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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 15 (1996) 201-209

Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Great Britain. All fights reserved
ELSEVIER 0267-7261(95)00038-0 0267 7261/96/$15.00

Seismic behaviour estimation of thin alluvium

layers using microtremor recordings
P. Teves-Costa, L. Matias
Centro de Geoffisica da Universidade de Lisboa, Rua da Escola Politdcnica 58, 1250 Lisboa, Portugal


P. Y. Bard
Observatoire de Grenoble, LGIT, IRIGM, BP 53X, 38041 Grenoble, France

(Received 25 August 1995; accepted 29 August 1995)

The microtremor spectral ratio proposed by Nakamura (A method for dynamic

characteristics estimation of subsurface using microtremor on ground surface. QR
o f RTRI, 1989, 30(1), 25-33.) developed a new interest on the use of microtremor
measurements for the estimation of site effects. The Lisbon region is an earth-
quake-prone area and several descriptions of destructive earthquakes are reported
in the historical data, which suggest the existence of site effects in the town of
Lisbon. Several seismic hazard studies were already performed, as well as some
microzonation studies based on records from blasts. In order to characterize the
seismic behaviour of alluvium layers existing in the town, two sets of microtremor
measurements were performed. The data were processed according to the Naka-
mura technique and the results are presented here. These results were correlated
with the thickness of the alluvium deposits and compared with the spectral ratios
obtained using records from blasts, as well as with 1D theoretical models and with
2D theoretical simulations obtained by the use of the Aki-Larner technique. These
comparisons seem to prove that the use ofmicrotremor measurements could give a
good contribution for the microzonation techniques, specially in urban zones, due
to the simplicity and rapidity of their acquisition.

Key words." microtremor, microzonation, Nakamura technique.

INTRODUCTION Valley, qualitatively consistent with geological and strong

motion data. Recently, Y a m a n a k a et al. 5 reached the same
Engineering application of microtremors was initially conclusion for deep sediments in Los Angeles, California.
proposed by Kanai & T a n a k a in 1961.1 They classified However, these studies were made for very thick
the surface geological conditions at a site based on sediment deposits (i.e. with a bedrock depth exceeding
measurements of microtremors with periods lower than one to several kilometers), using the conventional spec-
1 s. Since their pioneering work, several investigations tral ratio between a sediment site and a reference station
have been devoted to examine the applicability of micro- located on a rock site.
tremors in evaluating ground motion characteristics. M a n y recent experimental studies seem to prove that it
Ohta et al. 2 observed long-period microtremors at sev- is possible to provide a good estimate of the character-
eral sites in a sedimentary basin and found a systematic istics of sedimentary sites using only one station. The
change in the predominant periods with an increase in spectral ratio of horizontal to vertical components pro-
basement depth. K a g a m i et al. 3 observed long-period posed by N a k a m u r a , 6 using microtremor records, has
microtremors (5 s) at extremely deep soils and found a been employed at several places showing interesting
systematic increase in the amplitude of the microtremor results. 7'8 Lermo & Chavez-Garcia 8 compared the results
Fourier spectra with the depth to basement rock. In obtained with microtremors and with strong motion
1986, K a g a m i et al., 4 found a site amplification effect data, and found a good agreement. Their results strongly
(sediment to rock spectral ratio), in the San Fernando suggest that the technique proposed by N a k a m u r a
202 P. Teves-Costa, L. Matias, P. Y. Bard

effectively compensates for source effects in microtremor them reached a Mercalli Modified intensity greater than
measurements. This statement eliminates the major limi- or equal to VIII. 16 The 1755 earthquake was the most
tation to the application of microtremors in earthquake important one in the last two centuries. It caused quite
engineering. severe losses but the damage distribution was very
On the other hand, however, a few numerical irregular all over the town. Great damage was observed
studies 1°'11 as well as some experimental results, 8 drew in the downtown, south rivershore zone, castle hill and
attention on some apparent limitations of the Naka- central and northern alluvial valleys with M M intensity
mura's technique, when applied to microtremor record- exceeding IX; the remainder zones exhibited an M M
ings for sedimentary sites with large impedance contrast intensity equal to VIII. 17
with the underlying bedrock: these H / V ratios exhibit a The geology of Lisbon is quite complex presenting
single-peak shape indicating 'only' the fundamental fre- many contrasts as the result of a long tectonic process. Its
quency (and not the harmonics, or the whole frequency surface geology, well described in the geological map of
range over which the sedimentary site amplifies the the county, 18 exhibits cretaceous and miocenic forma-
motion), while the amplitude of this peak does not tions. In the western zone of the town, the Volcanic
seem well correlated with the S wave amplification. complex of Lisbon, covering the anticlinal of Monsanto
During the last decade, the Lisbon county has been as the result of volcanic eruptions occurred during the
subject to detailed microzonation studies, in order to Late Cretaceous, is composed by alternate levels of
understand the mechanism of seismic energy transmis- basalt lava flows and pyroclast levels. Below these
sion through the town. ~2'18 These studies consisted levels, crystalline and marble limestones are outcropping
mainly on the recording of explosions at different sites. at some sites. Towards the east and south, the cretaceous
Lisbon is expected to exhibit strong site effects due to its rock masses are covered by progressively thicker
irregular topography and also to its surface geology Miocene deposits dipping 7-10 ° . These sedimentary
which presents very shallow and thin alluvium layers. formations present differentiated lithology, essentially
Theoretical simulation was performed for some particu- composed by sandstone, clay, siltstone and limestone.
lar alluvial valley. 14'15 The topography of Lisbon, which is quite irregular,
To test the feasibility of the Nakamura method for the presents seven small hills irregularly disposed separated
characterization of shallow alluvium layers in the Lisbon by narrow long valleys. These valleys, which are the
town, microtremor measurements were performed in the remnants of old streams now disappeared, are filled in
rivershore zone and for two alluvial basins. We paid with thin alluvium deposits, which exhibit low seismic
particular attention to time-variant characteristics of the impedance. Figure 1 displays a sketch of the geotechnical
microtremor amplitudes and to the stability of H / V map of the Lisbon county, based on the surface geology
spectral ratios. First, a general survey was carried out and on the geotechnical properties of the different
in the rivershore zone where the thickness of the alluvial formations. 19
deposits reaches 40 m. The 'pseudo-transfer functions' Careful analysis of historical reports on past earth-
obtained with the Nakamura method ( H / V spectral quakes, allows one to infer an irregular intensity distri-
ratio) were compared with the numerical simulations bution. The observed damages are systematically greater
based on the geotechnical profiles. A good agreement in the downtown area, south rivershore zone, castle hill
was found as to the predominant frequencies of the soil and in the central and northern alluvial valley. 17 Besides
profiles. The same procedure was applied, in more detail, the great intensities felt in the south rivershore and
to two thin alluvial basins presenting different geotech- downtown zones, these zones exhibit the largest velocity
nical properties. The predominant frequencies obtained contrast between the surface layers and the underlying
with the Nakamura method were correlated with the bedrock. The rivershore zone is covered by alluvium
thickness of the alluvial deposits showing, again, a good deposits with a thickness varying from 5 to 40 m, whereas
agreement. These results were also compared with the the alluvial basins are covered by deposits of 5 to 20 m
synthetic transfer functions computed for a vertical thickness.
incident SV wave using the A k i - L a r n e r technique 15
and with the spectral ratios to a reference station using
explosion data obtained during an experiment in 1991.13 METHODOLOGY
For comparison, the H / V spectral ratios were also
computed for the explosion data. Characteristics of microtremors: Nakamura's technique

The Nakamura technique has been described in several

H I S T O R I C A L AND G E O L O G I C A L S E T T I N G S papers 6'1° and is based on the following assumptions for
the fundamental characteristics of microtremors:
The town of Lisbon has been struck in the past by the (1) Microtremors are essentially composed by Rayleigh
occurrence of violent shakes: since the 12th century at waves, LR, propagating in soft surface layers over-
least nine earthquakes caused severe damage and four of laying an half-space; (2) there are four Fourier spectral
Seismic behaviour estimation of thin alluvium layers 203


I - ICIly IVI,JI30 .qqD SAND (90< X4< I,~0 rr~s)


I - ld~INI.YCt/kY #I'IDS#t40 0:50< V k 2~0 m/~)

(a:Xk ~.~ OOOrt~)

0 0 0 [ k Vk 1500 m/O

0 Microlremor station
@ Recording site

l~-n I

~lcantara (/xl_C) S B P. Comercio (PC)

studied area studied area
Fig. 1. Geotechnical map and surface geology for Lisbon county. The geotechnical properties are expressed by the shear wave
velocities (Vt). Also shown are the locations of the microtremor recording sites, shot B and the some recording stations selected for
this study. Some sites were occupied during both experiments.

amplitudes involved: horizontal and vertical components Usually it is assumed that the transfer functions of
of the motion at the surface and at the bottom of the surface layers can be given by the ratio
layer (Vs, Hs, VB, and HB), see Fig. 2; (3) the micro- ns
tremors are originated by local near surface sources s~ = (1)
(such as traffic and industrial noise) and they have no
contribution from deep sources; (4) the amplification However, considering the great contribution of Rayleigh
of the vertical component of motion is exclusively wave propagation for the ambient noise, it will be
related with the depth dependence of surface (Rayleigh) necessary to correct the ratio (1), in order to estimate a
waves motion. transfer function from microtremor measurements.
Assuming that the vertical tremor is not amplified by
the surface layers, the ratio ER defined below should
represent the effect o f the Rayleigh wave on the vertical
Surface motion:
~~I~ Vsl Hs "
R E~ = -Vs
- (2)
Soft layer VB
vBT Ha "~
Assuming that the effect of the Rayleigh wave is equal for
vertical and horizontal components, it is possible to
define a corrected modified spectral ratio:
Fig. 2. Illustration of the simple model assumed for the inter-
pretation of microtremor H~ V ratio as defined by Nakamura SM __ S T __ Hs/HB (3)
(1989). The meaning of symbols is found in the text. Ea Vs/Vs
204 P. Teves-Costa, L. Matias, P. Y. Bard

As a final condition it is assumed that for all frequencies atmospheric perturbations over the ocean (which hit the
of interest coast in the E - W direction), maintaining the same
amplitude level during the night and the day. It seems
HB = 1 (4) that this question needs a further study for a better
v~ understanding. Due to the fluctuations presented in the
Thus, an estimate of the transfer function is given by amplitude level of the H~ V it was decided to analyze this
the spectral ratio between the horizontal and the vertical ratio only in terms of predominant frequency, leaving the
components of the motion at the surface: amplitude analysis for a later study.
The procedure described above was applied to two sets
SM _ _ Hs (5) of microtremor observations, the first one performed in
Vs the south rivershore zone and the second one obtained in
(in the following this ratio will be indicated by H/V, two selected alluvial basins.
dropping the subscripts). The rivershore zone presents alluvium deposits with
Some of the conditions assumed above were already variable thickness. The geology of the substratum
tested, experimentally and theoretically, at several sites, changes, from west to east, from basalt and limestones
by different authors. 6,s'9J° (cretaceous formations) to clays, sandstones, limestones
and silts (miocenic formations). We selected some sites in
Procedure this area in order to observe the influence of the sedi-
ments thickness and substratum type on the H~ V spec-
The microtremor observations were performed with a tral ratio.
Kinemetrics SSR-1 seismic station and a Lennartz seis- To study in more detail the correlation with the
mometer with natural period of 1 s and presenting a flat sediments thickness, a second set of measurements was
velocity response between 1.5 and 80 Hz. In each site a performed in two alluvial basins, Alc~ntara and Praqa do
minimum of 180 s ambient noise, sampled at 100 Hz, was Com6rcio (see Fig. 1 for location). We selected these two
recorded. To reduce the effect of localized noise sources, basins because they are the deepest basins of the town
such as industrial facilities, all records were done (the alluvium deposits reach 40m depth) and because
between 11 pm and 4 a m (such precautions, however, they present different substratum formations. A profile
are not necessary, since biases due to source particu- was performed for each basin and the sites were chosen
larities are avoided in the Nakamura technique). The according to the thickness of the alluvium deposit,
records were first band-pass filtered, using an 8 pole estimated from the geological map.IS
Butterworth filter between 0.5 and 15Hz, and then The results were compared with the synthetic transfer
separated in a sequence of 2048 point windows functions for horizontal motion computed with the A k i -
(20.48 s), with an overlay of 1024 points. The Fourier Larner technique for a vertical incident SV wave 15 and
spectra obtained for all the windows was averaged and also with the spectral ratios obtained from explosion data
smoothed in order to produce the final amplitude spec- obtained during an experiment in 1991.13 These ratios
trum for each component Z, NS and EW. The spectral were computed by the conventional method with respect
ratio proposed by the Nakamura method is computed to a reference station. For comparison, the H / V spectral
through the composition of the 3 component spectra, ratios were also computed for the explosion data.
following the simple expression: Figure 1 displays the general view of the experiment.

H/V(w) v/NS(w)2 + EW(w) 2

To test the stability of the H / V ratio, a continuous Rivershore experiment
observation of microtremor recording was performed in
a rock site (reference station). We selected 5 min, every The rivershore experiment was performed during one
2 h, for analysis. Figure 3 displays the H~ V for each night. In Fig. 1 the microtremor stations occupied during
window as well as the spectra of the three components this experiment are identified by a RIB prefix. Figure 4
( N - S , E - W and Z). We can see that the predominant shows the sedimentary sequence underlaying each site. It
frequency of the H / V remains stable in spite of the is possible to observe the differences on the character-
fluctuations presented for each component. The ampli- istics of the shallow layers beneath each site, composed
tude of the spectral ratio present some variations due by unconsolidated alluvium with thickness varying from
to changes in the noise amplitude level. It seems that the 5 to 30 m. The substratum below changes from west to
3 component spectra do not change in the same way: east from basalt and limestone to clay, sandstone and
the vertical and N - S components vary according to limestone.
urban noise level, decreasing their amplitude during the Figure 5 displays the H / V obtained for each site.
night, whereas the E - W component is dominated by Almost all the stations show a marked spectral peak.
Seismic behaviour estimation of thin alluvium layers 205

T (.~)
40 00 120 160 200 2,10

. . . . Jl,

(a) (b)


- ~

0 5 I0 15 ~(l ~fi 0 5 I0 15 :dO ;d5

Fr'equency (tlz) Fr'equeney (t[z)

(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Example of microtremor processing. (a) N - S noise samples recorded at 5 different sites; (b) 20 s noise spectra for consecutive
time windows (Z component); (c) 3 min running spectra obtained for the same station at different times during one day of continuous
recording; (d) Nakamura H~ V spectral ratio obtained for the same windows as in (c).

Some stations exhibit a double peak (RIB09 and RIB 17):

RIB17 although we have no explanation at this stage, it is worth
RIB09 RIB10 RIBll ~RIB08 RIB19
noticing, however, that these two sites are the most
E 20 "" The observed predominant frequencies are in accor-
t~t dance with the thickness of the alluvium deposits, except
40 "' , for station RIB08: as the thickness increases, the pre-
dominant frequency decreases, as summarized in Table
60 ~ _~-- 1. Assuming a shear velocity of 180 m/s for the alluvium,
the computed 1D Thomson-Haskell theoretical resonant
[ ] Alluvium [ ] Clay [ ] Sandstone frequencies (f0 = fl/4h) are also displayed in Table 1.
Four of the stations show a fair agreement with the
[ ] Miocene limestone [ ] Basalt [ ] Cretaceous limestone
theoretical values. The station RIB08 presents an anom-
Fig. 4. Lithology cross-section underlying the recording sites alous value, which may due to an underestimation of the
for the rivershore experiment. thickness of the alluvium layer; the disagreement
206 P. Teves-Costa, L. Matias, P. Y. Bard

RIB09 ~EE2
- - RIB10 • ~CW3 ~CE~ ~CE1
• • RIBll

tx ..... RIB17 0-.~.~.'250".-.'.'500".'.'.~50-.~.~.~1000 m

~/~ " ', ' ' ' ' ', RIB08 .Alluvium ~ . 7 . - ~ x × × × × × ,
"~. / " x , ~ " ....... RIB19 V =200 ~/~- ~J,r--x x x x x x x x x
,_, 2 O ×
x x
x x
.... ,/ .... x
x x X XxxXx,
..... :.-.-iZ:i;!;!;:
x x x x ~ ~ x x x x x x x x x x x x

. . . .

x x


x x

x ~

~ x
~x~xX~Vs=19OOm/s× × x x
x x
x x x x x ~

x x x ~
, • / ..' 't . 40 × ×× ~ × × ×× ×* x'~-~=-~-~x× ×× × × × 2 . . . . . . . .
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x × x x x ~
z x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
× x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ~
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x × x x x x x
x x x x x x × x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ~
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x × x x x x x x x x ~
2 4 8 12
~requeney (Hm) (a)
Fig. 5. H/V ratios obtained for the 6 microtremor sites during
the rivershore experiment.

observed at station RIB11 m a y be explained by a change PCW3 PCW4 PCE2

in the velocity assumed for the alluvium.
These results clearly show the usefulness of micro- 2;41 / 7 8
tremor measurements, according to N a k a m u r a ' s tech- 0 . . . . . . I . . . . . . I . . . . . I. .
0 250 ~ - - -500 - - .750m~
nique, to estimate the resonant frequency of thin . . .

" " Alluvmm Vs=200 m/s . . . . . .

. -

alluvium deposits.
i'.' x:::::::i:i:i:i:iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!ii
Alluvial basins
:::::::::::::~'-~ .;:;2;::;;;:;::;: 2 i~.
i@i}i i i~iliVs=1200
m/s :22
Figure 6 displays a simplified sketch of the geological = 40
section across each one of the selected basins, Alc~ntara c~
(ALC) and Praga do Comrrcio (PC), showing the loca-
tion of the microtremor stations (see Fig. 1 to locate -
60 "= Clay
these basins in the general plan). The estimation of the •_- Vs= 1500 m/s
shapes of the bottoms of the alluvial basins was made
according to the geological m a p 18 which displays the
bathymetry of the alluvium layer. Consequently, it is
possible to estimate the thickness of the alluvium deposit
ill till iLimest°ne,
, , , V, , 900,, s

under each site. But there might exist, locally, some

differences with reality. (b)
In order to study in detail the correlation between the
thickness of the alluvial layer and the predominant Fig. 6. Simplified geological section in a E - W direction for the
frequency of the H / V , the observation points were care- alluvial basins studied: (a) Alc~ntara basin (ALC); (b) Praga do
Com+rcio basin (PC).
fully selected. Figure 7 shows the H / V obtained for each
site in the Alc~ntara basin. It is possible to observe that model, assuming that the shear velocity increases with
practically all the sites exhibit a clear spectral peak. The depth, which is a reasonable assumption• The corre-
predominant frequencies show a reasonable agreement sponding shear velocity values are displayed in Table 2.
with the theoretical expected values, according to the 1D Only station A L C W 3 exhibits an anomalous value.
The results obtained in Praqa do Comrrcio basin, are
T a b l e 1. P r e d o m i n a n t o b s e r v e d f r e q u e n c i e s a n d c o m p u t e d displayed in Fig. 8. The H / V ratios do not present a peak
Thomson-Haskell resonant frequencies for the rivershore zone so clearly as in the previous basin, possibly due to the
Station All. thickness Fob s Fr/¢ fact that the impedance contrast is not so strong (see
(m) (Hz) (Hz) Fig. 6b). Assuming again that the predominant frequen-
cies are in agreement with the 1D theoretical model, we
RIB17 5-10 9"0 9-0 4"5
RIB09 5-10 5"0 9-0-4' 5 determined the corresponding shear velocity values.
RIB10 5-10 4-3 9-0-4"5 Table 3 displays these values, showing that the approx-
RIB08 5 10 2"5 9"0-4-5 imation is correct if the velocity is allowed to increase
RIB11 20 3"2 2"2 with depth as in the previous case. Station PCW3 is the
RIB19 30 1"5 1'5
only one to exhibit an anomalous value.
Seismic behaviour estimation of thin alluvium layers 207

ALCE1 (10m) PCE1 (10m)

. . . . . ALCE2-RIB11 (20m) ..... PCE2 (20m)
.• - /~ - - - - ALCW3 (30m) ~.~ PCE3 (30m)

.". ~ . -...~k,,.N . . . . . ALCE4(40m) / ~N ..... PCW4 (40m)
~ ,., -", ." ~ .... PCW3 (30m)

t • i

o . . . . ~ i i l , l , , , , i , , , , i . . . . I
0 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz) o i , i i i , i , , i , , , , i , , i i I i i i i I
0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 7. H~ V ratios obtained at the 4 microtremor sites for the
Alc~ntara basin• Estimated alluvium thickness obtained from Fig. 8. H~ V ratios obtained at the 5 microtremor sites for the
the geological map are also indicated• Pra~a do Comrrcio basin• Estimated alluvium thicknesses
obtained from the geological map are also indicated•
Although these basins present a simple geology
(Fig. 6), their irregular shape can result in a significant Comparing the H~ V ratios of Fig. 8 and the Fourier
error on depth estimation and, consequently, on the transfer functions of Fig. 9, and taking into account the
thickness of the alluvium layer, as well as in significant location of the stations, it is possible to observe that the
deviations with respect to the simple 1D model• We dominant frequency of station PCE1 agrees quite well
believed that this is the cause of the anomalous values with the resonant frequency of point 8. A similar agree-
reported above• Only detailed boreholes measurements ment is found between PCW4 and PCW3, and point 5.
or seismic profiles would provide reliable estimates of the Stations PCE3 and PCE2 are not properly modeled by
thickness of the alluvium layers• the synthetic data• This may be due to the irregular shape
of the basin, as already pointed or to the simplified
Comparison with 2D theoretical results geologic structure considered in the theoretical calcula-
tion. In fact, the basin presents a lateral contrast in the
According to the geometry and velocity models shown in substratum that was not considered in the simulation.
Fig. 6 it was possible to calculate the Fourier transfer
functions for several points on the basins• Using the Comparison with explosion data
A k i - L a r n e r technique for a vertically incident SV wave,
Fourier transfer functions for different points on the Seismic records from blasts were obtained during an
Pra~a do Comrrcio basin were obtained, as shown in experiment carried out in 1991.13 Some shots were fired
Fig. 9. The sites where the transfer functions were in the Tagus river bed and recorded at several sites in the
computed are also referenced in Fig. 6(b): station town. To compare with microtremor measurements
PCE1 is located at the same site than point 8 and station some stations that recorded shot B were selected (see
PCE3 at the same site than point 6; station PCW4 is close Fig. 1 for location): stations B32, B33, and B39, placed at
to point 5, station PCW3 is close to point 4 and station alluvium deposits, and station B35 located at a rock site.
PCE2 is close to point 6. The corresponding microtremor stations in the river-
The geometry of this basin (see Fig. 6b) shows a shore zone are R I B l l , N16 and RIB17 (no noise
narrow asymmetrical valley with a sharp increase in measurement were made in the rock site where station
thickness. Due to this fact, a small error in the estimation B35 was located)• Spectral ratios, for the longitudinal
of alluvium thickness can produce a large difference in component, were computed between stations B32, B33
the spectral transfer function• This effect may be seen at and B39 with respect to the reference station B35. The
points 3 and 4 of Fig. 9. H~ V ratio was also performed for these stations; how-
ever the L / V (the ratio between the longitudinal and
Table 2. Predominant frequencies and computed shear wave
velocities (Thomson-Haskell) for the Alchntara basin
Table 3. Predominant frequencies and computed shear wave
Station All. thickness Fob s /3 velocities (Thomson-Haskell) for the Pra~a de Com~rcio basin
(m) (Hz) (m/s)
PCE1 10 4.0 160
ALCE1 10 4-4 180 PCE2 20 2.8 220
ALCE2 20 3-2 260 PCE3 30 2.6 300
ALCW3 30 3.6 430 PCW3 30 1-3 160
ALCE4 40 2.0 320 PCW4 40 1-7 270
208 P. Teves-Costa, L. Matias, P. Y. Bard

6.0 8 (a)
q. 0 ~ , _ _ ~ q.O --- B32L/B32V
__ B32L/B35L
2.0 2.0

2.0 q.O 6.0 8,0

2,0 q.O 6.0 8.0

s.o 3 ~ 6.0 7[ ~
r q.cl

2,0 2.n
, , , , i , , , , t . . . . i i i i , i , i i i i

2.0 q.O 6.0 8.0

2 4 6 8 10
2.0 q,0 6.0 8.0 Prequency (Hz)

6.0 2 ~ s.or 6

2.0 2.0
----" B331JB351

2.0 q.O 6.0 8.0

2.0 q.O 6.0 8.0

s.o 1 ~ s.o[ 5

2.0 2.0
. . . . ;, . . . . ~, . . . . ; . . . . " . . . . ~o
2.0 q.O 6.0 8.0
2.0 q.0 6.0 8.0

Prequeney ( H z )

Fig. 9. Synthetic Fourier transfer functions for the Praqa (c)

do Com6rcio basin, computed for a vertically incident SV
wave using the Aki-Larner method. Point locations refer to RIBI7
Fig. 6(b). io -- -- B39L/B39V / /~\

vertical components) seems to better characterize the site

conditions. This fact can be interpreted in terms of the
characteristics and directivity of the source: theoretically
an explosion does not radiate transverse waves, so it is
expected to record a small amount of energy in the iZ +
transverse component; this could change the character-
istics of the H~ V ratio.
The comparison between explosion and microtremor
i , , ' . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . * . . . . |
data was made for the 3 sites B32 _= RIB11, B33 = N16, II 4 8 8 II 18
~luta~ (I-~)
and B39 - RIB17 (Figs 10a-c). In Fig. 10(a) it is possi-
ble to observe the difference between ratios H~ V and Fig. 10. Comparison of spectral ratios obtained from micro-
L~ V for station B32. For all the three stations, in spite of tremor measurements (RIB or N) and explosion data (B). Site
some differences in the amplitude level, the agreement location is indicated in Fig. 1. For the explosion data, station
between microtremor and explosion ratios is fairly good B35 at a rock site was used as the reference station. Other ratios
in terms of predominant frequencies. as L/V or H/V are also displayed. (a) Site RIB11, B32; (b) site
NI6, B33; (c) site RIB17, B39.

of the resonant frequency for the surface soft layers as

CONCLUSIONS can be seen from the comparison with spectral ratios
obtained from explosion data. The H~ V ratios obtained
This experimental study confirms the fact that micro- from explosion records seem to indicate that only the
tremor recordings can be used to obtain reliable infor- longitudinal energy is relevant to estimate the transfer
mation related with the seismic behaviour of thin function. This suggests that the H~ V ratio peak frequency
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Seismic behaviour estimation o f thin alluvium layers 209

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