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Course Guide Book

Course Title: Advance Computer Networks

Course Code: MSIT 6101
Instructor Tesfa Tegegne (PhD)
Office location: CS building office number 5
Consultation Hours:
Lecture Dates, Hours & Rooms Laboratory Dates, Hours and Rooms
Sunday 9:00-12:00 (3:00 – 6:00
Local time)
Room NCR1
ECTS Credits 5 (3 credit hour)
Contact Hours (per week) Lecture Tutorial Lab/Practical
2 0 3

Target Group: 1st MSc Information Technology

Computer networks and their associated protocols form the basis for modern data communications that is
at the heart of "information technology" and the Internet. The Networking module prepares students to be
key contributors to the design, selection, management, and operation of networks and it provides
important background knowledge for students who choose to become application developers for a
networked environment. First, the module provides students with a deep understanding of network
technologies, protocols, and algorithms that form the foundation of networking. Students will be able to
describe network components and their relationship, analyze network behavior, and compare the relative
strengths and weaknesses of networks and protocols based on their constituent algorithms. Secondly, the
module builds on this foundation to provide students with the knowledge and the analytical capabilities
needed to effectively design, deploy, and manage computer networks and protocols. Students will be
prepared to conduct further research in networks and protocols, design networks and protocols and
quickly learn operational details needed to manage networks.


At the end of the course students will be able to:

 describe the layered protocol architecture and explain the basic functions performed by the various
layers in the protocol stack;
 explain the features and analyze the behavior of link-level, medium access control, routing,
congestion control, and flow control protocols and algorithms, including how these functions are
performed in TCP/IP, ATM, and IEEE-standard local area networks;
 explain the features, describe the relationships, and analyze the behavior of protocols in the TCP/IP
protocol suite;
 apply simple analytical and simulation models to evaluate the relative performance of network
elements and systems;
 explain the use of network management tools and network monitors to determine network
performance and operational problems; and
 explain how differentiated quality of service (QoS) can be provided in networks supporting multiple
service types and identify the various traffic and resource management mechanisms needed to
implement different QoS architectures


1. Computer Networks and the Internet
1.1. What is the Internet?
1.2. Network edge
1.2.1.End systems, access networks, links
1.2.2.Client-Server programs
1.3. Network Core
1.3.1.Packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4. Delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5. Protocol layers, service models
1.6. Network under attack: security

2. Application layer
2.1. Principles of network applications
2.2. Web and HTTP
2.3. FTP
2.4. Electronic mail
2.4.1.SMTP, POP3, IMAP
2.5. DNS
2.6. P2P applications
2.7. Socket programming with UDP and TCP

3. Transport layer
3.1. Introduction and Transport layer services
3.2. Multiplexing and demultiplexing
3.3. Connectionless Transport: UDP
3.4. Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP
3.5. Principles of Reliable Data Transfer
3.6. Principles of Cognition Control
4. Network layer and Routing
4.1. Introduction and Network Service Model
4.2. Routing Principles Hierarchical Routing
4.3. Internet Protocol
4.4. Routing in the Internet What is Inside a Router?
4.5. IPv6
4.6. Multicast Routing

5. Link layer and Local Area Networking

5.1. The Data Link Layer: introduction, Services
5.2. Error Detection and Correction
5.3. Multiple Access Protocols and LANs
5.4. LAN Addresses and ARP
5.5. Ethernet
5.6. Hubs, Bridges and witches
5.7. Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11
5.8. The Point-to-Point Protocol
5.9. ATM
5.10. X.25 and Frame Relay

6. Multimedia Networking
6.1. Multimedia Networking Applications
6.2. Streaming Stored Audio and Video
6.3. Making the Best of the Best-Effort Service: An Internet Phone Example
6.4. RTP
6.5. Beyond Best Effort 3
6.6. Scheduling and Policing Mechanisms for Providing QoS Guarantees
6.7. Integrated Services
6.8. RSVP
6.9. Differentiated Services
 For this course three hours lecture is scheduled. Students are expected to read the text book,
reference books as well as journal and conference articles in advance. Participation and class
attendance is mandatory.

 Assignments will be given individually. Students will be involved in a real world problem solving
and the students will have an individual project. At the end of the course students will write a
short article that can be published either in a peer reviewed conference or journals.


Due Date Weighted (%)
Assignment (At least two 15%,
papers review individually)
Project 20%

Short paper 15%

Final Examination 50%
Total 100%

 Network Operating systems, Simulators, etc

 As per the university’s regulation

 All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (article 166 and 166.1.1, of
The Senate Legislation of Bihar Dar University May 20, 2005) throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage during
your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action. If you need it you can get a copy
(to be copied by yourself) of it from your academic advisor.
 You are expected to attend class regularly. I will take attendance on random days during the
semester to ensure that students are coming to class, and if you miss class repeatedly, your grade
will be affected. 85% Attendance is mandatory to sit for final exams.
 Please try to be on time for class. I will not allow you enter if you are late more than five minutes. I
will often ask questions during my lectures and active participation in class is essential.
 Cell phones must be turned off before entering the class.


 Kurose, James F. & Ross, Keith W. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th
edition (2013). Addison Wesley.


1. A S Tanenbaum " Computer Networks" Prentice Hall of India Publication , 2002

2. Data and Computer Communication, 6th edition, William Stallings
3. Data Communications and Networking, 4th Edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan
4. Computer Networking. Kurose & Ross. Addison Wesley
5. Fred Halshall "Data Communication, Computer Networks & Open systems" Publication
Pearson Education
6. Any Cisco Material (CCNA Module1) will be helpful
Approved By:

Tesfa T. 27-Jul-15
Course Manager/Lecturer Signature Date

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