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The following questionnaire aims at seeking information for the purpose of research project on
PROCESS: A STUDY AT DELHI”. In this attempt, I need your kind help by the way of filling
up this questionnaire. You are requested to kindly respond to each question after giving a proper
thought and not in hurry.

Kindly put tick at any of the option box below: Here 1- Strongly Agree; 2- Agree; 3-No
clear idea; 4- Disagree and 5-Strongly Disagree.

Sl. Statement Option

No 1 2 3 4 5
1 I always take decisions regarding my diet chart from my gym

2 To me, my Gym Trainer is a heavenly person who gives me rays

of knowledge.

3 I always ask my gym trainer regarding the right

supplements and proteins to be taken.
4 The Jewellery which I purchase / wear, is with my gym
trainer’s help.
5 My choice of dress is what my gym trainer suggests.

6 The appropriate kind of sports shoes is always selected by

my gym trainer.
7 I also prefer working out at home by calling my gym trainer
on phone and asking him/her the workout schedule.
8 Whenever I am bored at home, I hangout with my gym
9 Gym trainers are of great help when it comes to preparing a
weight loss plan.
10 Whenever my family members face any health issues, I
took my gym trainer’s help to get them rid of.
Sl. Statement Option
No 1 2 3 4 5
11 I also get help regarding my studies from my gym trainer.

12 Getting rid of back pain or any sprain is easy as my gym

trainer solves the issue.
13 I take advice from my gym trainer first, before purchasing
any electronic gadget or my personal belongings.
14 Many a times I feel low, at that time my gym trainer raises
my morale.
15 I often feel my full day plans in a hectic way. My gym
trainer helps me to make it easy.
16 I rely my Gym Trainer’s suggestion more than my spouse,
parents or friends.
17 Many a times I disobey my Gym Trainer’s advice and
ultimately faced troubles.
18 I believe my Gym Trainer do not have proper knowledge
and hence could not provide any solution to me.
19 My Gym Trainer is keen on selling protein supplements etc
from his/her shop.
20 I could not disobey my Gym Trainer’s advises due to
his/her knowledge and personality.
21 I like my Gym very much but not the Gym Trainer.

22 I used to copy my Gym Trainer in dress or lifestyle.

23 I changed myself a lot after coming under the guidance of

my Gym Trainer.
24 I charmed with the personality of my Gym Trainer.

25 I scared with my Gym Trainer and want to get rid of.

26 Gender Male Female

27 Age Group <18 18-25 26-35 36-45 45>

28 Profession Stud Worki Busine House Reti

ent ng ss wife red

29 Economic Status BPL APL LIG MIG HIG

30 Education <10 10-12 UG PG PhD


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