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Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas is a province in the Republic of Ecuador,

created in October 2007 from territory previously in the province of Pichincha

The name of the province refers to a local ethnic group, the Tsáchila, also
known as the Colorados on account of the custom of men dyeing their hair with
paste made from achiote plants.
Unique among the provinces of Ecuador, it has only two cantones, La
Concordia and Santo Domingo, named after the city of Santo Domingo, which is
also the provincial capital.
Located on the outer flanks of the western Andes mountain range, the province
has an area of 3,857 km² at an altitude of 625 meters above sea level, 120 km
away from the sea. Bordered north and east by Pichincha, northwest by
Esmeraldas, west by Manabí, south by Los Ríos and southeast by Cotopaxi.
Northwestern area of Ecuador.
men's clothing
formed by a loincloth in two colors are blue and white, rectangular, is
complemented with the berequé, this is a kind of girdle made from cotton
the paniú, corresponds to the clothing that goes on the upper part of the body, it
is a piece of cloth that is placed from the left shoulder, in the same way it is
made of cotton, it is made of strong colors like red or yellow
the Halley, is a relatively long blanket of white color and in the same way made
of cotton, which is usually used on the coldest days of the year.
women's clothing
the dress goes according to his functions in the society and to the duties
they wear a skirt that is also adorned by a series of lines a little thinner than in
the case of men's clothing.
El complemento de su vestimenta es un tejido generalmente de colores que va
anudado desde el cuello hasta la espalda, que tiende a ser similar a una de las
prendas que usan los grupos étnicos de Colombia.
It is presented with a variety of ornaments, among which stands out the bitadé
or also known as the handle, usually the custom is based on using two of these
in each arm since it is a kind of bracelets that carry ornaments of a multiplicity of
it is used at the height of the wrist and the other in the area of the forearm, in
that case in the first handle the colors white and blue are used, and usually in
the second handle is used more than all the green color.
their homes are made of Pambil, bamboo cane and straw shawl. The hall was
on the outside, covered only by the roof. In the background, the typical house
without windows, because they were reserved and did not want to be observed.
The house did not have any division and the rooms of the parents and the
children and the kitchen occupied the same space.
A house for a family Táchila of eight members has about 8,000 toquillas; the
hall, 6 500. The normal height of the house is five meters and the roof is located
in such a way that the rainwater does not affect it. The construction of the
structure takes about a month, with the workforce of 4 people.

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