Summer Internship Program Weekly Progress Report

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Weekly Progress Report

Name of Student Anjali Sonawat

Enrolment no. RNBGU201700148
Program BBA
Report Date 08/06/19
Week No. 1
Name of Company ICICI Home Finance Company
Department/ Division Sales Department
Saturday (01/06/19) Introduction about ICICI bank and its
sub product home loans /LAP
Complete process of working model
with brief description of each and every
step of getting loan .

Sunday (02/06/19) Holiday

Monday (03/06/19) Different types of product offered by

them and difference between them each
with its own consequences .
Documentation requirement and
verification of customers file through
their official documents.

Tuesday (04/06/09) Work with sales department <DSA>

interacted with customers and
understanding their requirements and
offer them best option after collecting
their documents.

Wednesday (05/06/19) Eid holiday (norms of holidays

according to Bank guidelines)
Thursday (06/06/19) Started learning Excel functions such as
date function, pivot table, V-look up ,
many other functions along with their
shortcuts .

Friday (07/06/19) Learn how to prepare Banking sheet

part of eligibility report of customers with
their bank statement of last 6 months .
Saturday(08/06/19) 2nd Saturday working day off

Summary Statement:
In the first week.of internship I have learned about the sourcing and financing part of sales
.Along with the theortical concept I also get to know about how to maintain the documents
and how to fullfil the pendency documents of customers .Shortcuts to be used in excel .
In the upcoming week, the focus will on learning about credit department ,operation
department and many more.

Signature Date (

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