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Causes &

Part I:
Pavement Maintenance and Preservation

Chapter 1
Types of Maintenance
Today's increasing budget constraints require that government perform
more work with less money. Historically, the emphasis of local highway
departments has been on building new roads, but the new focus is on
maintaining and preserving existing pavement surfaces. This shift has
resulted in three types of pavement maintenance operations:

• Preventive Maintenance

• Corrective Maintenance

• Emergency Maintenance
Pavement Preservation

Critical elements of a successful pavement preservation program are:

1. selecting the roadway
2. determining the cause of the problem
3. identifying and applying the correct treatment(s)
4. determining the correct time to do the needed work
5. observing performance
The program can then be adjusted according to the results.

Preventive maintenance
activities can include conventional treatments such as crack sealing, chip
sealing, fog sealing, rut filling, and thin overlays. They can also include emerging
technologies such as ultra-thin wearing courses, very thin overlays, and
microsurfacing applications. Aside from crack treatments, all of these treatments
leave the pavement with a new wearing surface. A fog seal provides a new
wearing surface, although it generally has a lower friction number than the
original surface.

Keys to a Successful Program

Education: To implement a pavement preservation program

effectively, elected officials, top management, and maintenance
staff should be educated about pavement preventive
maintenance, why it is needed, and why it should be a priority.
This education should stress that it is more economical to preserve
pavements in good condition than it is to replace them when
they wear out.
Highway agency professionals need to develop a better
understanding of the benefits of a program and the differences
among preventive, corrective, and emergency maintenance.
The general public also should be educated about pavement

Comparison of traditional pavement rehabilitation and pavement preservation
maintenance strategies

Philosophy: Developing a preventive maintenance program requires a
shift in thinking, from rehabilitation and reconstruction to preservation.
Timing: Treatments must be applied in time to preserve the structure
of the pavement. Distressed pavements may not be suitable candidates
for preventive maintenance.
Funding: An effective preventive maintenance program requires
adequate funding. Criteria need to be established for the selection of
pavements that qualify for preventive maintenance, and this policy
must be enforced.

Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance differs from preventive maintenance
primarily in cost and timing. While preventive maintenance is
performed when the pavement is still in good condition, corrective
maintenance is performed when the pavement is in need of repair, and is
therefore more costly.

Emergency Maintenance
This maintenance activity may be performed during an emergency
situation, such as when a blowout or severe pothole must be repaired
immediately, generally for safety reasons, or to allow for traffic to use
the roadway. Emergency maintenance also describes those treatments
that hold the surface together until a more extensive rehabilitation or
reconstruction treatment can be accomplished.

Chapter 2
Treatment Selection
Pavement distresses contribute to pavement failure in different ways.
The most common flexible pavement distresses are cracking,
roughness, weathering, raveling, rutting, and bleeding.
If the distresses identified in a pavement arc related to structural
deficiencies, the pavement section is most likely not a candidate for
preventive maintenance treatment, and should instead be scheduled for
rehabilitation or reconstruction.
Other distresses can be corrected with preventive, corrective, or
emergency treatments. To be effective, an engineering approach should
be taken to select and construct the treatment. It is critical that the
proper maintenance treatment be done at the right time for the
pavement to function as designed and for the maintenance program to
be effective.

Determining a Treatment's Cost-Effectiveness
The decision process should include the following three questions,
asked and answered in the following order:
1. Does the treatment enhance pavement performance?
2. Is the treatment cost-beneficial?
3. What is the best treatment method to use?

Selection Factors
By removing normal biopolitics, and other subjective factors,
pavement management systems enable users to determine the most
cost-effective treatment. The selection is generally based on factors
• existing pavement type • availability of qualified staff and
• crack condition • availability of quality materials
• type and extent of distress • time of year of placement
• roadway use and level of traffic • facility downtime
• climate and environmental factors • pavement noise
• traffic loading • surface friction
• cost of treatment •expected life
Types of Maintenance Treatments
Crack repair: A localized treatment method used to prevent water
and debris from entering a crack, which might include routing to clean the
entire crack and to create a reservoir to hold the sealant. It is only
effective for a few years and must be repeated. However, this treatment
is very effective at prolonging the pavement life. Includes the following
three crack repair methods:

Clean and seal: Used on all types of cracks, it involves using a hot air
lance or compressed air to blow out the debris in the crack, then filling
with a sealant.

Saw and seal: Involves using a pavement saw to create transverse

joints at regular intervals along a newly placed pavement, then filling with
a sealant.

Rout and seal: Used on transverse and longitudinal cracks. Involves

using a pavement saw or router to create a reservoir centered over
existing cracks, then filling with a sealant.

Crack filling: Differs from crack sealing mainly in the preparation given
to the crack prior to treatment and the type of sealant used. Crack filling
is most often reserved for more worm pavements with wider, more
random cracking.

Full-depth crack repair: A localized treatment method to repair cracks

that are too failed to benefit from sealing. Secondary cracking requires
the reestablishment of the underlying base materials.

Fog seal: An application of diluted emulsion (typically at a rate of 1:1)

to enrich the pavement surface and delay raveling and oxidation.
Considered a temporary treatment.

Seal coat: Used to waterproof the surface, seal small cracks, reduce
oxidation of the pavement surface, and improve friction.

Double chip seal: An application of two single seal coats. The second
coat is placed immediately after the first. This treatment waterproofs
the surface, seals small cracks, reduces oxidation of the pavement
surface, and improves friction.
Slurry seal: A mixture of fine aggregate, asphalt emulsion, water, and
mineral filler, used when the primary problem is excessive oxidation
and hardening of the existing surface. Slurry seals are used to retard
surface raveling, seal minor cracks, and improve surface friction.
Microsurfacing: Commonly referred to as a polymer-modified slurry
seal; however, the major difference is that the curing process for
microsurfacing is a chemically controlled process, versus the thermal
process used by slurry seals and chip seals. Also may be used to fill ruts.
Thin hot-mix overlays: includes dense, open, and gap-graded mixes
that improve ride quality, reduce oxidation of the pavement surface,
provide surface drainage and friction, and correct surface irregularities.
Pothole patching: Includes using cold- and hot-asphalt mixture, spray
injection methods, as well as slurry and microsurfacing materials, to
repair distress and improve ride quality.

Part II:
Treatment Practice

Chapter 3
Crack Causes & Treatments

Flexible Pavement Distresses

Flexible pavement surface distresses include a wide variety of pavement
defects that generally fall into the following categories:
I. Cracking
A. Alligator
B. Edge
C. Longitudinal
D. Random/Block
E. Transverse
II. Raveling/Weathering
III. Distortion
IV. Rutting
V. Excess Asphalt 14
I. Cracking
A. Alligator Cracking
1. Description
Alligator cracking is a series of interconnected cracks in an asphalt layer
forming a pattern, which resembles an alligator’s hide or chicken wire. The
cracks indicate fatigue failure of the asphalt layer generally caused by
repeated traffic loadings and this distress allows water to penetrate the
surfacing materials and subgrade, which furthers the damage. Alligator
cracking, also called fatigue cracking, usually first begins as a single
longitudinal crack in the wheel path.
2. Possible Causes
✔ Insufficient pavement structure
✔ Inadequate base support
✔ Poor base drainage
✔ Aging and traffic loading

Low - Longitudinal disconnected hairline cracks no greater than 3,17mm wide.

Moderate - Longitudinal cracks in wheel paths forming an alligator pattern.
Cracks may be lightly spalled and about 3,17 to 6,35mm wide.

High - Pieces appear loose with severely spalled edges; cracks are 6,35mm or
greater and pumped fines may appear on the surface

B. Edge Cracking
1. Description
Edge cracking is similar to alligator cracking only located within 0,30 to
0,60 m of the edge of the pavement. Failure begins at the edge of the
pavement and progresses toward the wheel path. Pavement edge distress
can result in worsening of the wheel path condition and allow moisture
into the subgrade soils and base materials. Edge cracking also includes the
longitudinal cracking associated with concrete base course widening.
2. Possible Causes
✔ Traffic Loading
✔ Environmental
✔ Construction Related
✔ Low Shoulder
✔ High Shoulder Holding Water

Low - Hairline cracks just beginning to show; random with no pattern
may be up to 3,17mm wide.

Moderate - Cracks 3,17- to 6,35 mm located 0,30 to 0,60 m from the edge of the road
may have an alligator pattern.

High - Cracks greater than 6,35mm may have loose or missing pieces or potholes
or alligator cracking.

C. Longitudinal Cracking
1. Description
Longitudinal cracking denotes cracks that run predominantly
parallel to the centerline. These cracks may be in the wheel paths,
between wheel paths and at lane joints such as centerline or
2. Possible Causes
✔ Traffic Loading (wheel path cracks)
✔ Environmental (frost action)
✔ Improper Construction Practices (joint cracks)
✔ Poor Drainage
✔ Reflection Cracks


Low - Hairline crack(s) running parallel to centerline.

Moderate - Cracks parallel to centerline are about 3,17mm wide

High - Single cracks are wider than 3,17mm

D. Random/Block Cracking
1. Description
Random or block cracks divide the pavement into rough, approximately
rectangular pieces and typically occurs at uniformly spaced intervals.
2. Possible Causes
✔ Environmental (thermal)
✔ Aging

Low - Hairline cracks, essentially transverse but may connect to
Longitudinal spacing of 15 to 30 m.

Moderate - Cracks range from hairline to 3,17mm wide and may be slightly spalled.

High - Cracks greater than 3,17mm wide that are random or have a block
pattern, similar to a turtle shell.

E. Transverse Cracking
1. Description
Transverse cracks are those considered to extend three-fourths of the
width of the pavement or more, generally perpendicular to centerline.
2. Possible Causes
✔ Environmental (thermal)
✔ Swelling or shrinkage of the subgrade
✔ Reflection cracks
✔ Settlement (trench, backfill)

Low - Hairline to 6,35mm wide cracks perpendicular to centerline with
no distortion.
High - Cracks 12,7 to 50,8mm wide larger cracks often are spalled and/or have noticeable
distortions near them. Cracks greater than 50,8mm wide and causing extremely rough ride are
rated “X”

II. Raveling/Weathering
A. Description
Raveling is the progressive wearing away of the pavement from the surface
downward caused by the loss of asphalt binder and the dislocating of aggregate

B. Possible Causes
✔ Poor mixture quality
✔ Asphalt hardening due to aging
✔ Insufficient asphalt content
✔ Improper construction methods

Low - Minimal loss of aggregate or binder.

Moderate - Some aggregate loss small areas may be stripped away.

High - Sections greater than one square foot may be pitted, stripped or eroded away

III. Distortion²
A. Description
Distortion is defined as that distress in the pavement caused by
densification, consolidation, swelling, heave, creep or slipping of the
surface or foundation.
B. Possible Causes
✔ Inadequate support or overloading
✔ Thermal and moisture stresses(freeze-thaw)
✔ Loss of bonding between base layer and surface layer
✔ Static load (depressions)
✔ Soft AC (Asphalt Concrete)

² No longer rated separately by Pavement Management personnel.

Low - Slight waves, sags, humps, corrugations or wash boarding of the pavement.

Moderate - Similar to low except distortions can be felt while riding in a vehicle.

High - Shoving and major changes in pavement profile that require vehicles to
slow from normal speeds.
IV. Rutting
A. Description
A rut is a surface depression in the wheel path after pavement layers or
subgrade deform from traffic load applications.
B. Possible Causes
✔ Poor mixture quality
✔ Insufficient support
✔ Improper construction procedures

Low - Depressions in the wheel path less than 3,17 mm.
Moderate - Wheel path depressions of 6,35 to 12,7 mm.
High - Wheel path depressions greater than 12,7 mm.

V. Excess Asphalt
A. Description
Excess asphalt, also called bleeding or flushing, is used to describe a free
film of asphalt on the surface of the pavement that creates a smooth,
shiny, greasy, and reflective surface. It is usually found in the wheel paths
and becomes quite sticky when hot.
B. Possible Causes
✔ Mixture problems (bad oil, stripping aggregate, low air voids, high AC
content, etc.)
✔ Improper construction practices
✔ Paving over excess asphalt

Low - Intermittent films of bituminous material create a shining, reflective surface.

Moderate - Large areas or continuous strips of bituminous films where
little, if any, aggregate can be seen.

High - Excess bituminous material appears wet and actually liquefies during hot

Flexible Pavement Maintenance Decision Matrix¹
Flexible Pavement Low Moderate High
Distresses Occasional Frequent Occasional Frequent Occasional Frequent
Alligator Cracking² 3,1 3,6 6,3,11,4 6,5 13,6,11 15,13
Edge Cracking 1,2 2,1 2,13 2,13 13 13
Longitudinal Cracking 2,1 2,6,1 2,6 2,6 13,2,6 6,2,13
Random/Block Cracking 2,1 2,3 2,6 2,6 6,11,12 12,6,14
Raveling/Weathering 3,1,6 3,6,5 6,4 6,7 6,11,5 6,12,11
Distortion 1,8,13 13,1,8 8,13,2 8,13,6,2 8,11,6,13 8,14,13
Rutting 1 1 8+6 8+6 8 + 6,12 8,14,12
Excess Asphalt 1 1,6 6,1,8 6,8 8+6 8 + 6or12
Transverse Cracking 2,1 2 2,6 2,6 2,6 2,6,13

Pavement Treatments
¹ Based on recommendations of the eight District Maintenance Superintendents and
Materials & Research Division. Treatments are listed based on the frequency with which they
were selected. Only treatments shown are those which were selected by more than two of
the group. Other possible treatments are listed on the pages showing the distresses.
² Effectiveness of treatments other than 13, 14 & 15 will be minimal and short-lived.
Pavement Extension Program (PEP) projects are typically 50,8 mm thick and are considered
the maximum thickness of this treatment.
1 Do Nothing 9 Cold-in-place Recycle
2 Crack Seal/Fill 10 Hot-in-place Recycle
3 Fog Seal 11 Thin Cold Mix Overlay
4 Scrub Seal (Broom Seal) 12 Thin Hot Mix Overlay3
5 Slurry Seal 13 Patching
6 Chip Seal/Armor Coat 14 Thick Overlay
7 Micro Surfacing 15 Total Reconstruction
8 Mill

Crack Sealing
Crack sealing and filling prevent the intrusion of water and
incompressible materials into cracks. The methods vary in the amount of
crack preparation required and the types of sealant materials that are
Crack sealing is the placement of materials into working cracks. Crack
sealing requires crack preparation and often requires the use of
specialized high quality materials placed either into or above working
cracks to prevent the intrusion of water and incompressible materials.
Crack sealing is generally considered to be a longer-term treatment than
crack filling.
Due to the moving nature of working cracks a suitable crack sealant must
be capable of:
Remaining adhered to the walls of the crack,
Elongating to the maximum opening of the crack and recovering to the
original dimensions without rupture,
Expanding and contracting over a range of service temperatures without
rupture or delimitation from the crack walls, and
Resisting abrasion and damage caused by traffic.

Crack Filling
Crack filling is the placement of materials into nonworking or low
movement cracks to reduce infiltration of water and incompressible
materials into the crack. Filling typically involves less crack preparation
than sealing and performance requirements may be lower for the filler
materials. Filling is often considered a short-term treatment to help hold
the pavement together between major maintenance operations or until a
scheduled rehabilitation activity.
Crack filling is for active or non-active cracks created by ageing of the
binder. Such cracks are not completely inactive and require some flexible
characteristics. A suitable filler material must be capable of:
• Remaining attached to the walls of the crack,
• Possessing some elasticity, and
• Resisting abrasion and damage caused by traffic.

Table 1: FHWA Criteria for Crack Sealing or Filling


Width 3-25(mm) 3-25(mm)
Edge corossion Minimal to None Modarate to None
(<25% of crack length) (<50% of crack length)
Annual Horizontal
Movement ≥ 3mm < 3mm
Type of crack Transverse Thermal Cracks Longitudinal Reflective Cracks
Transverse Reflective Cracks Longitudinal Cold Joint Cracks
Longitudinal Reflective Cracks Longitudinal Edge Cracks
Longitudinal Cold Joint Cracks Distantly Spaced Block Cracks

Figure 9 Traffic Load Effects on
Figure 8 Thermal Effects on Crack Growth Crack Growth (Roberts, 1996)
(Roberts, 1996)

Treatment Failures
Treatment failures can be attributed to improper treatment selection, improper
material selection, poor workmanship, and improper application or lack of post-
treatments. Common treatment failures include:
Adhesion loss: The sealant does not adhere to the sides or bottom of the crack.
Cohesion loss: The sealant fails in tension by tearing.
Potholes: The crack is not completely sealed, allowing water into the pavement.
Continued corrosion leads to pumping and pothole formation.
Spalls: The edges of the crack break away as a result of poor routing or sawing.
Pull-on: The sealant is pulled out of the crack by tire action.

Treatment Effectiveness
The first step in determining a treatment’s effectiveness is establishing how much
of the treatment has failed in relation to the total length of treatment applied (%
failure). Once the amount of treatment failure is determined, the treatment’s
effectiveness can be calculated using the following expression (4).
Effectiveness = 100 - % failure
Where: % Failure = 100 X [Length of Failed Treatment / Total Length of

By routinely monitoring treated areas, a graphical representation of a treatments’
effectiveness can be generated like the one shown in Figure 10. From this figure, the
projected life of the treatment used on this cracked area can be projected as the time
at which the effectiveness has dropped to 50% (as defined above). Graphs like these
can be used to determine when additional treatments may become necessary.

Figure 10 Treatment Effectiveness (FHWA, 1999)

Cost Effectiveness
The cost effectiveness of a treatment can be determined readily once
the treatment effectiveness has been determined. Cost effectiveness is
the total cost of a treatment divided by its effectiveness. Cost
effectiveness may be converted into an annual cost by dividing the cost
effectiveness by the number of years required to reach 50% effectiveness.

Crack Sealing and Crack Filling - Moisture entering the lower layers of
the pavement structure will weaken the pavement structure and is the
primary cause of pavement corrosion. An effective crack filling/sealing
program will prolong pavement life by preventing moisture and
incompressible material from filling the crack.

The FAA AC 150/5380-6B considers crack sealing and filling as the same
procedure. This AC provides four guide specifications for crack filling:
• M-361, Hot–Applied Joint and Crack Sealants for Rigid (Portland
Cement Concrete) and Flexible (Bituminous) Pavements.
• M-462, Cold-Applied Joint and Sealants for Flexible (Bituminous)
• M-362, Silicone Joint and Crack Sealants for Rigid and Flexible
(Bituminous) Pavements.
• M-461, Hot-Applied Crack Sealants/Fillers with Fibers for Flexible
(Hot-Mix Asphalt) Pavement Overlays.
In contrast, CALTRAN’s Maintenance Technical Advisory Guide (TAG) considers
crack sealing and crack filling as two different maintenance methods. The two
methods vary in the amount of crack preparation and type of sealant. Crack
sealing is more expensive and lasts longer than crack filling. Table 2
summarizes the various crack sealants and fillers with approximate costs and
service lives.
Crack sealing is a localized treatment method that places specialized material
in “working cracks” – primarily transverse cracks and longitudinal cracks that
expand during the winter and contract during the summer. The key
characteristics of the crack sealant material are:
1) adherence to the walls of the crack over a range of service temperatures
2) ability to stretch during periods of crack contraction and recover to
original condition without rupture. The cracks are either sawed or routed
(which is not commonly done in California) to create a reservoir 0,15 to 0,22
mm wide and approximately 0,22 mm deep for the sealant.
Crack filling is also a localized treatment method that places specialized
material in “nonworking cracks” – primarily bock cracks and most longitudinal
fissures. Crack filling involves less crack preparation and less expensive sealant

Table 2: Crack Sealer and Filler Specifications

Spesifications Application Approx. Costs Approx. Life

(CT/AASHTO) Type ($/Kg) (Years)
Asphalt CT section 94/
Filling 0.15-0.30 2 to 4
Emmulsion M140,M208
Asphalt CT section 94/
Filling 0.03-0.15 2 to 4
Cements M20,M226
Fiber Modified No
Filling 0.35-0.60 6 to 8
Asphalt Specification
Polymer Modified CT section 94/ Filling(minor 0.80-1.20 3 to 5
Emmulsion(PME) M140,M208 sealing)
CT SSP 37-400 Sealing 0.45-0.60 6 to 8
Rubber (AR)
Specialty AR
CT SSP 37-400 Sealing 0.75-1.40 5 to 9
Low Modulus
CT SSP 41-200
Silicone Sealing 5.75-6.75 4 to 6
SSP 51-740

Hot pour materials require very high temperatures, typically between 188
to 200°C (370 to 390°F) . These materials may degrade or cross link when
exposed to excessive temperatures for long periods of time. For this
reason, the manufacturer’s recommendations must be followed exactly.
Once a suitable seal or fill material has been selected, as set forth in
Caltrans Standard Special Provisions SSP 37-400 , the appropriate
placement method must be determined. Placement methods vary
according to the nature of the distress. When selecting the placement
method, one should consider the method’s applicability to:

1) the type of distress,

2) the dimensions of the crack channel
3) the type of crack channel (cut or uncut), and
4) the finish requirements.

Flush Fill Method
In the flush fill method, fill material is forced into an existing uncut crack.
Once filled, the crack is struck off flush with the pavement. Figure 11
illustrates the flush fill method.

Overband Method
In the overband method, fill material is forced into and placed over an
uncut crack. If the fill material is squeegeed flat, it is referred to as a
‘Band-Aid if not it is referred to as capped. Overbanding and capping
should not be done if silicone has been chosen as the fill material. This is
due to silicone’s poor abrasion resistance. Figure 12 illustrates the
overband method with both finishing options.

if material is left above the surface. Overbanding can create a rough ride and/or
excess road noise and causes problems when placing subsequent overlays.
Reservoir Method
In the reservoir method, the crack is cut or routed to form a reservoir that is filled
with a sealant. The sealant may be left flush or slightly below the surface of the
reservoir. The depth and width of the reservoir varies according to job
requirements. Saw depths will be greatest when working with very active cracks
and cracks in PCC pavements. Crack cutting will often depend on the number of
cracks and whether the cutter can follow the shape of the crack. Typical reservoir
widths range from 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 in), and even up to 38 mm (1.5 in) in
very cold climates. Reservoir depth ranges from 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 in).
Reservoir use is appropriate for pavements in good condition, without extensive
cracking amounts. Crack cutting units, when operated by trained, experienced
personnel, can follow meandering random cracks. Figure 13 illustrates the
reservoir method.

Combination Method: Reservoir with Band-Aid
This combination method involves the formation of a ‘Band-Aid’ over the
top of a cut reservoir. Figure 14 illustrates the combination method. Like
the overband method, the combination method should not be used with
materials that are prone to pickup due to traffic or materials with poor
wearing characteristics . The combination method can be used on heavily
trafficked roads, but care must be taken to squeegee excess material off
the surface.
Combination Method: Sand Fill with Recessed Finish
Thermal cracking can develop over time and penetrate the full depth of
asphalt pavement in a roadway. As thermal cracks progress down through
the asphalt layers, they typically continue to widen and it is not unusual
for such cracks to be 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1 in) or wider and exceed 102
mm (4 in) in depth. If these types of cracks are sealed or filled full depth,
the large volumes of filler or sealer tend to soften and migrate under loads
in hot weather, and begin to pull out under traffic. If an overlay is applied,
the heat of the new mat will draw the filler and sealer materials up
through the overlay. In areas with heavy sealer or filler applications, fat
spots, flushing, and shoving in the overlay can occur. These symptoms can
only be remedied by changes in construction procedures or the removal
and replacement of the affected materials.
Sealant application should not exceed 25 mm (1 in) in depth. For full depth
wide cracks, backer rod can be used to limit sealant depth. Another
method that can be used is to partially fill the crack with sand. Blow out
any debris with air, fill the crack with clean sand to a point approximately
19 to 25 mm (0.75 to 1 in) below the adjacent pavement surface, and
tamp lightly as needed with a steel rod or piece of rebar to reduce any
large voids in the sand. Then apply the crack sealer over the top of the
sand and along the crack faces, the surface of the sealant should be
cupped slightly below the adjacent pavement surface. This recessed finish
allows some movement of the crack and sealer material without creating
an undesirable hump on the surface. This fills and seals the deep wide
crack while limiting the impact on subsequent paving operations.
Figure 15 illustrates this combination method.

Backer Rod (PCC Pavements)
Joint sealing applications for PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) pavements
may require the incorporation of a backer rod or bond breaker. The backer
rod, typically polyethylene foam, is placed within a crack or joint to
prevent the sealant from sticking to the reservoir bottom and to restrict
the sealant depth to the upper portion of the joint. A backer rod is also
incorporated in very large cracks or joints and when silicone is being used.
Currently, Caltrans does not use self-leveling silicones. A backer rod is only
used if it is cost effective and the cracks are relatively straight like those
occurring in PCC joints. Figure 16 shows three typical backer rod

The appropriate placement method should be based on the governing
considerations of the project. Governing project considerations include:
• Type and extent of the sealing or filling operation,
• Traffic conditions,
• Crack characteristics,
• Material requirements,
• Desired performance (expectations),
• Aesthetics, and
• Cost.

Table 3 outlines method placement issues in relation to governing project
Table 3: Placement Method Considerations
Method Applicability
Most filling operations, and some sealing operations, omit crack cutting operation.
Type and Extent
However, many northern States have found crack cutting necessary and desirable
of Operation
for cracks exhibiting significant movements.
Overband configurations experience wear and, subsequently, high tensile stresses
directly above the crack edges, leading to adhesive edge separations. Thus,
overband configurations should be avoided for sealing cracks on heavily trafficked
Overband configurations are appropriate for cracks having a considerable amount
of edge deterioration (> 10 percent of crack length); because the overband
Crack Characteristics simultaneously fills and covers the deteriorated segments in the same pass.
Reservoir methods without overbanding should not be used on cracks with edge
Materials such as emulsion, asphalt cement, and silicone must be placed
Material Type
unexposed to traffic due to serious tracking or abrasion problems.
For long-term sealant performance flush reservoir, and recessed band-aid
Desired Performance
configurations provide the longest life.*
Overband and combination configurations detract from the general appearance of
the pavement.
Omission of crack cutting operation reduces equipment and labor costs but may
decrease treatment longevity. Combination configurations require significantly
Cost more material than reservoir configurations, resulting in higher costs. The
placement method impacts the type of material to use as well so costs may be
higher for specialty materials (see Table 2).
* Ride Quality is an important consideration 70
The Resident Engineer (RE) can examine and approve the contractor’s
traffic control plan prepared. The signs and devices used must match the
traffic control plan. The work zone must conform to Caltrans practice and
requirements set forth in the Caltrans Safety Manual and the Caltrans
Code of Safe Operating Practices. All workers must have all required safety
equipment and clothing. Signage shall be removed when it no longer
Equipment requirements vary according to the treatment method
chosen. Equipment may be required for:
• Routing or Sawing
• Crack Cleaning and Drying,
• Backer Rod Placement (PCC Pavements),
• Application of Sealer or Filler,
• Finishing Method, and
• Trafficking and Subsequent Treatments.

Crack sealing treatments should be placed when the cracks are at their
midpoint to maximum point of expansion. This is not always practical since
cracks are at their maximum point of expansion during the coldest
months. Most crack fillers and sealants have limitations to their ability to
wet and form films at low temperatures. This is due to either a high
viscosity or the fact that they are emulsified. Additionally, winter climates
make working conditions difficult and in some regions impossible. Bearing
these considerations in mind, the fall is typically the best time for
application. At this time air temperature are typically between 7°C and
18°C. Under these conditions, cracks are usually at or near their mid-point
of movement, which helps to ensure that the crack sealant or filler will not
be extended or compressed too much when temperatures increase or
decrease, respectively, following application of the sealant or filler. In
addition, application during the fall (i.e., at moderate temperatures)
ensures that temperatures have not dropped to a point where sealants
will have difficulty wetting the crack walls or forming continuous films. In
colder climate areas, spring and fall work conditions are required to allow
workers to properly prepare the pavement surface and install products
Site preparation requirements vary according to the sealing or filling method and
materials chosen for the project. The following paragraphs describe site
preparation in further detail.
Routing or Sawing
When routing or sawing is incorporated, cracks need to be cleaned and dried
prior to application of the filler or sealant. When pavements are cracked
extensively, routing or sawing of cracks may not be appropriate. Crack cutting
becomes especially important in climates where crack movement is very high.
Crack cutting allows more filler to be used and provides better control of the crack
channel shape. Secondary cracks along the primary crack are not usually routed.
Routing is generally not used in HMA or PCC pavements . Crack cutting and routing
equipment includes vertical spindle routers, rotary impact routers, and random
crack saws. Damage to the pavement should be kept to a minimum by clean
cutting. The use of carbide bits improves the quality of cutting and typically
produces clean reservoir cuts.
Figure 17 illustrates a rotary impact router in use.

Figure 17: Crack Routing Operation

Cleaning and Drying
Debris left in a crack, resulting from sawing, routing, or pavement use
will affect the adhesion of the sealant or filler. Debris also contaminates
the sealing or filling material and reduces cohesion. Reduced adhesion or
cohesion normally results in early failures. To avoid these contamination-
related failures, sawed or routed cracks must be cleaned prior to being
treated. Several cleaning methods can be used, including:
• Air blasting,
• Hot air blasting,
• Sand blasting, and
• Wire brushing.

Finishing techniques will vary depending on the application and type of
material chosen. Flush finishes and overbanding methods require the use
of a squeegee. In some cases, a preformed plate on a hand lance assists in
making the required flush result. Figure 21 shows three typical flat
finishing techniques. As stated earlier, all sealant left on the surface shall
be squeegeed to prevent a rough ride and is the only method

Blotter coats of clean sand are usually used with emulsion crack filling to
prevent pick-up of an overband. A blotter coat is often used to prevent
pick-up upon re-opening to traffic. To ensure a high quality blotter coat,
only clean and dry sand should be used. Figure 22 illustrates the brooming
of a blotter coat over a treated crack. This practice is not recommended by
Caltrans as it leaves broom marks and voids in the sealant.

Quality issues are typically related to the poor choice of sealing and filling
methods and poor workmanship. Common examples of poor sealing and
filling methods include excessive use of sealant and multiple uses of
treatments over several years. One common example of poor
workmanship includes over-filling without proper finishing. Figures 23
through 25 illustrate these commonly addressed quality issues. These
practices directly impact traffic safety, smoothness and appearance for

This section provides information to assist the maintenance personnel with
troubleshooting problems with crack sealing and crack filling projects.


The troubleshooting guide presented in Table 4 associates common problems
to their potential causes. For example, a sealant separating from the sides of
a crack may be caused by application to a wet crack surface, dirty crack
surface, poor material finishing technique, application of cold sealant,
insufficient material, rain during the application, or application during cold

Table 4: Trouble shooting Crack Sealing and Filling Projects


Re-Cracks Quickly

Separation From

Emulsion Sealer

Emulsion Sealer

Emulsion Sealer
Breaks Too Fast
Bumpy Surface
Tacky Picks Up

Washes Off
Crack Sides

Crack Wet
• •
Sealant Not Cured
• • •
Crack Dirty • • • •
Insufficient Sanding
Poor Finish, Wrong Tools

• • • •
• •

Sealant Too Cold
• •
Sealant Too Hot
• •
Application Too High
• • •
Application Too Low
• •
• • • • • • •
Sealant Degraded Due to
Rain During Application
• •
Cold Weather
• •
Hot Weather
• • • • 80
In addition to the troubleshooting guide, Table 5 lists some commonly
encountered problems and their recommended solutions.

Table 5: Common Problems and Related Solutions

Problem Solution
•Reduse the amount of sealant or filler being applied.
•For hot applied materials, allow to cool ore use sand
or other blotter.
TRACKING •Allow sufficient time for emulsions to cure or use a sufficient amount
of sand for a blotter coat.
•Ensure the sealer/filler is appropriate for the climate in which it is
being placed
•Ensure crack are clean and dry
PICK OUT OF •Increase temperature of application
SEALER •Use the correct sealant for the climate
•Allow longer cure time before trafficking
•Check squeegee and ensure it is leaving the correct flush finish
•Have squeegee follow more closely to the application
•Decrease the viscosity of the sealer
•Change the rubber on the squeegee
Rigid Pavement

Rigid Pavement Typical Cross Section

Rigid Pavement Treatments

Types of distresses in Rigid pavements include:

A. Joint Distress
B. Faulting
C. Transverse Cracks
D. Pattern Cracking
E. Surface Distress
F. Slab Cracking

Joint Distress

Corrosion of the concrete within 2 feet on either side of a joint.

Breaking or chipping of the pavement joints usually results in
fragments with feathered edges.

Low - A few hairline cracks from the joint and/or discoloration at the joint.

Moderate - Frequent hairline to 3,17mm cracks radiating from the joint forming a
web like pattern.

High - Cracks 3,17mm or larger forming multiple patterns and often having
a white appearance.


Differential vertical displacement of a slab or other member

adjacent to a joint or crack. Faulting may be either longitudinal
or transverse and creates a “step” deformation of the pavement

Low - Less than 3,17mm vertical displacement between adjacent panels.

Moderate - Displacement of 3,17 to 6,35mm between adjacent panels.

High - Displacement greater than 6,35mm between adjacent panels

Transverse Cracks
Cracks that run perpendicular to centerline, resulting in a panel that is
broken into two or more pieces.

Low - Hairline to 6,35mm wide cracks extending the full width of a panel.

High - Transverse cracks greater than 6,35mm wide extending the full width of panel.

Pattern Cracking

Occasional to extensive interconnected cracks that may appear anywhere

within a panel but do not extend throughout the entire depth of the slab.

Low - Negligible or occasional interconnecting 1,58 mm wide or less cracks.

Moderate - Interconnected cracks between 1,58 to 3,17 mm wide throughout
the panel.
High - Occasional to extensive interconnecting cracks 3,17 mm wide or greater.
Spacing between cracks is usually only a few inches

Surface Distress
Scaling, spalling, chipping or disintegration of the concrete wearing surface
that leads to roughness and poor durability.




Slab Cracking
Unplanned longitudinal or diagonal
structural crack(s) that extend through the depth of the slab

Low - Hairline, single structural cracks in a panel that may be longitudinal or
diagonal in nature and extend from joint to joint.
Moderate - Two or three major structural cracks with no faulting or displacement.

High - Multiple structural cracks or cracks with evidence of faulting,
displacement or spalls.

Table 1 : Rigid Pavement Maintenance Decision Matrix

Low Moderate High

Rigid Pavement
Distresses Occasional Frequent Occasional Frequent Occasional Frequent

Joint Distress 1,2 1,2 2,3 2,3 3,4 3,4

Faulting 1 1 1 6,4,1 6,4 6,4

Transverse Cracks 1,2 1,2 NR* NR* 2,8,4 2,8,4

Pattern Cracking 1 1 1 1 1,4 1,4

Surface Distress 3,8,4

Slab Cracking 2 2,4 2,7 2,7,4 3,9 3,9

* Not Rated
4.Thin Hot Mix Overlay ( 1 ½” )
** Measured as square feet/panel
5.Mud jacking
Pavement Treatments
6.Diamond Grinding
1.Do Nothing
7.Cross Stitching
2.Crack & Joint Seal/Fill
8.Slab Replacement
3.Partial/Full Depth Slab/Joint
9.Thick Hot Mix Overlay 109
Low - Hairline to 6,35mm wide cracks extending the full width of a panel.

High - Transverse cracks greater than 6,35mm wide extending the full width of panel.

Table 2: Crack Sealer and Filler Specifications

Spesifications Application Approx. Costs Approx. Life

(CT/AASHTO) Type ($/Kg) (Years)
Asphalt CT section 94/
Filling 0.15-0.30 2 to 4
Emmulsion M140,M208
Asphalt CT section 94/
Filling 0.03-0.15 2 to 4
Cements M20,M226
Fiber Modified No
Filling 0.35-0.60 6 to 8
Asphalt Specification
Polymer Modified CT section 94/ Filling(minor 0.80-1.20 3 to 5
Emmulsion(PME) M140,M208 sealing)
CT SSP 37-400 Sealing 0.45-0.60 6 to 8
Rubber (AR)
Specialty AR
CT SSP 37-400 Sealing 0.75-1.40 5 to 9
Low Modulus
CT SSP 41-200
Silicone Sealing 5.75-6.75 4 to 6
SSP 51-740

Thin hot-mix overlays
includes dense, open, and gap-graded mixes that improve ride quality,
reduce oxidation of the pavement surface, provide surface drainage and
friction, and correct surface irregularities.

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