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ELSEVIER Marine Geology 136 (1996) 121-125


Origin of beach ridges: Comment on Tanner, WI?, 1995. Origin of

beach ridges and swales. Mar. Geol., 129: 149-161.
Joseph R. Curray’
Scripps Institution of OceanographJj, Lu Jolla, CA 92093-0215, USA
Received 1 March 1996; accepted 3 May 1996


Tanner (1995) has proposed that most common strand plain sandy beach ridges (his swash-built type) have been
formed by a sea level rise-and-fall couplet of 5-30 cm, with a periodicity which is most commonly 30-60 years, but
which ranges from as little as 3 to as much as 60 years. While such a mechanism could perhaps apply to beach ridges
in lakes, if sea level has fluctuated with such regularity for the past several thousand years, all open ocean beach ridge
periodicities should be the same, and furthermore this sea level signal would surely have been detected by physical
Curray et al. (1969) described a strand plain of several hundred beach ridges on the western Mexican coast with
cyclic formation of ridges varying from 12.2 to 16.5 years. The mechanism of formation invoked was periodic building
of offshore bars to above sea level after sufficient sand had been transported into the area and during an optimal
combination of oceanographic conditions.

1. Introduction 1 m/yr. A few ridge sets, however, have intervals

of 3-7, lo-12 or 18-19 years, with smaller spacing,
Tanner (1995) recently published the synthesis perhaps correlating with El Nifio cycles, sunspot
paper of a symposium on beach ridges, in which he activity, and a tidal node. He concludes that “each
identifies four types of ridges: ( 1) swash-built, (2) swash-type sandy beach ridge was made by a sea-
settling lag, (3) eolian, and (4) storm surge. He level rise-and-fall couplet (amplitude, 5-30 cm).”
concludes that most sandy beach ridges are of the (Tanner, 1995, p. 149).
swash-built type, and he rejects the commonly-held My colleagues, Emmel and Crampton, and I
misconception that the ridges in strand plains can studied a strand plain up to 15 km wide on the
be constructed by individual storms. In his studies Nayarit west coast of Mexico south of the Gulf of
of more than a thousand ridges in about 50 different California (Fig. I), with about 280 sub parallel
systems throughout the world, he finds that period- sand beach ridges (Curray et al., 1969). We did
icity of these ridges is typically 30-60 years, with air photo studies, surveyed, trenched, drilled holes
spacing of 25-50 m, with coastal accretion of about to about 10 m depth, sampled, and did radiocarbon
dating on peat and shell samples.
‘Fax 619-534-0784, I wish to correct two points in Professor

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122 J.R. CurraylMarine Geology 136 (1996) 121-125
J. R. &-ray/Marine Geology 136 (I 996) 121-125 123

Tanner’s paper (Tanner, 1995, pp. 153, 156, 158, The mechanism we proposed for formation of
and 159): ( 1) that we had found a periodicity of the Nayarit beach ridges is similar to the mecha-
these ridges of about 18-19 years, which matches nism proposed for the origin of barrier islands by
a lunar nodal tide cycle of 18.6 years, and (2) that De Beaumont (1845), although we commented
the Nayarit coast is in an active tectonic zone with (Curray et al., 1969, p. 99) that we were attempting
a history of episodic uplift. I will then comment to explain only individual beach ridges, not whole
briefly on Tanner’s explanation of beach ridge barriers. By this mechanism, an offshore bar is
formation by a sea-level rise-and-fall mechanism built to sea level when sufficient sand has been
and on the alternative mechanism which we had supplied to that segment of coastline by either
proposed. longshore transport or is derived from offshore by
erosion of relict lowered sea level sandy deposits.
The time for this to occur is the “filling time” for
2. Nayarit beach ridges that sector of the coastline for each incipient
beach ridge.
The state of Nayarit lies on the west coast of After sufficient sand is available, the bar can
Mexico south of the Gulf of California. The mouth become emergent during a period with low surf
and axis of the Gulf are tectonically active, and action and high spring tides. With the subsequent
are the locus of sea floor spreading between the rise and fall of the tide, if surf conditions continue
Pacific and North American plates, transforming to be low, the bar can be built higher. Then unless
to the north into the San Andreas fault system. it is destroyed by more intense surf, it becomes a
The coastal plain and continental shelf of Nayarit new beach ridge, thereby isolating the former
are wide and apparently quite stable. The shelf beach behind a new narrow lagoon. This mecha-
edge averages about 125 m, about the world-wide nism was demonstrated in laboratory wave tank
average, and shallow water shells from the shelf experiments by McKee and Sterrett ( 1961).
edge deposits are dated at about 17,000-19,000 yr This mechanism requires no sea level fluctua-
B.P. (Curray and Moore, 1964), typical dates for tions. It depends instead on normal variations of
the low stand of sea level of the late Quaternary. oceanographic conditions and the rate of supply
Dates on the coastal plain (Fig. 1) demonstrate of sand. The periodicity, or “filling time”, is a
relative stability of sea level since about 4500 yr function of the rate of supply of sand and the
B.P. (Curray et al., 1969), suggesting, if anything volume of sand required for each beach ridge.
further, slow continuing rise of sea level and/or Table 1 suggests that the rate of influx of sand
slow regional subsidence. per year has decreased with time. This might be
In studying the coastal plain of Nayarit, we expected both by the fact that the coastline had
divided the beach ridges into five sequences, four prograded into deeper water and that the relict
of which are Holocene (Fig. 1, Table 1). The ages sandy sediments on the inner shelf had become
of each Holocene sequence were constrained by more and more blanketed with deltaic and conti-
radiocarbon dates; we counted the ridges in each; nental shelf muds through the past several thou-
and from our drilling data we calculated the sand years. We suggested in our original paper
volume of sand in each sequence between two (Curray et al., 1969) that the source of the sand
latitudes. This enabled us to make the calculations during Period II was approximately half from
shown here in Table 1, (from table 3 in Curray offshore, and half from longshore transport, while
et al., 1969). The mean years per ridge are calcu- most of the source during Period IV was from
lated at 12.2, 16.5 and 12.5 years, respectively for longshore. Table 1 also suggests that during period
ridge sequences II, III and IV, from 4500 to 500 III, which is interpreted as having been a cooler
yr B.P. Tanner (1995) mistakenly attributed an more stormy period, more time was required for
18-19 year periodicity of beach ridge formation the formation of each ridge because the incipient
to our paper, which could correlate with a lunar new ridges were vulnerable to and were more
nodal tide cycle of 18.6 years. frequently destroyed by the stormy conditions.
124 J.R CurrayjMarine Geology 136 (1996) 121-125

Table 1
Nayarit beach ridges

Sequence II III IV V
Time (yr B.P.) 4500-3600 3600-l 500 1500-500 500-O

Tie interval (yr) 900 2100 1000 500

Maximum width of sequence (km) 4.25 6.3 3.25 0.5
Number of ridges at widest part of sequence 14 127 80 _
Mean width of ridges at widest part of sequence (m) 51 50 40 _
Mean years per ridge 12.2 16.5 12.5 _
Rate of coastal progradation (m/yr) 4.7 3.0 3.3 1.0
Volume of regressive sand ( lo6 m3) 1600 1820 730 _
Volume of sand per year ( lo3 m3/yr) 1770 870 730
Volume of sand per ridge ( lo3 m3) 21.6 14.3 9.1 _
Relative climate warm cool and stormy? warm warm
Direction of longshore transport at Teacapan (22”30’ N) N S N N

All measurements and estimates are made between Rio San Pedro (21”5O’N) and Teacapan (22”3O’N). Sequence V is not included
in the estimates of volume and number of ridges because of the amount of coastal erosion which is postulated to have occurred here
during this period. Table modified from Curray et al. (1969, table 3).

The obvious questions regarding this proposed progradation and new beach ridge accretion is
mechanism are whether the process is continuing occurring near the present mouth of the Rio
today, and at what rate? The answer is, no, the Grande de Santiago, the last remaining major
process has apparently not continued for the coast- source of sand. Damming of this river system
line north of the mouth of the Rio San Pedro, at farther inland has further reduced its input of sand
about 21”45’ N (Fig. 1) for about the last 500 to the coastal system, Some of these coastal
years. Prior to about 500 yr B.P., the Rio grande changes are discussed more fully in Cm-ray et al.
de Santiago and the Rio San Pedro were confluent (1969).
and entered the ocean at about 2lYO N (Fig. 1).
After the Rio Grande de Santiago shifted its flood
plain to discharge at about 21”40’ N (sequence 3. Discussion
V,, Fig. l), some of the deltaic mouth of sequence
IV at about 21”50’ N was eroded, the eroded My colleagues and I had the opportunity to
sediments were transported southward, and the study only this one strand plain of beach ridges in
entire northern part of the coastline became detail, and we did not propose that the mechanism
starved for sediment supply. we invoked nor the rates we calculated necessarily
New beach ridges have apparently been forming applied anywhere else in the world. I now suggest
during this past 500 years near the new mouth of that the mechanism may be more generally applica-
the Rio Grande, and southward transport of sand ble, and that periodicity will vary with local
has modified the coastline in the vicinity of San conditions.
Blas (21”32’ N). San Blas evolved into a closed I have reservations regarding the hypothesis
embayment during period V,, sometime early in proposed by Professor Tanner (Tanner, 1995, and
the past 500 year period, and became a major sea in his many previous papers cited) which requires
port for the Spanish shipping trade in 1768. a sea level rise and fall couplet of about 5-30 cm
Continued coastal progradation, however, has ren- amplitude for the formation of each ridge. Perhaps
dered it suitable today only for smaller boats. At some such periodic fluctuation of lake levels is
the time of our studies leading to that paper, air possible; but if such a periodic fluctuation in sea
photo coverage in that region was inadequate to level has occurred, we would expect the cyclic
determine how much or at what rates coastal formation of beach ridges throughout the world
J. R. Curray/Marine Geology 136 (1996) 121-125 125

to be the same, and we would expect that physical Curray, J.R. and Moore, D.G., 1964. Pleistocene deltaic progra-
oceanographers would have detected this sea level dation of continental terrace, Costa de Nayarit. Mexico. In:
T.H. van Andel and G.G. Shor Jr. (Editors), Marine Geol-
signal in the centuries of sea level records. ogy of the Gulf of California-A Symposium. AAPG Mem.,
3: 1933215.
De Beaumont, E., 1845. Lecons de Geologic Practique. Paris,
References 551 pp.
McKee, E.D. and Sterrett, T.S., 1961. Laboratory experiments
on form and structure of longshore bars and beaches. In:
Curray, J.R., Emmel, F.J. and Crampton, P.J.S., 1969. Holo-
J.A. Peterson and J.C. Osmond (Editors), Geometry of
cene history of a strand plain, lagoonal coast, Nayarit,
Sandstone Bodies. AAPG, Tulsa, OK, pp. 13-28.
Mexico. In: A. Ayala-Casteiiares and F.B. Phleger (Editors), Tanner, W.F., 1995. Origin of beach ridges and swales. Mar.
Lagunas Costeras, UN Symp. UNAM-UNESCO, Mexico,
Geol., 129: 149-161.
D.F., pp. 63-100.

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