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Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Template

(Michigan Department of Education)

*It is recommended that the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) checklist and SAS Example SLOs be
used for developing a SLO.

Name of Teacher/Teacher Team: Saline Alternative HS Team

Content Area: _____________________________ Grade Level: ______ Academic Year: _________

Type of SLO: □ Class-level □ Targeted

□ Course-level □ Leveled
*Please see Measuring Student Growth: An Introduction to Student Learning Objectives for a
definition of each type of SLO.

Student Learning Objective:

Concisely state measurable student learning objective in one or two sentences.

By May 17, 2019, based on a personal EDP, all students will complete adequate courses to become
current with their class cohort.

Interval of Instruction:
Specify start and stop dates which includes the majority of the course/class length.

The start date will be September 17, 2018 through May 17, 2019. The data will be collected at six
week intervals based on the Alternative High School marking periods.
Student Population
Identify the students included in the SLO and explain why the students were selected.
Describe the characteristics of the student population, including how many students have
special needs relevant to the SLO (e.g., I have 4 students with reading disabilities, 2 English

The entire student population is selected for this SLO. This population was selected because of the
district focus of the 4 C’s (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity). It also
aligns with the Saline Area School Compass attribute of being a motivated and self-directed

Learning Standards or Competencies

List the state-adopted standards or competencies that are connected to the learning content.

STANDARD 1.3 Communicate in speech, writing, and multimedia using content, form, voice, and
style appropriate to the audience and purpose (e.g., to reflect, persuade, inform, analyze,
entertain, inspire).

Social Emotional Competencies as listed on the Michigan Department of Education website Link

Baseline Data
Describe the data that were reviewed in the creation of the SLO. Explain how the data support the SLO.

All students will receive a credit count sheet listing courses they have taken and courses they need to
take. Students will be made aware of where they are in relation to their graduating cohort. The data

Student Initial Data Final Data

Credits earned (current/behind) Credits earned (current/behind)

Mentor Group 1

SD 26.27 (current) Current (graduate)

MG 15.04 (current) Current when he left us

EH 11.5 (behind) 18 (behind)

EN 20.32 (current) Current (graduate)

JB 8.5 (current) 16.25 (current)

IL 13 (behind) 20.5 (behind)

OC 14 (behind) Left midyear

Mentor Group 2

LA 12.01 (current) 18 (behind)

CED 21.77 (current) Current (graduate)

EE 10.75 (behind) 15.75 (behind)

JJ 19.18 (behind) Current (graduate)

CP 4.35 (behind) 10.6 (behind)

CLD 21 (current) Current (graduate)

JPJ 9 (behind) 17.25 (current)

RC 9.5 (behind) 14 (behind)

Mentor Group 3

TA 12.51 (behind) 17.25 (current)

JB 1.75 (current) 8.34 (current)

DG 18 (behind) Current (graduate)

FJ 15.84 (behind) Current (graduate in August)

HI 22.04 (current) Current (graduate)

KM 21.75 (current) Current (graduate)

LO 10.75 (behind) Current (graduate)

JN Left midyear
Mentor Group 4

AC 0 (current) 6 (behind)

RB 2 (behind) (behind)

EG 26.25 (behind) Current (graduate)

WN 22.52 (current) Current (graduate)

DH 12.42 (behind) 21.17 (current)

MS 16.01 (behind) Current (graduate)

CRC 20 (current) Current (graduate)

CW 14.85 (current) Left midyear

Name the instrument that will be used to measure the outcome of the SLO.

The instrument that will be used to evaluate the SLO is staff collected data based off of Tally Tuesday
sheets and credit count sheets.

Growth Targets
Identify the quantitative targets that will demonstrate achievement of the SLO. Each student included in
the SLO should have a growth target.

Seniors will complete graduation requirements by May 24, 2019. Juniors will complete 20 credits,
sophomores will complete 15 credits, freshman will earn at least 7.5 credits by June 14, 2019.
Explain your rationale for setting the targets for student growth; identify how the targets connect with
the school improvement plan.
The rationale for the SLO is based off of the Saline Area Schools Profile of a Graduate, specifically
being a motivated and self-directed learner. The goal also incorporates timely graduation to increase
students post-secondary success.

Instructional Strategies and Interventions

Describe the instructional strategies and interventions you will use to help students reach growth
targets; share how you will monitor students’ progress.

Staff will provide in class opportunities to help students develop goals for obtaining and
tracking credits. Lessons will be taught to increase students intrinsic motivation for
completing high school graduation requirements. Students will create personalized goals and
steps to obtain them. Rewards will be given out for students based on previous work
completion and perfect attendance for the week. A weekly trophy will be awarded to the
mentor group that has the best week in terms of work completion. Guest speakers will visit to
discuss post-secondary options and exposure to different career paths. Eduguide will be used
during Base class to increase student knowledge of growth mindset and provide social and
emotional feedback.

Student Growth and Reflection

This documentation (evidence) occurs in Domain 5: ePortfolio or google doc

It will be scored using the rubric in these two areas:

SLO Approval

Approved □ Not Approved □

Date: _
Reflection on data:

Our pre-test data resulted in having 52% behind their grade level as measured by seniors needing less
than 7.5 credits, juniors needing 15 credits or less, sophomores needing 22.5 or less, and freshmen
needing 27 credits. This data was collected from credit count sheets and transcripts. Our end of the year
data resulted in having only 28% of our student population behind or 72% current with their graduating
class. The positive results of having a consistent message and mentoring our students resulted in an
increase of 24% of students current with their graduating class. The tally sheets and weekly meetings
provide weekly updates of students progress. Staff meetings and debriefings focus on student struggles
and areas of needs. This allows us to quickly address student concerns. Having a principal who
communicates with parents and staff encourages a team approach with parents. Leadership is a key to
our programs success and integral to student growth.

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