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This report present design calculation carried out for proposed Kegalle Arpico Water sump, Pump room and Cooling tower. All of these designs were done complying with BS 8110-1:1997.

Base level - SD = 2 kN/m2 Live = 15 kN/m2 Up trust = 15 kN/m2 (Assume water level at Ground Level)

The following unit weights are considered

RC Concrete = 24 SD kN/m3

Water = 10 kN/m3

The temperature loading is calculated in accordance with BS8007 : Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids;

Fall in temperature between the hydration peak and the ambient (T1) : 13 C (wall) 17 C ( Base Slab)

Fall in Temperature due to seasonal Variations (T2) : 21 C

Material Properties

Following concrete Grades are used

Wall, Slab - C30

Geo Technical Parameters

Cu = 12.5 kN/m2

 The wall is Idealise as a prop cantilever considering the restrain for movement and rotation provided by Cover Slab
 Since the walls are designed as a prop cantilever, the moment induce at the edges are neglected. However Detailing of reinforcement is carried out to make sure that the moments induced at the corners are effectively dealt
 The design for the temperature loads are based on Crack Width limitation method.
 The detail design carried out as per 8007: Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids and BS8110 : Structural use of Concrete
 The serviceability Crack Width Limitation is taken as 0.2 mm for severe exposure condition as per 8007: Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids

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Project : Guard Room Building Page :1
Load Combinations

 Comb 1 – 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Live

 Comb 2 – 1.4 Dead + 1.6 Live
 Comb 3.1- 1.0 Dead + 1.0 Up trust
 Comb 3.2 – 1.0 Dead + 1.4 Up trust

Table 1: Base Slab Moment Summary (Refer Annexure 1)

Support moment Span moment

Combination Moment Direction (kNm/m) (kNm/m)

Combination 1 M11 7 5.5

M22 4.7 12.5
Combination 2 M11 10.5 7.5
M22 7.5 17.5
Combination 3.1 M11 5 4
M22 3.5 9.6
Combination 3.2 M11 5.5 4.5
M22 4 10
Since Comb 1 and Comb 2 are critical in SLS and ULS, RF calculate for those combinations

Table 2: Base Slab RF Summary (Refer Annexure 1)

Combination Moment Direction Provided Support RF Provided Span RF

Combination 1 M11 T12@150 T12@150

M22 T12@150 T12@150
Combination 2 M11 T12@150 T12@150
M22 T12@150 T12@150

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Project : Guard Room Building Page :2
Rc Wall calculation done base on following combinations
E.P . = Earth Pressure W.P. = Water Pressure
 Case 1.1 = 1.0 Dead + 1.0 E.P + 1.0 W.P
 Case 1.2 = 1.0 Dead + 1.4 E.P + 1.4 W.P
 Case 2.1 = 1.0 Dead + 1.0 W.P
 Case 2.2 = 1.0 Dead + 1.4 W.P.

Table 3: Wall Summary (Refer Annexure 2)

Combination Moment Direction Vertical RF

Case 1.1 5.7 T12@150
Case 1.2 8.0 T12@150
Case 2.1 2.2 T12@150
Case 2.2 3.1 T12@150

Transvers direction T12 @ 125 – Refer Annexure 2

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Project : Guard Room Building Page :3

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Project : Guard Room Building Page :5
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Project : Guard Room Building Page :6

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