Analyses Procedure No Post Problem On La PDF

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By Adie Dkhaz on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 9:34am

First thing to do is Power Drain ,remove battery pack with out power adapter. push Power switch button for 30~50 second to realist EMI
inductions .get the power and try to boot up again .
If still no response ,follow stepping procedure below :
1a. Take of all non onboard device : Hdd,Odd,keyboard, bloutooht , webcam , modem , wifi , card reader,cmos battery (any plug in device
using S0) to edentified any conflict reading by PCH.

1b. Processor / SODIM tested , SWITCH on again.

1c. physical analysis components :memory sockets loose ,component crashes , burns , cracked , broken or any form of physical damage
.(Make a replacement if any)1d.check procesor vccore voltage ( schema apply ) or any discrite vccore circuit to powered processor .example
ic / chip For cpu power is : ( schema languages : VCCORE / CORE CPU /CPU DC / POWER processors )Example :Vccore IC (ADP3166
ADP3170 ADP3421 AIC1567 CS5322 FAN5056 ITC1709MAX1710/MAX1711/MAXl712 HIP6004 , ADP3212'MAX8760 , MAX8770 ,
MAX8771 , ISL6260, ISL6265A , ISL6266A , ISL62882 , ISL6262A,ISL6218CV- T , ISL6269CCR ... etc )
see Vccore Ic sample here :
Get detil of datasheet info to knowing any pin description and enable signal .

1e : check for memory and power voltage conductors and ground socket interfacememory Vccram usually require voltage 1.8
/0.8VTT(DDR2) or 1.5V/0.75VTT (DDR3)plus sign indicates that it may be more than nominal voltage Similarly, themeasure vccore , the
schema index view we can perform schema checking on ordersexamples of memory / power SODIM ( schema languages : VDDR / POWER
MEMORY / VTERM / DDR PWR ) icexamples :(MAX8794NCP5201 SC1486/SCl486A SC2616 TPS51020 ISL6520 ISL6537 CM8501 ,
ISL6224 ISL6225TPS51116EGR , RT8207A ... etc ) .
see the sample memory/ddr power ic in the link below :

1f.cek voltage on S.I.O/EMBEDDED CONTROLLER chip

S.I.O managed alot of signal,start from pwr button signal,switching VALW to VS power and steping proces signal sleep state.We can
detected normal ic and firmware bios from confirmation signal of RSMRST#3.3V .If SPI setting ,IC bios and firmware not working ,this S.I.O
will not working.This S.I.O programe by microcontroler .(download example S.I.O datasheet to get more information)
S.I.O chip samples are :(WINBON/ENE/ITC/NOUVOTON/ PC97338 , PC87392 , FDC7N869 , FDC37N958 , LPC47N227 ,LPC47N267
PC87591S / PC 87591L / PC 97317IBW/PC 87 393 VGJ PC87591E , WPC8768L, KB926D etc ) .
See the sample ic here :
This Embedded controlling chip is having processor inside to execute firmware and controlling input output switch state signal ,powering
PCH and controlling LPC bus interface between EC and PCH. This firmware store in bios chip and could erase or reprogramming LPC
Assumptions and Functionality Requirements• Only the following class of devices may be connected to the LPC interface:Super I/O (FDC,
SP, PP, IR, KBC) => I/O slave, DMA, Bus Master (for IR, PP)Audio=> I/O slave, DMA, Bus MasterGeneric Application Memory, including
BIOS => Memory SlaveBIOS Firmware Memory => Firmware Memory SlaveEmbedded Controller => I/O slave, Bus Master• Interrupts are
communicated with the serial interrupt (SERIRQ) protocol.• The LPC interface does not need to support high-speed busesdownstream, nor
does it need to support low-latency buses such as USB.
SYNC Time-outThere are several potential error cases that can occur on the LPC I/F.The host starts a cycle (Memory, I/O, DMA), but no
device ever drives a defined (nonreserved)SYNC cycle. If the host observes 3 consecutive clocks without a defined SYNC, it canconclude
that no peripheral will respond and can abort the cycle.
SYNC Error IndicationThe SYNC protocol allows the peripheral to report an error via the LAD[3:0] = ‘1010b’ encoding.The intent of this
encoding is to give peripherals a method of communicating errors to aid higher layers with more robust error recovery.If the host was reading
data from a peripheral, data will still be transferred in the next two nibbles.This data may be invalid, but it must be transferred by the
peripheral. If the host was writing data to the peripheral, the data had already been transferred.In the case of multiple byte DMA cycles, an
error SYNC terminates the cycle. Therefore, if the host is transferring 4 bytes from a device, and if the device returns the error SYNC in the
first byte,the other three bytes will not be transferred.After receiving an error SYNC, the host has several options. If it has an ISA bus, it may
choose to assert IOCHK#. If it has a PCI bus, it may choose to assert SERR#. Other options are to route the error condition to SCI or SMI#.
A final option is to take no action to alert higher levels.
see Embedded Control Chip application on circuit in this link :

Embedded system controling enable switching signal here :

Logic gate controler and enable switching signal here :

1g.Checking Bios IC chip and Voltage need.there are three types of bios ic 1.ID Bios 2.EC Bios 3.Main Bios

sample ic bios here :

Bios layout here :
1.ID bios usually only restoring for motherboard id information.2.EC Bios ,storing of Embedded controlling firmware command and most
function are for power managemen regulation.

Get more detil about EC bios here :

3.Main bios ,storing of PCH command and most function to control Low pin count Bus interface cycling.

more detil about Main bios in this link :

Reprograme bios ic and backup original firmware with eprom programer here:

1.h.check voltage and sensor accurasy at the thermal sensor ic ( heat sensor ) is a sensor chip that detects heat safe limits to maintain
security motherboard chips. almost all laptops have a thermal sensor to control microprocessor maximum heat and some motherboards have
a thermal sensor for controlling Graphic chip operate maximum chip. .Thermal sensor will give orders to the bios if it detects a maximum heat
limit to disconnect power to the processor or vga or just turn off bootstrapping ( command to boot ) and stop the interface between
components that aims to keep the excessive heat damage the chip ( protect error ) .Detect due to frequent excessive heat can cause thermal
sensor or a faulty memory detection and sensor commands do not get along ( Fals alarm ) . Thus the chip detects heat tempratur maximum
continuous conditions although they are not.To reconcile the sensor detection is by lifting the chip from the motherboard andput back to give
the induction . if the sensor is already damaged and could notbe reset we will have to replace the sensor chip that is still accurate .ic
examples :ADMI032, EMC1402 , EMC4402 , EMC4401 , GMT781 , G768B , MAX6642 , MAX6657 , SMC1423 ..etc

sample thermal sensor ic here :

the datasheet here :

1.h.cek voltage or frequency of the clock generator .sampleclock generator chip :ALPRS355BMLF64PIN , CK505 , CK408 , K410M ,
CY2854LVXC , ICS9LPRS387 , ICS9LPR600ICS951412, ICS954213 , ICS9LPR363DGLF - T , ICS950810 , SLG8SP626 , SLG8SP513V
,SLG8LP465VTRSLG8SP553V , SLG8LP55VTR ,SLG8SP513VTR ... etc.
sample clock generator ic here :

2.Checking PCH voltage needs (VCCP power rail)PCH could do replaced Graphic chip function .The main function of this chip are controlling
low pin count bus (LPC) interface cycling .Checking voltage needs according voltage rail available are the first think to do and make sure
there are no discrete component feedback blocking the output enable signal and enable signal phases could see on power sequence of
circuit require.A link bus to check are SPI device-SPI bridge-LPC bridge-LPC Device.

2.a Checking PCH conductors according intermiten fhoultyRepairing conductors on chip . ( Fixing oxidized bga / tin loose chip due to heat
)PCH solder pad vanished,short or damage chip or any discrete circuit component for value impedance decreased.

see more about intermiten here :
Check the PCH datasheet to get detil LPC bus Device araggement and steping state trigger enable signal Major PCH function :Reset SGPIO
Signal Usage , RTCRST# and SRTCRST# Clarification , PPM of 25 MHz Option for CLKOUTFLEX,SATA Alternate ID Enable Definition ,
SATA Hot Plug Operation , GPIO13 Voltage Tolerance , EHCI Configuration Programming , PCH Thermal Sensor Temperature Range ,
Secondary PCI Device Hiding Register Attribute Clarification , GPIO Lock Clarification , GPIO13 Voltage Well , SLP_SUS# Clarifications ,
PME_Turn_Off TLP , GPIO Clarifications , Power Button Override and Deep S4/S5 , Power Management Clarifications , Deep S3/S4 Exit
Clarification , RAID 1 Description , V_PROC_IO Definition , Manageability Signals Clarifications , ACPRESENT Definition , SPI Overview.

Sample of PCH communication with embedded system here :

LPC BUS Controler application on circuit here :
3.Graphic chip failure.Check on VGFX section and get the schematic to find measuring poin,make all voltage rail presen for this device.VGA
chip also need video ram and they need powered too.this chip controlling LVDS,CRT and HDMI output and waiting signal from CPU and
Southbridge.Check any input enable interface from Processor and Southbridge if they were available but no output signal enable for
LVDS,CRT and Hdmi do a reballing procedure before replacing the chip.

4.LED/LCD No Back ligh problem :

LVDS Power nedds

look at troubleshot bellow to know LVDS measuring point :

Copyright_Adie dkhaz

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