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Published by CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc. www.cqresearcher.


Future of the Arctic

Can the region’s resources be safely tapped?

lobal interest in the Arctic is rising as climate

change causes Arctic sea ice to melt at record

rates. The receding ice offers access to the region’s

abundant oil, gas and mineral deposits and could

provide shorter shipping routes between the Atlantic and Pacific

oceans. Many nations also want to fish the region’s increasingly

ice-free waters. However, many observers say uncontrolled Arctic

development could damage fragile ecosystems and communities

already under serious pressure. Others say the United States is not

paying enough attention to the Arctic and has not set detailed Rapidly melting Arctic ice is providing new
opportunities for shipping, fishing and access to the
priorities for the region. The Obama administration supports energy region’s rich mineral resources. But uncoordinated
development could have serious impacts on the
environment and native communities, many observers
production in Arctic Alaska, including offshore oil and gas drilling, warn. Above, an iceberg rises out of the water off
Qaqortoq, Greenland.
but Shell Oil suffered widely publicized setbacks last year with its

operations in Alaskan waters. Now critics want to bar such projects,

but the energy industry and Alaska officials say Arctic oil and gas THE ISSUES ....................791
reserves can be tapped responsibly. S
BACKGROUND ................797
CHRONOLOGY ................799
CQ Researcher • Sept. 20, 2013 • AT ISSUE........................805
Volume 23, Number 33 • Pages 789-812
OUTLOOK ......................806
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................810
THE NEXT STEP ..............811
Sept. 20, 2013

• Should the U.S. Senate rat- Arctic Thaw Will Create MANAGING EDITOR: Thomas J. Billitteri
791 ify the U.N. Convention on
792 New Shipping Routes
the Law of the Sea? Sea lanes could open during ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS: Lyn Garrity,
• Does oil production bene- summer., Kathy Koch,
fit Alaska Natives?
Melting Arctic Sea Ice
• Should the United States 793 Last September’s Arctic sea SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITOR:
build an Arctic deepwater ice cover measured a record Thomas J. Colin
BACKGROUND 796 Arctic Holds Large Oil Peter Katel, Reed Karaim, Robert Kiener,
and Natural Gas Reserves Barbara Mantel, Tom Price, Jennifer Weeks
Looking North A fifth of the world’s poten-
797 Explorers searched North tial oil and natural gas is in
American Arctic waters for a the Arctic. FACT CHECKER: Michelle Harris
route to the Pacific Ocean.
Alaska’s Resources
799 Key events since 1867.
797 Geologists discovered oil on
Warming Arctic Has
Alaska’s North Slope in 1968. 800 Repercussions Elsewhere
Arctic Warming Melting ice affects weather, An Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc.
801 Scientists detected rising Arctic ocean levels in other regions. VICE PRESIDENT AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR,
temperatures and shrinking HIGHER EDUCATION GROUP:
Arctic and Antarctic Are
sea ice. 802 Poles Apart
Michele Sordi
CURRENT SITUATION but they differ.
Todd Baldwin
At Issue:
803 Outside Interests
China and other non-Arctic
805 Should the United States sus- Copyright © 2013 CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE Pub-
nations show strong interest pend Arctic offshore drilling? lications, Inc. SAGE reserves all copyright and other
in the region. rights herein, unless previously specified in writing.
No part of this publication may be reproduced
Drilling on Hold FOR FURTHER RESEARCH electronically or otherwise, without prior written
804 Shell Oil ran into trouble permission. Unauthorized reproduction or transmis-
For More Information
drilling offshore in the
Alaskan Arctic.
809 Organizations to contact.
sion of SAGE copyrighted material is a violation of
federal law carrying civil fines of up to $100,000.

Bibliography CQ Press is a registered trademark of Congressional

804 Displaced Towns 810 Selected sources used. Quarterly Inc.
Alaska Native villages are
threatened by erosion and CQ Researcher (ISSN 1056-2036) is printed on acid-
The Next Step
flooding. 811 Additional articles.
free paper. Published weekly, except: (March wk. 5)
(May wk. 4) (July wk. 1) (Aug. wks. 3, 4) (Nov. wk.
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806 Melting sea ice allows explo- searcher report in print or electronic format (PDF),
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Cover: Getty Images/Joe Raedle

790 CQ Researcher
Future of the Arctic

THE ISSUES hen scientists from

predict that within several
decades the Arctic Ocean
could be nearly ice-free dur-
ing the summer months. 5

W the National Ocean-

ic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) re-
Shrinking sea ice has
spurred widespread global in-
terest in the Arctic. The changes
leased last year’s annual re- could open new, shorter glob-
port card on the environmental al shipping routes. 6 Accord-
state of the Arctic, it showed ing to the U.S. Geological Sur-
drastic changes occurring. New vey, the Arctic holds large
records had been set for low undiscovered, recoverable oil
snow cover, smaller sea ice and gas reserves, much of it
coverage, more extensive melt- offshore. 7 The Arctic also holds
ing, for a longer duration, of mineral riches, such as the
Greenland’s ice sheets, and world’s largest deposit of zinc

Getty Images/Barcroft Media/Louise Murray

higher temperatures in per- at the Red Dog Mine in north-
mafrost (perennially frozen west Alaska. Arctic fisheries,
subsoil). 1 which have yet to be surveyed
For more than a decade in detail, could provide im-
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d i e s h ave portant, new food sources.
shown that global climate As the Arctic becomes
change is altering the Arctic more accessible and as scien-
more rapidly than the Earth tists learn more about the im-
as a whole. 2 (See sidebar, pact of Arctic warming, this
p. 800.) And those changes remote region is attracting
have far-reaching effects. new worldwide attention. Na-
Some studies have found tions thousands of miles to the
that Arctic warming is chang- south are seeking access to
Tourists photograph walruses near Hall Beach, an Inuit
ing the polar jet stream, a strong community in Nunavut, in Canada’s Arctic. Global the Arctic Council, an interna-
wind current that blows from warming has significantly reduced the amount of sea ice tional forum that promotes co-
west to east across the North- in the Arctic, raising concerns about the large animals operation and coordination
ern Hemisphere. The jet stream that rely on it to forage, rest and reproduce, including among the eight countries bor-
is becoming “wavier,” studies polar bears, walruses and seals. Longer ice-free dering the Arctic region. And
seasons can push these animals into new habitats,
show, bending into steep curves reducing their numbers. those nations are paying greater
that trap weather fronts in place attention to developing and
and cause extreme hot, cold protecting the Arctic. 8
and wet weather episodes in the Unit- 33 minutes North latitude) covers about “[T]he consequences of our nations’
ed States and Europe. And melting Arc- 5.5 million square miles, including the decisions don’t stop at the 66th parallel,”
tic ice increasingly contributes to rising Arctic Ocean and parts of Canada, the said Secretary of State John Kerry. En-
sea levels, scientists say. United States, Russia, Norway, Greenland vironmental challenges in the Arctic
“Both of these trends are very clear- (controlled by Denmark), Iceland, Swe- — including ocean acidification, pol-
ly linked to Arctic warming,” says James den and Finland. 3 Sea ice covers much lution, melting sea ice, at-risk species
McCarthy, a professor of biological of the Arctic Ocean, but warming has and uncontrolled development — also
oceanography at Harvard University reduced it sharply during the summer affect Arctic nations’ economies, secu-
and member of the U.S. Arctic Research months. In 1980, sea ice covered ap- rity and international stability, Kerry
Commission, an expert panel that ad- proximately 2.8 million square miles at said. 9
vises Congress and the president on its yearly minimum point, which occurs Despite Kerry’s words, many polit-
Arctic research policy and findings. in September. By 2012 the September ical experts say the U.S. government
The region inside the Arctic Circle ice cover had decreased by half, to is not devoting enough resources to
(a line circling the globe at 66 degrees, 1.4 million square miles. 4 Scientists Arctic issues. For instance, the United Sept. 20, 2013 791

infrastructure and capabilities, and
Melting Ice Will Create New Shipping Routes support lawful commerce.
The Arctic is warming at twice the rate as the rest of the world, • Conservation and stewardship:
Protect the Arctic environment, conserve
increasing the seasonal melting of sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean.
its resources, and increase understanding
By midcentury, new, shorter commercial shipping routes could open
of the Arctic through scientific research.
across the Arctic Ocean during summer months, greatly reducing • International cooperation: Use
shipping costs between Europe and Asia. bilateral partnerships and internation-
al organizations to protect the Arctic
Potential Ice-free Shipping Lanes Across the Arctic environment, promote shared prosper-
ity, and enhance regional security.
A rc t i c C i rc l e The strategy document said the Unit-
Sea of ed States envisions “an Arctic region
that is stable and free of conflict,
K a ra
Sea where nations act responsibly . . . and
Laptev where economic and energy resources
Sea Barents
are developed in a sustainable man-
FINLAND ner that also reflects the fragile envi-
ronment and the interests and cultures
Siber ian
of indigenous peoples.” 10
Sea Some experts say the policy lacks
North Norwegian
Chukchi A R C T I C Po l e Svalbard
detail. “It was a missed opportunity,”
Sea Fra m (Norway) says Heather Conley, director of the
O C E A N S t ra i t
Denmark Strait

Sea Greenland Europe program at the Center for Strate-
gic and International Studies (CSIS), a

Washington think tank. “This strategy


reaffirms basic U.S. interests, but it



GREENLAND doesn’t advance policy. How much or


ALASKA how little will the United States devel-
(USA) op its own Arctic?”
But Alaska politicians welcomed a
statement of U.S. regional priorities.

“Finally! It’s about time that the ad-


Gulf of

Alaska Foxe ministration acknowledged the impor-

C A N A D A tance of a strong presence in the Arc-
Northern Sea Route
Northwest Passage
tic,” said a statement issued by U.S.
Sources: Laurence C. Smith and Scott R. Stephenson, Future central Arctic Rep. Don Young, a Republican. 11
shipping route U.S. Arctic policy is heavily af-
“New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by mid-
century,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 26, 2013, vol. fected by relations between Alaska
110 no. 13,; and “Towns and and the federal government, which
Industrial Activities in the Arctic,” GRID-Arendal, controls approximately two-thirds of
towns-and-industrial-activities-in-the-arctic_cfe8. the state’s land area and a large share
of its resources, set aside under the
States is the only Arctic nation that However, the Obama administra- Alaska National Interest Lands and
does not have an ambassador-level se- tion recently has begun to show more Conservation Act of 1980. 12 Alaska
nior official managing regional poli- interest in the region. In May the White politicians often argue they know how
cies. Instead, Arctic issues are direct- House released a National Strategy for to develop their state responsibly but
ed by several lower-level working the Arctic Region that identified three are hampered by federal limits, such
groups. Many experts interpret this as main priorities: as a longstanding ban on oil drilling
a sign that U.S. leaders do not regard • National security: Ensure that in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
developments in the Arctic as critical U.S. vessels and aircraft can operate “Back home it feels like we’re row-
to the national interest. throughout the region, develop new ing as hard as we can, and here in

792 CQ Researcher
Washington people are throwing out Dutch Shell to conduct exploratory
sea anchors,” said Republican Lt. Gov. Melting Arctic Sea Ice drilling for oil and gas off Alaska’s Arc-
Mead Treadwell in July, describing The Arctic’s sea ice has been tic coast. Shell had numerous operating
Alaskans’ frustration with federal reg- shrinking for several decades problems, including weather delays and
ulations that restrict natural resource a drilling rig that ran aground in south-
as a result of climate change.
development. 13 ern Alaska as it was being towed to
Building new infrastructure to har- In 2012, the minimum cover of Seattle for maintenance.
vest Alaska’s Arctic resources will be sea ice, which occurs in An Interior Department review
extremely expensive and probably September, was about half the found that Shell’s program lacked key
will involve complex negotiations over average recorded over the past components when it began operations,
funding between federal, state and pri- 30 years for that month. Some and the company had not managed
vate entities. Constructing a pipeline scientists predict that within contractors effectively. The depart-
to ship Alaskan gas to market, for in- several decades the Arctic ment directed Shell to develop more
stance, could cost up to $65 billion at could be ice-free in summer. detailed plans for drilling operations
a time when new gas sources in the before it returned to the Arctic, and
lower 48 states have drastically cut the Minimum Arctic Sea Ice in February Shell suspended Arctic
price of natural gas. 14 Roads, ports operations for 2013. 16 Shell leaders
and new icebreaking ships will also have not said whether they plan to
cost hundreds of millions or even bil-
September return to the Arctic in 2014. Earlier
lions of dollars. 15 1980 this month the U.S. Environmental
Others say rules for managing the Protection Agency fined the company
Arctic should come first. “Melting sea $1.1 million for air pollution releases
ice is opening up shipping routes, and during its 2012 operations. 17
we don’t have international law in Norwegian energy company Statoil
place to handle that increased traffic,” and American company ConocoPhillips
says Kevin Harun, Arctic program di- also have postponed plans to drill in
rector at Pacific Environment, a con- the Alaskan Arctic until they see what
servation advocacy group based in kind of documentation federal regu-
San Francisco, Calif. lators require Shell to produce. 18
The International Maritime Organi- In the wake of Shell’s difficulties,
zation, a United Nations organization environmentalists are calling on the
that regulates global shipping, is de- Obama administration to suspend all
veloping a mandatory Polar Code that
September Arctic Ocean oil and gas activities “for
would regulate ships operating in the
Arctic and Antarctic. It would set stan-
2012 the foreseeable future,” and to “care-
fully reassess whether and how off-
dards, such as minimum engine power shore drilling in the Arctic Ocean is
and required survival gear, to operate possible or prudent.” 19 Some indige-
in extreme zones. It also would regulate nous Arctic groups want to ban off-
environmental practices, such as waste shore drilling on the Arctic shelf com-
disposal at sea. pletely. 20 But exploration is moving
“We need a Polar Code in place forward in Russian, Canadian and Nor-
with strong environmental provisions wegian Arctic waters, and the Obama
to manage growth in shipping,” says administration supports Arctic offshore
Harun. “And we need a vision for the Average minimum sea ice energy production. Industry leaders
extent for past 30 years
Arctic that protects communities, in- and Alaska politicians say Arctic oil
digenous people and the environ- Sources: Martin Jeffries, et al., “The and gas can be developed safely. (See
ment. I don’t think the United States Arctic Report Card,” “At Issue,” p. 805.)
sees itself as an Arctic nation yet. The As state and federal officials, sci-
general public doesn’t know what is 2013/dayOne/Jeffries.pdf; and “Arctic entists and advocacy groups debate
at stake.” Sea Ice News and Analysis,” National U.S. priorities in a changing Arctic,
Snow and Ice Data Center, 2013,
In a high-profile test case last year, here are some issues they are con-
the Interior Department allowed Royal sidering: Sept. 20, 2013 793

Should the U.S. Senate ratify the depths are typically no more than one of State, held hearings on UNCLOS in
U.N. Convention on the Law of to two miles. 23 UNCLOS member na- which the Defense and State depart-
the Sea? tions can submit claims to a commis- ments, armed forces and business and
As Arctic sea ice shrinks, adjoining sion of experts, which makes binding industry leaders strongly supported
nations are making plans to develop decisions on the outer limits of na- ratification. 24
the region’s large, untapped oil and gas tions’ extended continental shelves. “As advances in technology push us
resources. More than 400 oil and gas “The United States’ biggest econom- farther from our shores and into areas
fields already have been developed on ic interest in UNCLOS is the legal guar- of harsher climates, the potential for
land north of the Arctic Circle in Russia, antee to enormous oil, gas and miner- conflicts with other nations’ territorial
Canada and Alaska that are estimated al resources in the Arctic on the extended claims inevitably increases,” American
to contain about 240 billion barrels of continental shelf. Those resources were Petroleum Institute President Jack Ger-
oil and natural gas. The U.S. Geological not previously accessible but may be ard told the committee. “As such, there
Survey estimates that the Arctic con- now because of melting Arctic ice,” says is a more pressing need for certainty
tains an additional 90 billion barrels Washington lawyer John B. Bellinger III, and stability in the delineation of bound-
of oil, 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natur- who served as legal advisor to the State aries. Accession to the convention would
al gas and 44 billion barrels of natural Department from 2005-2009 under fulfill this need.” 25
gas liquids, but about 84 percent of it President George W. Bush. But treaty opponents, such as Steven
lies offshore where development is more UNCLOS was opened for ratifica- Groves, a fellow at the conservative
risky and expensive than on land. 21 tion in 1982, but many industrialized Heritage Foundation think tank, ar-
But before energy companies even nations objected to provisions that re- gued that UNCLOS was still “a con-
confront harsh Arctic Ocean operat- stricted deep seabed mining — drilling troversial and fatally flawed treaty.”
ing conditions, they could face a po- for valuable metals such as cobalt and Ratification “would result in a dan-
litical obstacle. The United States is zinc that lie beneath the ocean floor gerous loss of American sovereignty.
the only major industrialized nation in international waters, beyond any It would require the U.S. Treasury to
that has not ratified the United Na- nation’s Exclusive Economic Zone. After transfer billions of dollars to an un-
tions Convention on the Law of the the treaty was amended in 1994 to accountable international organization
Sea (UNCLOS). The 1982 treaty gov- address these criticisms, nations in- [the International Seabed Authority],”
erns use of the world’s oceans, in- cluding Japan, Germany, Italy, the Groves said. After 34 Republican sen-
cluding activities such as mining and United Kingdom, China and Russia be- ators said they opposed UNCLOS, Sen-
drilling for oil and gas beyond a na- came members. ate leaders did not bring the treaty up
tion’s 200-mile Exclusive Economic But conservative lawmakers in the before the full Senate, and opponents
Zone. * Currently 166 nations have rati- United States still argued against join- pronounced the treaty dead. 26
fied the treaty. 22 ing the UNCLOS treaty. Some said the But UNCLOS advocates have not
As a party to UNCLOS, the United United States could rely on customary given up. The treaty has strong bi-
States could claim resources that lie international law to protect its eco- partisan support in Alaska, where for-
on its extended continental shelf — nomic and navigation rights. Others mer Republican Gov. Sarah Palin is on
submerged areas of coast that stretch opposed a requirement to pay royalties the record in support. “[R]atification
out beyond its 200-mile EEZ. Most on profits from resources developed on has been thwarted by a small group
continental shelves that exist today the extended continental shelf to the In- of senators who are concerned about
stretch out about 50 miles from shore, ternational Seabed Authority. This agency, the perceived loss of U.S. sovereign-
then drop sharply to the ocean floor. established under UNCLOS, regulates ty,” then-Gov. Palin wrote in 2007. “I
But in some areas, including the Arc- deep seabed mining and has authority believe that quite the contrary is the
tic, the continental shelf extends for to share royalties with UNCLOS mem- case. If the U.S. does not ratify the
hundreds of miles. Most of the world’s ber countries. convention, we will be denied access
fisheries are concentrated on conti- The Senate Foreign Relations Com- to the forum established by the inter-
nental shelves, and offshore drilling mittee voted in favor of ratifying UN- national community to adjudicate claims
takes place in these zones, where water CLOS in 2004 and in 2007 and the to submerged lands in the Arctic.” 27
Bush administration urged its adop- Alaska’s current senators, Democrat Mark
* The EEZ is the area extending out 200 miles tion, but the measure has never been Begich and Republican Lisa Murkowski,
from a nation’s coastline. Under UNCLOS, coastal considered by the full Senate. In 2012 also support ratifying UNCLOS.
nations have exclusive control over resources then-Sen. John Kerry, who was com- “The national security and eco-
and research activities in their EEZs. mittee chairman but is now secretary nomic arguments overwhelmingly favor

794 CQ Researcher
ratification, and we need to divorce with pipelines and drill rigs,” it de- Energy and power are central is-
the treaty from politics as best as we clared. “The irresponsible practices of sues in rural Alaska, where a village
can,” says Bellinger. “Businesses also got oil companies everywhere have pro- household can spend up to $2,000 per
engaged [in the debate] in 2012, and vided us with more than enough ev- month on oil in the winter for heat,
if we can keep that effort up over the idence that oil spills in the Arctic seas electricity and transportation. 35
next two years, I think it can be done.” will be inevitable. At the same time “Alaska is a huge state, and most of
there are no effective and tested meth- the rivers drain to the western coast,”
Does oil production benefit Alaska ods to prevent or clean up oil spills says Gwen Holdmann, director of the
Natives? in the freezing Arctic seas.” Alaska Center for Energy and Power in
Alaska’s estimated 120,000 Natives The statement called for banning Fairbanks. “Barging fuel from Valdez
make up 17 percent of the state’s popu- offshore drilling in the Arctic, sus- [where North Slope oil is shipped via
lation, and their numbers are growing. pending onshore drilling and requir- the Trans-Alaska Pipeline for process-
Most Alaska Natives live in rural vil- ing native peoples’ consent for any ing] up to western Alaska would be a
lages, either on the coast or along a extractive projects on indigenous lands. very long and complex route.” Instead,
river. 28 Many rely on subsistence hunt- Signatories included the Alaska Inter- much of the oil used in-state is shipped
ing and fishing for at least part of their Tribal Council, which advocates for from Seattle to regional distribution cen-
livelihood. tribal governments across Alaska, and ters in summer, then delivered to small-
Before Alaska became a state in the Akutan Tribal Council, based in er and more remote communities. 36
1959 and began producing oil in the the Aleutian Islands. 32 Many advocates for Alaska’s Native
1960s, Alaska Natives’ income, em- But some Alaska Natives profit from peoples say the shipping arrangement
ployment and education levels were the oil industry beyond the yearly div- is unsustainable. “If left unaddressed,
among the lowest in the United States. idend. The North Slope Borough, which skyrocketing energy costs threaten the
Although their status has improved, includes eight Inupiat Eskimo villages, very survival of Alaska’s small, remote
they still lag behind non-native Alaskans collects millions of dollars annually in Native communities,” the Alaska Fed-
and other Americans. In 2007, 22 per- property taxes from the area’s land- eration of Natives warned last year. 37
cent of Alaska Natives lived below the based oil industry. The Arctic Slope The organization argues that devel-
federal poverty line, and their medi- Regional Corp., which represents in- oping affordable energy is “critical to
an household income was $42,703, digenous populations in the area, re- the survival” of Alaskan villages, and
compared to $64,333 for all Alaskans. ported $2.3 billion in gross revenues has called on the federal government to
Thirteen percent of Alaska Native in 2010 and paid $64.26 per share in boost energy assistance for low-income
households lacked plumbing. 29 dividends to shareholders. (For com- households, promote renewable ener-
Alaska Natives represent eight broad parison, only three of the 11 other re- gy on rural public lands in Alaska and
cultures. Each is composed of many gional Native corporations paid divi- connect more rural villages to the
separate languages and histories. 30 dends greater than $20 per share, and power grid. 38
They hold diverse views about oil pro- five paid less than $5 per share. 33) Many rural Alaska communities are
duction. Some belong to Native cor- Native corporations were established investing in renewable energy projects.
porations (see p. 798) that have in- under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims “Fairbanks has the largest battery sys-
vested in the industry or in companies Settlement Act to manage resources tem in the United States, and several
that provide related services. 31 (In fact, for Alaska’s indigenous peoples. (See Alaska communities run entirely on wind
every Alaskan, including Natives and Background, p. 798.) energy,” says Holdmann. Alaska already
non-Natives, receives an annual divi- “Our tax base is based on oil and generates more than 20 percent of its
dend check based on the state’s oil gas. There’s nothing else there,” said electricity from renewable sources (al-
revenues. Over the past decade, the Edward Itta, a former mayor of the most entirely hydropower). 39 It also has
yearly dividend has averaged roughly vast North Slope Borough, lobbying good geothermal, wind, biomass and
$1,200 per person.) Other Natives say in Washington, D.C., in 2012 for off- solar resources.
oil production threatens valuable resources, shore Arctic oil and gas development. “Alaska’s cheap oil and gas resources
such as the animals they hunt. Thanks to oil and gas revenues, he have already been developed, and are
More than 40 indigenous groups said, “We have schools, airports, roads, limited,” says Holdmann. “We need to
from Arctic nations released a joint landfills, health facilities, hospitals, de- take advantage of the wealth we’ve
statement last May criticizing Arctic oil cent homes which keep warm now earned and develop infrastructure that
development. “Our culture and history and have light and power, which will make a long-term difference for
cannot be bought off and replaced when I grew up we didn’t have.” 34 residents.” Sept. 20, 2013 795

water port, which he said would be
Arctic Holds Large Oil and Natural Gas Reserves matched by $3 billion in federal loan
About a fifth of the world’s potential oil and natural gas reserves lies guarantees. The response was muted.
“It’s a great program, a great idea, but
north of the Arctic Circle. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that
we don’t have $2 billion sitting around.
90 billion barrels of oil could be recovered from the region, enough to So that’s going to be a stretch,” said
supply U.S. needs for about 12 years. About 65 percent of the oil is on Republican state Sen. Kevin Meyer, co-
the North American side of the Arctic. The Eurasian flank contains chair of the Alaska Senate’s Finance
nearly three times as much natural gas as North America. Committee. 43
The Corps of Engineers and Alas-
Estimated Undiscovered Oil and Natural Gas in Arctic, 2008 ka’s Department of Transportation are
Crude Oil Natural Gas Natural Gas Total Resources
conducting a three-year study, through
Region (billion (trillion Liquids (billion Oil Equivalent 2014, of potential locations for a deep-
barrels) cubic feet) barrels) (billion barrels) water Arctic port. 44 The two top
choices emerging are Nome, on the
Eurasia 30.70 1,219.39 27.55 261.49 Seward Peninsula, and Port Clarence,
North America 58.09 435.40 16.20 146.85 the site of a small Coast Guard station
Indeterminate* 1.20 13.87 .31 3.82 70 miles northwest of Nome. Phase one
Total 89.99 1,668.66 44.06 412.16 of the study suggests that building a
deepwater port could be funded through
* Resources could not be attributed conclusively to either continent. a public-private partnership, but a source
Sources: “Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas for those funds has not been deter-
North of the Arctic Circle,” U.S. Geological Survey, 2008, mined.
2008/3049/; and “Arctic Oil and Natural Gas Potential,” U.S. Energy Information An Arctic deepwater port is likely to
Administration, Oct. 19, 2009, be extremely expensive. “I can’t really
imagine anything that would not cost
Should the United States build to support search and rescue operations hundreds of millions of dollars,” says
an Arctic deepwater port? in the Arctic, working with other Arctic Orson Smith, a professor of civil engi-
One of the main obstacles to in- nations under a binding legal agreement neering at the University of Alaska. “Any
creasing shipping, energy production signed in 2011. These missions may occur Arctic port will have ice for some part
or other activities in the Arctic is a on land or sea. 41 of the year, and it’s very demanding to
lack of infrastructure. Alaska’s Arctic Alaska officials strongly support con- operate machinery in winter there.”
coast has no deepwater ports de- struction of an Arctic deepwater port. Moreover, says Smith, the continental
signed to serve large, heavily loaded Sens. Begich and Murkowski added shelf slopes off very gradually under-
ships requiring water depths of at an amendment to the Water Resources water from Alaska’s Arctic coast, so
least 30 feet. Development Act of 2013 (passed by extensive engineering would be re-
A deepwater port could support many the Senate on May 15) that sets aside quired to bring deep-draft ships close
different activities. For example, the U.S. $100 million over 10 years to allow to land. “You would have to either
Coast Guard patrols Alaskan Arctic wa- the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to dredge a long channel across shallow
ters during the summer but does not plan, design and construct harbors in land or build a long trestle out to deep
maintain a forward base there. During Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. water, or some combination of those
the summer of 2012, the Coast Guard “Whether we like it or not, the two approaches,” he says.
supervised a record number of com- shrinking Arctic sea ice is opening up In Smith’s view, a deepwater port
mercial shipping and tourism vessels as a new frontier of maritime commerce may be needed, but the first phase of
well as Shell’s drilling operations in the and development,” said Begich. “We the study does not make that case. “You
Beaufort and Chukchi seas. Yet its largest need to prepare for this increased ac- need to define the port’s operational
ships had to refuel at Dutch Harbor in tivity, and a deepwater port will be details. What kinds of ships will call
the Aleutian Islands, more than 1,000 vital for safety, commerce and pro- there and how often? What type of
miles from the North Slope. 40 tection of the region.” 42 cargo would need to be moved ashore?
A deepwater port could also support Last March Begich urged the Alas- What do the Coast Guard and Navy
international rescue operations in the re- ka legislature to pledge $2 billion in need for search and rescue? None of
gion. The United States has committed state funds for development of a deep- this was outlined in the report,” he says.

796 CQ Researcher
Harun of Pacific Environment has mads moved north again. Some crossed For example, American explorers
urged state and federal agencies to ex- the Bering land bridge from Asia to the Robert Peary and Matthew Henson both
amine local needs more closely. “There North American Arctic between 14,000 fathered children with Inuit women. 50
are a lot of infrastructure needs in the and 12,000 B.C. 48 Later, as northern lat- Peary had the bodies of several Green-
region, from oil spill response to col- itudes warmed further, subsistence soci- land natives who had died in an epi-
lection facilities that will reduce incen- eties developed in the Arctic regions. demic removed from their graves and
tives to dump waste in the ocean,” he European explorers began venturing brought to the United States, where he
says. “This study zeroed in on criteria north during the Middle Ages, estab- sold them to the American Museum of
that matter for energy and mining, but lishing colonies in Iceland, Greenland Natural History as anthropological spec-
we should be working with Arctic com- and northern Russia. By 1500, ships imens. 51 He also traded a gun for sev-
munities to determine what they want.” from England, France, Spain, Portugal eral large pieces of a meteorite that
Indigenous communities, many of and the Netherlands were sailing across Inuit in Greenland considered holy. His
whom hunt and fish along the coast, the Atlantic and mapping new trade wife sold the pieces to the Smithson-
are alarmed by increasing ship traffic routes. Some explored the Arctic coast ian for $40,000. 52
and concerned about potential impacts, of North America in search of a North- Nonetheless, explorers also made im-
such as fuel spills, ballast water and west Passage connecting the Atlantic portant contributions, mapping many
waste discharges and ship collisions with and Pacific oceans. France and England Arctic zones and reporting back on con-
whales. At a hearing chaired by Sen. established colonies in Canada, while ditions there. In 1905 Norwegian ex-
Begich last March, several representa- Russia claimed Siberia and Alaska. plorer Roald Amundsen completed the
tives of indigenous groups called for The United States was a latecomer first successful navigation of the North-
broad strategies, such as training coastal to the Arctic. In 1867 it bought Alas- west Passage. Between 1905 and 1909
residents to participate in emergency ka from Russia for $7.2 million. The Peary and his former friend and ship-
response operations and providing re- new territory covered 375 million acres, mate, American explorer Frederick Cook,
ceivers and computers to enable coastal twice as large as the original 13 colonies competed to be the first explorer to find
residents to track ship traffic. 45 and about three-quarters the size of the North Pole — a difficult mission be-
“There is no single port location the Louisiana Purchase. Alaska at that cause the pole was located on drifting
or, for that matter, response plan that time had only about 35,000 residents, sea ice, not on a fixed point of land.
is going to fulfill the many needs fac- nearly all of them members of in- In 1909 Peary claimed to have reached
ing industry, government and residents digenous groups. 49 the North Pole and through a concert-
in the Arctic,” said Matt Ganley, vice Critics argued that Alaska was a ed public relations campaign supplant-
president of the Bering Straits Native frozen wasteland and called the pur- ed Cook’s claim, announced a week
Corporation. 46 chase “Seward’s Folly,” after Secretary earlier than Peary’s, to have reached it
of State William H. Seward, who ne- in 1908. (A reassessment of Peary’s claim
gotiated the deal. Seward and other ex- in 1988 cast doubt on his achievements,

BACKGROUND pansionists who argued that the region

contained valuable resources would
eventually be vindicated in 1896, when
and Cook’s claim remains unproven.) 53

the discovery of gold in Canada’s ad- Alaska’s Resources

jacent Yukon Territory triggered the
Looking North Klondike Gold Rush. In 1899 prospec- y 1900 it was clear that Alaska

umans have been exploring the

tors found gold in Nome, on Alaska’s
Seward Peninsula, and a year later they
B possessed many valuable resources,
including fish, timber, minerals, coal
H Arctic for millennia. The earliest
known human settlements above the
discovered the enormous Kennecott
copper mines in southeastern Alaska.
and oil. Because Alaska was a territo-
ry, not a state, Congress and the fed-
Arctic Circle, dating back nearly 40,000 Beginning in the 1860s, explorers eral government regulated its land use
years, have been found in what is now from many nations ventured into the and other activities. But many Alaskans
Russia. 47 Arctic, seeking routes to the North resented being governed from Wash-
During the most recent ice age, from Pole through Greenland and the is- ington and demanded more local con-
about 28,000 B.C. to 18,000 B.C., glaci- lands of northern Canada. News ac- trol — a pattern that would become
ers covered much of northern Europe counts portrayed Arctic explorers as engrained in Alaskan politics. 54
and part of Siberia, pushing humans rugged heroes, but the truth some- From 1900 through the 1930s growth
south. After the glaciers retreated, no- times was very different. in the Alaska territory centered around Sept. 20, 2013 797

logging, mining and fishing. Explorers them in 1943. To protect Alaska, the War could do about it,” said Al Charette,
found oil and drilled wells at Katalla Department built military bases, airfields the Nautilus’ sonar supervisor. 58 The
on the state’s southern coast starting and naval stations across the territory. Soviet Union developed nuclear sub-
in 1902. 55 But the industry did not The military buildup swelled Alaska’s marines a few years later.
develop on a large scale because the population from about 72,000 in 1940
cost of transporting Alaskan oil to the to more than 128,000 by 1950. 57
lower 48 states made it too expensive With the Cold War, Alaska took on Statehood and Oil Wealth
compared to cheaper oil from Texas new strategic importance as a front line
and Oklahoma. Nonetheless, when the of defense against possible nuclear at- n the 1950s, Alaska’s population
U.S. Geological Survey found oil along
Alaska’s north coast, President Warren
tacks from Soviet long-range bombers
and missiles coming over the North
I continued to grow, but infrastruc-
ture development lagged behind, and
G. Harding set aside 23 million acres Pole (the most direct route to the U.S. the federal government still controlled
to establish Naval Petroleum Reserve mainland). The Defense Department virtually all Alaskan land. 59 Local politi-
No. 4 (the U.S. Navy was converting built air defense systems and early- cians stepped up their lobbying for
statehood. In 1958 Congress voted to
admit Alaska as the 49th state, and
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
the legislation in January 1959.
With statehood, Alaska acquired
about 104 million acres of federal land
and control over submerged lands up
to three miles offshore. It also gained
authority to manage the fish and wildlife
on its own lands. 60
Alaska Native groups, fearing they
might lose resources they had tradi-
KullukResponse/Judy Patrick

tionally depended on, filed claims to

secure their property rights. By the late
1960s so many claims were pending
that the Interior Department suspend-
ed land transfers until the backlog could
be resolved. Further impetus to address
land claims came in 1968 when geolo-
gists discovered the huge Prudhoe Bay
oil field on state land on Alaska’s North
Shell Oil’s drilling rig, the Kulluk, ran aground off Sitkalidak Island, in the Gulf of Slope. Moving oil from the North Slope
Alaska, while it was being towed to Seattle for maintenance in late December
to markets would require a pipeline to
2012. No oil spilled, according to the Coast Guard. The rig was shipped to
Singapore for repairs in March. Vast quantities of undiscovered oil and natural gas ports in southern Alaska, and the state
are thought to lie in the Arctic, much of it offshore. In the wake of Shell’s difficulties, needed rights-of-way across federal lands
environmentalists urged the Obama administration to “carefully reassess whether to build the pipeline.
and how offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean is possible or prudent.” In 1971 Congress enacted the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA),
its ships from coal to oil). In 1976, the warning radar sites across the territory which awarded Alaska Natives the right
area would be renamed the National and expanded naval bases to track So- to select 44 million acres of land, plus
Petroleum Reserve. 56 viet submarines in the North Pacific. a cash settlement of nearly $962 million
During World War II, Japanese forces In 1958 the Nautilus, the world’s first for lands they gave up. The law created
in the Pacific posed a threat to Alaska. nuclear-powered submarine, traveled 13 regional corporations to own and
In 1942 the Japanese bombed Dutch under sea ice to the North Pole, demon- manage Native assets. Individual Natives
Harbor, a naval facility in Alaska’s strating that U.S. military power could were enrolled as shareholders in the
Aleutian Islands. Japanese troops oc- reach far into the Arctic. “[W]e could corporations and required to hold their
cupied two other Aleutian islands, but be right in [the Soviet Union’s] back stock for 20 years. 61
U.S. and Canadian forces recaptured yard, and there was nothing they Continued on p. 800

798 CQ Researcher
a global treaty governing use of 2007
Nations explore Arctic for re-
the oceans. The Northwest Passage is ice-free
for first time on record. . . . Russia
sources. 1977 plants its flag on the North Pole
Trans-Alaska pipeline starts pumping seabed, galvanizing other Arctic na-
1867 oil 800 miles from northern Alaska tions into asserting their own sover-
Russia sells Alaska to the United to the ice-free southern port of eignty. . . . U.S. Senate Foreign Rela-
States for $7.2 million. Valdez. . . . Inuit establish the Inuit tions Committee approves UNCLOS,
Circumpolar Council to represent bringing it closer to ratification.
1905 their interests. . . . Soviet nuclear-
Norwegian explorer Roald Amund- powered icebreaker Arktika is the 2008
sen navigates Northwest Passage. first ship to reach the North Pole. U.S. authorizes oil and gas explo-
ration in Chukchi Sea. . . . Polar
1909 1982 bear is listed as a threatened
U.S. explorer Robert Peary claims U.N. adopts the Convention on species due to the decline of its
to be first to reach the North Pole. the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and sea ice habitat. . . . Arctic nations
opens it for ratification. Eventually agree to use UNCLOS to resolve
1922 166 nations, not including the Arctic territorial claims. . . . U.S.
Oil exploration begins on Alaska’s United States, will ratify it. and Canada begin collaborating on
North Slope. mapping the Arctic seabed to pur-
1984 sue continental shelf claims.
1925 Snohvit gas field is discovered in
Canada is first nation to claim terri- Norway’s Barents Sea. 2009
tory extending to North Pole. A federal fishery management council
1989 votes to close off fishing in Alaskan
1945 The Exxon Valdez oil tanker runs Arctic waters to allow research on
President Harry S. Truman claims aground in Alaska’s Prince William local fish stocks and the effects of
jurisdiction over all resources on Sound, spilling 11 million gallons climate change on the area.
the U.S. continental shelf. of oil and contaminating over
1,000 miles of shoreline. 2011
1959 Arctic Council member nations sign
Alaska becomes the 49th state. • binding agreement to coordinate
search and rescue operations.
Major oil and gas deposits are dis-
covered in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay.
Arctic nations seek a balance
Royal Dutch Shell attempts ex-
between cooperation and com- ploratory drilling in the Beaufort
• petition. and Chukchi seas but struggles in
Arctic conditions. . . . Norwegian
1994 company Statoil postpones plans
Alaska’s oil industry develops
UNCLOS enters into force. to drill offshore exploratory wells
in the Alaskan Arctic.
quickly. 1999
Canada establishes Nunavut Territory 2013
1971 in the north, comprising a fifth of U.S. and Chinese scientists predict
Congress passes the Alaska Native the country, to restore partial sover- ice-free Arctic summers by mid-
Claims Settlement Act, transferring eignty to Canadian Inuit. century. . . . Environmentalists call
44 million acres to 13 Native re- for suspending Arctic offshore
gional economic development cor- 2001 drilling. . . . An Interior Department
porations. Russia becomes first Arctic nation review bans Shell offshore Arctic
to claim sovereignty over the drilling pending more detailed
1973 North Pole, using a process set up plans. . . . Obama administration
U.N. conference convenes to write under UNCLOS. publishes a U.S. Arctic strategy. Sept. 20, 2013 799


Warming Arctic Has Repercussions Elsewhere

Melting ice affects weather, ocean levels in other regions.
he Arctic may be harsh and challenging, but it is also seasons can push these animals into new habitats, reducing

T extremely sensitive to climate change. Rapid warming

in the vast region around the North Pole has greatly re-
duced the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice over the past
their abundance. 4
Sea ice also protects coastal villages from storms. “When the
sea is covered with ice, storms don’t create huge waves that
several decades, altering the region’s ecology. But the chang- pound the shore or winds that blow inland,” says Orson Smith,
ing climate in the Arctic also is having major impacts on weath- a professor of civil engineering at the University of Alaska.
er and climate patterns far beyond the region. “Without sea ice, you get storm surges that push water up onto
Since the mid-1960s, average annual air temperatures over the coasts, as we see in other parts of the United States dur-
land in the Arctic have risen about 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 de- ing hurricanes and other large coastal storms.”
grees Fahrenheit). Temperatures have increased twice as fast Climate change is also melting permafrost (perennially frozen
as those at lower latitudes — a phenomenon known as “Arc- ground, usually starting a few centimeters below the surface)
tic amplification.” 1 Major reasons for the increase include: in many parts of Alaska. “When that happens, building foun-
• Melting sea ice and snow cover on land. Snow and dations and roads sink,” says Smith.
ice reflect a large fraction of solar energy back into space. But Climate change in the Arctic has implications for weather else-
bare land and open water are darker, so they absorb more where. Two 2012 studies found that Arctic warming was slow-
sunlight. In a vicious cycle that scientists call a positive feed- ing the polar jet stream — powerful winds that blow at high
back loop, the warming Arctic temperatures melt more snow speeds from west to east across North America at the point where
and ice, which in turn exposes more bare ground or ocean cold polar air meets warmer air from lower latitudes. When the
that retains more of the sun’s heat, further increasing warming. jet stream slows, it starts to move in wavelike north/south pat-
• Black carbon (fine soot) emissions. Produced from terns. These waves carry warm air into the Arctic and push cold
burning fossil fuels and biomass materials such as wood and Arctic air further south. They also stall weather systems for ex-
crop wastes, these pollutants are carried northward by winds tended periods of time, producing longer warm, cool and wet
for thousands of miles. Often they collect in the Arctic, where periods. These changes, researchers suggested, could be associ-
they fall to the ground in rain and snow. The dark particles ated with extreme weather events at lower latitudes, such as extra
absorb, rather than deflect, solar energy, warming the sur- snowy U.S. winters in 2009-10 and 2010-11. 5
faces below. In 2009 NASA scientists estimated that black car- Arctic warming also accelerates glacier melting. According
bon pollution accounted for up to half of recent Arctic warm- to the U.S. Geological Survey, from the 1950s through the 1990s
ing. 2 Last year, a study estimated that cutting black carbon Alaskan glaciers lost 13 cubic miles of ice yearly — and that
and other short-lived pollutants could reduce warming in the rate doubled in the 2000s. Melting glaciers in Alaska and British
Arctic and the Himalayas by up to two-thirds over the next Columbia, Canada, account for about 8 percent of ice melt
several decades. 3 worldwide, and melting glaciers account for just over half of
As sea ice melts and shrinks, food webs may be disrupted. the current rates of global sea-level rise. 6
Floating sea ice serves as the food base for Arctic ecosystems. “Melting of Northern Hemisphere ice will be an increasingly
Frozen seawater forms networks of ice crystals surrounded by important factor in sea-level rise,” says James McCarthy, a pro-
small spaces filled with brine. Microscopic organisms (mainly fessor of biological oceanography at Harvard University and
algae) grow inside these brine channels. Tiny crustaceans and member of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission. “That will stress
small plankton feed on the algae and in turn serve as food our coasts, especially during major storms like [Hurricanes] Sandy
for larger organisms, such as fish and seals. or Katrina. All Americans pay the price for disasters like that.”
Many large animals forage, rest and reproduce on sea ice, Arctic warming also could intensify global change in other
including polar bears, walruses and seals, so longer ice-free ways in the future. Scientists are studying whether organic

Continued from p. 798 tire state. In 1982 the Alaska Permanent tives completing high school rose from
Thousands of workers moved to Alas- Fund, a state-controlled sovereign wealth 37 percent to 59 percent, and average
ka in the 1970s and early ’80s to work fund, began sending annual checks to family income rose by 39 percent. How-
on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and in the residents to return some oil and gas ever, Native Alaskans were still poorer,
state’s booming oil industry. Southern revenues to Alaskans. 62 less educated and less healthy than non-
Alaska attracted most of the economic As the state grew, Alaska Natives ben- natives. A majority of Native Alaskans
and population growth, but revenues efited socially and economically. Between continued to live in rural areas, where
from North Slope oil enriched the en- 1970 and ’80 the number of Alaska Na- living costs were higher and fewer so-

800 CQ Researcher
materials such as plants and peat stored in permafrost could
release carbon dioxide — the main greenhouse gas that con-
tributes to climate change — as the permafrost melts. But re-

AFP/Getty Images/Gabriel Bouys

searchers question how much organic material lies under the
permafrost and how much carbon would be released under
different scenarios. In addition, enhanced plant growth —
stimulated by warming temperatures and rising carbon diox-
ide levels in the atmosphere — could boost the amount of
carbon removed from the air by plants, partly offsetting the
permafrost releases. 7 A 2012 United Nations Environment Pro-
gramme report called for a special iternational assessment of
how thawing permafrost could affect climate change and noted
that this issue is not currently programmed into global cli-
mate models. 8 Melting sea ice indirectly caused the destruction of this
Also under study is the question of whether methane hydrates house in Shishmaref, an Alaskan village on an island in
— frozen gas deposits located in cold zones under high pres- the Chukchi Sea. Sea ice prevents storms from
sure, which occur beneath Arctic permafrost, on the Arctic seabed, creating huge waves that pound the shore,
and under the seabed — could be released to the atmosphere causing beach erosion and other damage.
as the seas warm. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas with
25 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide (although it re- Near-Term Global Warming,” Climate Central, Jan. 12, 2012, www.climate
mains in the atmosphere for a much shorter time, so it has less
overall impact on climate.) Some analyses, including a recent com- global-warmin.
4 Eric Post, et al., “Ecological Consequences of Sea-Ice Decline,” Science,
mentary in the prominent journal Nature, have warned that sudden, vol. 341, Aug. 2, 2013, pp. 520-521.
devastating large-scale release of methane could cause drastic warm- 5 Jennifer A. Francis and Stephen J. Vavrus, “Evidence Linking Arctic Ampli-
ing within as little as 50 years. 9 fication to Extreme Weather,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, L06801
Other researchers, however, are skeptical of this scenario, (2012); James E. Overland, et al., “The Recent Shift in Early Summer Arctic
Atmospheric Circulation,” Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 39, L19804 (2012).
widely referred to as a “methane bomb.” Such an impact is “so 6 Carl J. Markon, Sarah F. Trainor and F. Stuart Chapin, eds.,
unlikely as to be completely pointless talking about,” said Gavin “The United States National Climate Assessment — Alaska Technical Re-
Schmidt, a NASA climate specialist. 10 Other critics noted that gional Report,” U.S. Geological Survey circular 1379 (2012), pp. 45-46,
Nature had published an article in 2011 suggesting that a cat-
7 “Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost,” United Nations Environment
astrophic methane release within the next several centuries was Programme, 2012, p. 19,
virtually impossible. 11 8 Ibid.
9 Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope and Peter Wadhams, “Climate Science: Vast Costs
— Jennifer Weeks of Arctic Change,” Nature, vol. 499, July 25, 2013,
1 Jessica Blunden and Derek S. Arndt, “State of the Climate in 2012,” Bulletin 10 Chris Mooney, “How Much Should You Worry About An Arctic Methane

of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 94, no. 8 (2013), pp. S111-S112, Bomb?” Grist, Aug. 9, 2013, you-worry-about-an-arctic-methane-bomb/.
2 “Aerosols May Drive a Significant Portion of Arctic Warming,” NASA, April 8, 11 Andrew C. Revkin, “Arctic Methane Credibility Bomb,” The New York

2009, Times, July 25, 2013,

3 Andrew Freedman, “Groundbreaking New Study Shows How to Reduce methane-credibility-bomb/.

cial services were available compared Union in 1991, U.S. concerns about a velopment, concerns of indigenous peo-
to urban Anchorage and Fairbanks. 63 long-range nuclear attack over the North ples and scientific research.” 64
Pole eased. In 1994 President Bill Clin- Though geographically remote, the Arc-
ton signed Presidential Decision Di- tic was becoming acutely vulnerable to
Arctic Warming rective 26, hailing new opportunities global environmental threats. Ocean cur-
for “collaboration among all eight Arc- rents and global wind patterns carried
ith the end of the Cold War tic nations on environmental protec- toxic environmental chemicals thousands
W and the collapse of the Soviet tion, environmentally sustainable de- Continued on p. 803 Sept. 20, 2013 801


Arctic and Antarctic Are Poles Apart

Both regions are cold and remote, but they differ in many ways.
Arctic Antarctic
Geography Vast ocean covered by constantly shifting ice Solid land mass with mountains rising to 16,000
sheets; surrounded by land that forms the feet, surrounded by ocean. Ice covers 98 percent
northern regions of Canada, Denmark, Finland, of land to average depth of one mile or more.
Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the
United States.
Plant life Shrubs, flowers grasses, mosses and lichens on Very few plants except for mosses, algae and
tundra (northernmost zone); farther south large lichens.
forests of spruce, larch, aspen, birch and pine.
Animal life Land mammals include grizzly and black No year-round land animals except for micro-
bears, wolves, musk ox, wolverines, foxes, organisms; all birds and mammals spend much
caribou and smaller species such as hares, of their lives in the ocean, including penguins,
voles and shrews. Seals and polar bears seabirds and seals.
spend much of their lives on sea ice.
Human Earliest evidence of human settlement No indigenous population. The first explorer to
settlement dates back 30,000 to 40,000 years (western cross the Antarctic Circle was Capt. James Cook,
(historic) Siberia). First North American settlement in 1773.
occurred about 15,000 years ago.
Current Approximately 4 million people, of which Between 500 and 1,000 visiting research scientists
human about 10 percent (400,000) belong to more at more than 60 scientific bases, depending on
population than 40 indigenous groups. season. No long-term residents.
Largest Murmansk (307,000), Norilsk (175,000), None
cities and Vorkuta (70,000), Russia; Tromso, Norway
populations (68,000); Barrow, Alaska (4,000), is the only
city in the U.S. Arctic.
Treaties and No broad regional treaty, but international Antarctic Treaty (1959, 50 nations). Members
organizations law provides guidelines on issues such as pledge that Antarctica will be used only for
navigation rights, ship operations, boundary peaceful purposes and that they will support
disputes and marine conservation. scientific research and share their findings.
Arctic Council, an international coordinating Protocols to treaty address environmental
organization of the eight Arctic nations, meets protection and conservation of marine resources.
every two years; six non-Arctic nations were Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research,
granted observer status in 2013. an international body, coordinates research.
Major climate Average temperatures are warming twice as Rapid warming on West Antarctic Peninsula. Total
change rapidly as in lower-latitude regions. Drastic sea ice cover is slowly increasing, but Antarctic ice
impacts shrinkage of sea ice and thawing permafrost. is expanding in some areas and shrinking in others.
Natural Known to exist: Coal, copper, diamonds Little known about potential reserves. Mining
resources gold, iron, lead, natural gas, nickel, oil activities, except for scientific research, are
palladium, platinum, silver, uranium, zinc and banned under a protocol to the Antarctic Treaty.
rare earth metals.
Sources: “Polar Discovery: Compare the Poles,” Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
html; European Union Arctic Centre Information Initiative, (current population); Charles
Emmerson, et al., Arctic Opening: Opportunity and Risk in the High North (2012), pp. 26-27,

802 CQ Researcher
Continued from p. 801 relocate, and the communities often failed countries and the EU over seal hunt-
of miles north from industrialized coun- to qualify for federal disaster prepared- ing. It also postponed considering ap-
tries, concentrating them in Arctic re- ness and recovery programs. 72 plications from Greenpeace and sev-
gions. 65 And scientists studying glob- eral other international organizations
al climate change detected ominous until its 2015 meeting. 74
trends: rapid warming of temperatures
across the Arctic and shrinking Arctic CURRENT China has shown strong interest in
Arctic affairs. As a major exporting na-

sea ice. tion, China would benefit from oppor-
In the mid-1990s researchers began tunities to send cargo ships through
reporting that Arctic sea ice was the Arctic. Along with India, China also
shrinking — a result, according to is a potential customer for Arctic oil
global climate models, of rising lev- and gas. 75 After China was admitted to
els of heat-trapping greenhouse Outside Interests the Arctic Council, the country’s Polar
gases in the atmosphere. 66 Field stud- Research Institute announced that it would
any nations, including some lo- establish a joint China-Nordic Arctic Re-
ies also found that existing ice was
becoming thinner. 67 By 2000, sci-
entists were predicting the Arctic
M cated far from the Arctic Circle,
are interested in commercial opportu-
search Center in Shanghai to fund schol-
arships and research. “Understanding the
Ocean could be ice-free in summer- nities in the Arctic. Some, including Arctic is incredibly difficult. We need all
time within as little as 50 years. 68 China and Japan, have already sent the talented people we can get,” said
In 2004 the Arctic Climate Impact scientists to conduct research in the Kim Holmen, international director of
Assessment, a major scientific study Arctic. And many companies around the Norwegian Polar Institute. 76
prepared at the request of the Arc- the world would like to compete to As the Arctic Council’s profile rises,
tic Council members, released its find- manufacture equipment for Arctic de- some observers say the United States
ings in three reports. “The Arctic is velopment, such as oil drilling plat- needs an Arctic ambassador like the
now experiencing some of the most forms or icebreaking ships. officials who represent other countries
rapid and severe climate change on Earlier this year the Arctic Council in the council. Even some non-Arctic
earth,” it stated. These changes were admitted six non-Arctic countries as nations, such as Japan, have appoint-
likely to increase access to resources observers: China, India, Singapore, Italy, ed Arctic ambassadors. In the United
and shipping routes but would have Japan and South Korea. Opinion among States, dozens of federal agencies, states
major impacts on plants, animals and Arctic nations reportedly was mixed and tribes help make Arctic policy,
humans throughout the region. 69 about this step: Canada had warned managed by six interagency groups at
Environmentalists seized on polar before the meeting that expansion could the White House. Those groups in-
bears as a potent symbol of climate complicate the council’s work, and Rus- clude representatives from the de-
change effects. In 2005 the Center for sia was said to be reluctant. But Nordic partments of State, Defense, Commerce,
Biological Diversity, a national envi- countries argued that new participants Homeland Security, Transportation
ronmental advocacy group, petitioned would make the council “a lot more and Energy, among other federal agen-
the Interior Department to list polar relevant to the whole world,” in the cies. The most senior policy group for
bears as an endangered species. 70 words of Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s the Arctic coordinates Alaskan energy
Three years later, the Interior Depart- foreign minister. 73 development and is led by a deputy
ment designated the polar bear as Many international observers agree. secretary of the Interior. 77
“threatened,” a less urgent status than “The Arctic Council could either re- “It is not news . . . that America is
endangered. 71 main a regional club or let others par- behind the curve when it comes to Arc-
By this time flooding and erosion ticipate, and it saw that there was a tic development and planning,” Alaskan
from climate change were endanger- global role to play,” says Conley of the journalist Carey Restino wrote in May.
ing some Alaska Native communities, Center for Strategic and International “An Arctic ambassador would represent
most of which were located along rivers Studies. “If other nations had been put this country’s interests as well as edu-
and coastlines. In 2009 the U.S. Gov- off, they could have created compet- cate our nation’s leaders on the impor-
ernment Accountability Office reported ing structures, which wouldn’t have tance of these issues.” She noted that
that 31 Alaska communities were threat- served anyone’s purpose.” the United States has ambassadors-at-
ened and that 12 were seeking to re- The council rejected the European large handling specific issues such as
locate. But no overarching federal pro- Union’s request for observer status be- international religious freedom, global
gram was available to help these villages cause of disputes between Arctic women’s issues and HIV and AIDS. 78 Sept. 20, 2013 803

“[F]ar more ably than its many crit- ter. That’s relevant to project manage-
Drilling on Hold ics, Shell has proven the folly of Arc- ment, but it doesn’t really bear on the
tic offshore drilling,” the leaders of 18 drilling program,” he says. Oil industry
fter Shell’s difficulties in the Bering national environmental advocacy representatives are waiting to see what
A and Chukchi seas last year, envi-
ronmentalists and some indigenous groups
groups wrote to then-Interior Secre-
tary Ken Salazar last January, calling
kind of standards federal regulators will
set for future drilling permits. But they
want the government to suspend Arctic for a moratorium on offshore oil and expect that the permitting process will
offshore drilling. Although the Obama gas development in the Arctic. 82 become more intensive.
administration continues to support Arc- Industry advocates reply that, notwith- Shell may also seek permits for new
tic oil and gas production, federal regu- standing Shell’s difficulties, energy com- projects in 2014, but before it can carry
lators are re-evaluating rules for energy panies have substantial experience op- out further offshore operations the In-
companies operating in the region. The erating offshore in difficult conditions. terior Department has required it to
companies are waiting to see what those “Shell’s project was the first proposed develop “a comprehensive and inte-
new regulations will require. for some time in the Chukchi Sea, but grated operational plan” covering each
stage of work and to commission an
independent reviewer to conduct a full
audit of its management systems. 83
“The department has been solicit-
ing a lot of information from industry
over the past five years to clarify what
the impacts of Arctic operations will

Getty Images/The Denver Post/Andy Cross

be,” says Ranger. “This is likely to be
a deep dive into project planning.
There’s no track record for it.”
Alaska officials still support onshore
and offshore energy production. “Other
nations are beginning to drill and de-
velop in the North, whether we do or
not. The answer is not to shelve pro-
jects but to do them right — to be
leaders and set the bar high,” Lt. Gov.
Treadwell said in July.

Alaska Native Lillian Lane prepares locally caught whale meat and skin at her
home in Point Hope, one of the oldest continuously occupied communities in Displaced Towns
North America. Storm-caused erosion threatens the ancient outpost, where
residents live a mostly subsistence life of hunting whales, seal, caribou and n Shishmaref and Kivalina, native
walrus and fishing for salmon. Coastal Alaska residents generally have difficulty
obtaining federal disaster relief for flooding and erosion damage. I villages located on the Chukchi Sea,
buildings have fallen into the sea, and
Shell sent two floating drilling rigs [the oil industry has] been doing a lot erosion threatens key facilities in both
and 20 support vessels to the Arctic of work in areas like the Greenland towns, including airports, drinking water
and planned to drill up to 10 ex- Sea, the Sakhalin Basin in Russia and supplies and sewage containment areas.
ploratory wells in the Beaufort and the North Sea,” says Richard Ranger, a Flooding in Newtok, near the Bering
Chukchi seas. 79 The company drilled senior policy adviser at the American Sea in western Alaska, has damaged the
two nonproducing wells but failed to Petroleum Institute. “With each new village’s barge landing and repeatedly
win Coast Guard approval of its oil-spill project, companies draw on relevant flooded its water supply, spreading raw
containment barge when a containment lessons from other places.” sewage throughout the village. 84
dome sank and was crushed by water Moreover, he asserts, Shell executed All three of these villages have de-
pressure during a test. 80 After the com- its operations at the drill sites satisfac- cided to relocate to avoid further threats
pany left the drill sites, its Kulluk rig torily. “Interior’s main concerns [in its from climate change. But federal dis-
ran aground near Kodiak Island while review] related to towing the Kulluk aster relief programs are limited, and
being towed in stormy weather. 81 across the Gulf of Alaska in midwin- Continued on p. 806

804 CQ Researcher
At Issue:
Should the United States suspend Arctic offshore drilling?




t he United States should suspend offshore drilling, includ-

t he vast oil and gas resources off Alaska’s Arctic coast rep-

yes no
ing new lease sales, in the Arctic Ocean because a major resent a challenge and opportunity America cannot afford
oil spill would devastate our rich marine environment and to ignore.
the coastal communities that depend on it. Shell Oil has Government estimates indicate the Chukchi and Beaufort
demonstrated it lacks the equipment and ability to operate safely seas hold 24 billion barrels of oil and more than 100 trillion
in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off Alaska’s North Slope. In- cubic feet of natural gas. These numbers are enormous by
dustry and government have not proved they can satisfactorily any definition. Speaking with their wallets, major oil and gas
respond to oil spills at these drilling sites, where heavy seas producers have paid the federal government more than $3 bil-
and ocean ice consistently prevent the successful deployment of lion to access these resources.
drilling and safety equipment. For Alaskans, long providers of responsibly produced energy
Shell’s poor track record and the Interior Department’s criti- to our nation, it’s clear why we should develop these resources.
cal review of its operations only punctuate why drilling and Each day, Americans drive 250 million cars and trucks.
lease sales should be suspended. In 2012 alone, Shell’s drill While new federally mandated fuel-economy standards are
ship Noble Discoverer almost ran aground near Dutch Harbor; leading to greater vehicle efficiency, we still burn about 7 bil-
its Kulluk drill rig grounded near Kodiak Island after its super- lion barrels of oil annually. About half that amount comes from
tug lost power; the oil spill response barge Arctic Challenger other countries, including many that do not have our best in-
couldn’t meet safety standards and was absent during drilling terests at heart. Coupled with vast oil and gas production gains
operations; and Shell’s oil spill containment dome, designed to from the Bakken Shale in North Dakota and other regions, the
vacuum up oil spills gushing beneath the surface, was “crushed Arctic Ocean can bring us closer to energy independence.
like a beer can” during sea-trial tests in Puget Sound accord- Admittedly, challenges have come up as we return to these
ing to an Interior Department official. The Coast Guard found Arctic basins 20 years after some 35 exploration wells were
violations on Shell’s ships and has turned over its investigation drilled without incident. Federal permitting agencies were slow
to the Department of Justice. Now picture these kinds of to staff up and initially lacked coordination and cooperation.
events shaping the “development” of the Arctic Ocean. But with the help of an executive order by President Obama
Politicians, industry scientists, marketing firms and corporate and the heroic efforts of former Interior Deputy Secretary David
representatives continually hold conferences on oil-spill response Hayes, the Alaska Inter-Agency Energy Working Group brought
all over Alaska. They’ve produced plenty of reports, but not a people and agencies together, shortened permit lead times and
single successful demonstration of full oil-spill response capa- made government more sensible and responsive.
bilities at the Arctic drilling sites under real conditions, with The producers also had high-profile setbacks. Shell’s troubles
moving broken ice and massive sheets of pack ice. While transporting the Kulluk drill rig this winter, some 1,000 miles
some skimming, booming and towing systems are tested and away from its drill site, demonstrated both the logistical chal-
certified in protected bays around Alaska, conditions in these lenges and capabilities of industry and government.
areas are far from those in Arctic waters where offshore de- Just as improving technology has delivered startling, new
velopment is occurring. Industry and government agencies production gains in oil and natural gas from source rock in
want Alaskans to trust their response plans and systems, but unexpected places, the technology also exists to manage geo-
we need proven capabilities! logically simple wells drilled in shallow Arctic waters.
Coastal communities along Arctic Alaska rely on the ocean As we learn more about Arctic marine ecosystems, weather,
to subsist. Abundant harvests of fish and marine mammals currents and winter ice movements, we also must learn more
sustain rural Alaskan populations, providing healthy, rich food about energy resources through active exploration. The invest-
in a harsh and challenging environment. Intricate food chains ments and infrastructure needed to bring them to market are
connect the Arctic Ocean environment to its native stewards substantial and will take nearly a decade to put in place.
nutritionally and culturally. These rural communities have a While we must be prudent, we should not hesitate to re-
way of life already challenged by a changing climate and now sponsibly produce Arctic resources to reduce our dependence
are threatened by dysfunctional offshore development.
on foreign oil. Sept. 20, 2013 805

Continued from p. 804 nen, an immigration lawyer, disputes Alaska officials say the Obama ad-
native villages often do not qualify for the use of that term. “Refugees are ministration’s Arctic strategy does not
them. A state-level working group, es- moving across borders, not people who address economic development. “It’s a
tablished under former Gov. Palin in have been internally displaced in their terrible omission because this region
2007 to aid threatened communities, own countries,” she says. “And in a is ripe for more than $100 billion in
lapsed in 2011. policy context, it implies that a per- investments now. That will strengthen
“We’re using anachronistic models son’s national government is perse- the U.S. economy and increase regional
of disaster relief, and we need new cuting them or leaving them exposed energy independence,” Lt. Gov. Tread-
federal leadership to figure out the right to harm. Victims of Hurricane Katrina well said in July. 87 “Smart business
response,” says Robin Bronen, execu- were highly offended to be called requires reliable and clear decision-
tive director of the Alaska Immigration refugees, because they were in their making. Instead Alaska is forced to
Justice Project in Anchorage. Federal own country and expected help from work with unworkable mandates from
disaster relief programs focus on ex- their government.” an absentee landowner who doesn’t
treme weather events, such as Hurri- Bronen would like to see the Obama want to talk about the economy.”
cane Sandy in 2012, that displace large administration convene a task force to Some experts say ratifying the Law
numbers of people, but Alaska’s coastal develop responses to climate change of the Sea convention is an even high-
communities are contending with slow- effects like those that threaten Alaska er priority, since it would codify U.S.
ly encroaching sea levels as well as the Native villages. “Climate change will rights to Arctic resources within its ex-
risk of extreme weather. force millions of people around the tended territory. It would also give the
“We need a different framework for world to relocate, and there’s no plan United States more leverage in dis-
addressing the slow creep of sea-level in place,” she says. “The United States cussions about managing the Arctic.
rise and making decisions about how could create a model for helping peo- “China considers itself an Arctic na-
to adapt infrastructure so that it will ple all around the world who are dis- tion, and they’re up there with ice-
last,” says Bronen. placed by climate change.” breakers. We won’t even have resources
Newtok residents have identified a to develop unless we get jurisdiction
new site nine miles away, but town under UNCLOS,” says Harun of Pacific
officials are struggling to raise the es-
timated $130 million needed from state
and federal agencies to move. Many
Alaskan state agencies will not fund
OUTLOOK Environment. “We should be part of
the international framework for man-
aging the region.”
Toward that end, Harvard’s McCarthy
the construction of new facilities at a recommends that the United States de-
relocation site when the community Changes and Opportunities velop a coordinated national Arctic re-
does not already reside there. search program. The National Science
“I think it’s going to be piece by rctic experts and observers have Foundation manages an Antarctic Research
piece with each community and many
different pots of money,” said Lt. Gov.
A many different views on U.S. pri-
orities in the region, but many have
Program that supports scholars in many
scientific fields, but work on Arctic issues
Treadwell. 85 common themes. Some critics say re- does not receive the same kind of focus.
Alaska Natives have trouble ob- cent rhetoric has over-emphasized the “Current funding isn’t adequate to
taining federal disaster relief for likelihood of international competition support what we need to understand
flooding and erosion damage for sev- in the Arctic and ignored opportuni- Arctic ecosystems and processes, such
eral reasons. Relocation projects for ties for nations to cooperate. as how nutrients are transported and
a few hundred residents have a high “I don’t see a race for resources or how sea ice is changing. There’s a huge
ratio of costs to benefits, which weighs some kind of looming clash,” says research agenda, and we’re barely
against them in the grant award Conley of the Center for Strategic and scratching the surface,” says McCarthy.
process. Very few federal disaster de- International Studies. “We’re not see- Ratifying UNCLOS would also advance
clarations have been issued for grad- ing new threats to sovereignty. Russia scientific goals, he says. “The Law of
ual flooding and erosion problems. and Norway are exploring Arctic re- the Sea treaty will guide how the cen-
And unincorporated villages cannot sources, but they’re doing it in a co- tral Arctic is used, not just commercially
participate in FEMA’s National Flood operative international framework. but for research. Treaty members have
Insurance Program. 86 We’re trending in a good direction. standing that lets them shape how areas
Many news reports have called these But we need to invest in the Arctic beyond national exclusive economic
villagers “climate refugees,” but Bro- today to stay on that track.” zones will be used,” he says.

806 CQ Researcher
In debates about U.S. and interna- 6 See also Brian Beary, “Race for the Arctic,” more-than-1-million.html.
18 Clifford Krauss, “ConocoPhillips Suspends
tional interests in the Arctic, the chal- CQ Global Researcher, August 2008, pp. 213-242.
lenge of managing change looms great- 7 Undiscovered recoverable resources are be- Its Arctic Drilling Plans,” The New York Times,
est for the region’s residents. “The lieved to exist based on geological modeling April 10, 2013,
and to be recoverable using today’s technology. business/energy-environment/conocophillips-
Internet has come to northwest Alas-
“Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates suspends-arctic-drilling-plans.html.
ka. Rap music. Cell phones. Canadian 19 Letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar from
of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arc-
whiskey. Ipods. Ebay. YouTube. Low- 18 regional and national conservation advocacy
tic Circle,” U.S. Geological Survey, 2008, http://
rise jeans,” writes award-winning au- groups, Jan. 9, 2013,
thor Seth Kantner, who grew up hunt- 8 Denmark is considered an Arctic nation be- sites/default/files/ArcticCEOlettertoDOI.pdf.
ing, trapping and fishing in the Brooks cause it controls the Faroe Islands and Green- 20 Joint Statement of Indigenous Solidarity for

Range of northern Alaska and lives in land, most of which lies above the Arctic Circle. Arctic Protection,
northwest Alaska today. 9 Secretary of State John Kerry, remarks at Global/Canada/pr/2013/o5/statement-postcon
Modern conveniences and devel- the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Kiruna, ference.pdf.
21 See U.S. Geological Survey, “Circum-Arctic
opment have transformed Arctic resi- Sweden, May 15, 2013,
dents’ historic connection to their land. remarks/2013/05/209403.htm. Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered
10 “National Strategy for the Arctic Region,” Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle,” 2008,
“If you can turn your back to the wind,
The White House, May 2013, www.whitehouse. Natural gas
not see or know . . . out on the land, liquids are components of natural gas such as
the caribou are in storm and cold right propane and butane that are extracted during
pdf (quote on p. 4).
now; they are cratering down through 11 “Political Reaction to Obama Administra- processing.
drifted snow to get to the tundra to tion’s National Strategy for the Arctic,” May 10, 22 For background see www.continentalshelf.

feed. Those hunters, the wolves, they 2013, org/about/1143.aspx. Although the United
are there, too,” writes Kantner. “Nei- litical-reaction-to-obama.html. States has not joined UNCLOS, President Ronald
ther has changed hardly a blink in the 12 The law, nicknamed the Alaska Lands Act, Reagan issued a proclamation in 1983 that
last how many thousand years. We are set aside more than 100 million acres of fed- claimed jurisdiction over activities in the U.S.
the ones who have changed. And I’m eral lands in Alaska as national parks, wildlife EEZ. Proclamation 5030, March 10, 1983, www.
afraid we’ve only just begun.” 88 refuges, national monuments, wilderness areas
and national parks. For background, see “What proclamations/05030.html.
23 For more information see “Continental
is ANILCA?” National Parks Conservation As-
sociation, Oct. 27, 2011, Shelves,” Marine Bio Conservation Society, http://
Notes media-center/fact-sheets/anilca.html.
13 Mead Treadwell, speech at the Center for 24 The hearings took place on May 23, June

Strategic and International Studies, Washington, 14, and June 28, 2012, www.foreign.senate.
1 “Arctic Report Card: Update for 2012,” Na- D.C., July 30, 2013, gov/hearings/.
25 Testimony before the Senate Foreign Re-
tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admin- fits-and-costs-cold.
istration, Jan. 21, 2013, 14 Heather A. Conley, et al., “Arctic Economics lations Committee, June 28, 2012, p. 5, www.
reportcard/exec_summary.html. in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of
2 For background, see Jennifer Weeks, “Cli- Cold,” Center for Strategic and International Stud- Gerard_Testimony.pdf.
26 Kristina Wong and Sean Lengell, “DeMint:
mate Change,” CQ Researcher, June 14, 2013, ies, July 2013, p. 61,
pp. 521-544. fits-and-costs-cold. For background on new Law of the Sea Treaty Now Dead,” The Wash-
3 “Polar Discovery,” Woods Hole Oceanographic gas discoveries, see Daniel McGlynn, “Frack- ington Times, July 16, 2012, www.washington
Institution, ing Controversy,” CQ Researcher, Dec. 16, 2011,
tic/geography-en.html. pp. 1049-1072. sea-treaty-now-dead/?page=all.
4 Arctic sea ice expands during cold months 15 Conley, “Arctic Economics,” op. cit., pp. 61-63. 27 Letter to U.S. Sens. Ted Stevens and Lisa

and shrinks during warm months, typically 16 “Department of the Interior Releases As- Murkowski, Sept. 13, 2007,
reaching its maximum extent in March and sessment of Shell’s 2012 Arctic Operations,”
28 Eddie Hunsinger and Eric Sandberg, “The Alas-
its minimum point in September. National Snow March 14, 2013,
and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colo., ftp://sidads. es/department-of-the-interior-releases-assess ka Native Population,” Alaska Economic Trends, ment-of-shells-2012-arctic-operations.cfm; Mar- April 2013, p. 4,
(figures are for sea ice extent in September, garet Kriz Hobson, “Is Arctic Oil Exploration apr13.pdf.
29 Stephanie Martin and Alexandra Hill, “The
converted to square miles). Dead in the U.S.?” EnergyWire, July 18, 2013,
5 “Arctic Nearly Free of Summer Sea Ice Dur- Changing Economic Status of Native Alaskans,
ing 1st Half of 21st Century,” National Oceanic 17 Lisa Demer, “EPA Fines Shell More Than 1970-2007,” Institute of Social and Economic
and Atmospheric Administration, April 12, 2013, $1 Million for Pollution Violations in Alaska Arc- Research, University of Alaska-Anchorage, July tic,” Anchorage Daily News, Sept. 5, 2013, www. 2009,
0412_arcticseaice.html. note/WebNote5.pdf. Sept. 20, 2013 807

30 “Alaska Native Cultures,” University of Alaska- 2012,; pp. 30-31, 34.
Antonieta Rico, “Papp: No Plans for More Coasties 49 Teresa Hull and Linda Leask, “Dividing Alas-
native-cultures/. in Arctic,” Navy Times, June 1, 2013, ka, 1867-2000” Changing Land Ownership and
31 For more information about Native corpora- Management, Alaska Review of Social and
tions and resource development, see “Alaska’s 6/Papp-No-plans-more-Coasties-Arctic. Economic Conditions, November 2000, p. 2,
41 “Secretary Clinton Signs the Arctic Search and
native corporations,” Alaska Resource Develop-
ment Council, Rescue Agreement with Other Arctic Nations,” files/lands.pdf.
U.S. Department of State, May 12, 2011, www. 50 McCannon, op. cit., pp. 180-181.
32 ‘Joint Statement of Indigenous Solidarity 51 Bruce Henderson, “Who Discovered the North
42 “Begich Provision to Spur Arctic Deepwater Pole?” Smithsonian, April 2009, www.smithson
for Arctic Protection,”
canada/Global/canada/pr/2013/05/statement_ Port Development Clears the Senate,” May 14,
postconference.pdf. 2013, html.
33 “Regional Alaska Native Corporations: Status pressreleases?ID=79aa5f62-701c-4907-8d67-a06 52 Patricia Pierce Erikson, “Meet the Other Pearys,”

40 Years After Establishment, and Future Con- 764482822. Portland Monthly, December 2010, www.port
43 Alexandra Gutierrez, “Begich Calls for In-
siderations,” U.S. Government Accountability
Office, GAO-13-121 (December 2012), p. 39, vestment in Arctic Ports,” Alaska Public Radio, other-pearys/.
March 4, 2013, 53 In 1988 National Geographic published an
34 Richard Harris, “Native Alaskans Divided 04/begich-calls-for-investment-in-arctic-ports/. article that reexamined Peary’s papers and
44 For details see concluded that he had probably missed the
on State’s Oil Drilling Debate,” National Public
Radio, March 20, 2012, brary/ReportsandStudies/AlaskaRegionalPorts pole. Bruce Henderson, “Who Discovered the
20/148754357/native-alaskans-divided-on-states- Study.aspx. North Pole?”, op. cit.
45 Statement of Jack Omelak before the U.S. 54 “Alaskans and the United States,” Alaska
35 “Alaska Energy Brief,” Alaska Federation of Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, History and Cultural Studies, www.akhistory
Natives, May 2012, p. 5, www.nativefederation. and Transportation, Subcommittee on Oceans,
Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard, An- 55 “When was oil discovered and developed
alaska-day-brief.pdf. chorage, Alaska, March 27, 2013, in Alaska?” Alaska Historical Society, www.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid., p. 5. The Alaska Federation of Na- id=80540302-2c7c-4eda-883c-c02328f70045. alaska/FAQs/10.
46 Statement of Matt Ganley before the U.S. 56 For more information see “National Petro-
tives represents the state’s 13 for-profit regional
Native corporations, 244 Native villages, and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and leum Reserve — Alaska,” Bureau of Land Man-
12 regional non-profit tribal consortia. Transportation, Subcommittee on Oceans, At- agement,
38 “Alaska Native Priorities for the 2012-2013 Pres- mosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard, Anchor- oil_gas/npra.html.
age, Alaska, March 27, 2013, p. 2, 57 “Military History in Alaska, 1867-2000,” Joint
idential and Congressional Transition,” Alaska Fed-
eration of Natives, December 2012, pp. 9-10, Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Nov. 13, 2006, www. =87addd59-89e7-4220-816f-6fc1c40a46f6.
47 Hillary Mayell, “Bones, Tools Push Back 5304.
39 “Alaska Renewable Energy Profile 2010,” U.S. Human Settlement in Arctic Region,” National 58 Jason Reagle, “The First ICEX,” Undersea

Energy Information Administration, March 8, 2012, Geographic News, Oct. 2, 2001, http://news. Warfare, Summer 2009, cno/n87/usw/usw_summer_09/nautilus.html.
40 Margaret Kriz Hobson, “Limited Resources arctichabitation.html. 59 Hull and Leask, op. cit., p. 3.
48 John McCannon, A History of the Arctic: 60 Ibid., p. 2.
May Force Coast Guard to Get Creative During
Nature, Exploration and Exploitation (2012), 61 Janie Leask, “The Alaska Claims Settlement,”
Next Arctic Traffic Jam,” EnergyWire, Nov. 30,
August 1984,
About the Author htm.
62 A sovereign wealth fund is a government-

Jennifer Weeks is a Massachusetts freelance writer who controlled fund used to manage revenues
specializes in energy, the environment and science. She has from the sale of valuable natural resources
written for The Washington Post, Audubon, Popular Me- such as oil, natural gas or minerals. For back-
chanics and other magazines and previously was a policy an- ground see Jennifer Weeks, “The Resource Curse,”
alyst, congressional staffer and lobbyist. She has an A.B. de- CQ Researcher, Dec. 20, 2011, pp. 597-622.
63 “Changes in the Well-Being of Alaska Since
gree from Williams College and master’s degrees from the
ANCSA,” Alaska Review of Social and Econom-
University of North Carolina and Harvard. Her recent CQ Re- ic Conditions, November 1984, www.alaskool.
searcher reports include “Coastal Development” and “Manag- org/projects/ancsa/arsec.pdf.
ing Wildfires.” 64 Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-26, June

9, 1994, p. 2,

808 CQ Researcher
65 For an overview see Marla Cone, Silent
Snow: The Slow Poisoning of the Arctic (2006).
66 For example, see Malcolm Browne, “Ice Shifts FOR MORE INFORMATION
May Be Tied To Warming,” The New York Times, Alaska Immigration Justice Project, 431 West 7th Ave., Suite 208, Anchorage,
Nov. 18, 1997, AK 99501; 907-279-2457; Nonprofit agency that provides low-cost
science/ice-shifts-may-be-tied-to-warming.html. legal assistance to immigrants and refugees in Alaska.
67 Malcolm W. Browne, “Researchers Find

Signs of Warming in Arctic Air, Ice and Water,” American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005; 202-
The New York Times, Oct. 20, 1998, www.ny 682-8000; National trade association representing the U.S. oil and natural gas industries.
William K. Stevens, “Thinning Sea Ice Stokes Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K St., N.W., Washington,
Debate on Climate,” The New York Times, DC 20006; 202-887-0200; Centrist think tank that offers bipartisan
Nov. 17, 1999, policy proposals on U.S. security issues.
68 Walter Gibbs, “Research Predicts Summer Marine Conservation Alliance, 4005 20th Ave. W, Suite 115, Seattle, WA 98199;
206-535-8357; A coalition that promotes science-
Doom for Northern Icecap,” The New York Times,
based policies for managing the marine resources of the North Pacific and Bering
July 11, 2000,
69 “Impacts of a Warming Arctic,” Arctic Climate
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, U.S. Department of Energy,
1000 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20585; 202-586-1272; http://energy.
Impact Assessment (2004), pp. 10-11, www.amap. gov/indianenergy/office-indian-energy-policy-and-programs. Directs and coordinates
no/documents/doc/impacts-of-a-warming-arc federal programs that assist tribes with energy development, infrastructure, costs
tic-2004/786. and electrification of tribal lands.
70 Full text of petition at www.biologicaldiver Pacific Environment, 215 Kearny St., 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108; 415-
76_7338.pdf. 399-8850; Nonprofit advocacy group that works to
71 Juliet Eilperin, “Polar Bear is Named Threat- protect the environment of the Pacific Rim, including Russia, China, California,
ened Species,” The Washington Post, May 15, Alaska and the Alaskan Arctic.
tent/story/2008/05/14/ST2008051403984.html. U.S. Arctic Research Commission, 4350 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 510, Arlington,
72 “Alaska Native Villages: Limited Progress Has VA 22203; 703-525-0111; A small independent federal agency estab-
lished in 1984 that works with other federal agencies to plan and guide scientific
Been Made on Relocating Villages Threatened
research on Arctic issues.
by Flooding and Erosion,” U.S. Government
Accountability Office, GAO-09-551 ( June
2009), “The New Foreign Policy Frontier: U.S. In- 84 Robin Bronen, “Climate-Induced Displace-
73 Ellen Emmerentze Jervell and Alistair Mac- terests and Actors in the Arctic,” Center for ment of Alaska Native Communities,” Brook-
Donald, “Six Nations Win Seats on Arctic Strategic and International Studies, March 2013, ings Project on Internal Displacement, Jan. 30,
Council,” The Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2013, p. 23, 2013, pp. 12-17, policy-frontier. papers/2013/01/30-arctic-alaska-bronen.
78 Carey Restino, “Opinion: Arctic Ambassador 85 Suzanne Goldenberg, “ ‘It’s Happening Now
74 Ibid. a Good Idea,” The Dutch Harbor Fisherman, . . . The Village is Sinking,’ ” The Guardian,
75 Stephen Blank, “Exploring China’s Arctic Ice- May 3, 2013, www.thedutchharborfisherman. May 15, 2013,
breaker,” Asia Times, July 7, 2013, www.atimes. com/article/1318arctic_ambassador_a_good_ ment/interactive/2013/may/15/newtok-safer-
com/atimes/China/CHIN-02-170713.html. idea. ground-villagers-nervous.
76 Trude Patterson, “China Boosts Arctic Re- 79 “Review of Shell’s 2012 Alaska Offshore 86 “Alaska Native Villages: Limited Progress

search,” Barents Observer, June 7, 2013, http:// Oil and Gas Exploration Program,” Report to Has Been Made on Relocating Villages the Secretary of the Interior, March 8, 2013, Threatened by Flooding and Erosion,” U.S.
boosts-arctic-research-07-06. pp. 11-12, 16, Government Accountability Office, GAO-09-
77 The groups are the Arctic Policy Group; es/upload/Shell-report-3-8-13-Final.pdf. 551, June 2009, pp. 22-24,
80 Ibid., p. 19.
the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Com- 300/290468.pdf.
81 Ibid., pp. 29-30. 87 Speech at the Center for Strategic and Inter-
mittee; the Interagency Policy Committee on
82 Jan. 9, 2013, letter to Secretary Salazar, www.
the Arctic; the Interagency Working Group national Studies, Washington, D.C., July 30, 2013,
on Coordination of Domestic Energy Devel-
opment and Permitting in Alaska; the Maritime lettertoDOI.pdf. 88 Seth Kantner, “Caribou Currency,” in Arctic
83 “Review of Shell’s Offshore Oil and Gas
Security Working Group; and the National Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point, Subhankar
Ocean Council. Heather A. Conley, et al., Exploration Program,” op. cit., p. 2. Banarjee, ed. (2012). Sept. 20, 2013 809

Selected Sources
Books ment/interactive/2013/may/13/newtok-alaska-climate-
Bernard, C. B., Chasing Alaska: A Portrait of the Last The British newspaper examines threats to native Alaskan com-
Frontier Then and Now, Lyons Press, 2013. munities from climate change in a three-part, multimedia series.
A journalist roams across Alaska, charting the travels of an an-
cestor who explored the area at the turn of the 20th century. Hobson, Margaret Kriz, “Offshore Drilling: Is Arctic Oil
Exploration Dead in the U.S.?” EnergyWire, July 18, 2013,
Grant, Shelagh D., Polar Imperative: A History of Arctic
Sovereignty in North America, Douglas & McIntyre, 2011. A journalist details how Shell’s Arctic drilling setbacks in
A Trent University (Canada) researcher provides an history 2012 have slowed the rush to drill offshore in the American
of nations’ claims to Arctic territorial rights. Arctic but says long-term interest remains strong.

McGhee, Robert, The Last Imaginary Place: A Human Struzik, Ed, “China’s New Arctic Presence Signals Future
History of the Arctic World, Oxford University Press, 2005. Development,”Yale Environment 360, June 4, 2013, http://
An archaeologist at the Canadian Museum of Civilization
recounts the history of human settlement of the Arctic. nals_future_development/2658/.
A Canadian journalist reports that China’s recent observer-
Østreng, Willy, et al., Shipping in Arctic Waters: A Com- status admission to the Arctic Council signals that economic
parison of the Northeast, Northwest and Trans Polar development of the increasingly ice-free region is becoming
Passages, Springer-Verlag, 2013. a top priority for Arctic nations and others.
The authors evaluate the conditions along three Arctic trans-
portation corridors. Reports and Studies
Articles “National Security Strategy for the Arctic Region,” The
White House, May 10, 2013,
“Arctic Politics: Cosy Amid the Thaw,” The Economist, default/files/docs/nat_arctic_strategy.pdf.
March 24, 2012, The Obama administration presents its three-pronged Arctic
The British newsweekly reports on the Arctic Council’s strategy: advancing U.S. security interests, pursuing respon-
growing importance as a forum for cooperation among Arc- sible Arctic regional stewardship and strengthening interna-
tic nations. tional cooperation.

“A New Normal for Arctic Sea Ice,” National Snow & Ice “Review of Shell’s 2012 Alaska Offshore Oil and Gas
Data Center, July 2, 2013, Exploration Program,” Report to the Secretary of the
news/2013/07/a-new-average-for-arctic-sea-ice/. Interior, U.S. Department of the Interior, March 8, 2013,
The national data center monitors Arctic sea ice and finds
it is shrinking by about 3.6 percent per decade. security/getfile&pageid=348469.
An Interior Department review of Shell’s offshore oil and
Bellinger III, John B., “Treaty on Ice,” The New York gas exploration efforts in Alaska in 2012 finds that the com-
Times, June 23, 2008, pany was not fully prepared to operate in Arctic conditions.
A legal adviser to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Bronen, Robin, “Climate-Induced Displacement of Alaska
Rice argues that the United States should ratify the Law of Native Communities,” Brookings Institution, Jan. 30, 2013,
the Sea Convention to protect its rights to Arctic offshore
resources. alaska-bronen.
An Alaska immigration-rights lawyer contends that govern-
Freedman, Andrew, “In Rapidly Changing Arctic, U.S. ment agencies are not providing the right kind of support
Playing Game of Catch-Up,” Climate Central, July 21, to relocate communities threatened by climate change.
arctic-u.s.-playing-game-of-catch-up-16271. Conley, Heather A., “The New Foreign Policy Frontier:
A science journalist reports on how U.S. military and sci- U.S. Interests and Actors in the Arctic,” Center for Strate-
entific agencies are scrambling to cope with the looming gic and International Studies, April 22, 2013, http://csis.
prospect of a seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean. org/publication/new-foreign-policy-frontier.
A centrist think tank calls for the United States to update
Goldenberg, Suzanne, “America’s Climate Refugees,” The its Arctic policy and for high-level U.S. officials to focus more
Guardian, May 13-15, 2013, on the region.

810 CQ Researcher
The Next Step:
Additional Articles from Current Periodicals
Development in the Region Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said he is more concerned
about the risks of shipping accidents than the dangers of
Baczynska, Gabriela, “Veteran explorer stakes Russia’s offshore drilling.
claim over the Arctic,” Reuters, Feb. 27, 2013, www. Sullivan, Dan, “It’s time to develop our Arctic resources,”
91Q11F20130227. CNN, July 20, 2012,
A Russian polar explorer is spearheading Russia’s effort to sullivan-arctic-drilling.
claim more of the Arctic shelf in the mineral-rich region. Development of Alaska’s mineral resources will promote
the nation’s interests, argues an Alaskan government official.
Berkman, Paul Arthur, “Preventing an Arctic Cold War,”
The New York Times, March 12, 2013, Warming Climate
Arctic and non-Arctic states need to work together to man- “Polar bear hunting and migration ‘hit by warming cli-
age the region’s resources so development is both sustain- mate,’ ” The Guardian, March 20, 2013, www.theguardian.
able and peaceful, says an op-ed columnist. com/environment/2013/mar/20/polar-bear-hunting-mi
Bolstad, Erika, “White House airs new policy on key Polar bears’ hunting time on sea ice is declining as the
Arctic challenges; President says it aims to balance con- Arctic warms up, affecting their health and the ability of
flicting goals in the region,” Anchorage Daily News, cubs to survive to adulthood.
May 11, 2013,
white-house-outlines-new-policy.html. Reinwald, Pete, “Something strange in the air,” The
President Obama lays out a national strategy to pursue Chicago Tribune, Aug. 22, 2013, http://articles.chicago
economic opportunities in the Arctic while conserving its
environment. 0822_1_weird-weather-jet-stream-the-weather-channel.
The warming of the Arctic is causing changes in the polar
Native Communities jet stream, resulting in prolonged weather events, according
to several scientists.
Hanley, Charles J., “Traditional life slipping away in
Greenland,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 4, 2011. Spotts, Pete, “Arctic sea ice falls to record low. Global
The traditional Inuit way of life in Greenland is changing warming?” The Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 8, 2012,
rapidly along with the Arctic environment.
McNicholas, Laurie, “Arctic communities want role in The Arctic has been warming twice as fast as the whole
oil spill response activities,” The Nome Nugget (Alaska), of the Northern Hemisphere.
Aug. 22, 2013,
As oil and gas exploration expands in the Arctic, Alaskan Sample formats for citing these reports in a bibliography
communities want to be included in responses to shipping
accidents and oil spills. include the ones listed below. Preferred styles and formats
vary, so please check with your instructor or professor.
Rosenthal, Elisabeth, “A Melting Greenland Weighs Perils
Against Potential,” The New York Times, Sept. 24, 2013, MLA STYLE Jost, Kenneth. “Remembering 9/11.” CQ Researcher 2 Sept.
greenland-weighs-perils-against-potential.html?pagewant 2011: 701-732.
As commercial fishing declines, new mining opportunities APA STYLE
are appearing on the horizon for a Greenland community. Jost, K. (2011, September 2). Remembering 9/11. CQ Re-
Offshore Drilling searcher, 9, 701-732.

Joling, Dan, “Begich: Shipping riskier than drilling in Arc-
tic,”, March 13, 2013, http://juneauem Jost, Kenneth. “Remembering 9/11.” CQ Researcher, Sep- tember 2, 2011, 701-732.
arctic#.UhuMEtI3s30. Sept. 20, 2013 811

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