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 You want to attend the job fair you have seen in the advertisement.
 Call the organization of JobExpo and
 Comfirm the time and place of the fair
 Ask how to register, ask for register form
 Ask details about somes local employers at the fair (e.g. these companies’ name,
products, and/or the job they offer)
 You are the member of the organization of JobExpo. Give details of the fair to your
partner, who calls to ask you some information.
 Time: August 15,16,17
 Place: The Convention Center, Townsville.
 Register by mail to – register form can be downloaded at
 Local employers: Kinhdo Bakery (looking for salespeople), Viettien Clothing (looking
for factory supervisors), University of Education (looking for IT technicans).

 You are the interviewer for the Secretary job. Make a conversation with the interviwee
based on these prompts:
 Introduce your company which is an advertising company.
 Ask intervviwee’s self-introduction.
 Ask about his/her skills, qualifiation and experience.
 Ask about his/her strengths amd weaknesses.
 Describe the job you need him/her to do (type, translate, etc)
 Ask 2 of your own questions
 Offer to contact him/her within 7 days.
 Close the conversation.
 You are an interviewee for the Secretary of an advertising company. Make a conversation
with the interviewer based on these prompts:
 Introduce yourself.
 Answer the interviewer’s questions about your skills: qualification(s), experience(s), and
strengths and weaknesses in your job.
 Ask about your tasks in the position of a Secretary.
 Ask about the salary.
 Ask 2 of your own questions.
 Close the conversation.
A representative of pure water company meets a computer company manager to negotiate a
drinking water supply contract.
 You are the representative of the pure water company. You want:
 A three-year contract .
 Price (prices):
 1 liter: 2.000 VND
 <2,000 liters/month: no discount
 2,000-4,000 liters/month: 20% discount
 4,000-7,000 liters/month: 30% discount
 Contact: by phonne
 Response time in case of problem: 12 hours
 You are the manager of the computer company. You want:
 A one-year contract
 Price:
 1 liter: 1.000 VND
 < 2,000 liters/month: 10% discount
 2,000-4,000 liters/month: 30% discount
 4,000-7,000 liters/month: 40% discount
 Contact: by mail
 Response time in case of problem : 2 hours.

You are at the conference. You recognize someone you met at a conference two years ago.
Introduce yourself and make a small talk.
 You are the director (General Manager) of ABA Clothing Company. Your information is
listed below:
 You met B in Autumn Fashion Conference in Italy 2 years ago.
 You arrived here last night- delayed flight.
 You do not know the way to the restautant.
 Your hotel: Grand Hotel in the city center (good room service and facilities)
 You think the conference will start a 8 a.m. M.r Johnson will be the speaker. M.r Johnson
is an interesting speaker.
 You are the director of FC Media Company. Your information is listed below:
 You met A in Autumn Fashion Conferencen in Italy 2 years ago.
 You arrived here 3 days ago.
 You know the city well.
 Your hotel: Motte Hotel outside the city (small room and poor service)
 You think the conference will start at 10 a.m. M.r Jonhson will be the speaker. M.r
Johnson is a boring speaker.
The Marketing Director (Manager) of a CD-DVD Player Company is telephoning the Sales
Manager to talk about the focus group for the company’s new range of MP4 player.
 You are the Marketing Director. You want to do the followinsg during the phone call:
 Note down time and place of the focus group meeting.
 Suggest that these people will attend the meeting.
 Issacova Solokovis
 Tel no: 0903 122 079
 She is a Marketing Consultant based in Macow, Russia.
 Ionakoa Jecops
 Tel no: 0918 339 405
 He is the Head Buyer for a department store in Budapest,Hungary.
 Ask about the last month’s sales results in HCMC. Did they increaseor decrease?
 You are the Sales Manager. You want to do the following during the phone call:
 Inform thte time and place of the focus group meeting.
 Location: Red Sun Hotel
18 Rue Pierre Charron
 Date/time: Friday 29 July at 14:00
 Note down the details of two people invited by the Director to the meeting
 Inform details about the last month’s sales results in HCMC.
 Total sales: 3,2 billion VND, 8% higher than the ssame period last year.

You are working in the Sales Department of your company. This year, your Department will
receive the companyu biggest bonus of the year because you all have exceeded the sale target by
20%. Your department plans to hold a party to celebrate this event. Disscuss these question:
 When and where will the party be?
 How much should the party cost?
 How much each member of staff contribute towards the cost of the party?
 Will there be a speech? Who will make? How long?
 What kind of entertainment will you have at the party?
 What else do you need to plan?
 When and where will the party be?
 How much should the party cost?
 How much each member of staff contribute towards the cost of the party?
 Will there be a speech? Who will make? How long?
 What kind of entertainment will you have at the party?
 What else do you need to plan?
You are having dinner with business contact.
 You are the host of the dinner. You want to do the followings during the dinner:
 Ask the to try Potac-a traditonal kind of food made from eggs.
 Ask about the lastest product of the guest’s company.
 Invite the guest to dance with your sister/brother.
 Ask how the guest spend his/her weekend.
 Suggest a hiking trip to the countryside with the guest.Describe your comtryside to the
guest.Suggest some activities you can do during the trip.
 You are the guest of the dinner. You want to do the followings during the dinner:
 You hate eggs.
 The lastest product of your company: Jusis goggles.Describe some qualities of your
product to the host.
 You are bad at dancing.
 Ask how the host spend his/her weekend.
 You like hiking.You can suggest some activities to do when going hiking.

Free Star has developed a new kind of camera called LightPro. It is light and professional. It will
be launched in VN. The Marketing Development holds a meeting to disscuss a strategy.
 You have the folowing opinions concerning LightPro.
 Selling price: $540
 Targer comsumer: professional photoghraphers
 Special offer for the first purchase: a battery charger
 Advertising/ promotion: specialist magazines.
 You have the following opinions concerning LightPro:
 Selling price: $400
 Target consumer: all people who love cameras.
 Special offer for the first purchase: a T-shirt with a Free Star logoon it.
 Advertising/promotion: Endosement contracts with famous film stars or singers.
Recently, your company, Sunsilk (Silky) Shampoo Company, has been expanding its brand to
Long An Province. That is why you have to look for sales staff for the new subsidiary in LA.
Present a job description for this position. Use the prompts below to help you:
 You are the Chief of Executive ( Human Resource Director) of Sunsilk Shampoo
Company. Disscuss with your Sales Director to work out the job description.
 Prompts:
 1.What will the candidates be responsible for?
 2.What quality should he/she have?
 3.What skills/abilities should he/she have?
 You are the Sales Director of Sunsilk Shampoo Company. Discuss with ypur Chief of
Executive to work out the job description.
 Prompts:
 1.What will the candidates be responsible for?
 2.What quality should he/she have?
 3.What skills/abilities should he/she have?

One day staff find that there is a new smoking policy in the factory. Those who smoke have to go
out of the factory to smoke. As the wether is very cold in the winter smokers feel frustrated.
They feel like being treated as the second-class workers. The problem gets serious as smokers
take up 75% of the whole staff.
Their union representative meets the personnel managerto discuss the situation.
 You are the union representative. Your objectives are:
 Get the staff to smoke in their workplace until they have been properly consulted.
 Work out the proper solution to the problem.
 You are the personnel manager. Your objectives are:
 Explain why the policy is necessary
 Work out the proper solution to the problem.

You are a VTVA Media Company. You are going to produce a Gameshow on Business. Discuss
with your partner to work out the plan for the first 30-minutes programme.
 How many parts will the show contain? What are they?
 How long will each part be?
 Wo should present the programme? How many presenters will be there?
 Who should be the paricipants in the show?
 What will the awards be?
SITUATION 12: You are working in the personnel (Human Resouece) Section of HSCB bank.
Discuss with your partner to find out the solutions to the problem below:
1. Staff oftfen arrive at work late and leave easily.
2. Some staff are stressed because they feel they no control over their work and they don’t
participate in decision making process. They say they are working like robots with the
same tasks every day.

A group of Chinese manager is going to visit your company, a milk company, for three days.
You need to plan the program for for the visit. Discuss these questions with your partner:
1. Where will the guest go, and what will they see?
2. Who do they neeed to meet?
3. Where will they stay?
4. How will they move around?
5. What sort of farewell event/dinner will you have on the final evening?
6. What sort of gifts will you give the visitors?
7. What else do you need to plan?

A representative of a grocery supply company meets a restautant owner to negotiate a contract:
ROLE A:You are the representative of the grocery supply company
 You want:
 Length of contract: Three year
 Amount: 50 kilos each order
 Delivery: once a week
 Price: 5% cheapter than original price.
ROLE B:You are the restautant owner.
 You want:
 Length of contract: six month
 Amount: 20 kilos each order
 Delivery: 3 times a week
 Price: 20% cheaper than the original price

SITUATION 15: Your company has developed anew backpack called Youngster. It looks
modern and fashionable. Two members of the Marketing Department hoald a meeting to discuss
a strategy.
ROLE A: You have the following opinions:
Selling price: 150.000 VND
Target consumer: all age groups
Special offer: a raincoat with your company logo.
Advertising/ promotion: advertisements in the press and posters in supermarkets.
ROLE A: You have the following opinions:
Selling price: 100.000 VND
Target consumer: teenagers
Special offer: a key chain with your company logo.
Advertising/ promotion: advertisements on facebook and pop-up, advertisements on many
popular websites.

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