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Cultural Diversity Awareness

As we were a group of 5 members, we were supposed to finish our tasks on time and orderly
manner. We meetup at college premises and other places to discuss about the project usually.
Everyone had a different kind of mind sets and perspectives of understanding things. Most of
the time we all go through deep discussions to come to a conclusion. We created social media
groups to share ideas, notes and information. We all appointed our team mate Sanidu as a
leader. He is the person who will inform that what are we supposed to do. Every time we do a
task, we divide the task into sub sections and each of us do the responsible tasks. This strategy
was really a flexible practice to us, so that we could do/submit things on time. Sanidu was the
person who collects all the tasks done from team mates and finalize the final document. But
unfortunately, at some times, we had to face delays and situations where our team mates had
the difficulty to understand things and they feel stuck in what they do. So, in such situations we
all had to solve such problems as well. This gave us too much work load at times but still we
were able to do our project Successfully.
And unfortunately, we had to submit our task at the final minutes but still, we were happy that
we could complete our project at least at the last moment completely as we planned. And
everyone was in touch plus gave a big effort until the last moment.

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