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Taxonomy – is the science that study about the classification, concept, and principles of organism.

Classification and phylogeny

Phylogeny – is the history of evolution of a species or a group of species of organism.

Classification – is an activity of grouping or categorizing the organism according on the similarity or
differentiated characteristics that showed by the organism.

Important of taxonomy

1. Allow the biologist to study other sector/field such as morphology, anatomy and physiology.
2. The biologist can manage the information and data that can be kept in a good system.
3. The biologist can give the scientific name to the organism in order that any information
changes can be done effectively.
4. Allow the ecologist find the connection between individuals and individual with the
environment systematic and efficiently.
5. Give proves to support the organic evolution theory.

Classification system

There are 2 types of classification system:-

1. Behavior classification
2. Natural classification

Behavior classification
- based on some values and the organisms in the same categories.
- characteristics and categories not showed the natural relations/behaviors.


- examples: food

Natural classification
- it involve 3 system: a) Phenetic system
b) Classical phylogenetic system
c) Cladistic system
a) Phenetic system
- known as numerical taxonomy.
- based on the classification on traits/behavior that can be measured.
- based on similarities of many characteristics.

b) Classical phylogenetic system

- organisms were classified base on their evolution history.
- the homologous characteristics (main) were used because they showed the same origin.

c) Cladistic system
- it also known as phylogeny system because it’s used the homologous characteristic.

Classification hierarchy

- Kingdom - Phylum – Class – Order – Family – Genus – Species

- Used by Linnaeus to categorized the organisms.
- The taxonomic scheme classifies species into groups subordinate to more comprehensive groups.
Species that divided to the small sub units called sub-species.
- Species that are very similar are placed in the same genus, genera are grouped into families, and
so on. Each level of classification being more comprehensive.
- The name of organisms in every level of Linnaeus hierarchy is a taxon.
- The activities of giving the name to the organism known as Bonimial system or Linnaeus
Binomial Nomenclature.


- Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist (1707-1778) is the first introduce the Binomial system of
nomenclature. He was known as father of taxonomy.

Binomial System Nomenclature

- Used the scientific name to name the organisms which consist of two-part names.
- The first part of the scientific name consist the genus and the second part is the species name.
- The genus name is always capital letter, whereas the species name is small letter.
- Both names must be underlined or italic.
- The genus name can be used alone to designate all species in the genus, but the species name can
never be used alone.
- The scientific names are generally composed from Greek or Latin.
- Eg:- Corn- Zea mays, Rubber- Hevea brasilliensis

Classification of Plantae

- Plantae:- a group of organisms multi-cells, eukaryote and autotroph and contain

- The general characteristic in classification the kingdom of Plantae:-
1. Have chlorophyll or not
2. Simple leaf or compound leaf
3. Leaf vein (net or parallel)
4. Have flower or not
5. Seed (have or not)
6. Body
- The most important phylum is Angiospermatophyta
- This phylum divided into 2 main classes:-
a) monocotyledon
b) dicotyledon
- The main characteristic of Angiospermatophyta:-
1. Flowering and fruiting


2. Seed produce in ovary that develop to fruit

3. Complex vascular tissue (xylem and phloem)
- Characteristics of monocotyledon and dicotyledon:-
Monocotyledon Dicotyledon
- One cotyledon - Two cotyledon
- Veins usually parallel - Veins usually netlike
-Vascular bundles usually complex arranged - Vascular bundles usually arranged in ring
- Fibrous root system - Taproot usually oresent
- No cambium - Have cambium
- Cortex are thin - Cortex are big
- Floral parts usually in multiples of three - Floral parts usually in multiples of four or five

Classification of Animalia

- Animalia:- a group of organism multicellular, eukaryote and heterotroph.

- The general characteristic in classification the kingdom of animalia:-
1. Symmetry of the body
2. Have wing or not
3. Skeleton (exoskeleton, endoskeleton, hydrostatic)
4. Body segmented (segmented or not)
5. have appendages or not
- the most important phylum is Arthropod
- the biggest and successfully of Arthropod:-
a) Bilateral symmetry
b) Segmented body
c) Appendages in pairs
d) Exoskeleton
e) Open circulation system

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