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Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118 Czech J. Food Sci.

A Study of the Factors Affecting the Foaming Properties

of Egg White – a Review


Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis, Faculty of Food and Biochemical

Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic


LOMAKINA K., MÍKOVÁ K. (2006): A Study of the factors affecting the foaming properties of egg white
– a review. Czech J. Food Sci., 24: 110–118.

Many foods are prepared using egg white, most of them being based on the foaming properties of egg white which are
due to albumen proteins ability to encapsulate and retain air. Therefore, many scientists aim to find new methods to
improve the volume and the stability of egg white foam. This paper is a review of various factors affecting the foam-
ing ability of egg white.

Keywords: egg white; foaming ability; foam stability

The high nutritional properties of eggs make when heated (cakes, breads, crackers); whipping
them ideal for humans with special dietary re- of egg white produces lighter and airier products
quirements. They are also suitable for nutritional (meringues, angel cake); and emulsifying egg yolk
improvement of several kinds of foods since they phospholipids and lipoproteins produces mayon-
have four major nutritional components: proteins, naise, salad dressing and sauces (Davis & Reeves
lipids, all necessary vitamins (except vitamin C), 2002).
and minerals. Eggs are classified among the rich
protein foods together with milk, meat, poultry, Mechanism and components of foam
and fish. The nutritional value of egg proteins, formation
which has been extensively evaluated, is the result
of an ideal balance of nutritionally indispensable Egg albumen has excellent food foaming proper-
amino acids. Eggs are also an excellent source of ties. Such properties are determined by the ability
essential fatty acids. The high nutritional value, to rapidly adsorb on the air-liquid interface during
the low caloric content, blandness, and the easy whipping or bubbling, and by its ability to form a
digestibility are the characteristics that make eggs cohesive viscoelastic film by way of intermolecular
ideal for young or old people, healthy or conva- interactions (MINE 1995). Protein molecules act
lescent (GUTIERREZ et al. 1997). as hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. The hy-
At the present stage, around 30% of the eggs drophilic groups are arranged towards the water
produced are processed in the egg industry. Eggs phase and the hydrophobic groups towards the
are used in the preparation of many food prod- air phase. During the whipping process air comes
ucts. The three most well-known uses of eggs are into the solution to form bubbles, the hydrophobic
based on that: liquid eggs coagulate or solidify regions facilitate the adsorption at the interface, a

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118

process that is followed by partial unfolding (sur- solution. Foaming properties are evaluated by
face denaturation). This change in the molecular foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS)
configuration results in the loss of solubility or (FERREIRA et al. 1995). The volumes of foam and
precipitation of some proteins, which collect at of the liquid phase are measured in stoppered
the liquid-air interface. The attendant reduction graduated cylinders. For the determination of FC
in surface tension facilitates the forming of new and FS the following formulae are used:
interfaces and more bubbles. These partially un-
FC (%) = (FV/ILV) × 100%
folded molecules then associate to form a stabil-
ising film around the bubbles, which is essential FS (%) = [(ILV − DV)/ILV] × 100%
for the stability of the foam. Drainage (ml) = LVM − LVS
Excessive whipping of the protein solution pro-
duces a higher concentration of smaller bubbles where:
resulting in more unstable foams. This instability FV – volume of foam
depends on the decrease in the bubble elastic- ILV – volume of the initial liquid phase
ity; it results from excessive insolubilisation of DV – volume of drainage
proteins at the air-albumen interface ( JOHNSON LVM – volume of the liquid phase at t = 60 min after
& ZABIK 1981). foaming was finished
Foam collapses by three principal mechanisms. LVS – volume of the liquid phase at t = 30 s after foam-
The first is the bubble disproportionation as a ing was finished (CHANG & CHEN 2000)
function of time, the bubbles reduce in size with
time due to air diffusion from the interior which After FERREIRA et al. (1995), drainage is ex-
is a region of higher pressure. The second is the pressed as % of the initial foam mass drained and
lamellae rupture – bubbles coalesce quickly due to its time starts immediately after whipping.
pushing and pulling forces causing holes formation HAMMERSHØJ and LARSEN (1999) suggested to
between two bubbles. And the third is the drainage measure the foam overrun (OR) and foam stability
– water around the bubbles naturally drains down against liquid drainage (FL) as:
to the liquid layer removing proteins from the film
around the bubble, which eventually becomes too OR = Vf 0/Vl i (ml/ml)
thin to support the bubble. FL = (Vl i − Vl t)/(Vl i − Vl 0) (ml/ml)
Intermolecular protein-protein interaction en-
hances the cohesive nature of the film, therefore where:
imparting stability and elasticity to the membrane; Vf0 – foam volume at time t = 0 after foaming was fin-
this interaction appears to be dependent on the ished
presence of a high ratio of nonpolar/polar side Vli – initial liquid volume before foaming
chains in the protein (JOHNSON & ZABIK 1981). Vlt – liquid volume at time t after foaming was fin-
The structure of egg albumen (composite mix- ished, where t = 0–90 min
tures of proteins) allows it to perform well in foams Vl0 – liquid volume at time t = 0 after foaming was fin-
because each component carries out a different ished
function (STADELMAN & COTTERILL 1994). Globu-
lins are excellent formers but the foaminess is PHILLIPS et al. (1987) proposed the calculation of
significantly affected by the protein interactions the foam stability as the time to 50% drainage and
with ovomucin, lysozyme, and, to a lesser extent, the foam overrun by the following equation:
ovomucoid, ovotransferrin, and ovalbumin. But protein foam
each of them alone has little or no foaming capac- wt100 ml
– wt100 ml
OR = × 100%
ity (JOHNSON & ZABIK 1981). foam
wt100 ml

Measuring the properties of foams

As critical tests of the foaming properties of
Properties of foams vary with the methods and egg white, measurements are widely used of over
equipment used for their preparation. Foam is all volume and other factors such as tenderness,
formed in a blender or mixer type whipping ap- texture and grain, and elasticity of the crumb of
paratus or by sparging gas through the protein angel cakes (STADELMAN & COTTERILL 1994).

Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118 Czech J. Food Sci.

KATO et al. (1983) established a new method to the foam of both thick and thin albumens against
estimate the foaming properties of protein from liquid drainage. The whipping volume of the whole
the conductivity of foams using a glass column albumen increased slightly with the increasing age
with a conductivity cell. The foaming power was of the hen, so albumen height is negatively associ-
determined by measuring the conductivity of foam ated with the whipping volume (SILVERSIDES &
produced immediately after air has been introduced BUDGELL 2004).
into the protein solution for 15 s, initial conduc- Storage time. It has been known that pH in-
tivity (C i). The foam stability was represented as creases with storage and as a consequence, part
the foam stability index, C 0×∆t/∆C, where ∆C is of the egg white n-ovalbumin is transformed into
the change in conductivity C, occurring during s-ovalbumin (less hydrophobic then n-ovalbumin).
the time interval ∆t, and C 0 is the conductivity This interferes with the formation of a cohesive
at time t = 0 obtained from the extrapolation of film on the air-water interface, causing a decrease
linear C vs. t plot after 1 min. The foam stability in foam stability, and thus the correlation between
index indicates the time of the disappearance of s-ovalbumin content and the volume of drained
the foam. liquid is positive (ALLEONI & ANTUNES 2004).
Storage has a relatively great negative effect on
Factors affecting foaming properties the albumen height and a positive effect on pH
of egg white with a moderately positive effect on the whip-
ping volume of total egg albumen (SILVERSIDES
Since egg white proteins are extensively utilised & BUDGELL 2004). In contrast to these results,
as ingredients in the food processing, the researche the storage time of eggs at 4°C does not have a
of many scientists is directed towards the improve- significant effect on the foam overrun of albumen
ment of the functionality of egg white proteins, parts. However, the thick albumen foam overrun
but not all factors used increase consistently the has a logarithmic behaviour, whereas the essential
foaming ability of egg white. effect on the foam stability against liquid drainage
Season. There were no marked differences exist as a function of storage time is exerted by thin
in the volume ratios of cakes prepared from eggs albumen only (HAMMERSHØJ & QVIST 2001).
collected throughout the year, in spite of the fact HATTA et al. (1997) provided another explana-
that the internal “quality” of eggs is higher during tion of the influence of the freshness of egg white
the spring months. It follows that the variation on the foam stability. They found a change of the
encountered in the chemical composition of the thick egg albumen into the thin during storage from
egg white failed to influence the functional capacity its content of 50% in fresh hen egg to 30% after
of the albumen (CUNNINGHAM et al. 1960). 12 days storage at 25°C which caused a decrease
Hen age. With the use of eggs collected from in the viscosity of egg white.
eight hens aged from 24–71 weeks, HAMMERSHØJ Beating time. The foam volume increases as a
and QVIST (2001) found that the foam overrun function of the beating time (BALDWIN 1986). Egg
of thin albumen significantly decreased with the albumen forms unstable, dry foams after prolonged
increasing hen age. However, the foam overrun whipping, which results in a drained material of
of thick albumen did not significantly depend on poor whipping quality (FORSYTHE & BERGQUIST
the hen age. In contrast, both albumen fractions 1951; NAKAMURA & SATO 1964a).
showed a higher stability with the increasing hen Blending. Blending increased the beating rate
age because the liquid incorporated during foam- and the volume of cakes as a result of the de-
ing was retained to a higher degree in albumen crease in the ovomucin fiber length (FORSYTHE
from older hen eggs. They suggested that with the & BERGQUIST 1951).
increasing hen age, the thinning of egg albumen Homogenisation. This pretreatment reduced
and the decreasing of albumen height are due to the whipping time and the volume of angel cakes.
bonding of part of ovomucin in a complex with Homogenisation also effects on the physical state
lysozyme. The content of free ovomucin in both of ovomucin − slightly reducing the fiber length
thick and thin albumen may increase which can (FORSYTHE & BERGQUIST 1951).
make the protein more available for the adsorp- Centrifugation. In the continuous bowl opera-
tion on the film surface of the foam. This also tion, a two fold reduction in the apparent ovomucin
reduce the surface tension and thereby stabilises content resulted in a greatly decreased beating rate.

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118

It can be assumed that the shear forces present the dry state caused a substantial increase in its
during the operation of the continuous type bowl molecular flexibility and surface hydrophobicity,
result in the decrease in the whipping quality faster unfolding and greater intermolecular inter-
(FORSYTHE & BERGQUIST 1951). action at the interface forming a more cohesive
Temperature. GIRTON et al. (1999) pointed to film (KATO et al. 1990).
the absence of any significant effect of the initial pH through an acidity or alkalinity. By the ad-
temperature on the foaming time, but earlier ST. dition of a small amount of 1N H 2SO4 or NaOH to
JOHN and FLOR (1931) had stated that the egg the liquid egg white (pH values: 9.5, 8.6, 6.3, 4.7,
products foam more quickly at the room tempera- 3.1, 1.0), NAKAMURA and SATO (1964b) obtained
ture than at the refrigeration temperature. At the a great foaming capacity at the neutral and acidic
room temperature, the foaming starts quickly and pHs except at the exceedingly acidic pH (pH 1.0).
a greater volume is attained than at the refrigera- The foam stability was high at pH 8.6, the pH of
tion temperature. This results from the surface the natural egg white, and decreased with chang-
tension elevation of the albumen at the lower ing pH.
temperature. However, the foam stability was little With an aqueous egg albumen solution, HAM-
affected by the change in temperature from 20°C MERSHØJ and LARSEN (1999) established that
to 34°C (STADELMAN & COTTERILL 1994). the foam overrun was the highest at pH 4.8 and
Pasteurisation. Pasteurisation of egg albumen the lowest at pH 10.7. The foam stability against
decreases the foaming ability and results in the drainage was the best at pH 7.0 after 30 min, but
reduction of the quality and volume of angel cake; on a long-term scale the foam at pH 4.8 was the
this is caused by denaturation of ovotransferrin most resistant to drainage. This is the result of the
on pasteurisation at 53°C. For the increase of its more rigid behaviour of the surface at pH 4.8 and
denaturation temperature and the improvement the formation of small bubbles, therefore a slow
of the foaming properties of egg albumen after drainage of liquid from the foam, lower dynamic
pasteurisation, the addition is used of metallic ions surface tension causing the high overrun.
(Fe, Cu, Al, or other), and salts of phosphoric and BARMORE (1934) reported that Ca(OH)2, NaOH,
citric acids (HATTA et al. 1997). STADELMAN and and Na 2SO 4 have little, if any, effects on the egg
COTTERILL (1994) reported that pasteurised egg white foaming capacity, whereas acids and acid
white requires a longer whipping to attain a foam salts improved the stability of albumen foam (STA-
comparable in specific gravity to the foam from DELMAN & COTTERILL 1994).
unpasteurised albumen. This is a consequence CHANG and CHEN (2000) examined the foaming
of an irreversibly denatured ovomucin-lysozyme properties of liquid whole egg at pH 6.5, 7.0, 7.5,
network, and when it is removed the normal foam- 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0 as adjusted with 1N NaOH or 1N
ing ability of egg white is restored. HCl, and found that the foaming capacity and the
Production of dried egg albumen. The study of foam stability altered slightly as pH changed, the
the functional properties of egg albumen through- trend being nonlinear.
out processing steps from the initial raw albumen Water. The volume of egg white can be increased
to the final dried albumen powder indicated a by adding up to 40% additional water before whip-
twofold increase of the foam overrun during the ping without reducing the foam stability. However,
three final steps, i.e. ultrafiltration, spray-drying, if more water is added, it begins to separate from
and dry-pasteurisation. However, the foam stabil- the foam while standing (BALDWIN 1986).
ity decreased, i.e. the drainage and foam volume Sugar. The addition of sugar into egg white
breakdown rates increased (HAMMERSHØJ et al. causes a delay of the foam formation, especially
2004). in the first part of the beating period. With 50%
Dry heating. For the heat treating of dried egg sugar, more than 9 min of beating was necessary
white, 55÷65°C is commonly used to reduce the to incorporate all liquid into the foam (3÷4 min
microbial number (MINE 1995). KATO et al. (1994) without sugar) and 32 min to attain comparable
heated the egg white in a dry state (7.5% moisture) stiffness in foams (16 min without sugar) with less
at 80°C for 10 days and found that the foaming expansion in the foams containing sugar than in
power and foam stability increased almost fourfold those without it (HANNING 1945). The inhibition
without an associated loss of the solubility. They effect on the whipping properties was caused by
revealed that the heating of dried egg white in the addition of sucrose, lactose, dextrose, and

Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118 Czech J. Food Sci.

maltose, especially the last three (STADELMAN & Table 1. Whipping properties of albumen from non-irra-
COTTERILL 1994). diated and gamma irradiated shell eggsa
Egg yolk. The influence of egg yolk on the foaming
Dosage (kGy) Overrun Time for 50% drainage
properties of egg white is a very important problem
(m2/g) (%) (min)
because it is practically impossible to produce
completely yolk-free white on a commercial basis. 0 1146 30
The presence of even small quantities of yolk de- 0.97 981 35
creases the albumen foaming ability (KIM & SETSER 2.37 1354 42
1982). One drop of yolk caused a reduction from 2.98 1446 52
135 to 40 ml in the volume of egg white foam (ST. SEM 91.3 3.4
JOHN & FLOR 1931). The triglyceride fraction of a
averages of two or three determinations; SEM – standard
egg yolk is more detrimental than the cholesterol error of the mean
and phospholipids fractions. Hydrolysis of the
glyceride fractions of yolk by pancreatic lipase 4 kGy but no change in the foam stability. Both
lowers the inhibitory substances. The hydrolytic the overrun and the foam stability of spray-dried
products of triglycerides, glycerin, and fatty acids egg white increased significantly by irradiation
were used either independently or in association (Table 2).
with other materials or conditions to improve the Ultrasound. A significant increase in the foaming
functional properties of egg white (COTTERILL & power was observed as the result of the combined
FUNK 1963). The detrimental influence of yolk process involving ultrasound and high pressure
on albumen can be explained by the formation of which was more effective than the application of
a complex of a yolk component with ovomucin. high pressure or the combination of high pressure
Therefore the heat treatment, responsible for the and nisin (Table 3). The greater increase of the
dissociation of this complex, is beneficial for the foaming power observed in the case of ultrasound-
foaming properties of egg white containing yolk high pressure combination may be explained by the
(CUNNINGHAM & COTTERILL 1964). homogenisation effect of ultrasound. Ultrasound
Oil. The presence of oil reveals a similar det- usually disperses the protein and fat particles in
rimental effect on the foaming properties of egg liquid egg white more evenly which may improve
white as yolk (KIM & SETSER 1982). The addition the foaming capacity of liquid egg white (KNORR
of 0.01 to 1.0% refined cottonseed oil resulted in et al. 2004).
the reduction of the volume of egg white foam
and the tendency of the foam structure to break Table 2. Whipping properties of non-irradiated and irra-
down during continued beating. The stability of diated egg productsa
the foam was not affected unless the amount of
Dosage (kGy) Overrun Time for 50% drainage
oil exceeded 0.5%, whereas, after DIZMANG and
(m2/g) (%) (min)
SUNDERLING (1933), cottonseed oil along with
corn and coconut oils are fats lacking the power Frozen egg white
to inhibit the formation of stiff foam. Butterfat, 0 815 40
cream, and nonhomogenised raw milk were all 1 870 35
classified as possessing pronounced inhibitory
2.5 779 42
effects (STADELMAN & COTTERILL 1994).
4 666 42
Gamma irradiation. MA et al. (1994) explored
the effect of irradiation of shell eggs and egg prod- SEM 19.3 1.8
ucts on the whipping properties of egg white. They Spray-dried egg white
reported that the overrun of albumen from irradi- 0 627 27
ated shell eggs was not significantly changed by 2 848 29
irradiation at 0.97 kGy but was increased at 2.37
5 953 30
and 2.98 kGy. The time for 50% drainage, an index
of the foam stability, was increased by irradiation 8 1105 34
with higher dosages indicating improvement in the SEM 22.0 0.70
foam stability (Table 1). In the frozen egg white, a
averages of two or three determinations; SEM – standard
irradiation caused a decrease in the overrun at error of the mean

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118

Table 3. Effects of combined processes on the foaming Table 4. Foaming properties of unmodified and modified
capacity of liquid whole egg EWS

Power Stability Foam ability Foam stability

(% overrun) (% stability) (%) (%)1
Control 479 52 Unmodified 200 ± 10 33 ± 2
High pressure 490 56 Succinylated (24.5%) 145 ± 5 23 ± 2
Nisin-high pressure 484 55 Succinylated (91.6%) 140 ± 5 20 ± 1
Ultrasound-high pressure 638 50 Carboxyl-modified (25.2%) 210 ± 10 35 ± 2
Carboxyl-modified (68.5%) 225 ± 15 37 ± 1

foam remaining after 60 min; 2modification

Stabilisers and surfactants. KIM and SETSER With liquid egg white, the addition of 5, 10, 15,
(1982) investigated the foaming ability and stability 20, and 25 moles of acetic or succinic anhydride
of fresh and commercially dried egg blends with improved the foaming ability by both acylation
one-third normal yolk content plus the additions and succinylation reactions, while foam drip vol-
of 1% xanthan gum (XG) and 1% sodium stearoyl ume was not very different (Table 5) (BALL et al.
lactylate (SSL) with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) 1982).
(0.25, 0.50, or 0.75%) and water (100, 200, or 300% Effect of CuSO4. The foam overrun obtained with
more than in the low-yolk foams without stabilis- fresh egg albumen containing copper was lower at
ers), with two whipping times applied (1 and 3 min both 5 and 10 min whipping time. The reason may
additional time after adding sugar). The results of reside in that the generated copper-ovotransfer-
the investigations of fresh egg foams was that the rin complex is more resistant to denaturation and
addition of stabilisers and water to the low-yolk probably less amenable to the film formation, thus
mixture decreased the foam specific gravity, while it takes longer to whip egg white to the maximum
viscosity increased as the levels of SLS increased, overrun in the presence of copper. Egg white protein
and also foam specific volumes increased. The and fresh egg albumen with 1mM CuSO 4 formed
addition of stabilisers with water increased at all more stable foams (PHILLIPS et al. 1987).
levels the stability of low-yolk foams markedly, and Metallic cations. The assumption that metal-
no drainage was found in any of the treatments. lic cations may affect the egg white functional
Viscosity of dried egg foams increased as the levels performance in foams was based on the ability
of SLS and the whipping time increased, and the of ovotransferrin to react with many polyvalent
specific volume also increased significantly (P ≤ cations including aluminum, copper, iron, and
0.05). These results, on drainage resemble those zinc, forming with them complexes with increased
with fresh eggs. In conclusion, dried egg foams heat stability. COTTERILL et al. (1992) examined
had lower viscosities and higher specific gravi-
ties than fresh egg foams, and the foam specific Table 5. Foam performance of acetylated and succinylated
volumes of dried egg foams were markedly lower liquid egg white
than those of fresh egg foams.
Foam volume Drip volume
Chemical modifications. MA et al. (1986) modi-
(ml) (ml)
fied spray – dried egg white solids (EWS) with
succinic anhydride at two levels – 10:1 and 50:1 Control 838 ± 13 18 ± 3
(protein:anhydride), and carbodiimide – promoted Acetic anhydride
amide formation (water soluble carbodiimide, 10 mole 979 ± 69 17 ± 5
1-ethyl-3 (3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide
20 mole 1.002 ± 95 15 ± 11
(EDC) and glycine methyl ester at two different
concentrations, 20 and 50mM). The foamabil- Succinic anhydride
ity and foam stability decreased significantly by 10 mole 1.065 ± 18 9±2
succinylation, and slightly improved by carboxyl
20 mole 1.170 ± 27 15 ± 2
modification (Table 4).

Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118 Czech J. Food Sci.

the role of these ions on the foaming properties result of the treatment with 0.01% of protease or
of spray-dried egg white before and after heat with, 0.05% or more of other enzymes, except for
treatment at 54°C for 10 days. They added vari- trypsin. The foam stability of no-enzyme albumen
ous amounts of 0.01M ZnCl 2, CuCl 2, FeCl 3·H 2O, treated with 0.05% trypsin was still comparable
and AlCl 3·H 2O solutions to the fermented (glu- to albumen without the enzyme treatment.
cose-free) liquid egg white before drying to obtain The molecules of proteins hydrolysed with pep-
0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.50, and 1.00mM concentrations. sin which have a large hydrophobic region on the
Some significant differences occurred between surface are more absorbable on the surface than
both the unheated and heated spray-dried egg those with smaller ones. This can be explained by
white samples. The most effective was Cu 2+. The a strong tendency to avoid surrounding by water.
higher foam volumes of the heated spray-dried Further, the former need more energy than the latter
egg white samples may partially be explained by to pull the absorbed molecule back into the water
the protective effect of metallic cations on the from the surface. As a result, the molecules are more
heat denaturation of ovotransferrin. The addition concentrated on the surface and the foam is more
of Cu 2+ at various levels consistently increased stabilised (HORIUCHI & FUKUSHIMA 1978).
the foam firmness. Concentrations of the other Non-desugarised and desugarised liquid egg
cations were less effective, but some significant whites treated with papain prior to drying showed
effects were found. The least effective was Zn 2+ an increase in the foaming capacity, regardless
in both systems. of the desugarisation method. The results of this
At the two supersaturated ionic levels of Cu 2+ study also indicated that an increased amount of
(0.50, 1.00) no drainage occurred in the heated papain produced a higher foaming capacity. Simi-
spray-dried egg white. Also Zn2+ showed a consis- lar to the foaming capacity, the papain treatment
tent improvement as a function of the cation con- provided a positive effect on the angel food cake
centration. It can be suggested that trace amounts volume performance of egg white solids. Higher
of copper would be suitable ingredients in both cake volumes of egg white solids prepared by hy-
unheated and heated spray-dried egg white. Fe3+and drolysis with papain were obtained in comparison
Al 3+ caused some improvement but the adverse with those of non-treated controls (Table 6) (LEE
red colour of the Fe-ovotransferrin complex would & CHEN 2002).
negatively affect its use. Effect of proteose-peptone. This effect was tested
Proteolytic enzymes. The REGENSTEIN’s et al. using additions of small amounts of proteose-pep-
(1978) experiments suggested that the foam vol- tone (0.01−0.10%), separated from raw skim milk,
ume of albumen is influenced by the addition of to 5% egg white dispersion. It was found that the
enzymes in various amounts, i.e. 0.001%, 0.05%, foam overrun decreased from the original value
0.1%, and 0.3% Sigma Type II ficin, bromelin, of 1010% with the control to 750% following the
papain, trypsin, and protease (638 ml/100 g albu- addition of 0.01% proteose-peptone. The stability
men for the no-enzyme control up to 767 ml/100 g of the foam enhanced, as a result of the reduction
albumen for 0.05% ficin). Greater volumes were in gas pressure in the foam. At higher levels of pro-
obtained with higher enzyme concentrations. The teose-peptone, the foam had markedly fewer bubbles
foam stability of albumen decreased from 25–50 ml and the moisture drained freely suggesting a rapid
drainage/100 g control up to 70–71 ml/100 g as a breakdown in the foam (PHILLIPS et al. 1987).

Table 6. Functional characteristics of non-desugarised and desugarised egg white solids processed by papain treat-

Functional Non-desugarised egg white Desugarised egg white

characteristics control papain (1:200) control papain (1:1000) papain (1:500) papain (1:200)

Foaming capacity
65.50 ± 2.18 142.00 ± 0.10 69.50 ± 2.96 111.00 ± 2.24 135.50 ± 2.96 162.00 ± 2.83
Angel food cake
102.25 ± 1.48 142.75 ± 2.59 105.75 ± 3.49 107.75 ± 2.24 143.00 ± 2.96 144.50 ± 1.80
volume (ml)

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 24, No. 3: 110–118

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Corresponding author:
Mgr. KATERYNA LOMAKINA, Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Fakulta potravinářské a biochemické
technologie, Ústav chemie a analýzy potravin, Technická 5, 166 28 Praha 6, Česká republika
tel.: + 420 220 443 050, fax: + 420 233 339 990, e-mail:


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