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Schools Division Office


CD-V, Quezon City, Metro Manila


Name:____________________________________Teacher: MRS. F. PAYAWAL ______ Score:________
Section:___________________________________ Date:_______________________________________

Directions. Write the letter of the best answer on the blanks provided before each number.
Avoid Erasure
_____1. <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold?
a. <strong> b. <dar> c. <black> d. <emp>
_____2. Tags and test that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.
a. <html> b. <head> c. <title> d. <body>
_____3. What should be the first tag in any HTML document?
a. <head> b. <title> c. <html> d. <document>
_____4. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic
a. <ii> b. <italics> c. <italic> d. <i>
_____5. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold?
a. <b> b. <bold> c. <bb> d. <bld>
_____6. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
a. <br> b. <lb> c. <break> d. <newline>
_____7. To create HTML document you just need _________.
a. web page editing software c. High powered computer
b. Just a notepad can be used d. None of above
_____8. The special formatting codes in HTML document used to present content are
a. tags b. attributes c. values d. None of above
_____9. Some tags enclose the text. Those tags are known as
a. Couple tags b. Single tags c. Double tags d. Pair tags
_____10. The _____ character tells browsers to stop tagging the text
a. ? b. / c. > d. %
_____11. In HTML document the tags
a. Should be written in upper case c. should be written in proper case
b. should be written in lower case d. can be written in both uppercase or lowercase
_____12. To create a blank line in your web page
a. press Enter two times c. insert <BR> tag
b. press Shift + Enter d. insert <BLINE>
_____13. Which of the following is not a style tag?
a. <b> b. <tt> c. <i> d. All of above are style tags
_____14. Which of the following HTML code is valid?
a. <font colour="red"> b. <font color="red"> c. <red><font> d. All of above are style tags
_____15. Which of the following is not a pair tag?
a. <p> b. < u > c. <i> d. <br>
_____16. What is the full form of HTML?
a. Hyper text markup language c. Hyphenation text markup language
b. Hyphenation test marking language d. Hyper text marking language
_____17. What is the full form of HTTP?
a. Hyper text transfer protocol b. Hyper text transfer package
c. Hyphenation text test program d. none of the above
_____18. What is a search engine?
a. a program that searches engines c. a web site that searches anything
b. a hardware component d. a machinery engine that search data
_____19. What is the full form of TCP/IP?
a. transmission control protocol / internet protocol c. telephone call protocol / international protocol
c. transport control protocol / internet protocol d. none of the above
_____20. HTML document start and end with which tag pairs?
a. <HEAD>….</HEAD> b. <BODY>….</BODY> c. <HTML>….</HTML> d. <WEB>….</WEB>
_____21. Which tag is used to create body text in HTML?
a. <HEAD> b. <TEXT> c. <TITLE> d. <BODY>
_____22. "Yahoo", "Infoseek" and "Lycos" are _________?
a. Search Engines b. Browsers c. News groups d. None of the above
_____23. What does the .com domain represents?
a. Education domain b. Commercial domain c. Network d. None of the above
_____24. <TITLE> … </TITLE> tag must be within ________
a. Title b. Form c. Header d. Body
_____25. Text within <EM> … </EM> tag is displayed as ________
a. bold b. italic c. list d. indented
_____26. Text within <STRONG> … </STRONG> tag is displayed as ________
a. bold b. italic c. list d. indented
_____27. using <P> tag will
a. start a new paragraph c. break the line
b. end the current paragraph d. none of the above
_____28. Which is true to change the text color to red?
c. <BODY COLOR=RED> d. none of the above
_____29. With regards to e-mail addresses:
a. they must always contain an @ symbol b. they can never contain spaces
c. they are case-insensitive d. all of the above
_____30. A homepage is __________
a. an index of encyclopedia articles c. where all Internet data is stored
b. required for access to the Internet d. the first page of a website
_____31. Which of the following is used to explore the Internet?
a. Browser b. Spreadsheet c. Clipboard d. Draw
_____32. What is Internet Explorer?
a. An Icon b. A File Manager c. A Browser d. The Internet
_____33. What do I need to get onto the Internet?
a. Computer b. Modem c. Browser d. All of the above
_____34. What is a FTP program used for?
a. Transfer files to and from an Internet Server c. Designing a website
c. Connecting to the internet d. None of the above
_____35. Which of the following are commonly found on web pages?
a. internet b. hyperlinks c. intranet d. all of the above
_____36. Choose the correct HTML tag to make the text bold?
a. <B> b. <BOLD> c. <STRONG> d. Both A and C
_____37. Which HTML tag would be used to display power in expression (A+B)2 ?
a. <SUP> b. <SUB> c. <B> d. <P>
_____38. Output of HTML document can be viewed in a
a. Word Processor b. Web browser c. Notepad d. None of the above
_____39. Latest version of HTML
a. HTML 5 b. HTML 3.2 c. HTML 2.0 d. HTML
_____40. Developer of HTML
a. Tim Berners Lie & Robert Caillau c. Tim Berners Lee & Robert Caillaua
b. Tim Berners- Lee & Robert Caillau d. None of the above
_____41. When was HTML developed
a. 1940 b. 1990 c. 1992 d. 2000
_____42. The characters, < and >, set HTML tags off from the rest of the text on an HTML page.
a. elements b. attributes c. angle brackets d. codes
_____43. Defined words used in an HTML tag to modify the tag properties.
a. elements b. attributes c. angle brackets d. tags
_____44. WYSIWYG means
a. What you see is what you get c. What you seen is what you getting
b. What you saw are what you got d. All of the above
_____45. This surrounds text which has special meaning in HTML. It tells the browser what to do.
a. elements b. attributes c. tags d. links
_____46. URI meaning
a. Uniform Resource Identifier c. Uniforming Resource Identifier
b. Uniforms Resources Identifier d. Uniform Resourcing Identifiers
_____47. The computer the web pages are stored on.
a. web browser b. web links c. web server d. websites
_____48. The beginning part of an HTML document which defines various characteristics such as the
title. a. header b. title c. font d. body
_____49. Extension filename of HTML documents
a. html c. txt c. htm d. both a & c
_____50. HTML tags that specifies the font face, font size and font color of text.
a. <color> b. <size> c. <color> d. <font>

“Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.” - Mary Kay Ash
Good Luck!!! ---#Ma’am Folen

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