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December 25,1690/January 1, 1691



The Enlightment Era's

John Locke

Out of all the Era's this particular man stands out the most. His everlasting impact on
the world is why we chose him. He lived in France for a little, but then moved
England where his friend (Earl of Shaftesbury) who was being tried for treason lived.
He fled with Earl to Holland in 1683, where William & Mary ruled.
In 1667, Locke wrote an essay 'On Toleration'. In the article, he expressed his feelings abou
Protestant Dissenters civil rights. He argued that they the DIssenterswho objected to some
aspects of of Anglican worship should have full civil rights. He accepted a place on the Board
Trade and Plantations, and he took a nog role in the re-coniage of the English currency. In
1690, he wrote a detailed article concerning human understandiing that contain some of his
most calued theories/opinions. One of his most important works are 'Two Treaties on
All of Locke's work will have a lasting effect on the world, for potentially all time. His
political ideas have influenced almost everyone entirely in the Enlightment Era. He has
ideas of the governement being split into 3 different branches, and his ideas about life,
liberty, & property seem greatly supported. The work he has done has and will
continue to influence history.
Despite John Locke being very influential, there were 2 other philosphers who came
close to his impact. In 2nd place for person of the year is Issac Newton from the
Scentific Revolution. He published Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in
1687. Newton establsihed his three laws of motion, which will be regarded for a long
time. He also came up with the Law of Gravitation, Principles of Conservation, and
began a role as the Warden of the Royal Mint, overseeing the production of the Pound
Johann Sebastian Bach from the Art Revolution came in as a close second for thid
award. Bach was named the Post of Organist. He also wrote all 24 major and minor keys.
He took up the post of chamber musician at the Duke of Weimar's Court, after the duke
himself offered it. He became the Capellmeister in the Court of young prince Leopold of
Anhalt-Cöthen, and thenhe got appointed Thomaskantor, Cantor of the Thomasschule at
the Thomaskirche in Leipzig.

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