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Word Meaning in Definition

Law Ley A law is a rule or a rule that tells us what is
the way in which webehave or act in society
Decree Decreto Decision of the Council of Ministers, or of an equival
ent entity, approving general provisions
Article Artículo Part of a treaty, law or official document wh
ich forms a seriesnumbered and ordered
with other peers
Functions Funciones Activity that has been assigned to an institu
tion or entity
Health System Sistema de salud A health system is the sum of all the organiz
ations,institutions andresources whose
main objective is to improve the health
Entity Entidad Association of persons of any kind, in
particular which is engaged in a work
Principle Principio They are rules or standards of conduct that
guide the action of a human being.
Scope of action Ámbito de acción Spaces of social interrelation of rules
governing in different sectors
Occupational Perfiles It is a description of the skills that a
profiles ocupacionales professional or worker must have to work
Promotion Promoción It is the process by which individuals and
communities are able to exercise greater
control on the determinants of health, and
thus, improve your state of health.
Prevention Prevención It designates the strategies aimed at
reducing the risk factors for specific
diseases, either reinforce personal factors
that reduce the susceptibility to disease.
Reform Reforma It is to replace a text with another that has
a meaning more clear or to establish a
Statutory: Estatutaria Law that establishes the Constitution in a
restrictive manner, have a superior over
other laws.
Regime: Régimen A set of norms or rules which govern or
apply certain thing.
Right: Derecho Set of rules of a general nature dictating to
lead society in order to solve any conflict of
legal significance that arises.
Teaching: Docencia Activity of the person that is dedicated to
Empirical Medicina Uses the remedies that showed their
medicine: empírica effectiveness in the past, but it is not asked
by what mechanism they cure, it is simply
satisfied when observing that the desired
effect is achieved.
Educational: Educativo May carry out educational actions in health,
for the promotion of health and prevention
of possible alterations of the body
movement throughout the life cycle of the
human being.
Investigative: Investigativo It belongs or is related to the research.

Pensions: Pensiones It is an amount of money that someone

receives at the end of the work.

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