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Origin & Distribution

 Originated from Mexico & South America.

 From Mexico, at the time the Spanish colony

that controlled commerce with Asia, chili is
spread rapidly into the Philippines and then to
India, China, Korea and Japan. They were
incorporated into the local cuisine.
Origin & Distribution
 Malaysia, 2000: hectarage 3265 Ha with
production of 30000mt.
 Main producers:
i. Johor – 846 Ha
ii. Pahang – 536 Ha
iii. Kelantan – 443 Ha
 Fruit vegetable popular among growers.
 Short term crop ( 2 ½ months maturity period )
 The pungent principle of chilies is capsaicin,
 3 types:
 Bell chili
 Sweet chili
 Hot chili
 Major uses:
i. Fresh chilies – Green / Red
ii. Processed – Puree / Dried powder / Sauce
Scientific Classification
 Family : Solanaceae

 Genus : Capsicum

 Species : annum

 Scientific name : Capsicum annum

 Common name : Chili, cili, lada, cabai

Scientific Classification
 2 species can be distinguished as follows:
 Capsicum annuum

 Capsicum frustescens
Capsicum annuum
 Plants usually annual.

 Fruits are borne single, large.

 Chilies, red and green bell pepper.

 Sweet & non – pungent.

 C10 is consumed fresh.

 C1, C2, Seri Lombok, Cilibangi 3 & Cilibangi 4 are

processed into sauce or dried form.
Capsicum frustescens
 Plants usually perennial.

 Tiny fruits that are borne in groups.

 Annual rainfall = 1500 – 2000 mm

 Temperature = 20 – 33 ̊ C

 Topography = up to 500 m above the sea

 Chili can grow well in many types of soils including
marginal soils such as peat, BRIS and tin – tailings.

 Deep soil ( > 25 cm )

 Slope = 0 – 6 ̊

 High organic matter content.

 Good drainage

 Soil pH = 5.5 – 6.8

 Some of the recommended varieties such as:
Clone Plant Height Fruit Length Fruit Hot Level Yields (mt / ha )
(cm) (cm) Weight (g)
Kulai 70 – 80 10 – 15 7 – 10 Very High 15 – 20

MC 4 60 – 70 7 – 10 10 - 15 Medium 12 – 20

MC 5 100 – 200 10 – 15 10 - 15 High 15 – 25

MC 11 85 – 110 8 – 10 7 – 10 High 17 – 24

MC 12 60 -80 10 - 13 12 - 14 High 15 - 29

MC 4, MC 5, MC 11 AND MC 12 chili clones are resistant to

anthracnose disease while Kulai is moderately resistant.
Planting Materials:
 Planting material of chili is by using seeds (sexual
 200 – 300 g / ha

 Imported hybrid seeds – RM 4000/ kg

 Seeds are sown in nursery before being transplanting out.

 Types of nursery:
 Beds nursery
 Polyethylene bags
 Trays nursery
 Box nursery
Types of Nursery
 Beds nursery
 For large scale cultivation.
 0.9 m width x 7.5 m length x 7 cm height.
 5 cm between row & 2 cm within row.
 Polyethylene bags nursery
 Polybags size 11 cm x 15 cm.
 Maximum absorption of fertilizers.
 Costly.
Types of Nursery
 Trays nursery
 60 cm length x 30 cm width x 10 cm height can
hold 100 seedlings.
 Medium used - 3 soil : 1 sand : 1 organic
Propagation Method
Seeds preparation:
i. Hot water treatment at 50 ̊ C for 30 minutes.
ii. Mix 3g Thiram / Benomyl (fungicide) with 1000g
iii. Sow the treated seeds in the rich nutrient medium.

iv. Watering to be done.

v. Seeds will germinate after 3- 4 days.

vi. The germinated seedlings are kept in the nursery for
6 weeks before field transplanting.
Field Planting
 The area is ploughed and rotovated (15 – 20 cm depth)

 Liming is done 14 days before planting at 2.5 mt/ha of the

soil pH is below 5.0.
 Constant supply of lime is needed because the content of
available Ca, P & Mg in high acidity soil are reduced.
 Prepare beds measuring 1.2 m wide x 7.5 m long x 30 cm
 Distance between 2 beds is 45 cm.

 The beds are covered with plastic mulch after a basal dressing
of organic matters
 6 weeks old seedlings are transplanted to the bed.
 Transplanting process should be done in morning
& late evening.
 Recommended planting distance = 90 cm within
row x 120 cm between row (8570 plants/ ha)
 1 month after transplanting, the growing
seedlings need to be supported by using wooden
post / bamboos & string.
General Maintenances
 Mulching
 Reduce weeds germination.

 Retain soil humidity.

 Reduce soil erosion.

 By using dried grasses, coconut fronds.

Fertilizer Application
Soil Type Application Time Type of Fertilizer Rate (mt / ha)

BRIS -1 Organic 10
2, 8, 14 12:12:17:2 2

Tin Tailings -1 Organic 20

2, 8, 14 12:12:17:2 3

Peat 2, 8, 14 12:12:17:2 2

Mineral -1 Organic 5
2, 8, 14 12:12:17:2 1.5
Pests & Diseases Control
Crinkled leaves,
Aphid, Aphis spp. flowers aborted &
fruits distorted.

Sucking plant’s sap,

Major Pest of Chili Thrips, Thrips spp. crinkled leaves &
flower abort.

Fruit fly, Larvae eat inner

tissues, mature and
Bactrocera spp. ripe fruits abort.

Control measures: Spraying with Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin &

protein bait mixed with chemical.
Pests & Diseases Control
 Diseases control methods:
 Use resistant varieties.
 Treatment of the seeds with fungicide.
 Avoid injury to the seedlings during
 Pull out, dispose and remove infected parts.
 Chemical spraying with Captan & Mancozeb.
 Practice crop rotation.
Harvesting: Duration
 Chili plants generally start flowering 5 weeks
after transplanting.

 Crops will reach maturity 8 weeks (2 months)

after transplanting.

 Harvesting period can lasts up to 7 months

after 1st harvest.
Maturity Index
 Index 1: Immature
 Light green colour.

 Marketed as green chilies.

 Index 2: Slight mature.

 Dark green colour.

 Shiny.

 Marketed as red chilies.

Maturity Index
 Index 3: Near mature
 Red greenish / green reddish colour.

 Marketed as red chilies.

 Index 4: Mature
 Dark red colour (almost ripe).

 Still acceptable in market.

Maturity Index
 Index 5: Fully mature (ripe)
 Fully red in colour.

 Index 6: Over ripe

 Red blackish in colour.

 Start shrinking.
Harvesting Criteria
 Harvesting – morning / late evening.

 Harvesting interval is set at 5 days.

 Green chilies are harvested with the length reached 8

– 10 cm.

 Reddish & dark green colour for fresh market with

higher prices.

 Fully red colour for processing purposes.

Average Production
 Average yield = 16 – 25 mt/ha

 Birds Chilies production = 500 g per plants

for the period of 8 to 9 months.
 The harvested chilies undergoes several post – harvest
operations before being marketed:

 Selection

 Washing

 Grading

 Packing

 Storing
 Chilies are graded as the follow specification:
Criteria Grade 1 Grade 2

Length Uniform ( > 10 cm)

Uniformity of variety 5% maximum 5% maximum

Freshness 5% maximum 5% maximum

Dirt, foreign particles 10% maximum 15% maximum

Damage, injury, misshaped 5% maximum 5% maximum

 Storage temperature = 5 – 8 ̊ C

 Relative humidity (RH) = 90 – 95 %

 With the above condition, the shelf life of the

fresh chilies can last up to 8 weeks.

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