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Functions and the Vertical Line Test

A relation is a set of ordered pairs in which any given x-value may be paired with more
than one y-value.

A function is an expression where all you need to know is a value for x in order to find
y. Each x-value is matched with exactly one y-value.

The vertical line test indicates that a graph represents a function because a vertical
line passes through no more than one point on the curve if it represents a function.

In this example, if you solve for x = 1, you

get exactly one answer, y = 36.

Since there is only this one answer for x = 1,

the equation is a function.

In this example, if you solve for x = 2, you

get exactly one answer, y = 49.

Since there is only this one answer for x = 1,

the equation is a function.

In this example, if you solve for x = $5, you

get exactly one answer, y = $100.

The graph on the left represents a function.

No matter where you place the vertical line it
passes through only one point on the curve.

The graph on the right does not represent a

function because the vertical line passes
through more than one point. This type of
graph represents a relation.
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Identifying Functions

 A function is an equation where you get exactly one result for each value you put in.
 Vertical line test for a function of x means that for every value of x there exists at
most one value of y.

For an equation to be a function of x, it must

pass the vertical line test. This means that every
value of x has no more than one value of y.

The question is whether for every value of x,

there is only one or no values of y.
First transform this equation into a statement
that shows what y equals in terms of x.
Then, you know that this one is a function of x;
for every value of x there is exactly one value
for y.

This example meets the function test because,

once again, for each value of x you use there
will be exactly one value of y.

In this example, you will get two values for y

each time you substitute in an x value.
Therefore, this equation cannot be considered a
function in terms of x.
However, this is a function in terms of y. For
every y value you substitute in, you will get
exactly one x value. So, it meets the definition if
you think in terms of y as the variable rather
than x.
It is easy to check each example using the
vertical line test.
The first two examples verify graphically what
you found out algebraically. They show there is
only one y-value for each x-value.
The third example verifies graphically. It shows
that the curve fails the vertical line test and,
therefore, cannot be considered a function of x.
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Function Notation and Finding Function Values

 Function notation replaces the “y = “ in an equation with “f(x) =” which shows that
the equation depends on knowing the values to be used for x.
 f(x) shows the y-value for the given x-value and shows that the y-value can be found
when an x-value is known and used in the equation. Other letters are frequently used as
well, so that you may find g(x), h(x), and so on.
 f(x) is read “f of x.” If the expression was f(2), it would be read “f at 2” and mean what
y-value is the when x = 2.

For this function, f(2) means to substitute 2

in each place that you find an x in the
expression. Then solve for the value of the
expression to determine f(2). f(2) is the y-
value for the point where x = 2 in this
expression. Since this f(2) = 7, on a graph,
you would find the point (2,7).

This notation replaces the old “y=” notation.

This f(1) uses 1 for every x to determine that

f(1), or y, equals 1. On a graph this is the
point (1,1).
Now f(0) replaces x with 0 and it turns out
that f(0) equals –1. On a graph this is the
point (0,-1).

For this function, g(2) equals 1/5. On a

graph, this is the point (2,1/5)

For this function, h(2) equals 3 . On a

graph, this is the point (2, 3 ).
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