Project Job No.: PASS-Tensile Stress Is Within Allowable Limit

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Project Job no.

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F 20/06/2017

Horizontal analysis
W eight of panel per m width (from 0 deg analysis); W ph = (W h – R h ) / W = 29.141 kN/m
Overhang distance for analysis; xh = (W – L) / 2 = 0.300 m
Reaction under first point; R ah = [W ph  W ] / 2 = 58.3 kN
Reaction under second point; R bh =(W ph  W ) / 2 = 58.3 kN
Bending moment at center span; M hc = (R ah  (xh / 2)) – (W ph  (W /2) 2 / 2) = -49.5 kNm
Bending moment at first point; M p1 = - W ph  xh 2 / 2 = -1.3 kNm
Bending moment at second point ; M p2 = - W ph  xh 2 / 2 = -1.3 kNm
Maximum bending moment for design; M h_max = max(abs(M hc ) , abs(M p1 ), abs(M p2 )) = 49.5 kNm
Check for lifting considering full height of panel
Transformed moment of inertia for steel; Ith = 1687500000 mm 4
Section modulus for panel; Z h = I th / (L w / 2) = 22500000 mm 3
Flexural tensile stress in panel;  ph = M h_max / Z h = 2.20 MPa
Allowable tensile strength;  p_allowable = 0.4 1 MPa 0.5  (f’’c ) = 2.53 MPa
PASS-Tensile stress is within allowable limit
Check for horizontal lifting analysis considering available height of panel in extent of opening

Height available in extent of opening; H available = 3.900 m

Transformed moment of inertia for steel; Ith = 1096875000 mm 4
Section modulus for panel; Z h = I th / (L w / 2) = 14625000 mm 3
Flexural tensile stress in panel;  ph = M h_max / Z h = 3.39 MPa
Allowable tensile strength;  p_allowable = 0.4 1 MPa 0.5  (f’’c ) = 2.53 MPa
FAIL- Tensile stress exceeds allowable limit, increase steel
Height available in extent of opening; H available = 4.800 m
Transformed moment of inertia for steel; Ith = 1350000000 mm 4
Section modulus for panel; Z h = I th / (L w / 2) = 18000000 mm 3
Flexural tensile stress in panel;  ph = M h_max / Z h = 2.75 MPa
Allowable tensile strength;  p_allowable = 0.4 1 MPa 0.5  (f’’c ) = 2.53 MPa
FAIL- Tensile stress exceeds allowable limit, increase steel

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