MA Bibliografia

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Anderman, Gunnilla – Margaret Rogers (eds). 1999. Word, Text, Translation. Liber Amicorum
for Peter Newmark. Clevendon: Multilingual Matters
Atkins, Sue (ed.). Using Dictionaries: Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and
Translators. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag
Backman, Per. [nd]. Polskie słownictwo fotograficzne. Zmiany 1920 - 1989.
( (date of access: 1 Mar. 2007)
Bergenholz, Henning – Sven Tarp (eds). 1995. Manual of specialized lexicography: the
preparation of specialised dictionaries. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
Bergenholz, Henning – Uwe Kaufmann. 1997. "Terminography and lexicography. A Critical
Survey of Dictionaries from a Single Specialised Field", Hermes, Journal of Linguistics
18: 91-121
Biau Gil, José Ramón – Anthony Pym. 2006. "Technology and translation (a pedagogical
overview)", in: Anthony Pym - Alexander Perekrestenko - Bram Starink (eds), 5-20
Biel, Łucja. 2004. New English-Polish and Polish-English Dictionaries:
Some Problems Related to Legal, Financial and Insurance Terminology.
( (date of access: 1 Mar. 2007)
Fraser, Janet. 1994. "Translating Practice Into Theory", in: Catriona Picken (ed.), 130-42
Fraser, Janet. 1996. "The Translator Investigated. Learning from Translation Process Analysis",
The Translator 2, 1: 65-79
Fraser, Janet. 1999. "The Translator and the Word: The Pros and Cons of Dictionaries in
Translation", in: Anderman – Rogers (eds), 25-33
Hann, Michael. 1992. The Key to Technical Translation (Volume 1 and 2). Amsterdam: John
Benjamins Publishing Company
Jaatinen, Hannu – Riitta Jääskeläinen. 2006. "Introducing IT in Translator Training: Experiences
from the COLC Project", in: Anthony Pym - Alexander Perekrestenko - Bram Starink
(eds), 83-88

Krieger, Maria – Anna Maciel – Cleci Bevilacqua – Maria Lorenci, Teresinha Favero – Marilia
Oliveira. 1996. "Environmental Law Dictionary: from Theory to Practice", Meta 41, 2:
Kubiak, Bogusław. 2002. "Pojęcie języka specjalistycznego", Języki Obce w Szkole 5: 6-10
Long, Ben. 2002. Fotografia cyfrowa. (Translated by Zbigniew Pazdur and Łukasz Oberlan)
Gliwice: Helion
Mackintosh, Kristen. 1998. "An Empirical Study of Dictionary Use in L2-L1 Translation", in:
Sue Atkins (ed.), 123-141
Newmark, Peter. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall
Nielsen, Sandro. 2000. Lexicographical Basis for an Electronic Bilingual Accounting
Dictionary: Theoretical Considerations.
( (date of access: 1 Mar. 2007)
Pavel, Silvia - Diane Nolet. 2001. Handbook of Terminology. Gatineau: Translation Bureau
Picken Catriona (ed.). 1994. ITI Conference 7 Proceedings. London: Institute of Translation and
Pieńkos, Jerzy. 1999. Podstawy jurylingwistyki. Język w prawie – Prawo w języku. Warszawa:
Piotrowski, Tadeusz. 1994. Problems in bilingual lexicography. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo
Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Pym, Anthony - Alexander Perekrestenko - Bram Starink (eds). 2006. Translation Technology
and its Teaching (with much mention of localization).
( (date of access: 1 Mar. 2007)
Roberts, Roda P. 1990. "Translation and the Bilingual Dictionary" Meta 35, 2: 74-81
Rogers, Margaret – Khurshid Ahmad. 1998. "The Translator and the Dictionary: Beyond
Words?", in: Sue Atkins (ed.), 193-203
Rogers, Margaret. 1999. "Translating Terms in Text: Holding on to Some Slippery Customers",
in: Gunilla Anderman – Margaret Rogers (eds), 104-116
Ronowicz, Eddie – Joanna Hehir – Toshihiro Kaimi – Keiko Kojima – Deok-Shin Lee. 2005.
"Translator’s Frequent Lexis Store and Dictionary Use as Factors in SLT
Comprehension and Translation Speed – A Comparative Study of Professional,
Paraprofessional and Novice Translators" Meta 50, 2: 580-596

Sager, Juan C. 1990. A Practical Course in Terminology Processing. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins Publishing Company
Sager, Juan C. 1997. "Term Formation", in: Sue Ellen Wright – Gerhardt Budin (eds), 25-41
Snell-Hornby, Mary (ed.). 1989. Translation and Lexicography. Papers read at the EURALEX
Colloquium held at Innsbruck, 2-5 July, 1987. Kirksville: Northeast Missouri State
Strevens, Peter. 1973. "Technical, technological and scientific English". ELT Journal 27: 223-
Tomaszczyk, Jerzy. 1989. "L1-L2 Technical Translation and Dictionaries", in: Snell-Hornby
(ed), 289-297
Varantola, Krista. 1998. "Translators and their Use of Dictionaries: User Needs and User Habits",
in: Sue Atkins (ed.), 179-192
Vollnhals, Otto. 1982. "Technical Dictionaries Retrieved from a Database", Meta 27, 2: 157-166
Wright, Sue Ellen – Leland Wright (eds). 1993. Scientific and Technical Translation.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Wright, Sue Ellen – Gerhardt Budin (eds). 1997. Handbook of Terminology Management.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
[no editor]. 2005. Guidelines for Terminology Policies. Formulating and implementing
terminology policy in language communities. Paris: UNESCO

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