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ACTIVIDADES: Realizar la lectura e identificar los tiempos en futuro, respondiendo de forma

organizada a las posibles preguntas generadas por la docente y por los compañeros

Does your party have a theme?

Will you ask people to come in fancy-dress? (For example, there are Halloween-themed events at
Halloween.) What sort of costume do you want people to dress in? Is it a period look ("Swinging 60s")
or another type of look (Hollywood) for example?

Decorations add to the party atmosphere. If you're planning a theme, decorations are easier to think
about. Otherwise, get busy with the coloured paper, sellotape, and scissors!

What are you going to write on the invitation?

Formal invitations:

We'd be delighted if you could attend our party on.. (date) at... (place) at... (time)

Moss Bros would like to invite

...... (plus one guest)
to the firm's annual dinner dance, to be held at (etc)

Informal invitations:

You're all cordially invited to attend the annual Moss Bros party.

Please come to our party / lunch / dinner on... (date) at... (time).

Don't forget to add any essential instructions, such as directions (= how to get to your house / office) or
to ask people to bring something (Please bring a bottle) or on what to wear / do (i.e. if you're holding
something like a Murder Mystery evening where guests need to wear a costume and perform a role.)

What's going to happen at the party

Is it a place for people to meet each other, have a bite to eat, and a couple of glasses of something to
drink? Will you have special games or competitions that encourage people to stay longer? Will you give
out presents (like a secret Santa?)

With all the catering, decorations, invitations etc to think about, you might need a team of people to help
you. Delegate responsibility and make people in charge of catering, invitations, etc.

Types of social occasions

The two or three-week period over Christmas and New Year is often a time when people socialise - either
going out, or entertaining guests at home. Some social occasions are formal, while others are informal
parties for family or friends. Here are the names for some common social occasions:

carol concert = a Christmas occasion where people often go to church to hear carols sung. Carols
are religious songs on the theme of Christmas.
school play = a play where school children play the roles. A nativity play tells the story of the birth of
office party = an evening or afternoon party organised by your place of work. It could include lunch,
or drinks, or a "secret santa" where each employee anonymously buys a present for another employee.
family gathering = when family members meet for lunch, dinner, or the whole day.
cocktail party = a party in the early evening, where people dress quite formally for drinks.
informal drinks = an informal party at your house where you serve drinks and snacks.
a drink-up = a party in a pub organised by your colleagues or friends.
pub quiz night = when a group of friends go to the pub to take part in a quiz. They organise themselves
into teams, and try to get the most answers right to win a prize.
fundraising event / charity do = "do" is a more informal way of saying "event". At these events, the
aim is to raise money for a worthwhile cause. Often they involve a formal dinner, well-known speakers,
or a raffle / auction (where people bid to buy an object.)
fancy-dress party = a party where everyone wears a costume on a particular theme.
a ball = a formal evening occasion where people dance. For example, a fancy-dress ball is a more
formal equivalent to a fancy-dress party.
bingo = where people buy a card with numbers on it, then listen to an announcer reading out numbers.
If you hear your numbers, you call "Bingo!" and win a money prize.
dinner dance = an old-fashioned, quite formal occasion, where couples eat dinner, then dance waltzes



Aprendizaje: Clasificar y ordenar datos

Evidencia: Elaborar una lista de datos que cumplen con un criterio de clasificación determinado en el caso
de los verbos modales. Para emplearlos con los tiempos futuros. Distinguir su significado, uso gramática y

3. Realizar un taller de 5 preguntas teniendo en cuenta el proyecto con el vocabulario aplicado y dialogado
de desastres naturales, preparar reportes verbales de la presentación del rol play personal information y la
organización del desastre natural a trabajar en grupos de (4) oraciones sencillas en el cuaderno, empleando
la forma positiva, negativa e interrogativa de los tiempos en presente.

3.1 Realizar una simple presentación personal en frente de los compañeros y la docente apoyándose de
imágenes y textos sencillos, empleando el presente simple y sus reglas gramaticales.

EVIDENCIA DE APRENDIZAJE: Expone con frases simples un tema específico manteniendo las normas para
exponer en público los objetivos e introducción del proyecto en simple present.

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