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Rojana Jiwattayakul (Winner)

6 June, 2019
English 10
Should School Uniform Be Mandatory In Every School?

“I am who I am”. Most people say that school uniform prevents students from expressing
their own identity, I would say no. Our real personality does not need to show up on our
appearance. However, regardless of this fact, school uniform still provides more advantages than
disadvantages. The word “uniform” has the same prefix as the word “unity”, the term “uni”
means one or the same which means that the uniform was created to make people look and
treated the same way, but it does not mean that you have to do the same thing or have the same
passion. School uniform does not only create unity among students but also provide many
benefits. Thus, I believe that every school should required uniform as student uniform creates
unity in the school environment, affects the student’s behavior in a positive way, and makes
students focus on their studying rather than their clothes.
Firstly, school uniform creates unity and equality among students. As you know that
different kids have different family backgrounds, school uniform makes everyone look the same
to reduce social stratification and ostentation. Although most people say that the uniform
prevents the expression of students, according to the surveys from the University of Nevada,
most students do not want to wear the school uniform but 54% of them also agreed that they still
have their identity when they wear a uniform (Sanchez & Hill, 2012). Even though we are all
looking the same, people will recognize you by your action or ability, not your look. School
uniform also makes everyone to look the same so that there will be less distribution and students
will stay as one big team. School uniform not only unify students' appearances, but they also
create a sense of unity in terms of community. Therefore, school uniform can reduce group
distribution and making them feel of being together as one big team.
Secondly, school uniform can improve a student’s behaviors. Many researchers say that
school uniform can literally reduce violence, bullying, and gang-related activity within the
school and outside the school. According to the 2013 National Gang Intelligence Center Gang
Report, school uniform reduces the gang activity as they cannot distinguish themselves from
other people or other groups. Gang members differentiate themselves from the rival gang or
people who are not their member by wearing a specific color of shirt or dressing in particular
styles, that is how school uniform solves this problem by making everyone dress the same way.
Despite these benefits, mandatory school uniform is still controversial because many people
argued that school uniform somehow does not affect the student grade as there are not a lot of
reports about academic result affected by the school uniform. However, In Cleveland19 article,
they performed a study of six big-city Ohio public, researcher Virginia Draa of Youngstown
State University found that implementing a uniform policy in schools did not have any impact on
academic performance, but it did play a role in other areas. Draa found that overall, graduation
rates rose an average of almost 11% in schools that implemented school uniform as opposed to
schools without uniforms that saw a drop of around 4.6% in graduation rates. Other things that
school uniform seemed to impact were attendance rates as it increased by 3.5% in four of the
schools (Dobeck, Vadaj, & NBC12 Newsroom, 2006).
Last but not least, school uniform can prevent students from the diversion of study.
According to Principal James Covey, a veteran of Chicago Public Schools stated that when
students all wear the same outfit, they become less concerned about how they fit in (Covey, n.d.).
They can concentrate on their schoolwork, instead of how their outfit compares to what their
friends are wearing. Hence, school uniform can reduce distraction and make students focus on
their works rather than their clothes. School uniform also makes your life easier, you do not need
to choose the outfits or find the stuff in the morning and these are proved by the increased
attendance rates mentioned in paragraph 3.
In conclusion, I believe that school uniform should be mandatory for every school as It
creates unity and equality among the students by making them look the same to reduce group
distribution and making them stay as one big team and improve students’ behavior by improving
students’ attendance and reduce bullying and distractions of studying. In my opinion as a student
who always wears the uniform, I would suggest that the school should make the uniform to be
more flexible and comfortable and affordable for the average family because these could be one
of the main reason that students and parents do not want their kids to wear the uniform and
making free dress day at least one day per week would help reducing student stress.

Sanchez, J., & Hill, G. (n.d.). College of Education researchers conduct study on impacts of
school uniforms. Retrieved from

Dobeck, K., Vadaj, R., & NBC12 Newsroom. (2006, January 13). Study says school uniforms
might help attendance, graduation rates. Retrieved from

Covey, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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