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Slide 1.

Title-Focus ,Focus ,Focus.

The sun washes the earth with billions of watts of energy.Laser is a less powerful source of energy but
laser is capable of drilling a hole in diamond and to wipe out cancer.

Success is a cost of monomaniacal focus on few things.

Consistency is mother of mastery.

Victim love excuses , game changers are all about results


Title--Disrupt or be disrupted

All changes are hard first ,messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

The seduction of safety is always more dangerous than the illusion of uncertainty.

Shift from stagnation to optimization.

Slide -3

Title-Distraction free atmosphere

Walk with the giants, sit with the titans.

Behave the way you want to become

Soltitude is the secret.

Cognitive behavior, attention residue being wasted.

Slide -4

Title-Dream big , Start small ,Act now

Rabindranath Tagore –Spring is past ,summer has gone and winter is here and the song that I meant to
sing remains unsung for I have spent my days stringing and unstringing the instrument. Focus your days
,time, focus your focus

Few priorities that will create a life at the end you believe is legendary.

Slide- 5 Legendary Life

1.When you were born ,you cried ,the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way ,the world cries you

To lead is to serve. To win is to be helpful. Nothing matters more than your impact on humanity.

And at end of your life ,I don’t think that you will be measured by in terms of success , money you made
,the car you drove ,the home you lived in.

What matters most is were you of service towards humanity.

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