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Model Building Intermediate Exercise Guide

Last updated 11/16/18. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to the general public.
© 2017 Anaplan, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
Introduction __________________________________________________ 5
Prerequisites __________________________________________________________ 5
Download these files ____________________________________________________ 5
Review current ACME Excel file____________________________________________ 5
Training process ________________________________________________________ 6
Use Anapedia __________________________________________________________ 6
Company Information ____________________________________________________ 9
Activity #1 – Create new model ___________________________________________ 10

Lists________________________________________________________ 11
Hierarchy diagram _____________________________________________________ 11
Activity #2 – Assumption and Organization Lists ______________________________ 11
Activity #3 – Reps L4 List ________________________________________________ 14

Modules ____________________________________________________ 16
Overview ____________________________________________________________ 16
Activity #4 - Rep Setup module ___________________________________________ 16
Activity #5 - PY Sales module ____________________________________________ 18

Top-Down Introduction ________________________________________ 21

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 21

Top-Down Goal-Setting Modules ________________________________ 22

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 22
Activity #6 – Company Goal Set module ____________________________________ 22
Activity #7 - Geo Goal Set module _________________________________________ 23

Region Goal Set Formulas 1 of 2 ________________________________ 25

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 25
Activity #8 - Region Goal Set (part 1) _______________________________________ 26

Region Goal Set Formulas 2 of 2 ________________________________ 28

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 28
Activity #9 – Region Goal Set (part 2) ______________________________________ 28

Sub-region Goal Set __________________________________________ 30

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 30
Activity #10 – Sub-region Goal Set ________________________________________ 30

Conditional Formatting ________________________________________ 33

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 33
Activity #11 – Conditional Formatting _______________________________________ 33

Geo Goal Setting Dashboard _________________________________ 34

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 34
Activity #12 – Geo Goal Setting Dashboard __________________________________ 35

Assumption (Bottom-Up) Modules _____________________________ 38

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 38
Activity #13 - Over-Assign Module _________________________________________ 38
Activity #14 - Ramping Profile ____________________________________________ 39
Activity #15 - Role Goals ________________________________________________ 40
Activity #16 - Scenario Selection __________________________________________ 41

Quota Setting Modules ______________________________________ 43

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 43
Activity #17 - Rep Quota Module __________________________________________ 43

Sub-region Quota ___________________________________________ 46

Activity #18 – Sub-region Quota Module ____________________________________ 46

Dependent Dropdowns ______________________________________ 49

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 49
Activity #19 – Set up Dependent Dropdowns _________________________________ 49

Capacity Dashboard Part 1 of 3 _______________________________ 51

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 51
Dashboard Creation Tips ________________________________________________ 51
No Activity ___________________________________________________________ 51

Capacity Dashboard Part 2 of 3 _______________________________ 52

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 52
Activity #20 - Capacity Dashboard (Top Half) ________________________________ 52

Capacity Dashboard Part 3 of 3 _______________________________ 54

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 54
Activity #21 - Capacity Dashboard (Lower Half)_______________________________ 54

Functional Areas ___________________________________________ 56

Overview _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Activity #22 - Create and Assign Functional Areas ____________________________ 56
User Access and Roles ______________________________________ 57
Activity #23 – Setup a User Role __________________________________________ 57

Breakback, Hold and Bulk Copy _______________________________ 59

Overview ____________________________________________________________ 59
Activity #24 – Breakback ________________________________________________ 59
Activity #25 - Bulk Copy _________________________________________________ 60

Summary __________________________________________________ 62
Congratulations! _______________________________________________________ 62
Next steps ___________________________________________________________ 62
Resources ___________________________________________________________ 63
Feedback ____________________________________________________________ 63

Before starting the course there is some preparation you can do to make sure you
are better prepared.

Intermediate Model building is the third in a series of learning courses available
through Anaplan’s learning center either as on-demand training or live instructor lead
courses. As such it makes assumptions on the learner’s knowledge so please make
sure you have taken these classes before beginning:
• 101: Foundations
• 102: Introduction to Model Building (IMB)

Feel free to re-take any of these classes if you feel you need a refresher before

Download these files

This file ( is located in the Learning Center. It contains the
data files you will eventually import into your model. The file also contains the
current excel file ACME uses and is looking to replace with an Anaplan model.
Download and extract the .zip file to an easy to find location


It is important to note that the dates in this file are in a US format of Month/Day/Year

Review current ACME Excel file

The Acme Excel Model.xlsx file is the current spreadsheet ACME uses for tracking
and forecasting and is what they are looking to replace with an Anaplan model. Take
a few minutes to familiarize yourself.
Page 5
Training process
There are two ways of taking this training, on-demand and Instructor Led.
Throughout this guide you will see references and notes to both methods.

On-demand (OD)

If you are taking on-demand training you will watch a video segment (located in the
course) and then use the exercise guide to build the model. Unless otherwise noted
the video sections will match the sections of this guide. If you need help during this
process visit the Model Building – Intermediate forum. In the guide, notes for these
students will be highlighted with an (OD) indicator.

Instructor Led Training (ILT)

For learners taking the Instructor Led Training, ignore the references to the video
segments, your instructor will be walking you through these live.

Use Anapedia
Throughout the course use Anapedia as a resource. There is a tremendous wealth
of information available about Anaplan in Anapedia. The articles in Anapedia offer
detailed information and step-by-step assistance on common tasks and topics. Want
to learn more about the enhancements from the latest release? Go check out the
New Features section in Anapedia. Need more information about App Hub? Take a
look at the App Hub section in Anapedia.

Use the forums (OD)

Within Anapedia are the Anaplan community forums. For individuals taking the on-
demand version of this course this is the best place for having questions answered.
Once in Anapedia click on:
Forums  Anaplan Learning Center  Intermediate Model Building to access the
class forum.

Page 6
When asking a question it is helpful to provide:
• The section you are working within
• Any specifics about issues or problems
• Screen captures

Anaplan vocabulary

Review the following Anaplan terms as you will need them to move forward in the
training. You can use the forums or Anapedia to help out.
Blueprint Breakback Copy Across Dimensions
Formula Bar Grid View Line Items List Properties
Pivot Selective Subset Switchover
The formulas

Also found in Anapedia are the various formulas used throughout this training. Below
are a few of the more common ones that are used multiple times, as well as used in

Formula/Function Additional Information

Operators + - / * > < >= <= =< > &

Takes a list item as parameter and returns the

parent of the list
Looks up an amount from a source module using
one or more mappings
Selects a specific item from one or more of the
[Select: ‘ ‘]
hierarchy lists

END() Result is the last date in the period.

IF THEN ELSE Conditional formula

Tests to see if a condition is not met (result is

Boolean formatted).
Returns first date with reference to the source
module time dimension

TEXT() Converts a numeric value to text

Page 7
Page 8
Company Information
The issue:

The finance team at ACME is working with a disjointed capacity planning model that
has exceeded the limitations of Excel. They have been unsuccessful matching
resource plans with moving sales targets.

Our objective:

Leverage existing Excel information and data to build an integrated process of top-
down, bottom-up planning that addresses their future capacity needs.

Basic information:

• Fiscal year start: January

• They will use Calendar Months/Quarters/Years, leave the Quarter Totals
• They are not using a Switchover date
• They track a forecast and actual version
• Set the Forecast version to current

Reporting information:

• Their CEO and CFO want to see a daily dashboard of goal setting
information, including region and manager goal setting information.
• To allow managers to forecast and plan their hiring, you will also create two
additional dashboards: Profile Setup and Manager Quota Set.

Model schema

Page 9
Helpful Hints - Model Tips

• Build the lists in this order:

o Shells (List name and properties)  Top Levels  Hierarchies
o Import data: Note: You’ll use the same import file several times to
populate your lists. Make sure to map carefully.
• Make sure that you’ve deleted the switchover
• Remember to format the list and line items appropriately.

Activity #1 – Create new model


In this practical, you will build and present a new model for Acme Co. Make sure you
are the only one with access to your model, by setting the proper permissions in
Settings  Users.
Note: Make sure you set yourself to “Full Access”
You will build the lists and modules as well as import data into the modules.
Ensure that the Blueprints have the appropriate financial treatments/formats and that
line items are styled where necessary.

Create the model

• Name the model: Intermediate Model Building – FirstName LastName

• Calendar type: Calendar Months/Quarters/Years
• Fiscal Year Start Month: Jan
• Current Fiscal Year: FY15: 1 Jan 2015 – 31 Dec 2015
• Current Period: Aug 15
• Versions: Actual & Forecast
• Set Forecast as Current
• Switchover: Delete*
*You may occasionally see Switchover in the demo videos in order for us to
demonstrate something clearly. For your model none is required.

Page 10

Hierarchy diagram

Helpful Hints - List organization

• When naming a list it is helpful to indicate the level it falls in the hierarchy
structure with a simple code. We recommend an L and the level number (i.e.
L1, L2, L3, etc).
• A blank “dummy” list can be created to act as a separator between groups of

Activity #2 – Assumption and Organization Lists


Create and populate the Assumption lists. If you did not follow along with the video
to complete the Organization lists do that as well.

Files needed

You will need the 2015 Headcount Detail.csv and the Role Goals.csv files.

Page 11
List Name Top Level Parent Properties Import Data

Geos L1 Total No import  Type
(renamed Company NOAM, EMEA, APJ

Regions L2 Geos L1 2015 Headcount

Sub-regions Regions L2 2015 Headcount
L3 Detail.csv

Reps L4 Sub-regions Display Name 2015 Headcount

L3 Detail.csv
*see import
Roles Role Goals.csv
Ramping All Periods No import  Enter
Periods values 1-18
Ramping No import  Enter
Scenarios Base, Fast, Slow

Basic lists

These lists are simple composite lists that build the org structure.

Page 12

• Under General lists, insert lists:

o Geos L1 (rename from Organization)
o Regions L2
o Sub-regions L3
o Reps L4
o Roles
o Ramping Periods
o Ramping Scenarios
• Set the Top Level and Parent Hierarchy according to the table above
• In Reps L4 add a Property, Display Name and set it to Text

Insert and import

• Open the Geos L1 list and add: NOAM, EMEA, APJ

• Use the import file 2015 Headcount Detail.csv to populate Regions L2 and
Sub-regions L3
o Map the Column and the Parent
• Import data for your remaining lists
• Use Role Goals.csv file to populate the Roles list
• Enter the data for Ramping Period and Ramping Scenario

Helpful Hint – Divider

---ORGANIZATION LIST--- and ---ASSUMPTIONS LIST--- do not contain any data.

They function simply as dividers in the General Lists section.

Page 13
Activity check

Your results should look like this:

Regions L2 Sub-regions L3

Activity #3 – Reps L4 List


The Reps L4 list is a numbered list and will have several special features.


• Under General lists, insert the list:

o Reps L4
• Set the Parent Hierarchy to Sub-regions L3
• Open the list and Insert a property
o Display Name, Format: Text

Page 14
Turn on Numbered List functionality

• Under General lists, scroll to the right to the column Numbered

• Click the Numbered check box for Reps L4
• In the column Display Name Property, select Display Name


• Use the import file 2015 Headcount Detail.csv

o Map the source information as follows
 Delete the value for the first row (Reps L4)
 Column 4: Sub-region – Parent
 Column 2: Rep Code – Code
 Column 1: Sales Rep – Display Name
o Select the radio button:
 Items are uniquely identified by: Code

Activity check

You should see approximately 56 reps created.

Page 15

You will build thirteen modules in the following four areas:
• Staging Modules (1-2)
• Top-Down/Goal-Setting Modules (3-6)
• Bottom-Up/Assumptions Modules (7-10)
• Quota Setting Modules (11-12)
The Section 3 activity focuses on building the Staging modules first.

Helpful Hint – Module Planning

• When determining where to start, look for the modules with the fewest
dependencies and start there.
• For this schema that is the Staging modules since they push data out and are
not dependent on anything other than list data.

Activity #4 - Rep Setup module


This module will store rep meta-data by sub-region:

• Role
• Start and End Dates
• Sub-Region
• Display Name
Role, Start/End Date, and Display name will be populated by import or manual entry
and Sub-region will be populated by a Parent formula.

Page 16
File needed

You will need the 2015 Headcount Detail.csv file.


• List(s) Required: Reps L4

• Line Item(s): (Format)
o Role (List: Roles)
o Start Date (Date)
o End Date (Date)
o Sub-region (List: Sub-region L3)
o Display Name (Text)

Arrange and format

• Use the graphic above as a guide to pivot your module and save your view
• Format the line items according to the list above


• Import Employee data from 2015 Headcount Detail.csv

o Map the Col 2 Rep Code to Reps L4
o Map the (Column Headers) to Rep Setup Line Items
o Check each tab to ensure that the items match correctly before running
the import
o Build a reference to bring the Display Names property to the Rep
Setup module
o Ensure that the names populate and then delete the reference
o In the Reps L4 list map the Display Name property to the Rep Setup
module’s Display Name field
 Change Janet Anderson to Janet Smith in the module and
validate the list updates

Page 17
Activity check

The Rep Setup module should now look like this:

The Reps L4 list should now look like this:

Module Information Chart


Sub-region List: Sub- Define the hierarchy/rollup using the PARENT(ITEM(‘Repls L4’))
region L3 PARENT, ITEM function

Helpful Hints - Notes

• Make sure that you have set your Header and First Data row correctly!
• International Note: The Start and End dates are US formatted (MM/DD/YY).
If you are using a different date format in your browser, select the Rep Setup
Line Item Tab in the mapping wizard and choose Custom Mapping.

Activity #5 - PY Sales module

This module holds the annual prior year’s sales data. This data is imported into the
module and referenced in other modules as a baseline for setting annual targets.

Page 18
File Needed

2015 PY Sales History.csv


• List: Sub-region L3
• Remove Time and Versions (none of the history modules will use these)
• Line Item(s): (Number)
o PY Sales

Arrange and format

• Use the Excel module above as a guide to pivot your module and save your


• Import the Sales data (fixed line item) by Manager

o If you have trouble, refer to the video Import Actual Data from General
Ledger Example on Anapedia
• Use the 2015 PY Sales History.csv

Activity check

The import should see 19 Updated, 0 Ignored, and 0 Failed.

Page 19
Page 20
Top-Down Introduction

Section 4 introduces you to the top-down functionality to be built in the model.
• The company goals drive the geo goals
• The geo goals drive the regional goals
• The regional goals drive the sub-regional goals
• Goals can be held so changes do not affect them
• Goals can be overridden

There is no Activity for Section 4, proceed to Section 5.

Page 21
Top-Down Goal-Setting Modules

In this section you will create the first two goal setting modules:
• Company Goal Set
• Geo Goal set

Company Geo Goal Region
Goal Set Set Goal Set
Goal Set

Helpful Hints - Troubleshooting Modules

If you run into issues building these modules check the following:
• Verify formats
• Verify data is loaded into lists
• Review formulas and references
• Trace information using the Drill Down (F8) feature

Activity #6 – Company Goal Set module


As we build the top-down forecasting, separate modules will be created for each
level of the hierarchy. The Company Goal Set module represents the first level of the
hierarchy. In this module you will pull in prior year data from the PY Sales module
and you will have an input cell for percent growth and a formula to calculate the final

Insert module

• List(s): No lists
• Remove Versions and Time
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart


Page 22
PY Sales Number Reference this data from PY Sales What line item should you click to
module. reference?
Percent Percentage This percentage will be manually
Growth 2 decimals entered.

Final Goal Number Multiply the PY Sales by 1 + PY Sales * (1 + Percent Growth)

Percent Growth to show the
final goal numbers

Arrange and format

• Use the view above as a guide to pivot your module

• Remember to save your view

Activity check

• In Grid View: Change the value for Percent Growth to 8%.

o Is the Final Goal approx. 87.5 million?

Activity #7 - Geo Goal Set module


The Geo Goal Set module represents the next level of the hierarchy. In this module
you will reference prior year sales data from the PY Sales module and you will have
an input cell for percent growth and a formula to calculate the final goal.

Insert module

• List(s):
o Geos L1
• Include Versions
• Remove Time
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart


PY Sales Number Reference this data from PY Sales PY Sales.PY Sales

Page 23
Company Percentage Calculate each Geo’s percentage of PY Sales / PY Sales.PY Sales[SELECT:
Percent 2 decimals total PY Sales using a SELECT function. 'Geos L1'.Total Company]

Projected Number Multiply the company’s Goal by Company Goal Set.Final Goal *
Goal the Company’s Percent to see Company Percent
the projected goal.

Arrange and format

• Use the view above as a guide to pivot your module

• Remember to save your view

Activity check

• In Grid View: Does APJ represent approximately 12% of overall sales?

• If you have the Percent Growth set to 8% in the Company Goal Set module
is the NOAM projected goal approx. 66.3 million?

Page 24
Region Goal Set Formulas 1 of 2

Section 6 covers part one of setup for the Region Goal Set module while Section 7
will cover part two. You need to reference the Module Information Chart below for
The Region Goal Set module calculates regional percentages in the same way that
geo percentages were calculated in the Geo Goal Set module. However, Region
Goal Set will include more Line Items to provide flexibility with forecasting – including
Hold and Override options to be used in setting goals at the region level.

Module Information Chart


PY Sales Number Reference this data from PY SALES module. Hint: How did you do this in the
previous module?
Parent List: Geos Define hierarchy/rollup with list reference Hint: You’ll need to enclose the List name
L1 using the PARENT, ITEM functions. in single quotes ‘ ‘

Region Percentage Calculate each region’s percent of the PY Sales / PY Sales.PY Sales
Percent (two dec) Geo’s PY Sales using a LOOKUP function [LOOKUP: Parent]
Projected Number Calculate each region’s goal by Hint: You’ll need to include a
Goal multiplying the Region Percent by their LOOKUP function in the
projected Goal in the Geo Goal set denominator
Hold? Boolean No formula - checkmark to Hold Projected
Goal number. n/a

Override? Boolean No formula - checkmark to Override

Projected Goal number.
Override Number No formula – Users will input a number
here if Override? is checked

Page 25
Take Out Number If Hold is checked, Take Out is equal to IF Hold? = TRUE THEN Projected
Projected Goal. Goal ELSE IF Override? = TRUE
If Override is checked, Take Out will be THEN Override ELSE 0
the number entered in Override.
Otherwise, it will be zero.
To Be Number Difference between Projected Goal and Hint: Remember that clicking is
Allocated Take Out more reliable than typing in
Allocate? Boolean Checkmark appears if there is not a Hold NOT Hold? AND NOT Override?
or a n Override.
Allocation Number If Allocate is checked, Projected Goal is Hint: How did you write the Take
Child shown. Otherwise, it will be zero. Out formula? This formula is
similar (but simpler).
Allocation Number If Allocate? is checked, To Be Allocated IF Allocate? THEN To Be
and Allocation Child line items are used Allocated[LOOKUP: Parent] *
to calculate the allocation for the region. Allocation Child / Allocation
Child[LOOKUP: Parent] ELSE 0
Final Goal Number If Hold is checked, Projected Goal is Hint: Refer to the Take Out formula
I f Override is checked, then Override is
O t h e r w i s e , t h e Allocation number is
shown if neither Hold? nor Override? are

Activity #8 - Region Goal Set (part 1)


• Insert (create) the module

• Format the line items
• Complete the following formulas:
o PY Sales
o Parent
o Region Percent
o Projected Goal

Insert module

• List(s): Regions L2
• Include Versions
• Remove Time
• Add/Format Line Item(s): Per Module Information Chart (Above)

Complete the following formulas:

o PY Sales
o Parent
o Region Percent
Page 26
o Projected Goal

Activity Check

If you have your formulas right Region Goal Set should look something like this:

Note if your numbers are different; ensure Percent Growth is set to 8% in Company
Goal Set.

Page 27
Region Goal Set Formulas 2 of 2

This section focuses on the remaining formulas of the Region Goal Set module. Use
the Module Information Chart from the previous section to complete these formulas.
• Take Out
• To Be Allocated
• Allocate?
• Allocation Child
• Allocation
• Final Goal

Activity #9 – Region Goal Set (part 2)


• Complete the formulas

• Arrange and format

Complete the following formulas:

o Take Out
o To Be Allocated
o Allocate?
o Allocation Child
o Allocation
o Final Goal

Arrange and format

• Use the module above as a guide to:

o Pivot your module
o Hide extra columns
o Increase column width to 100 where headers are not fully displayed
• Remember to save your view

Page 28
Activity check

• In Grid View: Select Hold for US East. Select Override for US South and
enter 10,000,000 for the value.
• Look at the final goal column, do you see the following?
o US East ≈ $23,595,106
o US South = $10,000,000
o US Central ≈ 13,890,208
o US West ≈ $18,812,767
• The final view should look something like this:

Helpful Hint -Best Practice Shortcut

The next module will structurally be very similar to this one. From Blueprint View,
you can export the Region Goal Set module and copy/paste from the Excel
spreadsheet into the Line Items and Blueprint View.

Page 29
Sub-region Goal Set

The Sub-region Goal Set module will allow the same flexibility for Holds and
Overrides as you created in Region Goal Set. Though similar, some formulas in this
module need to be modified to calculate data at the region level rather than geo.

Activity #10 – Sub-region Goal Set


Create the Sub-region Goal Set module using the parameters below.

Insert module

• Versions
• Remove Time
• List(s): Sub-regions L3 (in Columns)
• Line Items: See Below (Note: If you exported the Region Goal Set blueprint,
you can select the Line Items to paste them in, simply changing Region
Percent to Sub-region Percent)

Module Information Chart


PY Sales Number Reference this data from PY SALES module. Hint: How did you do this in the
previous module?
Parent List: Define hierarchy/rollup with list reference Hint: You’ll need to enclose the List name
Regions L2 using the PARENT, ITEM functions. in single quotes ‘ ‘.
Remember that you’ll now need to
reference the list below Region L2)
Sub-region Percentage Calculate each sub-region’s percent of Hint: Make sure to update the
Percent Region’s PY Sales. references from the previous
Projected Number Calculate each sub-region’s sales based Hint: Use the previous module
Goal on Sub-region Percent and their updating to refer to the correct level
proportion of the Final Goal in the Region in the hierarchy.
Goal Set module.

Page 30
Hold? Boolean No formula - checkmark to Hold Projected
Goal number. n/a

Override? Boolean No formula - checkmark to Override

Projected Goal number.
Override Number No formula – Users will input a number
here if Override? is checked
Take Out Number If Hold is checked, Take Out is equal to Hint: Use the previous module.
Projected Goal.
If Override is checked, Take Out will be
the number entered in Override.
Otherwise, it will be zero.
To Be Number Difference between Projected Goal and Hint: Use the previous module.
Allocated Take Out
Allocate? Boolean Checkmark appears if there is not a Hold Hint: Use the previous module.
or Override.
Allocation Number If Allocate is checked, Projected Goal is Hint: Use the previous module.
Child shown. Otherwise, it will be zero.
Allocation Number If Allocate? is checked, then To Be IF Allocate? THEN To Be
Allocated and Allocation Child line items Allocated[LOOKUP: Parent] *
are used to calculate the allocation for Allocation Child / Allocation
the region. (LOOKUP is used to calculate Child[LOOKUP: Parent] ELSE 0
against the Parent level)
Final Goal Number If Hold is checked, Projected Goal is Hint: Use the previous module.
I f Override is checked, then Override is
O t h e r w i s e , t h e Allocation number is
shown if neither Hold? nor Override? are

Helpful Hint - Shortcut

Save time by pasting in the Format column from the Region Goal Set module.

Additional formulas

Be sure to remember to complete the formulas you can’t paste over:

• Parent
• Sub-region Percent
• Projected Goal
• Adjust Allocation formula

Arrange and format

• Use the module above as a guide to:

o Pivot your module
o Hide extra columns
o Set the default column width to 100 px, Wrap the headers if necessary
• Remember to save your view

Page 31
Activity check
• In Grid View:
o Select Hold for Atlantic Coast
o Select Override for Southeast and enter 2,500,000
• Does Texas ≈ $3,597,812?
• Does the Sub-region Goal Set module look like this:

Page 32
Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting allows you to add color to a cell based on a value. If we
combine this with an indicator Line Item that returns a numeric value we can use it to
quickly highlight Holds (red) and Overrides (blue) in our Region Goal Set module.

Activity #11 – Conditional Formatting


Both the Region Goal Set module and the Sub-region Goal Set module need
conditional formatting. The section video walks through the process with the Region
module, feel free to follow along with it. Once Region is complete repeat the process
for the Sub-region module.

Format the Region Goal Set module

1. Open the Region Goal Set module > Blueprint view

2. Add a line item as follows:
a. Name: IND
b. Formula: IF Hold? THEN -1 ELSE IF Override? THEN 1 ELSE 0
3. Open Grid View > Format Menu > Conditional Formatting (or use the icon on
the toolbar)
4. Create a new rule as follows:
a. Line item to format: Final Goal
b. Based on the values from: IND
c. Values and colors: 3 color scale
d. Minimum: -1, Mid-point 0, Maximum 1
e. Color: Red, White, Blue
5. Choose OK to view

Format the Sub-region Goal Set module

• Repeat the same steps for the Sub-region Goal Set module.

Helpful Hint – Saving the view

You must save your view in order for the Conditional Formatting rules to save.

Activity check

Review both modules and ensure the Holds are red, the Overrides are blue, and
the totals are not colored at all.

Page 33
Geo Goal Setting Dashboard

Now that we have the majority of our modules it is time to publish some of these
pieces to a dashboard. The dashboard will allow end users to interact with the data
by adjusting some of the top down goals.

Helpful Hints – Dashboard Creation Tips

• Save often
• Choose a Global Default Grid Style
• Include Action buttons to make navigation easier
• Hide unnecessary columns and rows
• Keep dashboards short
• Download the App: Dashboard Creation Guidelines for more layout ideas

Page 34
Activity #12 – Geo Goal Setting Dashboard

The Geo Goal Set Dashboard allows managers to plan at four levels: Company,
Geo, Region and Sub-region. It will feature grids from the goal-setting modules as
well as charts and dashboard navigation buttons.

Select your default grid style:

1. Open the Settings tab > Dashboards

2. Select View > Global Default Grid Style > Ruled

Add text

1. Open the dashboard: Goal Setting > Select the Dashboard Menu >
Dashboard Designer
a. Add the title text: Geo Goal Setting
b. Change the Style to Heading 1
2. Repeat to add the additional text:
a. Plan your forecast at the Company, Region and Manager level using
the three grids below.
b. Update high-level growth percent in Company Goal to bring through
the model.
c. Enter holds and overrides by Region as necessary.
d. Enter holds and overrides by Manager as necessary.
3. Rearrange the dashboard to match the image below
4. Save the dashboard

Add grids

To add modules to the dashboard navigate to the module and select:

View > Publish to Dashboard > Geo Goal Setting Dashboard
Add the following grids and format them:
• Company Goal Set
o Column Width: 80
o Wrap: 2 Lines
• Geo Goal Set
o Column Width: 80
o Wrap: 2 Lines
• Regional Goal Set
o Column Width: 80
o Regions L2 Width: 150
o Wrap: 2 Lines

Page 35
Add the Geo Goal Set Projected Goal chart

1. Open the Geo Goal Set module

2. Pivot the view to one appropriate for the chart
3. Select the column: Final Goal
4. Click the Chart icon > Waterfall chart > Publish to Dashboard: Goal Setting
5. Arrange the dashboard (resize the chart if desired)
6. Save the dashboard

Activity check

At this point the dashboard should look like this:

Add remaining items

• Add pie charts that break out each of the Region’s final goals
• Add the Sub-region Goal Set grid
• Save changes

Activity check

The bottom half of the dashboard should look something like this:

Page 36
• In Company Goal Set > Change the Company Percent Growth to 11%
o Ensure the Region Goal Set grid/chart and Sub-region Goal Set grid
• In Region Goal Set
o Check Override for the US West? and enter Override = $17,000,000
o Ensure that the pie charts update

Page 37
Assumption (Bottom-Up) Modules

The four assumption modules primarily function as drivers for other modules. These
modules need to be built and populated so the remaining modules work correctly.

Activity #13 - Over-Assign Module


The purpose of this assumptions module is to allow over assigning quotas at each
level in the hierarchy in order to improve chances of expected targets being reached.

Insert Module

• Versions
• Remove Time
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart


Sub-region Percentage
2 decimals
Region Percentage
2 decimals

Arrange and Format

• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module

• Remember to save your view

Page 38
Activity #14 - Ramping Profile

This assumptions module brings in quota percentages by month to the Sales Rep
ramping profiles. The idea being that a tenured Rep is more effective than a brand
new Rep. The module contains 18 months to fully ramp across three scenarios.

File needed

Ramp Percentage Table.csv

Insert Module

• Remove Versions
• Remove Time
• Lists:
o Ramping Periods
o Ramping Scenarios
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart


Ramp Percent Percentage
2 decimals


• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module


• Import the Ramp Percentage Table.csv in Grid View

Page 39
• Follow the Mapping Wizard

Helpful Hint – Wizard

You’ll use a column, the column headers and a fixed line item. Don’t forget to click
through all the tabs along the top of the wizard before clicking Run Import.

Conditional formatting

• Create a new Conditional Formatting rule using a 2 color, White > Green
scale to make your module look like the example above
• Remember to save your view

Helpful Hint – Number Type

Remember that the percentage values are actually stored as decimals.

Activity #15 - Role Goals


The purpose of this module is to factor in the Rep’s Role to determine their expected
quota. Data to populate the module is imported from a CSV file and is referenced in
other modules.

File needed

Role Goals.csv

Insert Module

• Remove Time
• Lists:
o Roles
o Geos L1
• Line Items: See Below

Page 40
Module Information Chart


Quota Goal Number

Arrange and Format

• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module

• Remember to save your view


• Use the Role Goals.csv to import Quota Goals into the Forecast version
• Follow the Mapping Wizard

Helpful Hints - Wizard

You’ll use a column, the column headers, a fixed version and a fixed line item. Don’t
forget to click through all the tabs along the top of the wizard before clicking Run

Activity #16 - Scenario Selection


This module allows you to select the ramp scenario in use.

Insert Module

• Versions
• Remove Time
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart


Ramp List: Ramping

Arrange and Format

• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module

Page 41
• Format to List: Ramping Scenarios
• Remember to save your view

Enter Data

• Set the scenario to Base

Page 42
Quota Setting Modules

The Rep and Sub-region Quota modules reference and pull information from a
number of different areas. The video contains a complete overview of these

Activity #17 - Rep Quota Module


With the assumptions modules created, this module is the first of two quota-planning
modules that pulls data from those modules. These help the module identify the
rep’s quota details such as how much quota the rep is responsible for along with
ramping details, start date, end date, and Geo. Once complete these items roll up to
the Sub-region Quota module.

Starting from the bottom, the Rep Quota module is created with a subsequent Sub-
region Quota module that rolls up the Rep level data. This is one of the first modules
in the model to include Time as a dimension.

Insert Module
• Versions
• Time
• List: Reps L4
• Line Items: See Below

Page 43
Module Information Chart

Region List: Geo L1 None Determine which Region the Rep Hint: How did you find the parent
is from. information before? How many levels
will you have to reference to get from
Rep to Region?
Role List: Roles None Determine the Rep’s Role. Hint: Reference the module where rep
information is store.
Goal Number Sum If the rep is active, use Region IF Active? THEN ROLE GOALS.Quota
and Role to calculate the Rep’s Goal[LOOKUP: Region, LOOKUP: Role] /
goal. 12 ELSE 0

Active? Boolean None Checked if Rep is an employee in Rep Setup.Start Date <= END() AND (Rep
the listed month. Setup.End Date >= START() OR
ISBLANK(Rep Setup.End Date)).
Headcount Number Sum, If the rep has a quota, count Hint: Think about other conditional
Time: them as 1 active headcount formulas you’ve used
Tenure Number Sum, How long Active Rep has been IF NOT Active? THEN 0 ELSE IF
Time: employed? Formula evaluates YEAR(START()) - YEAR(REP
Closing Rep Start Date to determine SETUP.Start Date) = 0 THEN
Balance how many moths they have MONTH(START()) - MONTH(REP
been employed. Needed to SETUP.Start Date)
determine if ramp profile is + 1 ELSE 12 - MONTH(REP SETUP.Start
applied. Date) + (YEAR(START()) - YEAR(REP
SETUP.Start Date)) * 12
- (12 - MONTH(START())) + 1
Text Tenure Text None Convert Tenure number to text TEXT(Tenure)
so that it can be used to look
up information in the Ramping
Profile module)
Ramp Period* List: None Check if a Rep is active, if Rep’s IF Active? THEN IF Tenure > 18 THEN
Ramping tenure is greater than 18 Ramping Periods.'18' ELSE
Periods months; use the value of 18 in FINDITEM(Ramping Periods, Text
the list. If not, find the item on Tenure) ELSE BLANK
the ramping period list and
find the text tenure, if not
active leave blank.
Ramp Number Sum, Use LOOKUP to find the RAMPING PROFILE.Ramp
Time: percentage value on the Percent[LOOKUP: Ramp Period, LOOKUP:
Closing Ramping Profile table for the SCENARIO SELECTION.Ramp]
Balance Ramp Period and the Scenario
Ramp Status Number Sum, How many Reps are there with Headcount * Ramp
Time: ramp considered?
Quota Number Sum Use yearly goal and ramp to Hint: Use a basic operation to find the
get monthly quota. quota

Page 44

If the Ramp Period formula returns 0 values for everyone, the Switchover needs to
be adjusted. Go to Settings, Versions. Click into the Switchover box, press Delete
and Enter on your keyboard. Once the formula is re-entered it will display the correct

Arrange and Format

• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module

• Remember to save your view

Activity Check

Validate the Rep Quota > Forecast on Sep 15:

Elwood, Josh Anderson, Janet

Page 45
Sub-region Quota

This module uses the Rep Quota details to roll-up into Sub-regions. It will use the
previously configured assumptions and the quota details to calculate the team’s
quota (capacity) and compare it to the tops-down goal.

Activity #18 – Sub-region Quota Module


Create the module using the information below.

Insert Module

• Versions
• Time
• List: Sub-regions L3
• Line Items: See Below

Module Information Chart

Rep Quota Number Sum Link to quota data at Rep level. Hint: What module/line item stores Rep
Rollup This is the current capacity of quotas and takes their ramp status into
sales reps accounting for their consideration?
ramp status.

Sub-region Number Sum Calculation of total Rep quotas Rep Quota Rollup * (1 + 'Over-
Quota with over-assignments. Assign'.'Sub-region')
Summary 1)
Sub-region Number Sum Link to Final Goal in Sub-region Hint: Don’t forget to divide this out
Goal Goal Set module. This is the monthly
tops-down goal number.

Variance to Number Sum Difference between Sub- Hint: You don’t even have to leave the
Goal region’s quota and goal. module for this one!

Page 46
Variance % Number: Formula Variance converted to Variance to Goal / ‘Sub-region Goal’
(Style: Percent, 2 percentage.
Summary 1) decimals

Headcount Number Sum, This is the current number of Hint: Where is our headcount stored?
Time: employees on each sub-region
Closing team.
Ramp Status Number Sum, This shows the number of Hint: Where is our Ramp status sotred?
Time: employees accounting for
Closing their ramp status percentage.

Arrange and Format

• Use the module above as a guide to pivot your module
• Remember to save your view

Complete all formulas

• Rep Quota Rollup

• Sub-region Quota
• Sub-region Goal
• Variance to Goal
• Variance %
• Headcount
• Ramp Status
• Setup conditional formatting on Variance
o Remember to save your view

Activity check

• Verify the over-assign for the sub-region is set to 0%.

• Open the module Sub-region Goal Set and look at the final goal for Mid-
Atlantic. Verify that the region has an Override for $6,000,000.
• In the Sub-region Quota module, verify that the Sub-region Goal is equal to
o Note: If the Sub-region Goal Set, Projected Goal total of $7,126,511 is
shown, open Settings > Versions.
o Set the Forecast > Switchover > Aug 15. Apply Settings.
o Select the Switchover and press the delete key. Apply Settings.
o The correct total of $6,000,000 should appear Sub-region Quota, Sub-
region Goal
• Once the override is in place, the grid view should look like this:

Page 47
Page 48
Dependent Dropdowns

In a last minute request, the company has asked that the sales rep roles be filtered
by Geo. Roles will either be categorized as NOAM, EMEA, or APJ.

Activity #19 – Set up Dependent Dropdowns

Set up a Geo property

• Settings > Lists and Roll-ups > Roles

• Properties > Insert > Geo
o Type: List
o List: Geos L1
o Filter: Off
• Open Grid View > Re-run the Role list import: Import > Roles Goals.csv >
o Column 1 > Roles
o Column 5: Geo > Geo
• Verify that each role has an assigned Geo

Set up a Geo Line Item

• Rep Setup Module > Blueprint

• Data > Insert > Geo
o Type: List
o List: Geos L1
o Use the PARENT and ITEM formulas to have Anaplan look up the Geo
for each rep

Setup the Dependent Drop down

• Open the Rep Setup module

• Select Blueprint > Role > Format
• Set the format properties as follows:
o Type: List
o List: Roles
o Filter: Dependent
o Filter Role based on data in: Geo
o Properties that define valid combinations: Roles.Geo and Roles (ITEM)
• Click OK

Activity Check

• Test the Dependent Dropdown

o Find Janet Anderson > Select Role: Are only AE values visible?
Page 49
o Find Brad Bonson > Select Role: Are only CAE values visible?

Helpful Hint - Roles

You may notice that some reps are assigned roles that are no longer valid. Anaplan
will hold these values until a new value is selected. However, as with many late-state
changes and requests, an audit of Rep Roles may be required to ensure that these
are aligned. For our purposes, we’ll leave the data as is.

Page 50
Capacity Dashboard Part 1 of 3

To allow managers to plan headcount to meet the top-Down goals, we create a
dashboard called the Capacity Analysis Dashboard. The dashboard allows
managers to quickly view their region’s quota capacity vs goal, as well as plan for
hiring and promoting headcount in order to meet their goals.

Dashboard Creation Tips

• Include action buttons to make navigation easier
• Use Page selectors to keep elements uncluttered
• Use text to divide sections
• Use action buttons to add items to a numbered list
• Synchronize list selections to streamline grids

No Activity

Page 51
Capacity Dashboard Part 2 of 3

In this section we tackle the top half of the Capacity Dashboard. The video primarily
reviews new items, if there are steps you are unsure about review the Geo Goal
Setting Dashboard video, check Anapedia or visit the forums.

Activity #20 - Capacity Dashboard (Top Half)


In this activity we will be focusing on the top half of the dashboard.

Create Dashboard

• Insert a new dashboard called: Capacity Analysis Dashboard

• Insert a new dashboard called: Profile Setup Dashboard

Create and add two action buttons

• Settings > Actions > New Action > Open Dashboard (repeat for each button)
• Settings > Actions > Select Geo Goal Setting button > View > Publish to
• Settings > Actions > New Action > Open Dashboard
o Open Dashboard > Text: Capacity Analysis > Select: Capacity
Analysis Dashboard
o Add the new action button to the Geo Goal Setting dashboard as well
• View menu > Publish to Profile Setup Dashboard

Add Text

• Add the title: Capacity Analysis (Heading 1)

• Add the instructions:
o Evaluate your sub-region capacity vs goals.
 1. Use Scenario Selection to choose ramping profile.
 2. Plan for new hires based on roles and hire dates.

Add the page selectors

• Open the Sub-region Quota module

• Select View > Publish Page Selectors to Dashboard
• Select the element menu for the Time page selector > Delete dashboard

Page 52
Add the module grids

• Publish the Sub-region Quota, Scenario Selection, and Ramping Profile

o Sub-region Quota: Show only the quarter and FY totals
• Adjust column widths
o Ramping Profile > Ramping Periods: 80 px

Add a Line Chart

• Open Sub-region Quota module > Show monthly and hide the quarter and FY
• Select two line items: Sub-region Quota, Sub-region Goal
o Chart: Line Chart
o Publish to Capacity Analysis dashboard
• Arrange the dashboard
• Save your changes

Remove unnecessary Page Selectors

• Go to each element’s drop-down menu and select Selection Options

• Deselect the Show Page Selector checkboxes

Activity Check

• Select a few different sub-regions using the page selector and verify that the
chart and quota numbers change
o End with Northeast selected
• Change the Scenario Selection to the other settings and verify that the chart
and quota numbers change
o End with Base selected

Page 53
Capacity Dashboard Part 3 of 3

In this section we tackle the lower half of the Capacity Dashboard. The video
primarily reviews new items, if there are steps you are unsure about review the Geo
Goal Setting Dashboard video, check Anapedia or visit the forums.

Activity #21 - Capacity Dashboard (Lower Half)

Add text

• Add the text: Configure Rep Data

• Set the style to: Heading 3
• Move to bottom of the dashboard

Add the + Add Rep action button

• Settings > Actions > New Action > Create

o Button text: + Add Rep
o Create item in: Reps L4
o No other selections are necessary
• View menu > Publish to Capacity Analysis Dashboard

Add the -Delete Rep button

• Settings > Actions > New Action > Delete Branch

o Button text: - Delete Rep
o Delete from: Reps L4
o No other selections are necessary
• View menu > Publish to Capacity Analysis Dashboard

Publish modules (grids)

• Publish the Rep Setup module as pictured above

• Publish the Rep Quota module showing only quarterly and FY totals
• Make row headers 150, 80 for standard with wrap text

Page 54
Set Selection Options

• Set Selection Options for Rep Setup

o Reps L4 – Synchronize Selection – Sub-regions L3
• Set Selection Options for Rep Quota
o Versions - Initial Page: Default, Show Page Selector: off
o Line Items – Initial Page: Quota, Show Page Selector: off
o Reps L4 - Sync Selection: on, Sub-regions L3
o Time – Sync Selection: off
• Save the view
• Select another sub-region above and ensure that the modules update
o Return to Northeast when done

Activity Check

• Open the Capacity Analysis dashboard

• Select Northeast > Forecast
• Set Ramp Scenario > Base
• Select the + Add Rep button and add the reps below
Role Start Date Geo Display Name
AE NN 5/4/2015 NOAM Mitchell, Jane
AE 5 3/5/2015 NOAM TBH

• Verify:
o Northeast quota exceeds goal in July 2015
o Jane Mitchell’s quota is 10,000 in Q2 FY15

Page 55
Functional Areas

Activity #22 - Create and Assign Functional Areas


Create 4 Functional Areas and organize your modules and dashboards into groups
on the Navigation tab. Assign each module and dashboard as listed below.

Goal Setting: Assumptions:

• Company Goal Set • Over-Assign
• Geo Goal Set • Ramping Profile
• Region Goal Set • Role Goals
• Sub-region Goal Set • Scenario Selection
• Geo Goal Setting Dashboard
• Capacity Dashboard
Staging: Quota Setting:
• PY Sales • Sub-region Quota
• Rep Setup • Rep Quota

Activity Check

Review the Contents on the Navigation

Panel to make sure you've got your
modules organized into the proper groups
and review that the data flows as pictured

Additionally look at the Model Map to see

how that has changed.

Page 56
User Access and Roles

User Roles are utilized to assign access within a model. In this training we will
only create a manager role but the principles are the same for other roles as

Activity #23 – Setup a User Role


As we wrap things up, it’s time to create a new user role that gives specific
access to Managers. Since Managers aren’t model builders, the primary tool
they want access to is the Capacity Analysis dashboard. In this activity you will
create a Manager roll and set it to:

• Control the starting page where they enter Anaplan

• Set which roles, versions and lists can be seen and edited
• Limit view of navigation panel

Define the Role

• Insert a role called Manager with these access settings:

Modules Versions Lists (modify) Actions

Ramping Profile (Read) Forecast (Write) Sub-regions L3 Give permission to use

actions (buttons)
Rep Setup (Write) Actuals (Read) Reps L4
created previously
Rep Quota (Write)
Scenario Selection (Write)
Sub-region quota (Read)

• Set yourself to Manager to test

o Make yourself the Manager (Write access) of the Northeast sub-region
o Give yourself read access up through the Geo (NOAM)
• Set the landing dashboard to the Capacity Analysis Dashboard
o The landing dashboard cannot be assigned until the role is defined
with access to everything on the dashboard
• Limit the managers to only seeing their own team(s) by turning on Selective
Access at the sub-region level (also see Helpful Hint below)
• Clean the Navigation Panel by removing all the modules from the manager’s
o The only item remaining will be the Capacity Analysis Dashboard

Page 57
Helpful Hint – Specific Permissions

When using selective access each user must be specifically permissioned. However
you are the only user of this module, so this step is skipped in the exercise. Instead
it is demonstrated in the on-demand video or by your instructor.

Activity Check

• Assign yourself Model Role: Manager

• Log out and then back into Anaplan
• Verify you start on the Capacity Analysis Dashboard
• Verify you see only the Capacity Analysis Dashboard in the Navigation Panel
• On the Capacity Analysis Dashboard verify you have write access for the
Northeast and read only for other sub-regions such as New York
• Close the Capacity Analysis Dashboard

Restore your access

Before ending this activity restore your access to the model

• Change yourself to Full Access
• Set the Geos L1 Write column to Total Company

Page 58
Breakback, Hold and Bulk Copy

Breakback is a feature that’s similar to “goal-seek” in spreadsheets - where you type
in a total and all the items that make up the total are updated pro-rata to match the
new goal. With Anaplan’s Breakback functionality you also have the flexibility of
holding selected numbers so they are not impacted by the goal you’re setting.

This built-in feature is similar to what we’ve built in our model, though not quite as

Activity #24 – Breakback


The purpose of this activity is to provide you with some practice of the Breakback

Turn on Breakback

• Open the PY Sales module

o If necessary pivot the view so the Line Items are in columns and the
Sub-regions L3 list is in rows
• Enter Blueprint mode and check the Breakback checkbox for PY Sales
• Enter Grid View and change the NOAM Total > Enter 170,000,000
• Ensure that the values update across the other NOAM managers


• Change the NOAM Total to 90,000,000

• Right-click on the NOAM Total cell > Select Breakback > Select Hold (Note:
You can also find Breakback on the Data menu)
• For Northwest enter 8,000,000 and Hold
• For Southwest enter 3,500,000 and Hold

Activity Check

• Change Total Company to 175,000,000

• Ensure that the numbers for NOAM do not change
• Release the NOAM total
• Change Total Company to 200,000,000 and ensure the numbers
o NOAM = 102,003,058
o Northwest = 8,000,000
o Southwest = 3,500,000
• Release All
Page 59
• Change Total Company to 175,000,000 and ensure the numbers
o NOAM = 89,252,676
o Northwest = 7,000,000
o Southwest = 3,062,500

Data reset

Many of the modules in your model receive data from the PY Sales module. All the
numbers you are adjusting in this module are impacting the numbers in the linked
modules. For this reason:
• Ensure no Holds are in effect
• Open the PY Sales module.
• Import the sales data from 2015 PY Sales History.CSV

Activity #25 - Bulk Copy


In our model-build we’ve been looking at the Forecast version. If you switch to the
Actual version, you’ll notice it has the same formulas as Forecast, but the results
display zero.
When you want to copy data from one version to another, the Bulk Copy command
in Versions allows you to do this. After you choose this command, you simply
choose what to copy from and where to copy to. This could be from one Version (like
Forecast) to another (like Revised Forecast). You can also copy from one source
member of a List or Roll-up to another member in the same List. For example, from
one Region to another, or from one Sales Rep to another.

Bulk Copy the Forecast to Revised Forecast

• Insert a new version called Revised Forecast

• Bulk Copy from Forecast to Revised Forecast

Activity Check

• Open Rep Quota module and switch to the Revised Forecast version, Total
Company to view the copied data. Does it look like the image below?

Page 60
Page 61

You have completed your model, thank you for participating in the training. Anaplan
offers a wide range of support options to continue your progress as an advanced
Anaplanner. Stay connected!

Next step – Final Exam


The Intermediate exam contains questions around some of the concepts you have
learned as well as verification of items out of the model you built. You will be
entering different items such as data numbers and formulas from your model into the
exam so have the model open when you start.
Since you may have added or changed a few items in the model. You need to reload
data and make changes to settings to revert it to it’s original form. During this step
you are welcome to use any of your resources such as Anapedia or the forums.
Once the exam is submitted you will receive an immediate score. Non-passing
scores may go back and redo the exam. If you receive a second non-passing score
you will need to set up some time with an Enablement Consultant to find where the
issue is at.

Reverting the Existing Model

As we’ve worked through the class it’s possible some of the data has been changed
along the way as you explored how the model works. Follow the steps in this section
to bring everything back in line with “standard” to help the grading process. If at any
point you do not remember the data import process for the different elements review
the relevant Exercise Guide or on-demand sections.
Import the prior year sales data back into the PY Sales module using the
2015 PY Sales History.csv file.
In Company Goal Set make the Percent Growth 8%.
Remove all Holds and Overrides (and override values) from Region Goal
Remove all Holds and Overrides (and override values) from Sub-region Goal
Set the Scenario Selection to Base.
If you’ve added any new hires delete their start dates.

Exam Names

The exam will use these names and spellings when asking about formulas, and
references, if the names in your module differ, default to these:
Page 62
Geos L1 Roles
Regions L2 Ramping Periods
Sub-regions L3 Ramping Scenarios
Reps L4

Company Goal Set Sub-region Goal Set
Geo Goal Set Rep Quota
Region Goal Set Over-Assign
Sub-region Goal Set Ramping Profile
PY Sales Role Goals
Rep Setup Scenario Selection


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At the end of the training you have the option to participate in a five minute
evaluation. We’d like to ask that you do, it will help make this course and all of our
courses better in the future.

Page 63
The global enablement team welcomes your feedback and suggestions at any time.
We’re here to make Anaplan work for you, so please stay in touch –

Page 64

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