Approaches To Urban Poverty

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Urban Poverty Approaches

Access to food is still not


Vulnerability Isolation

Poverty is a Pentagon
Urban vs Rural

Deprivation Exclusion Marginalisation Urban

Everything is commodified

Being poor is ilegal

Why some societies develop and

others don’t?

Culture of Poverty
Oscar Lewis

Poverty is intergenerational

Lack of future orientation Prone to vice

Capacity to Aspire

Livelihoods = Capabilities +
Assets + Activities
A livelihood is sustainable when it
can cope with stress and shocks,
maintaining and enhancing its Structures Determine Opportunities
capabilities and assets. Livelihood Framework Transforming
Ellis, Chambers, Carney, etc
Deliver Opportunities

Main Critique: Simplifies Complex Strengths: People Centered

Processes Holistic & Comrenhensive
Multi Sectorial (policy is sectorial Involves Multiple Considerations
therefore difficult to apply) Dynamic & Focus on Process

Social Relational Approach


Poverty is not a condition but a Poor people are agents of

social relation change

The process that creates

development also creates poverty

Foucault Relations of Power

Social Regulation = classification

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