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eiarz0:9 eared wert ara are) se, ee Fe Shier sine, vita ts, 4.600006 # geo 084.29951138 ARATE wwweseargowin ‘ge aria ara: 919445195945)048-28251159 ‘Lita mf fh sscsttn@nieln Staff Selection Commission, Southern Region, Chennai ‘Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region) ‘2nd Floor, EVK Sampath Building, DPI Campus, College Road, Chennal - 600 006 # Tel: 044 - 28251138 Website: www ssesr.govin HelplineNo.919445195946 / 044-28251139, Email Id: ssesrtn@ni pas T= RDMISSION CERTINONTE Tr COMPUTER BASED EXAMINATION igen Eira wala Tait EAR-1, 2018 COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL (TIER+) EXAMINATION, 2018 aqeairE TRollNo 007017408 HCE, Registration 1d; 64006176055 (gacangity wad wer (Tobe used as User D) eer ieee Opted for Scribe stars reraTtPsewerdtorcaminaor: 19061991 \ufernResahaard Peer Coca Yor UH ther PD candidates) rer Stet a Toe RT Exam Date: 10.08.2019 Reporting Time: 6.30 AM Entry Closing Time: 9.20 AM wae - watig defen Rae seamed Rear ame : NEKKANTIS SS Bot: MALE Petwarph ote ana CHANDRA a a Bate of Birth: 1806/1991 Category: UR way Address: Deno Se 100 OPP. PRANATHI MEDICALS SIVALAYAM ROAD K.RM.COLONY MADDILAPALEM VISAKHAPATNAM, VISAKHAPATNAM, VISAKHAPATNAM, Andhra Pradesh, Pincode: 30013, | Wilgit S37 Examination Venue: \ON Digital Zone i0Z Sheela Nagar Door No, 32-12-329I5 and 6, Icon Krishi Hospitals Road, Sheela Nagar Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh Pincode: 530012 Tee Stet, fret " aaah wearererr ment atNomber Time of Examination ravesbons “HTT WRT Gora naigance and Reasoning * s 0 10.00 AM to 14.00 AM | RR SARTTTGoner ve © | aera frets cuanttatve Aptude 2 wo © | sitet English comprehension as 2 “There wil be negative Marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong anaw (GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES 1, 2. AADHAAR Cardle-AndhaarLotior, 3. Driving Licens siyeaoge 0,5 w ries by Cael ox Sata Govt) cana fant ng Ow above 2, The ontry ofthe Candidates inside tho venue will ONLY be alowed: |) tween 8.30 AM &9.30 AM for Shift 1 Exam tobe commenced at 10.00 AM |) between 11.30 AM & 12:30 PM for Shit 2 Exam tobe commenced a 1.00 PM between 02:30 PM & 03.3 PM for Shit 3 Exam to be commenced at 400 PM Entry gates would be closed at 08.30AM for Shit 1, 1230 PM for SNf2 and 03.50 PM for Shit 3. No candidatewould be allowed to enter the 2. “Prohibited ectronie gadgets mobil phor Penfbutonholespy cameras, scanner, calculto, storage devices ets) are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED In the examination lab. If any such lem i found In {ho possession of» candiste inthe examination Tab, hsiher candidate fable tobe cancelled and legalerminal proceedings could be iiated against hime Helshe would sls Table to be dabarred trot appearing tn future examinations ofthe Commiesionfor a pared of year. LIST OF PROWIBITED ITEMS Is ATTACHED, th dviess, head phones, Note Please see the detalled instructions regarding conduct ofthe exam on next pages. |-OBE-e-ADMIT-CARD-NAME-asp 168 aiai20%9 Staff Selection Commission, Southern Region, Chennai 4. tis rotorted at Candidate should not brig Bape and pried tems as mercned ave othe examination venus. caso hey bring ary Suc Kom, they would Rave to mako er oem arangomonts "Sao custody of such tens. Tho Commssten shall ot makeany rangement ot Borosponaii forte ste custody oan Such fom '5 Pen and paper for rough work would be provided inthe examination (6 Electronie wate inet il be avaoble on ie camputrSeoon aot candi {The candsies shoud ensure tht ‘ram ara aurng fe nie duration 1 donot indulge In any unair means and shalaisa not taki each oer ater sommenesment of ho snares uM A a SR ee ESS 10. Candie of candidates is putely provisional Its atised that candidates shoul sitet thsoles that they fl al ne Condens If st 2 sage oundthal a Sands does rot ll any of agit conabans, neler candesure shal bo cancoled ty 11. Candistes sal be pemitedo aparin he oxam ona he vee as soi inthe Mamision Cortese 12. Candiates shal have to undergo te process of FRISKING snd ensure mer BIOMETRIC REGISTRATION (LTL-Len Thum Inpresion tor appacing ni be examination. Once he Somat Ragtaton scomlaed, tbe candle shal ho bo alawed toleave tho examination vor tha emeleten of he examin 13. CANDIDATES MUST STRICTLY ABIDE 6Y THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE EXAM FUNCTIONARIES (CENTRE SUPERVISOR / INVGILATOR. ETO) 14. The candidates should ersur that hoy provide doar Ls Thanb Impression (LT), Cefcaton Siatoment in thir running handing an ‘oaturson Commissin's Copy of Admission Cera 15M canal kno ov he eaminaon ib Snion 'e exaaan X y tnn wetpan e 1 any candidate ound obseucing he conduct o ho examina ce ereatng detubances athe oxaminaton venue, har canada Sh be summary canceled. Such canddsts shal so be lable to be debared han Mura exaninons ofthe Gane and lepermil proceedings cut be ned apart nner may be noted tht ho re-examination Would be conducted te found tht the examination ‘toe aisupted on account of neligalion bythe conaicates 17 fhe examintion does rot commence a he scheduted te os interwoted miwny duc to ary echnical snag ofr any other reason, ‘ezo}ed Te Convresaon woul! tke an appropiate action and decison on ts mater eich weud be Taal and woWd be irdng on 10 Che in oy arin i sy Fame ty wc cra vc stscrvertreakdownof server ato Bey will nue ony cumtances tose the examinan imo whch Psy ee ened 10. Candas are advised to report tothe conoemed Regional Offi! Commision, case ey nie any ergsanty during conakctot ramnaton Te ority oth condos wi opt conor ‘Pescordance wih auctor aed by Coparenent of ereanerment of Parzen wif sates (Onyarean) ve Oka. 940320" ‘pu asad 30 a8 2018 ivan below, Henadthe ton of Exaranaton st Hour and 30 Mines respec! of ered PMD candstes (a) Incase of persone wih benchmark castes i he category of bndness the anit of zane ie provided, dead by the cane (0 Incase oF ether eategory of poisons wih benchmark sabes, ho prowsen of Soe wie plovied on production of acetic ‘er Sh! Meson Seksen Cin Surgusn eSieal Supenntansere ots Govermmere heath care stun a per Proforma Append! ot (1A compensatory time of 20 minute per how of examination wil be provided tothe persons who are allowed use of sonbe ss aSaT para (and @) above (2.3 omnes eet ot pra (0) a0) wt re swe ue of srt not mang the cy of se wl ako be Gen 2 in case of any doubt o¢ any cantoaton, the candkstes a advised to contact the concamed Regional Oftows of the Commision astra ontough ths ePans runrs i ase took oped paged the mss Gate |www.ssesr govinGL2018-EXAMINATION-TIER.L-CBE-e-ADMIT-CARD-NAME asp 216 aiai20%9 Staff Selection Commission, Southern Region, Chennai GENERAL INTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES Candide sd ation to Dee Aision Cartel bg 9) twosopes of tha net colores oko cm 3 5am) 1) alle! ene photo ey poo! n ORIGINAL with clear photograph (| Passport, 2 AADHAAR Carile-Aodhaar Ll, 3. Onving Users, 4 ab UnwertyCallogetD, 6 Vote 10 Gad: PAN Cod and 1) Card saved by Contac Sate Gxt] It a canaidte fats o sing the above documents, helete would not be armen the examination venue an hither candidat cox bo cancaled Prohibited tems such as watches, books, pan, paper cis, magazines, elactnic gagets (obile hones, Bluctodh dvces, head phoneo, pontulcacloopy cameras, scares calouator.strapa aces ce) oe STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED inthe exaranon lat fry such an 9 Tound in tho possasion of a canauste i he cxamanaton 1a, Mafet candidate hale ba canceled and leglcrmnal pocaeange could be evlaled apart tmner_Helthe woul si atte Yo be debarred fm eppesting Wy NA ‘ramon the Conmisson fora pened of 3 yous LIST OFPROMIBITED ITEMS 1S ATTACHED ‘CANDIDATES ARE STRICTLY ADVISED TO DESIST FROMBRINGING BAGS AND PROHIBITED ITEMSINTO THE EXAKINATION. VENUE. 10 eteated tat Canacses shuld not bang Bags and pleibted Hans 35 maton stove tote examination venue. In cave hey Sey ry ha oe ha ret fe oy ma Nat eC a ok Pen and pape for rough werk would be provided nthe examination ab Electronic wath (ime) willbe avainte onthe compuise sen lotid to canto, /AIExam Labs oe nde Video Survellanes ‘he cacidatos shoud ensue that they do net indulge ln any nar means an sh also not tk to each ther ater commencement ot theexam and dunn enire duration. CCandstre ot cnciates spurl provelonal. ts advised that canddstes abou eatty emacives that tay fal the ety fenuitens iat ny stage found ha eal doos fo lly the ely creer, shir eanadalre stat be anced Candidates shal be permite appear in th ‘The str of the Candidates Inside the venue wil ONLY be alowed 1) betwen 30 AM 9.50 A for She = 1 I between 1.90 AN ~ 12 30 PM for Sv 2 Ih between 02.20 PM — 03.0 Por Sh: 3 12m only a he venue as spacedin the Admission Corinto Noto Eney gates would bo closed 2t 08.20AM for Shift, 12.30 PM for Stand 03.30 PM for Shift :3, No canto would be Sioned to anter te examination promises tereaher Castes eto venenga the procs of FRISKING and enue th BIOMETRIC REGISTRATION (LT aft Th agesson) for sgpearg te samiion hve the faa Reputation conse, te cae sal be atoue ave Ie CANDIDATES MUST STRICTLY ASIDE BY THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE EXAM FUNCTIONARIES (CENTRE SUPERVISOR / INVIGILATOR, ETC), Tho cancdatos shod ensur that thoy rove ler Left Thumb Impression (T), Coifcaten Statement in thoiunring hang and Signatur on Commission's Copy of Admbsn Cert No candies alowed to leave the examination lab belts the campltin fhe examination ine or any easonvthoutparmsion fom Ths exam Furstonanos. One a candidat oaves tho ln wthout ho prmiesen of Ps exam funtion, Pathe shal at Bo aowod reortorthe ramon ab and fsthor candi sha be cco |www.ssesr govinGL2018-EXAMINATION-TIER.L-CBE-e-ADMIT-CARD-NAME asp 38

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