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New Pattern

I\{ATHftIfrIATIC S,1,Faper - f
(English uersion)
(Parts A and B)
Time : 2 hrs. 45 min.J [Maximum Marhs : 4O
Instructions :
1' 75 minutes of time is allotted exclusiuely
for the euestion paper and,
2.30 hours for writirug the answers.
2. Part - A answers should be written in separate answer booh.
3. There are three sections in part-A.
4. Answer all questions.
5. Euery answer shoul.d write uisibty and. neatly.
6. There is an internal choice in section - III of part-A.
Time : 2 Hours lVlarhs:30

SECTION.I (Marks:4x7=4.)

Nate z

(i) Answer all questions.

(iil Each question carries L rnark.

lz Find the value of log, 5L2 .

2. WriteA: {1, 4,9,!6,25} in set-builder form.

15E(A)Alew tU
is 18' more than the other, then
3. Two angles are complementary and one angle
find angles.

hemisphere' w radius is 7 cm.

n{ Find the total surface area of a

SECTION .II (Marks: 5x2=10)

Note z

(i) Write answers to all questian's'

(ii) Each question' carries 2 marks'

- 8 and verify the

E. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 - 2x

6 Which term of A.P 21, L8,15, ...... is '- 81' ? its diameter is 70 cm'

7. The curved surface area of a cone is 4070 cm2 and

What will be its slant height?

of its roots'
8., Find the discriminant of 2r,2 - 4x * 3 = 0 and discuss the nature

9. Express as Algebraic expressions of the following'

gives 20'
(L) Five times of a numbeq when increased by 10

(ii) The digits in ones and tens places of a two digit number
are 'x' arrd'y';
then find the number'

15E(A)Alew t2)
SECTION. IIT (Marlzs :4x4=16)

Note z

O Answer all questions.

(it) Each question carries 4 marks.

]1,z @) Solve the following pair of equations by reducing them to a pair of

linear equations.

x-l- y1=z' x-l- Y1='

(b) A wellof diameter 14 m is dug 15 m deep. The earth taken out of it has
been spread evenly all around it in the shape o.f a circular ring of width
? m to form an embankment. Find the height of the embankment.

11. (a) Show that the cube of any positive integer is of form 9m or 9m *l
or 9m *
8, where re is an integer.
fA = {3,6, 9,12,15, 18,2L),8 = {4,8,12,76,20);
thencheckwhetherAuB: Bq-lA and A-B: B-A.

L2. (a) A manufacturer of TV sets produced 600 sets in the Srdyear and 700 sets
in the ?th year. Assuming that the production increases uniformly by a
fixed numher every year, find :

O The production in the 1st year.

(iL) The production in the 10 year.
(iii) Total production in first seven years.
@t Jhere is a motor-boat, whose speed in still water is 18 km/h. It takes
t hoo, more to go 24 km upstream than to return down-stream to the
same spot. Find the speed of the stream.

15E(A)/1.{ew t3l
13. (a) Solve the quadratic polynomial *2 - 3x - 4by graphical method.
Haif of the perirneter of a rectangular garden, rvhose length is 4 m more
thari its width, is 36 nn. !'ind the dimensions of the garden. (use graph).

I4t I\[ARCH, 2017

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