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Keelie Potter

Journal 7

Implementation of Learning
a) My goal was to be the best support teacher that I can and to help the lead teachers to
the best of my ability.
b) I did my best to help the lead teachers get the materials that they needed and
controlling the children while they were giving their lessons.
c) My goal is to have successful back to back lead teaching days this upcoming week, and
to try and not be too nervous.
Support Teacher or Lead teacher
Support teacher
a) This week I did snack and outdoors. It was such a beautiful week so I was very happy to
be outside. I also loved doing snack because I had my opportunity to get my
preassessment for my final lesson plan. I find that some of the best conversations
come from snack when the children are somewhat calmed down and relaxed. I think
that I did well with my small focus groups and did what I could to continue their
learning about the things that they were taught during gathering time, such as how
plants stay alive.
b) I tried to make sure that I spent some extra time with the children who we had planned
for so that I could help them reach their goals. I also wanted to spend extra time with
one of our children who has Autism. I wanted to make sure that he made it to most of
the activities which was very successful and he was worn out by the end of the day. I
think that it was a successful week as a support teacher. We have noticed a child who
has deep needs, and we decided that we just need to give him more attention. We
were so glad we decided to do that because his attitude during class has completely
changed and he has been much more pleasant and compliant.
c) I am not concerned about anything, I am just very nervous for my back to back lessons
this upcoming week.

Reading assigned reading __NA___ Minutes

Writing your insights __NA___ Minutes
Writing and reporting Goals__5__ Minutes
Writing Reflections on Lead or Support teaching _20___ Minutes
Writing a preplan __20___ Minutes
Writing a Lesson Plan_200___ Minutes

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