Diagnostic Grade 12

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Department of Education
Region I
Binmaley, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2018-2019
I. Listening Comprehension. Answer the following questions after listening to the passages being played.
1. The arguments in the passage relies primarily on which of the following techniques to make its points?
A Emotional assertions B Researched facts in support of an assertion
C Emotional appeals to voters D Emotional appeals to nonvoters
2. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
A Americans are too lazy to vote B Women and minorities fought for their right to vote
C Americans do not take voting seriously enough D Americans do not think that elected officials take their opinions seriously
3. By choosing the word “clamored,” the author implies that
A Eighteen-year-olds are generally enthusiastic B Voting was not a serious concern to eighteen-year-olds
C Eighteen-years-olds felt strongly that they should be allowed to D Eighteen-year-olds do not handle themselves in an adult-like
vote manner
Excerpt from a letter to a pet-sitter
4. The tone of this letter is best described as
A Chatty and humorous B Logical and precise
C Confident and trusting D Condescending and preachy
5. If the pet-sitter is a business-like professional who watches people’s pet for a living, she or he would likely prefer
A More first-person revelations about the owner B Fewer first-person revelations about the owner
C More praise for agreeing to watch the animals D Greater detail on animal’s cute behavior
6. According to the author, his or her attachment to the pets derives at least partially from
A Their regal pedigrees and royal bearing B Having few friends to pass time with
C These particular animal’s exceptional needs D A desire to continue parenting
7. The information in the note is sufficient to determine that there are three animals. They are
A Two cats and a dog B Three dogs
C A dog, a cat, and an unspecified animal D A cat, a dog, and a parrot
II. Reading Comprehension. Read the passage silently. Then, answer the following questions.

8. Which description best explains the structure of the story?

A Chronological B Reverse chronological
C Intentionally confused D According to importance
9. What device does the author use to illustrate the narrator’s feelings about her mother and father?
A Vivid and specific visual detail B Rhetorical questions
C Metaphors and other figurative language D Contracts between the parents’ typical reactions
10. The narrator attributes her inability to sleep when staying at her father’s house to
A Thinking about disagreement with someone B The uncomfortable early Sunday morning
C The sore throat she had from shouting D Her accident with the car
11. When the narrator says she sometimes “take/s the prize for a grade-A dork,” the word choice is intended to indicate
A That she doesn’t know proper English B Her age and culture
C That she is unable to judge her own actions D That she thinks she’s better than most others
12. From the context of the last sentence of the passage, it can be determined that the word “perseverance” most nearly means
A Attractiveness B Thinking ability
C Ability to persist D Love of danger
13. In choosing to use the bike argument with her mother, the narrator is trying to appeal to her mother’s
A Compassion over her lost bike B Disregard for material objects
C Laziness D reason
14. The main argument the narrator has been having with her mother is over whether she should
A Be allowed to date B Live with her mother or father
C Be allowed to drive a car D Pay for things she breaks
15. Overall, this narrator’s tone is best described as
A Emotional and familiar B Stuck up and superior C Argumentative and tactless D Pleasant and reassuring
III. Writing and Research Skills. Choose the best answer in each question.
16. When you write a research paper, your goal is to Introduction methodology Results discussion
Inform your reader. Persuade your reader. 36. Which of the following should not be introduced in the conclusion part?
Save your reader time. Motivate your reader to learn tables and figures summary ideas
more about the subject. new information
17. In academic writing, square brackets [ ] are used 37. What paraphrasing technique is used in the statement:
To qualify statements. To add minor comments. O.S.: His job wasn’t very interesting, but it paid well.
To make insertions in quotations. P.S.: His well paying job was not very interesting
To indicate deleted material. Moving phrases Changing voices Synonyms
18. In academic writing, three periods (. . .) are used 38. What can be a substitute for a research question?
To qualify statements. To add minor comments. Summary research problem
To imply something that isn’t actually stated. Conclusion inference
To indicate deleted material. 39. Which of the following is not part of the methodology?
19. In your paper, you must include your research question data gathering procedure
In your introduction. research questions data analysis
In your thesis statement in your introduction. respondents
In the first sentence of your introduction. 40. What is the purpose of the methodology?
In the last sentence of your introduction. to explain the research question
20. What should you not do in your paper’s conclusion? to determine the answer to the research questions
Summarize your paper’s main point or thesis (since it’s to explain how the study will be conducted
unnecessary). to summarize the research
Introduce a final, strong argument to support your thesis. 41-42. In citing using the APA style, what are the two things that should
State why the results of your research are significant. be indicated for every citation?
Point out where further research on your topic is needed. Author’s Last Name Page Number
21. When you are assessing the strength of research arguments and Publication Date Footnotes
evidence, which of the following factors should you ignore? 43. This is used to summarize a set of data. What is it?
Relevance Consensus Table commentary Title abstract
Representativeness Sufficiency 44. What is the difference between analog and digital data?
22. An integrated analysis and synthesis paper of scholarly articles Analog data are continuous,while digital data are discrete
related to your proposed statement is called ______. Analog data cannot be stored,while digital data are stored using
review of literature literature review computers
research paper thesis and dissertation Analog data refer to data from before the invention of computers
23. The first step in the research paper process is 45. The most basic distinction between types of data is that some data
Evaluating the process Finalizing the research paper are quantitative while other data are qualitative. Quantitative data
Writing the paper Identifying the problem or question general consists of:
24. A thesis statement... Numbers Equations Open-ended responses
Is the idea of the entire paper Tells the papers topic Survey and questionnaire data
Should be the last sentence in the paper Any data can be considered quantitative.
Must be 10 words long 46. Qualitative data generally can include:
25. Revision in writing is... Only written material that respondents provide in response to open-
Checking the English mechanics Taking notes ended items.
Getting your first ideas into your paper Any sort of data that can be summarized with numbers.
Changing ideas or information in your paper Text, pictures, videos, sound recordings.
26. Which of the following is considered plagiarism? Survey and questionnaire data.
summarizing an idea of another person, then citing the source Equations
copying and pasting without attribution 47. The most fundamental difference between qualitative data
paraphrasing a document and citing its source and quantitative data is that:
synthesizing several articles and stating the source The type of judgment that is used to make meaning of the data, and
27. A research paper is... how the data are manipulated.
Only facts about a topic The research questions that can be addressed using each of the types of
A fictional account about a topic data.
A point of view about a topic, based on facts The topics about which the data are being collected.
One point of view about a topic The respondents providing the data.
28. What paraphrasing technique is used in the statement: There really is no difference.
O.S.: Overuse of ground water would lead to pervasive drought. 48. Considering the way researchers handle data, it is helpful to
P.S.: Overuse of ground water would cause widespread dryness. remember that:
Moving phrases Changing voices Synonyms It is not possible to convert qualitative data into quantitative data.
29. An outline is... If qualitative data are converted into quantitative data, validity always
Facts about the research paper Roman numerals suffers.
A general plan of the material Heading and subheadings Researchers often will often use quantitative data so that they avoid any
30. Which of the following is the most appropriate for a research subjective or qualitative judgments.
question? A researcher who converts qualitative data into quantitative data is
What are the different colors of the rainbow? ensuring that the validity of the research will be improved.
How does age influence language learning? Although some data are collected quantitatively, there are many
How big is the moon? Is the sky blue? qualitative judgments that go into how those responses are collected.
31. Plagiarism is... 49. In research, data are generally being collected that are meant to
Checking facts in an article describe, measure or otherwise characterize a construct. A construct is
Using note cards to write your paper most correctly described as:
Only a concern of professional authors The process by which the data will be analyzed.
Using someone else’s work and not giving them credit How correct the data are relative to what they are supposed to describe.
32. Which of the following are qualities of an academic source? Whether the right kind of data are collected for the research question to
List of sources provided be answered.
Authors have academic credentials in the field The theoretical idea or concept that is being described or analyzed in the
Discussion of the research process of research.
33. When you take the information from a source and put it in your The term "construct" has no set meaning in research.
own words acknowledging the source, this is known as... 50. In research the term validity refers to:
Direct quote Plagiarism Paraphrase How meaningful it is to generalize based on the research.
34. Secondary source A and Secondary Source B disagree about the How well the researcher did what was planned.
date of a battle. Which of the following could explain the The accuracy of the measures used.
disagreement? The same as "reliability".
There is an error in one or both secondary sources How well the researcher explains what she/he means by the key terms
They are interpreting the same primary sources differently used in the research.
They are relying on different primary sources. Prepared by: CHECKED:
35. Which of the following is the part of the research report that
contains the research questions? JENELLE M. DE VERA MENALIZA T. CORTES, HEAD TEACHER III

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