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In this project you and your group will be creating a unique ecosystem that shows the biotic
factors and abiotic factors that interact to form the ecosystem. You will show the feeding relationships
between organisms in the ecosystem by making a food web. In addition, you will also specifically
describe an organism at each trophic level that lives in your ecosystem. You will have some class time
to work on the project as a group, but you will need to use some out of class time also. You will give
an oral presentation of your ecosystem to the class next ______________.Your grade will consist of a
group grade (ecosystem info, food web info, & choosing 4 organisms from different trophic levels = 35
pts) and an individual grade (presentation of your organism = 20 pts).

 Location – where is it located? (underwater, on a mountain, in the jungle, in a desert, on
another planet, etc.)
 Living Community – create imaginary (organisms must be imaginary) organisms to inhabit
your ecosystem. Must have organisms from each of the following trophic levels (give
population size of each level): please don’t forget your information about the energy pyramid
o Producers
o Primary Consumers
o Secondary & Higher Consumers
o Decomposers
 Abiotic Factors – (non-living factors) describe climate (temperature, precipitation, seasons,
amount of sunlight, etc) and surface conditions (soil texture, amount of water, vegetation,
atmosphere, etc)


 Create a food web for your community of organisms that shows the interactions between the
producers, primary consumers, secondary & higher consumers, and decomposers.


 Trophic level (give trophic level & tell what it eats in the ecosystem)
 Name of organism
 Population size of the species
 Niche and Habitat (what does it do & where exactly does it live – how does it fit into your
ecosystem – how does it interact with others)
 How is it suited to its environment? (adaptations it has for the physical conditions of the
 Reproduction – sexual or asexual reproduction. Does it require a special nesting site or is there
another organism that helps to pollinate it or spread seeds, etc.
 ** You will make a drawing of your organism OR make a 3D model of your organism OR
create your organism using the computer.


 Oral Presentation of your ecosystem: be prepared to describe your ecosystem, explain your
food web, and describe the four specific organisms.
 Poster showing a drawing of your ecosystem ---or presentation using the computer
 Poster of your food web
 Each student should be turning in a short 2 paragraph narrative describing their organism
including trophic level, name, population size, niche & habitat, suited to environment, and type
of reproduction.
 Grading Rubric for Designing an Ecosystem
 Poster/Drawing 10 pts ________
 Location 3 pts ________
 Community
o All trophic levels 4 pts ________
o Imaginary organisms 2 pts ________
o Proper # of organisms at each level 2 pts ________
 Abiotic factors
o Climate 2 pts ________
o Surface conditions 2 pts ________
 Poster/Drawing 6 pts ________
 All trophic levels represented 2 pts ________
 All trophic levels represented 2 pts ________
Group Total 35 pts ________
 Organism #1
o Trophic level & Name 2 pt ________
o Population size 1 pt ________
o Niche & Habitat & drawing 5 pts ________
o Suited to environment 1 pt ________
o Reproduction 1 pt ________
o 2 paragraph narrative giving all of the above info 10 pts ________
Individual Total 20 pts ________
 Organism #2
o Trophic level & Name 2 pt ________
o Population size 1 pt ________
o Niche & Habitat & drawing 5 pts ________
o Suited to environment 1 pt ________
o Reproduction 1 pt ________
o 2 paragraph narrative giving all of the above info 10 pts ________
Individual Total 20 pts ________
 Organism #3
o Trophic level & Name 2 pt ________
o Population size 1 pt ________
o Niche & Habitat & drawing 5 pts ________
o Suited to environment 1 pt ________
o Reproduction 1 pt ________
o 2 paragraph narrative giving all of the above info 10 pts ________
Individual Total 20 pts ________
 Organism #4
o Trophic level & Name 2 pts ________
o Population size 1 pt ________
o Niche & Habitat & drawing 5 pts ________
o Suited to environment 1 pts ________
o Reproduction 1 pts ________
o 2 paragraph narrative giving all of the above info 10 pts ________
Individual Total 20 pts ________

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