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A Research Framework
Atul Gupta

1: Identify a real world (research) problem

1.1 Identify a Subject
1.2 Identify a Topic
1.3 Identify/Frame useful research questions. Ask as many as felt sensible
1.4 Select a few most sensible/feasible ones and frame your initial research
1.5 Ensure that the outcome of the your research will help fill in the gap or
provide new, useful insights about the problem/solution characteristics or
help answering the question(s) in improved fashion

2: Research about its existing Answers/Solutions

2.1 Search for the types of answers/solutions and their strengths/weakness/
2.2 Identify the Gaps and necessity of a more useful answers/solutions for the
identified questions. Hence develop your motivation and revise the research
questions and hence the revised research problem to be investigated..
2.3 Document this understanding and review and support your arguments
with suitable references…
2.4 Ask for a feedback here …


3. Plan and Review a Study to look for answers/solutions of

the research questions…
3.1 Think for alternate study designs, their feasibility, their implications, validity
considerations and other assessments to choose one of them.
Get a feedback here

3.2 Document the design including all elements as well as the execution
procedure. Review critically various instruments of design, instructional
material, preparedness of subjects, objects, data to be collected, and other
resources as required, as well as for the possible threats to the validity of the
study. A Pilot study/ mock drill will be highly desirable. (This step is probably
the most crucial among all others and you have to be 100% sure about the
right execution. Its like a an academic procession, or the show time and a
second chance is highly unlikely)
Get a feedback here. Go for another opinion, if possible

3.3 Have a RMMM Plan for the study. Get a Feedback here as well

4. Carryout the study and collect the data…

4.1 Ensure that the study went as planned and risks associated with it also
properly handled as per the plan. No new, critical risks were observed. Else
review the aftereffects to take a call here.

4.2 Ensure that the data collection followed from the experiment and not
confounded by other possible confounding factors (Threats to internal validity)

4.3 Review the data collected

5. Data Analysis and Results

5.1 Perform suitable data analysis techniques like descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics techniques

5.2 Based on the analysis, project the results of the study using suitable,
standard means, like plots, tables, charts

5.3 State your specific findings against each of the research questions


6. Reflections (Discussion)
4.1 Explain the implications of this work…what can be concluded here and why

4.2 At times, you chose among alternatives during the design and or execution,
defend that decision scientifically.

4.3 Discuss various threats to the study and how you handled them (each of
them specifically)

4.3 Document it

7. Conclusions
5.1 Perform suitable data analysis techniques like descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics techniques

5.2 Based on the analysis, project the results of the study using suitable,
standard means, like plots, tables, charts

5.3 State your specific findings against each of the research questions

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