no' The bus - - - -- - - -- She's wearing a yellow top and a brown skirt.
3 Why 7
4 Jenna - - - - - - -- - (wear) her She's runn1ng because she's late for school.
new jacket.
4 Where ?
5 The children - - - -- -- -- (sleep).
He's sining behind Matt.
6 Dan and lake (play)
very well. 5 ~- ?
They're watching the new Transformers movie.
7 We - - - -- - -- - (make) pizza
for lunch.
8 Olivia _ _ - - - - - - - (do) her

yes I no questions and short answers 10 Complete the e-mail with the present progressive
form of the verbs in parentheses.
8 Write the questions in the correct order. Then
write short answers.
Messag<' Options + l l[iiJ :ti
the I they I are I to I going I store ? (X)
Are they going t o the s t o re? Hi, Ana.
I'm not very happy. it's the weekend, but I'm not havinq
No, thevaren~·t
(not /nave) fun with my friends! I '- - - -- - - -
1 Dad I making I is /lunch ? (.f) (do) my honnew<>rtd We have a test on Monday and t
• (study). I ' - -- - - - -
(team) irregular verbs. Horriblef I " -- -- - - - --
(wait) tor my friend Haley. My parents aren't at home.
2 using 1 you I are /the I computer ? (X)
Dad > (play) goH and Mom
6 (visit) my Aunt Uzzte. Petta, our
dog, is here with me. She 1_ (steep)
3 Sophie I doing I gymnastics I is ? (.f) under the bed! Oh no• She 8 _ (not I

sleep)! She • (ear) my shoes.

What ' 0 (you f do)?
'' (you 1 have) a good time?
4 they I game I are I the I winning ? (.f) '' (your cousin I stay) with you?
Write soon. Monica
5 movie I the I is I star ling ? (X)
11 Complete the telephone conversation.
Dan Hi, Molly. I'm in the car with Mom.
6 people I speaking I those I are I Russian 7 (X) Moily Where Jre you going? (Where I you I go?)
Dan (We 1 go) to the market.
Molly > (Why I your mom I sing?)
Dan 3 _ (She 1 not I sing)
it's the radio! Are you at home?
Molly Yes, I am. 4 (1/ finiSh) my
project. Mia's here too.' - - - - - - - -
(She I chat online)
Dan • (Who I she I chat with?}
Molly Her new boyfriend! .. Owl Sorry, Mia!

~tudent Book p.SS • Extra practice online
Shopping for clothes 3 Number the sentences in the correct order.
1 Complete the d ialogue with the sentences in Then write the dialogue.
the box. Then look at the d ialogue on page 84 No, they're too small. Do you have a size six?_
of the Student Book and check your answers. Can I try them on? _
Excuse me. HQ\.'11 much are these shoes? ..1.
Can I try them on? Here you are. Yes, of course. What size are you? _
How much is thos top? I"' take it Here you are. Are they OK? _
No. they're too small What soze are you? They're $39.99. _
Yes. please. I'm size five. _
OK. Ill leave them. _
1 No, I don't. I'm sorry. _
Julia Excuse me. How much is this tcpf' Ellie Excvse me. How much are
Salesperson it's $13.99. t hese shoesf'
Julia Can I try it on?
Salesperson - - - - - - - -- -- - -
Salesperson Yes, of course. ' - - -- - - EIIie
Julia I"m a mcdoum.
Salesperson >._ _ _ _ __ _ _ The Salesperson - -- - -- - - - - - - -
changing rooms are over there.
Salesperson - - -- -- - - - - - --
Later ...
Salesperson Is it OK?
Salesperson - - - -- -- - - - - - -
Julia Yes. it is. •·- - - - -- -- - EIIie
Salesperson Can I help you? 4 Imagine you want to buy the three items in
Ad am _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Do you the pictures. Write three dialogues.
have these pants in medium?
Salesperson Yes, I do. Here they arc.
Ad am
Salesperson Yes. of course.
Later ...
Salesperson Are they OK? Dialogue 1
Adam - - - - - - D o you Salesperson Can I help you?
have them on large? You Yes, please. Do you have ...
Salesperson No, I don't. rm sorry. Salesperson - - -- - - -- - -- --
Ad am OK I'll leave them. You
Salesperson - - - -- - -- - - - - -
2 Match questions ( 1- 7 ) and responses (a-g).
Dialogue 2
1 How much is thos T-short? Jl
You Excuse me. How much .. .7
2 How much are these shoes?
3 Can I try it on?
4 What size are you?
5 Is it OK?
6 Are they OK?
7 Do you have it in large? Dialogue 3

a Yes, of course. The changing rooms are

over there.
b Yes, it's perfect. I'll take it.
c No, they're too small. l'llleavc ll1em.
d They're $49.
e I'm a medium.
f Yes. I do.
g it's $15.

0 tudent Book p 84 Extra practice online

School Clothes
What do you wea r t o school? Is there a
uniform or a dress code at your school?

In Ch ina. all schools have uniforms. In my school. the boys

wear sweaters and long pants in winter. The girls' un iform ,
is the sa me. but we can wear skirts. In this picture. we're
wearing our summer uniform. it's a white sh irt and
brown skirt. The school isn't very strict about our uniform. We can wear colored
sneakers. I like my uniform. it's cool and comfortable.
(Lily, 13)

My school is very strict about our school un iform. We can't wear shorts. sneakers.
jewelry, or make-up! In this picture. I'm wearing my school uniform. I have a
blazer. a shirt and a tie. and a skirt. There's a school logo on the blazer. I hate my
school uniform. it's boring and uncomfortable!
(Heather, 1;z)

We don't have a school uniform, butthere are things we

can and can't wear. In this picture, I'm wearing my typical
school clothes -a shirt, pants, and shoes. The school is
strict about the dress code. We can't wear shorts. sports
jackets, or sunglasses, and girls can't wear high-heeled
shoes or short skirts. I think our dress code is fair.
·Check it out!
r -
1 Find these words and
(Oscar, 14)
\' ~:::;:;:;:::=:;::;::::;;;:::;;;:;::::;:;:;;::::;::::::::;:::;::::::;::;::=====:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::=1 check
t heir meaning.
I make-up tie
\_high-heeled shoes
Reading Writing
1 Read the article. Then a nswer the questions. 2 Write an article about school clothes in your
What do boys at Lily's school wear in winter? country. Describe the clothes you and your
They wear sweat ers <lnd lonq pants. classmates usually wear.
What does lily think about her uniform? In my country, schools ...
In my school, .. .
2 What can't Heather wear? I usually wear .. .
Students can I can't .. .
3 What is Heather wearing? My clllssm<ltes wear .. .
I like I don't like ...
4 Why does Heather hate her uniform?

5 What is Oscar wearing in the photo?

6 What can't girls wear?

. ~tudcnt Book pp.86~87 Extra practice online
O XFORD tOO(b01hjNASAf.kit-~ F:tC1ion), 101 (t':•r• h f•'Otu !<p:J1.'\'[Stcwkln·lc 1m:'I~CS.
V~ I \'LtJt S I TY J'RI!SS <.IOc.'kmgJNAS,o\JS(,cn<.·~ Faction). 102 (soccer{lbny Marshall. Andy Murr:1y/
Clivc BrunskiiJ). W19(Hrorsr Cmle ;aeri.aJ/1\lJlOranlk Images. dlnu~ h~IIJ
Creal (;I<IJX·ndou SU'('t'l, Ox.lord, ox2 6ur. Unll<:d Kin~o;dom .foe Sohm). W24 (BeyonccjGre<~ lkGmrc, Kri~cn St<'warrj}rtl•'t"')" M.'lycor.
Oxford Umw·nlty Pre-ss i-t:. dt'l)~MmC"ntoflht' linivt't''-tlyofOxford. R.afacl N.:~dalfl008 AFP. ' l':l)<lor l~'lu l nl· I'JStc·vhtoll 1.()\'('k ttl ~ W29 (Nanty Brown),
ll fu rt h••OIIIW lhli\'l"''l<oily'l!' OhJl'1i1h<t• oft•xc·diC"O(~ tll i'C'l!~lU'(;h_,lk:h()L,Il'Wt.ip, W31 ($wimming pooV2006 AFP). W49 (British school~rlfMal'l in PN"~Il ):
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C.QI't'r yiWfO,IJ;''I.Iphs: ~uy lmngf.-"S IK.'Ly:tkln$f/AI'it•l SkdlcyfBI<:nd lm :~g('S),
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StPphe-n Elfo1'd llp.21 . 54, 82, 8?. 105 (aU): Ancty H"millon pp.Y(<'X <1 ..
33(ltitchen. bedroom), Wl?. WlO. W'l l (C"X 7, ex 8 ). W23(till). \'V~. W46;
John fbsl~pp.6fsl..ilhonayl. 12tall), I S(CT.:t.~r. J>tn).ll(a ll). U ,-t6 (all).
SI, 91. 104 (lA); AIJ)m-o ti()y.l.J pp.~ (N: l).l6. :B f(r'CI$ :.nd bo!ttj, -41, 64. 7<4.
$9, IO?;Tom ltughe-Spp.-l (u3J,~31t-X3J, J06: lmpty pW16(ex
3J: Andy Part~ pp.32., -45.62. 10:1 t.aU): \tadc R.uffit p.l S ftx 2~. w 12. Wt4.
\V21 tl>tmonstrativtSbox). VJ22, W30. W-41. W4l. W48;JH.S Stud;otBn·l\a-.'\"
p.9(ex 1). W18; fr\"d nn I)N>Ltn p.lS. ( h1KL \"'ht-b\~tu''\" p Wl6fu t t..
Tht po!Jiislln' _ .. l>l<rol...ol liot follo-'W\CP'IIItlr.....-, IO"J-
~ Abmy l.m.l,..~ pp.S \l;ai~i\111. T.akun~'Moodb(MtdJ. S 'WI.Ilta
pig(Juniors Biktut'b.ivCmbH. h.a.~mlc''l}\'l~lt.oWntt~o )L nbbt\'
Pl'1C)fU2pltff,:m,U<i\laVJd PbocoVisua.l, moust!Doi$tn Pk1; lflC'.l. 241booksl
Adnan l..ouriie). 34 (VktoT W.ltt<(\. Ji• ('r.'llnch(J.'Imts lkunka1. 42 (Rubl>c:ribllJ.
4-1 """''" b<droom!J<o<t lm-~ G6(Culb>ct. boy In doml). 691f-ndv
D<m l'bolog:~phyl. 10 f<WI<"• <bu. •l•n-•nk'l'I'I«Ur<l<« O>rpontjoo).
13 (di..-1). 7'). 99(J.>P'•...,. hou><jNio Co. Lld. Sponish hou!<jl'IUbPIJS.
Cape Cod ~vid Lyon~). W4 fjohntf' h~ts). \\? tlkll TO\\-c:rjlknry
\\~tht:-im l'bologr.aphyJ. W'2.5(atJAn Dtr«~o" tr. llUP. m;~b/(.hri.' M.;all&..'''m).
W3llt<'1MCOJK'S;'Milb Kontk.ltlf'n. m,ln ,11 mQnltON/II<.'fUJ$).. W77(0bneylan<J/
Eric Jat'UC''i), W<ll (water polo,(;had ~tdX.'fttlOU), W ..9 (ChinN> Kboo1
Blu~ jean lmag~. US tC!t":M in d:a••1(;J<.....·unag~:s IUot): Corb1'1 pp..S (G.abnc1:aj
jum Klee.. 1•1jrt.1Ch..-rS). 17 (L.dy/Edvard M,lrth. £rUt.1). 20 (Juan. tii?U;t. C.,riO:i.
Hayley. M&lin. Sophicl. :Uf6ntno M.'lrtfltun(' ~l tlk-.,t.Jd), l';(middlc lanuly).
281Chin;nownfiO!~I." I'U~t~ K:a!l:l) 36(tJmon L:tkeJ)Q(-1Kogc.l'$1. 4-4 (BMX trick/
S:.un Adam s 0 1009). 55, 56(tcnnili ~~ltl, popcorn), 57 1Kjd$tock/Uk:.nd ~c5).
S8tDaniel C'.().';'r.-.). 5911tn.1gt SOtu'(~). GG( ~itUvc Amc•·ir.m Sch oo~ftl..t,tl'i l yn
Allgd Wynn~. ?0 (flag )Alc~roundjN:u h;\n <:•·im lh, f~>Oi b.l ll background/
H;m'('y 1.. SilvN)_. f§.6 l}(irf o u "h'Jl:i/l'ony Alan And<:rson. NYC barkg:t'Oundf
Mall Mawsonl. 98 (Norwc~:ln rurfroofOO"<' l' us lc R.J~. Chtpayan hou.w/fhco
Allot's). 101 f(b.J'C<= shuts inllidc !SS/NASA), W5 (01<-go and 1v.mjr.t.1rk l~dward
Alk.inson), WU(T'Iy CW(SJ>I·'lSh N(•w(), W 19 (t)!101/1111il Kh:ln), W:ZS (K4.'vin
Oodg\~). W30(M>rt·..·r(l'i•n P:mnrll, ~i l'l tt h uyi n•l~c.· : Cctty pp.S(Kf'nj i/
Src.•J)h<••l M~ rks) . t6b~•·oup o f u."l!ru), J l) (llaylcy Wiii!Jm.S/lOlO WiJ.'eltl~c.
FlaviofAnhuriiiiC')'). :t4 (M u~/2013 Oavid Wolfi·Pal rkk•. 25 (F.lmily in bl.wk.
famjJy t'unmn~.'). 28 (g:I'OUP(If{...,ll$1. Jfi {S.1n l':tnlo, r.un•l)' m ~·~-.1/Cl~.tJ'h.-s
GUJ>fOnl. 4 4 ((':11 prowlinsu. 46, 48 (Colom bui l}o~y"1{001ily N'ew5,
L.p. (New York). Ml.K O..yflOIO AW'I· :s<ilgirls wa\h 1<.'t ~.Te.Ul~f:\l arilyn Conway.
boys playing game). 78 (wh eclc.:h;~ i•• b.• ~ k(·1b:t11). YO( H tll '~ K1tc he n m~u·kt l/
P'J:noramic lma.r,e-s), 9~ (yunfCavri(•l jc.'<.·:m. NYC JI;L't"C'n roofjPanoramk lma~cs),
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