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DIN EN ISO 9001:2000


saves time
and money
and problems
high precision instruments
for your laboratory
online catalog:
Copyright, Layout, Text witeg Labortechnik GmbH
All rights reserved, especially the rights to illustrations and original
texts in their whole and in part, for any and all reproduction.
Due to constant improvement and development of our products,
technical data or photos are subject to chance.
We reserve the right to delete products from our catalogue without
notice. Please note our conditions of sale under
© by witeg

Quality Standards, ISO-Certifications page 4 - 6

L A B max page 7 - 9

W I T O PET - MINI page 10

W I T O PIPETTE controler page 11

M I N I SPENSOR page 12 - 13

Accessories for L A B max, T I T REX, M I N I SPENSOR page 14 - 15

wicaS S O F T 9000 page 16 - 17

T I T REX 2000 page 18 - 19

W I T O PED ECO, W I T O PED XP page 20

W I T O PETTE, W I TIPS page 21 - 23

W I T O PET page 24 - 29

E L E C T R O N I C PIPETTE page 30 - 33

F I LT E R TIPS, T I PS page 34 - 35

W I T O PETTOR page 36
DIN ISO 9001:2000

Together with witeg into the future

Whenever you work according to EN ISO It is our aim to keep on translating our company's philosophy into reality,
preliminarily quality to the benefit of our customers. We permanently perform
9000 et seq., with the products of witeg
investment of qualified and engaged collaboration in order to reach the opti-
you process it easily. Quality is our target to mum level of quality.
the benefit of our partnership.
Furthermore, we stress to make use of the latest computer-aided equipment
and technique which is necessary to obtain best performance and utmost

certified according to DIN 9001 at a very early stage

Already in May 1994 we obtained the

Certification "ISO 9001"ensuring
officially that witeg complies with
the highest international standards of requirement.

To our business partners this means confidence and reliability for a common
safety handling of our products in the future. In order to offer high value
instruments, in a period of tough international competition, it is important to
rely on rational quality-ensuring economical processes. Eventually, we wish to
remain powerful pricewise.


Quality-assurance at the users, an additional

achievement at no cost ... from witeg

DIN ISO 9001:2000 Conformity certification
• How to recognize the conformity certification?
Quality Assurance with The instruments carry the symbol of conformity - a stylized "H" as well as the code of
the issuer of the conformity certificate. For Disposables the "H" appears on the
Liquid Handling Products packaging and/or the accompanying documents.

• What does conformity stand for?

ACCURACY • REPRODUCIBILITY • STANDARD DEVIATION Conformity means compliance of an instrument with the German Rules for Official
Certification (Eichordnung, Annex 12). The conformity certification procedure is descri-
bed by DIN 12 600. The "Exemption from Certification Act" has become obsolete.
Is the deviation of mean value from the nominal value • Which instruments must be conformity certified?
related to the nominal value in %. The conformity certification is obligatory for the instruments mentioned under
"conformity certification according to the Rules for Official Certification" and their volu-
metrically relevant accessories. Moreover, instruments and accessories belonging
Reproducibility together must be clearly identified by the manufacturer. The crucial date is the 1st of
(Coefficient of variation) January 1989. In the interest of a consistent quality of measurements, older instru-
is the standard deviation in % related to the mean value. ments should be replaced by conformity certified instruments as soon as possible.

Standard deviation • Official Certification and Conformity certification

Germany's Rules for Official Certification - valid as of August 12, 1988 - call for a
after 16 pump-strokes with the Labmax-Dispenser - the target
certification of conformity rather than for an official test certificate for volumetric
helps to illustrate the results: all hits are close together - that instruments which are kept and used for commercial and pharmaceutical purposes. The
means: same applies for volumetrically relevant accessories.

Good reproducibility • Who certifies conformity?

All hits are closely around the nominal value - that means: In general, the manufacturer certifies the conformity of his production and - on request -
the "Authority of Weights and Measures" as well.

Good accuracy.
• Who is responsible for enforcing these regulations?
The instrument manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of the instruments, the
Warranty purchaser for the procuring and availability of conformity certified instruments and the
head of the laboratory fot their use.
witeg volumetric instruments (liquid handling products) are stric-
tly manufactured in accordance to the quality assurance system • Conformity certification by witeg
defined by ISO 9001:2000 Since the above regulations have come into effect a new symbol is to be found on
witeg instruments or their accompanying documents:
The symbol H certifies the conformity of its production with the
The H stands for conformity certification and for Witeg, Wertheim. The symbol
official specifications, i.e. the German Rules for Official certifica- on the instruments may be supplemented by the symbol ö which refers to the
tion (Eichordung, Annex 12) operating manual. These references must be strictly observed.
Witeg certifies the conformity for volumetric instruments of glass directly on the instru-
The result: ment, for disposable products on the smallest packing unit, and for Liquid Handling pro-
ducts on the instrument and/or an accompanying documents along with references to
volumetrically relevant accessories.
minute systematic errors, narrow scatters - permissible limits
are not exceeded. The purpose of conformity certification is, to ensure a uniform and constant high level
of quality in the sense of accurate measuring results.
Various terms are used to define measuring accuracy. "Error limit" or "absolute error"
(/EL; compare Eichordung, Annex 12)! Accuracy (A%) and reproducibility (coefficient of
variation, CV% or V%). "Accuracy" describes the deviation of the measured value from
TOP PRIORITY for our customers the nominal value - the smaller A% is - the better. "Reproducibility" describes the
We wish to be a strong and reliable partner to our customers. We want our repeatability of the result - the smaller CV% is - the better. By agreement - the manu-
customers to be satisfied with us. For that reason we always have an open facturer my elther state EL, or A% and CV%.
ear for questions or problems that may occur. That is what counts! The relation if defined by the following formula: (VN = Nominal volume)
(R% [A%]+ 2 V% [CV%])
FG [EL] ≥ · VN
And that you can expect from us: 100 %
• high quality level This information is based on DIN 1319 T3 where the basic terms of measuring techno-
• fair and competitive prices logy are defined. These values are maximum values.
• friendly and competent staff
• speedy and professional order processing • Reproducibility and accuracy of Witeg volumetric instruments
The calibration of volumetric instruments is made by modern electronical adjusting
• an open ear - even in case of special and small-lot productions
• large stocks of our products DIFFICO Graduated Measuring - and Volumetric Pipettes as well as Measuring Cylin-
ders, Volumetric Flasks and Burettes are calibrated fully automatic and permanent
With witeg always a step ahead checks during the manufacturing processes guarantees the production of volumetric
witeg develops, manufactures and supplies a wide range of laboratory instru- instruments with the smallest possible deviation.
The results are minute systematic errors, narrow scatter without exhausting permissi-
ments, made from glass and plastics, as well as Liquid Handling products of
ble limits.
highest precision to make the job of our customer easier, faster and safer f.e.
with Witeg volumetric measuring instruments - dependable results will only witeg volumetric instruments are manufactured to the quality
be possible, if the volumetric instruments employed for the sample preparati- assurance system defined by ISO 9001:2000
on are equally accurate and reliable.

Measuring equipment
IVD-regulation Certificates
…and its meaning for witeg products witeg-Diffico® volumetric instruments
The IVD-regulation of the EU H and batch number
On December 7th 1997 the IVD regulation for
in-vitro diagnostics was published and enforced. All witeg Diffico volumetric instruments are conformity certified and indicate a
Within one year it had to be adopted to the national digital easy-to-read batch number. They can be supplied with the following cer-
laws. tificates:

What are in-vitro diagnostics Quality certificate (Werksprüfzeugnis)

In-vitro diagnostics are medical products which are used in in-vitro tests with Available as batch or individual certificate. The record is taken in accordance
samples of human origin including blood and tissue samples. with DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 10012-1 and ISO 4787.
In-vitro diagnostics are such as reagents, calibration substances or instruments, The initial test is made at witeg for any Diffico certified volumetric instrument.
apparatuses, analytical systems or sample vessels if they are specifically recom- The user can just copy the certified data and needs not to establish an initial test.
mended for medical samples.
Batch certificate
In-vitro diagnostics are used to receive information about All instruments and certificates from the same production batch carry the same
• physiological or pathological conditions batch number. The certificate records the mean value, the standard deviation and
• congenital abnormalities the date of issue:
• therapeutical measures. 01.08.01 (Batch number)
This certificate is included with any standard pack of witeg Diffico volumetric
What are medical products? instruments class A/AS free of charge.
Medical products are all instruments, apparatuses, media or equipment including
software which is specifically recommended for application at the human beeing Individual certificate
by the manufacturer. Instruments and certificates carry in addition to the batch number an individual
• For cognition, precaution, test and treatment, serial number. The individual volume, the tolerances and the date of issue are
alleviation or compensation of sicknesses, recorded:
injuries or handicaps 01.08.0110 (Batch- and individual Serial number)
• For examinations, substitutions or changes of the anatomic structure Please add an „IC“ at the end of the order number to order this certificate.
or physiological process
• For conception regulation Conformity certificate
With this mark witeg certifies the conformity of the instrument with the „deut-
Not included are pharmacological or immunological media which are regulated sche Eichordnung“. The mark is printed onto the products in accordance with DIN
in the law governing the manufacture and prescription of drugs. 12600. All witeg-Diffico volumetric instruments are conformity certified.

The CE symbol on a product confirms that the product is in accordance with the Official conformity certificate
demands of the EU-regulations for this product type and, if necessary, was tested
according to the regulations. The manufacturer imprints the symbol at the pro- With this mark the „deutsche Eichamt“ confirms the confirmity with the „deut-
duct and in addition makes out the conformity certificate which confirms the sche Eichordnung“. The mark is printed onto the products in accordance with DIN
agreement of the product with the corresponding regulations and standards. 12600.
witeg supplies only medical products of the in-vitro group IVD, such as Diffico For witeg-Diffico volumetric instruments with official conformity certificate
volumetric instruments class A/AS, micro pipets, blood pipets, counting cham- please add an „OC“ at the end of the order number.
bers, reaction vessels and liquid handling products like Witopet, Witopet digital,
Witopet elect, Witopette and Witopette-Tips, Witoped, Labmax Dispenser and Official calibration protocol
Titrex Digital Buret and pipet tips. The protocol is set up by the „Eichamt“ and aknowledged by many countries.
Both, instrument and protocol carry an individual serial number for identification
Time scale for the IVD-regulation including date of issue.
On request witeg-Diffico volumetric instruments are supplied with the official
• On December 7th 1998 the regulation was inforced protocol, please add an „OCC“ at the end of the order number.
• On June 7th 2000 the regulations will be applied in national laws
• On December 7th 2003 the period of transition for the IVD ends
any IVD-products must be indicated with the CE-mark
• Until December 7th 2005, i.e. two years later, all products which were produ
ced before December 7th 2003 but are still in stock at dealers or end-users
must be sold out.

witeg started immediately to realize the regulations when they were enforced
and began already to supply CE-marked equipment.
And witeg fulfills already all basic demands for CE-marking of IVD-products. The
marking of these products may only start as soon as the legislation is defined
All the other medical products except of IVD-products must already be marked
with the CE-mark today.

Liquid Handling


From glass to laboratory high-tech

- highest reproducibility
- safe handling
- conformity certification and CE
- dated batch certification
- fulfils all applicable standards and official demands
- autoclavable at 121 °C
- adapters for all current bottles included
- comprehensive accessories

LABmax “airless” LABmax “OE”

The LABmax “airless” is the latest dispenser The LABmax “OE” is the economy dispenser without
generation with automatic air purging. automatic air-purging.
- PTFE cylinder (A) with special ejection channel - cylinder out of borosilicate glass 3.3 (C)
- piston made of borosilicate glass 3.3
- adjustment screw (B) for high-precision volume - patented long life PTFE piston (D)
- fast volume adjustment with rocker switch (E)
adjustment and sprocket jags (except 100 ml “OE”)



All dispensers allow total disassembling for complete cleaning. Please follow the operating manual.
All components can be replaced without problems.

Due to the constant technical improvements our products may differ from actual shown supplies.

Liquid Handling

„Air-purging“ fully automatic

The L A Bmax „airless“ has an automatic air
purging system. That avoids wrong values
which concerns to gas bubbles in the device.
Gas -lighter than liquid- is firstly leaving the
device automatically through the special
ejection channel. A contamination of the
bottle contents is not possible because the air
purging is managed through the ejection
If you do not wish air exchange between
reagent and room air the L A Bmax is
equipped with a connector which allows the
simple attachment of different filters as well
as calcium chloride tubes or a check valve.
(please see on page 14 - 15)

Smooth and fatigue-free dispensing

The L A Bmax „airless“ is made of high
resistant materials and therefore high
chemically and mechanically resistant and can
be used consequently universal (expect HF).
We offer the „HF“ version for hydroflouric acid
The vertical valves assure a minimum of dead
volume and also make effective cleansing
possible. See operation manual for details.

Convenient volume setting

Adjusting the volume of the L A Bmax is done
by an adjustment screw. Just open the
adjustment screw a little bit -move to the
desired volume- fix the screw - thats all.
Precise reproducibility of the volume in the
clinical field, science and research - the word
is L A Bmax. After all - if the L A Bmax has to
be disassembled e.g. for cleansing it does not
need to be re-adjusted after assembling. The
zero-point is part of the construction and
automatically calibrated.

Safety lock - a secure rest position

By turning the operation mode selector by
180° all liquid in the discharge tube flows
back into the bottle. It is almost impossible for
any leakage to occur when it is in that posi-
The L A Bmax is completely shut down and no
accidental discharge will occur by
inadvertently moving the piston. This is clearly
indicated by the position of the tube and the
setting of the operation mode.

Liquid Handling
L A Bmax ”OE“ with patented PTFE-piston, complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply)
Volume range Subdivisions Tolerances CV Thread size without
Steps airpurging
ml ml ml ml GL
0.25 - 2.5 0.05 ±0.012 0.002 32 / 33 5.370.001 OE
0.5 - 5.0 0.10 ±0.03 0.005 32 / 33 5.370.002 OE
1.0 - 10.0 0.20 ±0.06 0.010 32 / 33 5.370.003 OE
2.5 - 25.0 0.50 ±0.15 0.025 45 5.370.004 OE
5.0 - 50.0 1.00 ±0.30 0.050 45 5.370.005 OE
10.0 - 100.0 2.00 ±0.60 0.100 45 5.370.006 OE
25.0 - 250.0 5.00 ±1.60 0.250 45 5.370.000 OE

L A Bmax "OE"

h automatic airpurging
New L A Bmax airless wit
L A Bmax ”airless“ with automatic airpurging, universal use, complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply)
Volume range Subdivisions Tolerances CV Thread size with automatic
Steps airpurging
ml ml ml ml GL
0.25 - 2.5 0.05 ±0.012 0.002 32 / 33 5.370.801
0.5 - 5.0 0.10 ±0.03 0.005 32 / 33 5.370.802
1.0 - 10.0 0.20 ±0.06 0.010 32 / 33 5.370.803
2.5 - 25.0 0.50 ±0.15 0.025 45 5.370.804
5.0 - 50.0 1.00 ±0.30 0.050 45 5.370.805 L A Bmax "airless"
10.0 - 100.0 2.00 ±0.60 0.100 45 5.370.806

L A Bmax ”S“ for solvents and PTFE-swelling media, complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply), with
piston made of borosilicate-glass.
Volume range Subdivisions Tolerances CV Thread size
ml ml ml ml GL
1.0 - 10.0 0.20 ±0.06 0.010 32 5.370.013 OE
2.5 - 25.0 0.50 ±0.15 0.025 45 5.370.014 OE
5.0 - 50.0 1.00 ±0.30 0.050 45 5.370.015 OE

L A Bmax "S",
L A Bmax ”HF“ suitable for hydrofluoric acid, without airpurging, with patented PTFE-piston, liquid comes in solvents
contact only with PTFE and platinum iridium, complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply).
Volume range Subdivisions Tolerances CV Thread size
ml ml ml ml GL
1.0 - 10.0 0.20 ±0.06 0.010 32 5.370.023 OE
2.5 - 25.0 0.50 ±0.15 0.025 45 5.370.024 OE

L A Bmax airless ”HF“ suitable for hydrofluoric acid, with automatic airpurging, liquid comes in contact only
with PTFE and platinum iridium, complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply).
L A Bmax "HF",
Volume range Subdivisions Tolerances CV Thread size hydrofluoric acid
ml ml ml ml GL
1.0 - 10.0 0.20 ±0.06 0.010 32 5.370.823
2.5 - 25.0 0.50 ±0.15 0.025 45 5.370.824
5.0 - 50.0 1.00 ±0.30 0.050 45 5.370.825

Scope of Supply:
1 L A Bmax „OE“ or „airless“,
complete with filling- and discharge tubes, instruction manual as well as the following thread
- 2.5/5 and 10 ml adapter A 25, A 28, A 45, S 40 L A Bmax airless "HF",
- 25/50 and 100 ml adapter A 25, A 32 / 45, S 40 hydrofluoric acid
- conformity certification, CE, single-tested
- quality certification, individual serial number
- developed and produced acc. to ISO 9001:2000

Accessories and spare parts refer to page 14 - 15

Liquid Handling

The most competitive way to qick pipetting

- With quality certificate per lot (Individual certificate on request)

- Minimum size / Maximum accuracy
- Less then 10 g
- With overall length of 130 mm only, gives the
mini-pipette the complete work-feeling of a normal pipette
- Two stage spring system ensures last drop dispensing
- Smart tip cone design allows perfect fit for 200 µl and 20 µl tips
- Fully autoclavable
- Color code
- 6 Fix-volumina from 5 µl to 100 µl
- Special volumina up on request Fitting tips
can be found on
page 32

Volume Color-code Accuracy CV Order No.

µl ml (± %) (± %)
5 orange 46 2.5 5.405.005
10 pink 3.2 1.4 5.405.010
20 green 3.0 0.5 5.405.020
25 green 1.5 0.5 5.405.025
50 violet 1.5 0.4 5.405.050
100 orange 1.5 0.3 5.405.100

Liquid Handling

WITO Pipette controler

The lightweight for
non-electrical pipette filling

1. Put smooth pressure on the bellow to “load” the

WITO Pipette Filler.
2. Fill glass or plastic pipettes
from 0,1 ml up to 100 ml with one device.
3. Adjust the meniscus with the sensitive Lever.
4. Eject your desired value.
5. Blow out the rest, if necessary.

- No batteries or chargers needed.

- Simple and robust design for a long lifetime.
- Easy changeable one way filter integrated.
- Only 120 g.

All in one an economical pipette controlling!

Fitting pipettes
can be found in our
General catalogue
page 96-101

Color-code Order No.

Blue (Standard) 5.382.000

yellow 5.382.001
green 5.382.002
pink 5.382.003
red 5.382.004

spare parts Order No.

One way filter (set of 5) 5.380.006

Silicone adapter 5.382.010

Liquid Handling

The bottle top dispenser for dosings in the microliter range with 2 „fix adjustable“ volumes

In medical and diagnostical laboratories a dispenser in the microliter range will be required, with which accurate volumes can be dosed
with one hand only. This operation was done in the past by microliter pipettes. The top technology of witeg has fulfilled this requirement
with engeneering the MINISPENSOR.

Easy to maintain
The MINISPENSOR is constructed easy to maintain. For sophisticated
cleansing the upper part can be completely dismantled .

completely sterilizable .

With the symbol we certify the con-
formity with the specifications of Annex 12
of the German Weights and Measures
Regulations provided the instrument is
used with accessories supplied by us and
in accordance to the operating manual.

Safe volume adjustment

The MINISPENSOR will be delivered
with one volume adapter, which is subdi-
vided in 2-fix-volumes. By turning the
push button the volumes can be adjusted
easyly and precisely. Perfect handling
Unlike the conventional dispensers is the fatique-proof handling. Uncramped, relaxed and
stressless long series can be managed. With three fingers only the new developed
dispenser can be manipulated. The push-botton will be pressed down for dispensing with
the thumb as with automatic pipettes. With the help of a spring the selected volume will
be drawn back to the cylinder automatically.

When turning the push-button a second

volume stop will click into place which is
half of the total lifting.

It´s your money going down the drain!

Please, calculate for once your monthly consumption of pipette tips. Maybe you can exchange an expensive pipette by a MINISPENSOR.

Safe the environment

Whenever you do not really need to work with a pipette we recommend our tip saving MIINISPENSOR.

Liquid Handling

MIINISPENSOR-Fix-Volume-Bottle-Top-Dispensers x 2,
for accurate delivery of microliter quantities. Just screw it onto the bottle, press the
plunger - thats all!
- the bottle-top.micro-dispenser even for hospital laboratories
(glucose tests, Gama GT, Chreatinine, Urea, Cholesterol, Amylase,
Lipose, Iric acid, Bilirubin a.s.o.)
- for single handed operation
- due to direct displacement no sticking
or jamming of the plunger
- suitable for safe storage in a fridge
- substitution for microliter pipettes
- special volume adapters available on request
- just select the required volume and press the plunger - thats all!
- no tips required

MIINISPENSOR 2x - Fixvolume-Dispenser.
Complete with accessories (see Scope of Supply).
Volume range A CV Order No.
µl ≤±% ≤±%
50 + 100 1.5 0.5 5.371.101
250 + 500 1.0 0.2 5.371.525
500 + 1000 0.6 0.2 5.371.950
1000 + 2000 0.6 0.2 5.371.990

Scope of Supply:
With thread connector GL 28, 1 volume adapter and 1 bottle, both
ST28/32, suction tube and discharge tube.

Accessories and spare parts for LABmax, TITREX, MINISPENSOR

Bottles for L A Bmax, T I TREX, MIINISPENSOR.
Made from soda lime brown-glass, PE-coated, screw cap made from PP, space saving square shape.
1 piece each pack.
Capacity Thread size BxH Order No.
ml mm
(MIINISPENSOR) 100 28 50 x 125 5.372.128
100 32 50 x 125 5.372.101
250 32 65 x 160 5.372.025
500 32 80 x 195 5.372.050
1000 45 95 x 230 5.372.100
(round form) 2500 45 140 x 300 5.372.250

L A Bmax/T I TREX-bottle (2 neck special refill bottle).

Clear glass, with center screw neck and side entry filler neck for refilling the bottle without removing the Labmax or
Titrex. 2000 ml.
Order No.

Bottle stand.
For L A Bmax up to 10 ml and bottles up to 250 ml, as well as
M I I N ISPENSOR. Adjustable height, rubber feet.
1 piece each pack.
Order No.

Liquid Handling
For L A Bmax, T I TREX, M I N ISPENSOR. Duran. 1 piece each pack.
Thread For neck size Order No.
mm ST
32 19/26 5.380.019
32 24/29 5.380.024
32 29/32 5.380.029
45 29/32 5.380.129
45 45/40 5.380.145

Thread adapters.
For LABmax, TITREX, MINISPENSOR. PP (PTFE upon request).
1 piece each pack.
Thread Order No.
A 22 5.377.022
A 25 5.377.025
A 28 5.377.028
A 30 5.377.030
A 32 / A 28* 5.377.032
A 38 5.377.038
A 40 5.377.040
A 45 / A 32* 5.377.600
A 45 5.377.045
* from A 45 to A 32 inverted
* from A 28 to A 32 (M I N ISPENSOR)

Filling tubes.
For L A Bmax, T I TREX, M I N ISPENSOR. FEP. 1 piece each pack.
Suitable for Length x O. D. Order No.
type ml mm
L A Bmax 2.5 - 10 250 x 5 5.375.000
L A Bmax 25 - 100 335 x 6 5.375.001
T I TREX 50 390 x 6 5.497.200
M I N ISPENSOR 50 - 100 5.375.004M
M I N ISPENSOR 100 - 2000 5.375.014

Discharge tubes.
For L A Bmax, T I TREX, M I N ISPENSOR. FEP. Complete with support sleeve. 1 piece each pack.
For Type Nominal- Length Order No.
volume mm
L A Bmax bent 2.5 - 10 ml 80 5.375.003
L A Bmax bent 25 - 100 ml 120 5.375.004
T I TREX bent, with fine tip 25 - 100 ml 120 5.497.300
M I N ISPENSOR bent, with fine tip 100 - 2000 µl 5.375.013

Flexible discharge tubing.

For L A Bmax, T I TREX. PTFE. Coiled, complete with tubing support, length 80 cm.
1 piece each pack.
For Nominal volume O. D. I. D. Order No.
ml mm mm
L A Bmax 2.5 - 10 3.0 2.0 5.375.002
L A Bmax 25 - 100 4.3 3.4 5.375.012
T I TREX 50 5.497.300

Circulation tube.
For L A Bmax 25 - 100 ml and T I TREX 50 ml.
Order No.

Liquid Handling

For L A Bmax and T I TREX 2000

Check valve,
borosilicate glass
with plastic coating to be inserted into the ventilation channel of the operation mode selector. For fuming acids and strong smelling
liquids like linol or brom etc..
Order No.

Calcium chloride tube, borosilicate glass

with plastic coating. To protect reagents in the bottle from moisture from the
Order No

One way filters

(dust filter, bacteria filter). The standard one-way filters fit into the ventilation channel of the operation mode selector. See section
Order No
8.212.001 - 8.214.002

SOFT 9000
Scope of delivery: wicasoft software, CD-ROM, test manual, test set
for small volume piston pipets.
German version Order no. 3.000.001
English version Order no. 3.000.002

Pipets < 50 µl
In general the calibration is a complicated process. There is a need for
moisture traps and expensive analytical balances. The test set offers
a very convenient way to calibrate the instrument with capillaries and
a simple holding device.

1. Pick up the capillary 2. Weigh the capillary together 3. Fill the capillary with sample 4. weigh the filled capillary
with the holding device liquid off the pipet tip with holding device and
register the value. Thats it.
Interface cord on request or ask your balance supplier.

Measuring equipment

SOFT 9000
Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment acc. to EN ISO 9000 ff, GLP/GMP
The dosing of µl-fluid volume, so called as „µl-liquid-handling“, is an essential part of all lab records in the
laboratories working according to the GLP guide lines. The accuracy of the used liquid-handling-products,
such as pipettes, dispensers, electronical dosing and titrating apparatuses, glass-measurement devices class
A/AS is the key to quality assurance and precise analytical results. Decisive assumption here off is the regular
testing, cleansing and maintenance of the dosing apparatuses.

GLP-general standards SOP (standard operating procedure)

The EN ISO 9000 ff, GLP/GMP standards require to work only according The comprehensive SOP contains the justage, cleansing and mainten-
to fixed instructions in writing stating how the testing- and measuring ance. The law gauging rules forces us to observe strongly the limited
inspection shall be effected. Limit values for the accuracy and the coef- values which are determined in the DIN 12650 for the different volume-
ficient of variation must be specified. tric measuring devices. The clinical laboratories are only allowed to
All instruments have to be tested under consideration of the SOP (stan- work with liquid-handling products according to the gauging instruc-
dard operating procedure). The results shall be evaluated and docu- tions. WITEG confirms and certifies this with the conformity sign „H“ on
mented and the corrective procedure shall be estabilished for those each part on the instrument. WITEG is responsible to maintain the qua-
instruments which do not match the requirements. lity standard. Test certificates for all the volumetric instruments are atta-
The wicaS S O F T 9000 will give you the necessary testing instructions for ched to each apparatus or can be sent upon request for the indivudal
all of our liquid handling items step by step. The testing of the glass product as specified in our general catalogue.
volumetrical measuring instruments must be made gravimetrically Import factors for the SOP are:
according to ISO 4787. The necessary calculations herefore base on dif-
ficult mathematical formulas. 1. keep the temperature constantly at 20 - 25 °C ± 0.5 °C
The wicaS S O F T 9000 contains all the necessary testing instructions and 2. identical measuring temperature of device and testing fluid
leads exactly to the volume of the testing procedure step by step. All 3. testing fluid = non gas, bi-distilled water
computation formulas are integrated and documents automatically all of 4. evaporation protection during measuring at volumes below <10 µl
the actual measuring results. The records show a precise documentati- 5. sufficient accuracy on the balance e. g. for volumes < 1µl or 0.00001 g
on of the actual measuring results. The results remain stored and can be 6. avoid concussion and non-draught area when setting up the balance
used in relation to previous values for a long time period. 7. possibility of autoclaving the measuring devices
The volume is directly calculated, based on the measured weight, with
regard to the temperature and atmospheric pressure. The total calcula- wicaSS O F T 9000 simplifies the testing according to SOP by a step by step
tion is done by the software including the documentation of the results. procedure leading to a complete testing method. The individual conditi-
A complete document with all relevant data may be printed. The wica- ons are automatically implemented to calculate the actual volume.
soft data base keeps you informed on any data of the past and therefore
serves perfectly on your quality management.
Why to control volumetric glass instruments ?
The volumetric calibration of glass instruments may change when
aggressive media are used. The glass abrating depends on the media
and the time. The actual volume differs compared to the original cali-
bration. Therefore the accuracy and precision of volumetric glass
instruments must be tested and documented periodically (1 to 3 years).

Free of charge batch certificate with all volumetric instruments DIFFICO DIN A/AS
The original inspection is done at witeg company. Therefore the user does not need to inspect the new instrument. Each packing unit contains
the respective batch certificate.

Witeg includes the batch number on any volumetric instrument DIN A/AS.

Burets Pipets Volumetric flasks Volumetric cylinders

Measuring equipment

SOFT 9000
Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment acc. to EN ISO 9000 ff, GLP/GMP
(All of our devices from page 7 to page 35 are produced and checked with wicaS

The controlling of measurement device according to

GLP and ISO 9000 will reach the main point of the daily
lab work. wicaS SOFT 9000 is a professional testing
programme from WITEG and makes your work more
The specified SOPs (standard operating procedure)
inform you during testing procedure step by step.
Reading results are given automatically.
Connect the PC with a balance and start wicaSS O F T 9000!
The measuring record shows all the important details of measuring device control.
That´s all you need: an analytical balance, a PC with windows, a printer (optional), an interface cord and of course the
wicaSS O F T 9000 software.

Scope of delivery: wicasoft software, CD-ROM, test manual,

test set for small volume piston pipets.
German version Order no. 3.000.001
English version Order no. 3.000.002

1. First check the measuring device

according to SOP (standard operating

Weight results can be inserted into the
software automatically or manually.

Limit values must be fixed.

4. 5.
S O F T 9000 documents The reading results are
the reading results. available upon request.

Liquid Handling

Burettes digital
T I T REX 2000
Using the Titrex 2000, you will detect the changing point faster than with common glass burettes, more sensitive and, for sure less
costly than with motor burettes. Hereby the dosing speed is adjusted when turning the handwheels steplessly from fast to drop by drop. The witeg
burette has the advantage that the piston only without headweight is moving during the titrating process and few turnings on the wheel are
sufficient to take the preselected volume. A total volume of 50 ml should be sufficient because all burette volumes can be simulated since the
volume which is being sucked is determined via the display and continuously read out.

T I T REX 2000 Software and interface cord

1 instrument for all volumes FREE OF CHARGE
Your special advantage!
You do not need several sizes of the Titrex 2000 - just push the button „DOS“, watch the display and
with only a few turns of the handwheel you fill the burette cylinder with volumes between
0 to 50 ml - enough for several titrations.

The permanent calibration of the Titrex 2000 is adjusted to water
at 20 °C.
For liquids of different viscosities/densities the Titrex 2000 can
be easily recalibrated by pushing the button „O/CAL“ - just follow
the detailed instructions of the manual.
You can set calibration intervalls with referring reminder
(recalibration timer).

Practical and fast pre-selection of volumes needed for titrations

Just push the key „DOS“ and you can pre-select the burette-volume for your titrations. By wat-
ching the display you always can control the volume of liquid, that you suck-in to the buerette
cylinder. Press the button „zero“ and titration can start immediately. It could not be quicker, han-
dier and more accurate than with a glass burette and more sensitive than with a motor dirven
burette. The key „MEM“ (memory) helps to avoid complicated calculations.

- automatic power-cut-off after 3 minutes
- operating temperature 10-40 °C
- transport and storage temperature max. 60 °C
- a flashing indicator in the display shows, when charging of the battery is required.
Running titrations remains unaffected.
- up to 1000 data sets may be stored in the memory and are available for data evalu-
ation on PC or printers. Together with the Excel software specific evaluations are
- included “Titrexsoft”-software with interface cord
- read out of operating hours

Safe and secure restposition

By turning the operation mode selector by 180° all liquid in the discharge tube
flows back into the bottle.
It is almost impossible for any leakage to occur when it is in that position. d
The T I TREX 2000 is completely shut down and no accidental discharge te, deve 00 and
t 0
bure 001:2 d
will occur by inadvertently moving the piston. This is clearly indicated t Witeg h ISO 9 certifie
firs wit ity
The formity conform
by the position of the tube and the setting of the operation mode. co n rse
in f cou

Liquid Handling

„Calibration inside“
EN ISO 9000 ff, GLP/GMP
We have meanwhile developed a new generation of the WITEG-
measuring instruments (e. g. TITREX 2000). All electronical mea-
suring devices can justify the accuracy without any tools. Just
call up the installed „CAL“ programme and the justification can
be made without any problems. This device shows you conti-
nuously the new value being actualized.
It´s very easy and simple to work with.

All dosing and titration processes up to 1000 data can be stored non-stop and evaluated at your PC or be printed with almost any prin-
ter. Statistical data evaluation can be set up if an Excel programme is used in addition.
Titrex inclusive of Software on CD-ROM, interface cord.

T I TREX Burette digital, complete with filling and discharge tube, instruction manual as well as the following thread
adapters: A25, A28, A32/45, S40; conformity certication, CE, single tested, quality certification, individual serial
Type Volume Resolution A CV
range ml <±% <±%
Standard 0 - 50 0.01 0.2 0.1 5.497.050
Fine adjustment 0 - 50 0.01 0.2 0.1 5.497.150

T I TREX-discharge tube. PTFE, natural color. T I TREX-charger. 100-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz.
Order no. Order No.
5.497.300 5.497.500

T I TREX-suction tube. PTFE, natural color. T I TREX-thread adapter (reduction adapter) GL 45 - GL32.
Order No. Order No.
5.497.200 5.497.600

T I TREX-discharge tube. PTFE, with tube holder, natural color. T I TREXSOFT - Software for data evaluation.
Order No. Order No.
5.497.400 5.497.700

Accessories and spare parts refer to page 14 - 15

Liquid Handling


electrical pipette filling for professionals


The new low-priced pipetting help with 8 different speed

levels for suction and discharging.
For glass and plastic pipettes from 0,1 ml up to 100 ml.
Recharger and 2 liquid stopping one-way filters included.

Description Order no.

W I T OPED ECO 5.381.000
Spare solicone adaptor 5.382.010
Spare one way filters (5 pcs.) 5.380.006

Fitting pipettes
can be found in our
General catalogue
page 96-101

Witeg´s popular brand for pipette handling.

For glass and plastic pipettes from 0,1 ml up to 100 ml.
Suction and discharging speed level are separate adjustable
in 3 steps. Additional there is a stepless speed controlling -
depending on how deep the buttons are pressed in. Available
also in 110 V-version.
Recharger and 4 additional liquid stopping one-way filters

Description Order no.

W I T OPED XP 220 V 5.380.001
W I T OPED XP 110 V 5.380.002
Rubber adaptor 5.380.004
Spare one way filters (5 pcs.) 5.380.006

Liquid Handling

Simple serial dosing W I T O PETTE

- a new dosing feeling with reliable stepping mechanism according to the principle of "positive displacement"
- free of tiredness long term working W I TIPS
- low weight (approx. 100 g)
- simple serial dosing.

Utmost safety when pipetting dangerous media

All liquids to be pipetted are kept inside the W ITIPS so that a contact with the W I T OPETTE and
Reproducibility and accuracy with the user will be impossible. This will reduce the risk of contamination to users and instru-
A special mechanism ensures exact ment and similarily guarantees the user to work free of doubt at any time. The change of
pipetting of all volumes until the safety reagents won´t be a problem, too: just change the W ITIP.
level is reached. This ensures exact final
results. Consequently, it is impossible to
dispense less volume than set on the
adjusting wheel. At the same time the
volume left inside the W ITIP is reduced Absolutely maintenancefree
to a very low quantity. because no wear and tear parts
are used.

Certified precision
All W I T OPETTEs are supplied
with a serial number which
means a warranty of 1 year from
We certify with this sign the conformity the date of purchase provided
according to the official Calibration Order the instrument is handled accor-
of 12.8.1988. ding to the instruction manual.

Less working time

The W I T OPETTE operates within the range of 1 µl to 5 ml
and allows up to 48 pipetting steps in intervals of 1 sec.
without refill. Thus it is saving 90 % of the working time
compared to the usual pipetting technique.

- Make your choice of volume according to the table below

- The first line indicates the figure to be selected on the adjust-
ment wheel
- The left column indicates the size of the
W ITIPS (8 sizes supplied - please refer to ordering information)
- The number of pipetting steps are shown in the line „Steps“

Choice of volumes
No. 1 2 3 4 5 Precision Accuracy
0.05 ml 1 µl 2 µl 3 µl 4 µl 5 µl <5 < ±2.5
0.5 ml 10 µl 20 µl 30 µl 40 µl 50 µl < 0.7 < ±0.8
1.25 ml 25 µl 50 µl 75 µl 100 µl 125 µl < 0.5 < ±0.8
2.5 ml 50 µl 100 µl 150 µl 200 µl 250 µl < 0.4 < ±0.8
5.0 ml 100 µl 200 µl 300 µl 400 µl 500 µl < 0.3 < ±0.4
12.5 ml 250 µl 500 µl 750 µl 1000 µl 1250 µl < 0.3 < ±0.3
25.0 ml 500 µl 1000 µl 1500 µl 2000 µl 1500 µl < 0.3 < ±0.2
50.0 ml 1000 µl 2000 µl 3000 µl 4000 µl 5000 µl < 0.2 < ±0.2
Steps 48 23 15 11 8

Liquid Handling

According to DIN 12 650. Their main advantages are the precision, highest dosing accuracy and reliablility.
W ITIPS from 0.05 ml to 50 ml are suitable for use with the W I T OPETTE and Eppendorf Multipette ® 4780, plus, pro.

Technical data:
For W ITIPS in relation with a W I T OPETTE or
Multipette ® 4780, for W ITIPS I and W ITIPS D in relati-
on with a Varipette ® 4720 or W I T OPETTE with special
These data for W ITIPS 0.5, 1.25 and 2.5 ml are based
with 100 µl pipette top plugged-in.

Dosing volume
Adjustment 1 2 3 4 5 Precision Accuracy
Steps 48 23 15 11 8 % %
0.05 ml 1 µl 2 µl 3 µl 4 µl 5 µl <5 < ±2.5
0.5 ml 10 µl 20 µl 30 µl 40 µl 50 µl < 0.7 < ±0.8
1.25 ml 25 µl 50 µl 75 µl 100 µl 125 µl < 0.5 < ±0.8
2.5 ml 50 µl 100 µl 150 µl 200 µl 250 µl < 0.4 < ±0.8
5.0 ml 100 µl 200 µl 300 µl 400 µl 500 µl < 0.3 < ±0.4
12.5 ml 250 µl 500 µl 750 µl 1000 µl 1250 µl < 0.3 < ±0.3
25.0 ml 500 µl 1000 µl 1500 µl 2000 µl 1500 µl < 0.3 < ±0.2
50.0 ml 1000 µl 2000 µl 3000 µl 4000 µl 5000 µl < 0.2 < ±0.2
W ITIPS I Dosing volume at Varipette® 4720 variable /
W I T OPETTE adjustable (0 - 10 ml) < 0.15 < ±0.7
W ITIPS D Dosing volume at Varipette® 4720 variable /

Multipette ®, Varipette ® und Combitips ® sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Firma Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz GmbH.
W I T OPETTE adjustable (0 - 10 ml) < 0.15 < ±0.6


With this sign we certify conformity according to „Weights and Measures Regulation“
of 12.08.1998.

Liquid: aqua bidestilled

Reference temperature: 20 °C
Measurement: acc. to DIN 12 650

W ITIPS D, W ITIPS I, W ITIPS-Pipette G and W ITIPS-Pipette U are suitable for the

use with Eppendorf Varipette ® 4720 and W I T OPETTE with special adapter.

Liquid Handling

The new witeg hand help dispenser for dosings in series in the range of 1 µl to 5000 µl, 1 W ITIP filling
permits up to 48 dispensing steps of 29 different volumes in intervals of 1 second without refilling and thus saves
about 90 % of working time, which would have to be spent when using the traditional pipetting techniques. 1
adapter for W ITIPS 25 ml and 50 ml is included to each W I T OPETTE.

Technical data:
Weight: approx. 100 g
Reproducibility and accuracy: please refer to table 1
(Bidestilled water at 20-25 ±0.5 °C constant (acc. to DIN 12 650).

Hand held dispenser for dosings in series from 1 µl - 5000 µl, incl. adapter for W ITIPS 25 and 50 ml, for the use with
W ITIPS, Combitips ® and Brandtips.
Order No.

Suitable for W I T OPETTE and Multipette ® 4780.
Volume range Packing Order No. Order No.
Standard pack Sterile
ml unit single packed
0.05 100 5.385.222 -
0.5 100 5.385.223 5.385.252
1.25 100 5.385.224 5.385.253
2.5 100 5.385.225 5.385.254
5.0 100 5.385.226 5.385.255
12.5 100 5.385.227 5.385.256
25 50 5.385.228 5.385.257
50 25 5.385.229 5.385.258

12.5 ml, suitable for W I T OPETTE with special adapter and Varipette ® 4720. Volume range 0 - 10 ml. Packing unit 25.
Order No,
12.5 ml, suitable for Varipette® 4720. Volume range 0 - 10 ml. Packing unit 50.
Order No,
W ITIPS-Pipette-G.
12.5 ml, suitable for Varipette® 4720. Volume range 0 - 10 ml. Packing unit 5.
Order No.
W ITIPS-Pipette-U.
12.5 ml, suitable for Varipette® 4720. Volume range 0 - 10 ml. Packing unit 200.
Order No.
Spare adapter.
For W ITIPS 25 and 50 ml.
Order No.

Order No.
Liquid Handling


Perfect handling
More advantageous compared to
the conventional type pipettes is
the light weight which let you
work with the pipette stress-free.
The hooked enlargement lies
comfortably in the hand thus
enables long-time serial pipetting
free of tiredness.

Easy calibration
The W I T OPET is constructed
considering an easy calibration.
The calibration tools and
instruction manual for calibration
are included in every pipette box.

Safety operation
The pipetting button is slightly sloping so that the W I T OPET can be used with glove-covered fingers.

Simply press the pipetting button

until the first stop and then relea- The W I T OPET with ejector is constructed
se the button in order to fill the deliberably with a seperate releasing devi-
reagent into the pipette. ce to avoid mis-operation by means of mul-
tiple function of a single button. Pressing
the ejector releases the tip.

A further press until

the second stop is suf-
ficient to emptying the
reagent out of the
Pipette stand with 5 places.

Liquid Handling

W I T O PET - Single channel, Fix

Microliter-pipettes, "W I T OPET", suitable for all brands of disposable tips, optimum shaft length, ergonomic design for nonfatquing operation
even over longer periods, conformity certified.
Volume A≤±% CV ≤ ± % Matching Order No.
µl pipette tips
5 0.8 1.0 Biohit - Gilson - Axygen - witeg 5.401.005 D
10 0.4 0.7 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.010 D
20 0.4 0.7 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.020 D
25 0.2 0.6 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.025 D
50 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.050 D
100 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.100 D
200 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.200 D
250 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.250 D
500 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.500 D
1000 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.910 D
5000 0.2 0.5 Biohit - Gilson - Brand - witeg 5.401.950

Liquid Handling 0 µl
µl …
W I T O PET - variable Microliterpipette
7 different sizes for volumes starting from 0.2 µl up to 5000 µl. Color coded. The volumes are digital adjustable from 10 % up to 100 %
of the different sizes. The piston and tip ejector are made of stainless steel. W I T OPET is made for one hand operation for left- and
right hand usage. The slim pipette shaft allows to pipette into narrow vessels.
The calibration can be done easily by switching off the push button and turning around the adjustment screw. We reduced the force
of the pipettes spring to a necessary value. This makes the pipette very comfortable and longer pipetting cycles can be done stress
Every Pipette is single tested and conformity certified.
For maximum performance we offer our W I T OPET tips, which are listed benear the pipette Order Numbers.

Microliter-pipette, "W I T OPET" variable. Suitable for all brands of pipette tips, ergonomical design to fit the hand, comfortable operation to
overcome the fatique and strain of repetitive pipetting, conformity certified.
Volume Type Division Capacity A CV Recommended Order No.
µl µl µl ≤±% ≤±% tips *
0.2 - 2 PL 2 0.1 0.2 12.0 6.0 5.408.010 5.402.002
PL 2 1.0 2.7 1.3 5.409.010
PL 2 2.0 1.5 0.7 5.409.010
0.5 - 10 PL 10 0.1 0.5 4.0 4.0 5.408.010 5.402.010
PL 10 5 1.0 0.8 5.409.005
PL 10 10 0.5 0.4 5.409.005
2 - 20 PL 20 0.1 2 4.0 3.0 5.408.200 / 5.409.200 5.402.020
PL 20 10 1.0 0.7 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
PL 20 20 0.8 0.4 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
10 - 100 PL 100 1.0 10 1.6 0.8 5.408.200 / 5.409.200 5.402.100
PL 100 50 1.0 0.4 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
PL 100 100 0.8 0.3 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
20 - 200 PL 200 1.0 20 2.0 0.6 5.408.200 / 5.409.200 5.402.200
PL 200 100 1.0 0.3 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
PL 200 200 0.6 0.3 5.408.200 / 5.409.200
100 - 1000 PL 1000 10 100 0.7 0.5 5.410.000 / 5.409.210 5.402.901
PL 1000 500 0.7 0.5 5.410.000 / 5.409.210
PL 1000 1000 0.6 0.5 5.410.000 / 5.409.210
1000 - 5000 PL 5000 10 1000 0.6 0.3 5.412.100 5.402.950
PL 5000 2500 0.6 0.3 5.412.100
PL 5000 5000 0.5 0.2 5.412.100 s
r tip
w filte -35!
e ne s 34
* Se e page
n th

Color code Pipette support W I T OPET. Suitable for all sizes of W I T OPET.
For…pipettes Order No.
26 7 5.406.107
Liquid Handling

W I T O PET - variable Microliterpipette

Push button

Tip ejector button Wheel for accurate

volume adjustment

Display for
adjusted volume

Thin tip cone (PP)

Tip ejector
(stainless steel)

Liquid Handling

W I T O PET - variable economy

Microliter-pipette, "W I T OPET" variable economy
Volume Division Capacity A CV Order No.
µl µl µl ≤±% ≤±%
0.1 - 2.5 0.05 2.5 2.50 2.00 5.402.002 D
1.25 3.00 3.00
0.25 12.00 6.00
0.5 - 10 0.1 10.0 1.00 0.80 5.402.010 D
5.0 1.50 1.50
1.0 2.50 1.50
2 - 20 0.5 20.0 0.90 0.40 5.402.020 D
10.0 1.20 1.00
2.0 2.50 2.00
10 - 100 1.0 100.0 0.80 0.15 5.402.100 D
50.0 1.00 0.40
10.0 3.00 1.50
20 - 200 1.0 200.0 0.60 0.15 5.402.200 D
100.0 0.80 0.30
20.0 3.00 1.00
100 - 1000 5.0 1000.0 0.50 0.20 5.402.901 D
500.0 0.70 0.25
100.0 0.90 0.30
1000 - 5000 50.0 5000.0 0.50 0.15 5.402.950 D
2500.0 0.60 0.30
1000.0 0.70 0.30

Simply turn the plunger button for
volume setting - Leightweight ergonomic design
Finger support keeps the instrument - Digital display clearly reads volume setting
in place with minimum effort
- The range of pipettor covers a volume range
Tip ejector allows convenient from 0.1 µl to 5000 µl
one-handed operation
- Easy to calibrate and maintenance

Ejector collar and tip cone can be

removed for easy cleaning and

Durable tip cone materials provide

excellent chemical resistance

Liquid Handling

W I T O PET - Multi 8- & 12 channel

Variable adjustable multichannel pipette designed for comfort over long term repetitive pipetting. 8 or 12 indentical volumes for titration plates.
3 volume ranges. Highest possible accuracy and precision. Each pipette is individually tested and delivered with a test certificate.

Essential chracterisitics:
- W I T OPET-multi pipettes - offer highest accuracy and precision
- Designed for operator´s comfort over long term repetitive pipetting
- Easy readable digital volume display
- Volumes adjustable in listed steps
- Easy calibration and maintenance
- All parts that come in contact with liquids can be autoclaved - outer parts can be cleaned with antiseptics

D 8-channel pipettes W I T OPET-Multi.

Volume Type Divisions Capacity A CV Recommended Order No.
µl µl µl ≤±% ≤±% tips
0.5 - 10 ME 10 0.1 10 1.5 1.5 5.409.005 5.403.101
5 2.5 2.5
1 4.0 4.0
5 - 50 ME 50 0.5 50 1.0 0.5 5.409.200 5.403.105
25 1.5 1.0 0
5 3.0 2.0
50 - 300 ME 300 1.0 300 0.7 0.25 5.409.210 5.403.130
150 1.0 0.5
50 1.5 0.8

D 12-channel pipettes W I T OPET-Multi.

Volume Type Divisions Capacity A CV Recommended Order No.
µl µl µl ≤±% ≤±% tips
0.5 - 10 MT 10 0.1 10 1.5 1.5 5.409.005 5.403.2101
5 2.5 2.5
1 4.0 4.0
5 - 50 MT 50 0.5 50 1.0 0.5 5.409.200 5.403.205
25 1.5 1.0 0
5 3.0 2.0
50 - 300 MT 300 1.0 300 0.7 0.25 5.409.210 5.403.230
150 1.0 0.5
50 1.5 0.8

Liquid Handling





Advanced pipetting technology with proven Handy battery for continuous working.
uncomplicated one-hand operation for right- or left-handed.
· No repetitive strain juries and
· Hand pains in pipetting

Do you know ??
· 50 % of pipetting forces are related to heavy moving springs

The aspirating and dispensing functions require as much as approx. 4 kg of spring force. Choose the
ELECTRONIC PIPETTE WITOPET „EP“ DIGITAL. and avoid the repetitive strain injuries and related pains


· The large clearly arranged display in lateral position
is easy to read, operation is uncomplicated
and intuitive, only four operation buttons needed for
all functions, even when wearing gloves


· The Witopet „EP“ is powered by a light-weight battery
for over 4000 pipetting cycles with one battery charge.

300 mm · Through a unique combination of ergonomic construction
with only one-button operation during the standard pipetting
an unparalleled force reduction of 95% is achieved.

· The weight of this pipette compared to the predecessor has
been reduced again and is now less than 200 grams.

· The slim body fits comfortable in the hand for a relaxed grip.

· The hooked enlargement of the button area lets you rest
your hand between the pipetting cycles and allows the use
of the pipette for hours without hand cramping.
Liquid Handling




The operating software is so intuitive that you can be using the pipette in
a few minutes time without studying a complicated instruction manual.

Nevertheless the pipette comes with a instruction manual, showing detailed

information about the use of the pipette.

Battery charger
The pipette can be supplied with an optional battery charging station plus
a second battery. This will ensure an uninterrupted working with the pipette.

The big advantage

No recharging station for the pipette needed, just for the battery.

Tip ejection with acoustic signal

After completion of the pipetting press the tip ejection button at
the reverse side for releasing the tip. An acoustic signal confirms
your action.

The aspirating and volume dispensing functions

are controlled with the large button at the reverse side of the pipette.
The arrangement of this button is in conformity with nature movements of
hand and fingers.

Liquid Handling


In AUTO mode the pipette performs the aspirating
and dispensing of the selected liquid volume.
„Blow-out“ function can be set.

The automatic reverse pipetting, in different
modes, is to reserve the final drop of sample,
a higher volume than required is aspirated
This function is recommended for the pipetting
of high-viscose media and high steam pressure


The pipette performs repetitive dispensing of a
selected volume, e.g. filling of 96-well microliter
plates, you can select the number of dispenses
and the pipetting function in sequences.


After the settings are completed, Mixing
of different kinds of media is performed.
The Mix function is controlled via the trigger button.


The selection of available speeds of the piston
for the aspirating and dispensing enables the
pipetting of media with different properties, e.g. viscosity.


Functions-Mode SA: The “EP”-Pipette performs repetitive aspirating of the selected volume between two
aspirations automatically an air gap. When the sequential aspiration is completed, the total aspirated volu-
me is dispensed in the next step.
Functions-Mode SD: The “EP”-Pipette performs repetitive dispenses of the selected volume when the first
aspiration is completed, the pipette will sequentially dispense their aspiration volume.

Acoustic signals, automatic calibration, powerful cellular phone-battery, storage mode,
height-adjustable tip ejector.

Liquid Handling

3 Models for all Volumes

FROM 2,0 µl TO 1000 µl


Microliterpipettes W I T O PET „EP“ digital, fitting all common pipette tips, useful
and handy design ensures a stressfree working, conformity certified.

The Eletronic Pipette with acoustic confirmed tip ejection – Single channel
Volumen Type Scale Volume Tolerance Order-No. Recommended
µl ≤±% ≤ ±% pipette tip
2 - 20 EP 20 0,1 2 4,0 3,0 5.402.302 5.408.200/
10 1,0 0,7 5.408.002/
20 0,8 0,4 5.409.200
10 - 200 EP 200 1,0 20 2,0 0,6 5.402.320 5.408.200/
100 1,0 0,3 5.408.202,
200 0,6 0,3 5.409.200 +
100-1000 EP 1000 10,0 200 0,9 0,45 5.402.390 5.410.000 +
500 0,7 0,25 5.409.210
1000 0,6 0,25
8-Channel Electronic Pipette
2 - 20 EP 8 20 0,1 2 5,0 2,0 5.402.402 5.408.200/
10 2,5 1,15 5.408.202/
20 1,0 0,3 5.409.200
10 - 200 EP 8 200 1,0 20 2,0 1,0 5.402.420 5.408.200/
100 1,0 0,5 5.408.202,
200 0,6 0,15 5.409.200 +

* for additional tips and filtertips refer to Witeg-General Catalog S.223/224

and Liquid Handling Catalog page 34 - 35

Battery charger (standard) Order-No.:

for 100-240 V 5.497.500 EP
Optional charging station 5.497.550 EP
Battery “EP” 5.497.570 EP

Pipette Support with 5 places

suitable for Witoped „EP“ 5.406.105

Pipette Support with 7 places 5.406.107

suitable for Witopet, variable
5.402.002 – 5.402.950

...state of the art

Liquid Handling

Quality pipette tips

As manufacturer of automatic pipettes we guarantee
precise volumetric results with witeg high quality
disposable pipette tips. Pigments used are cadmium-free

Conformity certified
... from witeg
The quality assurance system of witeg meets the strict demands of ISO 9001 and
ensures a constant high quality level of witeg pipette tips.

The symbol confirms the conformity of our tips with the German
Federal Weights and Measures Regulations, Annex 12. as long as these tips are
used with the recommended automatic pipettes in accordance with the supplied

Each pipette tip is an important element for operations with automatic
pipettes in the micoliter range to guarantee minimal variation and thus
ensuring maximum accuracy of results.

Tip by tip is precisely dimensioned with an exact centred tip opening to

fit the pipette shaft perfectly.

Pipette tips, conformity certified (PP). 1000 pieces per plastic bag, these tips fit micoliter-pipet-
tes of Eppendorf ®, Gilson®, Brand ®, Socorex ®, Finnpipette ®, Witopet ®.
Capacity µl Colour Matching pipettes
0.5 - 10 neutral Gilson 5.408.005
0.5 - 10 neutral, crystal universal 5.408.010
2 - 200 yellow universal 5.408.200
2 - 200 yellow Gilson 5.408.202
100 - 1000 blue universal 5.410.000
100 - 1000 blue universal matching rack 5.409.210 5.410.001
1000 - 5000 neutral universal 5.412.100
1000 neutral Beckmann, Sherwood, Lancer 5.412.110
2 - 200 neutral MLA 5.412.120
200 - 1000 neutral MLA 5.412.200
2 - 200 neutral Oxford 5.412.220
250 - 1000 green Oxford 5.412.250
2 - 200 neutral Oxford slim line 5.412.320
250 - 1000 blue Oxford slim line 5.412.325

Pipette tips, 96 tips are packed on an autoclavable rack, conformity certi-

fied (PP). Complete with cover.
Capacity µl Color Matching pipettes
0.5 - 10 neutral universal 5.409.005
2 - 200 yellow universal 5.409.200
100 - 1000 blue universal 5.409.210
2 - 200 yellow Gilson 5.409.220

Liquid Handling
- Filtertips in boxes with sliding cover
- Barrier against aerosols and liquids
Volume µl Color For Article-No. Pack
1 - 10 Eppendorf cristall neutral Socorex-Nichiryo-Gilson 5.408.010 B 25x1000 - Extraordinary quality
5 - 200 Eppendorf, yellow Socorex-Nichiryo-Gilson-Brand-Biohit 5.408.200 B 25x1000 - Optimum fit
5 - 200 Eppendorf, blue Socorex-Gilson-Nichiryo-Biohit-Brand 5.408.010 NB 25x1000
- Automatic production, Cd free
100 - 1000 Eppendorf, neutral Socorex-Gilson-Brand-Nichiryp-Biohit-Treff 5.410.000 B 10x1000
100 - 1000 Eppendorf, neutral Socorex-Gilson-Brand-Nichiryo-Biohit-Treff 5.410.000 NB 10x1000
10 - 300 Eppendorf, graduated Eppendorf-Biohit-Gilson 5.410.000 GB 20x1000
1-10 neutral Eppendorf cristal, Socorex 5.409.005 B 10x96 tips
5 - 200 yellow Eppendorf, Socorex, Gilson, Brand Nichiryo, Biohit 5.409.200 B 10x96 tips
5 - 200 neutral Eppendorf, Socorex, Gilson, Brand, Nichiryo, Biohit 5.409.200 NB 10x96 tips
100 - 1000 blue Eppendorf, Socorex, Gilson, Brand, Nichiryo, Biohit 5.409.210 B 10x96 tips
100 - 1000 neutral Eppendorf, Socorex, Gilson, Brand, Nichiryo, Biohit 5.409.210 NB 10x96 tips
5 - 200 yellow Gilson P20, P50, P100, P200 5.409.220 B 10x96 tips
5 - 200 neutral, graduated Gilson P20, P50, P100, P200 5.409.220 NB 10x96 tips
10 - 300 neutral, graduated Eppendorf, Biohit, Gilson 5.409.100 B 10x96 tips
2 - 300 neutral Special for Biohit 5.409.101 B 10x96 tips
100 - 1000 blue Gilson P500, P1000 5.409.221 B 10x96 tips
100 - 1000 neutral Gilson P500, P1000 5.409.222 B 10x96 tips
1 - 10 neutral Gilson P2, P10 5.409.223 B 10x96 tips
blue cover neutral Box with neutral cover in PP without tips 5.409.010 B 10x96 tips
5 - 20 yellow Gilson all models 5.408.202 B 25000
100 - 1000 blue Gilson P500, P1000 5.410.101 B 10000
100 - 1000 neutral Gilson P500, P1000 5.410.101 NB 10000
1 - 200 grad neutral Gilson P20, P50, P100, P200 5.410.202 GB 25000 5.415.100/110 B
0.5 - 10 neutral Gilson micro, Pipetman P2, P1 5.408.005 B 20000
1000 - 5000 lightly blue Gilson, Socorex, Nichiryo 5.412.101 B 20000
1000 - 5000 neutral Biohit, Eppendorf, Oxford, HTL, Kartell 5.412.100 B 20000
1000 - 5000 neutral Finn, Brand, Treff 5.412.102 B 20000
1000 - 5000 neutral Finn, Labsystem, Socorex, Gilson 5.412.103 B 10000
1000 - 5000 lighty blue Gilson, Socorex, Nichiryo 5.409.110 B 200
1000 - 5000 neutral Biohit, Eppendorf, Oxford, HTL, Kartell 5.409.120 B 200
5 - 20 neutral MLA 5.412.120 B 25x1000
100 - 1000 neutral MLA 5.412.200 B 8x1000
5 - 200 neutral Oxford Slimline, DiaMed Microtyping-System 5.412.300 B 12x1000
100 - 1000 blue Oxford 5.412.121 B 8x1000
100 - 1000 green Oxford (old model) 5.412.250 B 8x1000
- 1000 neutral Beckmann Sherwood Lancer 5.412.110 B 10x1000
5 - 300 neutral special for Biohit compat. to Gilson, Finn, Labsys. 5.412.122 B 24x1000
5 - 20 neutral Eppendorf, Biohit, Nichiryo, Gilson, Socorex, Brand 5.414.100 B 96
5 - 300 neutral Eppendorf, Biohit, Gilson 5.414.300 B 96
101 - 1000 neutral Eppendorf, Biohit, Nichiryo, Gilson, Socorex, Brand 5.414.000 B 96
100 - 1000 neutral Eppendorf, Socorex, Gilson 5.414.001 B 96
1 - 30 neutral Gilson P20 5.414.030 B 96
1 - 100 neutral Gilson P20, P50, P100 5.414.101 B 96
1 - 150 neutral Gilson P20, P50, P100, P200 5.414.150 B 96
1 - 10 neutral Eppendorf cristal, Socorex 5.414.010 B 96
1 - 10 neutral Gilson P2, P10 5.414.011 B 96
1 - 10 neutral Orig. Eppendorf cristal, Socorex, Nichiryo, Gilson 5.415.010 B 5 refiles
1 - 10 neutral Orig. Gilson P2/P10, Labsystem, Biohit, HTL 5.415.011 B 5 refiles
101 - 1000 blue Orig. Eppendorf, Biohit, Nichiryo, Gilson, Socorex 5.415.000 B 5 refiles
101 - 1000 neutral Orig. Eppendorf, Biohit, Nichiryo, Gilson, Socorex 5.415.001 B 5 refiles
5 - 200 yellow Orig. Eppend., Socorex, Nichiryo, Bioh., Brand, Gilson 5.415.200 B 5 refiles
5 - 200 neutral Orig. Eppend., Socorex, Nichiryo, Bioh., Brand, Gilson 5.415.201 B 5 refiles
5 - 200 yellow Orig. Gilson, P20, P50, P100, P200 5.415.202 B 5 refiles
5 - 200 neutral graduated Orig. Gilson, P20, P50, P100, P200 5.415.205 B 5 refiles
5 - 300 neutral Orig. Biohit, Labsystem 5.415.300 B 5 refiles
101 - 1000 blue Orig. Gilson Pipetman 5.415.002 B 5 refiles
101 - 1000 neutral Orig. Eppendorf, Gilson, Biohit 5.415.003 B 5 refiles
10 - 300 neutral graduated 5.415.301 B 5 refiles
box PC without tips 5.415.100 B 1 box
box like box PC of lesser hight 5.415.110 B 1 box

Liquid Handling

The Positive Displacement Microliter Pipette

Where air-displacement microliter pipettes have their limits, the

Witopettor has its field of application:

- pipetting of high viscous media, such as oils resins and fats up to a viscosity of
50,000 mm2/s.
- for pipetting of medias of high density up to 13.6 g/cm3 such as mercury,
sulphuric acid etc.
- for pipetting of medias with a foam-forming tendency
- for pipetting of liquids with high vapour pressure

Due to the direct displacement of medias the
piston is in direct contact with the liquid and
draws in and discharges the media directly
and without forming an air-interface between
the piston and the liquid. The residual wet-
ting - particularly when pipetting viscous
medias - is so small that carry-over is negli-
gible for many applications. When medias The technology of the W I T OPETTOR
are changed an intermediate rinsing is guarantees even at different operation
recommended. speeds accurate results. Capillaries, tips and
When no carry-over can be tolerated we plungers can be reused a hundred of times as
recommended to use the air displacement the residual wetting is negligibly small and
microliter pipette W I T OPET. does not interfere the result. That helps to
reduce the cost of consumables and minimi-
zes the amount of waste.

W I T OPETTOR variable. Conformity certified, the positive lock prevents accidental volume
Volume Subdivisions A Suitable Accessories
µl µl ±% capillary
2 - 10 0.01 1 5.405.410 5.405.201
5 - 25 0.1 1 5.405.425 5.405.202
Calibrated capillaries - Fire polished
10 - 50 0.1 1 5.405.450 5.405.203
- Guaranteed accuracy
20 - 100 0.1 1 5.405.490 5.405.204
of ± 0.5%
100 - 1000 1.0 1 5.405.495 5.405.205
- Colour coded
with sizes imprinted
- 100 capillaries in a box
Volume µl Color-Code
W I T OPETTOR fix. Conformity certified. 1-5 white 5.405.401
Volume A Suitable 10 orange 5.405.410
µl ±% capillary 20 balck 5.405.420
1 1 5.405.401 5.405.301 25 2 x white 5.405.425
2 1 5.405.401 5.405.302 50 green 5.405.450
3 1 5.405.401 5.405.303 100 blue 5.405.490
4 1 5.405.401 5.405.304 200 red 5.405.492
5 1 5.405.401 5.405.305 100 / 200 red 5.405.493
10 1 5.405.410 5.405.310 250 blue 5.405.494
50 1 5.405.450 5.405.350 1000 Plastic tip 5.405.495
100 1 5.405.490 5.405.3100
250 1 5.405.494 5.405.3250
1000 1 5.405.495 5.405.3390

Liquid Handling



The very first LABMAX - with automatic air purging system

- with movable discharge tube
- with reliable knob for volume adjustment
- with „calibration inside“ (possibility of readjustment)


fit most reagent bottles using supplied adapter
from barrels, tanks, tank trucks
filling of petri dishes, culture bottles


On bottles Sampling Sampling Serial dosage Dosing of Filling of In fume hoods,

widely used from drums from tanks sterile media petri dishes clean benches,
used in labs culture bottles safety cabinets

Liquid Handling


Ordering Information:
LABmax - FUTURE supplied with embossed serial number and corresponding performance certificate,
operating manual, one discharge tube, one filling tube, fit on a GL 32 screw thread for 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10ml
models and polypropylene adapters according to the table below, and a twelve-months-warranty.
Reservoir bottle not included.
Labmax-Future Adapter for Filling tube Option:
Volume ml Bottle Screw Thread Length/mm Filling Tube length/m
0,5 (GL 32) GL 22, GL 25, GL28, 250 2
2,5, 5, 10 (GL 32) GL 45
GL 25, GL 28, GL 45, 250 2
GL 38, S 40

· The LABmax - FUTURE offers a large extent of applications for the dosage of aggressive
reagents, e.g. strong acids like H3PO4, H2SO4, alkaline solutions like NaOH, KOH,
sodium solutions and a larger number of organic solvents.
· All parts coming into contact with liquid are made of following high-quality materials:
Borosilicate glass, Ceramics, Platinum-Iridium, PTFE, PFA, FEP
· Limitations of Use: Steam pressure max. 500 mbar, Viscosity max. 500 mm2/s,
Temperature max 40°C, Density max. 2,2 g/cm3
· The Labmax Future should be used in application fields of „Dispensing“, „Sampling“,
„Pumping" and is especially suitable in biochemistry use for the dispensing of
culture media.

L A Bmax - FUTURE, calibration inside, conformity certified

Volume Increments R = ± VK = Order No.
ml ml % µl % µl
0,05 – 0,5 0,01 1,0 5 0,2 1 5.370.111
0,3 – 2,5 0,05 0,5 10 0,1 2 5.370.112
0,5 – 5,0 0,10 0,5 25 0,1 5 5.370.113
1,0 – 10,0 0,20 0,5 50 0,1 10 5.370.114

LABmax - FUTURE „HF“, calibration inside, conformity certified

· The dispenser LABmax - FUTURE „HF“ is a special unit for use with hydrofluoric acid (HF)
· All parts coming into contact with liquid are made of PTFE, FEP, Platinum-Iridium, Ruby
Volume Increments R = ± VK = Order No.
ml ml % µl % µl
1 - 10 0,2 0,5 50 0,1 10 5.370.123

Liquid Handling

ATT e catalog

Postanschrift / Postal Address

witeg Labortechnik GmbH

Postfach 1663
D 97877 Wertheim

Hausanschrift / Home Address

witeg Labortechnik GmbH

Am Bildacker 16
D 97877 Wertheim
online catalog:
Telefon +49 (0) 9342 / 93 01-0
Hotline +49 (0) 9342 / 93 01-22
Telefax +49 (0) 9342 / 93 01-77

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