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Smart Blood Pressure Monitor

Aaron Simon, Hannah Persky, Addie Seymour


Table of Contents
Section Page Number

Table of Contents 1

Individual Contributions 2

Problem Definition 2

Design Requirements 3-4

Conceptual Design

Alternative Concepts 4-6

Evaluation of Alternatives 6-7

Selection of a Concept 7

Detailed Design

Main Features 8-11

Results of Analysis, Experiments, and Models 11-14

Manufacturing Details 14

Performance Evaluation 15

Lessons Learned 15-16


Individual Contributions

Aaron: ​The table of contents, design requirements, and main features were created by Aaron.

He was also responsible for many of the figures throughout the report.

Addie: ​I focused on the facilitating aspects of our project, as well as collecting information,

recording data, and conducting necessary experiments. I also contributed to the reports

throughout our project and put the data we collected into words.

Hannah: ​Throughout this project I contributed in a few different ways such as helping conduct

experiments, taking down data, and helping write our lab reports. I also helped contribute in

making tables throughout our whole project.

1. Problem Definition

The main issue that the product was designed to assist with is the tendency of obese

people to have higher blood pressures, and be more at risk for blood pressure-related diseases.

The best solution for this issue is for the obese to lose weight in a safe manner, so the aim of our

product was to both help with weight loss, and monitor blood pressure, to mitigate any dangers

faced. It was then determined that the most efficient way to accomplish both of these tasks

would be to create some form of blood pressure monitor that could link to a phone app which

could track both blood pressure and calories burned.


2. Design Requirements

The main goal of the device was to be able to measure blood pressure quickly, with a degree of

accuracy sufficient to detect any major problems. To that respect, the first requirement was for

the device to measure blood pressure in less than a minute, with an accuracy of ±5 mmHg or

greater. The device also needed to track calories burned, to assist with weight loss. While these

are the most important factors, others that were deemed important can be found below, with the

“D” signifying that they are necessary, and the “W” meaning that they are wanted, but not


D - Must be more accurate than other models

D - Results must be understandable by user

D - Band must connect to phone with app

D - Band must not be too large

D - Must be comfortable to human skin

D - Must not degrade under normal use conditions for at least 5 years

W - Won’t degrade for 10 years

D - Must be easy to recharge

D - Must hold enough power for at least 16 hours

D - Must be safe

D - App must not drain more than 30% of phone battery per day

W - Holds enough power for multiple days

D - Must have prototype by end of school

W - Is complete by end of school


D - Cost must be comparable to other products

D - App must be free

W - Cost less than other products

D - Must contain no hazardous materials (besides battery)

D - Must be able to fit large hands/arms

D - Isn’t uncomfortable to wear

D - Doesn’t get in the way of daily activities

D - Must be easy to put on/take off

D - App must be easily understandable

W - Can also fit smaller hands/arms

W - Is comfortable to wear

D - Must be water-resistant (rain, washing hands, etc.)

D - Must function between 50°F and 110°F

D - (If it has a screen) Must be readable under all natural lighting conditions (full sunlight, new


W - Is waterproof

3. Conceptual Design

Alternative Concepts

Concept 1: ​Uses a velcro attachment and both systolic and diastolic measurements. This device

calculates measurements by letting the client input all information, and uses a line graph display

on the app only.


Fig. 1: Alternative concept 1

Concept 2: ​This concept uses a watch strap and measures both systolic and diastolic blood

pressure. For the calculations, the device gathers the information itself and the display screen is

on the device and shows recent highlights.

Fig. 2: Alternative concept 2


Concept 3: ​This concept uses an attachment ring and systolic measurements. This device allows

the client to in put all information themselves, and uses a raw numbers displayed on the app.

Fig. 3: Alternative concept 3

Evaluation of Alternatives

Each conceptual design (velcro, screen, and ring) was tested on the basis of affordability, ease of

manufacturing, battery life, accuracy, and operability. Below is the data.

Evaluation Concept 1: Velcro Concept 2: Concept 3: Ring


Criteria Wt. Val​1 Wt x Val​1 Val​2 Wt x Val​2 Val​3 Wt x Val​3

Affordable 0.25 9 2.25 3 0.75 6 1.5

Easily 0.1 8 0.8 3 0.3 4 0.4


Batteries last 0.15 8 1.2 5 0.75 5 0.75

for at least 12

Accurate 0.3 5 1.5 9 2.7 5 1.5

Easily 0.2 7 1.4 9 1.8 6 1.2


Total 1 7.15 6.3 5.35

Fig. 4: Decision matrix

Selection of a Concept

After careful evaluation, we came to the conclusion based on our data that concept 1 was the

most efficient design and would most successfully operate and appeal to our intended customers.

The logic used can be found in Figure 4, our decision matrix. While concept 2 was likely to be

both more accurate and easier to use than concept 1, it was unfortunately likely to be far too

expensive to meet the rest of our goals. It is more important that our device be easily accessible

and manufacturable than it is necessary for it to be accurate, as it wouldn’t make a big enough

impact otherwise. The ring was an interesting concept, but our evaluation revealed that it would

likely be less efficient than the other 2 concepts in most categories. Its diminished size would

make it more difficult to manufacture, which would also increase the price, and lessen the size of

the batteries that could be installed; additionally, it would likely be less accurate, and harder to

understand, when compared to a more traditional model.


4. Detailed Design

Main features and how they work

The two main sections of the device are the wrist cuff, and the electronics housed inside the

plastic shell (part 7 in figure 6), which can be seen in Figures 6-8, our design documents. The

wrist cuff is composed of a bladder made of rubber (part 1 in figure 6), covered in a thin layer of

cloth (part 2 in figure 6), for comfort. It is secured to the wrist through the use of velcro (part 14

in figure 6). The electronics are the more complex portion of the design. The device is powered

by a battery (part 10 of figures 6 and 7), which can be recharged through the micro usb port on

the side (part 8 of figures 6 and 7). When the buttons (part 11 of figures 6 and 7) are pushed, the

circuit board (part 12 of figures 6 and 7) begins the program to measure the blood pressure of the

subject. It begins by opening the solenoid valve (part 4 of figures 6 and 7), to allow air through

to the cuff bladder. Air is then pumped in through use of the pump (part 3 of figures 6 and 7),

and the pressure inside the cuff is read by the board using the pressure sensor (part 5 of figures 6

and 7). While the cuff is inflating, but the pressure inside is still below the subject’s systolic

blood pressure, the pressure sensor will detect fluctuations in the cuff’s pressure, as the vein

swells with each beat of the heart, slightly compressing the cuff, and raising the pressure inside.

The pressure rises and lowers with each beat of the heart until the pump pressurizes the cuff to

beyond the subject’s systolic blood pressure. At this point, the pressure inside the cuff will not

fluctuate, as the highest pressure reached inside the vein isn’t enough to compress the cuff. Once

the sensor detects a cease in fluctuations, the pump is stopped, and the solenoid valve is closed.

Air is then allowed to leak from the cuff at a very slow rate, to determine precisely when the

fluctuations begin again, which is the systolic blood pressure of the subject. The board both

sends this information to the app, and displays it on the screen (part 9 of figures 6 and 7). Once

the systolic pressure is found, the air inside the cuff continues to leak slowly, until the

fluctuations stop again, which is indicative of the subject’s diastolic blood pressure, as at this

point, the lowest pressure in the vein is still capable of compressing the cuff. The diastolic

pressure is related to the app and the screen, which completes the measurement.

Fig. 5: Normal views


Fig. 6: Exploded view


Fig. 7: Detailed electronics view (exploded)

Results of analysis, experiments, and models

As the design of the device was rather complex, there were few experiments that could happen

without constructing the device first. After some brainstorming, it was decided that the 2

experiments would focus on how to attach the device, and how exercise affects blood pressure,

as our device focused on both. To determine the best attachment method, multiple concepts

were generated, and a prototype was made to test. These prototypes were simply blocks of wood

attached to the strap being tested. Of the three concepts (figures 8, 9, 10) that were tested, it was

determined that design 2 was the most effective, after totaling all responses. The averages of

each device can be seen in Figure 10. The second experiment aimed to test if exercise increased

blood pressure. It accomplished this by measuring a subject’s blood pressure, having them jog a

distance, then measuring them again. Heart rate was also measured. The data (Figure 11) does

show some increase in blood pressure after exercise, but it is indeterminate what caused the large

differences in how much blood pressure changed.

Fig. 8: Attachment design 1


Fig. 9: Attachment design 2

Fig. 9: Attachment design 3


Design 1 Design 2 Design 3

(Averages) (Averages) (Averages)

Time to put on (sec) 6.11 5.70 6.75

Time to take off (sec) 3.13 2.36 2.94

Stability 6.67/10 8/10 5.33/10

Comfort 6.33/10 8.67/10 8/10

Fig. 10: Evaluation of designs

Name Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3

Height 5’7 5’7 6’1

Weight (lbs) 165 128 122

Resting heart rate 96 bpm 89 bpm 91 bpm

Resting blood 123/82 125/82 104/71

pressure (SYS/DIA)

Heart Rate after 112 bpm 129 bpm 152 bpm


Blood pressure after 134/90 133/86 149/99

exercise (SYS/DIA)
Fig. 11: Results of experiment 2

Manufacturing Details

Multiple different materials will have to be joined throughout the device. The most prevalent

method for joining them will be soldering, used for connecting the electronics to the circuit

board. The plastic shell, and all that is inside it, will be connected to the cuff through the use of

pegs, and industrial strength glue.


5. Performance Evaluation

The prototype device (figure 12) created met few of the design requirements, as it could not read

blood pressure accurately. Its only use is as a proof of concept. Much more expertise and

experience would be necessary to construct a working model of our device.

Fig. 12: The prototype

6. Lessons Learned

Throughout this project our group faced many obstacles and barriers. In the meantime

while making our blood pressure monitor we learned how to use Cura to construct the body to

our monitor. In order to improve our performance we needed better resources and connections in

the building process. We are still faced with the issue of how we really going to make the

monitor work in order to send proper information to the user. After this realization we decided to

3D model our blood pressure monitor with all the needed parts and put it together as if it was a

functioning monitor. By doing this you will be able to see what it will look like and what the

parts done model.

After the design process we learned that the working model we intended on making was

out of our reach due to steps in the making processes we didn’t know how to conduct. Firstly, we

had to define our problem which is that obese people are more at risk for blood pressure related

diseases. After that we surveyed our customers on what they wanted to see on our blood pressure

monitor. After this we came up with our final product idea based off the data we collected and

began sketching our model onto paper. We learned it was a lot more complex than we

anticipated, and included many more steps. Our product we imagined making consists of a

simple and comfortable watch-like design that uses velcro to secure the device to the wrist.The

display screen is simple and only gives the blood pressure reading. The device will connect to an

app which provides a more in depth blood pressure reading as well as track progress and give

health advice to the user. We selected this concept as it was the most practical and wearable for

our consumers.

After doing this year long process we learned alot about what it really means to be a

team. Our biggest key was communication with one another, we often have days where one

member of the group is absent and that is why communication with them was such a big part

with keeping our group all on the same page. A few more key strategies our group had were

strong leadership, equal distribution of work, and organization of every aspect of the work.

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