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International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology

in Engineering (IJAITE), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan-2019 ISSN:2455-6491

Assistant Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication, J.C.O.E.T, Yavatmal, India
B.E. Final Year, Electronics and Telecommunication, J.C.O.E.T, Yavatmal, India
B.E. Final Year, Electronics and Telecommunication, J.C.O.E.T, Yavatmal, India
B.E. Final Year, Electronics and Telecommunication, J.C.O.E.T, Yavatmal, India
B.E. Final Year, Electronics and Telecommunication, J.C.O.E.T, Yavatmal, India

ABSTRACT: Millions of kids have to be compelled to commute between homes to high school each day. Safer transportation of
faculty kids has been a important issue because it is usually discovered that, youngsters realize themselves latched within the
coach at the stop once progressing to college, they miss the bus, or ride the incorrect bus with no thanks to track them. This
project intends to search out Associate in Nursing other yet one more one more} answer to resolve this drawback by developing a
bus safety system that may management the entry and exit of scholars from the buses through an energy economical methodology.
The projected system can management the entry and exit of scholars to and from the bus victimisation RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) and GSM technologies to make sure the coming into and exiting of all students to and from the college bus in a
very safer manner. the method, doesn't need any further action by the scholar and drivers. The system can do all the method and
permit the scholar to be half-tracked whereas coming into and feat the bus. If the bus journey is prosperous from the supply to
destination, it'll send Associate in Nursing SMS to the management to tell its departure and arrival.
Keywords: RFID Reader, GSM, RFID Tag, Arduino, etc


Younger students well being is the most huge segment urged include data and information about the product,
to go before research with the help of cutting edge manufacturing date, and destination. Further, the author also
innovation. A few harsh occurrences compelled to build up observed that the ability of the reader field decreases quickly
an imaginative system to give secure life to kids. Guardians with increasing distance, which defines the area of reading
are unfit to feel good until the kid continued back to home to 4-5 meter distance using VHF 860-930 MHz.
securely. Missing of the understudies at school premises,
hostile to social components kidnappings and so forth are H.ben, & abdullah, k [2]., “smart tracking system for school
expanding in a development. Innovation should be basic to buses using passive rfid technology to enhance child safety”.
safe watchman the general public. The created working In this paper the author make a system that monitors
model considered RF ID Technology and an Arduino and children inside the bus in a safe manner. It uses a
GSM innovation. The status of the kids is promptly combination of RFID, GPS (Global Positioning System),
accessible with the school central and with the parent time to and GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) technologies.
time. The arrival status of the kid is verified by giving the Each student carries a unique RFID card. The card is
message to the parent ahead of time is urged to address the embedded in each of the student’s school bags. Whenever a
difficulties in the kids security. The working model is student enters or exits from the bus, the reader records the
created and tried intermittently for consistent observing. time, date, and location and then transfer the data into a
secure database and this does not require any action from the
1.1 LITERATURE REVIEW drivers and students.

C. Kumar[1] , “RFID based embedded system for vehicle The system enables parents to receive instant SMS alerts
tracking and prevention of road accident’’ In this paper within 10 minutes of the designated pick up and drop off
identity is transmitted in a form of serial number that points, reducing the time the child spends on the street. The
distinguishes each object from others. The RFID system system will also notify the parents via SMS when the
consists of an RFID reader and an RFID tag. The tag student boards from the bus or when entering and leaving
consists of the microchip that is connected to an antenna; the school, this will make the parents take the appropriate
microchip can store a maximum of 2 KB of data, which may action because they have precise answers to boarding statue

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International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology
in Engineering (IJAITE), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan-2019 ISSN:2455-6491
and times. If the child is still inside the bus for a guardians to get to the checking framework that empowers
predetermined period after running the bus engine, and bus’s them to screen their youngsters through the web utilizing
doors are closed, a message will be sent to school peruse/CMS customer. In the event of episodes, dire
management, and the system will display the location of the correspondence or alert trigger on the CMS server by the
bus. driver and after that the CMS executive will discuss
S. Shafaat [3] , UAE dispatches "shrewd school transports to legitimately with the driver utilizing a versatile DVR
improve understudies security framework to offer guardians framework through 2G/3G arrange.
direct access to transport status" It present the framework
incorporates a web - based detailing that makes it quick and K. Zonar[5], has designed the , “Zpass: Student Ridership
simple access to get precise data, for example, understudy Tracking” specifically for school buses for monitoring and
report that gives an information and time to every one of the tracking the students in a safe manner. Zpass provides
exercises of stacking and emptying by understudies, and accurate and immediate answers. This system uses RFID
transport report that gives all understudy ridership with a small card carried by the student containing passive
information by transport. Another investigation completed RFID technology that records each student’s entry or exit
for the Emirates Transport in Dubai connected new automatically when the student passes from the scanner
innovations so as to overhaul transport administrations and device that located in the school bus. Through that, parents
raise the dimension of traffic wellbeing amid the exchange can receive information from the student through the mobile
the school understudies and just as, to enable groups of the phone or computer browser with Zpass+, which gives
understudies to follow the course of their kids while they are parents a new level of comfort and confidence, using the
in school transports. This framework comprises of three information that is collected from Zpass, simple
methods, for example, shrewd card, GPS beacon and the notifications send directly whenever the child gets on or gets
brilliant standard. The understudy filters the card when off from the school bus through SMS to the parent’s mobile
he/she come up to the transport by means of a gadget fixed phone.
in the transport and he ought to do something very similar
when he got off from the transport. In light of that parent 2. PROPOSED SYSTEM
gets an instant message amid the understudy sweep of the
card when entering and leaving. In this system we have a tendency to square measure give
the RFID card cards to every student as Associate in nursing
The GPS beacon system likewise will empower guardians to card. All the knowledge of student is gift in its card. Once
decide the course of the transport to pursue its way on a Bus coming back for acquire the scholars before that can
guide that can be found by means of a cell phone, when the it'll} send the SMS to parent to insured that bus will come
understudy entered the transport, and filtered the card. Then back to choose up your youngsters. Once student enter the
again, the brilliant standard, which is a brilliant box within the bus by swapping the cardboard the SMS is
suffocate on the zone of stopping transports inside a red box mechanically send to their folks. Same method is whenever
that is greater than it is to caution understudies from the coed out from the bus which time additionally send exit
avoided. So as to alarm them to not cross the street when SMS to oldsters. Uses the autonomous bunch technique to
there is a vehicle and it keep away from dangerous charges watch the kids in cluster and once separated. Currently daily
or exhibiting before the transport moving, for their own the accident is going on all over in this case we offer the
security to maintain a strategic distance from presentation to accident detection system. The vibrator sensing element is
any damage. Since execution, it was seen that the utilization place to the bus. If the accident happens then the system
of this framework has prompted numerous positive mechanically sends the SMS to Management/principal &
outcomes, as it has diminished the quantity of episodes of station house.
school transport by 63%; decreased the quantity of
understudy clients of private vehicles to get the opportunity The system incorporates a single-board embedded system
to class by 9%; expanded the quantity of understudies that that contains GPS and GSM modems connected with a
utilization the school transports by 5.5% microcontroller. the complete set-up is put in within the
vehicle. A vibration sensing element is employed. It
L. Anon[4]., present a paper “Smart school bus monitoring measures the vibration at the situation it's placed. The signal
and tracking system” In this paper system which is called, is then compared with the quality values that additional
Shrewd School Bus Architecture. The understudy swipes the confer the accident of the automotive, inessential shock or
card at the RFID peruser while boarding the transport, when vibration made by machines, tilt of the automotive with
the RFID peruser transmits the understudy ID to portable regard to the earth’s axis may be known with the amount of
DVR, which will transmit understudy recognizable proof to acceleration. world Positioning System (GPS) is employed
the CMS server utilizing 2G/3G/WIFI organize. The CMS to spot the situation of the vehicle. GSM is employed to tell
server will send SMS to doled out guardians versatile, at that the precise conveyance location to the preceded numbers.
point the guardians will get the message and after that the Message can offer meridian and latitude values. From these
transport will leave. Amid the transport is moving, the values location of accident may be determined. GSM
versatile DVR will record (video/sound) the different school electronic equipment provides a 2 means communication by
transport recognizes that will be appeared in the CMS server employing a sim card. Such a module works identical as a
through 2G/3G/WIFI arrange just as there is a GPS utilized daily phone. The project aims at intelligent security system
for following and observing the brilliant transport area at the
focal checking site. School the board allows and enables

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International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology
in Engineering (IJAITE), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan-2019 ISSN:2455-6491
providing situational awareness and agile safety. (shields) and other circuits. The board has 14 Digital pins,
6 Analog pins, and programmable with the Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB
cable. It can be powered by a USB cable or by an external 9
volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20
volts. The Uno board is the first in a series of USB Arduino
boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform.
The ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes pre-
programmed with a boot loader that allows uploading new
code to it without the use of an external hardware
2.3 RFID Tag (Card)
RFID label stores extraordinary computerized personality
codes that can be examined from a separation and just as to
catch the sign and send them to the peruser. RFID comes in
various structures, for example, a mark card, which can have
a scanner tag imprinted on it. RFID labels are utilized in
numerous businesses, where it tends to be utilized to follow
by suspending it in the vehicle amid generation or it very
well may be infused into creatures that permit recognizing
the creatures. Likewise, it very well may be joined to
Figure 1: Block Diagram of Propose System apparel or even embedded in individuals to decide the
character of the individual. RFID labels can be dynamic,
2.1 RFID Reader latent, or semi-detached. The investigation has utilized a 40
The capacity of the RFID per user is incorporated bit one of a kind ID, it can't be reinvented, clear, adaptable,
with RFID labels. It contains the per user module, which and white in shading.
functions as both the transmitter and collector of radio 2.4 AT Commands
recurrence signals. The transmitter comprises of an
oscillator to make a bearer recurrence, a modulator that AT Commands are a specific command language used to
control modems to do their specified functions. The
impacts on information directions, and enhancer to upgrade
command set consists of a series of short text strings which
the sign enough to stir the sign. On the opposite side, the
are combined together to produce complete commands for
collector has a demodulator to extricate the re-established
operations such as dialling, hanging up, sending messages
information and it contains an intensifier to fortify the
prepared sign. The microcontroller frames a control unit that and changing the parameters of the connection. As for the
proposed project, a set of commands are required to
stores information and afterward sends it to the system.
establish a connection between the mobile operator and the
They have three arrangement set ID3, ID12, and ID20 and
GSM modem. All used commands are explained in the
these all are LA arrangement. The test utilizes ID20LA
advancement as it is the greatest sort of ID. It tends to be
perused any RFID card inside range, and any
microcontroller can without much of a stretch read it

2.2 GSM Modem

SIM900 GSM modem is utilized in this usage as it
enables sending SMS to the administration of the school
through web. This modem is a sort of modem that
acknowledges SIM card, and works through a membership
to a portable administrator. It works like a cell phone for
sending and accepting SMS or MMS through radio waves. It
is thin and minimized, the principle favorable position of
picking this specific modem is, it has low power utilization.
This modem has a GPRS highlight that permits transmitting
the information through the web in various strategies, for
example, SMS, GPRS, or CSD.

2.3 Arduino Uno

The Arduino UNO is an open-source
microcontroller board based on the MicrochipATmega328P
microcontroller and developed by The board is
equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O)
pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards
Table 1: AT Commands

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International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology
in Engineering (IJAITE), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan-2019 ISSN:2455-6491

The system implementation was tested and it found

that the system has worked as expected. Firstly the system
was simulated in the Proteus software. Then, the system
was programmed by Arduino software and development in
Arduino board. After the simulation of the system was
tested, a toy bus was used to test the system. The RFID
reader is fixed on the bus door. The RFID reader has tested
by entering the tags (cards) in the bus through it. While the
GSM has tested by connecting the GSM modem to a PC
directly through the USB cable. Then the GSM has tested by
using AT command tester program. For example, if AT is
written and the reply was ‘ok’, this was meant that the
communication with the GSM modem worked fine. Some
other basic AT commands have checked and tested to make
sure that the GSM modem is working successfully.

Figure 3: Bus Arrive SMS To Parents

Figure 2: Student Enter SMS Snapshot

Figure 4: Student Exit SMS Snapshot

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International Journal of Advanced Innovative Technology
in Engineering (IJAITE), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Jan-2019 ISSN:2455-6491
[5] K.Zonar, 2013. Zpass: Student Ridership Tracking.
International research.4 (1), 20-25. Available Online:

Figure 5: Accident Happen SMS to Management


The created working model is actualized in the research

facility. The transport driving component can move the
transport without any deviations and the kids security
granted to advance for constant applications. While coming
back to their home with this system no understudy is
allowed to move far from security without knowing the
specialists. The arrival data message is sending to the parent
in a development will be an additional preferred standpoint
of the kids from grabbing. In future this proposed
philosophy is upgraded with against impact component and
biometric framework is to be proposed to supplant with the
current RFID innovation.


[1] C. Kumar, “RFID based embedded system for vehicle

tracking and prevention of road accident”. International
Journal of Engineering Research-, Vol.1, No. 6, pp3-5,
[2] H.ben, & abdullah, k., “smart tracking system for
school buses using passive rfid technology to enhance
child safety”. traffic and logistics engineering-
[3] S. Shafaat, UAE launches smart school buses to
improve students safety system to offer Parents direct
access to bus status” 1 (2). Available
[4] L.Anon., 2011. Smart school bus monitoring and
tracking system. IEEE Trans. Single

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