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Copyreading is much like the work of a communication arts teacher correcting

compositions, except that he usesdifferent symbols.A copy may be a news item, an
editorial, a feature story or any literary article.
Duties of a copyreader:

Straighten out ungrammatical construction.2.

Shorten sentences and tighten paragraphs.3.

See that the paper’s style requirements are strictly followed. Check names, addresses,
title, designations,identifications, figures, etc.4.

Rewrite the story completely if it is poorly written.5.

Rewrite the lead or the first few paragraphs whenever necessary, but must never
tamper with the facts unlesshe is sure of his corrections.6.

Delete all opinion, speculations and statements on news which are without attribution or

Watch out for slanting or any attempt to present the story in a subtly biased way.8.

Watch for libelous statements.9.

Recheck figures and totals.10.

Cross-out adjectives in news which tend to make a story sound over-written.11.

Cut a story to size or to the required length if necessary.12.

Check attributions and see to it that they are properly identified.13.

Challenge facts, claims, or reports when they sound anomalous, illogical and

Check sluglines and paging sequences15.

Write headlines
What to copyread?

Errors in fact2.

Errors in grammar 3.
Errors in structure4.

Errors in style5.

Libelous and derogatory statements6.

Seditious and rebellious matter 7.

Expressions contrary to law and good taste8.

Opinion and editorializing statements9.

Verbal deadwood, redundancy10.

Technical terms, slang, jargons

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