Titan 34B 34D Users Guide 1982 04

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Users Guide
TITAN 348/340

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Fel" J. Scheffler
trector, Launch Vehicles
Space Launch Systems Division


P. O. Box 179
Denver, Colorado 80201

This document is submitted in accordance with ties, ground systems operations, performance, sup-
PRCNP-PH to SAMSO-66-401, Vol III, Rev. 2, Line port services and interfaces, environments, and
AI015 to contract F04701-79-C-0092. spacecraft integration.

The current Titan launch vehicle family includes Performance capabilities are presented for options
the Titan 34 series with a performance level ex- including new upper stages, large-diameter pay-
ceeding other expendable launch vehicles (ELV) in load fairings, stretched cores and seven-segment
the free world. This series, which includes the Titan solid rocket motors.
34B and Titan 34D launch vehicles, has the growth
potential for increased capability. A payload questionnaire in Appendix A sum-
marizes the types of information required for
Titans offer users proven and reliable hardware as spacecraft and missions. For assistance or more
well as an established and experienced space and detailed information relating to a specific applica-
missile system organization that can assist in both tion, please contact:
mission planning and implementation.
Mr. Felix J. Scheffler
The Titan Spacecraft User's Guide will acquaint Director, Launch Vehicles
potential spacecraft organizations with the Titan 34 Space Launch Systems Division
series launch vehicle system capabilities and avail- Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace
able related services. This guide describes the path P.O.Box179
of Titan development, mission success, program Denver, Colorado 80201
organization, vehicle configurations, launch facili- Phone: (303)977-3000



Chapter I-Titan Development . I-I

Titan I &IIPrograms . I-I
Titan III Family . 1-2
Titan 34 Program . 1-4
Titan III Mission Success . 1-5

Chapter II-Program Organization . II-I

Space Division , . II-I
Space and Missile Test Center . II-I
Aerospace Corporation . II-I
Spacecraft Program Offices . II-I
Spacecraft Contractor . 11-2
Spacecraft Integration Contractor . 11-2
Martin Marietta Corporation . 11-2
Associate Contractors . 11-2

Chapter III-Vehicle Description . 111-1

Configuration Overview . 111-1
Stage Descriptions . 111-2
Stage 0 . 111-2
StageI&II . 111-3
No Upper Stage (NUS) . 111-3
Transtage (T/S) . 111-4
Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) . 111-8
Ascent Agena . III-13

Chapter IV-Performance . IV-l

Mission Descriptions . IV-l
Flight Description . IV-3
Performance Capabilities . IV-3

Chapter V-Environments . V-I

Launch and Flight . V-2
Upper Stage/Spacecraft Thermal Interface . V-7

Chapter VI-Spacecraft StructuralInterfaces . VI-l

Titan 34B&34D-No Upper Stages . VI-1
Titan 34B/ Ascent Agena . VI-1
Titan 34D/Transtage . VIol

Titan 34D/IUS . VI-2

Spacecraft Attachment . VI-2
Payload Fairing (PLF) . VI-4

Chapter VII-Spacecraft Thermal & Electrical Interface . VII-l
Titan 34D/IUS . VII-l
Titan 34D/N 0 Upper Stage . VII-2
Titan 34B/ Ascent Agena . VII-3

Chapter VIII-Spacecraft Orbital Services . VIII-l

Thermal Control Maneuvers . VIII-l
Telemetry Dipout Maneuver . VIII-l

Chapter IX-Spacecraft Equipment Interfaces . IX-I

ESMC Electrical & Electronic Aerospace Ground Equipment Services . IX-l
Control & Monitoring . IX-I
WSMC Electrical & Electronic AGE Services . IX-2
ESMC Mechanical & Structural AG E . IX-2
ESMC Facilities . IX-6
WSMC Mechanical & Structural AG E . IX-6
WSMC Facilities . IX-7

Chapter X-Spacecraft Integration . X-I

Predefinition Period (phase 0) . X-I
Definition Period (phase I) . X-2
Implementation Period (phase II) . X-4
Schedule : . X-6

Chapter XI-Launch Facilities & Ground Equipment . XI-I

ESMC Integrate-Transfer-Launch System . XI-I
ESMC Aerospace Ground Equipment . XI-6
WSMCLaunchSystem .' ' . XI-lO
WSMC Aerospace Ground Equipment. . XI-13

Chapter XII-Launch Operations . XII-I

Organization & Responsibilities . XII-I
Documentation . XII-2
Launch Vehicle Operations Management . XII-3
Test Management . XII-4
Safety Operations . XII-5
ESMC Receipt-to-Launch Sequence . XII-5
WSMC Receipt-to-Launch Sequence . XII-7

Chapter XIII-Titan Improvements . XIII-I

Optional Space Launch Vehicle Configurations . XIII-I
Optional Upper Stage Configurations . XIII-3
Optional Payload Fairing Configurations . XIII-5
Titan II as an SLV - . - .. - - - - - - - - - - - . XIII-g
Transtage Performance Improvements _ . XIII-9

Glossary . iv

Appendix A-Payload Questionnaire , . A-I

Appendix B-Typical Work Breakdown Structure for a Predefinition Period . B-1

Appendix C-Typical Work Breakdown Structure for a Definition Period . C-1

Appendix D- Typical Work Breakdown Struc ure for an Implementation Period . D-1

Appendix E-Load Analysis , . E-1

Appendix F-Typical Spacecraft and Upper-S ages Thermal Analyses . F-1

Appendix G-Typical Trajectory Analyses.. . . G-1

Pu blication Notice

To: Holders of the Titan Spacecraft Users Guide


Revisions to this document will be issued

periodically. A document change instruction sheet
will be included with each revision, specifying the
revision letter, date issued, and revision instruc-
tions. You will automatically receive revisions if we
have your current company affiliation and address.
We therefore encourage you to return the document
service card promptly.

Please inform us of company and address changes,

requests for additional copies, and transfer of this
document to another individual. In this way we can
keep your guide current. We welcome any sugges-
tions or comments you may have for improving this


Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace has been ac-

tively engaged in missile and space programs since
1955. Denver Aerospace's first program was the
Titan I intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a
two-stage missile developed and deployed as a
weapon system (Fig. I-I). Development began in
1955 with the first launch occurring in February
1959.Out of 163missiles built, 67were launched for
development or training. The last launch was in
March 1965.

e , ~, Figure 1-2 Titan II

Figure 1-1 Titan 1

Titan II was Martin Marietta's second ICBM pro-

gram (Fig. 1-2).Development began in 1960with the
first launch in March 1962. Titan II was the first
strategic missile that used storable hypergolic pro-
pellants with an inertial guidance system. This
weapon system was deployed in 1962and is still in
the nation's strategic systems inventory. Eighty-
one Titan II missiles have been launched for devel-
opment, training, and special programs.

The Titan II ICBM was converted into the Titan/

Gemini space launch vehicle by manrating critical
systems (Fig. 1-3). It served as a significant step-
ping stone in the evolution of the Apollo program. Figure 1-3 Titan II/Gemini
Twelve launches occurred between April 1964and thrust during the boost phase can be provided by
November 1966. two solid rocket motors (SRM) attached to the core
(stage 0). Various upper stages (stage III and up)
TITAN HI F AMIL Y allow for mission and flight plan flexibility to meet
specific spacecraft requirements.
The Titan III launch vehicle was developed under
the management of the Air Force Systems Com- The Titan III program began in 1961with the devel-
mand, Space Division. The program objective was opment of the Titan IlIA and Titan HIe vehicles.
to design a launch system to cover a comprehensive The Titan IlIA had a two-stage liquid rocket core
spectrum of future missions without the inherent and a Transtage for the third stage. It flew four
problems of a tailored launch vehicle. The solution, development missions before being integrated into
achieved through optimizing existing technology, the Titan IIIC configuration. The Titan IIIC con-
is a set of building blocks that can be combined to figuration added two 5-segment SRMs (stage 0) to
produce a variety of viable launch-vehicle con- the Titan IlIA core/Transtage arrangement (Fig.
figurations (Figs. 1-4and 1-5). 1-6).

The basic element in Titan III vehicles is the two- Since its first flight in June 1965,the Titan IIIe has
stage liquid rocket core (stages I and II). Additional successfully deployed numerous spacecraft cover-


Titan I Titan II Titan Titan iliA Titan 236 Titan 248 Titan 346
Gemini Transtage Agena Agana Ascent Agena

Figure 1-4 Titan Launch Vehicles

Titan IIIC Titan 1110 Titan IIIE Titan 340
Transtage NUS Centaur TS/IUS/NUS

Figure 1-5 Titan Family

ing a broad range of flight plans, spacecraft, and Ascent Agena, and a 24B stretched version of the
spacecraft deployment modes. The Titan IIIC mis- standard core including stage II radio guidance and
sions are flown out of the Eastern Space and a 5-ft diameter Agena upper stage. Titan I1IBs are
Missile Center (ESMC). Some flights involved launched from the Western Space and Missile
multiple-payload missions with four to eight space- Center (WSMC), and are still active spacecraft
craft from as many as three spacecraft operators boosters.
(Fig. 1-7). Martin Marietta's Titan III team has
built and integrated payload trusses with multiple The Titan I1ID is a no upper-stage (NUS) version of
spacecraft. the Titan IIIC developed for WSMC launches. The
HID is similar to a I1IC without the Transtage, ex-
Development of the core-only Titan III vehicle con- cept that the avionics (which are all analog) are
tinued with the Titan IIIB version in 1965, desig- located in the lower stages. Like the IIIB, the I1ID
nated the 23B. The same two-stage core used radio has a radio guidance system. The Titan IIID is still
guidance and had a 5-ft diameter Agena as an upper an active spacecraft booster and has achieved 100
stage. Follow-on programs in the I1IB series includ- percent mission success since its first flight in mid-
ed the 33B with a 10-ft diameter payload fairing and 1971.
guidance. The Titan HIE was used to boost highly --"
successful Viking spacecraft to Mars; Voyager
spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus from ear-
ly 1974 through 1977; and two Helios spacecraft for
solar investigations (Fig. 1-8).

Figure [-8 Viking

Figure 1-6 Titan lIlC

The Titan 34 series includes the 34B and 34D con-

figurations. These are the most advanced Titans in
concept, design, and performance.

In 1965, development began on the Titan HIM. This

vehicle was designed to launch the Air Force's
Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) from WSMC.
Although the MOL was not built or flown, this
launch vehicle design was the forerunner of the cur-
rent Titan 34 series and planned growth vehicles.
(See Chapter XII!.) Titan HIM was the first
stretched-core configuration and included two 7-
segment, 120-in. diameter SRMs as stage 0 (Fig.

The program's definition phase was completed.

Also, hardware development and engineering were
Figure [-7 .completad to allow for four static firings of the
Transtage Deploys Eight IDCSP Satellites seven-segment SRMs and completion of the Space
Launch Complex (SLC-6).* The success ofthese ac-
tivities confirmed the feasibility of building and
The Titan HIE vehicle was a Titan HID adapted for flying Titan growth vehicles.
use at ESMC. The configuration included a Cen-
taur D-1T upper stage with a 14-ft diameter payload
fairing (PLF). The upper stage provided inertial *SLC-6 became the WSMC Shuttle launch facility.

The 34B launch vehicle launched from WSMC is
similar to a 24B except that it uses a lO-ft-diameter
PLF up to 57.9 ft long. This PLF can accommodate
a variety of upper-stage and payload combinations.
Radio and inertial guidance systems are provided
for the NUS and Agena configurations, respective-

The Titan 34B series began service from WSMC in

March 1975. As of February 1982, seven Titan 34B
flights have been successfully completed with 100
percent mission reliability.

The Titan 34D is the latest extension of Titan III. It

uses the stretched core of the Titan 34B in conjunc-
tion with five 1/2-segment SRMs to provide the
greatest current capability in the Titan family. The
Titan 34D booster has been integrated with several
launch vehicle upper stages, PLFs and guidance
configurations. The Titan 34D, as currently in-
tegrated, will be launched from ESMC using iner-
tial guidance with either a Transtage or inertial up-
per stage (IUS), and from WSMC using radio
guidance with no upper stage.

Figure 1-9 Titan IIIM


Titan has demonstrated its reliablity (Table I-I). To Table /-1 Operation Success Record
date, 117 operational Titan Ills have been launch- Quantity Quantity First Total Total
ed. As a part of this record, WSMC has had 76 con- Configuration Ordered Built Flight Launches Successes
Titan IIIB" 57 56 7/29/66 54 53
secutive successful flights.
Titan Ille 29 29 4/28/67 29 27
Titan 1110 22 22 6/15/71 20 20
Table 1-2 summarizes the ESMC missions flown. Titan IIIE 7 7 2/11/74 7 7
Operational flights from ESMC began on April 28, Titan 34B 11 10 3/09/75 7 7
1967, with a Titan IIIC launch of two VELA and Titan 340 13 9 --- 0 ----

three ERS satellites. "Includes Titan 23B, 33B,and 24B Flights

Table 1-2 Titan III ESMC Flight Summary
Titan Date Orbit Comments

iliA 09'{)1-64 (R&D Flight)

Failed to achieve orbit because malfunction reduced transtage
propellant flow. Stage I and II test objectives were achieved.
utA 12-10-64 100 nmi Circular (R&D Flight!
Placed 3610 Ibs of ballast in orbit.
iliA 02·11·65 100 nmi Circular, (R&D Flight)
transfer to 1500 Placed Lincoln Experimental Satellite (L ES-l) in orbit to test
nmi Circular high-frequency radio relays. First triple ignition of a rocket engine
in space.
iliA 05-06-65 (R&D Flight)
Flight objectives same as 2-11-65 flight. Ejected LES-2 and a radar-
calibration satellite. Transtage engines were than fired a fourth time
in space.
I/IC 06-18-65 100 nmi Circular (R&D Flight)
Successful maiden flight. 21,000 Ibs of ballast placed in orbit.
IIIC 10-15-65 (R&D Flight)
Propellant-valve malfunction caused transtage tumbling. Ejection
of military and radar-calibration satellites not confirmed.
IIfC 12-21-65 90 nmi Circular, (R&D Flight)
90/18,200 nmi Four satellites carried, three totaling 28,193 Ibs placed in transfer orbit
IIIC 6-16-66 Near-synchronous IR&D Flight)
Equatorial,18,200 Deployed nucleus of Initial Defense Communication Satellite Project
nml (lDCSP) for Department of Defense. Eight satellites, totaling
1025 lbs, deployed. Mission included orbit transfer, two changes
of orbital plane, series of roll maneuvers to maintain heating of
lIIe 8·26-66 (R&D Flight}
Payload fairing broke up 79 seconds after launch, causing vehicle
to roll, pitch, and destroy itself.
IIIC 11-03-66 160 nmi Circular (R&D Flight)
Flew "Roller-Coaster" trajectory with a refurbished. unmanned Gemini
spacecraft to test a hatch cut into the capsule's heat shield. Ejected
converted Titan II propellant tank containing scientific experiments
to compile data on aerodynamic environment needed by "Long Shape"
tile 01-18-67 18,200 nmi Equatorial (R&D Flight)
Eiected eight military communication satellites in IDCSP program.
lIIe 04-28-67 4670 by 60.000 (1st Operational Flight!
nrni Elliptical First night launch. The 1810-lb multiple payload included twin 130-lb
VELA Nuclear Detection Satellites and three Environmental Research
Satellltes (ERS) to conduct £mvironmental studies.
IIIC 07-01-67 18.200 nmi Ejected three IDCSP military communication satellites and three other
Equatorial satellites, Department of Defense Gravity Experiment (DODGE).
Lincoln Experimental Satellite (LES-5). and Despun Antenna Test
Satellite (DATS).
IIIC 06-13-68 18,200 nmi Near- Ejected final eight satellites in IDCSP program. Completed free
Synchronous world's first global military communications network in space.
lIIe 09-26-68 Elliptical, 100 by Ejected four experimental satellites, totaling 1170 Ibs. Satellites
19,360nmi, released in three different orbits.
synchronous equatorial.
19,320 nmi
IIIC 02-09-69 Synchronous Equatorial, .Largest communication satellite to date (1600 Ibs) orbited above
19,370 nmi west coast of South America.
lIIe 05-23-69 ElliPtical, 9130 by The 1950-Ib multiple pavload included twin VELA Nuclear Oetection
60290nmi Satyllites and three Environmental Research Satellites for celestial
envlronmental studies,
tile 04-08-70 Elliptical. 9340 by PtjCed two VELA Nuclear Detection Satellites in orbit.
60.400 nmi
IIiC 11-06-70 Air Force Spacecraft
lite 05-05-71 Air Force Spacecraft
Ilie 1HJ2-11 19,490 nmi Placed two Defense System Communication Satellites lOSeS) in orbit.
Synchronous Equatorial
file 03-01-72 Air Force Spacecraft
we 06-12-73 Air Force Spacecraft
!lie 12-13-73 Placed two DSeS in orbit.

Table [-2 (concl)

Titan Date Orbit Comments

IIiE 02·11·74 Maiden flight. Launched a structural test model of the Viking Mars
IIIC 05·30·74 Synchronous Launched largest and most powerful NASA communications satellite
Equatorial to date, used for experimental educational and health services TV
IIIE 12·10·74 Solar Orbit Launched West German solar observatory satellite, Hellos A.
lIic 05·20·75 Failed to achieve orbit due to upper stage system malfunction.
IIIE 08·20·75 Escape from Earth's Launched the Viking 1 spacecraft to MARS. The lander is still
Atmosphere relaying information from the Martian surface.
IIIE 09·09·75 Escape from Earth's Launched the Viking 2 spacecraft to MARS. The lander is still relaying
Atmosphere information from the Martian surface.
IIIC 12·14·75 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIE 01·15·76 Solar Orbit Launched Helios B.
IIIC 03·14·76 Placed two Lincoln Experimental Satellites (LES 8 & 9) and a Navy
satellite, Solrad II, in orbit.
\lie 06·25·76 Air Force Spacecraft
me 02·06·77 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIC 05·12·77 Placed two DSCS in orbit.
IIiE 08·20·77 Escape from Earth's Voyager II spacecraft placed on an interplanetary intercept of Jupiter
Atmosphere and Saturn. Spacecraft is still operating.
IIiE 09·05·77 Escape from Earth's Voyager I spacecraft placed on an interplanetary intercept of Jupiter
Atmosphere and Saturn. Spacecraft is still operating.
IIIC 03·25·78 Failed to achieve orbit due to a hydraulic pump failure.
IIiC 06·10·78 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIC 12·13·78 Placed two DSCS in orbit.
IIIC 06·10·79 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIC 10·01·79 Air Force Spacecraft
IIiC 11·20·79 Placed two DSCS in orbit.
IIIC 03·16·81 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIC 10·01·79 Air Force Spacecraft
IIIC 11·20·79 Placed two DSCS in orbit.
IIIC 03·16·81 Air Force Spacecraft
\lie 11·01·81 Air Force Spacecraft


The Titan 34D launch vehicle system (LVS) pro- for launch-vehicle development and spacecraft in-
gram involves the participation and coordination of tegration. Two system program offices (SPO) with-
separate government and contractor organizations, in SD/YV have the following specific responsibil-
including those having responsibilities for the ities.
spacecraft, upper stage, and launch vehicle. The
program organization, shown in Figure II-I, es- The Expendable Launch Program Office (SD/YV)
tablishes coordinating relationships among the in- is the SPO responsible for Titan launch-vehicle de-
dividual agencies to ensure successful launch sys- velopment, procurement, and operations and has
tem integration. the ultimate responsibility for launch-vehicle mis-
sion success. It also provides management and
Spacecraft Titan Launch Vehicle System Integration
technical direction for payload integration.

000 SD/YVI is the system program office (SPO) respon-

sible for the development, procurement, and opera-
I tion of IUS. SD/YVI provides IUS for the Titan
Air Force 34D program as well as management and technical
Space Division direction for the IUS contractor for spacecraft in-
I tegration. Other SD SPOs manage and direct space-
I 1 craft programs.
SD/YV Space Space &
Launch & Missile Test
Control Systems ~ Organization Initial spacecraft program requests for Titan 34D
integration planning should be submitted to SDI
SD/YVX YV. Normally when a Titan 34D launch program is
Spacecraft I- Western Space &
Contractor Expendable
Missile Center approved, an air force integration program man-
Launch Vehicles
ager is assigned to the spacecraft SPO to define and
contractually implement all integration re-
Martin Marietta y Eastern Space & quirements through spacecraft launch. Integration
Corporation Missile Center
activities should begin when a spacecraft program
is in its design phase and not later than 3 years
Space Launch before launch.
Space and Missile Test Center - SD/YV is repre-
Launch Vehicle
Interface sented by the Space and Missile Test Organization
R eleationsh ip
Integrator (SAMTO) for Titan 34D launch direction and con-
trol. The 6555th Aerospace Test Group (ATG) con-
Launch Vehicle trols East Coast launches from ESMC; the 6595th
Sys~ems ATG controls West Coast launch from WSMC.

Figure II-I Aerospace Corporation - The Aerospace Corpora-

tion provides SD with general system engineering
Titan Program Organization Integration
integration support for Titan 34D launch-vehicle
Relationship Summary development, production, operations, and space-
craft integration.
Spacecraft Program Offices (SPO) - SPOs are es-
The Space Division (SD) of the Air Force Systems tablished to manage and direct the spacecraft pro-
Command (SD/YV) has executive management gram. These may be within either an independent
responsibility for the overall Titan 34D LV5 pro- DOD or NASA Or15tmization. In either case, the
gram (Fig. II-2). SD/YV provides management and assigned office is responsible for total management
technical direction for the launch vehicle integra- of the spacecraft, including contractual and techni-
tion contractor (LVIC) and associate contractors cal direction.

r Comm:;'der

I v·Ice c omman
i dar

f Chief of Staff
I T f I
----- -, .
Small &
Social Actions Staff Judge History !Jet 27,6952

Offi.,,, Advocate Office ME S (AsFCI

Safety Office Office·oT
Public Affairs Management
USAF Clinic
Los Angeles

Commun icaticns
Directorate of Directorate of Directorate of Electronic
Security Intelligem;e Operations Support Office

Directorate of
Directorete of logistics Directorate of Meteorology
Personnel and Acquisition
Civil Engineering Office
I I -I I I I
Deputy for Deputy fO.r Deputy for Deputy for
Deputy for Defensa Deputy tor
Contracting and Space Navigation Space Launch
Controller Meteorological Defensa
Manufacturing Systems Support Systems and Contro'
Satellite Systems Systems

Deputy for Satellite Deputy for

. Dissamination Deputy for
Space Defense Data System SpatW
Systems Technology Communications
i Program Office
Program Office

I 1
for Space
Space and
Missile Test
6592 Air Base
Operations Vandenberg
Group II
i I
i I I I I
Detechment 2 Air Force Directorate of
!Manned Space Satellite Western Spaee Eastern Space
Flight Support Operations
Control Facility, and and
Support and
Groupl, Sunnyvale Missile Center Missile Center
Houston. TX AFS.CA

Figure 11-2 Space Division Orgainzati01'z

Spacecraft Contractor - The spacecraft contractor ASSOCIATE CONTRACTORS
provides the spacecraft and may also supply a
spacecraft adapter or mounting truss. If a payload United Technologies - Chemical System Division
consists entirely of single or multiple spacecraft (UTCSD)-Designs and manufactures the solid
provided by a single contractor, the contractor will rocket motors for Titan 34D stage O.
normally supply an adapter or truss for structural
support of the spacecraft and its interfaces with the Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company (ALRC) - De-
launch vehicle. signed, developed, and now manufactures the
liquid-propellant engines for stages I and II and the
Spacecraft Integration Contractor - For missions Transtage.
that involve spacecraft from different agencies or
contractors, a spacecraft integration contractor Boeing Aerospace Company (BAC) - Designed,
performs intermediate integration and provides the developed, and now manufactures the IUS. Boeing
truss for mounting individual spacecraft. The in- is the guidance software integration manager for
tegrated spacecraft and truss are then integrated IUS at ESMC. The spacecraft integration contrac-
with the LVS. Martin Marietta has performed this tor (SINC) is responsible to the LVIC, through SD,
role on previous missions. However, this role is for spacecraft/IUS physical and functional inter-
assigned at the discretion ofthe appropriate SPO. faces.

Martin Marietta Corporation - As associate con-

Delco Electronics - Designed, developed, and now
tractor for the Titan 34D, Martin Marietta designs
manufactures inertial guidance components for the
and manufactures Titan stages I and II as well as
the Transtage and integrates these with the launch
vehicle system, government-furnished equipment,
McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company
and government-furnished property (GFP).
(MDAC) - Designed, developed, and now
Martin Marietta is also the Titan 34D LVIC at manufactures the payload fairing for ESMC laun-
ESMC. In this role, Martin Marietta is responsible
for assembling the vehicle and integrating the
Spacecraft, Inc. - Designed, developed, and now
spacecraft system with the Titan LVS and launch
facilities, integrated system tests, and launch manufactures the remote multiplexed instrumenta-
tion system for the core vehicle and the stage O.
operations. At WSMC, Martin Marietta is the Titan
34B/D booster vehicle integration contractor.
Western Electric Corporation (WECO) - Design-
For spacecraft integration with both the Titan 34D ed, developed, and now manufactures the radio
LVS and the space transportation system (STS)' guidance system (RGS) for WSMC programs.
the LVIC will be assisted by Martin Marietta's mis-
sion integration support contract (MISC) and the Lockheed Space and Missile Company (LSMC) -
Shuttle engineering and acquisition support con- Designed, developed, and now manufactures the
tract (SEAS) for integration activities shared by Agena upper stage and the payload fairing for
the two launch vehicle systems. These contracts are WSMC launches and the Agena upper stage. LSMC
tasked by SD to provide general system engineer- is also the WSMC spacecraft integration and
ing integration support for DOD space transporta- launch vehicle integration contractor for Titan pro-
tion system operations. grams.


The current Titan 34 launch vehicles include Titan

34B and 34D configurations with various upper
stages and payload fairings. Both configurations
use basically, the sa~e stage I and II core building-
block arrangements (Fig. III-I). The principal dif-
ferences between launch vehicle configurations are
illustrated in Figure III-2. The 34D configurations
use five 1I2-segment SRMs, while the 34B is a core-
only configuration. A general description of each
configuration including the SRMs, core stages, and
upper stages is provided.


The Titan 34B core-only configuration attaches an

Ascent Agena upper stage. The Agena guidance Figure IlI-! Titan 34D

f=i '=
~ ~
I! ~
i== F
" F= III
• fl III I' ('\

Titan 348
'i': 5rd~

Titan 34D/No Upper Stage

Titan 34D/Transtage

Titan 34Dllnertial
U~~ Upper Stage

System Height - Up to 160.6 It System Height - Up to 161.9 It System Height - Up to 154.0 It System Height - Up to 157.5 It
Weight - 202 tons Plus Payload Weight - 746.1 tons Plus Payload Weight - 757.3 tons Plus Payload Weight - 759_8tons Plus Payload
Payload Fairing Height - 57.9 It Payload Fairing Height - Up to 59:9 It Payload Fairing Height - Up to 40 It Payload Fairing Height - Up to 55.0 It
Payload Fairing Diameter - 10 It Payload Fairing Diameter - 10 It Payload Fairing Diameter - 10 It Payload Fairing Diameter - 10.5 It
Agena (Optional) Stage II Transtage Inertial Upper Stage - Two Stages
Height - 20.7 It Height - 31.3 It Height - 14.71t Height - 16.4 It
Diameter - 5.0 It Diameter - 10 It Diameter - 10 It Diameter - 9.5 It
,;. Thrust - 17,000 Ib (Vacuum) Thrust - 101,000Ib(Vacuum) Thrust - 16.000 Ib (Vacuum) Thrust(Stage I) - 42,000 Ib (Vacuum)
Burn Time - 241 seconds Burn Time - 210 seconds Burn Time - up to 440 seconds Thrust(Stage II) - 17,000 Ib (Vacuum)
Stage II Stagel Stage 1/ Burn Time (Stage I) - 151 s {mex]
Height - 31.3 It Height - 78.6 It Height - 37.0 It Burn Time (Stage II) - 101 s (max)
Diameter - 10 It Diameter - 10ft Diameter - 10 It Stage I!
I Thrust - 101.000Ib(Vacuum) Thrust - 529,000 Ib (Vacuum) Thrust - 101,000Ib(Vacuum) Height - 31.3 It
Burn Time - 210 seconds Burn Time - 166 seconds Burn Time - 210 seconds Diameter - 10ft
Stagel Stage 0 Stage I Thrust - 101,000Ib(Vacuum)
Height - 77.8 It Height - 90.4 ft Height - 78.6 ft Burn Time - 210 seconds
Diameter - 10 It Diameter - 10.2 It Diameter - 10 It Stagel
Thrust - 463,000 Ib (Sea Level) Totallmpulse - 246.288,000 Thrust - 529,000 Ib (Vacuum) Height - 78.6 It
Burn Time - 166 seconds Ib-seconds (Vacuum) Burn Time - 166 seconds Diameter - 10 It
Guidance - Radio Guidance Web Action Time - 104 seconds StageO Thrust - 529,000 Ib (Vacuum)
System or Inertial Guidance Guidance - nadio Guidance System Height - 90.4 It Burn Time - 166 seconds
System Diameter - 10.2 It Stage 0
Totallmpulse - 246,288,000 Height - 90.4 ft
Ib-seconds (Vacuum) Diameter· 10.2ft
Web Action Time - 104 seconds Totallmpulse - 246.288,000
Guidance - Inertial Guidance System Ib-seconds (Vacuum)
Web Action Time - 104 seconds
'<, (UJidance - Inertial Guidance System
Figure IlI-2 Launch Vehicle Characteristics

system provides guidance for all three stages after Each SRM is assembled from five 10-ft long seg-
some short period of open-loop guidance. The Titan ments plus an additional 5.7-ft long half-segment.
34BI Agena currently uses a 10-ft diameter LMSC Forward and aft closures, a nose fairing, and an ex-
payload fairing. it nozzle complete the SRM assembly. The solid
propellant is a composite of powdered aluminum,
The launch vehicle program still inventories the ammonium perchlorate, synthetic rubber, ad-
Titan 24B core-only vehicle with radio guidance ditives, and a regressive burning grain design.
and an Agena upper stage. For purposes of this Each SRM uses a solid igniter to fill the grain bore
guide, only the Titan 34B will be discussed. with hot gas to ignite the motor.

The Titan 34D is designed in a building-block for- Thrust vector control (TVC) during stage 0 flight is
mat with various upper stage and guidance kits provided by the secondary injection of liquid nitro-
available. The two-stage common core is combined gen tetroxide (N204) into the fixed nozzle. The
with two 5-Ih-segment SRMs to serve as a program- N204 is held in a pressurized tank attached to each
common booster. Kits can be added to configure the SRM and is injected through 24 electrically oper-
vehicle as required. Two of these kits, Transtage ated proportional nozzles. There are 6 valves in
and IUS provide inertial guidance. The third kit is a each nozzle quadrant. The SRMs separate from
radio guidance system for the NUS configuration. stage I by firing forward gas-operated nuts and aft
The payload fairings consist of a 10.5·ft diameter explosive-attachment bolts. Clearance is achieved
payload fairing for the IUS configuration and a lO- by igniting solid-propellant translation rockets lo-
ft payload fairing for either the Transtage or NUS cated in the SRM nose fairing and aft closure.
configurations. Figure III-4 shows the Titan 34 core vehicle struc-
STAGE DESCRIPTIONS Autogenous '~::;~~~
Pressurization ~
Stage 0 - Two SRMs constitute stage 0 (Fig. III-3).
They are attached to stages I and II using eight
hardpoints and are located opposite each other in
the vehicle's yaw plane. These motors furnish the
initial thrust for Titan 34D flights. External

. Oxidizer
Forward Tank
Fuel Tank ~ffiF=~"'1 Line
~~-..--- Forward Core Internal
Attachment Points . ! Conduit


Tie Rods

TVC Tanks

Aft Intsrstaqe

Stage I

Figure IlI-3 Stage 0 Configuration (S-U segment) Figure III-4 Titan 34 Core Vehicle Structure

Stages I and II - Both core stages use storable li- ing signals and critical mission discretes for ESMC
quid hypergolic propellants that can remain aboard configurations are generated in the upper stages.
in a launch-ready state for extended periods. The
fuel Aerozine 50 (A50) is a blend of 50 percent No Upper Stage (NUS) - The Titan 34D is cur-
hydrazine and 50 percent unsymmetrical dimethyl- rently launched from WSMC without an upper
hydrazine (UDMH). Nitrogen tetroxide (N204) is stage. When Titan 34D is launched in this configu-
the oxidizer. The liquid rocket engines are ration, all the avionics required for guidance are
hydraulically gimbaled and fed by a turbine pump. located in the core vehicle.
The stage I engine has two subassemblies that pro-
vide pitch, yaw, and roll control. The stage II The Titan 34D/NUS avionics consist of a radio
engine has one subassembly that provides pitch guidance system, analog flight control system, in-
and yaw control. Stage II roll control is provided by strumentation, tracking and flight safety, and elec-
ducting turbine exhaust through a roll control noz- trical power and distribution system.
zle that is swiveled. Each subassembly has are-
generatively-cooled thrust chamber, gas-generator NUS Radio Guidance - Radio guidance uses radar
start cartridges, connecting plumbing, electrical to link a ground computer with the airborne trans-
and instrumentation wiring harnesses, pressure ponder. Ground radar tracks a beacon pulse from
components, turbine pumps, and an ablative nozzle the vehicle and furnishes the tracking data to a
extension. Stage I has an ablative skirt extension to ground computer. Vehicle position and velocity are
an expansion ratio of 12:1for Titan 34B and 15:1for computed from ground radar slant range and anten-
Titan 34D. Stage II has an ablative skirt extension na pointing data and compared with a reference tra-
that provides an overall expansion ratio of 49.2:1. jectory to determine deviations. The ground
guidance computer feeds encoded steering correc-
On the launch pad, fuel and oxidizer prevalves com- tion data into the radar for transmission to the air-
pletely isolate propellant liquids and vapors from borne system.
both stage I and II engines, providing long-term
launch readiness. These valves are opened in the The initial phase of Titan 34D flight is an open-loop,
final few seconds of the launch countdown. In fixed pitch and roll program accomplished by time
stages I and II, electrically operated devices are torquing the three-axis control system attitude
used to open the prevalves before stage I engine gyros. The vehicle is tracked and the guidance loop
start, and solid cartridges are used to start the is closed at 130 seconds via the radio link. The on-
engines. board guidance equipment shapes the mission tra-
jectory by issuing pitch and yaw steering correc-
The propellant tanks are pressurized on the ground tions to the 34D flight controls system. These cor-
with dry nitrogen. In flight, an autogenous pressur- rections, in the form of discrete switch closures,
ization system (cooled gas fuel-rich turbine exhaust time torque the control system attitude gyro at a
and vaporized nitrogen tetroxide) is used to meet fixed rate. The radio guidance system also provides
the engine pump suction head requirements and the discretes to control34D vehicle events. Radio guid-
in-flight structural pressure requirements. ance equipment includes a receiver/decoder/trans-
mitter and associated waveguide and antennas.
Stage I is separated from stage II by firing gas-
separated nuts and using the fire-in-the-hole sepa- NUS Flight Controls - The flight controls system
ration technique. Solid propellant retrorockets are accepts commands from the radio guidance system
used to separate stage II from the upper stage. and provides stable control of the vehicle through-
out all flight phases. The flight controls system is
an analog system consisting of a three-axis refer-
The Titan avionics system provides the flexibility ence (gyro) system (TARS), a flight control compu-
to adapt to a variety of upper-stage vehicles. The ter (FCC), a rate gyro system (RGS)' a lateral ac-
basic avionics necessary to fly the lower stages are celeration sensing system (LASS)' and the stage 0,
located on the core. Attitude sensors, load relief I, and II thrust-vector control systems. TARS,
sensors, flight computer and programmer, range located in stage II, provides the attitude reference
safety provisions, and electric power and asso- for the Titan 34D vehicle. The control system
ciated harness are installed as standard equipment. displacement loop is closed through TARS, which
The flight computer and programmer systems can is torqued by either the open-loop program or the
be readily altered to accommodate a variety of radio guidance system to shape the flight trajec-
upper-body dynamic parameters. Guidance steer- tory. The FCC accepts sensor inputs, mixes and
compensates them, and supplies analog outputs to NUS Instrumentation - Data acquisition and en-
the stage 0 TVC system and the stage I and II ac- coding for telemetry makes use of a data-bus type
tuators. System gain and dynamic filters are chang- remote multiplexed instrumentation system
ed to maintain stability in the presence of different (RMIS). Instrumentation and data signals are
flight conditions. These changes are controlled by sampled by eight remote multiplexer units (RMU)
the flight programmer. located throughout the vehicle. Up to 32 analog
signals with a range from 0 to 40 mV de can be
A lateral accelerometer loop is used to reduce sampled by each RMU. Their outputs are requested
vehicular angle of attack in pitch and yaw thereby by a single converter unit located in stage II that
reducing structural loading. Structural feedback to transforms them into 8-bit serial binary words that
minimize the effects of vehicle bending is obtained are integrated with bilevel data into a pulse code
from a rate gyro located in stage I and by deriving modulation (PCM) format that frequency modu-
rate from the TARS attitude gyro. lates the S-band transmitter. The output of the
transmitter feeds a single omnidirectional antenna.
TVC is accomplished by secondary injection of
N204 into the stage 0 SRM nozzle and gimbaling the NUS Flight Safety - The Titan 34D/NUS flight
stage I and II rocket engines with hydraulic ac- safety system ensures compliance with range safe-
tuators. Stage II roll control uses the turbine ex- ty requirements if there is a flight malfunction. The
haust from the main engine ducted through a gim- flight safety system consists of a command-
baled nozzle. The main engine actuators are linear, destruct system and the inadvertent separation
double-acting, electrohydraulic, mechanical-feed- destruct system (ISDS). The command system in-
back, position servomechanisms. Mechanical feed- cludes two command control receivers (CCR), two
back is accomplished by internally sensing ac- antennas, a four-port junction, initiators. ord-
tuator position and summing it with the input com- nance, and associated circuitry to provide the
mand. The servo valve is a two-stage flow-control capability for ground control to either shutdown or
type driven by a torque motor that is commanded destruct the vehicle. The vehicles may be destoyed
by the FCC. in flight by initiating the destruct system ordnance.
This ordnance is activated by either a signal from
NUS In-Flight Sequencing - In-flight sequencing the range safety officer to the CCR in the vehicles,
is provided by redundant flight programmers that or by the vehicles themselves when inadvertent
issue continuous or momentary discrete outputs as stage separation is sensed.
a function of time from lift-off. An accelerometer
senses stage 0 thrust decay, and a staging timer in- NUS Electrical Power - The power system con-
itiates stage I start and Oil separation. It also pro- sists of seven silver-zinc primary-type batteries,
vides fairing release and spacecraft separation associated switches, and interconnections.
signals. Because stage II burns out beyond the
range of radio guidance. a guidance discrete is The radio guidance power system (RG PS) supplies
issued at a preset velocity to the redundant, on- the WECO guidance equipment. The accessory
board velocimeters that control stage II engine power system (APS 1 and APS 2) supplies the flight
shutdown. control equipment and the sequence system. The
instrumentation power system (IPS) supplies the
This device also provides a backup velocity shut- instrumentation. telemetry, and rf equipment.
down capability based on total velocity from lift- Power for the CCRs is derived from APS and IPS
off. Radio guidance also issues discretes for pay- batteries. The transient power system (TPS 1 and
load fairing release and destruct safing. The se- TPS 2) supplies power to perform ordnance con-
quence system consists of relays and switches that trolled flight events. The ISDS power system sup-
output and function based on time and I or vehicle plies power to the stage 1ISDS.
velocity. Time sequencing inputs are provided by
the programmers with each capable of 30 discrete TRANSTAGE
outputs as a function of time and one as a function
of deceleration. Typical time-sequenced events are The Transtage consists of a control module and a
pitch rates. gain changes, and enable functions. propulsion module (Fig. III·5). The control module
Typical velocity-dependent discretes provided by contains flight and attitude control, guidance, and
the radio guidance system are PLF release (back- other avionic equipment. The propulsion module
up). velocimeter start, and destruct safing. contains the liquid propulsion system including the

Transtage Engine Summary

Parameter Value
Thrust,lb 16,000 (vacuum)
Propellant wt, Ib 23,478
Propulsion Module
(aft barrel section) Dry wt,lb 3,635
Attitude Control Modules ACS Prop. wt, Ib 125
(2 pitch, 2 yaw, 2 roll I
Main Oxidizer Tank Specific Impulse, s 309.1 (average)
Manufacturing Splice (nitrogen tetroxide)
Chamber Pressure, psia 105
[sta 133.6) Main Propellant Feedlines
Flowrate, IbIs 52
Guide Rails (2)
Nozzle Expansion Ratio 40:1
Restart Capability l\IIultiple
Payload Interface
[sta 77) Transtage Engines (2)

Guidance Truss


Figure III- 5 Transtage

main engines. The Transtage airframe is an alumi- monopropellant (hydrazine) attitude control sys-
num-skin stringer-frame structure with eight tem. Removable access doors with separate welded
longerons that distribute spacecraft and PLF loads aluminum trusses are designed to damp the natural
into stage II. The control and propulsion modules frequencies of the mounted equipment. Removable
are manufactured separately and joined by a doors are provided for access to the guidance and
manufacturing splice. Two guide rails are used to instrumentation electronics.
separate the Transtage from stage II.
The control module is, in effect, an autonomous
Transtage Propulsion Module - The Transtage control stage, because it can be modified to sepa-
propulsion module is connected to the aft end of the rate from the propulsion module at the manufactur-
control module. The propulsion module includes ing splice and remain with a spacecraft to provide
two main propellant tanks, propellant pressuriza- attitude control and velocity increments.
tion system, structural skirt, and two pressure-fed
liquid rocket engines. The propellants are the same Transtage Attitude Control Propulsion System -
as those used in the liquid core as previously dis- The Transtage attitude control system performs
cussed. propellant settling for main engine restarts, vernier
velocity adjustments, orientation maneuvers, and
The Transtage propellant tanks are mounted side- attitude stabilization on command from the digital
by-side within the structural airframe and are iso- attitude control system (Fig. III-6). Six rocket
lated from spacecraft and PLF loads. The tanks are engine modules (REM), operating in sets of two,
made of titanium and insulated to provide thermal produce control moments about the pitch, yaw, and
control for geostationary missions involving ex- roll axes. Each module has two fixed thrusters with
tended in-orbit operations. Traps and screen lines separate, series-redundant propellant valves that
in the bottoms of these tanks retain propellant to protect against failed, closed/failed, open valves,
ensure that the engines can be restarted in space. and other malfunctions. The thrust from each
Tank pressures are maintained by regulated high- module decays from 54 to 30 lb during flight. These
pressure helium stored in two spherical titanium are fired intermittently to produce control moments
tanks. about the Transtage pitch, yaw, and roll axes and to
maintain the proper attitude during thermal con-
Transtage Control Module - The Transtage con- trol, telemetry, and spacecraft separation maneu-
trol module contains the vehicle's avionics and a vers.

N2 a. Propellant Tube Target try equipment includes a remote multiplexed data
bus, PCM encoder, and Svband transmitter. The
tracking and flight safety capability has been
designed for compatibility with range require-
Pressure Switch ments. Electrical power is provided by silver-zinc
Pressu ra T r8n~ducar batteries. The Magic 352 digital computer is the
Hand Valve~1
heart of the avionics system (Fig. III -7). Its special-
Disconnect _~.::I.'i.",--.,., purpose input! output directly interfaces the 16,000-
Piteh R EM A~~"'-'!!<=
cell memory and central processor with other avi-
Hvdrazine Fill &-
Drain Umbilical
onics equipment to permit time-sharing for naviga-
Start Valve tion, guidance, flight control during powered and
coasting phases, discrete sequencing, malfunction
Figure lII-6
logic, prelaunch checkout, and guidance initializa-
Transtage Attitude Control Propulsion System tion (Fig. III -8).

The N2H4 and the nitrogen pressurant are contain- Transtage Guidance and Navigation - A four-
ed in a single titanium tank separated by an elasto- gimbal carousel VB inertial measurement unit,
meric bladder, and provide positive expulsion of operating with the Magic 352 computer, guides the
the propellant under all mission conditions. vehicle to orbit injection [Fig. 1II-9). Gyrocompass-
ing and accelerometer leveling techniques are used
Transtage Avionics - The Transtage avionics con- to align the platform before launch. No external op-
sist of a digital guidance, navigation, and control tical reference is required for azimuth alignment.
subsystem designed around an aerospace digital An open-loop guidance program steers the vehicle
computer that also performs other ground and in- from lift-off until 3 seconds after the SRMs are
flight functions. The instrumentation and teleme- separated. A closed-loop explicit guidance algo-
Magic 352 Computer Characteristics·
Computer Tvpe General Purpose Binary, Parallel, Programmable,
Two's Complement, Flxe!f Point
Memory Type Random Access, Coincident Current, Toroidal Core
Memory Size 16,384 Word$ Expandable to 32,768 Words
WordSjl!'e 24 Bits, Plus lI.'lemory ParitY
Memory Cycle 3.0/J.s
Addressing Single Address-Direct, Indirect, 8< Relative
Interrupts 8 Priority Levels
Instructions 57
Execution Speeds
Add/Subtract 6.0/ls
Multiply 30/ls
Divide 36/ls
Input/Output 6.0/27/J.s
Double-Precision 9.0/1s
Input/Output PrograM Controlled & Direet-Memory Access
$erial 8<Parallel Channels
LogiC Tran:;istorrrransistor MST
Cooling Radiant
Power CPU & Memory-a5 W
Total Including 1/0-220 W, 28 Vdc
Size 16x23x8 in.
Surface Area 9ft2
Volume 1.7 ft3
Weight 821bs

·Including CPU, memory, power supply, and all 110 mDdules.

Figure III-7 Magic 352 Missile Guidance Computer

, r---- '-~ _lTr.nstage~
I' Carousel
Me.surement Unit
Inertia 1 I I -....
f-, ~

, (Model VB) I ~:T---'

+~ ! Missile ' Motor ~
l Guidance & i Pump/Reservoir
Remote !+' Sync Computer
,Multiplexed ~ Bilevel- Magic 352
: Instrumentation Computer

i System

1 r" Word
I I Control Propulsion I

To/From '1}' ~~~e~_:~:;e~~

Remote Sequence .
Units System '


To To
Vehicle' Spacecraft
Functions Functions


I Lateral
; Acceleration
~nsing System
Type Rotating X-V Platform

Stage I Gyro
All Attitude
Four Gimbal
Three AC651G
Single Degree·of-Freedome
,----- - -----, r--::-:' -- --I Gas Bearing

SAM I I SRM 2 Magnetic Suspension
Thrust Vector 1+:4--------1..--------.1 Thrust Vector
. Control .~ Stage 0 ,--_c_on_t_ro_1__ --' Accelerometer Three AC653A
Seismic Mass

Figure III-8 Centralized Avionics System Electronics Integrated Digital & Linear Devices,
High·Frequency Switching Control
Cooling Radiant
rithm, using linear sine, then takes over for the re- Power 150 W at 28-Vdc Input (Nominal)
mainder of powered flight. Three single-degree-of- Size 22x12x10 in.
freedom, rate-integrating gyros stabilize a split in- Surface Area 8 ft2
ertial platform whose lower section is rotated at a Volume 1.5f~

constant 1rpm to distribute and minimize the effect Weight 751b

of instrument errors. The output from three plat-

form-mounted, force-rebalancing accelerometers is Figure III-9 Inertial Measurement Unit
processed by the computer to calculate vehicle ve-
locity and position. verted to analog for output to the liquid rocket
engine hydraulic actuators and the SRM secondary
Transtage Flight Control - Data from rate gyros in injection system that provide thrust vector control.
stages I and II and a lateral accelerometer in stage The main engine actuators are linear, double-
II are converted by computer AID circuits before acting, electrohydraulic, mechanical-feedback po-
being processed through the control equations. sition servomechanisms. Mechanical feedback is
Vehicle attitude to close the displacement loop is accomplished by internally sensing actuator posi-
derived from the inertial measurement unit (IMU). tion and summing it with the input command. The
The lateral acceleration loop is closed through the servo valve is a two-stage, hydraulic flow-control-
period of maximum dynamic pressure (rnax Q) to type valve driven by a torque motor that receives
prevent the buildup of large attack angles thus commands from the computer.
limiting vehicle structural loads.
Transtage Software - Software provides a demon-
The computer mixes, filters, and scales the at- strated flexible launch capability that allows the
titude, rate, and acceleration inputs to maintain spacecraft to be changed and launched in rapid suc-
vehicle stability. It increments autopilot gains on a cession. The equations that control Transtage oper-
l-second basis and changes digital filters as needed ations from launch to spacecraft separation are im-
to maintain stability throughout powered flight. plemented in operational software. This software is
The result of these digital computations is con- divided into three functional control areas: ground,

guidance, and flight. Digital guidance flight offers rogated from the ground. Flight safety require-
significant flexibility advantages by cataloguing ments are satisfied by a pair of command-control
unique mission characteristics. The basic boost- receivers in the Transtage that can initiat.e either
phase guidance equations are virtually identical for shutdown or destruct when commanded from the
all flights so that the trajectory can be retargeted ground. Redundant ordnance charges rupture the
using only software parameters to vary the orbit liquid propellant tanks and destroy the SRMs on
and the number and timing of Transtage burns. command. In addition, an ISDS system will auto-
matically initiate destruction if an anomalous sepa-
The flight control software equations have also ration of the vehicle stages occurs.
been generalized and modularized to satisfy a
broad range of mission and spacecraft require- Transtage Electrical Power - Three sil ver-z.inc
ments. With this flexibility, most new spacecraft storage batteries supply 28 V de power to five
can be accommodated by changes in control param- Transtage power buses during flight. A 175-amp-
etersonly. hour battery powers the guidance, control, and ac-
cessory systems through a multibus distribution
Phase-plane logic for pulsing the 12 hydrazine at- system. An 800-Hz static inverter in stage II con-
titude control engines during coast flight is also verts this power to satisfy control system sensor-
programmed into the digital computer. Switching power requirements. A 25/40-amp-hour battery
lines and pulse widths can be adjusted to satsify powers the instrumentation system.
spacecraft pointing requirements and compensate
for different vehicle mass properties. The other onboard power source, also a 25/40-amp-
hour battery, is a high-current delivery unit provid-
Transtage Sequencing and Malfunction Logic - Is- ed to isolate transient loads from critical subsys-
suance of various time-dependent and event-de- tems. It supplies power for ordnance firing and
pendent discretes for in-flight sequencing is pro- operation of the Transtage electrical hydraulic
grammed in the computer. Computer backup pump.
modes initiated by malfunction detection logic
have been programmed to initiate corrective ac-
tions to overcome performance anomalies (i.e., reis-
sue discretes]. Quantitative flight-control reasona- INERTIAL UPPER STAGE (IUS)
bleness tests are performed to detect and correct
transient malfunctions. The IUS is designed to be compatible with the Titan
34D ELV and the STS orbiter. The IUS is inertially
Transtage Instrumentation - Telemetry data ac- guided and consists of two tandum SRM stages
quisition and encoding uses a data-bus type PCM (Figs. Ill-IO and III-H). The primary mission is to
remote multiplexed instrumentation system. In- geosynchronous orbits.
strumentation and data signals are sampled by 11
RMU s located throughout the vehicle including the The forward cone section structure includes the
SRMs. RMU outputs are requested by a central spacecraft attachment interface at the forward end,
converter unit located in the 'I'raristage. The central the IUS stage II/interstage separation plane, the
unit converts RMU output into an 8-bit serial equipment support section, and the IUS adapter.
binary word and combines it with bilevel and com- The construction is rolled skin with externallongi-
puter word data in a preprogrammed PCM format tudinal stringers and Iongerons and internal ring
whose frequency modulates the S-band transmit- frames.
ter. Signal strength is maintained during the trans-
fer orbit to synchronous or higher altitudes by The equipment support section as shown in Figure
switching from an omnidirectional to a directional III-12, supports the reaction control system (RCS);
antenna. the guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C)
system; the telemetry, tracking, and command
'I'raustage Tracking and Flight Safety - Range (TT&C) system; and elements of the electrical
safety tracking requirements are satisfied using a system. The separation plane between the IUS first
C-band pulse transponder in the Transtage. It per- and second stages is behind the equipment bay. The
mits precise determination of Transtage orbit dur- lower 11.6 in. of the conical section of stage II ex-
ing boost and subsequent telemetry windows. The tends into the interstage. Stage separation is ac-
transponder responds with a pulsed rf when inter- complished using explosive bolts.

Parameter Value
Stage I 41,729
Stage II 17,164
Specific Impulse, S
Stage I 293.9 Ave
Stage \I 287.2 Ave
Propellant Wt, Ib
Stage I (fully loaded) 21.404
Stage II (fully loaded) 6,002
Dry Wt,lb
Stage I 2,467
Stage II 2,074
ReS Prop. Wt, Ib 179

Figure III-lO T34D/IUS Two-Stage Vehicle

Figure III-12 IUS Module

The cylindrical section of the interstage is a skin/

stringer construction with end rings that provide
attachment to the conical section at the forward end
and to the large SRM case at the aft end. The inter-
stage carries the large avionic batteries mounted

The aft skirt of the large SRM is a roll-forged ring

frame mating to the aft staging section. The staging

section is a cylinder that contains the Super*Zip solids, including 18 percent aluminum. The alumi-
separation joint. Super*Zip is a Lockheed proprie- num enhances nozzle reliability with its relatively
tary device featuring a contained linear charge be- low flame temperatures and corrosivity. The nozzle
tween frangible doublers. The aft end of the staging features a three-dimensional carbon-carbon in-
section bolts to the Titan 34D/IUS adapter (Fig: tegral throat and entrance, two-dimensional car-
III-IS). The adapter is also the location of the PLF bon- carbon exit cones, and a Teckwel seal joint for
separation plane. the gimbaled nozzle. The nozzle is submerged to
minimize motor length and maximize performance.
Target The pyrogen igniters are initiated by through -the-
bulkhead initiators connected via explosive trans-
fer assemblies to redundant safe and arming de-

To significantly improve the performance of SRM-2

for certain missions, an extendable exit cone (EEC)
can be provided that does not increase motor length
----+ in a stowed condition. Using the EEC increases the
basic nozzle initial expansion ratio from 47.3 to
173.6. This design improvement provides an in-
- -r--!.. crease in delivered specific impulse of about 15 sec-
onds for an associated weight increase of about 75

IUS Reaction Control System (ReS) - The IUS

ViewA·A RCS controls vehicle attitude during IUS coast
periods, provides roll control during solid-propel-
lant motor burns, and provides vernier velocity im-
pulses. The system commands pitch, yaw, and roll
maneuvers in response to discrete signals received
from the avionics system. The system uses six
REMs. Each engine module is composed of two
catalytic decornpoaibiori engines that can be clock-

~-W~~ __ ""-""-'-"~~;'ooi.,,,*,'
f VS220.151
1A Skirt
ed in various positions. This enables the six REMs
to provide redundant pitch, yaw, and roll control.
PLF Separation
IUS Plane - Sta 215.000
Adapter IUS Avionics - The IUS avionics system consists
25.15 of a redundant inertial measurement unit (RIMU),
dual redundant computers, dual redundant signal
Figure III-13 Titan 34D/IUS Adapter
conditioners that provide computer input/output
buffering, and a dual redundant Titan interface
IUS Propulsion System - The IUS propulsion sys- unit (TIU) that provides guidance steering and cer-
tem shown in Figure III-10, is a two-stage system tain sequencing discretes to the Titan 34D launch
consisting of a large aft SRM (IUS stage 1) and a vehicle. The system schematic is illustrated in Fig-
similar, smaller forward SRM (IUS stage 2). Each ureIII-14.
SRM contains electromechanical actuators for gim-
baling the nozzle for TVC. Total stage impulse for IUS Guidance and Navigation - The IUS inertial
each motor is controlled by offloading propellant. guidance and navigation subsystem (ONS} pro-
Maximum offload is limited to approximately 50 vides flight guidance for the Titan 34D launch vehi-
percent of each stage to ensure ignition. de and the IUS. It measures angular rates and
linear accelerations and provides this information
The motors use Kevlar-49 chambers insulated with to the data management subsystem. The GNS em-
EPDM rubber. The grain design is a simple tubular ploys a redundant strapped-down inertial measure-
perforation to facilitate fabrication and offloading. ment unit that consists of five rate-integrating
The propellant formulation is an hydroxyl-termi- gyros and five accelerometers in a skewed conical
nated polybutadiene oxide (HTPB) with 86 percept array {Fig. III-15). Data from all five gyro/accelero-

Data Cmd

! t
Signal Thrust
~ Computer A
•••• Conditioner
Unit A
Control A

Tlm/Cmd 1
t Titan ~
Inertial S i..-+ Signal
C r-+
Receiver ~
-B-------- ToT itan
System Unit
(TIU) ---+
K Tim
~'m~mi T
Signal Thrust
1.+ Computer B f++ Conditioner Vector
Unit B Control B

i ~

Figure 1II-14 IUS Avionics

meter sets is simultaneously sent to both com-


The IUS uses an explicit guidance algorithm (gam-

ma guidance), to generate thrust steering com-
mands as well as SRM ignition time and ReS ver-
nier thrust cutoff time. Before each SRM ignition
and each RCS vernier, the vehicle is oriented to a
thrust attitude based on nominal performance of
the remaining propulsion stages. During SRM
burn, the current state vector determined from the
navigation function is compared to the desired
state vector, and attitude is adjusted to compensate
for the build-up of position and velocity errors
caused by off-nominal SRM performance (thrust
and ISP). The RCS provides vernier thrust to com-
pensate for velocity errors resulting from SRM im-
pulse and cutoff time dispersions.

During Titan 34D flight, the Titan flight controls

system (FCS) provides stable control of the vehicle.
Figure 1II-15 IUS - IMU The Titan avionics system provides an open-loop

steering profile consisting of time-initiated con- IUS Operational Flight Software (OFS) - The OFS
stant maneuver rates in the pitch and roll channels. controls the IUS in placing spacecraft into desired
The open-loop profile is corrected by steering com- orbits. Software functions provide calculation and
mands from the IUS guidance software in the IUS control capabilities for the following functional
computers. The IUS guides the launch vehicle by areas: executive, mission sequencing, guidance,
torquing the Titan pitch, yaw, and roll attitude navigation, attitude control, communication, re-
reference system gyros. dundancy management, and checkout.

IUS Data Management Subsystem (DMS) - The One unique feature of IUS software is its control of
DMS consists of two computers, two signal condi- IUS redundancy. If failure occurs, the redundancy
tioner units (SeU), and a signal interface unit management function generates the necessary
(SIU)' The DMS performs computations; data proc- processing toswitchover to a predetermined hard-
essing and signal conditioning associated with ware configuration and provides the initialization
guidance, navigation and control; safe-arm and fir- to resume normal processing in the new configura-
ing of the IUS solid rocket motor and electroex- tion.
plosive devices (EED); command decoding; teleme-
try formatting; redundancy management; and dis- IUS Mission Data Load (MDL) - The MDL is
crete issuance (Fig. III -16). made up of the mission parameters and vehicle-
unique data entered into the computer memory
before flight. These data include RIMU calibration
values, guidance parameters, flight control system
gains, thermal maneuver references, mission se-
quencingevent tables, etc.

IUS Thrust Vector Control (TVC) - Attitude con-

trol in response to guidance commands is provided
by TVe actuators during powered flight and by
reaction control thrusters during coast. During
solid motor burn, error signals drive the motor noz-
zle actuator electronics in the TVe subsystem, and
the resulting nozzle deflections produce the desired
attitude control torques in pitch and yaw for
powered-flight attitude control. Roll control is
Figure IlI-16 IUS Computer maintained by the ReS roll-axis thrusters. During
coast flight, the computer pulses the RCS thrusters
The redundant Magic 3628 computers have 64,000 to maintain vehicle attitude or to maneuver the
16-bit words that are functionally independent and vehicle.
simultaneously execute the entire flight program.
Each computer continuously performs hardware IUS Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C)-
self tests and sends status indicators to the seu to The TT&C subsystem consists of a space ground-
determine which computer will be in command. link subsystem (SGLS) transponder power ampli-
fier, diplexer, rf switch, and antennas. The baseline
The seu provides the interface commands and IUS configuration is single string but can be kitted
measurements between the avionics computers and to be totally redundant.
the gyros, power, ReS, Tve, TT&C, and the space-
craft. The seu consists of two channels of signal IUS Electrical Power Subsystem - The IUS elec-
conditioning and distribution electronics desig- trical power subsystem (silver zinc batteries) sup-
nated channels A and B. Channel B is redundant to plies power to both the IUS vehicle equipment and
channel A for each measurement and command the spacecraft. Dual buses ensure that no single
function. The signal interface unit buffers, for- power system failure can disable both A and B
mats, and filters TT&C interface signals. channels of the avionics. Three batteries provide
power for stage I, and five batteries supply stage II.
IUS Software - The IUS software consists of the
operational flight software and the mission data Conducted interference is minimized by supplying
load. power from the separate utility battery source to
the TVC motors, RCS valves, motor-driven power ISDS, will initiate the IUS destruct system if elec-
transfer switches, and all ordnance devices. trically connected.

Titan 34D/IUS Avionics Interface - The Titan 34D IUS Range Safety - The vehicle may be destroyed
stage II avionics consists of a flight control system, in flight by initiating the destruct system ordnance.
sequencing, instrumentation, tracking and flight This ordnance is activated either by a signal from
safety, and electrical power system. the range safety officer to the Titan CCR in the
vehicle, or by the vehicle when inadvertent stage
IUS Flight Control System - The flight control separation is sensed. The IUS motor destruct
system consists of: system consists of shape charges on each motor
1) Three-axis reference system;
that are connected to the Titan system command
2) Flight controls computer rate gyro system; control receivers.
3) Lateral acceleration sensing system;
4) Stage 0, I, and II TVC systems as described for IUS Electrical Power - The power system consists
the Titan 34D/NUS. of nine 28 +4 V silver-zinc primary type batteries,
associated switches, and interconnections. APS 1
The initial flight is a Titan open-loop, fixed pitch and APS 2 supply the flight control equipment and
and roll program that is accomplished by torquing the sequence system. The IPS supplies the in-
the TARS gyro. The guidance loop is closed at strumentation, telemetry, and rf equipment. Power
about 80 seconds by the IUS. for each CCR is derived from a separate battery
(CCR 1 and CCR 2). The transient power system
(TPS 1 and TPS 2) supplies power to ignite the
The IUS guidance system shapes the mission tra- engine and separate the stages. Individual ISDS
jectory by issuing pitch, yaw, and roll steering com- power systems supply power to stage I and II
mands, in the form of discrete switch closures, that ISDSs.
time torque (at a fixed rate) the attitude gyro. The
IUS guidance also provides discretes to control cer-
tain Titan 34D vehicle events. ASCENT AGENA

Sequencing and Instrumentation Systems - The The Ascent Agena upper stage is used as the third
sequencing and instrumentation systems are simi- stage. It has a dual start capability and can be pro-
lar to those described for the Titan 34D/NUS. grammed to perform as a final boost stage, orbital
vehicle, or a combination of the two. Figure III -17
IUS Tracking and Flight Safety - The Titan 34D/ lists some of its characteristics.
IUS tracking and flight safety system provides
vehicle tracking and ensures compliance with range
safety requirements if there is a flight malfunction.
The tracking system consists of a C-band pulse
transponder and antenna located in the core vehicle
to provide accurate position determination during
launch boost. The pulse transponder is inter-
rogated from the ground and answers with an rf
response. The flight safety system consists of a
command destruct system and inadvertent ISDS.
The command system includes two CCRs, two
antennas, a four-port junction, relays, initiators, Characteristics
ordnance, and associated circuitry to provide the Diameter 60 in.
capability for ground control to either shutdown or Length 248 in.
destroy the vehicle. The ISDS will automatically Dry Weight 1.1401b
destroy stages 0, I, and II as well as the IUS if one Propellant Load 13.817lb
stage should inadvertently separate from the rest of Engine BAC 8096
the vehicle. Both the stage II ISDS and the IUS Propellants HDA/UDMH
ISDS can detect inadvertant stage II/IUS separa- Guidance IGS
tion and initiate destruct action. The Titan
34D/IUS destruct systems, both commanded and Figure III-I 7 Ascent Agena

Agena Spaceframe - The spaceframe consists of mounting ring that completes the engine mounting
the forward structural section, propellant tank cone. This ring attaches to the four legs of the
structural section, aft structural section, and boos- rocket engine mounting structure, thus providing a
ter-adapter structural section. These sections pro- main load path from the engine to the vehicle.
vide for mounting and installing propulsion, elec-
trical, guidance, and communication subsystems. Agena Booster Adapter - The booster adapter pro-
vides the structure required to adapt the stage III
The forward section has a beryllium covering and vehicle and the payload fairing to the Titan booster.
doors. The section contains the guidance equip- When attached, the adapter encloses the vehicle aft
ment, flight control electronics, helium sphere, and section and extends from stage III vehicle station
pyre-operated valve for the propellant pressuriza- 384.00 to vehicle station 466.00. The adapter con-
tion system, electrical power system components, sists of a short, 60-in. diameter cylinderical section
telemetry equipment, and other items (Fig. III-18). attached to a truncated cone section at the aft end.
Removable doors provide easy access to compo- A ring is attached to the aft end to interface the
nents and equipment. The tank section provides the booster adapter with the booster. A cylindrical see-
supporting structure between the forward and aft tion extends forward from the booster interface to
sections, and contains the fuel and oxidizer re- mate with the payload fairing. Rollers on the aft
quired to operate the main propulsion system. A rack engage with rails inside the boost adapter to
containment and scavenging system is mounted in guide the separation of the Agena from the booster.
the lower portion of each tank to ensure the pro-
pellant supply required for zero gravity starts in Agena Subsystems - The propulsion system in-
space. This forward section also provides an eight- cludes: rocket engine, pressurization system, pro-
hardpoint mechanical interface for the spacecraft. pellant feed, load, vent system, and a passive pro'
pellant orientation system.

The pressurization system (high-pressure helium)

forces the propellants into the pump inlets of the
rocket engine. The feed, load, and vent system pro-
vides for propellant loading, tank pressure mainte-
nance during loading, propellant feeding from the
tanks to the pump inlets, and propellant unloading
when required.

The passive containment system entraps propel-

lants at the tank outlets to ensure that propellants
are available for engine starts. The basic rocket
engine is a USAF Bell Aerospace engine with a
17,OOO-lb thrust and a single combustion chamber.
The forward section of the thrust chamber is
regeneratively-cooled oxidizer while the Titanium
nozzle extension is radiation cooled. The propul-
Figure 1II-18 sion system uses UDMH for fuel and high-density
LMSC Ascent Agena Forward Section (Control acid (HDA) for oxidizer. The thrust chamber is
Module) mounted in a gimbal ring that provides vehicle at-
titude control by thrust chamber pitch and yaw
The open-frame aft section provides structural sup- movement. Other components of the engine include
port for the engine and other equipment. This sec- the engine thrust-chamber assembly, turbopump
tion is enclosed by the booster adapter until assembly, gas generator assembly. engine pro-
Titan/ Agena separation. The aft section consists of pellant control valves, and engine electrical con-
the engine mounting cone and the equipment rack, trols.
joined to form a single assembly. A mating ring pro-
vides surfaces to connect the aft section to the tank The gas generation system provides the hot gases
section and the booster adapter (separation ring). required to start and maintain turbine operation
The engine mounting cone is,a longitudinal frame- which, in turn, drive the propellant pumps. The gas
work that extends from the mating ring to an engine generator system consists of a small comhustion

chamber, bipropellant valve, solenoid valve, gas- vides closed-loop guidance from launch through
generator fuel and oxidizer venturis, and a two- final orbit injection (Fig. III -22). For prelaunch
burn turbine starter assembly attached to the gas alignment, a gyroreference triad is established in a
generator inlet ports. Two small, solid propellant known relationship using automated prelaunch
cans provide initial hot gas for the two separate alignment procedures. The initial phase of Titan
starts. 34B flight is an open-loop, fixed pitch and roll pro-
gram (Titan flight programmer) that is accomplish-
An engine electrical control system provides cir- ed by t6rquing the Titan TARS gryo. After an ini-
cuits and control devices for starting, operating, tial130 seconds of launch vehicle open-loop flight,
and shutting down the rocket engine in response to the IGS provides closed-loop steering until Titan
signals frcrn the guidance and control system. 34Bstage II cutoff.

A pneumatic attitude control system is located on This closed-loop steering is in the form of discrete
the aft equipment rack (Fig. III-19). The system switch closures that time torque (at a fixed rate) the
consists of six thrust valves in two clusters that Titan TARS attitude gryo. The IGS is made up of
employ a nitrogen and freon mixture as the cold an inertial sensor assembly (ISA) and an BODO-bit
control gas. guidance computer (GC). ISA senses vehicle mo-
tion with three single-degree-of-freedom rate-inte-
grating gyros and three pendulous accelerometers
oriented along the vehicle body axes.

GC is a combination general-purpose/special-pur-
pose digital computer with a priority interrupt sys-
tem. It consists of a processor, memory, input/out-
put section, and power supply. GC processes ac-
celeration and angular rate data from the ISA to
determine vehicle attitude, position, and velocity.
Navigation computations generate steering and
cutoff commands using a standard navigation algo-
Control Gas
rithm based on the linear sine law.
Fill Coupling ~ Optional Attitude
-. Control Gas Sphere
2200 Cu in. Agena Flight Control - The flight control system
3600 psi
maintains stable control of the vehicle about all
three axes in response to guidance inputs. The sys-
tem consists of a flight control electronics unit, hy-
Legend: draulic actuation, and pneumatic attitude control
- Pneumatic Thrust system.
Low Pressure
Valve Clusters
to - Control Gas Pressure
Engine Lip ••• 1
Control Gas Supply
The flight control electronics unit accepts attitude
Sphere. commands from the GC. These commands are then
amplified and distributed to the pitch and yaw
hydraulic actuators. Flight control compensation
Figure III-19 Agena Attitude Control System and filtering is performed in the GC. The hydraulic
servoactuators use an electric torque motor and
Agena Avionics - The Agena avionics for Titan two-stage flow control valve to gimbal the main
34B consists of inertial guidance, flight control, in- engine. The flight control electronics also accepts
strumentation, communications and tracking, and attitude control pulse commands that are then
electrical subsystems (Fig. III-20). The heart of the amplified and distributed to the pneumatic con-
avionics is the guidance computer (Fig. III-21)_ Its trols. Static and dynamic compensation to satisfy
functions Include guidance steering, flight control, phase-plane switching of the pnemnatic attitude
and issuance of discretes for launch-vehicle and control' thrusters is performed in the GC. The
Agena control. ~. I pneumatic control system that provides three-axis
control before ignition of the main engine and roll
Agena Guidance and Navigation - The strap down control throughout Agena engine burns is activated
inertial guidance system (IGS) navigates and pro- at Titan/ Agena separation.

. Base Band -- •. Transmitter ~
Clusters (2) I

I HVd,•• ".
I I ~
Inertial Flight
... Control
- Pitch & Yaw

(lSA) (Gel
F-+ To
Titan 34B

Figure 1I1-20 Agena Avionics


- ,_~. _0'
Figure III-22 LMSC Ascent Agena IMU

Figure III-21
LMSC Ascent Agentl Guidance Computer

Agena Sequencing - GC issues the necessary an uncontrollable condition occurs. Before booster
level- and pulse-output mission discretes. It con- vehicle/ stage III separation, the self-destruct
trols launch vehicle system discretes, Agena engine system can be actuated by a command signal from
ignition and cutoff, telemetry, PLF separation, and the range safety officer to the booster vehicle. If a
spacecraft separation. premature separation of the stage III vehicle from
the booster occurs, the self-destruct system is ac-
Agena Software - The basic flight program con- tuated automatically. The principal parts of the
tains guidance steering, flight control algorithms, system are a shaped-explosive destruct-charge, a
and executive and discrete logic. The flight pro- destruct-charge initiator, two destruct batteries,
gram also performs all required preflight status and related circuitry. All system components are
checks and initial alignments for the computational installed on the booster adapter. The self-destruct
reference frame. A constant tape and a target tape system is disabled by a command from the GC
supplement the basic flight program to accommo- before normal booster vehicle/ stage III separation.
date a specific mission and launch vehicle. Mis-
sion-oriented changes are accomplished by soft-
ware modification rather than by extensive hard- Titan 34BI Agena Avionic Interface - The Titan
ware changes. 34B Stage II avionics system consists of flight con-
trols, sequencing, instrumentation, tracking and
Agena Telemetry - The telemetry system consists flight safety, and electrical power systems. This
of a PCM encoder, tape recorder, baseband assem- equipment is located in the forward compartment of
bly, S-band transmitter, and antenna system. Two stage II.
telemetry channels are provided: one to transmit
data from the PCM encoder and the other to trans- During the initial phase of Titan 34B flight, open-
mit real-time GC word data. The second channel loop fixed pitch and roll programs are accomplish-
can be switched with a guidance command to trans- ed by torquing the TARS gyro. The guidance loop is
mit data from the tape recorder. The tape recorder closed about 138 seconds after lift-off. The Agena
is a two-reel unit that stores operational and status guidance system shapes the mission trajectory by
data from the PCM encoder for transmission on issuing pitch and yaw steering commands in the
command-to-telemetry (TIm) ground stations. form of discrete switch closures, that time torque
the TARS attitude gyro at a fixed rate. The Agena
Flight Safety - The flight safety system provides a guidance also provides discretes to control certain
way to destroy the vehicle during the boost phase if Titan 34B vehicle events.


Performance capabilities of the current Titan the upper stage into the orbit, or using coast injec-
launch vehicle family that satisfy a variety of tion with two or more burns when an upper stage is
spacecraft user mission requirements are provided included. With Transtage, a significant perfor-
here. Current Titan configurations include: mance improvement can be realized for higher-alti-
tude circular orbits using coast injection.
ESMC Launches
If orbits higher than the initial orbit are desired
(e.g., from a lower LEO to a higher LEO or from an
• Titan 34D/Transtage LEO to a high-Earth orbit), the technique most fre-
• Titan 34D/IUS quently used to achieve the final orbit is the
Hohmann transfer, which is a 180-deg transfer el-
WSMC Launches lipse between two coplanar orbits. The vehicle
passes from one orbit to the other along this path by
• Titan 34B/NUS with radio guidance changing its velocity from the value characteristic
• Titan 34BI Ascent Agena with inertial guidance of one orbit to that of the other. This technique re-
• Titan 34D/NUS with radio guidance quires a dual-burn upper stage. The first burn, at
the perigee of the transfer (Hohmann) orbit, pro-
Descriptions of each configuration are included in vides the vehicle velocity required to reach apogee
Chapter III. at the altitude of the final orbit. The second burn
takes place at the apogee and provides the velocity
General mission descriptions, flight descriptions, characteristic of the final desired orbit (i.e., circu-
and performance capabilities are provided for these lar or elliptical).
current configurations. Estimated payload capa-
bilities for current Titan configurations are pre- Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbits (GSO) - The
sented for particular missions as well as payload Titan 34D configuration, with either the Transtage
weight capability curves that define the spectrum or IUS, can inject spacecraft into the geosynchro-
of available performance. These values are provid- nous equatorial orbit or near geostationary posi-
ed to give the spacecraft userguidance in identify- tions in either the Eastern or Western Hemi-
ing the spectrum of Titan performance capabilities. spheres. This is accomplished by initially placing
Performance data for specific missions is available the upper stage into a low-altitude parking orbit.
from the USAF Space Division (SD/YVX) or Mar- The upper stage engine is then ignited at either the
tin Marietta. The estimated payload capability first equatorial crossing (for satellite positioning in
values presented in this document reserve suffi- the Eastern Hemisphere) or the second equatorial
cient margin to accommodate three-sigma vehicle crossing (for satellite positioning in the Western
performance variations. Future performance im- Hemisphere). This first upper-stage burn produces
provement options for the Titan 34series (including an elliptical transfer orbit with an apogee altitude
growth configurations with new upper stages and corresponding to the synchronous altitude and
large-diameter fairings) and Titan II launch vehi- reduces the orbital inclination by some optimum
cles are discussed in Chapter XIII. value (approximately 2.2 deg). The second upper-
stage burn circularizes the orbit at synchronous
MISSION DESCRIPTIONS altitude and executes a plane change that reduces
the orbital inclination to 0 deg. The orbit and
The launch vehicle configurations presented in this ground traces, for the Eastern and Western Hemi-
chapter can deliver payloads for a wide range of sphere cases, are presented in Figures IV-I and IV-
missions. A brief description of three general mis- 2.
sion types follows.
Interplanetary Transfer-Orbit Missions - The
Low Earth-Orbit (LEO) Missions - The Titan 34D Titan 34D with either the Transtage or IUS can
configuration can deliver spacecraft to circular or achieve velocities that will overcome the attraction
elliptical orbits while satisfying specific mission of the Earth's gravitational field and permit inter-
and spacecraft requirements. These orbits can be planetary [i.e., escape) missions. Escape missions
achieved using the booster capability only, burning require the optimizaton of many parameters based


CD Stage /I Shutdown
® Start of First Transtage
® End of First Transtage
@ Startof Second
® End of Second Transtage
75~-~-~1 Burn
I ® Spacecraft Release
. Sequence
, . - - - - Approximate Station
60 Coverage (30 elevations)
~I" ,----!:.<v,. \l ,

Eastern Hemisphere Orbit Trace

l I
CD Stage II Shutdown I !
0 Start of First T ranstage Bum I I
® End of First Transtage Burn I i

res 12. 'so

@ Start of Second Transtage Burn I ..• i
". m
" ee
" ..
'" lIS '00
'" " lO

® .
End of Second Transtage Burn' "

® Spacecraft Release Sequence

Appro)(imatl! Station CoveraOI!
(3" elevations)

Western Hemisphere Orbit Trace

Figure IV-l Typical Ground Traces for Transtage Configuration

Eastern Hemisphere Orbit Trace Western Hemisphere Orbit Trace
- Transtage Burn Transtage Burn at
at First Nodal Second Nodal Cros-
Crossing to sing to Transfer to
line of Nodes 19,323-n-mi Apogee
Transfer to (equatorial crossing)
19,323-n-mi & Reduce Orbital
Line of Nodes Apogee & Re- Inclination by 2_25°
(equatorial duce Orbital
Inclination by Transfer Orbit
2_25° (coast time ~ 5 hr]
Transfer Orbit Final Orbit
Final Orbit (altitude ~
(coast time
5 hr] (altitude ~ 19,323 n mil
19,323 n mi Parking Orbit
(altitude ~ 80
Boost Phase Boost Phase x 375 n mil
Transtage Burn
at Apogee to
Circularize Transtage Burn at
Orbit and Re- Apogee to Circularize
North Pole duce Orbital Orbit and Reduce Orbital
Inclination Inclination to 0°
to 0°

t-L-....I...-r-+--=-k-----l----I Equatorial Plane

~....I...~~--="k---+-----l Equatorial Plane
Parking Orbit Final-Orbit
Inclination (0°) Parking Orbit

Figure IV-2 Typical Orbit Traces for Titan 34DITranstage

on the calendar opportunity and launch window to Stage II shutdown occurs when the vehicle has ob-
ensure that the spacecraft will achieve its mission tained the desired injection condition or when the
in a minimum amount of time for a given energy ex- steady-state propellant is depleted. Approximately
»<> penditure. These parameters include: launch azi- 10-16seconds after shutdown, the staging ordnance
muth, parking orbit duration, declination angle, devices are fired and the stage II retrorockets are
and launch energy (C3)' Launch azimuth and coast ignited to disengage stage II from the upper stage or
time in the parking orbit can be varied over a payload. Upper-stage events and flight times are
limited range to achieve different declination an- programmed to satisfy specific mission and space-
gles and hyperbolic excess velocities. A typical es- craft requirements.
cape mission flight plan is presented in Figure IV-3.
Table IV-1 presents the different sequences of
FLIGHT DESCRIPTION events for four Titan configurations. This informa-
tion should be regarded as typical with differences
A typical mission for a Titan 34D begins with SRM possible for various payload combinations and
ignition and vehicle lift-off. * After clearing the mission requirements.
launch pad, the vehicle rolls to the desired flight
azimuth and begins to pitch over in the trajectory PERFORMANCE CAPABILITIES
plane. Around 107-109 seconds after lift-off. the
vehicle senses a decreasing acceleration level, and The following charts and graphs (Tables IV-2 and
stage I engine is ignited. The SRMs are separated IV-3, Figs. IV-4 through IV-10) present perfor-
approximately 9-10 seconds later. The stage I mance capability estimates for the current Titan
engine burns for approximately 166seconds. As its boosters with NUS and various upper stages. Cir-
propellant is depleted, thrust chamber pressure cular and elliptical throw-weight capabilities are
switches detect thrust loss. These switches provide presented. Booster throw-weight capability as a
a signal that ignites the stage II engine and fires ex- function of characteristic velocity is presented for
plosive nuts on the mating bolts separating the core ESMC configurations. Trajectory simulations
stages. The PLF is nominally jettisoned during the used to generate these performance capabilities
early portions of stage II flight at an altitude in satisfy normal class shaping constraints and were
which aerodynamic effects are negligible. constrained to maximum dynamic pressures less
than 1000psf for the Titan 34D configurations. The
Titan 34B configurations constrained maximum
* A Titan 34B vehicle begins with stage I engine ig- dynamic pressure to 650psf.
Launch Azimuth
Arc Length of Parking Orbit
{true anomaly I

Figure IV-3 Typical Escape Mission Flight Plan

Table IV-l Typical Sequences of Events for Current Titan Launch Vehicles.
T34D/TS or IUS - ESMC TJ4BfAscent Agena - WSMC T34D/NUS - WSMC
Event Time, s Event Time,s Event Time,s
Stage 0 Ignition 0.0 Liftoff 0.0 Stage 0 Ignition 0.0
Liftoff 0.2 Start Roll Program 13.9 Liftoff 0.2
Start Roll Program 6.0 Stop Roll Program 19.9 Start Roll Program (5.0 deg/s) 7.6
Stop Roll Program 9.0 Start Pitch Program 21.6 Stop Roll Program 9.0
Start Pitch Program 10.0 Start Load Relief 53.9 Start Pitch Program 10,0
Stage 0 Thrust Tailoff 107.0 Stop Load Relief 119.9 Stage 0 Thrust Tailoff (1.5 gs) 109.4
Stage I Start 101'.1 Start of Closed Loop Guidance 135.4 Stage I Start 109.9
SRM Jettison 119.1 End Stage I Steady State 165.9 SRM Jettison 119.5
Start of Closed Loop Guidance 123.1 Stage II Ignition (91 FS-l) 166.0 End Stage I Steady State 277.7
End Stage I Steady Stage 272.7 Stage I Separation '167.0 Stage " Ignition (91 FS·l) 277.8
Stage II Ignition (91FS·1) 272.8 Payload Fairing Separation 259.5 Stage I Separation 278.6
Stage I Separation 273.5 End Stage II Steady State 374.6 Payload Fairing Separation 288.6
Payload Fairing Separation 283.8 State II Separation 387.7 End Stage /I Steady State 486.8
End Stage II Steady State 479,0 Start Agena Burn 392.3 Stage II Separation 296.8
Stage II Separation 495.0 End Agena Burn 630.9
First Upper Stage Burn 1400*
Second Upper Stage Burn 19,600*

" Bas",d on First Equatorial CrOfiSing

Table IV-2 ESMC Estimated Payload Capability

Separable Payload Weight, Ib

Direct Inject, Circular Orbit*
Direct Inject, Elliptical Orbit* 100 nmi 200 nmi 300 nmi GSO
80 x 95 nrni, i = 28.6 deg i = 28.6 deg i = 28.6 deg i = 28.6 deg Capability
Titan 34D/Transtage/l0-ft
Dia x 25-ft PLF (MDAC) 34,900 33,800 25,600 17,000 4,100
Tian 34D/IUS/l0.5-ft
Dia x 40-ft PLF (MDAC) 33,900 32,800 24,700 16,100 4,100**

* The upper stages are not burned into these park orbits.
** 4,200 Ibs with EEC.

Table IV-3 WSMC Estimated Payload Capability

Separable Payload Weight, Ib Direct Inject, Circular Orbit

100nmi 200 nmi 300 nml 400 nmi
i-99deg i = 90 deg i = 63.5 deg i=99deg i=90deg i = 63.5 deg i=99deg i - 90 deg i = 63.5 dog i=99deg i = 90 dog i = 63.5 deg

T34B/NUS/l0·fl OJ. x
24-fl PLF (LMSC) 5,650 6,050 6,950 2,450 2,650 3,200 - - - - - -
T34BI Ascent Agena/l O-ft"
Oja x 57.9-ft PLF (LMSC) 7,500 7,900 8,700 6,300 6,800 7,500 5,200 5,500 6,300 - - -
T340/NUS/l0·fl Dia x
54·fl PLF (LMSC) 26,700 27,600 30,600 20,500 21,500 23,500 13,300 13,900 15,200 - 6,500 -
• The ascent agena is burned int~ these orbi,"


Elliptical Orbits by
Direct Injection


a. Circular Orbits by
~ 'Direct Injection


1) 100 nmi inject altitude for
elliptical orbits.
2) Performance margin in stage II.
3) 10 x 25-ft pavtoad fairing.
4) Transtage is not' burned into
these park orbits.
5) Separable weight includes
transtage plus payload,
10;L-__ -L L-__-L ~ __~ -L _

o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Separable Payload, 1000lb

Figure IV-4 "

Titan 34D/Transtage Payload Weight
vs Altitude for ESMC
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
24 26 28 30
100000' I I I I I I I II I I I


1000 I Q

e co
';: .f:
u 2.0 3.04.0 6.0 10.0 .='" ..: o 8 16 24 32 40 50 60 70

Dirllltl Inject to Elliptical ~ g> I C3 km2/s2

(BOX Apogee), ,." 1000 nmi .,

.'lq I
~ I
•...,- I Note:
in I 11 80 x 95 nmi park orbit.
e :- 21 28.6° inclination.
l- •.. e 3) Propellant margin in transtage.
e s: ~ 4) 10 x 25-ft payload fairing,
~ •..

10·W- J_ i- L- ~L-----~~~--~------~------LL------~------~------J---
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

Characteristic Velocity. 1000 fps

Figure IV-S Estimated Titan 34D/Transtage Payload Capability


Elliptical Orbits bv-

Direct Injection



c. Circular Orbits by
Direct Injection

1) 100 nmi inject altitude for
elliptical orbits.
2) Performance ma,rgin in stage II.
3) 10.5 x 40 ft payload fairing.
4) IUS is not burned into these
park orbits.
5) Separable weight includes IUS
plus payload.
10L- L- ~ _L ~ L_ ~ _
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Separable Payload, 1000 Ib

Figure IV-6
Titan 34DIIUS Payload Weight
vs Altitude for ESMC

100,000 II



Q.30.61.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 o 8 16 24 32 40 50 60 70

Direct Inject to Elliptical
180 x apogee}, 1000nmi
I C3km2/s2

1. 80 x ss-nmt park orbit.
2. 28.6·deg inclination.
3. Propellant margin is in stage II of the booster
"nd in the IUS ACS.
4. 10.5 X 40·ft payload fairing. >-

i~, 40
42 44 46

Characteristic Velocity. 1000-fps

Fig'.Jre IV-7 Estimated Titan 34D/IUS Payload Capability


_____ Elliptical Orbits by

Elliptical Orbits Direct Injection
by Direct Injection

Orbit Inclination '" 99 deg Orbit Inclination = 99 deg

1.000 1.000
Orbit Inclination = 90 deg Orbit Inclination = 90 deg
'E ~ Orbit ,Inclination = 63.5 deg ,__ -,--- Orbit Inclination = 63.5 deg
« Circular Orbits by
Circular Orbits by
Direct Injection
:: Direct Injection

100 100

Note: Note:
1. 100-nmi inject altitude for elliptical orbits. 1. 100-nmi inject altitude for elliptical orbits.
2. Performance margin in stage II. 2. Performance margin in stage II.
3. 10 x 24-ft payload fairing. 3. 10 x 57.9·ft payload fairing.
4. Agena is burned into these orbits.

10L- __ ~~ L- L- ~ ~ ~ ~ 10L-----L-----~----~-- ___L _L ~ ~

o 5 15 o 5 .10 15 20 25 30 35
Separable Payload, 1000 Ib Separable Payload, 1000 Ib
Figure IV-8 Fi$"re IV-9
Titan 34B/NUS Payload Weight vs Altitude TItan 34B/Ascent Agena Payload Weight vs
for WSMC Altitude for WSMC


Orbit Inclination = 99 Deg

Orbit Inclination - 90 Oe9
Orbit Inclination: 63.5 Deg

Circular Orbits by
Direct Injection

1) 100-nmi Inject Altitude for
Elliptical Orbits
2) Performance Margin in Stage"
3) 10 x 54-ft Payload Fairing

10~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -L -L _
o 5 10 15 W ~ 30
Separable Payload 1000 Ib

Figure IV~10
Titan 34D/NUS Payload Weight
us Altitude for WSMC


General environmental considerations for Titan 34 Table V-2

launch vehicles described in this chapter cover pre- ESMC and WSMC Environmental Shelter
launch and launchlflight factors. These factors in- Air Conditioning
clude the items listed in Table V-I. ESMC
Minimum Internal
Positive Pressure 0.25 in H20
Table V-I Environmental Factors Flowrate Minimum of 3 Complete Air
Changes per Hour with a Minimum
u of 25% Outside Air
Factors Dry Bulb Temperature 72°F ±50F
••• "2 u e::J ::J
'c •..

.2 c
l:i .;::;0 C

Relative Humidity 50% RH (maximum)
0 ••• f! CIV 0
Filtration Class 100,000 or Better (per fed
.t: U IV
II- •• c .~ f
c iii E u'e 0 iii ::J•.. std 209a) at Air Inlet to Environ-

Launch Phase •.<t ..

t; 'e., •..

mental Shelter

I- jjj C
U ~ s en I- -e en § WSMC
••• • Internal Positive
Pressure 0.20/0.15 in H20
Launch & Flight
••••••••••• Flowrate 21,000 CFM
70°F ± 5°F at Maximum
Temperature Dew Point of 55°F
Specific environmental factors depend on space- Filtration Remove 99.97% of All Particle
Equal to or Greater Than 0.3
craft user requirements and specific mission criter- Micron at Inlet
ia. Definition and related documentation will be ac-
complished through the integration process de-
scribed in Chapter X. Table V-3
ESMC and WSMC Payload Fairing Air Conditioning
Prelaunch - The prelaunch environments are de- ESMC Air Conditioning Capability at Payload Fairing
fined for preliminary evaluation with respect to Inlet
spacecraft environmental requirements. Environ- Temperature 50° to 99°F ± 1°
mental criteria for existing systems are provided. Dew Point Temperature 27° to 67°F ± 2°
The prelaunch environment is further controlled Filtration Class 10,000
through the application of specific procedures. A Flowrate 50 to 60 Ib/min
control plan is developed between the various agen- Static Pressure 40 in. H20 (nominal)
46 in. H20 (maximum)
cies involved to specify procedures, responsibili-
ties, and requirements for prelaunch environment- WSMC
al control. Temperature, OF 40t095±2
Moisture, Grains/lb Dry Air 22 Max (28°F dew point)
Air Conditioning - Air conditioning units at the Flow Rate, Ib/min 150 Max
launch complex supply air to the environmental Static Pressure, psig max 0.52
shelter, PLF, and launch vehicle. Filtration, Micron Remove 99.97% of Particles
~ 0.3 Microns
Salt Content Mg/Cu Ft Less Than 5 x 10- Na+
Environmental Shelter - The environmental shel-
ter provides environmental and contamination pro-
tection to spacecraft during prelaunch activities environment after the PLF is installed. Outlets are
before encapsulation in the PLF (Table V-2). This available on the umbilical tower level to accommo-
shelter also provides protection to personnel dur- date various fairing lengths.
ing these activities. This service is available until
approximately 90-120min before launch, at which Payload Fairing Thermal Control - Air diffusion
time the mobile service tower (MST) is retracted. systems are provided in the PLFs to maintain ther-
mal control before launch. The systems are design-
Payload Fairing Air Conditioning - A separate air ed to accommodate spacecraft temperature limits,
conditioning system is provided for the PLF (Table temperature gradient, and air impingement veloci-
V-3). This system provides a controlled spacecraft ty requirements. Typical systems. use a fitting to

direct inlet air into the fairing nose section or to and spacecraft power sources can be maintained, if
transfer the air through a duct system to a bulkhead required, by the spacecraft.
diffuser in the fairing nose section. A typical bulk-
head diffuser system is shown in Figure V-1. LAUNCH AND FLIGHT

General Launch and Flight Environments - The

following data provide general launch and flight en-
vironments for the designer to use as preliminary
environments that the spacecraft must withstand.
Envirornnents for a specific mission will be defined
and documented through the integration process
described in Chapter X.

Dynamic Pressure - The dynamic pressure on the

spacecraft during flight depends on the trajectory
profile. and PLF jettison time. Normally, this jetti-
sion time is dictated by spacecraft aerodynamic
.heating limitations. For a typical mission, the pres-
sure is less than 0.01 psf at jettison, and decreases
to 0.00 as the altitude increases. If required, a dy-
namic pressure profile can be provided after pre-
Example of Flow CharllCteristics
liminary trajectory shaping.
Bulkhead Diffuser. 8-io. Inlet

Flowrate '" 125 Ib/min

Payload Fairing Venting - The pressure change
Average Wall Velocity = 66 ft/min
within the PLF during flight is a function of the tra-
Flow Uniformity = % Dev;'otlon from Average:
jectory' atmospheric conditions, free volume
Qusdrant 1 '" 3%;
within the fairing. and openings in the fairing and
adjacent launch vehicle compartment. Specific
Quadrant 2 '" 10%;
Quadrant 3 •• 15%; compartment pressure differentials cannot be
Quadrant 4 e 22%
quoted without knowledge of the spacecraft vol-
Pressu", Drop = 6.50 in. of H20 from Fairing Inlet to Transtage
ume, leakage areas, etc, associated with the space-
craft/fairing combination used. Typical pressures
Figure V-I encountered on previous missions are within 1psi
Payload Fairing Ai? Conditioning Duct and Diffuser of ambient pressure. Similarly, the pressure
change within the PLF has not exceeded 1.1 psi/se-
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) requirements including de- Contamination - During lift-off and flight. engine
sign, test, and interference output/susceptibility ignitions and staging events produce exhaust pro-
criteria are specified in Secretary of the Air Force ducts and debris that are potential sources of space-
Special Projects (SAFSP) Exhibit 65-27. EMC de- craft contamination. The spacecraft's sensitivities
sign requirements are tailored to each launch vehi- to contamination are recognized, and various tech-
cle program to ensure mutual compatibility be- niques are used to eliminate and/or minimize depo-
tween the spacecraft and the launch vehicle. sition.
Shielding and ordnance circuit isolation conform to
Air Force Manual 127-1 for ESMC and WSMC vehi- Payload Fairing - PLFs provide considerable pro-
cles. t~1?tipnto the payload. The spacecraft PLF is proc-
essed in controlled environmental facilities. Once
Bonding across the vehicle/spacecraft interface is in place, the fairing is attached to a ground-support
accomplished by bare metal-to-metal Icontact or air conditioning! filtering system.
through a conductive metal coating. All vehicle
power and signal circuits have ground return leads Titan configurations 34B and 34D/NUS use a Lock-
to their respective systems. One point ground sys- heed-fabricated fairing. These fairings are deliv-
tem is used so that current does not flow in the vehi- ered clean and preassembled. Cleaning is ac-
cle and structure. Isolation of the launch vehicle complished via an acoustic procedure. The LMSC

fairing has a Super*Zip separation joint encased in ules. The resultant nitrogen and hydrogen are inert
a flattened steel tube to contain the products of gases, and the ammonia has a high vapor pressure
combustion during jettison. Internally, this fairing that minimizes deposition. The 34B Agena upper
has a thermal blanket composed of materials cho- stage has a pneumatic ACS or a similar hydrazine
sen for their low outgassing properties. Blankets system. Various freon and nitrogen gas mixtures
that have been used are either an aluminum sheet- are used in the pneumatic system depending on
ing or a silicon-bonded fibrous glass covered with mission requirements. The 34D/Transtage thrust-
aluminized kapton. ers use anhydrous hydrazine propellant. The
hydrazine is decomposed to nitrogen, hydrogen,
Titan configurations 34D/IUS and 34D/Transtage and ammonia in a catalyst bed. Contaminants from
use MDAC payload fairings. The IUS version has the ACS may accumulate at low levels on space-
an internal isogrid construction. Cleaning proce- craft ambient temperature surfaces; cryogenic sur-
dures have been developed and documented. The faces present a greater contaminant risk.
Transtage configuration uses a similar fairing with
a monocoque (skin/stringer) construction. It is When the IUS separates from the spacecraft, the
cleaned using Martin Marietta procedures. Both of spacecraft may be exposed to upper-stage outgass-
these fairings have noncontaminating separation ing products. The IUS SRM case and insulation are
joints that contain debris in longitudinal bellows. hot at burnout and outgassing of the insulation and
Low outgassing sealants are used to contain fabri- case materials will occur. The spacecraft user may
cation debris in places where limited access pre- request that a contamination/collision avoidance
vents removal. maneuver (CCAM) be implemented if contamina-
tion is a concern. The Transtage and Agena upper
Stage II Retrorockets - The 34B and 34D/Tran- stages are liquid propellant systems and outgass-
stage have three separation retrorockets approx- ing is not a problem
imately 35 ft behind the upper stage/spacecraft in-
terface. The engines are fixed at a cant angle of 30 Acoustic - Spacecraft experience an acoustic en-
deg to minimize payload plume impingement. The vironment during boost until the launch vehi-
34D/NUS and 34D/IUS have four separation retro- cle/spacecraft is out of the sensible atmosphere.
rockets with 45- and 30-deg cant angles, respec- The acoustic excitation interval to the PLF has
tively. The closeness of the retrorockets to the significant peaks during the first 5 seconds after
payload may cause an increased molecular and a liftoff and during transonic flight. The launch
decreased particulate environment over the 34B levels are attenuated by channeling SRM exhaust
and 34D/Transtage. However, no contamination gases through an exhaust duct until the launch
concerns caused by plume inpingement are fore- vehicle begins lift-off. During this period, the ex-
seen. haust splashes directly on the launch pad. This is
the maximum acoustic excitation period. The se-
Assuming that payload surfaces remain at ambient cond peak excitation period is generated by tran-
temperatures, expected deposition levels arising sonic aerodynamic shock waves and fluctuating
from the retrorockets should be low. Molecular de- dynamic pressure. This excitation lasts for approx-
position will occur if cryogenic spacecraft surfaces imately 55seconds. The level is generally below lift-
exist. off levels. Acoustic noise levels for typical launch
vehicles are provided in Table V-4.
Attitude Control System (ACS)-Thrusters - The
34D/NUS has no upper stage; consequently, any
ACS thrusters present are integrated parts of the Vibration - The random vibration environment re-
payload. However, the remaining three configura- sults from the acoustic noise fields previously de-
tions each have six hydrazine monopropellant reac- scribed. The same excitation period prevails when
tion engine modules. These configurations do not the vibration is mechanically transmitted to the
have any forward pointing thrusters. spacecraft during testing. The excitation (attenua-
tion or amplification) level at the spacecraft moun-
Some postseparation maneuvers may direct ex- ting interface is unique to each configuration. Each
haust products from the thrusters toward the spacecraft program requires an analytical evalua-
spacecraft. Hydrazine from the IUS thrusters is tion. Typical random vibration spectrums are pro-
decomposed to nitrogen, hydrogen, and ammonia vided for each launch vehicle configuration in
by a catalyst bed of packed, precious metal gran- Figures V-2through V-6.

Table V-4 Flat 100 to 1000 Hz at 0.125g2/Hz
Acoustic Noise Levels Within Payload Fairing RolI·Off BElow 100 Hz at 6 dB/Octave
- RolI·Off Above 1000 Hz lilt 6 dB/Octave
1/3 Octave Band Sound Pressure Level, dB" Overall G rms: 13.4
- Exposure: 60 seconds
1/3 Octave Band
Center Frequencv. T34D/NUS&
Hz 10·ft PLF T340/lUS T340ITS
Overall 141 145 145
25 - 121 121
31.5 - 122.5 122.5
40 - 124 124
50 - 126.5 126.5
63 122 127 127
80 124 129 i29
100 125 130.5 130.5
125 129 131.5 131.5
160 129 132.5 132.5
200 130.5 133.5 134
250 132 134 135.0
315 133 134.5 135.0
400 134 134.5 134.5
500 129 134 134 10 2000
630 127.5 133.5 133.5 Frequency, Hz
126.5 133 133
Figure V-3
Interface Random Vibration Environment for
1,000 125.5 132 132
Payload Interface During Liftoff and Flight
1.250 124 131 13'1
1,600 120 129.5 129.5
2,000 119.5 128.5 128.5
2,500 119.5 126.5 126:15
flat 120 to 600 Hz at 0.12 G2/Hz
3,'50 117.5 125 125
Flat 760 to 1200Hz at 0.06 G2/Hz
4,000 116.5 123 123 1.01=
RolI.Off Below 120 Hz at 12 dB/Octave
5,000 115.5 121.5 121 5
RolI·off Above 600 Hz at 6 dB/Octave
6,300 114,4 120 1 120•
RolI·Off Above 1200 Hz at 12 dB/Octave
8,000 113.5 118 118
Overall = 11.0 G RMS
10,000 112.5 116 1 116
Exposure" 60 seconds
Reference Sound Pressure'" 0.0002 Dynes/cm2 N
'"CI 0.1
Vibration Level Converted from a 160G-lb i
Spacecraft to a Spacecran Weighing W Ib 15: ~e
Delta dB = :Z,O Log W


~ 0.01

0.01 1..-_...I---I..-J-..LJ...l..1..Ll...--J...----JL......I-L-LL-.LJ...L--.&
50 100 400 1000 2000
10 50 100 400 '1000 2000
Frequency. H2O Frequency, Hit

Figure V-2 Figure V-4

Random Vibration Environment for Payload Random Vibration Environment for Payload
Interface During Liftoff and Flight of T34D/TS Interface During Liftoff and Fligbt T34D/NUS

0.1 shown in Figure V-7. This shock response spectra
Region of Narrow ---1::.;•::=====i.;:1 envelopes the calculated response to the shock pro-
duced by jettisoning the PLF for a variety of single-
..... degree-of-freedom systems with 5 percent critical
'"C.I damping.
15 dB/Octave

c•• s
0.01 al
t; "
..•.0 3l'
:;; e
&. 0.1
"" .,'"
10 50 100 400 1000 2000 .!~

Frequency, Hz <1:10
E Q)

Figure V-S E § 0.0 l,';:'C--I.---l-L...u..~:-:-....I......I......L....Ll.J~-:--....L....L...L1..I.J.JLJ.J

Random Vibration Environment for Payload Inter- 'x ~ 10 10,000
face during Liftoff and Boosted Flight T34B '" Q)
Vehicle Figure V-7
Payload Fairing Shock at Spacecraft Interface,
Normalized at 2000 Hz
A typical shock response spectrum from IUS stag-
ing is shown in Figure V-8. These spectra are enve-

Region of Narrow --.-.n--- lopes of the calculated response to the shock pro-
duced for a variety of single-degree-of-freedom sys-
tems with 15percent critical damping.

10 dB/Octave
~ 0.001 1,000
<I: ••


0.0001 L-_...L-.l.-.J......LLJ...JL..ll._~L.....L..L...LL.u..U-_-J 100

10 50 100 400 1000 2000
Frequency, Hz
Figure V-6 Legend:
Random Vibration Environment for Payload Inter- __ Axial
face during Agena Engine Burn Phase ofT34B - - -- Radial
Flight --Tang

10 100 1000 10000
Shock - The primary sources of shock accelera- Frequency, Hz
tions to spacecraft during flight are PLF jettison Figure V-8
and upper-stage/spacecraft separation. A typical Shock Response Environment at IUS/Spacecraft/
shock response spectra from jettisoning the PLF is Interface During IUS Staging

The shock response spectra for spacecraft separa- 600
tion depends on the characteristics of the separa- Maximum EmiliSivity of Innar Bare Wall = 0.1
tion system because the system is normally part of (zones A. Band CI
the spacecraft and it must be designed to withstand
this shock (Table V-5)_However, the levels deliv-
u, 400
ered to the launch vehicle must remain within defin- o
ed values. Qualification of the Titan booster vehicle i;:J
components is based on a 1360-g(2000Hz) shock at tV 300
the vehicle/spacecraft interface. The IUS maxi- iE _127
mum is 1500 g at 4000Hz. -115
J! 200

Table V-S Pyro Sbock Peak Acceleration Levels

100;--- -5
T34B T340/NUS T34D/ll.IS T34D/TS c
O~----~ ~ '--.....,....&--77
~ ~
PLF Sep Levels 2400g~' 2400 g'5" NA 1360g's" L-__~

IUS'Stg 111I NA NA •••• NA e 150 200 250 300

Allo\vable SIC 1360" .... 1360"

Time after Liftoff, seconds

Separation Figure V-9

Shock at Payload Fairing Inner Surface Temperatures for
Titan 34D/Transtage Configuration (2S-ft PLF,
il Shock res~onse environment figure provides speetrum shape Uninsulated Cylinder Walls)
for the defined shock response lellels•
••••Shock response environmant figure provides peak IUS values.

Thermal - The thermal environment imposed on a

spacecraft during launch and flight has three
Maximum Un insulated Inner Wall Emissivity '" ·0.30
phases. During the initial portion of the ascent tra-
jectory, the spacecraft is enclosed in a PLF that Zone LV Station
prevents direct exposure to the ascent aerodynamic ---265.00

heating environment. Heat transfer to the space-

craft during this period is pzimarily through radia- t-::A:=::t _ -157.73
B r ---137.85
tion from the PLF walls. The PLF wall temperature o
history is a function of the ascent trajectory, fair- --40.50
ing-wall heat capacity, and wall insulation (if any). E
Design ascent wall temperatures for the Titan 34B
and 34DPLFs are shown in PLF thermal Figures V-
9 through V-ll. Temperatures shown for the Titan
34B/Agena are representative of what could be ex- 350
pected for the Titan 34D/NUS configuration. The Zona
temperatures shown are for the most severe ascent D
300 B A and E _
heating trajectories expected for each vehicle. If
radiation to the spacecraft is too great for the tem-
peratures shown, the thermal input to the payload
~ 250

can be attenuated using insulation or thermal radi- E

ation shields, as indicated on the IUS (Figs. V-9 ~ 200 Zonas 0 and e with Internal
through V-H). '"
a. Acoustic Blanket !inner Blanket
surface temperature shown}
.- 150

..- --
The second phase of the ascent thermal environ-
ment imposed on the spacecraft occurs at PLF sep-
aration. At this time, the spacecraft is exposed to
the effects of free-molecular heating_ The fairing is
jettisoned as soon as possible for performance con- 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
siderations, but not before free-molecular heating Time after liftoff, seconds

and dynamic pressure effects are made acceptable Figure V-10

to the spacecraft. This typically occurs at altitudes Payload Fairing Inner Surface Temperatures for
of approximately 430,000ft and up when free-melee- T34D/IUS Configuration (40-ft PLF)

frame, a white silicone-coated thermal shield, and
an aluminum rf screen. The temperature of the ther-
mal shield can be as high as 300°F before the PLF is
jettisoned, and then decays rapidly to 80°F for con-
600 tinuous solar heating or -240°F for continuous
shadowing. The temperature is typically less than

400 /

------ -------- 170°F before PLF jettisoning and greater than -

lOO°Fat spacecraft separation.

•~ IUS/Spacecraft - Heat transfer from the IUS to

200 the spacecraft is less than 400 Btu/hour. The IUS
...• and spacecraft are isolated in the radiation mode of
100 heat transfer by a multilayer insulation blanket
with an aluminized beta cloth outer layer. On the
o 100 .200 300 400 500 600 700 spacecraft side, the effective emittance is less than
Axial Distance, in. 0.02/-l.IUScavity temperatures can range from 35°F
to 109°F.
Figure V-II
Temperature Distribution on Titan T34B/Agena Design Load Factors - Load factors are provided
Payload Fairing at Time of Shroud Separation
for current booster configurations and initial sizing
and/or evaluation of spacecraft primary structure
ular heating is around half of the solar constant (200 in Tables V-6through V-9. Spacecraft response is a
to 250 Btu/ft2 hour). Following PLF separation, function of spacecraft weight, stiffness, and later-
free-molecule heating decreases and then in- al/ axial coupling as well as booster configuration.
creases. A second peak occurs at park-orbit injec- The load factors are intended to provide a conser-
tion. If an upper stage is used, a third peak may be vative design envelope that includes a variation
experienced near transfer orbit perigee. The range in these parameters. Transient load analyses
relative magnitude of the latter two peaks depends performed during the development of a spacecraft
on perigee altitude and transfer-burn timing. If will provide the detailed member loads required for
these peaks exceed allowable limits, they can be complete design and evaluation of the structure.
lowered by increasing park orbit perigee.
Total axial load factors can be obtained from the
The final-ascent heating phase results from direct tables by adding the steady-state and dynamic
and reflected solar radiation and direct Earth in- components. Lateral and torsional loads at the ex-
fared radiation. These radiation levels can be con- tremities of the spacecraft may exceed center-of-
trolled during park and transfer orbits using the
thermal control maneuvers of an upper stage or the
Table V-6
spacecraft. Typical maneuvers performed in previ- T34D/Transtage (ESMC) Spacecraft Center of
ous missions include toasting, metronome, rotis- Gravity Load Factors
serie, and continuous roll. These maneuvers are de-
Steady-State Dynamic
scribed in Chapter VIII. Event/Axis Acceleration, G Acceleration, G, G/in.
+ 1.5
± 1.5

- Torsional - ±O.OS
Maximum Airloads
The thermal control features of the Transtage and - Axial +2.0 ±1.0
IUS are designed so that special thermal orienta- - Lateral - ±2.5
tion constraints for 9- and lO-hour missions are not
- Torsional - ±O.OS
Stage I Shutdown
required by the upper stage. The thermal interface - Axial o to + 4.5 ±4.0
between the upper stage and the spacecraft are de- - Lateral - ±3.0
Stage 2 Shutdown
scribed below. o to
- Axial + 2.6 ±7.6
- Lateral - ±2.5
Transtage/Spacecraft - The thermal interface bet- Note:
ween the Transtage and the spacecraft at vehicle Separable payload weight assumed to be ~ 4000 lb.
station 77consists of ~ white painted structural ring

. -----...,
Table V-7 gravity (cg) load factors. The following equation
T34D/IUS (ESMC) Spacecraft Center of Gravity may be used to estimate the distribution of loads as
Load Factors a function of longitudinal distance (x) from the
Steady-5tate Dynamic spacecraft/launch vehicle interface, where gcg is
El1ent/Axis Acceleration. a Acceleration, a, a/in. the cg load factor from the load factor tables and
Liftoff Xcgis the distance from the interface to the space-
- Axial + 1.5 ±1.5
-- lateral - ±!i.O craft cg.
Torsional - ±O.O5
Maximum Airloads
- Axial +2.0 ±1.0
- lateral - ±2.5
- Torsional - ±O.O5 The following frequency criteria are recommended
Stage I Shutdown to minimize vehicle/ spacecraft interaction.
- Axial Oto + 4.5 ±4.0
- Lateral - ±2.0
1) Lateral frequencies from 2.0 to 10.0 Hz:
Stage 2 Shutdown
- Axial Oto + 2.5 ±.4.0
- lateral - ±2.0
- Relatively high acceleration responses are
Note: observed during lift-off.
Separable payload weight assumed to be ""'4000 lb.
- Levels above these fundamental frequencies
result in lower dynamic loads during lift-off
Table V-8 as well as lower spacecraft loads and dis-
T34D/NUS (WSMC) Spacecraft Center of Gravity placements during maximum airloads.
Load Factors - Levels below 6 Hz can affect launch-vehicle
Steady-State Dynamic control-system performance.
Event/Axis Acceleration. a Acceleration, G, G/in.

I - Axial
- lateral
- Torsional
Maximum Airloads
+ 1.5
2) Axial frequencies from 12 to 24 Hz:

- Spacecraft respond to stage I engine shut-

- Axial
- Lateral
+ 2.0
- Spacecraft respond to stage I engine thrust
- Torsional - ±O.O5
Stage I Shutdown
- Axial o to + 4.5 ±4.0
- Lateral - ±2.0 Because of the early and critical nature of load
S~age 2 Shutdown analyses, its method and sequence are discussed in
- Axial o to ""2.5 ±4.0
more detail in Appendix E.
- Laterai - ±2.0
SP.aeeeraft/upper stllge weight assumed to be in 30,000 Ib
ronge •. Ground-Wind Constraints - The Titan 34D vehicle
configurations have sufficient structural capabili-
Table V-9 ties to withstand the loads imposed by ESMC's
T34B (WSMC) Spacecraft Center of Gravity 99.9-percent or WSMC's 99.0-percent surface wind
Load Factors profiles for prelaunch and lift-off conditions. These
Steady-5tate Dynamic wind profiles are defined in Atmosphere and Wind
Event/Axis Acceleration, G Acceleration, G, a/in. Criteria for the Titan 34D Vehicle, Martin Marietta
document no. MCR-76-553, 1976. The vehicle/ um-
- Axial + 1.5 ±1.5
- Lateral - ±2.0 bilical tower collision constraint requires wind
Maximum Airloads placarding over a limited wind azimuth range at
both ESMC and WSMC.
Stage i Shutdown
- Axial Oto +5.0 ±4.0 The Titan 34B vehicle at WSMC requires placard-
- Lateral - ±2.0 ing of the ground winds for both the hold-down and
Stage 2 Shutdown I
fly-away launch sequences. The structural capabil-
- Alliel Oto + 4.5 ±4.0
- Latera! i- ±2.0 ity of vehicle/launch-stand bolts is the limiting fac-
tor for the hold-down launch. The vehicle/tower
Spacecraft/upper stag'" ww1aht assumed to DO In 15,OOO-tb collision constraint is the limiting factor for the fly-
away launch.

Winds Aloft - (ESMC and WSMC) - The launch Table V-lO
vehicle structural design for the Titan 34D and 34B ESMC and WSMC Winds Aloft Placard versus
is based on a 99-percent wind speed and a 99-percent Fairing Characteristics
wind shear envelope for the windiest quarter of the Placard
year. These design conditions provide acceptable Wind
launch availabilty for a high percentage of poten- Fairing BV Probability.
Launch Length. Diameter, Interfaces. %* (Worst
tial winds. The launch probability varies with Vehicle Site ft ft vs quarter)
spacecraft payload-fairing size charteristics. The T34DI ESMC 40 10.5 215 99
ESMC and WSMC winds aloft design criteria are IUS 45 10.5 215 99
defined in Atmosphere and Wind Criteria for the 55 10.5 215 95

Titan 34D Vehicle, Martin Marietta reference docu- T34DI ESMC 30 10 77 82

Transtage 40 10 77 82
ment no. MCR-76-553, 1976. Table V-10 defines the T34DI WSMC 55 10 220 99
allowable wind probability for the currel t launch NUS 60 10 220 96
vehicle and PLF configurations. T34BI WSMC 32 5 1 99
Agena 50 10 220 99
60 10 220 99
T34BI WSMC 50 10 220 99
NUS 60 10 220 99

• Percentages refer to probability of not exceeding the limit.

Structural interfaces between spacecraft and Titan
launch-vehicle components include the upper boost 10 deg ~o}- 5 deg
stage and PLF. These interfaces are described be- TYPica136\ /-,Z
\ 117.645
low for the following launch vehicle configurations: Places \ ~~q::~~ Bolt Circle
1) Titan 34B/NUS/10-ft diameter PLF (LMSC),
2) Titan 34B/ Ascent Agena/10-ft diameter PLF
3) Titan 34D/NUS/IO-ft diameter PLF (LMSC), Alignment
4) Titan 34D/Transtage/10·ft diameter PLF Pin Typical
Four Places
5) Titan 34D/IUS/10.5·ft diameter PLF (MDAC).

The adapters and interfaces discussed in this chap-

ter are typical for those configurations currently
flown or planned. However, these interfaces can be
modified to meet specific user requirements. I
L2.460 mn
Titan 34B and 34D . NUS - These vehicles require
an adapter at the forward end of stage II for the
120.270 ± 0.03 dia
View A-A
structural interface with the spacecraft and PLF. A Theoretical ,0.750 Spacecraft/Payload Fairing Adapter
ring frame at vehicle station 220.151 provides the
structural interface for mating the spacecraft/PLF
adapter to the vehicle. This ring frame, shown in
s.,;"", lIi::A220.,5,
Figure VI-I, is an aluminum channel with a bolt- ~BO""~
hole pattern for attaching the adapter. Seventy-two
bolts (3/8-in. nominal diameter) with four align-
ment pins (1/2-in. nominal diameter) are used to Figure VI-J
align the adapter with the vehicle and reaction Titan 34B and 34D NUS/Spacecraft
shear loads at the interface. These bolt holes coin-
cide with the 36 stage II stringers that react to ten- Structural Interface
sion and compression loads from the adapter,
Matched tooling is available to drill hole patterns in
spacecraft, and PLF.
the spacecraft and Ascent Agena interfaces. These
tools are required to preclude fit problems during
Matched tooling, established from existing master
mating at the launch site.
gauges, is available to drill hole patterns in the
adapter and vehicle interfaces. These tools are re- Titan 34D/Transtage - The ring frame (Fig. VI-3),
quired to preclude fit problems during mating at the on the forward end of the transtage at vehicle sta-
launch site. tion 77.00 provides the structural interface for
mating the spacecraft and PLF to the vehicle. This
Titan 34BI Ascent Agena - The forward end of the ring frame has a 5-1I2-in. by 10-ft-outside d iameter
Ascent Agena at vehicle station 1.51 provides the aluminum channel with an inner bolt circle for at-
structural interface for mating the spacecraft to the taching light spacecraft (less than 4000 lb) and an
vehicle. This structural interface, shown in Figure outer bolt circle for attaching heavier spacecraft.
VI-2, consists of a ring frame with a 60-in. outside Eight bolts, with a shear pin on each side of the bolt
diameter and an unsymmetrical bolt hole pattern for both inner and outer bolt circles, are used to at-
for attaching the spacecraft. Eight bolts (I/2-in. tach the spacecraft, spacecraft adapter, or PLF.
nominal diameter) are used to attach the spacecraft These bolt holes coincide with transtage longerons
to the Ascent Agena, The bolt holes coincide with that react to tension and compression loads from
the Ascent Agena's eight internal stringers that the spacecraft and PLF. The inner and outer bolt
react to tension and compression loads from the holes have nominal diameters of 5/8 in. and 15/16
spacecraft. in., respectively. Tapered shear pins installed in

Mating Bolt Hole
Matched tooling, established from existing master
Locations at STA 247.0 gauges, is available to drill the bolt and tapered,

Degrees (ref) Radius {refl shear pin-hole patterns in the adapter vehicle inter-
22°29'59" 29.006 faces. These tools are required to preclude fit prob-
67°30' 9" 29.009
lems during mating at the launch site.
112°29'55" 29.010
157°29'49" 29.010
202°29'33" 29.010
247°29'24" 29.009
Titan 34D/IUS - The front end of the IUS at vehi-
292°29'33" 29.006 cle station 47.60 provides the structural interface
337°30' 3" 29.007 for mating the spacecraft with the vehicle. This
0.5000 ~ g:gg~g dia Hole through structural interface, shown in Figure VI-5, consists
for Payload Mounting Bolts (Eight Places) of a ring frame with an overall outside diameter of
+Z \\
114.0-in. and a holt-hole circle for spacecraft attach-
ment. Eight 5IB-in. diameter (nominal) bolts, with
1/2-in. shear pins on each side to react spacecraft
shear at the interface, are used to attach the space-
craft to the vehicle. The holt holes coincide with the
IUS longerons that react to tension and compres-
sion loads from the spacecraft. The Titan 34D/IUS
vehicle assem bly is shown in Figure VI -6.
o -t °
Matched tooling, established from existing master
gauges, is available to drill bolt and tapered, shear
pin-hole patterns in the spacecraft and IUS inter-
faces. These tools are required to preclude fit prob-
lems during mating at the launch site.

Spacecraft Attachment for Titan 34B. 34D NUS,

and 34BI Ascent Agena - These spacecraft cannot
-z be directly attached to the ring frame at vehicle sta-
tion 220.151 (Titan 34B and 34D NUS) or vehicle sta-
o .375 + 0.055 dia Hole through tion 1.51 (Titan 34BI Ascent Agena) ring frame.
- 0.000
Therefore, an interface adapter structure must be
+0.010 . + 0.010 ( )
C Bore 0.625 _0.010 dia x 0.125 _ 0.000 Deep Four places used.
for Diaphragm Mounting

Note: Titan 34D/Tl'anstage and 34D/IUS - The space-

1. Recommended Bolt for Full Strength: craft can be directly attached to the forward ring
a .4995 frame of the Titan 34D/Transtage or IUS and sepa-
O·iameter - + 0.0000
_ 0.0010 a ft er PIatmg
rated at that plane. However, an interface adapter
2. Heat Treat - 180-200,000 psi ULT {minI structure is normally used. The interface adapters
3. Standard Torque - 480-690 in.-Ib usually contain the spacecraft separation ordnance
mechanism and remain attached to the boost vehi-
Figure VI-2
cle after the spacecraft is separated.
Titan 34B/ Ascent Agena/Spacecraft Structural
Spacecraft or spacecraft adapters interfacing Tr an-
nominal I12-in. diameter tapered holes react with stage at the outer bolt circle require special inter-
the shear loads developed by the spacecraft. A face fittings. These fittings must allow interfacing
typical mounting arrangement for light payloads is and PLF separation at the same location.
shown in Figure VI -4.
The ada9ter for attaching single or dual spacecraft
Spae{)el'nit l'(lquil'(lm~ntg such l1Swoigbt, mass pro- is usuallr provided by the spacecraft contractor
perties, adapt~l' goomatry, and stiffness, must be (Fig. VI'11i'\. The adapter for multiple spacecraft is a
evaluated to determine whether the inner or outer more complex truss structure and is usually pro-
location should be used and how many attachment vided py a spacecraft integration contractor (Fig.
points are required. VI-8).

0.686-0.695· 0,<' e- /\

<>: ~\:\ \

v > \~\120'270-dia
BL 0.000
( \~,G?/~ (refl
~~o,;yy/\ 111.770-dia
~ LA.4.4 A.OOO (ref)
Shear Pin '
(two places)
2.000 Innter Bolt Circle
Typical Eight Places

dia Hole
>< >'\ ;"~
7_",/0 ~

v ~\::/\,
~/ 0
~A ~

-V rY'> (ref)
3.500 .
Shear Pin 1.750 117.520-dla
(two places) (ref)

Outer Bolt Circle

Typical Eight Places

Spacecraft Interface ---.--.~ 111.770 Basicdia

0.12r .~
0.500-dia -.115 deg LST A 77.0
Section A-A

Figure VI-3 Figure Transtage/Spacecraft Structural Interface

Payload Mounting Bolt (1) 0.686-0.695 Di.f

(2) 0.509-0.514 die x
30 deg T_red Hof.
(eight pfec•• for
Payload ",acecr.ft interfeee)

- -.-~-
./f----- -

I ~
0.500 dia 15 d1ea

STA 47.6
Section A-A

Figure VI-S IUS/Spacecraft Structural Interface

Figure VI~4
Transtage Interface - Light Payload
Figure 8 Multiple-Spacecraft Adapter

PLF Envelopes - The allowable spacecraft dy-

namic envelope is determined by the reduction of
the allowable PLF dynamic envelope using a calcu-
Figure 1//-6 Titan 34D/IUS Vehicle Assembly
lated rattlespace (usually 1 in.}, which is a safety
margin design objective for dynamic clearance be-
tween the spacecraft and PLF. The allowable PLF
dynamic envelope is determined by its internal
structural design, fabrication and alignment toler-
ances, and static and in-flight dynamic deflections.
The spacecraft external envelope must include
manufacturing and alignment tolerances as well as
static and in-flight dynamic deflections (Figs. Vl-9
through VI-12}.

Spacecraft-peculiar requirements affecting enve-

lopes could include air-conditioning diffuser sys-
tems and thermal or acoustic blankets on the inter-
nal surface of the PLF structure (Fig. VI -13). Modi-
fications of these envelopes to satisfy specific
spacecraft requirements are negotiated during in-
terface definition.

Spacecraft I and PLF envelopes are affected when

the third stage of the booster is encapsulated by the
PLF. Manufacturing and alignment tolerances
Figure 7 Spacecraft Being Mated to Adapter along with static and in-flight dynamic deflections

T34DITS - Payload Fairing Access Access Door (31·in. high
Access Door 131 in. High x 36 in. x36-in. clearance, 1 trisection)
wide, clearance, 1 trisection)
Inspection Access Door
Inspection Access Door (5.8x7.5 in. clearance,
View A-A 15.8x7.5 in. clearance, 1 trisections)
(rotated 90 dtlg) 2 trisections)
. Inlet Air
Payload ~ ~ - - Conditioning
Envelope~. Diffuser
Separation ~ ~ Separation
Joint ' 1 Joint T34D/IUS Payload Fairing Access
r~' ViewA·A
(rotated 90 deg)
'~ ~ Air
Conditioning Air
~ Separation Joint Payload
Envelope Inlet ~ __ Conditioning
Target Diffuser
44.84 R ~ ~ separation Joint
Separation Joint
15 deg I

c-IO 120 deg 120 deg

i 6y5
-==-=t-~- - - Target
Access Door (17x18 in.
Envelope clearance, 3 trisections)
L Including
;44.8 R

-- Deflections, -
Alignment, &


2.0~ .
C L---.l\.-....l---L
Spacecraft 1 Spacecraft
& PLF L ± 0.50 A Envelope
! 3.75 I Including
4-~/~/- ~ Alignment
111-107.27 dia -1I118ta 77.0
f..-- 1'2.27 dia- I
& Tol
STA 47.6
Boost 1
~120.27 dia- Spacecraft

L, ft
Dimension, in.
L A B C 0
-t PLF

Booster l..L----li==!=~, IUS

15 180 112.3 112.3 79.1 84 1448 Vehicle - + I STA 215.0
20 240 1.11.7 111.7 78.9 144 1660 Booster .f-- 126.30 dia
Vehicle IPLF OSL)
25 300 111.6 111.1 77.9 144 1875
30 360 111.5 110.3 77.1 144 2092 Dimension, [in.] Weight
35 420 111.3 108.7 75.5 144 2331 i,'. ft L A B C D Ib*
40 480 111.2 107.3 74.1 144 2546 40 480 117.0 115.2 114.5 73.9 3918
45** 540 111.1 106.5 73.3 144 2784 45 540 117.0 114.4 112.5 71.5 4287
50" 600 111.1 104.3 70.3 144 2990 55 660 117.0 114.3 108.6 67.2 4877
*Weight Includes External Standard Insulation *Weight Includes External Standard Insulation System
**Not Flown on Previous Programs
Figure VI-lO
Figure VI-9 T34D/TS lO-ft diameter PLF (MDAC) T34D/IUS lO.5-ft diameter PLF (MDAC)

'--r A

f :10.0
___ .L


IC Dynamic

Z-\ -..- +


~/C Dynamic

: I


--- '105.2
! 100.0)

•• :

~ __ .i,
107.7: 100,0

II __
V I."
f----l+ Lli -r, I t
die I I J61.5


I----;f I
i T
t I 140~.OI --r-j --+.t-. :-~~na
44 I-----l-r

r ,: i i 219.5
i LX

.. l~~14
.f I
li;: ==:!:I V
..1.. -~---,---'--
40 t '-"-===94
r-r- _~

.. ,-
--t- \.-. ...1 120.0 dia
,MABA • 19 J-I
1--- ------+-120.0
Fairing. Configurations {lSLI
Structural Fairing Configurations
. Module Length, in • Weight,lb Structure
131.06 Modules Length, in. Welght.lb
A 478.0
B 141.94 483.0 A 131.06 478

C 89.00 372.0 B 226.50 1271/120t

D 106.00 426.0 C 195.00 794

E 108.00 447.0 D 195.10 794
F 45.40 335.0 E 141.94 483
X'''' 4.41) 79.0 tNonseparable Weight Included
in 12711b
O"Module X Is nonseparable.
Thermal liner weights if
Optional thermal liner weights required are nose cap = 56 Ib
56 Ib in the nose cap and 9 Ib/tt and barrel section = 9 Ib/ft.
in the barrel sections.
•• Overall PLF I.ength Depends
" Overall PLF length depends
on module selections. on Module Selections
Figure VI-1I Figure VI-12
T34D/NUS 10-[t diameter PLF (LMSC) T34BIAscent Agena lO-ft Diameter PLP (LMSC)

of the encapsulated third stage must be considered Payload Fairing rf panels are considered space-
to determine the allowable spacecraft dynamic en- craft-peculiar equipment. Rf panels can be provid-
velope. ed in the nose or cylindrical portion of the PLF but
require structural and thermal evaluation.
After the PLF is mated to the vehicle, access to the
spacecraft is provided through doors in the PLF. PLFs flying on current Titan launch vehicle con-
These standard spacecraft access doors are provid- figurations are shown in Figures VI-9 through VI·
ed in all PLF configurations. Spacecraft-peculiar 14. Stru tural weights and dimensions are includ-
access doors can be provided, but may be restricted ed. The weights shown include standard insulation
by structural and thermal considerations derived and may vary with specific spacecraft mission reo
from special analyses. quiremauts.

Figure VJ-13 Figure VJ-14 Titan 34DMDAC 10-[t Fairing
Titan 34D MDAC Fairing Segment Air Condition


TITAN 34D/TRANSTAGE dard instrumentation interfaces consist of four bi-

level channels to monitor spacecraft separation
Electrical Interfaces - The standard electrical in- switches. Additional instrumentation channels can
terface consists of a four-point spacecraft separa- be made available with the following characteris-
tion ordnance harness, four discrete signals, and a tics (Table VII-I).
bilevel instrumentation channel.
Table VII-l
The standard spacecraft separation ordnance firing Typical Vehicle Instrumentation Characteristics
circuit is capable of firing four separation devices Type No. of Available Channels Sample Rate, SPS
with two initiators in each device. The second ini- Bilev.1
tiator has only one bridgewire. The initiators must (on, +6 to +35 Vdc; 6 1600
off, ·5.0 to +4.0 Vdcl 17
have the following characteristics: 100

1) Resistance - 1 ohm (nominal), (0 to 40·MVdc input; 1 400
a·bit D/A output] 2 200
2) No fire - 1 amp/l.O W for 5 min, 3 100
24 20
3) All fire - 4.5 amps with 20-ms pulse duration.

All eight initiators/bridgewires will receive firing Prelaunch Electrical Services - Ground power,
current within 4 ms for a minimum of 20 ms. It is signals, and instrumentation can be provided to the
possible to fire eight separation devices (16 ini- spacecraft through a fly-away umbilical system on
tiators/bridgewires) by adding new hardware to the the Transtage. There are approximately 40 to 50
Transtage. As long as the initiators are on the spare wires in the umbilical system for these ser-
Transtage side of the spacecraft separation plane, vices.
no staging separation connectors are required.
The standard four-discrete-signal interface is de-
signed for operation of solenoids, relays, or switch- Power - The IUS spacecraft (IUS/SC) interface
ing devices within the spacecraft. These discretes provides for the distribution of power and data ser-
are relay actuated with the following characteris- vices. It also provides functional interfaces to the
tics: spacecraft for ordnance firing, command discretes,
and telemetry data. The IUS can distribute elec-
1) Voltage - 25 to 32 Vde, trical power to the IUS/SC interface connector for
2) Current -10 amps (maximum). all mission phases from prelaunch to spacecraft
separation. A dedicated IUS/SC battery ensures
The discrete can be issued in any sequence or in uninterrupted power to spacecraft separation. A
groups of 2,3, or 4 for redundancy. Timing between de-de converter-regulator kit may be installed on
signals is 1 second (nominally), and timing between the IUS vehicle if the spacecraft requires regulated
redundant signals is 20 ms (maximum). Additional power.
discretes can be made available by adding new
hardware in the Transtage. Typically, the space- The IUS system provides redundant switches to
craft contractor provides the capability for most in- transfer spacecraft power between spacecraft and
terface separation connectors systems (i.e., zero- ground support equipment (GSE) and the IUS vehi-
force or lanyard operated). cle battery sources. During prelaunch, the IUS sys-
tem power transfer switching is controlled by com-
Instrumentation - The Titan 34D RMIS accepts mands from the IUS GSE. The IUS GSE interfaces
analog and bilevel (discrete) data from the space- with a spacecraft GSE interlock circuit that con-
craft over a broad range of sampling rates. In- trols the prelaunch spacecraft ground power trans-
dividual measurements from the spacecraft can be fer between the spacecraft, GSE, and IUS power.
routed across the interface for sampling by an ex-
isting Transtage remote multiplexer or, as an alter- IUS battery energy available to the spacecraft at
native, can be processed in a separate remote the IUS/SC connector interface is a 3.0 kW-hour
multiplexer located on the spacecraft. The stan- minimum at 28 Vde nominal at an average power of

300 W during the time power is used. Incorporating Spacecraft Commands - The IUS has the capabil-
a de-de converter-regulator kit in the IUS vehicle to ity to send a maximum of eight primary and eight
provide regulated voltage at the IUS/Se connector backup discrete commands to the spacecraft for the
interface will supply the same average power of 300 operation of solenoids, relays, or switching de-
W but will reduce energy availa ble at the spacecraft vices.
interface to 2.4 kW-hour due to de-de converter-
regulator losses. TITAN 34D/NUS

During prelaunch checkout, ground power may be Power - The Titan 34D/NUS can supply space-
directly distributed to the spacecraft by the IUS craft with low-noise, 2-8-V de power from redundant
system with regulation controlled by the spacecraft 4 amp-hour silver-zinc batteries, and with high-
ground euqipment. The standard IUS/Se battery current transient power from separate redundant 4-
voltage at the IUS/Se interface is 28 V de +4 V de amp-hour silver-zinc batteries. Primary power
with a peak voltage capability of 38 V de. Incoporat- from the APS batteries are available to the
ing a de-de converter-regulator kit on the IUS to spacecraft for discrete sequencing and instrumen-
regulate spacecraft input voltage will provide a tation purposes, and transient power from the TPS
selected voltage between 24 and 36 V de to + 0.3 V de batteries can be used for high transient loads such
at the IUS/SC connector interface. as ordnance firing with no constraints on noise and
ripple. Additional batteries can be installed on the
Ordnance Power - The IUS system provides and Titan to satisfy spacecraft-unique requirements if
distributes ordnance power to the IUS/Sa inter- required.
face for firing spacecraft ordnance devices in two
groups of eight initiators: a prime group and a Spacecraft Sequencing - With the addition of stag-
backup group. The IUS system ordnance firing cur- ing timerts] or a programmer. the Titan 34D/NUS
rent supplied to the IUS/Se interface for each could supply additional in-flight sequencing dis-
spacecraft initiator has a 5-amp de minimum while cretes that could be converted into the desired end
the short circuit current has an ll-amp maximum. function by the spacecraft. Discretes can be issued
The minimum firing pulse duration is 40 ms. The as a function of the time from lift-off, time from
IUS system provides the safe shorting and elec- another discrete. or time from a flight event.
trostatic protection for each spacecraft IUS ord-
nance circuit interface. Interconnections - Electrical interconnections be-
tween stage II and the spacecraft are routed to a
The spacecraft ordnance circuit resistance mea- connector panel on the spacecraft adapter. All in-
sured at the IUS/SC interface should be 1.5 ohms terconnections that cross payload separation or in-
maximum including the initiator bridgewire. flight staging interfaces are subject to an analysis
of the separation interface arid staging dynamics.
The IUS provides the firing current to fire the pri- Firing current can be supplied directly to the space-
mary and backup spacecraft ordnance devices craft separation ordnance through a special inter-
within 5 ms of each other. The initial command to face harness. Spare wires in the Titan 34D um-
fire both groups of initiators should be provided at bilical system can be allocated to route spacecraft
the preselected separation time of 1 second. A sec- functions to the ground for checkout and monitor-
ondary firing command is provided at 80 seconds ing. All power leads from the vehicle to the space-
±10 IDS after the initiation of the initial fire com- craft must be physically separated from other
mand. spacecraft wiring.

Separation - The IUS system provides the capa- Instrumentation - The Titan 34D RMIS can accept
bility to monitor up to four separation switches or a limited number of analog and bilevel (discrete)
breakwires provided by the spacecraft. Each cir- channels from the spacecraft over a range of sam-
cuit (signal and return) is monitored by the IUS pling rates. Individual measurements from the
telemetry system to verify separation. Separation spacecraft can be routed across the interface for
monitors are used only to verify spacecraft separa- sampling by an exist ing stage II remote multiplex-
tion. er, or they can be processed in a separate remote
multiplexer located onboard the spacecraft.~,·.
Interconnections - The IUS/Se electrical inter-
connection interfaces shall comply with the EMC
requirements of the IUS EMC controls.

Up to six analog measurements can be routed however, large-capacity requirements have been
across the spacecraft interface for sampling on met to support spacecraft for extended mission
RMUs in stage II. For more than six added mea- periods. Characteristics of a few frequently used
surements, an RMU can be installed on the space- batteries are shown in Table VII-3. Separate from
craft and the converter sampling format be ad- the main power supply, smaller secondary bat-
justed to address the additional remote unit (Table teries are used in the Ascent Agena to power the
VII-2). flight termination system.

Table VII-2
Typical Vehicle Instrumentation Characteristics Table VII-3 Battery Characteristics
Type No. of Available Channels Sample Rate, SPS
Battery Type CeUs Nom Voltage Amp·Hour Mean Watt·Hour Wt,lb
IVB 18 27.5 16 440 17
(on, 4 to 35 Vdc; 6 1600
oH, 5 to 0.6 Vdcl 6 400 VIA 17 26.0 45 1,170 26
6 100 IC 16 24.5 450 11,025 118
Analog 2 800 IK 16 24.5 475 11,637 128
30 18 27.5 400 11,000 134
(0 to 40-MVDC Input; 4 400
8·bit D/A output) 4 200
4 100
8 40
10 20
Spacecraft Avionic Support Functions - Pyrocon-
trol for spacecraft separation, ascent electrical
Discrete signals are normally routed directly to the
power, ascent telemetry, and spacecraft control,
converter unit for sampling at programmed rates. can be supported from the Agena electrical system
Bilevel (discrete) channels can be made available. through the payload pyro and control J-box. Be-
Spare analog channels in a spacecraft-dedicated cause spacecraft support requirements vary, this J-
remote multiplexer can be adapted to discretes to
box can be changed to accommodate individual
minimize interface wiring. The number of channels
spacecraft needs. Through the J -box, the space-
and the sampling rates to the spacecraft can be
~ craft can interface with either analog or tell-tale
reallocted. monitors on the Agena telemetry, pyrotechnic
power control relays, and electrical power buses. In
TITAN 34B/ AGENA addition, some prelaunch checkout monitoring and
control via the Agena umbilical system can be ac-
As an orbiting vehicle, Agena can provide attitude commodated.
control, electrical power, and data services to
spacecraft. Unique features permit Agena's use as Communications - SGLS-compatible high data
a three-axis stabilized platform after the ascent role
rate systems are available to accommodate large-
has been fulfilled.
volume data originating in the spacecraft. A large
capacity command system can also be installed to
Power - Silver-zinc primary batteries supply
permit ground/space control of the payload, data
power to the spacecraft. Usually, two small bat- services, and data links.
teries can satisfy all ascent mission requirements;

The upper stages (Transtage, IUS, and Agena) pro- N
vide the spacecraft with important services other
than orbit delivery. These services are described
below. lh~

Thermal Control Maneuvers-The upper stages

can perform thermal control manuevers to reduce
and control spacecraft thermal loads. Typical ma-
3h ~ __
(Sun's rays)

Insolation Vector

neuvers include toasting, metronome, rotisserie,

and continuous roll. These maneuvers are perform- 4h J< ---= -
ed during intervals spent in park and transfer or- 6h
bits. a
Figure VIII-2 Typical Toasting Maneuver
A rotissere maneuver, shown in Figure VIII-I, con-
sists of periodic 230-deg rotations about the roll
axis, with direction reversal typically at 6-min in-
tervals after l-rnin dwells at limit positions.

230·deg rotation about roll axis, reversing
direction at 6·min intervals, with 1-min
dwell before reverse. Solar impingement
occurs normal to roll axis.

Ya~ ~...
Roll Axis
about Figure VIII-3 Continuous Roll Maneuver

V A metronome maneuver consists of a periodic 70-

deg rotation about the yaw axis, with a direction re-
Axis versal typically at I-hour intervals (Fig. VIII-4).
The payload will generally be oriented toward the

70·deg rotation about yaw axis, reversing
direction at '-hour intervals. Solar im-
pingement occurs parallel to roll axis.

., . :}--
i/ Insolation

Figure VIII-l

Typical Rotisserie Maneuver

(Sun's rays)

. ~boO~!iOn
Yaw Axis 0.-

RoliAxis _~;

I. /

~~~' 1/ __ ~h
A toasting maneuver consists of periodic IBO-deg
rotations about the yaw axis, reversing direction 2h 1- - I
-- --
from a limit position typically at Ivhour intervals 3h 4h
(Fig. VIlI-2). Figure VIII-4 Typical Metronome Maneuver

A continuous roll maneuver, shown in Figure VIlI- TELEMETRY DIPOUT MANEUVER

3, consists of rolling about the roll axis at typical
rates of 0.580 dog/second and a maximum rate of 6 A telemetry dipout maneuver typically consists of
deg/second. This maneuver may be employed any three to six completely general reorientations in
time during a coast period. pitch, roll, and yaw to satisfy telemetry orientation

requirements. Telemetry data are transmitted dur- craft can be provided. The incremental velocities
ing three phases of flight: (1) elliptical transfer or- are achieved using the aft-pointing (pitch yaw) at-
bit, (2) final separation, and (3) collision avoidance titude control engines.
maneuvers. The upper stages can also transmit
telemetry data at other times throughout the mis-
Pointing Accuracy- Final pointing attitudes at
sion, as constrained by available electrical power
payload separation are achieved using the upper-
and thermal constraints. These transmission times
stage attitude control system. Mission-dependent
can be adjusted to satisfy spacecraft requirements.
software controls velocity increments and attitude
No special telemetry transmission maneuvers are control switching logic to obtain the desired com-
required in park orbit. However, during the coast bination of delta velocities, pointing accuracies, at-
period in the elliptical transfer orbit to synchro- titude rates, and convergence times.
nous orbit, special maneuvers may be programmed
to point the medium-gain antennas at the appropri- The Transtage uses a ±O.5-deg attitude pointing
ate ground station for data transmission. dead band during spacecraft separation. A ±2.0-deg
Collision Avoidance-The upper stages can be ma- dead band is used during the extended coast periods
neuvered away from the spacecraft after spacecraft in park orbit, elliptical transfer orbit, and at syn-
separation using the attitude control system. The chronous altitude. A ±4.0-deg dead band is used
Transtage main engines may also be used if re- during collision avoidance maneuvers after
quired. These maneuvers place the upper stage in payload separation.
an orbit with an inclination and period to preclude
recontact. The rnaneu ver s are performed in a man- The IUS uses a ±O.5-deg attitude pointing dead-
ner that avoids spacecraft contamination by ex- band during spacecraft separation and for velocity
haust products from the main engine or attitude corrections after SRM burns. Deadbands of ±O.5
control system (Fig. VIII-5). and ±5.0 deg are used for attitude hold during ex-
Spacecraft Drift and Separation-The upper stages tended coast periods in park, elliptical transfer,
can perform drift and orbital placement maneuvers and final orbits. A ±O.5-deg dead band is used dur-
for multiple spacecraft. The spacecraft can be ing collision avoidance maneuvers after payload
separated in park, transfer, or final orbits. A sepa- separation. The Agena uses equivalent pointing
ration velocity difference between m ult.ip le space- deadbands during orbital maneuvers.

Pitch/yaw (;'\ f5\ Start

'7' Away 0..JComplete \::.J CAM 6. V
\..!..J SC CAM !'!. V ~ __ IY\
) from

\-------.(stabilized I

'" ~ __------- \>

\ 90·deg .¢SI ~
------~ -)\)1- J :::>: 115·deg

265 ft

Any Previously
Deployed SC
D / eg ~ &/ (generic) at Least 30-deg Off
of Jet Axis and
Over 2500 ft Away
\V For Multiple
Develop SC,
2500·ft •• / /-(4\
Separation Before , '-::..J Maneuver to
Next CAM 6. V / CAM 6. V

120-200 ft 5>
(genericl / <:::Y
/" Separation


SC.SPe:ified* -;
Separatitm .

( •• (J----it...... 010 (!f'
Inhibit REMS fo~ 4.s"eond

Separate (;;,: 1.0 FPSI. Tip·Off of IUS + 6 dog/second

Set Pitch/Yaw Dead Bands to ± 10 deg

o /
Stabilize at
Separation I,
Set Roll Deadband to ± ~GO deg

Alll'tude (± ~.4devl

"No~ COl1$trained for Single SC Delivery

Figure VIlI-S Contamillatioll~Collision Avoidance Manuever (CCAM) Used


ESMC Electrical and Electronic Aerospace Posttest (POOP)

Ground Equipment Services-The Titan launch - Data Reduction and Analysis
vehicle system electrical and electronic aerospace
ground equipment (AGE) can provide power, con-
Pretest and Utilities
trol, monitoring, and data services to spacecraft
- Test Sequence and
from the Vertical Integration Building (VIB) In- Data Base Translation
strumentation Room, AGE building, and AGE - Program/Data Base Loading
- Configuration Management
vans. Control and display racks for consolidating - Media Conversion
spacecraft checkout functions can also be installed - Diagnostics
in one of the spacecraft control rooms in the VIB
Launch Control Center (Figs. IX-1 and IX-2).
On-Line (OLOP)
- Vehicle I/O (analog/discrete)
- Vehicle Sequence Control
- Criteria Evaluation
- Data Recording/Display
Application Software
- Vehicle/Age I/F Data Bllse

-T -
Vehicle Test Sequences

Simulation (OLSM)
- Vehicle Simulation

Figure IX-I ESMC Instrumentation Room

1----------- --
Application Software
- Vehicle Math Model Data Bese
Figure IX-3 PACE Software

PACE has spare data recording capability avail-

able and can accept bilevel signal monitoring
spacecraft functions (Fig. IX-4). The recordings
have a time resolution of 10ms.

Figure IX-2 ESMC Control Room


Programmable Aerospace Control Equipment

(PACE)-PACE controls the vehicle countdown
sequence, includes spacecraft hold monitors, and is
used to perform time- and event-dependent count-
down functions for the spacecraft. The launch vehi-
cle and spacecraft hold monitors provide a way to
terminate launch operations if safety or mission-
critical monitors are not in a go status. Programm-
ed countdown commands can be used for spacecraft Figure IX-4
functions such as arming or activation (Fig. IX -3). ESMC or WSMC PACE Data Recorder System

The data transmission set can provide discrete WSMC Electrical
and Electronic AGE Ser-
commands from the launch control center in the vices= The WSMC Titan launch vehicle system
VIE to the launch complex. Discrete channels are electrical and electronic AGE is equivalent to that
available for issuing commands and monitoring described for ESMC.
spacecraft response.
ESMC Mechanical and Structural AGE~Titan
Landline instrumentation can be used to monitor launch vehicle system mechanical AGE can pro-
analog stimulus and response data from the space- vide pressurization gases, propellants, and check-
craft during prelaunch checkout. The landline en- out services for spacecraft (Table IX-I).
coder at the launch complex multiplexes the analog
inputs. Pressurization Systems=- Pressurization systems
at the launch complex can provide nitrogen and
Data from all systems are converted and displayed helium for the spacecraft and spacecraft checkout
in real time on strip chart recorders, digital voltme- equipment. Gases, or GN2 and helium controlled to
ters, and indicator iights. more stringent specifications, can be supplied in K-
bottle or tube-bank-trailer quantities. Gases sup-
Coaxial lines provided from the environmental plied can be filtered to an absolute level of 2.0j.lID
shelter allow spacecraft communication with re- (Table IX-2).
motely-located, special-purpose checkout equip-
ment via the range wideband video distribution Table IX-2 Gas Available at Launch Complex
system. Rf windows can be provided in the PLF to Launch Complex
allow communication between spacecraft at the Gas Pressure Flowrate Location
launch complex and checkout equipment in the GN2 2to 10 in. 10 scfm UT, MST, OHA, FHA
Satellite Assembly Building (SAB). GN2 G to 20 psig 1.75lb/sec UT
GN2 6 to 50 psig O.Slb/sec OHA, FHA
Power- Electrical power for the spacecraft support GNz Oto 95 psig 1.75lb/sec UT
equipment is available from wall-mounted ac and GN2 150 ± 10 psig 1.75Ib/sec UT, MST, OHA. FHA
de distribution panels in the VIB spacecraft control GN2 1500 to 5100 2.5 to 5.0 UT
room. At the launch complex, 28- V de and psig Ib/see
120/210/460- Vac power are supplied from the space- He 1500 to 5100 1.8lb/sec UT
craft distribution control unit in the AGE building.
GN2 10 to 30 psig O.l1lb/see ES
Spacecraft requirements for ac power on the um-
bilical tower. the MST. and in the AGE building, Test Set Capabilities
are furnished from AGE distribution panels.
Gas Pressure, psig Flowrate, scfm
Emergency ae power is provided by a facility diesel
Nitrogen 60 to 80 15 to 40
generator. This generator provides power for elec-
Nitrogen 135 to 200 15 to 40
trical equipment required to achieve a safe shut-
down if normal power is interrupted during a test or Nitrogen 200 to 240 5to 24
Helium 3575 ±25 5to25

Table IX-l Nitrogen and Helium Gas Quality

Solid Particles Fibers
Amount of
Filterable Maximum size, Maximum No. per Maximum size. Maximum No. per
Gas" Additional Requirements Solids microns 100 gm of Gas microns TOO 901 of Gas
Nitrogen Type I Hydrocarbons ';;;;75ppm 2.5mg o to300 t 0·750 x 25 t
as Carbon, per 100 gm 300 to 500 10 750·2000 x 25 20
Maximum Dew Point - 60 -
r- of gas 500 to 1000 2 2000-6000 x 40 2
Over 1000 a Over 6000 0
Helium Hydrocarbons ~Oppm
as Carbon,
Maximum Dew Point ·60 F
Minimum Purity 99.5% bv

"Specificetion: Nitrogen. MIL·P·27£101;

Helium. MIL-P·27407.

t As restricted by total amount of filterable solid s.

Nitrogen and helium are stored at pressures up to Vacuum-Drying and Sampling System-A helium I
5500psig in the gas storage area at the launch com- purge set provides helium at 0 to 15 psig and a
plex. These can be delivered at regulated pressures flowrate of 0.007 to 0.03 lb/second. The vacuum-
and flowrates to the umbilical tower and MST. drying set can provide a vacuum of 101lm.A gas
sampling set determines the contamination level
Nitrogen (GN 2) and helium are available at the VIB. and the moisture content of the nitrogen and helium
Nitrogen is stored in tanks at pressures up to 5500 gases. A dew-pont indicator is an integral part of
psig, while helium is stored at pressures up to 2200 this system.
psig in tube-bank trailers. Pressure controllers and
distribution systems are provided. Propellant Servicing Units-This equipment is us-
ed to load small quantities of hydrazine propellants
Upper-Stage Pressurization Test Set-This test set into the upper stage and is available for servicing
may be used to calibrate spacecraft switches, per- spacecraft.
form spacecraft functional tests, and perform leak
checks at the launch complex (Fig. IX-5). Liquid Propellants-Liquid propellants for space-
craft may be obtained from either the range or the
vehicle propellant storage facilities at the launch
Work Platforms-Six facility platforms in the en-
vironmental shelter provide access to the upper
stage, spacecraft, and PLF (Figs. IX-6 through IX-
8). The platforms are approximately 10 ft apart in
elevation, and each has an area of approximately 26
ft by 41 ft. The platforms are hinged and fold up to
permit installation of the vehicle, spacecraft, and
PLF. AGE platform adapters and auxiliary work-
ing platforms are used in conjunction with the
facility platforms to provide complete spacecraft
access (Figs. IX-9 through IX-H).

10/So-ton Crane,
I ' i

1 : 5-ton Crane
" ~~ ( hook el 275 ft o-;n.)
~,'. ,

Elev 300 ft 6-in .

Ev 281 ft ·0 in. ,- ~
Umbilical Tower
~ "-1 . 'l~ , Environmental
Elev ator"

-ji-' It-
.-.- 1-'-
~ EI 259
-- 3. EI 249
ft 2,in.
ft 5-in.
Ii =--'----- EI 238 ft 8·in.

~ ..-+
'I 1
EI 225 ft 6-in .
" 1
~o ( ! - EI 216 ft 5·in .
II ., "- "y . j - 9, EI 204 ft 7-;n.
Sta ~()O.Q. it} In 'j
e- "-~,,,
I I ' .. Upper Stage

Umbilica I Mast
1i II

~ -.~ !--

' .Titan 340

Launch Vehicle

II l
Figure IX-S Propellant Servicing Unit II
IV "
~ ~ 8ta 1415.0
South Elevation (EI 100 ft O-in.)
Upper-Stage Attitude Control System neumatic
Test Set-This equipment, using GN2, is provided
Figure IX-6
to leak-test the upper-stage attitude control
system, and may be used to leak-test spacecraft at- Spacecraft Handling and Access Provision
titude control systems. at Launch Complex 40 (ESMC)

l.wm 13 EI 246 ft 5oin. Level 13 EI :249 ft 5-;n.
c:c:= cr:=:=

tl)..ft gift L"wl U El 238 ft 3-10. Level 12 EI :238 ft 8·;n.

PiV/Glid Fairing ~
l.eve! 11 El 225 ft 6-in. Level 11 101 225 ft 6-ln.

W_WaI' I cr:===
Raised leval 10 Environmental Spacecraft
I Spaeecraft EI 218 ft o-In. Shelter "'.!... Interface

She'ter /' ~';"-~-- - --:'7, -- VS 47.6 EI 219 ft 7-in.
VS 77.0 EI 217 ft 3-ln. lL..l LJI

Leval10 EI 216 ft 5-ln. ~--------.i

Level 10 EI 216 ft 5·in.


:r~J : .l:~



I=------i- VS 151.600 EI 210 ft 11-in. 10.Mt Die I /



"- Lowered Level 10
EI 212 ft 4-in.
Payload Fairing --'6-'-1 ~~~ .~ - - - - - - -{\
Level 9 EI 204 ft No. Level 9 EI 204 ft Nn.
= k T34D I =
VS 220.151 EI 205 ft 2-in.

Figure IX-7 Figure IX-8

ESMC LC-40 - Typical Transtage and ESMC LC-40 - IUS and Payload Access
Payload Access

0... G.. Vehicle E F


I 1.4 -+--+.f
Fixed Platform

Umbilical Mast
ill 1.9 -itt-i!?:772~~~771--j--tt----li--
d IUS <; II Target ,!II

='Kmt[] ,
I .__ . 'y~ 1
Leyal 10 EI :n6 ft I> in. Key'
W Folding Platform

Figure IX-9 ESMC LC40 Level Available for Spacecraft (level 10)

•. <i Vehicle r I

~~-T- Fixed Platforms

G.. Vehicle
-- ~orm

N2 eod Fltttn ••

8-in. AIC
8·in. Duct AIC Duct
Auxiliary ..J----~-
D I-f ~ [ 1'1
IPlatform Adapters

2.7 --
---n L; I

--- - __

Ir'""" I _I

10to 30 psig N2 End Fitting


24-ft •. / ~ ES ~oor I ~ Folding

Level 11Platform Configuration (EI-225.5 ftl

!FigureIX-10 ES Level Available for Spacecraft (leoel LL)

•• N E


Door I pn
1.4 +-_..h="",M:'r1fi====""""""""==F""-=-=-==-=W--==rJ Opening ~.
I Height
i umbilz,cal
6-ft 2.25-in. \
Vertical 9-ft 9-in.
ILJ . "
l7'7'>'7"1/'.A77'T Clearance Vertical

CI_o_ ~;::.~

TM~:·:j==_--=-, --IIIW~~~Wa-+- -=1 ~'

I ~!tform II' I ~

I Key:
~ Folding
~ Platforms

Figure IX-11 ESMC LC-40, ES Levels Available for Spacecraft (levels 12 throught 14)

EMSC FACILITIE§ PLF Installation-The PLF is installed using the
mobile service tower environmental shelter (MSTI
Electrical- Commercial power is used at the ES) 5-ton crane, hydro set, tag lines, and PLF·
launch complex for all loads except safe shutdown unique handling fixture. Figures IX-14 through IX-
loads. A diesel generator is provided for those 16 show the installation of the MDAC 10-ft diameter
power loads that must be used for safe vehicle shut- fairing on the Transtage.
down. Regulated commercial power has the same
characteristics, except for the steady-state voltage
Handling and Access- Bridge cranes in the MST
and the environmental shelter are used for handling Pressurization Systems- Existing pressurization
vehicle PLF and spacecraft; installing, removing, systems at the launch stand provide gaseous nitro-
or adjusting platforms; and other required func- gen for spacecraft and spacecraft checkout equip-
tions. Ground space for spacecraft parking and ment. Gaseous nitrogen supplied to the launch
hoisting is provided at the launch complex (Table stand meets the specifications summarized in
IX-3). Table IX-5. Specialty gases and ultra-pure gases
are supplied in K-bottle and tube-bank quantities.
Two elevators in the MST and one elevator in the Filtration can be provided to 2.01lm absolute.
umbilical tower are available for transporting per-
sonnel and equipment (Table IX-4). Work Platforms- Auxiliary platforms are used in
combination with the main facility platforms in the
Spacecraft Installation-The spacecraft is raised MST/ES for access to the spacecraft (Fig. IX-17).
from the transporter into the environmental shelter Depending on the spacecraft's configuration and
using the MST IO-toncrane, hydro set, taglines, and access requirements, several types of platforms
spacecraft-provided handling fixtures. Once in- may be used (Figs. IX-IS through IX-20). Special
side, the shelter doors are closed (Figs. IX-12 and design platforms for unique access requirements
IX-13). may be provided.

Table IX-) Bridge Crane Characteristics

Speeds ft/min
Capacity, Hook Horizontal Hook Travel, Trolley Bridge
Crane tons Height, ft ft from Vehicle Hook Traverse Traverse
MainMST 50 200 13 N of Vehicle 10 40 40
& 45 S of Vehicle
15E & 24 Wof
Vehicle CantGrline
Auxiliary MST 10 203 30 40 40
Environmental Shelter 5 75 19% N& 1%50f Y.zand 10 '1 and 10 1 and 15
(LC-40 only; Vehicle Centerline
7-E & 7-2;3 W of
Vehicle Centerline

Table IX -4 Elevator Characteristics

Opening Traveling Maximum
Capacitv. Car Imide Clear Dimensions. No. of Speed. TraVBI,
Location iype Ib Dimensionll, it ft landing" fpm It
M!l!T P09'(:onnoi :1,000 S •• 4 •• ; SxO 14 150 UiO
Freight lZ,OOO llh 101(8 8K8 14 100 'Iao
Umbilical PDfilonnei & 3.000' 611:4)(0 5)(8 14 16ft 146
Tower U9ht I"re;ght


MST Handling and Access-Bridge and monorail

cranes in the MST can be used for handling the
payload/ spacecraft, installing and/or moving plat-
forms, and other functions.

A 50-ton bridge crane is mounted on top of the MST

to lift and position the booster vehicle stages, space
vehicle sections, and the SRM segments. The crane
is controlled from consoles located at several MST
platform levels.

MST Handling and Access- A 2-ton bridge crane,

for hazardous-area use, is located at the top of the
environmental shelter for handling spacecraft com-
ponents. A 3-ton monorail crane, is located within
the environmental enclosure for handling the PLF
shroud. There are two elevators on the MST for
freight and personnel. Total capacity of each
elevator is 4000lb. The approximate dimensions are
5 ft by 7 ft by 8 ft. Stairs and ladders also provide ac-
cess to MST levels.

Figure IX-I3
Spacecraft Basing Mated with Transtage

Figure IX-I2 Figure IX-14

Spacecraft Basing Raised to Environmental Shelter Trisector Basing Posture Drive Installation

Figure IX-iS Figure IX-J6
Second Trisector Being Moved into Place Fairing Trisectors Being Loaded onto TS IIF
During Installation during Installation

Table IX-5 Quality of Gaseous Nitrogen at Launch Complex

I Gas
Additional Rqmts &
Allowable Dev
Maximum Total
Filterable Solids
2.5 mg per 1oo-g of Gas
Maximum Solid Particles
Size, Microns
o to 300
No. per 10()..g Gas
Maximum Fibers
SiZll, Microns
Oto 750 x 25
No. per 100·S Gas
Nitrogen Hydrocarbons As
Carbon, 75 ppm Max,
soe to 500 10 750 to 2000 x 25 20

Dew Point ·GOoF Max 500 to 1000 2 2000 to 6000 x 40 2

Over 1000 0 OVllr 6000 0

Specification: MIL-P-27401

~ Vehicle ~ Vehicle ~ MST
Hook Height of New 3· Ton
l-~~+-~~..p.,r Monorail EI 241 ft 1%·in. Max

2·Ton Hook.Height
Crane EI 229 It 2Y.iin. - Level 21, EI 222 ft 2%'ln,
50· Ton Hook Height
Crane EI 212 It 6·ln. Max -c::~=c.:=;:"'L_-I Level 20, EI 210 It 7%·ln.

Level 19, EI 200 It 7%·ln.

Mobile Service Tower

Environmental Level 18. EI 190 It 7%·ln.

Level 17. EI 180 It 7%·ln.
UT Boom
Elevations UT Platforms
Level 16, EI 170 It 7%·ln.
MST Platforms
Level 15. EI 160 It 7%·ln.
Level 15 EI .-
157 It 7%·ln. SV Boom EI 150 It 7%·in. Level 14. EI 150 It 7%:ln,
No.2 EI 142 It B·in. __ ~ _
Level ;3, EI 140 It 7%·ln.
SV Boom
No.1 EI 132 It 4 In.
EI 130 ft 7%·ln. Level 12. EI 130 It 7%·ln.
Level 11 -J. 1_.l~LL-JU
__ .)r---,V,--,S,,-""2=20c1.~.gIJ.~1
ftJU.1!l~:l!!, __
EI 122 ft 8~·ln. Level 11, EI 120 ft 7%-in.

Umbilical Tower

~ ~J:~~~~~~d_~~ ~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~L~ev,el 1.EI22ft6%·in.

So~th Elevation
West Elevation ,

Figure IX-17 Payload Handling and Access Provisions at SLC-4E Launch Complex (WSMC)

Fixed ~~a==:-1l1
EI 120 it 7%-io_ I'

Electric /~ /"'T\ /
Il _
========/. Panel ,
4ft10~in'l~ c:::JOO ~.-4j)
Fixed 1-'" Fixed Platform " A~rfock&
EI120 ft 7%,-in. Airwash
EI 116it 3~-in. l-:::==r;::.,; I 8 it 10~·in.--I
Roo!' Sect
Access to 1 _
EI 117 ft 03/4·in. ----=---

8 1
, ~ I

Crosswalt ~

Boo~ No.3

EI = 122 ft 8"'·in.

Figure lX-I8 SLC4E ES Platform Level II


If I
Roof Area

36 x 6
8 0


-it-----it- t MSTNehicle

@-====H ES Area

Umbilical Fixed Platforms

~H ---I
c:J Cable Tray
--'---- 11------.,0

I Existing

Storage Room

~---I~============~I~I~====~I o
2 4
Scale, ft

Figure IX-19 SLC-4E ES Platform Levels 12, 13, and 14

Vehicle ~

Folding Platform
- Segments to Remain
at EI 160 ft 7%-In.
Fixlld Platform
EI 160 ft 7%-ln. ~:~:r?rRd~1
0:;/-= ]1- --0
Lower Folding
Fixed Platform Platforms 3 ft
EI 160 ft 7%-in. (to EI 157 ft 7%-in.)

/ MST Exterior Wall

Tower /' Cable Tray
= (Ref)
~--H ---0
160 ft 7%-in./ Rack

EI 157 ft 7% in.

1__ 0 2
Wi •• 4

Figure IX-20 SLC-4E ES Platform Level 15

Spacecraft are integrated with the Titan vehicle in
increments defined as work phases (Fig. X-I). For
new spacecraft, phase 0 (predefinition), phase I A predefinition period (phase 0) is necessary to
(definition), and phase II (implementation) are nor- define launch system capabilities for a specific mis-
mally required. In certain cases, phases I and II sion, or to establish vehicle feasibility for perform-
may be combined. This can occur with a modified ing the required mission.
spacecraft previously integrated with the Titan
vehicle. A contractual study is usually required for new or
modified spacecraft with new mission require-
An established procedure is followed for space ments, or when significant changes in the Titan
launch systems integration: however, flexibility configuration are required. In such cases, phase 0 is
permits the integration services to accommodate required to establish feasibility, estimate cost, or
unique spacecraft requirements. As soon as the provide specific launch system data.
Titan is considered for a new spacecraft applica-
tion, the applicable spacecraft program office Typical items that require a phase 0 study are:
should contact the SD/YV to coordinate the in-
tegration efforts of affected agencies and contrac- 1) Integration program schedules;
tors. 2) A new flight plan with unusual launch azimuth
or orbit requirements;
Defining space launch systems integration in- 3) A guidance accuracy requirement, or a per-
volves a description and understanding of what formance requirement greater than currently
must be accomplished in each phase as well as the available;
responsibilities and schedules associated with each 4) A mission significantly longer than current
phase. The descriptions provided in this chapter missions;
are general.

Phase 0 Spacecraft
Predefinition Presentation* Data*
Noncontractual SPO Requast"

RFP Proposal Go·Ahead


Data & Report Questionnaire- Program Management-

Phase I
Definition RFP Proposal Go·Ahead Program Management-

Preliminary Requirements Preliminary Requirements Final Requirements Intersystems
Definition Package- Definition Package Review· Definition Package- Requirements Review·

Phase II
Implementation Proposal
RFP Go-Ahead Program Management-

Contractual Systems Effectiveness AG EITSE De.ign!

Ave DasignlProduction
Studies· Production

Facility Modification Launch Operations" Launch- Post Launch Operations-

*Participation by Spacecraft Agency

Figure X-l Spacecraft Integration Flow Diagram

5) Spacecraft too large for current launch vehicle I} Conducting a detailed analysis of space launch
configurations, or that impose significantly system requirements,
larger loads on the launch vehicle; 21 Performing analytical and tradeoff studies,
6) Spacecraft uncertainties concerning vehicle 3) Determining final requirements definitions,
stability; 4) Determining compatibility of spacecraft hard-
7) Spacecraft with unusual safety or security re- ware and operations with Titan launch sys-
quirements that affect operations. tems,
5) Identifying long-lead requirements.
Specific system integration tasks, schedules, and
6) Preparing preliminary interface specification
responsibilities are defined in a phase 0 proposal
control drawings,
submitted by the integration contractor. A key ele-
7) Developing program schedules/plans and pro-
ment in the integration process is completion of a
gram management plans.
spacecraft questionnaire by the spacecraft SPO
. and/or spacecraft contractor. The inability to
answer specific questions because of unknown Phase I forms the basis for the implementation
spacecraft requirements should not delay the in- period RFP and other agency/contractor support.
itiation of studies because all questionnaire items
are not critical to phase 0 or I schedules. Experience
Phase I begins with the identification of spacecraft
on previous integration programs has shown that
requirements from the questionnaire. The ques-
spacecraft and space launch system agencies and
tionnaire is used to derive corresponding launch
contractors should jointly answer questionnaire
system requirements. Requirements derived for
items that significantly affect program schedules.
the Titan space launch system are controlled by
The completed questionnaire should be submitted
correlating them with the initial spacecraft re-
to SD for use in preparing the request for proposal
(RFP) for the definition period studies. A typical quirements and the implementation period re-
payload questionnaire is included in Appendix A. quirements document.

Reports are prepared at the conclusion of the phase Interface specifications and control drawings are
o study to document technical results, constraints, generated and negotiated to define the technical in-
costs, schedules, and the program management terfaces between contractors. A program schedule
plan. This effort establishes the RFP requirements that interrelates the spacecraft integration ac-
for phase I and an outline of total program re- tivities required to achieve the desired launch
quirements. The LVIe normally performs the schedule is developed. Data developed during the
phase 0 study, assisted by associate contractors definition period are submitted to SD/YV and form
and/or other agencies. SD/YV provides contrac- the basis for phase II proposal and study tasks. The
tual and technical direction. phase II definition period is performed in ac-
cordance with a phase I requirements document
DEFINITION PERIOD (PHASE :0 generated in phase O. This document is the prin-
cipal element of the phase I proposal and is a state-
The definition period (phase n study is conducted ment of work defining the tasks to be performed.
in general accordance with the Titan III Space Appendix B presents a detailed work breakdown
Launch Integration Program Plan (SAMSO-CR-67- structure (WBS) for the definition period.
110). This plan defines the tasks required for
spacecraft integration and includes predefinition
The following paragraphs briefly describe WBS
and long- lead tasks that may be initiated to support
tasks performed in each definition period element.
spacecraft design. Definition period tasks are per-
Paragraph numbers correspond to WBS numbers
formed by Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace
in the phase Irequirements document.
under contract to SD. The spacecraft contractor
supports the definition period through a separate
contract with the spacecraft SPO. 1.0 SCOPE

The main objective of Phase I is to define the This section defines general information. such as
overall system and identify integration re- purpose. applicable documents, and interface re-
quirements including hardware, software, data, quirements. It also identifies program agency and
services. and operations. This involves: contractor roles and responsibilities.

CONTROL Typical Payload Fairing Interface Documentation

2.1 Program Management Document Number Title

Appendix XX to Interface SpeCification, Sta!1dard
IF8-T34D/XXX-XXXXX Payload Fairing to Follow-on SSLV,
This subsection defines the integration contrac- Parametric Interfaces
tor's responsibility to provide program manage- Appendix XX to Interface Control DraWing, Stan-
ment and systems integration engineering during ICD-T34D/XXX·XXXXX dard Payload Fairing to Follow-on
SSLV, Envelope and Physical and
the definition period. Air Conditioning Interfaces
Appendix XX to Interface Control Drawing, Stan-
2.2 Configuration and Data Management ICD-T34D/XXX-XXXXX dard Payload Fairing to Follow-on
SSLV. Electrical and Instrumenta-
tion Interfaces
Under this item, the spacecraft interface docu- Appendix XX to Interface Control Drawing, Stan-
ments are prepared, coordinated, and negotiated ICD-T34D/XXX-XXXXX dard Payload Fairing Age to
Launch Site AGE/RPIE, Envelope
with the spacecraft agencies (Table X-I). and Physical Interfaces
Spacecraft-peculiar requirements for the PLF are
included in the spacecraft interface documents. 2.3 Program Planning and Schedule Management
The integration contractor schedules and conducts
meetings to prepare, negotiate, and document the The contractor will provide the planning and sched-
interface specifications and control drawings. ule control required to manage the program. During
the predefinition period, a program plan will be pro-
duced as part of the requirements package. It will
Table X-I be improved in phase 1, coordinated with affected
Typical Spacecraft Interface Documentation program agencies and contractors, and used for
phase I and II program control.
Document Number Title
ICD-T34X/XXX-XXXXX Interface Control Document,
Program XXX Spacecraft to T34X; 2.4 Liaison
Airborne and Ground System
Parametric Interfaces
Technical and management liaison are maintained
Interface Control Drawing, Program
XXX Spacecraft to T34X; Airborne with program agencies and contractors throughout
Physical and Envelope Interfaces· the definition period study.
Interface Control Drawing, Program
XXX Spacecraft to T34X; Airborne
Electrical and Instrumentation 3.0 SYSTEMS ENG INEERING AND SUPPORT
Interface Control Drawing, Program 3.1 Definition Phase IEngineering
XXX Spacecraft to T34X; Ground
System Electrical and Instrumenta·
tion Interfaces* The definition phase identifies the requirements for
Interface Control Drawing, Program integrating the spacecraft with the Titan launch
XXX Spacecraft to T34X; Ground
System Physical, Envelope, and system.
Access Interfaces*

* Included in the top ICD 3.1.1 Derivation and Allocation of Require-

ments-Spacecraft and mission requirements
specified in the questionnaire and other program
The PLF interface documentation is prepared by requirements are reviewed and evaluated to
the integrating contractor and coordinated with the establish Titan requirements.
PLF contractor (Table X-2). These documents
define unique spacecraft requirements. Normally, 3.1.2 Derived Requirements Definitions- De-
spacecraft agencies are not involved in the coor- rived requirements are used by Martin Marietta to
dination between the integrating and PLF contrac- assess Titan/spacecraft compatibility and deter-
tors, although the documents are available to them. mine Titan interfaces, new hardware, modified ex-
In some cases the PLF interface document already isting hardware, testing, support, safety, and pro-
exists for standard PLFs. Detailed instructions for cedural requirements.
preparing spacecraft and PLF interface documents
are described in the Format and Requirement for 3.1.3 Implementation Period Requirements-A
Interface Documents, SAMSO·STD-77-4,Rev. A. formal requirements document is prepared to

define phase IIintegration tasks. An integration ef- tasks performed within each element of the WBS.
fectiveness program plan may also be prepared to Paragraph numbers correspond to the WBS tasks
verify that the spacecraft is compatible with the listed in Appendix C.
LVS. In lieu of a separate plan. this information
may be directly incorporated into the phase II re-
quirements document.

3.1.4 LVS/Spacecraft Requirements Definition This section presents general information (in-
Package- A requirements definition package is cluding document purpose, other applicable
prepared by the integration contractor and submit- documents, and interface requirements), and
ted to SD. A review is then conducted by affected defines the roles and responsibilities of program
spacecraft and LVS agencies to assess compatibili- agencies and contractors.
ty with spacecraft requirements.
3.1.5 Special Studies- Preliminary design CONTROL
studies or other special studies may be required
during the definition period to further define hard- This section defines the integration contractor's
ware/software requirements or define the effort for responsibility to provide program management and
the implementation period study. systems engineering, and defines the procedures
used to maintain various interface documents.
3.1.6 Identification of Phase II Long-Lead
Tasks-Some phase II tasks are initiated during
the definition period to meet schedule re- 3.0 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND SUPPORT
quirements, support spacecraft design, or to
satisfy other program considerations. The launch 3.2 Systems Effectiveness
vehicle and spacecraft contractors identify, for
their respective system program office, the long- 3.2.1 Integration Effectiveness-The integration
lead tasks that must be accomplished in the defini- contractor performs integration effectiveness tasks
tion period. The launch vehicle program office then to ensure that spacecraft requirements are iden-
incorporates approved long-lead tasks into the tified and implemented, and that the launch vehicle
phase I RFP for the integration contractor. The is compatible with the spacecraft.
SPO does likewise in the RFP for the spacecraft
contractor. 3.2.2 Test Planning-An appendix to the existing
vehicle measurement list is prepared to identify
Phase II tasks can be initiated during phase I; spacecraft telemetry measurements required for
however, this is only done for certain analyses re- the Titan launch vehicle. Other tasks involving the
quired to support program schedule requirements. integration contractor's test documentation are
These include the planning trajectory analysis, also performed.
preliminary thermal analysis, and preliminary
loads analyses. Some vehicle hardware design 3.2.3 Personnel Training-Personnel training for
tasks may be performed to define spacecraft- payload integration is provided when required.
launch vehicle and spacecraft-facility interfacing
r hardware. . 3.2.4 Maintenance Analysis and 3.2.5 Spares Provi-
~\ e -r
I h P L G ('"'. lJ f\ 1 l!j tJ fLut.. 10 /J sioning Analysis-Maintenance and spares provi-
. Implementation Period (phase H)-The final step sioning analyses are conducted for vehicle and
in the spacecraft integration process is to perform ground equipment provided for or modified to meet
the implementation period (phase II) tasks. Phase unique spacecraft requirements.
II begins at the completion of phase I study and ex-
tends through launch and postflight operations. 3.2.6 Reliability Analysis-A failure mode and ef-
One of the prime outputs of the definition period is a fect analysis is performed on spacecraft-peculiar
phase II requirements document defining the tasks hardware in the launch vehicle.
to be performed by the L VIe. The spacecraft con-
tractor's effort to support phase II is contracted by 3.2.7 Special Reviews-A system and subsystem
the spacecraft systems program office. The follow- review may be performed if major changes are made
ing briefly describes the implementation period in vehicle hardware.
3.2.8 System Safety-Hardware, personnel, and 5.0 PROVIDE AGE/TSE
launch-operations safety activities are performed
by the space launch integration contractor to sup- Under this task, the integration contractor pro-
port the payload integration effort. vides new equipment or modifies existing AG E and
test support equipment to satisfy spacecraft inter-
3.3 Spacecraft and Payload Fairing Support face requirements or ensure compatibility. This in-
cludes MST modifications to umbilical supports
In this task, the integration contractor performs and work platforms to establish spacecraft com-
analytical studies to support spacecraft and PLF patibility.
contractors. The work breakdown structure shown
in Appendix C provides for normal studies. Studies 5.1 Instrumentation System
may be added to satisfy special spacecraft re-
quirements. Program-peculiar ground decommutation station-
punched tapes are provided.
Three analytical studies of particular significance
to spacecraft agencies and contractors are describ- 5.2 Electrical System
ed in detail in Appendices D, E, and F. Other
analyses [e.g., performance, subsystem environ- The payload systems test set is modified to support
mental, electromagnetic compatibility, and soft- vehicle tests. The test set serves as a spacecraft
ware) can be performed as required. simulator for verifying spacecraft interfaces and
verification testing of spacecraft ordnance circuits
by the launch vehicle contractor. Spacecraft-
4.0 PROVIDE AVE peculiar ground checkout cabling and facilities
may be identified for launch complex use.
4.1 Launch Vehicle Modifications
5.3 Structural System, 5.4 Mechanical System,
Under this task, the integration contractor pro- and 5.5 Handling Equipment
vides or modifies launch vehicle hardware and soft-
ware to satisfy spacecraft interface requirements. Normally, no work is required in these categories
because the spacecraft contractor supplies the
4.2 Payload Hardware and Support necessary handling and servicing equipment for
the spacecraft.
The integration contractor designs and procures
hardware and supplies for the spacecraft contrac- 5.6 Work Platforms
tor to install on the spacecraft or for use in
spacecraft tests. For electrical and instrumentation Auxiliary work platforms within the environmen-
subsystems, this hardware is typically the tal shelter are frequently required for spacecraft ac-
spacecraft half of the electrical and instrumenta- cess. The platforms may be provided by either the
tion interface connectors. spacecraft contractor or the integration contractor,
and are new design and build items. Standard com-
Special test tooling tasks can involve supplying an mercial platforms are available at the launch site.
interface master guage tool to the spacecraft con-
tractor to verify interface compatibility, or 5.7 Special Test Tooling and 5.8 Special Test
developing the wiring harness forward of the Hardware
launch vehicle interface. In contrast, a typical
special hardware and test task is preparing a pro- These categories accommodate special spacecraft
totype launch-vehicle attachment ring for space- requirements not satisfied by other tasks.
craft contractor use in test programs.
4.3 Payload Fairing Hardware and Support
The integration contractor studies facility change
The LVIC has no hardware responsibility for the proposals, prepares formal documentation for fa-
PLF. PLF hardware modifications are performed cility modifications to accommodate spacecraft re-
by MDAC or LSMC under separate contract with quirements, and performs subsequent construction
the launch vehicle system program office. surveillance.

7.0 CONDUCT OPERATIONS Additional time may also be required for procure-
ment cycles before phase I and II studies and PLF
This task defines launch site integration and opera- production. The 36-month schedules included are
tional support for the launch vehicle, AGE, facili- nominal (Fig. X-2 and X-3). Further schedule com-
ty, PLF. and spacecraft. pression of the integration activities can occur.
Such schedule compression depends on circum-
7.1 Integrated Tests stances such as recurring integration activities
with limited changes to spacecraft characteristics
Any effort required by the integration contractor to and the upper-stage configurations to be employed.
conduct or support a test. other than those perform-
ed during normal launch operations, is defined

here. New Spa~cr8ft Oesign
31619 1211511821/24127 30133136

7.2 Launch Operations Phase I Oeflnitlon Pha.<l

Pharo II - Implementation Period

I I ==
The LVIC conducts launch operations at the launch Analvsi< (load., fit mechanics. ete)
I i i
site. These tasks are supported by associate con- SoftVolBre Development
tractors and the spacecraft contractor.

7.3 Mission Support




(LV T34D)

Material Procurement
**t I

- Dort.1I & Sub·A •• embly

The LVIC provides vehicle and facility data for - Major Weld/Final Assembly

various operational plans, performs range support LV Pack and Ship

tasks, conducts postflight data analyses, and per- VIS & SMAS Operations
forms mission support liaison. Launch Complex Operations I
I ,

Payload Fairing Procurement

7.4 Hardware Maintena.nce and Support

The LVIC provides hardware maintenance, repair.

and support services for spacecraft-peculiar mod-
ifications to the launch vehicle, ground equipment.
Payload Fairing Preparation

Initial Launch Capability

Figure X-2 Typical ESMC Payload Integration

andPLF. Months

New Spacecraft Design
Schedule-Spacecraft integration schedules de-
Ph •••• I - Definition Ph_
pend on the specific application being considered
Phase 1/ - Implementation Period
and can vary significantly with program re-
Analysi< (toads, fit mechanics, ete)
quirements. Considerations that affect schedules
Fit Control<
Manufacturing (LV T340)

1) Necessity for and duration of a phase 0

- I\'laterial Procurement

feasibility effort. - Detail & Sub'Assembly

2) Single versus multiple spacecraft.
3) Program urgency.
4) Security,
5) Spacecraft development,
6) Test schedules.
- Major Weld/Final

LV Peck and Ship

laun-ch Complex Operations


Initial Launch Capability (I LC)

-- it>

7) Prior integration of an earlier spacecraft con- Figure X-J

figuration. Typical T34D WSMC Payload Integration Schedule

The Titan 34D launch vehicle system uses pre- using an integrate-trans fer-launch (ITL~ concept.
launch and launch services provided by the ESMC This permits maximum use of the launch complex
at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida and the because most prelaunch activities are conducted at
WSMC at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. a remote integration building. Operations at the
This section defines the receipt, checkout, and launch complex are minimized by assembling and
launch facilities and describes the basic equipment checking the vehicle before transport to the launch
needed to perform these tasks. complex. The ITL facilities principally consist of a
VIB, solid motor assembly building (SMAB~, and
the launch complex. Additional support facilities
ESMC Integrate-Transfer-Launch System-The are located in the ESMC industrial area (Figs. XI-l
Titan 34D is launched from ESMC and is processed andXI-2).

Areas of Titan III Operation & Launch Support

Tel4 - Telemetry Ground Station
SAB - Satellite Assembly Buildings
Solid Motor MAB . Missile Assembly Building
Assembly Bldg No.1 - Payload Fairing Operations
(SMAB) No.2 - Payload Fairing Storages
- Missile Research Laboratory
MMC Titan III Administration Offi




j - --
Scale in Thousand Feet

Figure Xl-J Areas of Titan Operations and Launch Support


Figure XI-2 Titan Integrate- Transfer-Launch Facility

Facilities in the ESMC industrial area are available

to receive, inspect, assemble. and check out the
spacecraft before transfer to the launch complex.
DOD spacecraft normally use the satellite assem-
biy building. Other range services and facilities are
available for use. Most spacecraft are usually
transported directly to the pad for integration with
the Titan 34D.

Solid Motor Processing Area-The solid motor

processing area has four separate facilities:

1) An inert storage building for inspecting, as-

sembling, and testing inert SRM components;
2) A separate building for receiving, inspecting,
and assembling live components; Figure XI-3 Vertical Integration Building
3) A segment-arrival storage area for ordnance
items and SRM components; Assembly and Checkout Cells-Only two cells in
4) Segment-ready storage building to provide a the high-bay area are used to assemble the Titan
controlled environment for SRM components 34D system on its transporter and to perform vehi-
before transfer to the SMAB. cle test and checkouts. The cells have a full comple-
ment of platforms, equipment, and services for per-
Vertical Integration Building-The VIB is used to forming these operations. The center high-bay area
inspect. erect. and check out the Titan core (Fig. is used to receive, inspect, and erect Titan cores and
XI·3). The same functions are also performed on the the Tl"anst.age. A low-bay area near each cell pro-
Transtage when it is an integral part of the Titan vides space for checkout instrumentation AGE
system [i.e., Titan 34D/Transtage). The VIB has vans attached to the transporter. The vehicle's elec-
four assembly and checkout cells, a low-bay area, trical umbilicals are connected to these AGE vans
and the launch control center. and remain connected until after launch.

Launch Control Center (LCC)-The LCC is an in- are outfitted with a launch control console, closed-
tegral part of the VIB (Fig. XI -4).Ground electrical- circuit TV console, TV monitors, countdown-
electronic equipment monitors and controls vehicle readout set, recorder-reproducer set, power
operations in the VIB cells and at the launch com- distribution set, and a launch complex safety of-
plex. Two of the master control rooms in the LCC ficer's console (Fig. XI-5).

The LCC also includes the ground instrumentation

equipment used to monitor and record telemetry
signals from the launch vehicle. Rf systems on the
vehicle at the launch complex are checked out using
an antenna and preamplifier located on the control
center roof.

Solid Motor Assembly Building (SMAB)-The

SMAB is a multiuse facility consisting of:

1) East low bay-STS and Titan assembly/

checkout facility;
2) West low bay-Shuttle payload integration
facilty (SPIF);
3) Center high bay-SRM build-up, Titan/SRM
mate and checkout areas.
Center The center high bay has a 305-ton bridge crane with
a 50-ton crane on the same carriage. The 50-ton
crane is used to stack SRM segments from rail cars
Figure XI-4 Launch Control Center in the VIB into the SRM assembly cells on the east side of the

Data Instrumentation

Jl :=~I-rllfiIT1ITUl'l I"f -,,=/J n,_-----INn~\1\


[j ~

J-(Jj ~t:=:U
-0 ~e~
r -

().,----ill Q~~IL-J~---7/~

COSUUS) 1 1\ ~
cos (IUS)

~, I~ ",
P/L 1

Figure XI-S ESMC Control Center
high bay. Assembled, pretested SRMs are then
mated to the Titan core using the 305-ton crane (Fig.

Launch Complex-The launch complex [LC] con-

sists of the launch pad, mobile service tower, um-
bilical tower, AGE building, air-conditioning
shelter, gas storage area, propellant holding areas,
and miscellaneous service facilities. LC-40 is the
launch complex for the Titan 34D (Fig. XI -7).

Launch Pad-The launch pad is a concrete deck,

with fixed foundations that support the launch
vehicle transporter and assembled Titan 34D vehi-
cle, MST, and umbilical tower. A concrete exhaust
duct is an integral part of the launch pad and
deflects SRM exhaust gases away from the pad.

Mobile Service Tower (MST)-The MST provides

facilities for mating the IUS (when part of the
system) and the spacecraft to the Titan 34D and for
servicing and checking the complete integrated
system (Fig. XI-8). Work platforms at 14levels pro-
vide access to the vehicle, upper stages, spacecraft,
and PLF. A lO-ton hook on the bridge crane is used
to handle the PLF and spacecraft. The bridge crane
also has a 50-ton hook, which is used for IUS in-
Figure XI-6
The entire structure is mounted on self-propelled, Installation of SRMs on Transporter in SMAB
electric motor-driven trucks that ride on rails. Just Higb Bay

AGE Building
Fuel HQldinl.l A •••••
Fuel Vent StilGk
Umbilical Tower \
Protective Clothing Building


Complex Support Building

Traffic Control House
Parking lot
Ready Building

Paint, Oil, & lubricant
~--'--Film Camera

Gas Storage Area

. ~"\ ;."
Traffic Control !-louse

Lau,,,," P"d
O"idizer Holding Area
FigureXl-7 Launch Complex 40

Figure XI-9
Spacecraft Being Raised to the Environmental
stands are used in conjunction with the folding plat-
forms to provide access to the spacecraft. The
shelter has personnel access doors at each work
level and airlocks on levels 9 and 10. A 5-ton bridge
crane in the shelter is used to install the PLF and
may be used for any spacecraft operations perform-
Figure XI-8 MST and ES at LC-40 ed in the enclosure.

before launch, the MST is moved from its service Umbilical Tower (UT)-The UT provides pro-
position at the launch pad to its park position. pellants, pressurization gases, conditioned air to
the launch vehicle, and conditioned air to the PLF.
Environmental Shelter-The environmental shel- Installations on the tower have been provided to ac-
ter is an integral part of the MST and provides a commodate both manual and launch-disconnected
controlled environment for the spacecraft and up- umbilicals.
per stage (Fig. XI-9). Rf-transparent panels in the
south face of the shelter permit rf communication The UT has sliding platforms that provide access to
with the SAB in the industrial area. Self-sealing the launch vehicle and umbilical installations. The
umbilical slots on the west side of the shelter are platforms below the environmental shelter in the
provided for the electrical and air-conditioning um- MST have folding segments that match the UT plat-
bilical system in the boost vehicle and spacecraft forms to provide 360-deg access to the launch vehi-
area. One large door on the shelter's south side and cle (Fig. XI-8). The upper platforms provide access
a sliding roof are opened to receive the PLF, to umbilical installations for the upper stages,
spacecraft, and upper stages. spacecraft, and PLF.

Fixed and folding platforms at six levels inside the AGE Building-The AGE building is a two-story,
environmental shelter provide 360-degaccess to the reinforced-concrete structure located between the
upper stage, spacecraft, and PLF. Portable work MST rails adjacent to the launch pad. The upper

story, which is level with the launch pad, houses the
two Titan AG E vans and has provisions for-two ad-
ditional vans for either upper-stage or spacecraft

Air-Conditioning Shelter=- The air-conditioning

shelter houses air-conditioning units for the vehicle
and spacecraft. The environmental shelter air-
conditioning unit is located in the MST.

Gas Storage and Propellant Holding Areas- The

gas storage area contains storage vessels for high-
pressure nitrogen and helium. Separate fuel and ox-
idizer holding areas contain facilities to store,
transfer, and unload propellants for the launch
vehicle including the SRM thrust vector control


Two types of aerospace ground equipment are pro-

vided for the Titan. Mechanical-structural AGE is Figure XI-lO Titan AGE Transporter System
used to handle, transport, assemble, and service
the vehicle and spacecraft. Electrical-electronic
AG E is used for checkout, testing, monitoring, and while the vehicle moves from the VIE to the launch
launch control. complex (Fig. XI-H).

Mechanical-Structural AGE-Titan 34D mechani- Propellant Loading and Pressurization Units-

cal-structural AG E includes the launch transporter Two units are used at the launch complex to load,
system; propellant loading and pressurization offload, and vent the Titan 34D propellant tanks
equipment: vehicle air-conditioning units; and mis- and SRM TVC tanks during prelaunch operations.
cellaneous transportation, handling, and servicing A GN2 pressure control unit in the AGE building
equipment. controls preasuree and flowrates during pressur-
ization, blanketing, and purging operations.
Transporter System-The transporter moves the
core vehicle or the core vehicle/upper stage from Air Conditioning and Miscellaneous Servicing-
the VIB to the SMAB where the SRMs are mated, AG E air-conditioning units are available to service
and then to the launch complex where the trans- the vehicle, PLF, and spacecraft. One unit supplies
porter frame serves as a launch platform. The air to the Titan 34D and can be used for the
overall system includes the transporter with um- spacecraft. A separate unit supplies conditioned
bilical mast, two diesel-electric locomotives, a air to the PLF after it is installed.
launch control van, and an instrumentation AGE
van (Fig. XI-IO). A portable propellant servicing unit, as well as test
sets for purging and sampling helium under
The transporter frame includes the umbilical mast, vacuum and other sets for leak-checking the ACS
launch mount, and removable undercarriage as- and preseuriaarion system, are used to check out
semblies. The umbilical mast supports electrical and service the upper stage. This equipment is
umbilicals that remain connected to the launch available for spacecraft use.
vehicle from its buildup in the VIB through launch.
The mast also serves as an interface for electrical ESMC Electrical-Electronic AGE-ESMC electri-
cables from the AG E vans that remain connected to cal-electronic AG E falls into three categories:
a Illllster junction box at its base. The launch mount
supports the vehicle and spacecraft from buildup 1) 'I'itan 34DI 'I'ranstage unique,
until launch_ 2} Titan 34D/IUS unique,
3) Common.
AG E vans house the launch control and instrumen-
tation squipmsnt. Ths vans are mounted on rails This equipment includes prelaunch checkout units,
and remain connected to the transporter frame support, and launch control and monitoring ssts.

Fixed electrical-electronic AGE is located in the data, IUS commands, and remote ground support
VIB, SMAB, and AGE buildings. Van-mounted equipment control and status (Fig. XI-12).
electrical-electronic AGE is located in the VIB dur-
ing vehicle buildup and initial checkout and is later COS consists of three control stations and one
moved with the vehicle to the AGE building at the support-equipment station. Each control station
launch complex (Figs. XI-ll and XI-12). provides the capability to control and monitor IUS
performance in real time. The support-equipment
Transtage-Unique AGE-Most Transtage AGE station provides for rf testing activities, data re-
capability is integrated with Titan 34D and is in the cording, and data playback. Any of the three con-
common category. Transtage-unique AGE is re- trol stations can support IUS test and launch ac-
quired for inertial guidance checkout, monitoring, tivities by patching to any of the six test areas. Dur-
and control. This equipment consists of a guidance ing an IUS countdown and launch, two control sta-
control monitor group (GCMG) and a telemetry tions will be used-one prime and one backup. If
data monitor group (TDMG). The van-mounted the prime station fails, the backup station assumes
GCMG controls IGS bus power, loads and verifies control. However, only the prime station can send
on-board computer software, commands and moni- IUS control commands.
tors IGS alignment, monitors and displays IGS
status, and supports the launch countdown. The CDS control stations are computerized, real-time
TDMG, installed in theVIB instrumentation room, test control and data monitoring systems. Tests are
provides real-time telemetry data reduction and executed from a cathrode ray tube (CRT) keyboard.
monitors and displays critical IGS parameters. CDS monitors the response via telemetry and per-
forms automatic limit checks. The operator is
IUS-Unique AGE-The IUS electrical-electronic notified if the response falls outside predetermined
AGE is used for integrating and testing the IUS limits.
with the spacecraft integration. It also tests the IUS
and Titan 34D at the launch pad and supports Common AGE-Common ESMC electrical-elec-
launch countdown operations. The IUS checkout tronic AGE consists of prelaunch checkout units,
station (CDS), located in the VIB, is the major item launch control and monitoring sets, instrumenta-
of IUS electrical-electronic AGE that supports IUS tion, data, and power support. Common AGE is
checkout and launch activities at ESMC. It is the located in the vans, VIB, SMAB, and the AGE
control center for IUS test and launch areas and is building. Equipment that interfaces directly with
connected by landlines that carry IUS telemetry the launch vehicle is located in the vans.

Launch Control Center

- Control Room
_ Instrumentation Room

~ G:1
".~ ~
Launch Complex ~ ~

Figure XI-II Titan 34D Checkout & Launch Control Equipment ..
Control Center (Vib~ Van I
Pad (L.C-40t
I Titan
(refl UJ IUS Gnd
I Power- Supplies Subsys


DC !lwrto


PACE Console
CCG1E (ref}
! COS (BAC) Printer! I

:~~: I
! .---= - I Data Processing I
• CRT ~~- Equipment I
I Consoles _
Figure X[-12 ESMC Launch/Checkout Equipment

Prelaunch checkout equipment consists of PACE, Located at PACE H/W Located at

Control Center Racks (Z/pad) Laun~h Pad
a flight safety system checkout and control monitor
group, a pulse tracking control monitor group, and Disks Launch Control T
a combined systems test simulator set (CSTSS). I
• Majority Voted
D iscrates Cmds
P ACE is a computer-driven command, control, - Single Ended
t----~I N

checkout, and data-monitoring system that per- Discretes Cmds

- Discrates
forms automated end-to-end testing of critical vehi- PACE Scanners
cle subsystems. It also serves as a readiness moni- Computers
tor and launch countdown master sequence (Fig. Vehicle Checkout
XI-1S). PACE is made up of minicomputers with Assembly

two CRT/keyboards, two magnetic tape units, two - Single Ended

Discretas Cmds
printers, two disk drives, and two input/output - Analog Commands
racks. The computer and peripherals are located in . Analog Monitors
the VIB launch control center and interface with the Mag - Discretes
Tapes Scanners
launch area via input/output racks in the AGE (21
vans, Tests fire computer sequenced using test
language application software to apply stimuli and Figure XI-13 PACE Equipment
monitor for correct response. Go/no-go status is
displayed for the particular testing process with in- during the test and can be printed for posttest
dications of channel response and any malfunction- evalution. Criteria violations are printed in real
ed component. Data is recorded on magnetic tape time during the test and may result in a hold or in-

itiation of corrective action. Analog and digital Support equipment- ESMC -operations include
data are recorded for posttest evaluation. ground instrumentation, a data transmission sys-
tem, and van and launch pad power distribution
The flight safety checkout and control monitor and control units. Each unit can interface with the
group exercises the shutdown and destruct cir- upper stage and/or spacecraft to support control,
cuitry before live ordnance is installed The pulse checkout, and monitoring.
tracking control monitor group interrogates the C-
band beacon and monitors its response. The Ground instrumentation at' the launch complex
CSTSS provides interconnecting cabling and simu- consists of signal conditioners and a low-level en-
lators for verifying the ordnance circuits and coder that multiplexes incoming facility measure-
simulates in-flight functions required to support a ments into a serial PCM data train. This data train,
combined systems test. in turn, modulates a voltage control oscillator
(VCO)carrier for landline transmission to the VIB.
Launch Control and Monitoring-Electrical- The ground instrumentation equipment in the VIB
electronic AGE includes PACE, a launch control instrumentation room then discriminates the oscil-
console, and flight safety system control monitor lator input and applies it to the landline PCM
group. decoder, which decommutates the data and sends it
to digital-to-analog converters for real-time display
PACE functions as a readiness monitor and the on strip charts or meters. Separate equipment in
master countdown sequence for the Titan 34D the VIB instrumentation room, shown in Figure XI-
ground equipment, launch vehicle, upper stage, 15, can also receive and decommutate PCM data
and spacecraft. It automatically time sequences from the remote multiplexed instrumentation
launch events from initiation of the terminal count- system, which is transmitted open-loop by the vehi-
down through lift-off. It monitors and displays cle antenna. The equipment can also decommutate
countdown status, hold status, and criteria viola- and convert the closed-loop PCM video output of
tions in real time. the RMIS converter for real-time display. Space-
craft data can be integrated into either or both of
The launch countdown is controlled from the these instrumentation systems and monitored in
launch control console in the VIB (Fig. XI-14). This the instrumentation room.
unit controls ground or external power application
and displays overall status, initiates terminal
countdown, and serves as the communications
center for the launch facility. The console also
monitors ground power, hold indications, SRM
parameters, and the status of the water system at
the launch complex.

Figure XI-IS ESMC Instrumentation Room

The launch-vehicle portion of the data transmis-
sion system can transmit 240 discrete signals be-
tween the launch complex and the VIB control
center. The spacecraft portion provides 120discrete
command and monitor signals, as well as 20 digital
monitors. These data are time-multiplexed in 16-bit
words, 30times per second.

Figure XI-14 ESMC Control Room Power distribution control units are used to supply
28-Vde power to the vehicle from commercial
and/or emergency power sources and standard rec-
The monitor group for tracking and flight safety tifier units. These units control, distribute, and
systems monitors the arming and safing of the monitor readiness and transient bus power to supp-
Titan 34D ISDS, the command destruct system, ly launch vehicle buses, facility, and AGE power.
and the SRM ignition system during the terminal They can also supply 28-Vde power for upper-stage
countdown. and/or spacecraft functions.

WSMC Launch System-The Titan 34D and 34B within the propellant storage area of each launch
are each erected, tested, and launched from WSMC complex.
SLC-4 located at the southern end of the
Vandenberg Air Force Base (Fig. XI-16). SLC·4 is Power for the launch complex is supplied from two
part of a two-launch-pad configuration (SLC'4E for sources. Diesel generators are used to supply
Titan 34D and SLC·4W for Titan 34B) that shares a countdown electrical power to the sites and are the
common launch operations building (LOB) and prime power source during launch countdown.
common technical support building (Fig. XI·17). Back-up power is supplied by a commercial power
Each launch pad area consists of an MST, pro- source.
pellant storage area, a high-pressure gas storage
area, launch services building (LSB), UT, launch There are three independent facility air-condi-
mount, and MST track system (Fig. XI -18). tioning systems at SLC'4 and one each at SLC'4E,
SLC-4W, and the LOB.
Launch vehicles are erected and positioned on the
launch mount using the MST bridge crane and ser- Launch Pad-Each launch pad is a monolithic
viced by their respective MST and UT, the sup' reinforced-concrete structure that supports the
porting LOB, and technical support buildings. All launch vehicle and MST. A concrete exhaust duct is
propellants are storable at normal temperatures an integral part of the launch pad and deflects core

Vandenberg AFB

Mobile Service
TOlI'Jerr-r~ __

~ I. Tower \
.ez.:> 7 \

South Vandenberg
(Sudden KanCh)
0. __ -- -_ ••••••• __ ••••••.

.'-'F="""'_ ~__."".-...;: -,
-u.._<.••••._:""-:--,"<51 -- -::- -:-~ ~ ~ -,
.•... ,

Figure XI·16 Typical Titan WSMC Launch Site

~ ~!lITL~~:' Bid,
Road E /' ~ House

Road A

Figure XI-I 7 Space Launch Complex 4

Figure XI-19 Mobile Service Tower - SLC-4E

ter, an enclosed area within the upper portion of the

MST, provides an environmentally clean and
secure area for spacecraft activities. Elevators in
each MST provide personnel and freight access to
the platforms. Stairs and ladders also provide ac-
cess to various MST levels.

Accessibility for installing the spacecraft and PLF

is provided by means of a large door on the west
side of the environmental shelter and a moveable
Figure XI-18 Titan Launch Mount System
roof. Hoisting the PLF and/or the spacecraft is ac-
complished by the overhead MST cranes. The en-
vehicle or SRM exhaust gases away from the pad. tire structure is mounted on self-propelled, hydrau-
The entire launch vehicle is systematically assem- lic-driven trucks that ride on fixed rails. Just
bled and checked out on the launch mount, which is before launch, the MST is moved from its service
supported by a pad base located over the exhaust position at the launch pad to its parked position.
duct opening.
Umbilical Tower (UT)-Each UT provides servic-
Mobile Service Tower (MST)-Each MST provides ing capabilities for electrical components, propel-
facilities for erection and buildup of the launch lants, pressurization gases, as well as conditioned
vehicle, spacecraft and fairing mating, as well as air for the launch vehicle (Fig. XI-20). There are
spacecraft servicing and checkout (Fig. XI -19). launch vehicle and spacecraft AGE horizontal um-
Work platforms at strategic levels allow personnel bilical booms that provide various propellant and
and equipment access to various vehicle levels. The gas service lines, electrical cabling, and air-
platforms fold or retract to clear the launch vehicle conditioning ducts from the ground systems to the
during MST movement. The environmental shel- vehicle. The basic structure is an open bridgework

Figure Xl~21 Launch Operations Building

Figure XI-20
Umbilical Tower with Booms and Umbilicals=
Figure XI-22 Control Center in LOB
with the north and east sides covered to provide
plume flame and blast protection during vehicle

Launch Operations Building (LOB>-The LOB is a

two-level, reinforced-concrete structure located
north of the launch pad (Fig. XI-21). The Titan
systems located in its basement level include: [I]
the power supply and distribution system for dc re-
quirements of the LOB, (2) the ground instrumenta-
tion equipment, and (3~the PACE computer and
peripheral equipment. The launch control center is
located on the ground floor and includes the launch
control console, facility console, and flight safety
control monitor groups for each pad (Figs. XI·22
through XI -24). Figure X/-23 WSMC Instrumentation System

Each LSB is a single-level structure adjacent to the control set, nitrogen pressure controller, and air-
launch pad that contains the electronic and me- conditioning system.
chanical equipment necessary to bring the vehicle
to readiness for launch countdown (Fig. XI·25). The The LSB at SLC·4W includes a room to store HDA
L8B houses the de power supplies, van power and UDMH, the Agena propellants, and related
distribution control, PACE input and output racks propellant equipment. The LSB at SLC-4E in-
for vehicle checkout, control monitor and data cludes a room to store hydrazine propellant and
recording, propellant transfer and pressurizaton rela/;(}d propellant equipment (Fig. XI -26}.

u<lJl[:::l=. 7_-=-:_
lMSC LMSC Air Conditioning W~rk
Room Shop
o o j l
Room Tool
104A Room
TIIiB Marietta)
Launch Corridor

Launch Control Room

Upper Level


Martin Gas Engine Fuel
Handling Support Room
Marietta Room Equip
Ready Room Elec 8. Mech Room

Stairway o o o

(Quintron Vehicle Equipment

Systems) Figure XI-26 LSB Floor Plan (SLC-4E)
cations ly located on the north and south side of each
launch pad (Pigs. XI-27 and XI-28)_ They are used
Ground Station to store, load, and unload propellants for launch
DC Power
Supplies vehicles, including the SRM thrust vector control
tanks for the Titan 34D. Each holding area houses a
Elee Interconnect ready storage vessel, propellant loading unit (Fig.
to4E & 4W Cable Vault 10
(cable trays) XI-29), and the associated plumbing systems neces-
sary for the storage and transfer of propellants on
Basement Floor
the launch complex.

Figure XI-24 LOB Floor Plan (SLC-4E) Gas Storage Area-Each launch pad has a gas
storage area that contains storage vessels for high-
pressure nitrogen (Fig. XI-30). Liquid nitrogen is
delivered in trailer lots to the LN 2 tank. Using con-
verters, the LN 2 is vaporized by heating and then
pressurized into the pad GN2 tanks. There are two
banks of GN2 tanks used to provide all GN2 services
through the nitrogen pressure controller to the
launch pad area and to the vehicle (Fig. XI-31)_

WSMC Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)-

Two types of support equipment are provided for
the Titans mechanical-stuctural AGE and elec-
trical-electronic AGE. Mechanical-structural AGE
is used to handle, transport, assemble, and service
the vehicles. Electrical-electronic AG E is used for
checkout, testing, monitoring, and launch control.
Figure XI-2S Launch Service Building at SLC-4E
Mechanical-Structural AGE-Titan mechanical-
Propellant Holding Areas-The propellant holding structural AGE includes the launch mount; um-
areas which include the oxidizer holding area bilical booms; propellant loading and pressuriza-
(OHA) and fuel holding area (FHA) are respective- tion equipment; vehicle air conditioning ducting

Figure XI-27 Fuel Holding Area at SLC-4E
Figure XI-30 Propellant Load Unit (PLU)

Figure XI-28 Oxidizer Holding Area at SLC-4E

Figure XI-31 Notrogen Pressure Controller (NPC)

longerons and support the complete vehicle (Fig.

XI-32). At SLC-4W, four launch head support units
are mounted on top of a launch mount ring and in-
terface with the Titan core longerons for support. A
launch mount and vehicle access platform set pro-
vide access to each launch mount head and base
before, during, and after the vehicle is erected.

Propellant Loading and Pressurization Units-

These units are used at both launch pads to load, of-
fload, pressurize, or vent the Titan propellant
tanks and the SRM TVC tanks at SLC·4E during
prelaunch operations. A GN2 pressure control unit
Figure XI-29 Gas Storage Area at SLC-4E in the LSB controls the pressures and flowrates
during pressurization, blanketing, and purging
and flow control; and miscellaneous erection, operations.
handling and servicing equip:menL
Air Conditioning- The Titan and spacecraft air-
Launch Mount and Platform Set-The launch conditioning system is supplied with conditioned
mount for each facility is supported by the pad base air from each launch pad and LSB facility system.
and located over the exhaust duct opening. At SLC- The AGE portion of the system consists of the in-
4E, four launch head support units on the top sur- sulated ducting, flow control/measurement sys-
face of each mount interface with the SRM t;;,ID, temperature control/measurement system,

Control Center " Launch Support Building
fl~ ,
Countdown LCe ,

TV ffiJ
@---~ CCPOC ~
Voice ~
Recorder WECO
~:~~ -; I @1 _
p,PACE Processors, E1J
Consoles , ~ P~

Instrumentation Control I P d GIE CSTSS~
Control Center GIE' a

Figure XI-33 WSMC Launch/Checkout Equipment

located in several areas of WSMC. The radio-

guidance AGE includes the guided missile test set
(GMTS) located in the LSB, and the guided missile
monitor (GMM) located in the LOB. GMTS is the
primary checkout equipment for the airborne
guidance equipment. GMM monitors airborne
operation during launch countdown after the LSB
has been evacuated. The radio-guidance radar and
computer are located in the control room of
Figure XI-32 guidance ground station 7. The radar antenna is
Titan 34D SRM/Launch Mount Interface enclosed in an inflated, rf-transparent, plastic
cover to prevent winds from affecting antenna posi-
air-cleaning system, umbilical system, and tion. The tracking system remains pointed at the
instrumentation parts. vehicle when the antenna is locked on.

Core Erection-Erection of the core stages at each Titan 34BI Agena Unique AGE-The Agena
launch pad is accomplished using a pivoting erec- checkout and launch control philosophy uses the
tion fixture at the pad vehicle erection area and the airborne PCM system as much as possible for
MST overhead bridge cranes. systems test analysis (in lieu of landlines through
the vehicle). A ground processing system produces
Service Booms-Service booms extend from each the data used for vehicle performance evaluation
UT to vehicle vicinity. The lower positioned booms with landline functions limited to ground power
carry umbilicals to the Titan core, while the upper monitoring and those launch vehicle and payload
booms are used by satellite vehicles. functions that must be simulated. The ground com-
puter system is used for monitoring purposes only.
Electrical-Electronic AGE- WSMC electrical- Vehicle test control is handled by the air borne com-
electronic AGE consists of Titan 34D NUS unique, puter' which is manually controlled using the as-
Agena unique, and common (Fig. XI-33). This cent guidance systems test set and the auto data
equipment includes prelaunch checkout units, sup- set.
port, and launch control and monitoring sets.
Electrical-electronic AGE that directly interfaces The data processing system receives a serial bit
with the launch vehicle is located in the LSB. stream from the vehicle via TIm, hardline data con-
verted to a PCM serial bit data stream by AGE, and
NUS-Unique AGE-Most NUS AGE capability is local discrete data from AGE.
integrated with the Titan 34D and falls into the com-
mon category. NUS-unique AGE, required for Hardlines provide a ways to monitor responses to
radio guidance checkout, monitoring, and control is commands as well as the status of preselected func-

tions in the vehicle and AGE. Response to com-
mands and status are verified by the output of
analog or discrete signals from the monitors. The
output of the vehicle and AGE hardline monitors is
routed to the ground processing system via
hardline patch panels.

Hardline data from the vehicle and AGE that re-

quire conditioning are routed via the hardline patch
panel to the appropriate signal conditioner for
proper conditioning as inputs to the PCM genera-
tor. Data from the vehicle and AGE not requiring
conditioning are directly routed from the hardline
patch panel to the input of the PCM generator.

The power system provides the source, distribution Figure XJ-34 PACE Room at LOB
circuits, switching logic, high- and low-voltage pro-
tection, and overcurrent protection required to
power the vehicle for testing. In addition, it pro- down and destruct circuitry before live ordnance is
vides the power to AGE circuits required for vehi- installed.
cle and AG E hardIine command and monitors.
Launch control and monitoring- Electrical-elec-
Common AGE - Common electrical-electronic tronic AGE includes PACE, a launch control con-
AG E consists of prelaunch checkout units; launch sole, a tracking and flight safety monitor group,
control and monitoring sets, and instrumentation and power distribution and control units.
and power distribution support equipment. Equip-
ment that directly interfaces with the launch vehi- PACE functions as a readiness monitor and master
cle is located in the LSB. countdown sequence for the Titan 34D ground
equipment, launch vehicle, and spacecraft. It auto-
Prelaunch checkout equipment consists of PACE, matically times the sequence of launch events from
a flight safety system checkout and control monitor initiation of the terminal countdown through lift-
group, a proposed pulse tracking control monitor off. It monitors and displays countdown status,
group, and a CSTSS. . hold status, and criteria violations in real time.

PACE is a computer-driven command, control, The launch countdown is controlled from the
checkout, and data monitoring system that per- launch control console. This unit controls vehicle
forms automated end-to-end testing of critical vehi- power application, displays overall status, initi-
cle subsystems. It also serves as a readiness moni- ates terminal countdown, and provides manual
tor and launch countdown master sequence. abort capability. The console also monitors ground
power, hold indications, SRM parameters, and
PACE is made up of three minicomputers with two guidance system status.
CRT/keyboards, two magnetic tape units, two line
printers, two disk drives and two 110 racks. The The monitor group for the tracking and flight safety
computer and peripherals are located in the control Bystem controls and monitors:
center, shown in Figure XI-34, and interface with
the vehicle in the launch area via 110 racks. Tests 1) Arming and safing of the Titan 34D ISDS and
are computer sequenced using test language ap- destruct systems,
plication software to apply stimuli and monitor the 2) Command receivers,
outputs for the correct response. Go/no-go status is 3) Engine shutdown circuit,
displayed for the test in process with indications of 4) SRM ignition system during terminal count-
channel response and any malfunctioned compo- down.
nent. During the test, data is recorded on magnetic
tape and can be printed for posttest evaluation. Support equipment common to WSMC includes
Criteria violations are printed in real time during ground instrumentation and power distribution
the test and will result in a hold or initiation of cor- and control. Ground instrumentation at the launch
rective sequences. Analog and digital data are complex contains signal conditioners and ampli-
recorded for posttest evaluation. The flight safety fiers for measurement transmission to the ground
ehoekout control monitor group exercises the shut- station in the LOB for data display. Separate equip-

ment in the LOB instrumentation room can also Power distribution control units are used to supply
receive and decommutate PCM data from the 28-Vde power to the vehicle from commercial
RMIS. These data are transmitted open-loop by the and! or emergency power sources and standard rec-
vehicle antenna or decommutate and convert tifier units. These units control, distribute, and
closed-loop PCM video output of the RMIS con- monitor readiness and transient bus power to supp-
verter for real-time display. Upper-stage and!or ly launch vehicle buses. facility. and AGE power.
spacecraft data can be integrated into either or both They can also supply 28-Vde power for upper-stage
of these instrumentation systems and monitored in and! or spacecraft functions.
the instrumentation room.


ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES spacecraft-to-launch vehicle integrated tests. As

LVle, Martin Marietta performs consolidated
Space Division-The U.S. Air Force SD has ex- launch services for the GFP-supplied airborne and
ecutive management responsibility for the Titan ground systems of associate contractors.
LVS. SD exercises its responsibilities through the
Titan LVS program office which is operationally As WSMC booster vehicle integration contractor
represented by the 6595th Aerospace Test Wing of (BVIC), Martin Marietta is responsible for inte-
the Space and Missile Test Organization (SAMTO). grating the Titan 34B and 34D/RGS operations.
SAMTO in turn, functions through the WSMC BVIC is the launch conductor for the Titan launch
6595th Aerospace Test Group (ATG) based at vehicle's booster integrated tests and launch. It
Vandenberg Air Force Base and the ESMC 6555th also performs consolidated launch site services for
Aerospace Test Group at Cape Canaveral Air Force associate contractors except United Technologies
Station. Chemical Systems Division (UT CSD).

SD is the SPO responsible for expendable launch The WSMC launch vehicle integrating contractor
vehicle development, procurement and operations, at Vandenberg Air Force Base has the responsibili-
and system facilities development. It is responsible ty of functioning as the spacecraft test conductor
for launch vehicle systems mission success through for all integrated tests and launches and preparing
spacecraft separation and provides management integrated test and launch procedures for the
and technical direction to the Titan launch vehicle satellite vehicle shroud/ satellite vehicle/booster
system contractors. vehicle. Either SD or LMSC has the role of launch
vehicle integrating contractor for payloads
Commanders of the 6595th and 6555th ATGs or presently scheduled for launch on Titan 34B and
their designees are the launch directors and exer- 34D/RGS.
cise final authority over launch operations. These
responsibilities include: (1) determining opera- The LTWG is the senior air force interagency and
tional and technical readiness ofthe facility, AGE, contractor organization for managing site opera-
and launch vehicle; (2) launch site security and tions. LTWG is the parent working group for all
safety; and (3)overall operational scheduling of the subsidiary working groups. It meets on a regular
launch. In addition, the launch director chairs the basis and is composed of senior representatives
launch test working group (LTWG) and facilities from government agencies and contractors. WSMC
working group (FWG) meetings. ESMC and WSMC and ESMC launch test working groups are chaired
provide range and base support services to tenant by the 6555th ATG and the 6595th ATG, respective-
air force agencies, NASA centers, and system and ly. Each LTWG member is specifically responsible
payload integrating contractor organizations. Sup- for:
port services are provided to the range user as
established by the program requirements docu- 1) Supporting the LTWG in all matters pertinent
ment, operations requirement document, and base to the member's respective area of expertise
tenancy plans. and areas of contractual responsibilities;
2) Reviewing test objectives to determine if the
Aerospace Corporation-The Aerospace Corpora- member's organization can meet program ob-
tion provides general systems engineering and in- jectives;
tegration support for SD anli the 6595th and 6555th 3) Identifying all discrepancies in schedules,
ATGs for launch operations. system hardware, support equipment, and in-
terfaces, and recommending possible solu-
Martin Marietta-As the ESMC LVIC, Martin tions;
Marietta is responsible for integrating the Titan 4) Providing postflight evaluation data;
34D/IUS and 34D/TS operations. LVIC is also 5) Participating in developing and/or modifying
responsible for interfacing with the spacecraft con- launch test directives;
tractor to plan launch operations, prepare inte- 6) Requesting special LTWG meetings through
grated test and/or launch procedures, and conduct either the executive or technical chairman.

Sllhwoi"king Group-The following subworking integrated ORD input to the 6595th or 6555th ATG
groups are chartered from, and report to, the formulated from inputs provided by all associate
LTWG: and spacecraft contractors.

1) Safety (AVE); Launch Operations Requirements Document

2) Safety (facilities and AG E); (LORD)-,The LORD describes Titan system roles
3) Mechanical/liquid propulsion; and responsibilities for all contractors and the gov-
4) SRM propulsion (mechanical); ernment from prelaunch through postlaunch. Also
5) Quality and reliability; identified are the typical recurring site operations,
6) Guidance & control (Titan III core AGEl AVE support functions, and implementing government
and SRM electromechanical valves/AGE}; agency/contractor responsibilities for the conduct
7) Tracking, flight safety, and ordnance; of receipt-to-launch and postlaunch activities.
8) Instrumentation (AVE/AGE); SAM TO generates an integrated LORD formulated
9) Documentation; from requirements provided by the 6595th or 6555th
10) Electrical (AVE/AGE); ATGs and all associate and spacecraft contractors.
11) Facilities;
12) Payload; Countdown Manual-The countdown manual pro-
13) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). vides a step-by-step integrated checklist of all
systems operations from countdown start through
Additional subworking groups may be established launch. In addition, it provides contingency pro-
as required. cedures for recycle and backout if countdown is ter-
minated. The countdown manual will be prepared
Facility Working Group {FWG}-The FWG func- from the following as well as other appropriate
tions as a local configuration management board source data:
for reviewing and coordinating changes in site
facilrties and real-property installed equipment 1) Titan 34D vehicle acceptance, checkout, retest
(RPIE). FWG receives and evaluates facility and backout criteria;
change requests and facility engineering change 2) Upper-stage acceptance, checkout, retest, and
proposals. It makes recommendations to the SPO backout criteria;
concerning implementation. FWG is chaired by the 3) Associate contractor inputs;
6555th or 6595th ATGs and includes representa- 4) Spacecraft contractor inputs;
tives from all air force agencies and contractors. 5) PRD;
6) LTD.
'I'he countdown manual is approved by 6595th or
The following represents the minimum documenta- 6555th ATGs, with concurrence from other par'
tion required to satisfy requirements for a sue- ticipating organizations.
cessful Iaunch.

Program ltequirements Document {PRD)-The Integrated Test Proeedures-> Integrated test pro-
PRD is a planning and requirements document cedures are prepared whenever more than one
outlining the support required by SAMTO for each organization must participate in testing. Integrated
mission. A basic PRD will be prepared by SD/YVX test procedures are prepared for recurring and non-
with program support; request (PSR} inputs from all recurring test activities, including launch count-
participating contractors. LVIC participates in ma- down. LVIC prepares procedures for tests after ob-
jor PSR revision/changes before PRn publication. taining inputs from participating organizations.
LVie also reviews PSRs, as GFP data from par- The integrated test procedures are approved by
ticipating contractors, for compatibility as related ATG and participating organizations.
to integration. After SD approval, this document is
submitted to SAMTO. Calibration \¥mk Book-The calibration work
book contains the calibration characteristics of all
Operations Requirements Documents (ORD)-The Titan launch vehicle instrumentation sensors.
ORD outlines range support requirements for a ma- Martin Marietta, with the associate contractors,
jor test or flight plan, and is derived from the PRD prepares the calibration work book to support
and Iaunch test directives (LTD). LVle provides an Titan launch vehicle pad checkout activities.

Launch Constraints Document (LCD)-The LCD LAUNCH VEHICLE OPERATIONS
provides launch critical constraints and is based on MANAGEMENT
inputs provided by associate aerospace contrac-
tors. General-Test requirements for launch operations
testing are identified by the system test objectives,
Launch Test Directives (LTD)-The LTDs include interface test specifications, contract item (CI)
design data, mission objectives, instrumentation specifications, procedure packages, and other gov-
requirements and channel assignments, test func- ernment-approved system documentation.
tions and responsibilities, general countdown and
hold or shutdown instructions, special safety pre- Vehicle Operations- Vehicle operations consist of
cautions, data priorities, quick-look data, and re- receipt, vehicle erection, subsystem installation as
quirements for data disposition and support. required, checkout and launch of vehicles and at-
Separate directives are prepared for each test in the tendant operations, maintenance, and postlaunch
program test plan and are used as test planning and securing and refurbishment of GSE.
authorization documents.
Reviews- Air Force reviews are conducted by
Test and Schedule-The 6595th or 6555th ATGs ex- LVIC at specific milestones in the receipt-through-
ercise technical test and schedule control over sys- launch test sequence. Reviews verify successful
tem testing to ensure that contractors maintain completion of prerequisite test operations and
system hardware, software, and checkout equip- system readiness to proceed with subsequent tests.
ment integrity.
Readiness Review-A readiness review that in-
Test Scheduling-Meetings to discuss status, cludes the following milestones is conducted before
scheduling, tests, and pad interface concerns will launch:
be set up and chaired by ATG. A representative
from each affected air force agency and contractors 1) Booster CST,
will attend. 2) Launch combined systems test (CST) (ESMC
Integrated Program Schedules-The integrated 3) Integrated systems test (IST) (WSMC only),
program schedules document is the master plan 4) Flight systems test (ESMC only),
and site scheduling document that outlines major 5) Launch propellant load,
milestones for vehicle delivery, test operations, 6) Launch readiness.
and launch operations at the launch site. These
schedules are prepared by Martin Marietta. The review covers the following items:

Test Procedures-Test procedures (other than the 1) Open and closed Martin Marietta automatic
countdown manual and integrated procedures) are report system (MARS) (completed at site on
provided as required by each associate contractor. current cycle);
The procedures control step-by-step functional 2) Discrepancy check and report (DC&R)status;
checkout of involved airborne and/or ground com- 3) Unverified failures;
ponents, black boxes, subsystems, and systems. 4) Time limitation status;
Many types of test and operation procedures are 5) Qualification test, pedigree, and waiver status;
provided to accommodate: 6) Corrective action problem summary (CAPS)
1) Recurring tests, 7) Crew certification;
2) Nonrecurring tests, 8) System configuration.
3) Special data gathering tests,
4) Retest activities, Pretest Reviews- Pretest reviews are conducted
5) Ground-system tests, before selected milestone events in the launch
6) Standard operations, preparation sequence. Pretest reviews cover the
7) Component removal and replacement, following items:
8) Receipt-to-Iaunch sequencing,
9) Preventive maintenance, 1) Open items that affect the upcoming operation
10) Safing, or test,
11) BackoutJrecycle. 2) Procedure redlines,

3) Crew assignment, operations and is responsible to the launch control-
41 Other work in progress that would affect the ler for the operational readiness of the spacecraft to
upcoming test or operation. support launch. The see serves as the air force
contact point for spacecraft vehicle contractors.
Posttest and Launch Evaluation-Data are collec-
ted for evaluation following test or launch by the Guidance Test Centroller (GTC)-The GTe super-
responsible system contractor. Data collection and vises the conduct of radio guidance system ac-
evaluation responsibilities are listed in Table tivities (WSMC only). The controller is responsible
XII-l. to the launch controller for control of all guidance
operations that support Titan test and launch ac-
Table XII-1
Data Collection and Evaluation Re~ponsibilities Aerospace (technical staffj-« An aerospace techni-
ISystem Data Collection Data Evaluation cal representative will he stationed. at all critical


!Booster Contractor
Booster Cl)ntractof
Booster Contractor
Baoster Contractor
SRM Contractor
Booster Contractor
areas and will review anomalies/test results and
make recommendations to the test director and
launch controller.

ISpacecroft Spacecrafl:Contractor 8: Spacecraft Contractor

Boester Contractor Spacecraft Vehicle Launch Conductor- LMSC at
IIUS IUS COf\tractor iUS Conti·actD~ WSMC or the spacecraft contractor at ESMC is the
!Core Booster Contractor Booster Contractor
spacecraft vehicle launch conductor and is respon-
sfble to the spacecraft countdown controller,
IL.iquid Rocket
Booster Contractor BV& Engine

RMIS Booster Contractor
Booster ContraGtor
Booster Contractor
Booster Contractor
Booster Vehicle Launch Conductor (BVLCj-The
BVLC is the booster vehicle integrating contractor
representative specifically responsible for the
operational readiness of the launch complex to sup-
port tests. BVLC also conducts Titan 34D booster
TEST MANAGEMENT vehicle tests, and is directly responsible to the
launch controller.
Typical test management responsibilities are:
SRM Launch Conductor (UTCSD)-The SRM
Test Director-The test director is responsible to launch conductor has operational responsibility for
the commander of the space and missile test conducting SRM tests and is responsible to the
organization for the accomplishment of the overall launch controller.
launch "Operations objectives. The director receives
and evaluates data to determine if test objectives Aerojet Engine Representative (AERj- The AER
can be met. The test director is the commander of has booster vehicle operational responsibility for
the 6595 or 6555ATG or the commander's designee. providing technical recommendations to the in-
tegrating contractor regarding all liquid rocket
Launch Controller-The launch controller super- engines (LRE). The representative is responsible to
vises launch operations and exercises overall the BVLC.
technical test control. The controller is responsible
to the test director for the operational readiness of Radio Guimmce Launch Conductor (WECO)-The
hardware and resources as well as regulating the WECO representative is responsible for the guid-
test in progress. ance operation and is responsible to the guidance
test controller at WSMC.
Booster Countdown Controller (Reel-The BCe
supervises the conduct of booster vehicle launch Integl"ated TestJLl'tunch Conduet-c- Integrated
operations. The controller is responsible for the testing at the launch complex is controlled from the
operational readiness of the booster vehicle and air forM launch control console. Qualified contrac-
reports to the launch controller. tor and air force personnel are on duty in the Lee
during £111 tests affecting their responsibilrty areas.
Spam,crdt Countdown Controller (SCq-The Anomalies and/or failures that OCelli" during
see supervises the conduct of spacecraft launch testing and result in deviations from approved test

procedures require approval by the launch con- 4) Administering safety inspection report docu-
troller. The launch controller provides direction to mentation, i.e., maintain records and report
proceed or backout/recycle. status of all safety discrepancies identified in
safety inspections;
SAFETY OPERATIONS 5) Assisting the Air Force in the investigation and
preparation of reports concerning accidents
System Safety Requirements-Operations are con- and incidents;
ducted in accordance with the system safety re- 6) Reviewing, approving, and validating new
quirements specified in SSD-CR-66-402, Attach- launch operating procedures. Reviewing and
ment B, and SAMSO-65-286,Attachment A to Ap- approving all procedural changes;
pendix C. 7) Providing surveillance and safety direction for
all launch operations and performing as cer-
Safety Integration-Martin Marietta provides tified crew members on each potentially hazar-
materials and services necessary to assess new dous operation;
and/or modified vehicle and AGE/facility designs 8) Assisting the Air Force in performing ground
and to integrate the launch complex safety re- system safety evaluations directly related to
quirements. These operations include: operations.

1) Performing system safety assessments of new

and/ or modified designs and operations; ESMC RECEIPT·TO·LAUNCH SEQUENCE
2) Providing system safety data submittals as re-
quired by the contract data requirements list Titan 34D launch operations consist of receipt-to-
(CDRL); launch functions for the core, upper stages,
3) Administering, under direction of the complex (including equipment furnished by associate con-
manager, the area safety permit program for air tractors and government agencies), and SRMs (Fig.
force and contractor personnel. This includes XII-I). These operations are performed at three
conducting annual safety briefings, maintain- areas- VIB, SMAB, and LC (Fig. XII-2). Sup-
ing records of certification status and issuing porting operations are performed in the solid motor
monthly reports, conducting visitor safety processing area and the MAB. Initial spacecraft
briefings and issuing and controlling perma- launch operations are performed in a building as-
nent and visitor area safety badges; signed in the industrial area. Less complex

Motor Launch
via ~embly Complex
Operations Building Operations
---- -- ----- -I
1 Solid 1 Missile
Buildup &
on Pad

Receipt 2 Receipt & 1 2 Receipt &: 1 Launch 2

Inspection Inspection Processing Typical Vehicle
& Erection Core/SRM Spacecraft
ofSRM Mating of Payload Upperstage/
of Core Hardware Fairing Operations Spacecraft
Vehicle Tdsections Integration

Receipt 3 2
Receipt & 1 3
Inspection Sub •••• mbly Processing Launch
& Erection of Segments Combined
at SAB or
of Transtage &: Sections NASA Systems
Hangar AE
Industrial Area
In.Ar ••
4 4
IUS Launch
Acceptance Receipt Preparation
Testing & Procelling & Uounch

Figure xtt-t ESMC Typical Receipt-to-Launch Flow



Figure XIl-2 Launcb Operations in VIE Control

spacecraft may be delivered directly to the launch

complex. I
VIB Operations- Four basic functions are per-
formed in the VIB. Applicable facilities and AGE Figure XlJ-3 Titan in Transit from VIB to SMAB
are prepared to receive the core stages. The core
consists of stages I and II for 34D/IUS; and stages
I, II, and Transtage for 34D/TS. The electrical
AGE is tested for combined electrical functional in-
tegrity. After passing an initial visual inspection,
the vehicle stages are raised to the vertical position
and assembled on the transporter to perform sub-
system testing, SRM interface checks, and vehicle
acceptance testing. As these checks are performed
in the VIB, the spacecraft, IUS (as applicable), and
PLF are received, inspected, and tested in other

After interface check com.pletioTI in the VIB, the

vehicle stages and associated AG E are checked to
verify proper operation before further tests. Separ-
ate testing are made on power, instrumentation,
guidance, flight controls, propulsion, and tracking Figure XIJ-4 Titan in Transit from SMAB to LC-40
and flight safety systems. Following the comple-
tion of subsystem tests, a combined systems accep-
tance test that consists of a simulated countdown, Launch Complex Operations-Operations at the
launch, and flight covering all events through launch complex begin before the vehicle arrives.
spacecraft separation is performed. A posttest data The facilities and AGE are checked out, and the
review is then performed. After the acceptance test, PLF is received and stored in the environmental
the vehicle is transferred to SMAB (Fig. XII ·3). shelter.

SMAB Operaiions-SRMs are assembled, checked After the transporter arrives at the launch com-
out. and prepared for mating to the core, with or plex, the MST is moved into position around the
without the Transtage, before core vehicle and vehicle. Access platforms are moved into place,
Transtage transfer from VIB. Once the core reaches ~d mechanical connections are made. For 34D/
SMAB the assembled SRMs are erected on the
j IUS vehicles, the IUS is mated to the core and
transporter for mechanical and electrical mating to checked out before the launch CST. As soon as all
the core. Aft staging rockets are installed, and the these preparations are completed, the spacecraft is
assembled vehicle is transferred and moved to the transported to the launch complex. Once the
launch complex (Fig. XII-4). The IUS is received spacecraft is installed and checked out, the PLF is
and processed in the cast bay of the SMAB before mated and all systems are prepared for the launch
transfer to the launch pad. CST (Fig. XII-5J.
izing tasks, and performing final systems verifica-
tion tests. The countdown begins after final system
checks and clearance from the range.


WSMC Titan 34D!34B launch operations consist of

receipt-to-launch functions for the core (including
equipment furnished by associate contractors and
government agencies), as well as for SRMs for the
Titan 34D system (Fig. XII-6). These operations are
primarily performed in two areas-the launch com-
Figure XII-S plex and the solid motor receiving! storage area.
Launch Operations in VIB Control Room Core vehicle (stage I and II) acceptance testing is
performed in the Martin Marietta Denver
The launch CST is a joint functional test of the total Aerospace Vertical Test Facility.
launch vehicle, participated in by all contractors
(range, ATG, and aerospace], The test demon- Initial PLF, spacecraft, and upper-stage launch
strates the compatibility of all involved systems, operations are performed in a remote building and
airborne and ground, in preparation for an actual then delivered to the launch pad, or are delivered
launch. This test includes verification checks, a ter- directly to the launch pad as applicable.
minal countdown, and simulated launch and flight.
Titan 34D SRM components are received, in-
Final launch preparations consist of installing bat- spected, and some subassembly operations con-
teries and ordnance, loading propellants, pres sur- ducted at a location remotely located from the

Denver Booster
Vertical Vehicle
Test Vehicle
~ (RV) r- Operations

, Receiving SLC-4E 1 1
Inspection Inspection Solid Core Payload Payload (PL) Booster
& Erection
Sub •••• mbly
f- Rocket Motor
I-- Erection Fairing (PLF)
- Processing Vehicle
Core Vehicle (SRM) Mate

2 1 1 2 1 1 2
Acceptance Receipt & SRM SLC-4E Receipt &: Receipt &
Testing Checkout&:
Inspection Inspection Inspection System
ofSRM Acceptance Core/SRM of Hardware
Mating Payload
Hardware Testing
Integr8t ion

2 3 2 2 3
Subassembly Integration Processing Processing Lau nch
of Segments Tests & Checkout & Checkout Rea diness
&: Processing

4 4
BV Upper-Stage Itegrated
Combined Processing System
System Test

Receipt & Launch
Inspection Operations
Upper Stage

& c/o

Figure XJI-6 WSMC Typical Receipt-to-Launch Flow

... --...... ..

launch pad. The assemblies are transported to and preparation for actual launch. The test includes
erected on the launch mount. The core stages are verification checks, countdown, and simulated
delivered directly to the SLC-4E launch pad, launch and flight.
erected, and attached to the SRMs. The electrical
AGE is tested for combined electrical functional in- Final launch preparations consist of installing bat-
tegrity. After the SRMs and the core stages pass in- teries, ordnance, loading propellants, pressurizing
dividual subsystem and system tests, the core and tanks, and performing final systems verification
the SRMs are electrically mated. The 1ST consists tests. The terminal countdown begins after final
of selected integrated testing and a simulated flight system checks and clearance from the range.
test (SFT) which includes countdown and simu-
lated launch and flight. The upper stage, space- Launch Timeline -The planned Titan 34D receipt-
craft, and PLF are installed, and an 1ST conducted. to-launch timeline is shown in Figures XII-7 and
Subsystem/ system tests and a CST are performed XII·8 for the representi ve programs and is based on
on mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, guid- spacecraft operations requiring less than two
ance, flight controls, propulsion and tracking, and weeks at the launch complexes. Additional time re-
flight safety systems. quired to accommodate spacecraft operations in-
creases the timeline.
Titan 34B core stages are received, inspected, and
delivered to the SLC-4W launch pad and erected. The ITL concept provides launch rates of approx-
Subsystem/system tests similar to Titan 34D tests imately eight launches per year for Titan 34D/
are performed. The upper stage, spacecraft, and Transtage and five launches per year for IUS.
PLF are installed and an 1ST similar to the Titan
34D1ST is performed. Tables XII·2 and XII-3 show typical receipt-to-
launch intervals for the Titan programs.
The 1ST is a joint functional test of the total launch
vehicle, participated in by all contractors (range Readiness Countdown-A typical readiness count-
and ATGI. The test demonstrates the compatibility down commences with a combined systems test and
of all involved systems, airborne and ground, in proceeds to the countdown (Fig. XII·9). The space-

Function , I 2 I 3 I 41 5 I 6 I 7 I g~ 9 I 10 I 11 1-12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16' 1 171 HI 1 19 I 20 I 21 1 22 I Z3
Titan on Dock
Ere.;tion & Mate ~
Rec Insp & Power-On
Power-On A

Subsystem Test &

CST Preps iii!

VIS CST & Review

Vehicle to SMAB A
• SMAB Operations I!IilIlil

Vehicle to LC-40 .to.

Power-On Preps IiIIlil!1Iill!I

Power-On IUS A
Mate A
34D/IUS Subsystems "we
BaseHneCST A
SpaceGrafr eret;tion
I -
& l/F Verification
Launch CST A
Readine05 Countdown
Master- Countdown A

Figure XII-7 ESMC Typical Titan 34D/IUS Receipt-to-Launch Timeline

Functions 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 61 7 I8 I9 110111 112 113 114 115116 117118119120121122123124
Facility Preparations
Electrical Functional
Transfer SRM to Pad
SRM Buildup
Booster Core Erection
Booster Posterection
Initial Power Application
- 6

SRM AF Acceptance
Booster System Checkout
SRM Core Electrical Mate
Heatshield Installation
Flight Safety System
Vehicle Verification
Booster CST*

"After CST, the booster is loaded with propellants.

Figure XII-8 WSMC Typical Titan 34D Receipt-to-CST Timeline

Table XII-2 ______ Days f---r--r-----.---r--...---..--r--,---I

T -5
ESMC Receipt-to-Launch Intervals (weeks) Function F.8T -7 T ~ 1 -4 1 -3 I -2 I -1 I -0

Program VIB SMAB Pad Total

Launch CST
T34DlTranstage 10 1 6 17
CST Data Go
T34D/IUS 10 1 11 22

Remove CSTSS
Install & Connect
Power-On SIV Test

Table XII-J Management
WSMC Receipt-to-Launch Intervals (weeks) Walkdown
Integrity Checks
Program Flow Time"
Oxidizer Load
T34D/RGS 15" Pressurize TVC


"These intervals do not include

the approximate 4 weeks launch
pad refurbishment interval.
9" Tanks
Fuel Load
IUS Tasks
Core Tanks
Battery Installation
Flight Control

craft operations listed in Figures XII ·10 and XII-11 Testing
are typical and do not include special spacecraft

PACE Triple-Mode
operations; however, special spacecraft operations Check
are performed at this time. Secure MST

Countdown-The countdown includes a manual Note:

and an automatic sequence for launching the vehi- The readiness count for 34D/Transtage is 9 days due to the extra time
needed for transtage propellant loading.
cle in accordance with the established launch time.
A number of spacecraft operations are performed Figure XII-9
..-~ during countdown (Fig. XII ·10and XII -11). Typical Readiness Countdown-J4D/IUS

T·400 300 200 1~O
Event .I I I ~
IUS Guidance Test A
Start Range Sequencer A.
Booster Power
C-Band Checks
Spacecraft Closeout
per Launch

Radiate Open-loop •••
Secure IUS
Secure PlF
PACE to Triple Mode

Move MST to Park

Evacuate Area

Figure X/I-I0 Titan 34D/IUS Typical Countdown


- &.

r 26
Booster Range Safety Checkout
Booster Electrical Checkout
Booster TIM Ambients PSVOR
Flow Check
- -
2 I 4 I 6 I 8 I 10 I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18 I 20 I 22 I 24 I 28130 I 32 I 34 I 36 I 3B

Boostsr Critical Ord Connect

S/V A.rming
SN Preps
Booster Preps
s/V Readines; Checks
Readiness Checks
Destruct Pin Removal
MST to-Park Position
S/V VTS Loads Conditioning
s/V Final Verification

Countdown Evaluation and fi'IIIIIIlI
Readines; Check
Terminal Count

Figure XII-ll Titan 34D/RGS-Typical Countdown Sequence

This chapter describes configurational options Table XlIl-I
with a high potential for improving the perfor- Current Titan Launch Vehicle Configurations
mance capabilties of the launch vehicles described
in Chapter IV. These improvements could increase Vehicle Typn Payload Falrlll\l!l
the size and w~igh-tof payloads that can be flown Booster Upper Stage Die,ft M8xLength, ft Type
from ESMC and WSMC. WSMC Launchw
- 348 NUS· 10 52.2 LSMe
- while the items discussed in this section have not 348 AMentAga,.. 10 57.9 LSMC
been fully integrated, theyhave been assessed to 34D NUS· 10 69.9 LSMC
the degree that they are considered viable options ESMC Launches
to augment current Titan capabilities. Descriptions 34D TraMtIIP.. 10 40.0 MDAC
that follow include a summary of improved vehicle 34D IUS·· 10.5 55;0 MDAC
configurations highlighting specific boost vehicles • No Upper Stage
as well as upper stages and PLFs for the Titan 34 .•• 'ne"ial Upper Stage

series and Titan II. A brief look at Transtage com-

ponent improvements for future consideration is
also included. Nominal perlormance values are Table XIlI-2 Titan Improved Boost Vehicle
provided on selected configurations. The values
Characteristics ESMCIWSMC
presented are initial estimates. Further analysis
will be required to identify the full potential of com-
ponent improvements to meet payload user re-
.- n.-6'
A 19\
Titan Improved r- t-- I--
Boost Vehicle i-- I-- I-- I--
ESMC/WSMC t-- I-- I-- I-- f---- I-
r- I----- f---- l- I..- l-
Table XIII·2 r- I--

The components of the Titan 34 series building

blocks are shown in Figure XIII -1. Currently, in-_ r- ~ 10- F=
tegrated items (shown shaded) are summarized in I1TA ~ ~
their system configurations in -Figure XIII-2 and ~~~ 61... L-- /:j
Table XIII-I. (For more detail, see Chapter III.) Titan 340 Titan34D
Enhancements include increased SRM per- Parameters1 ~m.nt 7-Segment - 7&ament
formance, stretched versions of stages land II, and
Boost VEhicle Height. 2 ft 107.6/101.9 t07.61101.9 118.0/112.3
new upper stages with new or existing PLFs. SRM Heivht. ft BOA 111.9 111.9
Usable Cora Propellant. Ib
- Stage 1 290.4001 290.4001 33O.aool
Improved SRMs- The seven-segment SRM shown 294.200 214.200 335,200
-Stag82 66.9001 66.9001 87,4001
in Figure XlII-2 is similar to the current 5-%- ti7,500 67,600 88,300
segment version. The additional 1-% segments in- Total Boost Vehicle wt,3 tons 742.6/744.8 883.4/886.8 914.6/917A
crease the total impulse for two SRMs by approx- SRM Total Impulse in a
Vacuum UlHIcondl 246,288,000 316,966,000 315.956.000
imately 29 percent while increasing the boost vehi-
cle weight only 19 percent as shown in Table XIII -2. 1. V.I •••••ohown for ESMC. TranstailllWSMC, Nus, 8nd TGS.
2. HIlgllts shown ..-0
to Fwd ••••• stap II skirt.
3. This pertains to SUIJI$ 0 through II only. .

Stretched Boost Vehicle Core- The stretched stage

version of Titan 34D increases the length of stage I
by 82.8 in. and stage II by 42.3 in. The stretched core Values for each parameter in Table XIII-2 are pro-
combined with the seven segment SRMs yields vided for ESMC configurations with Transtage and
significant increases in payload performance when for WSMC with NUS and a radio guidance system.
combined with the Pl.Faand upper stages shown in Boost vehicle weights shown will vary for different
-"'---------- Figure XIII-I. (See Tables XIII-4 and XIII-5, and upper-stage configurations -and launch sites (i.e. J

Figs. XIII -3through XIII -9.) ESMC vs WSMC).




~~Segment SRM

Figure XIII-l 3.

Inertial Upper1

Thlln 340
7·Sogmont SRM
$SIlt II
Titan Growth Performance-Performance esti- should be regarded as typical with significant dif-
mates for Titan launch vehicle growth options at ferences possible for various combinations of
ESMC and WSMC are provided for the configura- payloads and mission requirements.
tions listed in Table XIII-3.
Table XIII-3 Titan Growth Options Assessed Payload Fairing Effects on Performance- PLF
weights and sizes have significant effect on per-
Boost Vehicle Upper Stage Fairings, ft Guidance formance capabilities. Examples of these effects
T34 B PAM·O 10 x 25 MOAC IGS* are shown in Table XIII-8 for ESMC and WSMC
T340 NUS (TS·CM) 10.5 x 26.2 MOAC IGS
T340 NUS (TS·CM) 14 x42 MOAC IGS
launches. Curves for Titan 34D/NUS and
T340 NUS (TS·CM) 16.7 x 49.2 MOAC IGS 34D7/NUS with various PLFs are presented in
T3407 NUS (TS-CM) 10.5 x 26.2 MOAC IGS
T34 07 NUS (TS-CM) 14 X 42 MDAC IGS Figure XIII-n. These curves show the tradeoff be-
T34 07 NUS (TS-CM) 16.7 x 49.2 MOAC IGS
T34 07 SSI & II NUS (TS·CM) 10.5 x 26.2 MOAC IGS
tween separable payload weight and characteristic
T3407 TS 10 x 25 MOAC IGS velocity.
T34 07 SSI & II TS 10 x 25 MOAC IGS
o T340 TS·OPS 10 x 25 MOAC IGS
::l: T3407 TS·OPS 10 x 25 MOAC IGS
w T34 07 TS:OPS 14 x 42 MOAC IGS Optional Upper Stage Configurations-Four new
T3407 TS·OPS 16.7 x 49.2 MOAC IGS
T34 07 SSI & II TS·OPS 10 x 25 MOAC IGS upper stages are being assessed for use with the
T34 07 SSI & II TS·OPS 14 x 42 MOAC IGS
T34 07 SSI & II T5-0PS 16.7 x 49.2 MOAC IGS
Titan 34 series launch vehicles to improve payload
T3407 IUS 10.5 x 40 MOAC IGS capabilities. * They are the orbital positioning stage
T34 07 SSI & II IUS 10.5 x 40 MOAC IGS
T34D 0·1T 14 x 58.5 LMSC IGS (OPS), payload assist module-delta (PAM-D),
T3407 0·1T 14 x 58.5 LMSC IGS
T34 07 SSI & II 0·1T 14 X 58.5 LMSC IGS
second-stage propulsion system (SSPS) and the
TII NUS 8x 26 MOAC IGS Centaur D-lT (improved). System characteristics
TII SSPS 10 x 30 MOAC IGS for each of these upper stages are shown in Figure
T34 B PAM·O 10 x 25 MOAC IGS· XIII-12. In addition, the Transtage control module
T34 0 Core Ascent Agena 10 x 57.9 LMSC IGS
T34 07 NUS 10 x 54 LMSC RGS (TS-CM) can be flown independently ofthe propul-
u T34 07SS1 & II 10 x54 LMSC RGS
::l: TII NUS
sion module when only upper-stage guidance and
;: TII NUS 10 x 30 MOAC IGS control are required by the user.
- Orbital Positioning Stage-The orbital positioning
*Guidance in Lower Stage
Core-No Stage 0 SRMs stage is a kick stage configured by Martin Marietta
D·1T -Improved Centaur
07-7·Segment SRMs
to provide additional GSO capability to the Titan
IGS-Inertial Guidance System 34D/Transtage configurations. As shown in Table
IUS-Inertial Upper Stage
LMSC-Lockheed Missile & Space Company XIII-4, with a 10.5MDAC fairing, the OPS provides
MOAC-McOonnell Douglas Astronautics Company performance to GSO in the 5000-lbrange. OPS pro-
NUS-No Upper Stage
OPS-Orbital Positioning Stage pulsion is provided by the same type of STAR 48
PAM·O-Payload Assist Module
RGS-Radio Guidance System SRM, built by Thiokol, that is currently used in the
SSI & II-Stretched Stages I & II STS PAM -D module and Delta launch vehicle. This
SSPS-Second·Stage Propulsion System
TS- Transtage stage uses three-axis stabilization incorporating
TS·CM- Transtage Control Module (no propulsion system)
the standard Transtage carousel VB IMU operating
in conjunction with the Magic 352missile guidance
Performance Capability Estimates-Tables XIII-4 computer (MGC).
and XIII-5 and Figures XIII-3 through XIII-lO pre-
sent performance capability estimates for the Titan PAM-D-The PAM-D manufactured by MDAC is a
growth options at ESMC and WSMC. The circular kick stage similar to the OPS in propulsion, but
and elliptical throw-weight capabilities for the directly applicable to the lighter Titan 34B mis-
Titan booster are presented for the WSMC con- sions. The PAM-D is spin stabilized by an integral
figurations listed in Table XIII-3 while the booster spin table. Lightening the structure for smaller
throw-weight capability as a function of charac- payload weights and the absence of avionics (i.e.,
teristic velocity is presented for the ESMC con- GN&C and ACS) in PAM-D accounts for most of
figurations. the weight differential from OPS.

Typical sequences of Events-Tables XlII-6 and

XIII-7 present typical sequences of events for * Optional upper-stage configurations for Titan II
selected growth configurations. This information as an ELV are discussed later in this chapter.

Table Xlll-4 Titan L/V Growth Options Estimated Payload Capabilities ESMC
Payload Weight, Ib
Earth Orbits Interplanetary
SOx95nmi, 12-hr Circular, Geostationary
I,.aunch Vehicle 2S.6-deg 28.6-dug Synchronous
Configuration Inclination
C3 =25 C3 =50 C3 "'75 ca '" 100
Inclination Equatorial kml/s2 kml/s2 km2/s2 km2/s2
Tlion /UNUS
8 x 2G·ftPlF
10 x 30-ft I'Ll"
1,000 -
- -
- -- - -
6,500 - -
Titan lIiSSPS
- 10 x SO·ft PlF 8,100 - - - - - -
Titan 34S/PAM-O
- 10 x 25-ft PLF 9,600 - - - - -
Titall 34D/NUS (TS-eM)
10.5 x 26.2·ft PLF
14.0 llI: 42.O-ft PlF
-- -
- -
- 16.7 x 49.Z·ft PLF
Titan 34D/TS.OPS
31.000 - - - -
- 10 x 25-11 PLF - - 4,000 5,000 3.200 2,000 U~OO
Titsn 34D/Cantaul" 0·11'
- 14.0 x 58.50ft PLF - 12,000'" 8,300" 8.200"
. 5,200* 2.800* 1,200*
Titan 3407/NUS (TS-eM)
- 10.5 x 26.2-ft PLF 40,000 - - - - - -
14.0 it 42.Q.ft PLF
15.7 x 49.2-ft PlF
-- -
Titsn 34D7/TS
- 10 )( 25-ft PLF - 9,400 5.000 5,300 2,000 - -
Titan 34Dl/IUS
- 10.5 x 4(J.ft PlF - - 5,100'''' 5,300 3.000 900 -
Titan 34D7/TSoOPS
- 14 x 42-ft PlF
10 x 25·ft PLf -- -5,600 -
5,600 3,500
- t6.7 x 49.2-ft PlF - 5,400 - - - - -
Titan 3407/Centllur D·IT
- 14.0 X 58.5oft PLI" - 14,000" 9,800" 9,700" 6,300" 4,000" 2,300"
Titan 34D7I55 I & II/NUS (T5-CM)
- 10.5 x 26.2-ft PI-I" 42,600 - - - - - -
Titan 3407188 I & WTS
- 10 x 250ft PlF - 10.500 5.500 6.100 2.700 - -
Titan 34D7/88 I & II/IUS
- 10.5 x 4lJ.ft PlF - - 5,400t 6.000 2.900 1,100 -
Titan 3111l1/SS I & II/TS.OPS
- 10 x 25-ft PLF - - 6,200 6,200 3,900 2,400 1,500
- 14 x 42-ft PLF - - 5,900 - - - -
- 16.7 x 49.2-ft PlF - - 5,700 - - - -
Titan 3407/SS I & II/Centaur D·IT
- 14 x 58.5 ft PI-F
- 15,100" 11,000" 10.600" 6.900" 4,400" 2,800"

•• !IIE Version Centaur O-IT·\SP = 446 s

"* Approximately 5200 Ib with fEe
t Approximately 5500 fb with EEC

Second- Stage Propulsion System (SSPS)-The Attaching the SSPS to the Titan vehicle is shown in
SSPS is an upper-stage option for use on Titan: 34D Figure XIII -12. In this installation, a miniskirt for·
configurations. This stage, which has multiple re- ward attachment ring located at the forward end of
start capability, is currently in production as the the SSPS connects with an inter stage adapter
second stage for the Japanese N-ll launch vehicle. (ISA).
For Titan 34D applications, two modifications are
incorporated. First. the Transtage carousel avion- Centaur D-1T-The improved Centaur D·1T,
ics package is mounted on the SSPS forward shown in Figure XIII-12. is the uprated version of
adapter to provide three-axis stabilization for the D-l T that was used as the upper stage on the
guidance and control. Second, the fixed 65:1 area Titan IIIE Viking missions. This later version in-
ratio nozzle is replaced by a 100:1. two-piece nozzle cludes the replacement of the LH2 boost pump ACS
incorporating an EEC while maintaining the 1.9 with a new hydrazine system and a new silverized
mixture ratio to achieve an engine-specific impulse insert in the nozzle' s throat. This insert system ac-
of 323 seconds. counts for the improved specific impulse of 448.4

Table XII/-S Titan LIV Growth Options Estimated Payload Capabilities-WSMC

Payload Weight, Ib
Direct Inject, Circular Orbit
100 nmi 200 nmi 300 nrni
Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc = Inc =
Launch Vehicle Configuration 99 deg 90 deg 63.5 deg 99 deg 90 deg 63.5 deg 99 deg 90 deg 63.5 deg
Titan II/NUS
- 8 x 26-ft PLF 4,600 4,700 5,400 1,200 1,300 1,400 - - -
- 10 x 30-ft PLF 4,100 4,300 4,800 - - - - - -
- 10 x 30-ft PLF
Titan II/PAM-D
6,500 6,700 7,600 4,900 5,200 5,700 - 3,600 -
- 10 x 30-ft PLF 6,100 6,400 7,200 3,200 3,400 3,700 - - -
Titan 34D Core Only/Ascent Agena
- 10 x 57.9-ft PLF 7,100 7,400 8,300 5,900 6,400 7,100 4,800 5,100 5,900
Titan 34B/PAM-D
- 10 x 25-ft PLF 7,100 7,400 8,300 5,100 5,400 6,000 - 3,400 -
Titan 34D7/NUS
- 10 x 54-ft PLF 32,300 33,500 37,100 25,400 26,500 29,000 - 17,300 -
Titan 34D7/SS I & II/NUS
- 10 x 54-ft PLF 33,700 35,300 37,800 30,100 31,100 33,700 - 22,400 -
63.5-deg inclinations require special range safety considerations. Direct fly-out values are presented above, however vehicles with
solid rocket motors may require yaw dog-leg maneuvers for this inclination.

seconds (2.4-second increase). These changes have

been approved by the Air Force and will be in-
corporated into future builds. Typical performance
capabilities for the Titan lIIE version Centaur D-
IT [i.e., Isp = 446 seconds) with large-diameter
PLFs, are summarized in Table XIII-4.
Optional Payload Fairing Configurations-The
PLFs in Figure XIII -13 provide growth potential
for future payloads. The lengths and envelopes
shown are nominal and represent typical configura-
tions that have been assessed.

These envelopes are dynamic for the 10.5-ft MDAC

and 14.0-ft LMSC fairings and include an addi-
tional clearance beyond deflections and eccen-
tricities of 1 in. on either side of the payload. In
general, the user should not penetrate this envelope
under most conditions including accounting for any
deflections coupled with an upper stage inside the
fairing. However, additional envelopes are possi-
ble, depending on the actual defined and evaluated
payload configuration.

The static envelope only is shown for the I4.0-ft and

16.7-ft MDAC fairings. While these fairing con-
figurations have been assessed for launch vehicle
performance (Table XIII-4), further analysis will be
required to define their dynamic payload envelopes
because this definition depends considerably on
payload tolerances and deflections.

5-% Segments 7 Segments The diameters shown in Figure XIII-I3 describe

typical cylinder envelopes for each PLF and may
Figure XIII-2 Titan SRM Options vary with vertical distance from the fairing/
Table XIlI-6 Table X1II-7
Typical Sequences of Events for Typical Sequences of Events for
Titan Launcb Vebicles-ESMC Titan Launch Vehicles-WSMC
T34B/PAM·D (1Ox25·ft PlFJ T34D/NUS/TS-CM (10.5x26.2·ft PH) T34BjPAM·D (10x25·ft PLF) Tl407lNUS (101154-ft PLF)
Event Time, s Evellt Tim •.•, 5 EVllnt Timll,& Event Time,s
Liftoff 0.0 Stage 0 Ignition 0.0 Liftoff 0.0 Stage a Ignition 0.0
Start Pitch Program 20.0 Liftoff 0.2 Start Pitch Program 20.0 Liftoff 0.3
Start Load Relief
Stop load Relief
Start Roll Proaram (5,0 deg/$)
Stop Roll Program
Stan of Closed-Loop Guid:mce
End Stag., I S1nady-Stllte
Start Roll Program 15.0 degJsl
Stop Roll ProgT3m
Start of Closed·Loop Gljidan~ 135.4 Start Pitch Pmgtam 10.0 Stage I Separation 164.8 Stan Pitch Program 10.2
End StagB I Steady-State 163.5 Stage 0 Thrust Tallotf 107.3 Payload Fairing Separation 280.0 Stage 0 Thrust Tailoff 119.3
Stage! Saparation 164.4 Stage I Start 107.8 End Stagll " Steady-State 372.2 Stage I Start 119_9
Payload Fairing Separation 290.7 SAM Jettison 117.4 Stage /I Separation 388.2 SRM Jllttison 129.5
End Stage II Stllfldy-5tate 369.0 End StalJlJ I Steady-Stat\! 273.4 Stan PAM-D Bum 393.2 End St3ge I Steady-State 287.1
Stagl! II Soparation 38e.o Stage II Ignition (91 FS-l) 273.5 End PAM-O Burn 478.3 Stage III;nition 191FS-11 287.2
Start PAM·D Burn 390.0 StBge I Separation 274.3 Stage I Sapar.lt;on 287_9
End PAM·O Burn 475.0 PaylGlld Fairing Separ8'tlon 284.2 T34D7/SS 1 6<II/NUS (10x54-ft PLF) Payload Fairing Separation 297.9
End Stagll II Stliady-St3tll 480.4 Event Time.s End Stage II Steady-Stllte 496.1
T34D7jNUS!TS-CM (1O.5x26.2-tt PLFj Stage II Separation 490.4 Stage 11Separation 506.1
Stage 0 Ignition 0.0
Eva"t Time, s Liftoff 0.3 TII/NUS {8x26_ft PLFI
Stage 0 Ignition 0.0 Stan Roll Program 7.8 Time,
Evant Time. s Stop Roll Progr.lm 9.0 Event $
Liftoff 0.3
Start Pitch Program 10.2 Lihoff 0.0
Start Roll Program (5.0 dug/s:l 7." Liftoff
Stage 0 Thrust Tailoff 118.6 Start Pitch Program 16.0
Stop Roll PrOgram Stan Pitch Program 15_0
Start Pitch Program 10.0 Stage I Start 119_2 End Stage I Stoady-Stata 152.3
End Stage I Steady-State 152.3 153.1
Stage 0 Thrust Tailoff 117.1 Stage I Separation SRM Jettison 128_8 Stage I separation
153.1 End Stage I Stll3dy-State 309.5 Payload Fairing Separation 203.2
Stage I Start 117.6 PaylGlld Fairing Sapamtion 227.4
SRM Jettison 127.2 Stage II Ignition (91FSo1) 309.7 End Stage II Stllady-Statc 332.3
End St39" II Steady-8tata 332.3 310_4 Stage II Separation 347.6
End Stage f Steady-State 283.2 Stage II Separation 347_6
Stage I SepaT3tion
Stage IIlgn!tion 191 FS-1 I 283.3 Payload Fairing Sepllration 320.4
St<lllO" I Sapar1l'tion 284.1 End Stage II Stectdy-State 583.7
Payload Fairing Separation 294.1 Stage II SepilT3tion 593.7
End Sta;J1l" Steady-State 490_2
Stage II SopaTation 500.2

1. This pertains to an 8().nmi
injection altitude with a 28.6-deg inclination.
2. For PLF sizes, see Table X 111-3_


10,000 T34D7/SS! 8<IIICentaur D·1T



1,000 ! ,,, , ! , ! !

4 812 20 70 80 90100• 110 120
° ~
0; eu
.!!C 'ee
w e-
~ ••~ ••-
Gl ,.

• • I. 38
! I, I
40 42
I. !
44 46
48 • 50
26 28 30 32 34 36
Cher~oristk: vercenv. 1000 fps

Figure XIII-3 Estimated Improved Titan LlV Payload Capabilities

10,000 Note: 10. Note!
1. 100 nmi Inject Altitude for 1. 100 nmi Inject Ah:itude for
Elliptical Orbits Elliptical Orbits
2. Performance Margin in Stage II 2. Performance Margin in Stage II
3. 10 x 25-ft PLF 3. 8 x 3()-ft PLF

Elliptical Orbits by
Direct Injection Elliptical Orbits by
Direct Injection

1,000 1,000

Orbit Inclination"" 99 deg

Orbit Inclination'" 99 deg

Orbit Inclination = 90 deg

Orbit Inclination"" 63.5 deg Orbit Inclination c:: 90 deg

Orbit Inclination'"" 63.5 deg

Circular Orbits by
Circular Orbits by
Diract Injection
Direct Injection

100L- ~ ~ ~---
o 5 10 15 o 5 10 15
Separable Payload. 1000 Ib Separable Payload, 1000 Ib

Figure XIII-4 Figure XIII-5

Titan II/NUS Payload Weight vs Altitude Titan II/SSPS Payload Weight vs Altitude
forWSMC for WSMC

Table XIII-8 booster interface. The height dimensions indicate

Effect of Payload Fairing Sizes on Titan the length from the Titan launch vehicle interface to
Boost Vehicles the top of the PLF's cylindrical portion. The space-
craft envelope in the nose section is available on all
I PLF Weight, Ib I Throw Weight. Ib of these fairings depending on payload configura-
ESMC (referem:. mission BOdS nmi, 2&6-deg incl tions and dynamic environment.
Tibln II/NUS
- 8x25-ft PLF 1,320 7,000
- 10x30-ft PLF 1,987 e.500 lO.5-ftDiameter Modified MDAC PLF-The stand-
Trtlin 34D/NUS CT5-CMJ
- 10.5x26.2·ft PLF 2,456 33.500 ard 1O.5-ftMDAC fairing has been fully integrated
- 14.0x42.()..ft PlF 5,867 31,800
with Titan 34D/IUS. The modified version, shown
- 16.7x49.2-ft PLF 7,275 31,000

Titan 340n See SRMs/NUS (T$-CM) in Figure XIII-13, includes removal ofthe standard
- 10.5)(26.2·ft PLF 2.456 40,000
- 14.Dx42.().f, PlF 5.867 38.200 fairing's aft section. This enables direct attach-
- 16.7x49.2·ft PlF 7,275 36.900 ment of the fairing's eight longerons (as hard
WSMC (reference mi.ion tOOxl00 nml, 9O.O-deg ine) points) to the standard Transtage mounting ring. A
Tibl" II/NUS
- Bx26-ft PLF 1,320 4,700
typical mounting arrangement for Transtage/OPS
10x3D-ft PLF 1,987 4,300 is shown in Figure XIII·14. The PLF mounts direct-
10.000 Note: 10,000 Nota:
1. 100 nmi Inject Aldtude for 1. 100 omi Inject Altitude for
Elliptical Orbits Ellipti~1 Orbits
2. Performance Margin in Stage II 2. Performance Margin in Stage II
3. 10 x 30-ft PLF 3. 10 x 58-ft PLF

Elliptical Orbits by
Direct Injection
Elliptical Orbjts by
Direct Injection

1.000 1.000

Orbit Inclination = 99 deg

Orbit Inclination"" 99 deg
Orbit Inclination = 90 deg
Orbit Inclination"" 90 deg
·ec E
Orbit Inclination"" 63.5 deg

Orbit lnclinencn= 63.5 deg .;
.; ~
~ i!
=<m =<m
Circular Orbits by ••
Circular Orbits by
e, Direct Injection
Direct Injection


100 100
a 5 10 15 a 5 10 15
Separable Payload. 1000 Ib Separable Payload, 1oo0lb

Figure XIlI-6 Figure XIII-7

Titan IIIPAM-D Payload Weight os Altitude Titan 34D Core Only/Ascent Agena Payload Weight
fOT WSMC us Altitude for WSMC

ly on top of the Transtage configurations; whereas, 14·ft and 16.7-ft Diameter MDAC PLF-These 14-
the upper portion above the forward attachment and 16.7-ft diameter PLFs are growth versions of
ring of SSPS is contained within the fairing. The the standard IO.5-ft diameter fairing developed by
coupling of SSPS's dynamic movement with the McDonnell Douglas for IUS. These configurations
spacecraft must be considered when determining use the same isogrid pattern skin and intermediate
dynamic spacecraft envelopes. frame construction on the constant sections and
three-sector forward nose cone as the 1O.5-ftfairing.
14.ft Diameter LSMC PLF-This PLF is an adapta- Interface with the Titan boost vehicle would be
tion of the Centaur standard shroud (CSS) version done by a jettison able boattail section of monoco-
successfully flown with Centaur D-I T on Titan que design. PLF jettison would be accomplished by
HIE. Only minor modifications would be required the same three-sector separation system deployed
to fly this fairing on Titan 340 vehicles. on the IO.5-ftfairing.

10.000 Note: Minimum modifications required for use as an SLV
1. 100 nmi Inject Altitude for include:
Elliptical Orbits
2. Performance Marg;n in Stage II 1) Payload-peculiar dome and forward skirt mod-
3. 10 x 25-ftPLF ifications. These additions are dependent on
the PLF used. Two current options include the
8- and 1O-ftMDAC fairings shown in Figures
XIII·16 and XIII·l7. respectively.
2) Instrumentation and range safety system
(lRSS) kit avionics and ordnance. This pack-
age incorporates a Titan III RMIS, S-band
transmitter, C- band transponder in the upper
Elliptic.1 Orbits by
stage to enhance tracking, and command
Direct Injection destruct receivers in the upper stage. An ISDS
would be included for stages I and II.
3) New stage II wiring harness required to ac-
commodate avionics upgrades.
1.000 4) New instrumentation truss for IRSS com-
Orbi1lnelination •• 99 deg 5) Modification of existing guidance and flight
control avionics. These upgrades include using
Orbit Inclination"" 90 deg Titan IIIC software to provide load relief and a
Orbit Inclination = 63.5 dag digital autopilot.
Ec 6) Deletion of butterfly valve lock (BVL) coded
..,,;, 7) Additional batteries for ISDS. stage I, and the
; CCRs.
: Circular Orbits by
Direct Injection
8' Viable launch vehicle configurations assessed for
Titan II include NUS, PAM-D, SSPS, and SGS-II.
Characteristics for PAM -D and SSPS are provided
in Fi~ure XIII-12. The characteristics for the Titan
II version of SGS-II (i.e.• 8-in. longer nozzle on
100 stage 3 and required structural beef up) are shown
in Figure XIII·18. The SGS·II includes two Star 48
o 5 10 15 motors mounted in tandem (two stages) with a spin
Separable P.v'oad. 1000 Ib
system between stages for flight stabilization. Per-
Figure XIlI-8 formance values for selected configurations are
found in Tables XIII·4 and XIII·5.
Titan 34BIPAM-D Payload Weight V$ Altitude

Titan II ICBMs will be deactivated in the near Transtage improvements are being evaluated for
future. A viable option for these missiles is use as current Titan launch vehicle configurations. These
space launch vehicles (SLV). improvements will augment the increased capabili-
ty to GSO. Table XIII·9 summarizes potential,low-
The current Titan II ICBM (less reentry vehicle risk Transtage performance improvements. Low-
assembly) and its system characteristics are shown risk lassessments pertain to the technical risks in-
in Figure XIII -15. The loaded weights and vernier volved.
values will change with modifications required to
~ convert Titan II into an SLV. Preliminary assess-
ments of Titan II in the configurations described Implementation of these items can result in an in-
below have identified its potential capability to fly creased payload delivery to GSOs ranging from 379
many of the missions planned in the near future. to 4421b.These items are:

.f0.000 10,000

Note: Note:
1. 100 nmi Inject Altitude for 1. 100 nmllnject Altitude for
Elliptical Orbiu Elliptical Orbits
2. Pe.-f6lmance Margin in Stage II 2. Performaroc. M ••rglll in SUlge "
3. TOx 54-h Payload Fairing 3. 10 x 54·ft Payload Fairing
4. 63.5-deg indination is without 4. 63.5-deg Inclination is without
yaw dog- leg and requires special yaw dog·leg and requires special
r.nge !HIfety cOMiderations n!Onge~fetY considerations

EllipticCiI Orbits by
Direct Injection

Elliptical Orbits bv
Oirect Inicclion .••• ~::5:';:--
__ 4

Orbit Inclination" 90 deg

1,000 1,000

Orbit mcuneuon= 99 deg

Orbit Inclination::: 99 deg
Orbit Inclination::: 90 dcg
Orbit Inclination::: 63.5 deg -T"----.l,
Orbit Inclination '" 63.5 deg

Circular Orbits by _.£-.C:--".

Direct Injection

100L- ~--------~------~~--3-~~~~ 100'- -''-'- -' __..J..__

-'--''''-- -'
~ ~ ~ ~ 20 25 30 35 40
Separable Payload. 1000 Ib Separable P ••ylo.,d. 1000 Ib

Figure XIII-9 Figure XIII-lO

Titan 34D71NUS Payload Weight vs Altitude for Titan 34D71SS & IIINUS Payload Weight vs Altitude

Titan 34D7/NUS

10.5x26.2-ft P~load Fairing

14x42-ft P~loacf Fairi",

16.7x49.2·ft Paylu.d Fairing

Table XIII-9 Transtage Low Risk Improvements

10 11 P/L to GSO.
Item Ib

• Titan 34D/NUS Lightweight He Tanks

Lightweight ACS Tank
o Stag. II LLSS 80-90
2' 28 30 32 34 36
Charar:t!lristlc Velocity. 1000 'PS;
Lightweight REMS 60-70
Increased Engine Noale
Figure XlII-ll Expansion Ratio 175-190
Typical Effect of Payload Fairing Lightweight. Ox T8nk 9-12
an ESMC Payload Capahility

1) Lightweight helium tanks can be built by sub- 4) The current Transtage REMs can be replaced
stituting composite spheres (i.e., Titanium by newer, lightweight IUS REMs. No other
liner with Kevlar overlap) for present Titanium portion of the existing Transtage ACS will be
spheres. affected by this change.
2) The ACS tank can be lightened by using a 5) The Transtage engine nozzle expansion ratio
smaller, 25-in. diameter, spherical Titanium can be increased from approximately 40:1 to
tank. This will be accomplished without de- 50:1 by adding a Columbium skirt extension.
creasing Titan 34D system capabilities. . This upgrade, shown in Figure XIII-19, will
3) The low-level sensor shutdown system (LLSS) provide an increase in specific impulse.
senses incipient propellant depletion. Follow- 6) Weight of the Transtage oxidizer tank can be
ing a programmed delay, the LLSS issues a reduced by changing the chern-mil thicknesses
normal engine command shut-down sequence to 0.02 min. Flight design pressure will change
while delivering virtually all the total impulse. accordingly from 207.8psig to 185.0psig.

Viable options for future Transtage performance

improvements could further increase payload to
GSO up to 1535lb. These items include lightweight
telemetry, propellant use system, increased Tran-
stage operating life, unitized skirt, stage stretch,
boost pump, and engine chamber redesign.

L Transtage

100:1 EEC
Characteristics OPS Pam-D SSPS Centaur D-IT

Height, ft 6.7 7.2 16.7 32.0

Diameter, ft 10.0 5.0 10.0* 10.0
Dry Weight, Ib 961 570* 2,151* 4,058*
Loaded Weight, Ib 5,543 4.777* 15,490* 35,176*
Thrust,lb 15,000 15.000 9,940 33.000
Specific Impulse. 5 289 289 323 448.4
Burn Time,s 84 84 Up to 426 Up to 399
Engine Thiokol TE-M-711-3 Thiokol TE-M-711-3 Aerojet AJ10-118k P&WRL 10A-3-3A
(Star 48) (Star 48)

* Including Adapter(s) Shown

Figure XIII-12 Optional Titan Upper Stages

Upper Stages Upper Stages
Transtagll Transtage
SSPS Centaur


Ht L

Dia (dynamic)

L, it Ht. in. Dia, in.

26.2 205.3 115.2 L, ft Ht, in. Dia, in.
31.2 265.3 114.4 40 278.7 147
41.2 385.3 114.3 58.5 500.2 147

10.!Ht dia MOAC {modified} 14-ft die LMSC

Upper Stage Upper Stages

Transtage Transtage

L. ft Ht, in. Dia. in. L, ft Ht, in. Dia, in.

42.6 333.0 152.6 49.2 352.0 186
68.0 637.4 152.6 65.7 550.1 186
68.1 578.9 186

14-ft dia MDAC l6.7-ft dia MOAC


~ Fairing Ii)::) I Payload Envelope

Figure XIII-I3 Optional Payload Fairings

Longeron Fittings 8 PI
to Line Up with Standard
Transtage Mounting Interface
System Characteristics
Spacecraft ~ Modified 10.5-ft
Adapter T34D Fairing Hardpoints
- 24 Equally Spaced at a
(bottom shell
assembly removed) diameter of 98.3 in.
Ring Frames Guidance
- All Inertial
Stage II
Propellants Loaded - 59,450 Ib
Thrust - 100,470 Ib (vacuum)
Radial Load Vernier Isp - 270.0 s (vacuum)
Link Vernier Thrust - 1,790 Ib (vacuum)
-...........'c::~~~~~rn Loaded Weight - 64,440 Ib
Stage I
Propellants Loaded - 252.950 Ib
Thrust - 424,900 Ib (sea levell
- Loaded Weight - 261,850 Ib
Nuts & Stud

- Transtage Skirt
Figure XIII-14
Modified to.s-f: Diameter PLFITitan Interface

/~--- Oxidizer Tank

Stage I

/r------ Fuel Tank

Figure XIII-15 Current Titan II ICBM


311.4 I L
I ~ Spacecraft
1+-------4-- Splice Joint


i i
86.0 dia

Titan II
t 11--

Figure XIII-16 114.3 (dial

8-ft diameter Payload Fairing (MDAC)

120.3 (dial
Payload Mounting Interface

Dimension. in.
l. ft l A B c 0
15 180 112.3 112.3 79.2 84
20 240 111.7 "'1.7 78.6 144
25 300 '11,6 1'1.1 78.0 144
30 360 111.5 110.3 77.2 144
35 420 111.3 108.7 75.6 144
40 480 111.2 107.3 74.2 144

Figure XlII-17 10-ft diameter Payload Fairing


-.---~ · · r -t
,.,l--t--Sl.. -, SGS II
" Payload Attach
. At =44.0

, Fitting Assembly

filII'" IlIIillI~ s_,

72 in. I I

A =329.0

, I \
Gas Generat~r
(spin system)
At = 1760
€= 40:1


At = 2200 70.0
..I.M>--Cl--'!!I!O--<lIllpl,..I. Plane
I E= 50:1
, Stege 3
80 in. \ _ Booster
\ I Adapter Figure XIII-I9
, I Assembly
Improved Transtage Engine Nozzle Design

,, , \
-'---_L ..J Adapter

System Data
System Height (PI/Titan): 137 in.
Overall Diameter: 70 in.
Stege 3- Stege 4
Dry Weight 617Ib-- 3661b
Loaded Weight 5037Ib** 47731b
Engines TE·M·711·8 TE·M·711·3
Propellant TP·H·3340 TP·H·3340
Thrust (vacuum) 14,980lb 14,980lb
- Specific Impulse 294.1 s 289.3 s
Action Time 86.05 87.0s
* 8 in. Longer Nozzle on Stage 3
** Does Not Include Booster Adapter Assembly (237 Ib)

Figure XIII-I8 SGS-II System Configuration


The items listed in this payload questio 1.4.3 Equipment Deployment Constraints
representative of payload information th t must be 1.4.4 Acceleration Constraints Before
provided to accomplish required payloa integra- Deployment
tion and launch activities. Additional in ormation
-" 1.4.5 Attitude Constraints Before Deployment
may be required for specific spacecraft. he ques-
tionnaire should be completed by the pacecraft 1.5 Spacecraft Separation Parameters
contractor and validated by the spacecraf program
office. All interface requirements identi .ed in the 1.5.1 Velocity Limits
completed questionnaire will be docume ted in in- 1.5.2 Rate-of-Angular-Change Limits (pitch, yaw,
terface specifications and/ or interfac control and roll)
drawings that must be revised if mission or space- 1.5.3 Timing (multiple spacecraft release time
craft requirements change. The format nd para- delays)
graph numbers below should be followed.
1.5.4 Latitude and Limits
1.0 MISSION REQUIREMENTS 1.5.5 Longitude and Limits
1.1 Integration Schedule (required launc date) 1.5.6 Orientation and Limits (pitch, yaw, and roll
1.1.1 Level II and III Milestones axes)
1.1.2 Launch-on-Demand Requirement ( 0 day, 60 1.5.7 Separation Directions (e.g., in plane, per-
day, etc) pendicular to plane, and northerly)
1.2 Spacecraft Orbit Parameters (e.g., p rk orbit, 1.5.8 Acceleration Constraints during Deploy-
transfer orbit, and GSO) ment
1.2.1 Apogee and Limits 1.5.9 Attitude Constraints during Deployment
1.2.2 Perigee and Limits
1.6 Postseparation Launch Vehicle/Upper-Stage
1.2.3 Inclination and Limits Requirements
1.2.4 Argument of Perigee 1.6:1 Operations (e.g., complete shutdown and
1.2.5 Longitude of Ascending Node special orientation)
1.2.6 Right Ascension of Ascendin Node 1.6.2 Postseparation Maneuver Requirements
(RAAN) (e.g., time delays, separation distances be-
If Geosynchronous:
fore initiation, orientation, new-orbit identi-
fication, and minimum velocity additions)
1.2.7 Longitude Placement
1.6.3 Acceleration Constraints after Deployment
1.2.8 Longitude Drift Rate
1.6.4 Attitude Constraints after Deployment
1.2.9 RAAN Requirement
1.2.10 Longitude of Ascending Node (L N) Re- 1.7 Special Trajectory Requirements
1.7.1 Airload Limits after PLF Jettison
1.3 Launch Window Parameters
1.7.2 Free-Molecular Heating Constraints
1.3.1 Orbit Lifetime
1.7.3 Thermal Maneuvers
1.3.2 Eclipse Time Constraints
1.7.4 Spacecraft Release over Telemetry or Track-
1.3.3 Ascending Node ing Ground Stations
1.3.4 Orbit Inclination Limits versus Tim 1.7.5 Spacecraft Release in rf View of Tracking
1.3.5 Window Duration (over a year) Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)
1.4 Preseparation Functions 1.7.6 Telemetry Maneuvers (no. of dipouts re-
1.4.1 Equipment Deployment Identity (e.g., spa- quired)
tial envelope and cg changes) 1.7.7 Rf view of TDRSS during Orbiter Maneuv-
1.4.2 Equipment Deployment Timing (e.g., time ers
before separation and time between events) 1.7.8 Number of Equatorial Crossings

2.0 PAYLOAD CHARACTERISTICS 2.4.2 Handling Limits [o.g., acceleration con-
2.1 Physical Envelope straints)

2.1.1 Size and Shape (e.g., dimensioned assembly 2.5 . Critical Orientation-during Checkout, Pre-
launch, and Onol'bit
drawing ground launch and deployment con-
figurations) 2.5.1 Antennas (e.g., location, direction, and
2.1.2 Coordinate System (spacecraft relative to ' beamwidth)
launch vehicle) Including Longitudinal 2.5.2 Sensors (e.g., location, look angle, and fre-
Vehicle Stations quency)
2.1.3 Kick Stage (i.e., manufacturer's designa- 2.5.3 Solar Arrays (e.g., location and size)
tion, thrust, specific impulse, burn action 2.5.4 Other Critical Elements
time, and propellant off-load limit)
2.6 Ordnance Items
2.2 Mass Properties 2.6.1 Identity Function and Hazard Classifica-
2.2.1 Weight (e.g., total, separable, and retained tion (quantity and type in accordance with
masses) Including Propellant Load of Kick AFETRM 127-1, manufacturer's part
Stage and Control Systems number, location, usage. etc)
2.2.2 Center of Gravity (e.g., cg locations about 2.6.2 Installation (i.e., when, where, and by whom
the three-reference axes of total, separable, supplied. installed, and connected)
and retained masses for launch and orbit 2.6.3 Shorting Plugs [i.e., when, where, and by
configurations) whom supplied and installed)
2.2.3 Moment of Inert.ia (e.g., inertia about the 2.6.4 Electrical Characteristics (e.g., no-fire cur-
three-reference axes of total, separable, and rent, all-fire current, bridgewire resistance,
retained masses for launch and orbit con- and pin-to-case resistance) ..... -----..
figurations) 2.6.5 Rf Susceptibility [i.e., pin-to-case, pin-to-
2.2.4 Product of Inertia (e.g., product of inertia pin, and bridgewire-to-bridgewire rf suscep-
with respect to the three-axis cg of the total, tibility and input impedance at the following
separable, and retained masses for launch frequencies: de, 243, 2300, 5000, 5700 and 9000
and orbit configurations) MHz)
2.2.5 Propellant Slosh Characteristics 2.6.6 Electrostatic Sensitivity Data
2.6.7 AKM Flight Termination Data (identify
2.3 Dynamic Model type, manufacturer's part number, location,
2.3.1 Degree-of-Freedom Table initiation method, etc]
2.3.2 Dynamic Model Coordinate System
2.7 Special Safety Items
2.3.3 Natural Frequencies to 70 Hz
2.7.1 Item Identification (e.g., cryogenics, cor-
2.3.4 Elastic Mode Matrix to 70 Hz rosive fluids, high-pressure gases, and nu-
2.3.5 Constraint Mode Matrix clear items)
2.3.6 Interface Stiffness Matrix 2.7.2 Item Characteristics (e.g., quantity, pres-
sure, and radiation levels)
2.3.7 Mass Matrices (total and interface)
2.3.8 Modal Damping Matrix 2.8 Thermal Characteristics
2.3.9 Discrete Acceleration Transformation 2.8.1 Thermal Math Model (i.e., an analytical tool
Matrices containing the thermal nodes and con-
2.3.10 Deflection and Clearance Loss Transfor- ductors; the emissivity, absorptivity, con-
mation Matrices ductivity, and resistivity characteristics;
and the thermal-node view factors of the
2.3.11 Load Transformation Matrices spacecraft)
2.4 HandlingConstraints 2.8.2 Heat Sources (i.e., identification, location,
2.4.1 Ground Transport (e.g., orientation with orientation and amount, times, and duration
respect to Earth) of heat generated)
2.8.3 Node Limits [i.e., maximum and minimum 3.1.3 Mounting Surface Characteristics (e.g.,
allowable temperatures per node) coplanarity and flatness)
2.8.4 Sun Angle (13) and Limits 3.1.4 Service Items (e.g., location, size and type of
commodity, lines, and special attachments)
2.9 Contamination Control
3.1.5 Connector Details (e.g., manual, flyaway,
2.9.1 Ground Conditions (e.g., constraints before umbilical, or in-flight operation; and manu-
and after PLF installation) facturer's part number).
2.9.2 In-Flight Conditions (e.g., during ascent tra- 3.1.6 Commodity requirements (e.g., type, pres-
jectory before and after jettisoning PLF) sure, flowrate, temperature, and quantity
2.9.3 Critical Surfaces (Le., type, size, and loca- timing).
tion) 3.2 Electrical Interfaces
2.9.4 Surface Sensitivity (e.g., susceptibility to 3.2.1 Connector Items (i.e., location and function)
propellants, gases, and exhaust products)
3.2.2 Connector Details (e.g., flyaway, umbilical
2.10 Separation System or in-flight operation; manufacturer's part
2.10.1 Separation Mechanism (e.g., design of number; potting type; wire size; and pin
fasteners, clamps, springs, lanyards, and assignment)
loose hardware and suppliers) 3.2.3 Bonding Requirements (e.g., interface ma-
2.10.2 Separation Loads on Launch Vehicle (e.g., terials and finishes)
reactions, shock, and spinup torques) 3.2.4 Shielding Requirements (e.g., each con-
2.10.3 Separation Rates (e.g., longitudinal, later- ductor, entire connector, shield grounding,
maximum shield ground length, and shield
al, and radial)
ground through connector)
2.10.4 Separation Method (e.g., discrete or uplink
required) 3.3 Electrical Power-Requirements from
1 Launch Vehicle/Upper Stage
2.11 Grounding Philosophy 3.3.1 28-Vdc Control Power (i.e., current, dura-
2.11.1 Structure (e.g., use of structural grounds tion, function, time, and tolerances)
and current levels) 3.3.2 28-Vdc Ordnance Power (i.e., current, dura-
2.11.2 Electrical Equipment (e.g., grounding tion, function, time, and tolerances)
technique for black boxes and power sup- 3.3.3 28-Vde Instrumentation Power [i.e., current,
plies) duration, function, time, and tolerances)
2.11.3 Single-Point Ground (e.g., location and 3.3.4 10-VdcInstrumentation Power (i.e., current,
related equipment) duration, function, time, and tolerances)
3.3.5 Other Power Requirements
2.12 Rf Radiation
2.12.1 Characteristics (e.g., power levels, fre- 3.3.6 Overcurrent Protection Requirements
quency, and duration) 3.3.7 Number, Types, and Sequences of Discretes
2.12.2 Locations (e.g., location of receivers and 3.3.8 Redundancy Requirements
location of spacecraft when radiating) 3.4 Telemetry Requirements for Transmission via
2.12.3 Checkout Requirements (e.g., open-loop, Launch Vehicle/Upper Stage
closed-loop, prelaunch, and ascent trajec- 3.4.1 Measurement Identities (e.g., temperature,
tory) pressure, and switch closure)
3.4.2 Signal Characteristics [i.e., discrete bilevel,
analog, maximum response, sampling rate,
3.1 Mechanical Interfaces and condition represented by on-off or high-
3.1.1 Mounting Points (e.g., location, number, low state).
size, and type of mounting hardware) 3.4.3 Signal Conditioning Requirements (e.g., in-
3.1.2 Mounting Alignment (e.g., rotational and put impedance, impedance circuit load
planar position requirements relative to limits, overcurrent protection, and signal-
.local horizon) to-noise ratio)

3.4.4 Circuit Identity (i.e., connector number, pin 4.0 AGE/FACILITYREQUIREMENTS
number, and wire size) 4.1 Spacecraft/Launch Vehicle Integration
3.4.5 Use Time (i.e., during checkout, prelaunch, 4.1.1 How Accomplished (i.e., sequence from
and in-flight)
spacecraft delivery through attachment to
launch vehicle)
3.5 Ordnance Safing/ Arming 4.1.2 Handling Equipment (e.g., description, who
3.5.1 Item Identitification [i.e., function and loca- supplies and operates, when used, and where
tion) stored)
3.5.2 Accessibility (e.g., direct access, remote cir- 4.1.3 Spacecraft Covers (e.g., description. who
cuitry, and manual or automated activation) supplies and uses, when used, and where
3.5.3 Sequence (i.e., installation and removal
times) 4.1.4 Spatial Envelopes (e.g., dimensions and
clearance requirements for containers,
3.6 Material Requirements handling equipment and payload covers;
3.6.1 Compatibility (e.g., finishes, electrolytic and work-area requirements)
aspects, and chemical) 4.1.5 Fairing Installation (i.e., desired method of
3.6.2 Outgassing [e.g., constraints on nature and PLF installation such as segment-by-
quantity of constituents) segment or as a unit)
4.1.6 Equipment Disposition (e.g., container
3.6.3 Contamination (e.g., retrometer) Con-
straints disposition, handling equipment, and space-
craft covers after the environmental shelter
3.7 Preflight Environment is closed and/or after the PLF is installed)
3.7.1 Requirements (e.g., cleanliness, tempera- 4.1.7 Support Services [i.e., services required and
ture, relative humidity, air conditioning, expected request meansl
and air impingement limits in each area from
spacecraft delivery through terminal count-
4.2 Spacecraft Checkout AG E
4.2.1 Spacecraft Checkout Procedures
3.7.2 Lost Environment (i.e., effects on payload if
environmental criteria are exceeded and a 4.2.2 Use and Storage [i.e., identification and
subsequent recovery plan) locations of use and storage)
3.7.3 Monitoring and Verification Requirements 4.2.3 Installation Criteria (e.g., weight; volume;
tiedown requirements; who supplies, in-
3.8 PLF Requirements stalls, operates, and removes; when sup-
3.8.1 Heating [e.g., temperature and temperature plied, installed, used, and removed; and
change rate limits) postuse disposition)
3.8.2 Venting Characteristics (i.e., quantity, tim- 4.2.4 Compatibility (e.g., compatibility with
ing, and nature of gases vented from range safety requirements and launch vehi-
payload) cle propellants)
3.8.3 Pressure (i.e., pressure limits inside PLF) 4.2.5 Space Requirements (i.e., unusual work/op-
erating space requirements and locations)
3.8,4 Rf transmission (e.g., size, location. and
orientation of rf-transparent windows in
PLF) 4.3 Preflight Environmental Protection
3.8.5 PLF Separation (separation altitude, shock, 4.3.1 Equipment (i.e., identity, characteristics,
and acoustic limits are determined by fairing and location of required environmental pro-
and mission performance requirements) tection equipment)
3.8.6 Other PLF Constraints (e.g., special air- 4.3.2 Operation (i.e., who supplies. installs.
conditioning requirements) operates, and removes; when supplied, in-
3.8.7 Acoustic Blankets (may require further stalled, used and removed; and postuse
analysis) disposition)

4.4 Spacecraft Access 4.9 Rf Transmission
4.4.1 Mechanical Attachment (i.e., requirements 4.9.1 Antennas (i.e., function, location, physical
for direct access from delivery through characteristics, beam width, beam direction,
spacecraft attachment to the launch vehi- and relationship to other antennas and
cle/upper stage) receivers/transmitters)
4.4.2 Before Fairing Installation (i.e., require- 4.9.2 Transmission (e.g., frequency and power)
ments for direct access after closing en- 4.9.3 Operation (e.g., nature of use and operating
vironmental shelter closure and before in- time requirements)
stalling PLF)
4.10 Monitors and Controls
4.4.3 After Fairing Installation (i.e., require-
ments for direct access after PLF is install- 4.10.1 Signals (i.e., identify monitor signals from
ed) spacecraft and/or AGE during readiness
and terminal countdown as well as time
4.5 Umbilicals signals to be monitored)
4.5.1 Identity (i.e., function and location) 4.10.2 Transmission (e.g., via payload telemetry,
launch vehicle telemetry, and landline)
4.5.2 Source (e.g., spacecraft or launch vehicle
AGE) 4.10.3 Evaluation (e.g., location of data evalua-
tion center, evaluation responsibility,
4.5.3 Support and Control (e.g., structural sup-
measurement limits, and go/no-go con-
port requirements and retraction mechan-
4.5.4 4.10.4 Launch Control Center [i.e., description
Installation (e.g., when and by whom sup'
and use of launch control center by
plied and installed)
4.6 Hard Lines 4.11 Security
4.6.1 Mobile Service Tower (i.e., identify reo 4.11.1 Proposed Security Plan [e.g., visual barrier
quirements for service) requirements, special clearances, and
4.6.2 Umbilical Tower (i.e., identify requirements security requirements imposed on launch
for service) vehicle (L/V)]

Installation (e.g., when and by whom sup- 4.11.2 Identification of Special Physical Access
plied and installed) and Data Access Security Requirements
during All Operations
4.7 Commodities
4.7.1 Identification (e.g., quantity and character-
istics of gases, propellants, and chilled 5.1 Test Plan (i.e., discussion of each test that can
water) affect or be affected by the launch vehicle,
such as structural static test, ground vibration
4.7.2 Source (e.g., supplied by launch vehicle, survey, electromagnetic compatibility, rf in-
common services, orspacecraft] terference, environmental demonstration, in-
4.7.3 Timing (i.e., time that commodities are reo terface compatibility, installation verifica-
quired and expected transfer-time duration) tion, and combined system test. Discussion
should include details of test hardware,
4.8 Electrical Power simulators and gauges needed, testing respon-
4.8.1 AGE Requirements (e.g., voltage and fre- sibility, etc)
quency limits, consumption characteristics
5.2 Test Schedule [i.e., time-based schedule show-
of power for AGE at the satellite assembly ing test duration and milestones)
area, satellite operations area, and launch
4.8.2 Facility Requirements (e.g., voltage and fre- 6.1 Flow Chart (i.e., detailed sequence and time
quency limits, consumption characteristics span of all spacecraft-related launch site ac-
of power for spacecraft- related facility items tivities, including AGE installation, facility
at the satellite assembly area, satellite installation and activities, spacecraft testing,
operations area, and launch complex). and spacecraft servicing)



(WBS definition phase effort) 2.4 Cost Management

1.0 SCOPE 2.5 Liaison and Meetings
1.1 General Considerations 3.0 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND SUPPORT
1.2 Applicable Documents 3.1 Definition Phase Engineering
1.3 Interface Requirements 3.1.1 Initial Review of Requirements
1.4 Organization, Responsibilities, and Relation- 3.1.2 Derived Requirements Definition
ships 3.1.3 Integration Program Requirements Tree
1.5 Data Requirements 3.1.4 Implementation Period Requirements Docu-
TROL 3.1.5 Intersystem Requirements Review/Re-
2.1 Program Management quirements Definition Package
2.2 Configuration Management 3.1.6 Special Studies
2.3 Program Schedule/Planning Management 3.1.7 Identification of Phase II Long-Lead Tasks


(WBSimplementation phase effort) Additional Trajectory Simulations

1.0 SCOPE Range Safety Data
1.1 General Considerations 3.3.2 Performance Analysis
1.2 Applicable Documents 3.3.3 Launch Window Analysis
1.3 Interface Requirements 3.3.4 Sun Incidence Angle Determination
1.4 Organization, Responsibilities, and Relation- 3.3.5 Tracking and Telemetry Compatibility
ships Analysis .
1.5 Data Requirements 3.3.6 PLF Thermal! Aerodynamic Heating Analy-
TROL 3.3.7 Venting Analysis
2.1 Program Management 3.3.8 Propellant Consumption Analysis
2.2 Configuration Management 3.3.9 Digital Attitude Control System Perfor-
2.3 Program Schedule/Planning Management mance Analysis

2.4 Cost Management 3.3.10 Powered-Flight Stability/Flight Controls

2.5 Liaison and Meetings
3.3.11 RF Interference/EMC Analysis
3.0 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND SUPPORT 3.3.12 PLF Separation Analysis
3.1 Not Applicable (definition phase) 3.3.13 Payload Separation and Postseparation
3.2 Systems Effectiveness Analysis
3.2.1 Integration Effectiveness 3.3.14 Payload and Upper-Stage Thermal Analy-
sis Integration Verification
3.3.15* Upper-Stage Heat Flux Interface Compatibility
3.3.16 PLF Conditioned-Air Analysis Verification of Payload-Peculiar
Modifications to Titan Vehicle 3.3.17 Payload Loads Analyses
3.2.2 Test Planning/Requirements Preliminary Loads Analysis Vehicle Measurement List Require- Design Loads Analysis
ments Spacecraft Modal Participatiori Usage and Allocation Drawings Verification Loads Analysis Engineering Test Orders 3.3.18 Maximum Vehicle Loads and Launch Prob- Acceptance, Checkout, Retest, and ability (placard) Analysis
Backout Criteria (ACRBC) Loads Analysis
3.2.3* Personnel Training Launch Vehicle Design Loads
3.2.4 Maintenance Analysis Analysis
3.2.5 Spares Provisioning Analysis Launch Vehicle Verification
Loads Analysis
3.2.6 Reliability Analysis
3.3.19 Rattlespace Analysis
3.2.7 System Safety Preliminary Loads Rattlespace
3.2.8 Maintainability
3.2.9 Human Engineering Design Loads Rattlespace
3.2.10 Special Reviews Analysis
3.3 Payload and PLF Support Verification Loads Rattlespace
3.3.1 Trajectory Analysis Analysis Planning Trajectory 3.3.20* Contamination Analysis

*Effort not normally required for spacecraft in-

3.3.21* Attitude Control System Plume Impinge- a.O PROVIDE AGE/TEST SUPPORT EQUIP-
ment Analysis MENT(TSE)
3.3.22 Mass Properties Analysis 5.1 Instrumentation System
3.3.23 PACE Software 5.1.1 Design
3.3.24 Special Studies 5.1.2 Production
3.4 Flight Software Design/V erification/V alida- 5.2 Electrical System
5.2.1 Design
4.0 PROVIDE AVE 5.2.2 Production
4.1 Launch Vehicle Modifications 5.3* Structural System
4.1.1 Instrumenttion 5.4* Mechanical System Design 5.5* Handling Equipment Production 5.6* Work Platforms
4.1.2 Electrical 5.7 Special Test Tooling Design 5.8* Special Test Hardware Production
4.1.3 Structural
6.1 Facility Design Criteria Design
6.1.1 * Communicatons Production
6.1.2 Electrical
4.1.4 Flight Controls
6.1.3* Structural Design
6.1.4* Mechanical Production
6.2 Construction Surveillance
4.1.5* Propulsion
4.1.6* Special Test Tooling
7.1 Integrated Tests
4.1. 7 Special Test Hardware
7.2 Launch Operations
4.2 Payload Hardware and Support
7.2.1 Vertical Integration Building
4.2.1 Instrumentation
7.2.2 Missile Assembly Building
4.2.2 Electrical
7.2.3 LC-40Tests and Operations
4.2.3* Structural 7.2.4 Payload Peculiar Operations Tasks
4.2.4* Mechanical
7.3 Mission Support
4.2.5 Special Test Tooling
7.3.1 Operations Plans
4.2.6 Special Hardware and Test
7.3.2 Range Support
4.3 PLF Hardware and Support
7.3.3 Postflight Data Analysis
4.3.1 Instrumentation
7.3.4 Mission Support Liaison
4.3.2 Electrical
7.4 Hardware Maintenance and Support
4.3.3* Structural 7.4.1 Launch Vehicle
4.3.4* Special Test Tooling
7.4.2 PLF
4.3.5* Special Hardware Tests 7.4.3* Payload
7.4.4* Support Services
.,..- "v .

*Effort not normally required for spacecraft in-


The system integration contractor and spacecraft 7) Definition of critical points for spacecraft-to-
contractor shall conduct load analyses and struc- PLF clearance loss analysis.
tural testing to demonstrate structural integrity.
Generally. three load cycles are.considered=-pre- The LVle computes the overall flight configuration
liminary, design, and verification. Spacecraft con- modes for the launch vehicle using appropriate
tractor modal survey testing precedes the verifica- launch vehicle data and the spacecraft cantilevered
tion load cycle, while static load tests follow the modes. The LVIC also calculates displacements,
design. load cycle. The preliminary load analyses accelerations, and internal loads at critical space-
should be started as Boon.as possible; preferably craft stations selected by the spacecraft contractor
when a spacecraft is first being considered for flight for critical in-flight events, usually including lift-
on a Titan vehicle. Ideally, this analysis is a phase off. stage I burnout, stage II shutdown, and max-
I, long-lead item accomplished during the defini- imum airloads. The results of these analyses also
tion period. The overall program flow chart (Fig. E- determine the clearance loss between the spacecraft
1) shows load analysis tfmelinea and their relation- and the PLF.
ship to program milestones, for both new space-
craft designs and modifications to existing con- The modal coupling techniques and loads method
figurations. usedin the analyses must be approved by the Titan
III SPO. The results should be documented and
submitted to the Titan III SPO for approval and
Preliminary Load Analyses-The LVIC defines, distribution.
and the spacecraft SPO approves, a preliminary set
of load factors to initially size primary structural Design Load Analyses- If the spacecraft structure
members in the spacecraft. Whenever possible," is significantly redesigned after the preliminary
these load factors are based on data from previous load analyses, the spacecraft contractor will update
similar spacecraft. The spacecraft contractor then the cantilevered dynamic model defined in the
computes all spacecraft modes up to 70 Hz can- previous section. LVle will then compute the
tilevered. from the boosterInterface, The dynamic overall flight configuration modes for the launch
model must be approved by SU. vehicle using the updated dynamic model and ap-
propriate booster data. For all critical in-flight
The following data should be provided to the LVIC
events, LVIC will also calculate displacements, ac-
and the Titan III SPO in support of the spacecraft
celerations, and internal loads at critical spacecraft
dynamic model:
stations selected by the spacecraft contractor.
1) Rigid-body (6-D) inertia matrix about the As before, modal coupling techniques and load
spacecraft/vehicle interface as well as discrete combinations must be approved by the Titan III
mass matrices; SPO. Critical conditions to be analyzed will be
selected from such discrete in-flight events as:
2) Free-free stiffness matrix including interface
degrees-of-freedom or constraint modes and 1) Stage 0 lift-off (prelaunch and postlaunch),
reduced stiffness to facilitate redundant inter- maximum airloads for critical Mach numbers
face coupling; (including effects of gust, buffet, and disper-
sions), maximum axial accelerations and SRM
3) Description of the model, geometry, and coor- separation;
dinate system;
2) Stage I ignition and burnout;
4) Mode shapes, frequencies, and estimated
structural damping in each mode based on the 3) Stage II ignition and shutdown;
rigid vehicle interface;
4) Upper-stage ignition and burnout (if ap-
5) Member loads transformation; plicable).

6) Format desired by the spacecraft contractor for This analysis will be documented in a final design
the loads printout furnished by the integration loads report and submitted to the Titan III SPO for
contractor; approval and distribution.

.- -- .-~---- -~-----

iffOe:;inn (34 months typicallyl-----:----- --'_:- .;....;~-.....:..~~ --_~

to Previously Integrated Spacecraft Deoign (22 months-typical) ---------."...'---,.'-':"~----~~~...;.;~~~.:.;..;.....;..;..:..c..;-_'.:e~1

6 Months
Typically . launch
18 Months
• Before


·Static· Loads R~test May Not Be Required.

Again, the spacecraft contractor may be directed a revised dynamic model of the spacecraft. The in-
by the spacecraft SPO to apply a load margin to the tegration contractor then repeats selected critical
internal loads to account for unknowns in the load analyses using the updated model. These
spacecraft model. Using these loads, the spacecraft analyses are documented in a verification loads
contractor will perform stress analyses to deter- report and submitted to the Titan III SPO for ap-
mine the structural integrity of the spacecraft. If proval and distribution.
another significant redesign of the spacecraft struc-
ture is required after the final dynamic analysis of
the spacecraft, the spacecraft cantilevered modes The spacecraft contractor will use the internal
will be updated by the spacecraft contractor. Such loads generated from these tests to repeat stress
load analyses deemed necessary by the Titan III analyses and redetermine internal load distribu-
SPO will be reevaluated by the spacecraft contrac- tions to validate spacecraft structural integrity.
tor using these new cantilevered modes. The new loads will provide the basis and test levels
for static load tests of the spacecraft structure.
Verification Load Analyses-The spacecraft COn-
tractor performs such experimental tests as t-e-
quired to verify the validity of the spacecraft model Following the validation program, the spacecraft
used in the design load analyses. All tests are pkr- contractor conducts a static test program to demon-
formed on spacecraft structure representative lof strate the spacecraft structure's ability to sustain
the flight article. The test plan must be approved Py all critical loads. These tests will be based on loads
the spacecraft SPO. The LVIC and the space diri- from the verification load cycle.
sion/launch vehicle integrator (SO/LVI) are noti-
fied of the date, time, and location of all such tests A description of the required spacecraft dynamic
and are provided access to monitor the test pro- model data and the methodology used by LVrC in
gram. I computing spacecraft internal loads can be found in
A Generalized Coordinate Dynamic Model Data
Based on the experimental test data, the spacecraft Format, report number TOR·0078 (3451-04)-1,Space
contractor provides the integration contractor with Division (AFSD) Headquarters, October 1, 1977.


(WBS paragraph 3.3.14) Based on these preliminary data, the integration

contractor will:
Depending on program schedules and the amount
of spacecraft design support required, preliminary
1) Determine the configuration factors between
thermal analyses may be performed during the
spacecraft, trusses, PLF, Transtage, and
definition period. The integration contractor nor- space. These configuraton factors are used to
mally performs required prelaunch and in-flight
establish the gray-body interchange factors
analyses during the initial phases of space-
(i.e., factors that account for multiple reflec-
craft/Titan integration. When possible, they are tions) used in subsequent temperature com-
based on similarities with previous Titan/ space- putations.
craft integration programs and a previously used
flight plan. When similarities cannot be estab-
2) Evalute all external heat fluxes to external
lished, or when special spacecraft requirements ex- nodes, accounting for shadowing and gray-
ist, it may be necessary to perform detailed thermal body effects. These external heat fluxes in-
analyses and tests. If such analyses or tests are re- clude aerodynamic heating, free molecular
quired, the spacecraft contractor should provide heating, solar flux, albedo, and Earth-emitted
the following information: flux .
. 1) A spacecraft thermal model consisting of 3) Compute temperature time-histories during
lumped nodal arrangements and capacities, flight to determine orientation and shielding re-
conductances between nodes, view factors be- quirements.
tween internal nodes, and radiation properties
for all node surfaces. Normally 150 nodes with
4) Perform analyses to account for variations in
200 internal thermal conductors, both conduc- lift-off times with low and high lift-off tempera-
tion and radiation, is sufficient;
tures to ensure temperature compliance with
orbital mechanics launch windows and to per-
2) Spacecraft drawings showing shapes and
turb radiation properties to give a worst-case
3) Locations, power outputs, and time histories
for internal power generation sources; A description of the preliminary spacecraft, PLF,
upper stage(s), thermal models, configuration fac-
4) Locations, weights, specific heats, and temper- tors, heat fluxes, and temperature histories are
ature limits of pyrotechnic devices; submitted to SD for approval and distribution.

5) Allowable prelaunch and in-flight tempera- In addition, a separate AGE study will be initiated
tures for the general spacecraft area and for using defined prelaunch constraints for the space-
specific critical components and surfaces; craft to evaluate air-conditioning requirements in
the environmental shelter and within the PLF. Ad-
6) Humidity and velocity constraints for condi- ditional provisions will be identified if the existing
tioned air during prelaunch operations. systems do not meet spacecraft requirements.


A four-part trajectory analysis is performed by the an official baseline for spacecraft and Titan plan-
integration contractor. This analysis covers the ning. This open-loop guidance and control system,
planning trajectory, mission specification refer- 3-degree-Qf-freedom, point-mass analysis is used
ence trajectory, guidance reference trajectory, and to:
pretest trajectory.
1) Verify baseline guidance equations,
Planning Trajectory- A planning trajectory analy-
sis is conducted 18to 30months before launch, dur- 2) Establish or verify thermal maneuvers and
ing the definition period. This is an open-loop spacecraft separation analyses,
guidance and control system, 3-degree-of-freedom,
point-mass analysis based on preliminary mission 3) Provide a reference point for tracking network
requirements and nominal Titan performance and range safety studies,
characteristics. A mission specification is provided
by SD for this analysis. The input data for this 4) Establish a basis for guidance error analysis,
analysis are compiled in a preliminary launch vehi-
cle data book that defines the mass properties and 5) Provide a nominal profile for a 6-degree-of-
characteristics of the propulsion system, PLF, and freedom analysis,
6) Establish a basis for the launch window
The results of the planning trajectory analysis are analysis,
used to:
7) Provide a baseline for spacecraft mission plan-
1) Refine mission planning operations, ning,

2) Develop a preliminary error analysis, 8) Provide additional data for spacecraft inter-
face specifications.
3) Evaluate Titan performance tradeoffs and
establish a performance baseline, Guidance Reference Trajectory-The guidance ref-
erence trajectory analysis is performed approx-
4) Provide data for Sun-angle, and tracking and imately 45to 70days before launch. This is an open-
telemetry look-angle analyses, loop guidance and control system, 3-degree-of-
freedom, point-mass analysis that incorporates
5) Develop a preliminary sequence. of events specific performance characteristics for the par-
(discrete list), ticular Titan launch vehicle.

6) Provide an initial reference for preliminary Specific characteristics include:

guidance and navigation-error analyses,
1) Calibrated propellant loads,
7) Identify revisions required for guidance and
control equations and resultant software 2) Propellant temperature on the launch date;
3) Actual SRM performance data;
8) Provide input to the spacecraft interface and
mission specifications, 4) Preliminary and actual weight data;

9) Perform preliminary thermal and separation 5) Tested and guaranteed data for the specific
analyses. vehicle;

Mission Specification Reference Trajectory-This 6) Final mission specifications.

reference trajectory analysis is performed 6 to 12
months before launch. The analysis satisfies the The results of this analysis are primarily used to
specification document requirements and becomes provide a basis for generating final guidance

system parameters, and to update baseline mission 2) Establish performance incentives,
3) Provide final inputs to range safety,
Pretest Trajectory-The pretest trajectory analy-
sis is performed approximately 30to 45 days before 4) Provide information for worldwide tracking
launch. This is a 6-degree-of-freedom analysis that operations,
incorporates closed-loop guidance system steering
and control system stabilization. It provides the 5) Establish scientific verification of guidance
final preflight predicted trajectory used to: system parameters,

1) Make the prelaunch evaluation of vehicle per- 6) Provide a basis for postflight analyses.

A/D Analog to Digital Ctdn Countdown
ac Alternating Current cu ft Cubic Foot
ACPS Attitude Control Propulsion System
ACRBC Acceptance, Checkout, Retest, and
Backout Criteria DATS Despun Antenna Test Satellite
ACS Attitude Control System dB Decibels
AER Aerojet Engine Representative DC&R Discrepancy Check and Report
AFETR Air Force Eastern Test Range deg Degree
AFETRM Air Force Eastern Test Range dia Diameter
Manual DMS Data Management Subsystem
AFS Air Force Station DOD Department of Defense
AFWTR Air Force Western Test Range DODGE Department of Defense Gravity
AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment Experiment
ALRC Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company DSCS Defense Systems Communications
APS Accessory Power System Satellite
ATG Aerospace Test Group DSP Defense Satellite Program
AVE Aerospace Vehicle Equipment DTS Data Transmission System
AVV Automatic Vehicle Verification DTS Data Transfer

BAC Boeing Aerospace Company ~ Emissivity

BCC Booster Countdown Controller EE Environmental Enclosure
BLO Butt Line Zero EEC Extendable Exit Cone
Btry Battery EED Electroexplosive Device
Btu British Thermal Unit EI Elevation
BVIC Booster Vehicle Integration ELV Expendable Launch Vehicle
Contractor EMC Electromagnetic Compatability
BVL Butterfly Valve Lock EPOM Ethylene Propylene Oiene Monomer
BVLC Boost Vehicle Launch Conductor EPS Electrical Power Subsystem
eq Equatorial
C3 Launch Vehicle Energy ERS Environmental Research Satellite
[kmt/ seconds) ES Environmental Shelter
CAM Collision Avoidance Maneuver ESMC Eastern Space and Missile Center
CAPS Corrective Action Problem Summary
CC Control Center F Fahrenheit
CCAFS Cape Canaveral Air Force Station FCC Flight Control Computer
CCAM Contamination/Collision Avoidance FCS Flight Controls System
Maneuver fed Federal
CCPDC Command Control Power FHA Fuel Holding Area
Distribution Console fpm Feet per Minute
CCR Command Control Receiver FSCMG Flight Safety Control Monitoring
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television Group
CDP Command Data Processing ft Feet
cfm Cubic Feet per Minute FWG Facilities Working Group
cg Center of Gravity
CI Contract Item G Gravitational level of acceleration
cm Centimeter GC Guidance Computer
COS Checkout Station GCMG Guidance Control Monitor Group
CRT Cathrode Ray Tube GFP Government- Furnished Property
CSS Centaur Standard Shroud GHSE Ground Handling Service
CST Combined Systems Test Equipment
~ CSTSS Combined Systems Test Simulator GIE Ground Instrumentation Equipment
Set gm Gram

GMM Guided Missile Monitor LASS Lateral Acceleration Sensing System
GMTS Guided Missile Test Set lb Pound
GN2 Gaseous Nitrogen LC Launch Controller
GN&C Guidance, Navigation, and Control LC Launch Complex
gnd Ground LCC Launch Control Center
GNS Guidance and Navigation Subsystem LCD Launch Constraints Document
gpm Gallons per Minute LEO Low-Earth Orbit
GSE Ground Support Equipment LES Lincoln Experimental Satellite
GSO Geosynchronous Orbit LH2 Liquid Hydrogen
GTC Guidance Test Controller LLSS Low-Level Sensor Shutdown System
LMSC Lockheed Missile and Space
h Hour Company
H/W Hardware LN2 Liquid Nitrogen
HDA High-Density Acid LOB Launch Operations Building
He Helium LORD Launch Operations Requirements
ht Height Document
HTPB Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene LRE Liquid Rocket Engines
Oxide LSB Launch Services Building
Hz Hertz LTD Launch Test Directives
LTWG Launch Test Working Group
Inclination Angle LVI Launch Vehicle Integrator
Specific Impulse LVIC Launch Vehicle Integration
I/ Interface Contractor
I/O Input/Output LVS Launch Vehicle System
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICD Interface Control Document
IDCSP Initial Defense Communications MAB Missile Assembly Building
Satellite Project MABA Maximum Access Booster Adapter
IFS Interface Specification MARS Martin Marietta Automatic Report
IGPS Inertial Guidance Power Supply System
IGS Inertial Guidance System MDAC McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
ILC Initial Launch Capability Company
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit MDL Mission Data Load
in. Inches mg Milligrams
Instl Installation MGC Missile Guidance Computer
lOP Input/Output Panel Mgmt Management
IPS Instrumentation Power System MIS Motor Inert Storage Area
IRFNA Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid MISC Mission Integration Support
IRSS Instrumentation and Range Safety Contract
System MMC Martin Marietta Corporation
ISA Inertial Sensor Assembly MOL Manned Orbiting Laboratory
ISA Interstage Adapter MRL Missile Research Laboratory
ISDS Inadvertent Separation Destruct ms Millisecond
System MST Mobile Service Tower
ISL Inside Skin Line MST/ES Mobile Service
1ST Integrated Systems Test Tower/Environmental Shelter
ITL Integrate-Transfer- Launch
IUS Inertial Upper Stage Na Sodium
IUS/SC Inertial Upper Stage/Spacecraft NASA National Aeronautics and Space
Kbd Keyboard nmi Nautical Miles
km Kilometer Nom Nominal
NPC Nitrogen Pressure Controller
L/V Launch Vehicle NRZ Nonreturn-to-zero
LAN Longitude of the Ascending Node NUS No Upper Stage

0 Oxygen RPIE Real-Property Installed Equipment
OFS Operational Flight Software RSO Range Safety Officer
~ OHA Oxidizer Holding Area
OLOP On-Line Operational Program s Second
OLSM On-Line Simulation Model S/W Software
OPS Orbital Positioning Stage SAB Satellite Assembly Building
ORD Operations Requirements Document SAFSP Secretary of the Air Force Special
P/L Payload SAMSO Space and Missile Systems
PAA Pan American Airlines Organization
PACE Programmable Aerospace Control SAMTO Space and Missile Test Organization
Equipment SAS Segment Arrival Storage Area
PAM-D Payload Assist Module-Delta SC Spacecraft
PCM Pulse Code Modulation SCC Spacecraft Countdown Controller
PIC Payload Integration Contract SCU Signal Conditioning Unit
PI Places SD Space Division
PL Payload SD/YV Space Division/Launch Base
PLF Payload Fairing Operations Program Office
PLU Propellant Load Unit SD/YUI Space Division/Systems Program
PODP Postoperational Data Processor Office for Inertial Upper Stage
ppm Parts per Million Program
PRD Program Requirements Document SD/YVX Space Division/Expendable Launch
psf Pounds per Square Foot Vehicles Program Office
psi Pounds per Square Inch SEAS Shuttle Engineering and Acquisition
psig Pounds per Square Inch-Gauge Support Office
PSR Program Support Request SFC Simulated Flight Test
PSV Pressure Sequencing Valve SFC Squib Fire Circuit
PTCMG Pulse Tracking Control Monitoring SGLS Space Ground Link Subsystem
Group SIC System Integration Contractor
PTPCS Propellant Transfer and SINC Spacecraft Integration Contractor
Pressurization Control System SIU Signal Interface Unit
PTPS Propellant Transfer Propulsion SLC Space Launch Complex
System SLY Space Launch Vehicle
pwr Power SMAB Solid Motor Assembly Building
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
Q Dynamic Pressure SPIF Shuttle Payload Integration Facility
SPO System Program Office
R Radius SRM Solid Rocket Motor
R&D Research and Development SRS Solid Rocket Storage
RAAN Right Ascension of the Ascending SSLV Standard Space Launch Vehicle
Node SSPS Second-Stage Propulsion System
RCS Reaction Control System Sta Station
REM Reaction or Rocket Engine Module Std Standard
rf Radio Frequency STS Space Transportation System
RFP Request for Proposal (Shuttle)
RGPS Radio Guidance Power System SVC Space Vehicle Contractor
RGS Radio Guidance System Syn Synchronous
RGS Rate Gyro System
RH Relative Humidity T&FS Tracking and Flight Safety
RIMU Redundant Inertial Measurement TARS Three-Axis Reference System
Unit TDMG Telemetry Data Monitor Group
RIS Receiving Inspection and Storage TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
RMIS Remote Multiplexed Instrumentation System
System I TIU Titan Interface Unit
RMU Remote Multiplexer Unit TIm Telemetry

TPS Transient Power System Vac Volts Alternating Current
TS Transtage VAFB Vandenberg Air Force Base
TS-CM Transtage Control Module VCO Voltage Control Oscillator
TSE Test Support Equipment Vdc Volts Direct Current
TT&C Telemetry, Tracking, and Command VIB Vertical Integration Building
TVC Thrust Vector Control VPDC Van Power Distribution Console

UDMH Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine WBS Work Breakdown Structure

UES Uniform Environmental Shelter WECO Western Electric Company
USAF United States Air Force WL Water Line
UT Umbilical Tower WSMC Western Space and Missile Center
UTCSD United Technologies/Chemical
Systems Division {3 Launch Azimuth
UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength e Arc Length of Parking Orbit (true
+ Declination


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