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Titration Handbook


Dr. Robert Reining
Managing Director

Welcome to Xylem Analytics Germany!

Xylem Analytics Germany distributes a large number of high-
quality analyzers and sensors through its numerous well-known
brands. Our Mainz brand SI Analytics has emerged from the history
of SCHOTT® AG and now has more than 80 years of experience in
glass technology and the development of analyzers and sensors.
Our products are manufactured with high standards of innovation
and quality in Mainz, Germany. The electrodes, titrators and capillary
viscometers will continue to be at home wherever precision and
quality in analytical measurement technology is required.

Since 2011, SI Analytics has been part of the publicly traded

company Xylem Inc., headquartered in Rye Brook, N.Y., USA.
Xylem is a world leader in solving water related problems. In 2016,
the German companies were finally merged to Xylem Analytics
Germany and continue to represent the established brands at the
known locations.
We herewith present to you our Titration handbook.

The focus has been consciously put on linking application information

with our lab findings and making this accessible to you in a practical

If you have any questions about the very large field of titration, we look
forward to helping you with words and deeds.

We at Xylem Analytics Germany in Mainz would be happy to keep on

working successfully together with you in the future.

Xylem Analytics Germany

Robert Reining
Introduction and definition

1.1  Definitions and foundations .....................................................  13
1.2  Titration reactions........................................................................  15
Acid-base titration..................................................................................... 15
Precipitation titration, complexometric titration................................. 16
Redox titration, charge transfer titration, chemical, visual................ 17
Potentiometric............................................................................................ 18
Biamperometric......................................................................................... 20
Photometric, conductometric, thermometric...................................... 22
1.3  Titration types..................................................................................23
Direct titration, back titration................................................................... 23
Indirect titration, substitution titration, phase transfer titration...... 24
1.4  Overview of the used methods...................................................24

Volume measurement devices, manual and automatic
2.1  Volume measurement devices and standards.........................28
2.2  Volume measurement devices in the laboratory.....................30
Pipettes and graduated pipettes........................................................... 30
Piston-stroke pipettes............................................................................... 33
Volumetric flasks, measuring cylinders, burettes................................ 34
Piston burettes............................................................................................ 36
2.3  Verification of the correct volume...............................................38
2.4  Cleaning and care..........................................................................40
2.5  Manual titration...............................................................................43
2.6  Comparison of manual and automatic titration.......................47
Sample handling
Direct volume..........................................................................................52
Direct weighed sample ........................................................................53
Weigh out small solid quantities.........................................................54

Sensors and reagents
4.1  Overview of the sensors................................................................56
4.2  Electrolyte solutions.......................................................................61
4.3  Calibration of electrodes...............................................................61
4.4 Reagents...........................................................................................64
Sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid................................................... 64
Na2EDTA , AgNO3, Na2S2O3,, Ce(SO4)2, (NH4)2Fe2(SO4)2,
KOH in ethanol or isopropyl, HClO4 in glacial acetic acid................ 65
4.5  Titer determination.........................................................................66
Titer determination of bases................................................................... 68
Titer determination of acids.................................................................... 70
Titer determination of silver nitrate....................................................... 72
Titer determination of perchloric acid.................................................. 74
Titer determination of thiosulphate....................................................... 76
Titer determination of iodine.................................................................. 78
Titration parameters and calculations
5.1 Overview..........................................................................................81
5.2  Control of the dosage....................................................................82
Linear titration............................................................................................ 82
Dynamic titration....................................................................................... 86
5.3  Response behavior of the electrode and speed.....................90
5.4  Definition of the titration end.......................................................94
Titration interruption at maximum volume.......................................... 95
Titration interruption at a certain measured value............................. 95
Titration interruption when recognizing an EQ.................................. 95
5.5  Evaluation of the titration..............................................................97

6.1  Acid-base titrations...................................................................... 102
Titration of citric acid in drinks..............................................................102
Titration of a strong acid........................................................................104
Titration of phosphoric acid..................................................................106
Titration of Alk. 8.2 and Alk.4.3.................................................................108
Titration of sodium carbonate..............................................................110
Determination of pharmaceutical bases as
hydrochlorides with NaOH....................................................................112
Determination of pharmaceutical bases with perchloric
acid in glacial acetic acid.......................................................................114
Determination of the free fatty acids in vegetable oils (FFA).........116
Determination of acids in oil (TAN, ASTM 664)................................118
Determination of bases in oil (TBN, ISO 3771).................................121
6.2  Argentometric titrations............................................................. 123
Titration of salt in butter.........................................................................124
Titration of chloride in drinking water.................................................125
6.3  Potentiometric redox titrations................................................. 127
Iodine number for characterizing fats and oils..................................127
Determination of the vitamin C content with DCPIP.......................130
6.4  Dead Stop titrations.................................................................... 133
Direct iodometric determination of vitamin C..................................134
Determination of the SO2 content in wine.........................................135
6.5  Complexometric titrations......................................................... 137
Calcium and magnesium in drinking water.......................................138
Total hardness in drinking water..........................................................140
6.6 Determination of molecular weights by titration.................. 142
6.7  Determination of pKs values...................................................... 143
6.8  pH-Stat titrations.......................................................................... 146
6.9  Gran titrations............................................................................... 148

Photometric titrations
7.1  The OptiLine 6.............................................................................. 153
7.2  Measurement principle.............................................................. 154
7.3  Error sources................................................................................. 155
Air bubbles...............................................................................................155
Ambient light............................................................................................155
7.4 Applicators.................................................................................... 155
Determination of the alkalinity Alk. 4.3.................................................155
Photometric determination of acids in oils (TAN).............................158
Determination of carboxyl end groups in PET..................................162
Karl Fischer titration
8.1  The Karl Fischer reaction and reagents................................... 165
8.2  The detection of the KF titration and titration curves.......... 169
8.3  Sample handling.......................................................................... 170
8.4 Coulometry................................................................................... 172

Verification of the titration
9.1 Overview....................................................................................... 175
9.2 Qualifications................................................................................ 176
9.3 Validation....................................................................................... 178
9.4  Verification and correctness of the titration........................... 179
9.5.  Measurement uncertainty......................................................... 184

Dr.-Ing. Jens Hillerich

Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Peters

Titration guide
Titration is one of the oldest Titration finds broad use in
methods for content determina- chemical analysis. On the one
tion in chemistry. hand, a titration can be per-
formed very easily and quickly,
In contrast to gravimetry, no on the other hand, the titration
sparingly soluble compounds provides a very accurate mea-
are dried and weighed, but a surement result after only a
reagent of known concentration few minutes - under optimal
is added to the dissolved sample conditions. A relative standard
until the chemical conversion is deviation of below one percent
complete. For the definition of is normal. It is not without reason
titration, there are a number of that numerous standards require
formulations that have changed titration as a method.
over time. The IUPC (Compen-
dium of chemical Technology) Even with a very common and
defines titration as: proven method of analysis, there
is a need for support. This guide
Quantitative analysis method in builds on the basic principles
which a sample of known com- of titration and addresses the
position but unknown content user of potentiometric titration.
is converted with a reagent of Therefore, the basics of poten-
known concentration (also called tiometry is discussed with the
standard solution) in a chemical Nernst equation. The "manual
reaction of known stoichiometry. titration" is almost completely
left out. A general overview of
From the very precisely added titration can be found in the
volume of the reagent, the classic standard work of titration,
unknown content in the sample the Jander / Jahr [1].
can be calculated on the basis
of the calculation factors.

Titration guide
This guide requires chemical Furthermore, application areas
knowledge, e.g. the reading of are mentioned and various titra-
reaction equations, knowledge tion methods are presented. The
of important technical terms, individual calculations always
basic knowledge of working in give rise to questions and are
the chemical laboratory, as well therefore explained and sum-
as the handling of devices such marized with the most important
as scales, burettes, pipettes, formulas. Typical titrations with
electrodes and the safety regula- their titration curves and calcula-
tions in the laboratory. tions are presented by means of
Titration is also called volumetry.
Even when working with a pH Evaluation and quality are more
electrode, the measurement and more in the foreground.
unit of the titration remains the Therefore, the final chapter is
volume and not the pH value. devoted to the qualification of
The correctness of the volume is the devices, verification and
thus essential for every titration. validation of results, as well as
Coulometry is an exception, measurement uncertainty.
which is a titration method, but
which is not performed volumet-

In the first step, this guide deals

with the volume and its correct-
ness. Thereafter, the focus is on
the sample and its handling.
Subsequently, the used reagents,
electrodes and the titration
parameters are dealt with in

1.1  Definitions and
The definition of titration is valid This definition has to be extend-
unchanged in its core: We need ed or limited nowadays: there
a stoichiometric reaction, a pre- are many reactions that do not
cisely dosable, stable reagent take place stoichiometrically. In
and a detection of the end of the the Karl Fischer reaction, this has
reaction end or a curve showing been discussed controversially
the course of the reaction. for decades (1: 1 or 2: 1). With
some reactions it is completely
The standard work for Volumetric unclear how they actually take
Analysis [1] also falls back on place. It is only certain that they
these characteristics and defines: run equally under the same
conditions (e.g., the determi-
 The chemical reaction on which nation of chondroitin sulphate).
the titration is based must proceed Validations are then performed
rapidly, quantitatively and unam- by means of linearity tests with
biguously in the manner indicated standards, which enable a quan-
by the reaction equation.
tification of the sample. There
 It must be possible to prepare are also numerous applications
a reagent solution of defined con- that go beyond simple content
centration or to determine the determination. These include
concentration of the solution in a stability studies, long-term ex-
suitable way. tractions and monitoring of
crystallizations (sometimes over
 The endpoint of the titration must months), determination of pKs
be clearly recognizable. It should values, pKb values and still fur-
coincide with the equivalence point ther methods with very specific
at which the reagent amount equiv-
alent to the substance amount of the
searched substance was added or at
least come very close to it.

Titration guide
When validating a titration meth- The detection can be carried out
od, the following aspects must by colour indicators or by means
be observed: of electrochemical methods,
which are be dealt with here in
chemical reaction
accurately adjusted reagent
the sensor for detection.
The predominant method is
The chemical reaction must be potentiometry using e.g. pH
fast, clear and quantitative. An and redox sensors with indicator
indication of whether a reaction and reference electrodes, which
is suitable for the titration is can detect potentials according
given by the law of mass action: to the electrochemical series.

aA + bB ↔ cC + dD The Nernst equation is the basis

of potentiometry. It describes
with the equilibrium constant K
this electrochemical potential at
an electrode as a function of the
K = [C]c ∗ [D]d / [A]a ∗ [B]b activity of the ions in the solution.
For the titrations, the reaction
equilibrium should be on the RT aox
Ε = Ε° + ln
right side of the reaction equa- zeF aRed
tion, thus K >> 1.
E Electrode potential
After the reaction has been E° Standard electrode potential
determined, particular attention R Universal or molar gas constant,
R = 8.31447 J mol−1 K−1
must be paid in the laboratory T absolute temperature in Kelvin
to the exact dosage of the set ze Number of electrons transferred
reagent and the selection of a (also equivalence number)
suitable sensor. The core function F Faraday constant,
F = 96485.34 C mol−1
of a modern titrator is the exact
a Activity of the respective redox
dosage of the titrant. The stan- partner
dard ISO 8655 [2] describes the
requirements and check of the
exact dosing.

A pH electrode is used in most 1.2 Titration reactions
cases. In order to establish a
comparability with previous Acid-base titration
results obtained manually by In acid-base or neutralization
colour indicators, it is possible titration, acids are titrated with a
to titrate to a fixed pH value, base (or vice versa). The detec-
which corresponds to a colour tion of the equivalence point can
change. For such an endpoint take place by colour indicators
titration (EP = endpoint) to a or potentiometrically with a glass
fixed pH value, a calibration of electrode. The reaction is the
the electrode is required. same for all acid/base titrations,
water results from a proton and a
Other titrations are carried out hydroxide ion
to an equivalence point (EQ = H+ + OH− ↔ H2O
Equivalence Point). Here, it
If several acids with different pKs
depends only on the change of
values are contained in a solution,
the potential or the pH value.
they show several equivalence
The calibration of a pH electrode
points in a potentiometric ti-
serves only for quality monitor-
tration and can be determined
ing in this case.
next to each other if the alkalinity
values are distinguished by at
The measured value of the
least 2 - 3 powers of ten.
titration is the volume. The cor-
rectness of the volume must be
HX + H2O ↔ H3O+ + X −
verifiable for each consumption.
Consumption at the EQ, EP or
colour change thus indicates
the equivalence of sample sub- c(H3O+ ) ∗ c(X − )
Ks =
stance and added reagent. c(HX)

Titration guide
Precipitation titration Complexometric titration
The precipitation titration is In the complexometric titration,
based on the formation of hardly metal ions are titrated with a
soluble salts of sample and re- strong complexing agent. The
agent. The solubility of salts can equivalence point is detected by
be described by the solubility a colour indicator (also a com-
product K.L For the dissociation plexing agent) or by ion-sensitive
of a salt MmXx in saturated solu- electrodes. For the formation
tion, the following applies: of the complex from a divalent
metal ion and probably the
Mm X x ↔ mM x + + xX m− most commonly used 6-tooth
complexing agent ethylene
with diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA)
the following applies:
( ) ( )
m x
K L = c Mx + ∗c x

M2+ + EDTA 4− ↔ [MEDTA]2−

If several ions are contained in with

a solution, which form products c([MEDTA)2− )
which are hardly soluble with dif- K=
c(M2+ ) + c(EDTA 4− )
ferent solubility product with the
reagent, they show several equiv-
alence points in a potentiometric Divalent metal ions are deter-
titration and can be determined mined often during complexo-
next to each other if the KL values metric titration. The stability of
differ by at least 2 - 3 powers of these complexes depends on the
ten. pH value (a buffer must therefore
be added to the sample if neces-
A classic application of the pre- sary). An important application
cipitation titration is the deter- for complexometric titration is
mination of the halogenides e.g. the determination of water
(Cl-, Br- und I-) by means of AgNO3 hardness in drinking water.
solution or the determination of
the silver content with a NaCl

Redox titration Charge transfer titration
In a redox titration, oxidizing In charge transfer titration,
components are titrated with a negative charges are titrated
reducing agent, or vice versa. with positive charges (or vice
The oxidation states of the versa) to a charge transfer neutral
reactants and thus the redox point. An important application
potential of the sample change. for this is the characterization of
The detection of the EQ can be pulp suspensions by polyelectro-
carried out by colour change lyte titration in paper manufac-
(of colour indicators or the sam- ture.
ple solution), potentiometrically
with a redox electrode (usually a Chemical / visual
Pt electrode) or biamperomet-
A classification of the titrations is
rically with a double platinum
also often carried out according
to the type of detection of the
titration end. The oldest type
M + X ↔ M ++ X − of equivalence point determi-
An important application for nation is the chemical/ visual
redox titration is e.g. the deter- type. Hereby, the detection of
mination of vitamin C in fruit the end or equivalence point is
juices or the Karl Fischer titra- takes place by a colour change
tion. of the sample solution (or of the
precipitate with precipitation
titrations). This usually requires
the addition of a colour indica-
tor, but there are also reactions
where the sample or titrant
changes colour at the EQ. This
type of EQ determination is
mostly used in manual titrations.

Titration guide
With the potentiometric titration, The dependence of this voltage
the determination of the end or on the concentrations c1 and c2
equivalence point takes place by or the ion activities a1 and a2 in
the chemical potential that is es- the individual half-cells can be
tablished at a suitable electrode. formulated according to the
Nernst equation:
This potential depends on the
concentration of ions to which a = fc ∗c
the electrode responds. If the
a = activity
electrode is "inert", that is, not fc = activity coefficient
sensitive to ions contained in the (dependent on concentration)
solution, the redox potential of c = concentration
the solution can be determined.
The electrode potentials follow By measuring the electrode
the Nernst eqution: potential, it is therefore not
possible to determine a concen-
U = U N∗ lg a1/ a 2 tration directly with the Nernst
equation, but only the ion activity.
The potential which adjusts
At very high dilution, the activity
itself at an individual electrode
coefficient is about 1 and there-
cannot be measured directly.
fore the activity is approximately
All that can be measured is
equal to the concentration. Fig. 2
a voltage U as the difference
shows the course of a typical
between two electrode poten-
titration curve.
tials in a closed circuit. In the
example (Fig. 1), two electrodes
made of the same metal are
immersed in solutions of one of
their salts.

Conductor 1st order

a1< a 2

Conductor 2nd order

a 1 a 2


Fig. 1  Circuit in an electrochemical measurement cell [5]

y-axis measurement signal mV value


14.34 ml
150.0 144.8 mV



0.0 ml

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

x-axis Titration volume in ml reagent addition

Fig.  2 mV titration curve of a chloride titration

Titration guide
Biamperometric or Dead Stop Fig. 3 shows a typical titration
titrations can be carried out if curve of an iodometric Dead
reversible redox systems are Stop titrations:
formed or consumed in the
course of the reaction. In this As long as reducing agents are
type of detection, a double plat- still present in the sample, added
inum electrode is used which is iodine is consumed immediately,
polarized at a low voltage. If a in solution there is only iodide,
reversible redox couple is pres- no current flows. When all the
ent, a current flows between the reducing components have
electrodes. As long as is no re- been consumed, iodine and
versible redox couple is present, iodide are present next to each
no current flows between the other as a reversible redox pair,
two electrodes. a current flows between the
Important examples for this are
the Karl Fischer titration and In contrast to iodometry, the
iodometric titrations. The revers- current is not plotted versus
ible redox system, which is used the titration volume with the
to detect the endpoint, is hereby: Karl Fischer titration, but the
titration volume versus time.
l2 + 2e− ↔ 2l− More information about the
course of the reaction, as e.g.
Iodide is oxidized to iodine at the secondary reactions, can be
anode, while iodine is simultane- obtained (see Fig. 4).
ously reduced to iodide at the

y-axis measurement signal μA value

2.0 µA
1.449 ml




0.0 ml
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

x-axis titration volume in ml reagent addition

Fig. 3  Dead Stop titration curve


y-axis with KF reagent addition








0.0 0 s
12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5 75.0 87.5 100.0 112.5

x-axis titration duration

Fig. 4  Karl Fischer titration curve

Titration guide
Photometric Conductometric
In a photometric titration, the In the conductometric titration,
colour change of an indicator is the determination of the EQ
detected with an optical sensor takes place via changing the
(e.g., OptiLine 6). The basis for conductivity of the sample
this is Lambert Beer's law, which solution during the titration.
describes the relationship The conductivity Κ of a sample
between concentration, sample solution depends on the ion
properties and absorption: mobility ui, the concentration ci
and the ion charge zi:
lg = ε∗c∗l
κ = Const ∗ ∑u z c
i i i
I0: Intensity of the incident light beam
Il: Intensity of the transmitted light
beam Thermometric
ε: molar extinction coefficient All voluntarily running chemical
(dependent on wavelength)
c: Concentration reactions release energy that
l: Path of the light beam through the leads to a temperature increase.
sample This temperature of the
reaction solution is exploited in
At the EQ, the colour indicator the thermometric titration for
reacts with the titrant; the colour the determination of the EQ.
and thus also the extinction It is determined with a sensitive
coefficient of the titrated solution temperature sensor. Typically,
change. The intensity of the light the temperature increases up to
arriving at the sensor changes. the EQ, in order to fall thereafter
by addition of further (colder)
titrant solution.

1.3 Titration types
Titrations can be carried out in
different manners [1].

Direct titration Back titration

The best known is the direct In the back titration, the sample
titration, in which the sample is is mixed with a defined amount
titrated directly with a suitable of reagent A. Reagent A must be
standard solution. The amount present in excess. After a reaction
of reagent consumed to the time, the excess is titrated with
equivalence point (or endpoint) another reagent solution B. The
is the amount of substance to difference between the added
be determined. reagent solution A and reagent
A still present after the reaction
Direct titrations also include the corresponds to the amount of
inverse titration, in which the the substance to be determined.
reagent solution is presented Both reagent A and reagent B
and titrated with the sample. must be dosed exactly. Back
Reasons for inverse titration may titrations are e.g. used when
be e.g. a better recognizability the reaction speed between
of the equivalence point, the sample and reagent A is low, no
stability of the reactants, or a suitable sensor is available, or the
greater reaction speed. equivalence point can only be
determined with difficulty.

Titration guide
Indirect titration 11.4  Overview of the
In the indirect titration, the sub- used methods
stance to be determined, which The past 200 years offered suffi-
is contained in the sample in a cient time for the development
non-titratable form, is converted of new titration methods. Several
into a titratable compound by thousand methods or modifica-
a chemical reaction. A known tions exist nowadays. Areas, in
example of an indirect titration which titrations are carried out
is the determination of nitrogen are:
according to Kjeldahl; non-
titratable nitrogen compounds  Water and environmental
are converted to readily titratable analysis
ammonium borate.   Food industry
  Chemical industry
Substitution titration   Pharmaceutical industry
In a substitution titration, a good  Coating and metal processing,
titratable component is released electroplating
from the substance to be deter-   Oil industry
mined by addition of suitable
substances in excess, which can In food analytics, a number
be titrated directly. of products or contents are
quantified in these products by
Phase transfer titration means of titration according to
§ 64 LFGB (food requirement
In phase transfer titration, the de-
objects and feed code). The
tection of the EQ takes place in a
methods include the determi-
different phase than the reaction.
nation of acids in drinks and
An application for this is e.g. the
other foods, the determination
surfactant titration according to
of the salt content, content of
proteins and nitrogen functions,
bases, oxidation components or
oxidation protection and much

An important area is the deter- Pharmacy uses strictly regulated,
mination of humidity or water consistent methods that are de-
content in food. The Karl Fischer fined in pharmacopoeias. These
titration is the method of choice are often content determinations
here, as it is also comparatively of the pharmaceutically active
selective in addition to a high substances. The humidity content
accuracy. The water content in- is also determined by Karl Fischer
fluences numerous properties, titration.
such as durability, processabili-
ty, taste and much more. The samples in electroplating
are very challenging. They often
In the environmental field, water contain high concentrations of
analysis is of particular impor- strong acids and various metals.
tance. Titrations for waste water, Titration is the most important
surface water and seawater method here and is often used
are added to the methods of directly in the production area.
drinking water analysis [1], [10].
Oil can also be titrated. This works
In the chemical industry, various in suitable solvents. Often, acids
methods are used, which mainly are determined in the oil to give
serve to determine key Figures a measure of the aging of the oil
for production raw materials or by oxidation and realization with
finished products. Wastewater air. Base numbers and water con-
must also be examined. Numer- tent are also typically titrated.
ous methods are recorded in
standards. The ISO standards Some of the most important
and also the ASTM regulations methods are presented in the
are used worldwide. following.

Titration guide
Acid-base titrations are used The accurate CO2 content is
widely. These are endpoint determined by means of Gran
titrations to a fixed pH value. The titration, a method that can be
endpoints are therefore often easily automated with a sample
pH 7.0, pH 8.1 or pH 8.2. This changer.
depends on the type of acids
and the comparative values de- With the frequent determination
termined in the past with colour of chloride or "salt", a calibration
indicators. A glass electrode is of the electrode is not necessary.
used for the pH measurement, The titrant is silver nitrate and a
which must be calibrated. For silver or silver chloride electrode
this, the buffers 4.01 pH and 6.87 is used. However, the potentials
pH are recommended. Due to may vary depending on the state
possible problems with alkaline of the electrode, concentration
buffers (CO2 absorption, low and sample matrix. This is why
durability), a correct two-point titration is performed here until
calibration without alkaline an EQ is detected. It does not
buffers is often more accurate depend on the potential itself
than the more elaborate three- then, but on the potentialchange.
point calibration.
Another common titration type
Further information on calibrat- is iodometry. Here, a sample is
ing the pH electrodes can be usually mixed with an excess of
found in our pH guide. iodine. The iodine oxidizes a part
of a sample. The iodine which
A special method is the determi- is not converted is then titrated
nation of alkalinity in seawater. with thiosulphate. This is a back
A multiple of the CO2 of the titration, as both the reagent
atmosphere is dissolved in iodine (or a mixture of iodate
seawater. The pH value of the sea with iodide) must be precisely
drops, the temperature rises and dosed or weighed, as well as the
thus less CO2 can be dissolved back titration must be done with
in the seawater. a well-defined concentration.

For drinking and mineral water, with perchloric acid in glacial
water hardness is an important acetic acid, in which the nitrogen
parameter. Calcium und magne- functions are determined.
sium are relevant with respect to As many bases are present
health and are titrated with EDTA as hydrochloride, an indirect
(Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetic- determination is also possible.
acid). For the detection, either a Free hydrochloric acid is added
calcium ion-sensitive electrode and the free HCl is first titrated
(ISE) is used for the determi- with sodium hydroxide solution,
nation of both parameters or a then the HCl bound to the
copper electrode for the deter- nitrogen. Two equivalence
mination of the total hardness. points result whose difference
Instead of the usual combination corresponds to the number of
electrodes, separate measuring amine groups.
chains (ISE indicator electrode
with separate reference elec- With a glass electrode, acid-base
trode) are often used, which are titration is possible even in black
somewhat more robust. The oil. The most important titration
calcium electrode can directly parameters in oils are, apart
detect the signal of Ca and Mg, from the Karl Fischer titration for
while the copper electrode is water determination, the TAN
required for the indication of (Total Acid Number) and TBN
copper EDTA to detect the total (Total Base Number) determi-
hardness. nations. The TAN is titrated in
toluene/isopropanol with KOH
In electroplating, many metals in in isopropanol. A glass electrode
the sample are also determined and a reference electrode with
complexometrically. One often ground-joint diaphragm, often as
titrates with EDTA as titrant and a combination electrode is used
the Cu-ISE as electrode. The as the electrode.
detection takes place as complex
displacement reaction by the The examples should briefly show
addition of Cu-EDTA. the range of the extent to which
titration methods are used for
In pharmacy, many complex quantification. A number of com-
bases are titrated. The most pleted application specifications
important method is the titration can be found on our website.
Titration guide
2.1 Volume measurement
devices and standards
The volume has a special As a rule, volume vessels are
importance in titration. It is the checked with water. The water
measured value of the titration amount corresponding to the
and most samples are measured volume is weighed and divided
volumetrically with pipettes. by the density. (Motor piston)
burettes are tested according
The analysis scale continues to ISO 8655 part 6 (Gravimetric
to be the basic instrument. test with water) [2] . A factor Z is
The volume is attributed to the used hereby, the reciprocal of
weight. All volume measurement the density, corrected by the
devices have their nominal following factors:
volume at 20°C (attention: the
electrochemistry relates to 25°C).  Temperature
At other temperatures correc-  Buoyancy corrections (scales
tions of the volume must be weights, weighed sample)
applied. It should be noted,  Correction of the cubic expan-
however, that the density for sion coefficient of the glass
different solutions with different   Air humidity
temperatures does not always
behave identically. The correct volume is then the
weight weight of the water multiplied by
Volume = the factor Z (Fig.5).
with the units [ml] =

Air pressure in kPA (Z values in ml/g)
in °C
80.0 85.3 90.7 96.0 101.3 106.7

15.0 1.0018 1.0018 1.0019 1.0019 1.0020 1.0020

15.5 1.0018 1.0018 1.0019 1.0020 1.0020 1.0021
16.0 1.0019 1.0020 1.0020 1.0021 1.0021 1.0022
16.5 1.0020 1.0020 1.0021 1.0022 1.0022 1.0023
17.0 1.0021 1.0021 1.0022 1.0022 1.0023 1.0023
17.5 1.0022 1.0022 1.0023 1.0023 1.0024 1.0024
18.0 1.0022 1.0023 1.0024 1.0024 1.0025 1.0025
18.5 1.0023 1.0024 1.0025 1.0025 1.0026 1.0026
19.0 1.0024 1.0025 1.0025 1.0026 1.0027 1.0027
19.5 1.0025 1.0026 1.0026 1.0027 1.0028 1.0028
20.0 1.0026 1.0027 1.0027 1.0028 1.0029 1.0029
20.5 1.0027 1.0028 1.0028 1.0029 1.0030 1.0030
21.0 1.0028 1.0029 1.0030 1.0030 1.0031 1.0031
21.5 1.0030 1.0030 1.0031 1.0031 1.0032 1.0032
22.0 1.0031 1.0031 1.0032 1.0032 1.0033 1.0033
22.5 1.0032 1.0032 1.0033 1.0033 1.0034 1.0035
23.0 1.0033 1.0033 1.0034 1.0035 1.0035 1.0036
23.5 1.0034 1.0035 1.0035 1.0036 1.0036 1.0037
24.0 1.0035 1.0036 1.0036 1.0037 1.0038 1.0038
24.5 1.0037 1.0037 1.0038 1.0038 1.0039 1.0039
25.0 1.0038 1.0038 1.0039 1.0039 1.0040 1.0041
25.5 1.0039 1.0040 1.0040 1.0041 1.0041 1.0042
26.0 1.0040 1.0041 1.0042 1.0042 1.0043 1.0043
26.5 1.0042 1.0042 1.0043 1.0043 1.0044 1.0045
27.0 1.0043 1.0044 1.0044 1.0045 1.0045 1.0046
27.5 1.0046 1.0046 1.0047 1.0048 1.0048 1.0049
28.0 1.0046 1.0046 1.0047 1.0048 1.0048 1.0049
28.5 1.0047 1.0048 1.0048 1.0049 1.0050 1.0050
29.0 1.0049 1.0049 1.0050 1.0050 1.0051 1.0052
29.5 1.0050 1.0051 1.0051 1.0052 1.0052 1.0053
30.0 1.0052 1.0052 1.0053 1.0053 1.0054 1.0055

Fig. 5  Factor Z in dependence on temperature and air pressure

Titration guide
In the “Guideline for the volume 2.2 Volume measurement
determination in reference
measurement procedures in
devices in the laboratory
medical reference laboratories” Pipettes and graduated
of the DAkkS (German accred- pipettes
itation body), the standards of Pipettes serve for measuring
the individual volume measure- samples. One distinguishes
ment vessels are listed [3]: between graduated pipettes
and volumetric pipettes (Fig. 6).
  Volumetric flasks Preferably, volumetric pipettes
(DIN EN ISO 1042, DIN 12664-1,
with a volume greater than 5 ml
DIN 12664-2)
are used due to the higher
  Volumetric pipettes accuracy and easier handling.
(DIN 12687, DIN 12688, DIN 12691, For smaller volumes, piston-
DIN 12690) stroke pipettes are preferably
used. The size of the opening
  Graduated pipettes and the discharge time are
(DIN 12689, DIN 12695, DIN 12696, optimized on water with its
DIN 12 697, DIN 12 699) surface tension. If an organic
solvent is used, this usually
  Piston-stroke pipettes has a lower surface tension.
(DIN EN ISO 8655-2, DIN EN ISO However, this also effects a
8655-6) faster discharge in addition to
smaller drops. If one drop is
  Piston burettes
smaller than the opening and
the surface tension is small, the
solution will easily run out of
 Diluters the pipette without opening the
(DIN EN ISO 8655-4, DIN EN ISO Peleus ball.
Pipettes are filled up to the mark
 Dispensers (using a pipetting aid such as
(DIN EN ISO 8655-5, DIN EN ISO the Peleus ball) and are read off
8655-6) at the lower meniscus (Fig. 7).



ISO 835




Partial line


Fig. 6 Volumetric (A) and graduated Fig. 7  Meniscus

pipette (B)
Titration guide
All pipettes must always be Accordingly, graduated pipettes
held vertically. The liquid is are used to measure liquids
discharged on an obliquely that are used as auxiliary
held beaker on the side wall. reagents and that often require
The follow-up time must be different volumes. For accurate
observed. Fig. 8 gives an over- volumetric measurements, that
view of the accuracy of the directly enter into a calculation,
measurement and volumetric only volumetric pipettes are
pipettes. suitable.

Graduated pipette
Content Error limit Division Color coding Elapsed time
ml ± ml ml DIN 12 621 s
1 0.006 0.01 yellow 2-8
2 0.01 0.02 black 2-8
5 0.03 0.05 red 5-11
10 0.05 0.1 orange 5-11
25 0.1 0.1 white 9-15

Content Error limit Color coding Elapsed time

ml ± ml DIN 12 621 s
1 0.007 blue 7-11
2 0.01 orange 7-11
5 0.015 white 9-13
10 0.02 red 11-15
20 0.03 yellow 12-16
25 0.03 blue 15-20
50 0.05 red 20-25
100 0.08 yellow 25-30

Fig. 8  Accuracy of a volumetric and of a graduated pipette

Piston-stroke pipettes
Piston-stroke pipettes up to
10 ml sample volume, preferably
from 1 to 5 ml, are particularly
safe and easy in its handling.

Piston-stroke pipettes (Fig. 9) can

be equipped with a fixed or
variable volume. Handling is usu-
ally easier than with volumetric
pipettes. The pipettes must be
checked regularly according to
ISO 8655 part 6 (such as also the
motor piston burettes).

Fig. 9  Piston-stroke pipette

Titration guide
Volumetric flasks Measurement cylinders
Volumetric flasks are used to pre- Measuring cylinders are used
pare solutions. A certain amount to be able to add a defined
is weighed and transferred amount of reagent quickly and
quantitatively into the volumetric accurately. They are not suitable
flask. In the titration, the follow- for measuring a sample. In water
ing work steps are often carried analysis, 100 ml sample volumes
out with a volumetric flask: are often used. But also for this,
the volumetric pipette and not
 Preparation of comparison the measuring cylinder is recom-
solutions and reagent addi- mended. As with the pipettes,
tions. A defined amount of a the fill level is reached when the
substance is weighed into a meniscus rests on the ring mark.
weighing boat and transferred
quantitatively (e.g. with distilled Burettes
water) to the volumetric flask by Manual burettes (Fig.10) are
means of a funnel or rinsed. still used for manual titration.
In contrast to motor piston
 Many solid samples are and bottle-top burettes, they
dissolved and transferred into have no digitaldisplay. Read-
the volumetric flask via a funnel. ing errors can easily lead
The unit of such samples is then to false results (Fig.11). The
weight/volume, e.g. mg/l or g/l. reagents must be protected
more against disturbing influ-
It is filled up to the ring mark. ences, as e.g. CO2, which can
As with the pipettes, the fill level falsify the content of alkaline
is reached when the meniscus titrants. Some titrations, such
rests on the ring mark. as the Karl Fischer titration are
virtually impossible with glass


1 0




5 7

6 9

Fig. 10  Glass burette and pellet burette

Glass burette AS
Content Error limit Division Elapsed time
ml ± ml ml s
10 0.02 0.02 35-45
25 0.03 0.05 35-45
50 0.05 0.1 35-45

Fig. 11  Accuracy of a glass burette AS

Titration guide
Piston burettes
Piston burettes offer the most Criteria for the selection of a
accurate way to dose volumes motor piston burette could be
from 1 to 100 ml. This can be the following:
done by means of a bottle-top
burette (with or without motor)  Accuracy
or as a motor piston burette. The   Automatic filling
accuracy depends on the cylinder  Automation
volume, the length to diameter  Interfaces
ratio, the motor and the transmis-   Exchangeable units
sion. Thus, accuracy specifica-  Handling
tions going beyond the specifi-
cations of the ISO 8655 also exist
(Fig. 12). The motor piston burette
TITRONIC® 500 (Fig.13) exceeds
for example the required stan-
dard values.

Table 1 - Maximum permissible errors for motor-driven piston burettes

Nominal volume Maximum permissible systematic error Maximum permissible random error
ml ±% ± μla ± %b μlc

≤ 1 0.6 6.0 0.1 1.0

2 0.5 10 0.1 2.0
5 0.3 15 0.1 5.0
10 0.2 20 0.07 7.0
20 0.2 40 0.07 14
25 0.2 50 0.07 17.5
50 0.2 100 0.05 25
100 0.2 200 0.03 30
Expressed as the deviation of the mean of a tenfold measurement from the nominal volume or from the selected volume,
(see ISO 8655-6:202, 8.4).
Expressed as the coefficient of variation of a measurement (see ISO 8655-6:202, 8.5).
Expressed as the repeatability standard deviation of a tenfold measurement (see ISO 8655-6:202, 8.5).

Fig. 12  Accuracy of motor piston burettes ISO 8655 part 3 [2]
Fig. 13  Motor piston burette TITRONIC® 500 with exchangable unit
Titration guide
2.3 Verification of the
correct volume
The verification of the volume The calculation formulas are:
correctness usually takes place
according to ISO 8655 part 6 and
Vi = mi ⋅ Ζ
is documented in a check table n
(Fig. 14). V=
∗ ∑V

10 doses each are carried out

on an analytical balance at 10%,
es = 100 V − Vs / V0 )
50% and 100% of the cylinder
∑( V − V)
volume with water (with defined i
purity). For these 30 dosages, sr =
n −1
the weighing results are multi- s V
plied by a numerical factor Z (see cv = 100 r ∗ s
V V0
Fig. 5).

The difference of the average Vi Dosed individual volume

value is compared to the mi Weight in [g] of this individual vol-
displayed volume. The system- ume
V̅ Average value of the same
atic error is calculated from the
10 volumes
difference. The "fluctuations" are es Relative systematic error of the
calculated as the relative individual measurement
standard deviation and represent sr Random error as the standard devi-
the random error. ation
cv Relative, random error
Vs Target volume
V0 Nominal volume cylinder

% Displayed Calculated Difference Systematic Variation
No. Weight
Cylinder volume volume (target vol.- measurement coefficient
(Ex) [ml] [ml] actual volume) deviation [%]
[ml] [%]
1 1.9870 1.9940 0.0060
2 1.9850 1.9919 0.0081
3 1.9950 2.0020 -0.0020
4 1.9820 1.9889 0.0111
5 1.9790 1.9859 0.0141
10 2.0000 0.0368 0.0056
6 1.9850 1.9919 0.0081
7 1.9780 1.9849 0.0151
8 1.9940 2.0010 -0.0010

Fig. 14  Test according to ISO 8655 Teil 6:

9 1.9900 1.9970 0.0030
10 1.9820 1.9889 0.0111

here, the first 10 dosages of a 20 ml unit are given

Titration guide
2.4 Cleaning and care
All piston burettes require a
small but careful care effort. This
shall be shown in detail using
the example of motor piston
burettes (Fig. 15). The care
naturally also depends on the
type and frequency of its use
(Fig. 16).

An important element is the

seal between the piston and
the glass wall of the cylinder. If
the sealing lips are leaking, the
piston and/or the cylinder must
be replaced.

At the latest when the space

between the two lower sealing
lips (Fig. 17) is filled with liquid,
a replacement is absolutely
necessary. If the dosing system
is not used for more than two
weeks, we recommend that the
dosing attachment be emptied
and cleaned. This applies in
particular to the operating condi-
tions cited under "High demand".
Failure to do so may cause the
piston or valve to leak and the
titrator is damaged.

We recommend the following test
and maintenance work High demand Normal demand

Simple cleaning: Always during use, Always during use,

• External wiping of chemical splashes when necessary when necessary
Visual check:
• Check for untightness in the area
of the dosing system? Weekly, and when Monthly, and when
• Is the piston tight? restarting restarting
• Is the valve tight?
• Titrating tip free?
Basic cleaning of the dosing system:
• Clean all parts of the dosing system Every three months When necessary
Technical check:
• Check for air bubbles in the dosing system. Half-yearly, and when Half-yearly, and when
• Visual check restarting restarting
• Check electrical connections
Check of the volume according to ISO 8655:
• Carry out basic cleaning Half-yearly Yearly
• Check according to ISO 8655 part 6 or part 7

Fig. 15  Maintenance and check plant at piston burettes

High demand:
Use of concentrated dissolutions, reagents and chemicals (> 0.5 mol/l); chemicals
which attack glass such as fluorides, phosphates, alkaline solutions, solutions which
tend to crystallize; FE(III) chloride solutions; oxidizing and corroding solutions such as
iodine, potassium permanganate; Cerium(IV), Karl Fischer titrants, HCl; solutions with
a viscosity > 5 mm2/s; use often, daily.

Normal demand:
Use of for example solutions which do not attack glass, do not crystallize or do not
corrode, reagents and chemicals (< 0.5 mol/l).

Fig. 16  Usage of burettes

Titration guide
Sealing lips

Fig. 17  There may not be any liquid between the sealing lips

2.5 Manual titration
The manual titration can be
carried out with simple glass 1
burettes or with piston burettes.
It still has its legitimacy when it 2

comes to carrying out very few

individual content determina- 3

tions with minimal effort.


Manual titration (Fig.18) is still in- 5

cluded in many older standards Standard solution
as prescribed methods. How- 6
ever, the automated methods
have prevailed today. They can 7

be implemented analogously to
the "old" methods, optimize and 8

accelerate the processes.


In manual titration, an indicator

is usually used that changes its
colour at the EQ.

Sample solution

Fig. 18  Manual titration with the sample solution in an Erlenmeyer flask and the
reagent in a glass burette
Titration guide
Indicators exist for nearly all Colour indicators have some
titrations. Acid-base, redox and considerable disadvantages:
metal indicators are the most
common (Fig. 19, general over-  They are not suitable for
view in [16]). In the acid titration heavily coloured samples
with sodium hydroxide, phenol-
phthalein is often used, which  The colour changes are
turns from colourless to pink at perceived subjectively
the endpoint (Fig. 20). In some
titrations, the colour also chang-  The colour changes are often
es by the titrant itself, so that no only temporary or sluggish
indicator has to be added, e.g.
with potassium permanganate.  The indicators change colour
in a larger transition area and
participate in the reaction.

Indicator Indicator range Colour changeover Manufacture

Bromophenol blue 3.0 – 4.6 yellow-violet 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
Kongo red 3.0 – 5.2 blue-red 0.1 g, water
Bromocresol green 3.1 – 4.4 red-yellow orange 0.04 g, water
Bromocresol green 3.8 – 5.4 yellow-blue 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
2.5 dinitrophenol 4.0 – 5.8 colorless yellow 0.05 – 1 g, ethanol (20%)
Alizarin S 4.3 – 6.3 yellow-violet 0.1 g, water
Methyl red 4.4 – 6.2 red-yellow 0.1 g, ethanol
Litmus 5.0 – 8.0 red-blue 0.2 g, ethanol
Bromocresol purple 5.2 – 6.8 yellow-purple 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
Bromophenol red 5.2 – 6.8 yellow-purple 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
Bromothymol blue 6.0 – 7.6 yellow-blue 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
Phenol red 6.4 – 8.2 yellow-red 0.1 g, ethanol (20%)
Neutral red 6.8 – 8.0 red-yellow 0.1 g, ethanol (70%)
Phenolphthalein 8.2 – 9.8 colorless-red 0.1 g, ethanol
Thymolphthalein 9.3 – 10.5 colorless-blue 0.04 – 0.1 g, ethanol (50%)

Fig. 19  Some examples of acid base indicators with pH indicator ranges, colour
changeover and manufacture [16]
0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

Fig. 20  Acid titration with sodium hydroxide, with phenolphthalein as indicator;
close before the EQ (A), at the EQ (B)
Titration guide

Fig 21  Modern titrator TitroLine® with sample changer in use

2.6 Comparison of
manual and automatic
Even if manual titrations are With manual titration, the sensor
still carried out today, the many and thus its influence on the
advantages speak in favor of total titration time are elimi-
using an automatic titrator nated. In slow reactions, too
(Fig. 21). fast manual titration can lead to
over- or under- findings. Thus,
In Fig. 22, the two application some redox reactions are so
forms are compared. Manual slow that they run at higher
titration is often faster. The dura- temperatures or that catalysts
tion of the titration consists of the must be added. There is a risk
reaction duration and the setting here that the titration in manual
of the sensor potential. determination is too fast and
the chemical conversion cannot

Manual titration Automatic titration

 very fast  fast

 exact  very exact
 simple  simple after implementation
 versatile  versatile
 very many standards and regulations  very many standards and regulations
 reproducibility  reproducibility, documentation
 comparability  correctness and comparability
 automation capacity  automation capacity

Fig. 22  Comparison of manual and automatic titration

Titration guide
The automatic potentiometric With the endpoint titration, one
titration works in a drift-controlled also titrates to one point. The
manner, that is, the progress of direct potentiometric implemen-
the reaction can be monitored tation of a manual titration is thus
by means of a sensor. With an endpoint titration to the point
manual titration with indicator, where the indicator changes
one titrates until the colour colour. In contrast to manual titra-
changes. With the content tion, a complete titration curve is
calculation, exactly one point of also available here for evaluation.
the entire titration is thus used for
the evaluation. There thus does In Fig. 23, the equivalence point
not exist any possibility to get is at pH 7.42. The colour change
information about: starts at pH 6.80, an endpoint
titration would be ended at pH
  Reaction process 7.00. However, as the titration
  Signal/noise ratio curve is very steep, differences
 Behavior directly before and in consumption, which is in effect
after the endpoint the measurement unit of the
 Characteristics for an uncer- titration, are very low. For flat
tainty consideration titration curves, in contrast,
  Are there several endpoints? significant differences can occur.
The three different detections
With the potentiometric titration, (optical manual, EP titration and
the entire titration curve is avail- EQ titration) must therefore be
able and thus also evaluation regarded as (slightly) different
criteria for the above points. In methods.
addition, several measurement
points in the region of the equi-
valence point are used for an
equivalence point calculation.




8.0 10.77 ml

Changeover area neutral red 7.418 pH







1.0 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0 11.25
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 23  Changeover area and equivalence point with a suitable indicator

Titration guide
3.1 Basics
Sampling and homogenization In any case, a sample must first
are important prerequisites for be brought into a homoge-
achieving a "correct" result. neous, dissolved form in order
to be titrated. This happens
When transporting a sample, according to the scheme in
it cannot always be ensured Fig. 24. For this, it is import-
that it will remain unchanged ant to remove enough sample
upon arrival. An example are from the material, as it is not
samples that can absorb or always ensured that the content
release humidity. There are of a sample is homogeneously
only a few packagings that are distributed in a material. The
really absolutely impermeable following points should be
to water vapor. Many plastic observed:
bottles are permeable to water
vapor to a small extent.  Is there a sediment for liquid
Temperature fluctuations and samples?
other influences of the transport
should also be considered. For  Is there a difference in concen-
this reason, care must already tration due to a temperature
be taken when sampling to difference in the vessel?
see how it can be transported
without changing.  Is it natural samples, which e.g.
have a shell and an inner part?

 Do the samples have a coating?

 Does the surface absorb hu-


Another issue is the release of A homogenizer can be used
the parameter to be determined. profitably in the sample prepa-
For example, the chloride con- ration of many samples. It can
tent in cheese is an important shred many food samples faster
indicator of shelf life and taste. and ensure a fine distribution.
If there is not enough chloride The analysis components to be
in the cheese, it spoils. If there determined are released from
is too much salt in the cheese, the samples of water or solvent
it does not taste good. For the and are well distributed at the
determination of the chloride same time.
content, a piece of cheese
(about 0.5 to 1 g) may well be
placed in a beaker and filled
with water. But almost nothing
happens. The cheese floats in
the water and the salt stays in
the cheese. Only with increased
temperature and a homogenizer,
the largely complete release of
the salt succeeds.

Solid sample • crushing

• homogenizing
• dissolving

Liquid sample • dissolving

• homogenizing

Gaseous sample • absorbing in a solvent

Fig. 24  Processing of samples

Titration guide
With special titrations, a strategy 3.2 Direct volume
must be developed in advance
In most cases of general titration,
to ensure that the quantity to be
a specific volume of the sample
determined is also obtained in
is pipetted directly into the titra-
a quantitative manner. Fig. 25
tion vessel. For volumes up to
illustrates the procedure. In the
5 ml, the piston-stroke pipette
case of water determination,
has proven itself. For volumes
e.g. according to Karl Fischer,
above 5 ml to 100 ml, the volu-
an attempt is made to dissolve
metric pipette is the instrument
the sample completely. If this
of choice. Usually, 50 to 150 ml
is not possible, the water of the
beakers are used as the titration
sample must be evaporated in
vessel. The samples are then
an oven or only the adhering
filled with solvent, usually
water is determined. An attempt
water, until the titration tip and
is made to change the duration
the electrode are immersed in
of the dissolution process and
the solution. At the electrode,
the polarity of the solvent, or
the diaphragm must be covered
to increase the temperature. In
with solvent.
order to change the polarity,
one works with different sol-
vents or mixtures.


Duration Methanol and formamide

Dissolving trials Polarity of the solvent Methanol

Temperature Methanol + chloroform

Fig. 25  Sample preparation for KF titration

3.3 Direct weighed
Soluble samples are weighed in a volumetric flask to a certain
directly into the titration vessel. volume in order to use a specific
The direct weighed sample aliquot for the titration.
should be over 100 mg. Other-
wise, the method as described Example:
in section 3.4 is recommended. 5 ml of a highly concentrated
The solid samples are also filled sample are filled up to 100 ml in
with solvent as described with a volumetric flask. Of these, 20
the solutions. ml are taken with a volumetric
pipette for the determination.
3.4 Aliquoting
The calculation formula for a
It is not always possible to use result in [mol/l] without dilution
a sample as a solid or liquid step is:
sample directly for a titration.
Thus, a high content in a sample Result [mol/l] = consumption
may require titration with a high [ml] x concentration of the titrant
concentration of titrant or [mol/l] / sample volume [ml]
effect high consumption. This
can lead to high costs (e.g. with As the 5 ml sample is diluted to
silver nitrate), to long titration 100 ml, each ml of this dilution
times or to unfavorable handling contains 0.05 ml of original sam-
(e.g. due to large volumes). The ple, thus 1.00 ml original sample
size of the sample vessels are for 20 ml dilution:
often predetermined by the de-
gree of automation and thus also Result [mol/l] = consumption
the sample amounts are limited. [ml] x concentration of the titrant
In addition, the high accuracy [mol/l] / (volume aliquot [ml] x
of the motor piston burettes no 5/100)
longer requires high consump-
tion in order to obtain a safe
result. Samples with a high
content are therefore often filled

Titration guide
3.5 Weigh out small solid
Solid samples are often weighed With many solid samples, the
directly into a beaker, dissolved accuracy can be increased by
or homogenized and titrated. one order of magnitude when
The 4-digit analytical balance operating with the procedure
is the right instrument for this. shown in (Fig. 26).
Nevertheless, handling weighed
samples less than 100 mg is dif- A larger amount of the sample
ficult and often involves large er- (e.g., 5.8443 g NaCl) is weighed
rors. This may be due to the scale in, plus water in a larger amount
or the handling of the sample, (e.g. 95.000 g). A portion of this
but also to the installation condi- solution is removed and weighed
tions of the balance in its place. again (e.g. 1.0000 g). The NaCl
part can be calculated according
to the following formula:

sample part [g] =

Example sodium chloride (salt)

Symb. Description Example values Unit

(E) Weighted sample of the salt 5.8443 [g]

(W) Water is weighed in 95.000 [g]

(G) (G = E + W) total weight 100.844(3) [g]

(T) (T) weigh the partial amount to the titration 1.0000 [g]

PA The partial amount contains sodium chloride = 5.8443 * 1.0000 /

sample part = T * E / (E + W)
= 0.057953 [g]

Fig. 26  Calculation of a partial amount (PA) with gravimetric manufacture of

the solution
In practice, the following pro-
cedure has been proven to be

The solution is drawn into a

syringe, placed on an analytical
balance and is tared (Fig.27). An
arbitrary partial amount is added
to the titration vessel from the
syringe and the syringe is
weighed back.

The direct weighed sample

of NaCl with 0.0580 g would
already have an uncertainty
of +/- 0.0002 g through the
balance. Handling errors and
other influences are not yet

Fig. 27  Syringe with sample on analytical balance

Titration guide
4.1 Overview of the sensors
The following electrodes are part of the standard equipment of a 
titration laboratory:

 pH combination electrode with platinum diaphragm

(for all aqueous acid-base titrations)

 Silver combination electrode

(for the determination of e.g. chloride…)

 Platinum combination electrode

(for all redox reactions)

 Platinum double electrode
(for reversible redox reactions with dead stop detection)

 pH combination electrode with ground-joint diaphragm (with or-

ganic electrolyte solutions for titration in organic solutions)

 Ion-sensitive electrodes (ISE), such as Ca electrode, Cu electrode,

fluoride electrode as combination electrode or with a separate
reference electrode (depending on the task and type of the sam-

Titration guide
Individual electrode potentials
cannot be measured directly, but
only the difference between two
electrode potentials. Therefore,
a combination of indicator and
reference electrode must always
be used. The potential of the
reference electrode must not
change during the titration. Either
a combined measuring chain or
separate indicator and reference
electrodes can be used (see
Fig. 28).

Details regarding the measuring

chains are represented in detail
in our pH guide [5].

Combination electrodes, i.e.

combined electrodes contain-
ing the indicator and reference
electrodes, are usually used
nowadays. In special cases,
an indicator electrode is used
together with a separate
reference electrode. Separate
measuring chains are often used
with ISE electrodes, as their
durability - depending on the
application - of indicator and
reference electrodes is different.

KCI refill opening KCI refill opening

KCl solution KCl solution

Inner buffer
Reference element

Discharge line

Inner buffer
Reference element

Discharge line

Discharge element

Discharge element

Membrane Membrane


Fig. 28  pH indicator electrode (A) reference electrode (B) and combined
measuring chain (C) [5]

Titration guide
The conductive connection When using a glass electrode
of the reference electrode is as a reference electrode, it must
made via the diaphragm. In the be noted that the glass elec-
case of electrodes with liquid trode must be connected to
electrolyte, a small amount of the high-impedance measuring
the reference electrolyte must input due to its high resistance,
always flow out here. The used and not to the measuring
diaphragms are shown in Fig. 29. input for the reference electrode.
The titration curves change their
For titrations, electrodes with direction.
platinum diaphragms are mainly
used. For applications in organic
solvents, electrodes with a
ground-joint diaphragm are
recommended, as they are less
prone to clogging due to the
higher discharge.

Type Resistance Discharge Application / Properties

+ general application. robust,
- juniversally, short response time, constant
Ceramic 1 kΩ 0,2 ml/d insensible against dirt and chemical reactions,
tend to pollution/blockage

+ universal, fast setting, constant

contamination-resistant, clean
Platinum 0,5 kΩ 1 ml/d defined discharge channels, less
diffusion tension
- only clean chemically, not mechanically

+ Emulsion, pastes, purest water, easy cleaning,

Ground - discharge deviations due to different placement
0,2 kΩ 3 ml/d
joint of the ground joint; loosening of the ground joint
difficult with internal overpressure, filigree
+ Annular gap symmetrical, easy handling, resistant
Annular solid to contamination
0,1 kΩ - sample can reach the reference system, cleaning
gap electrolyte
of the reference system not possible

+ fast setting, easy handling,

Fibre 1 kΩ - sample can reach the reference system, cleaning
of the reference system not possible

Fig. 29  Diaphragm types [5]

4.2 Electrolyte solutions 4.3 Calibration of
The reference electrodes can electrodes
provide their ions in different Only pH electrodes in aqueous
ways: solutions are calibrated. Accord-
ing to DIN 19268, the buffers
  Solid electrolyte contribute the highest uncertain-
  Thickened liquid electrolyte ty factor to the calibration. The
 Liquid electrolyte with different most stable buffers are e.g. the
concentration buffers 4.00 pH, 4.01 pH, 6.87
pH, 7.00 pH. Alkaline buffers
KCl 3 mol/l is often used as can absorb CO2, have a greater
electrolyte. KNO3 2 mol/l with temperature dependence and,
KCl 0.001 mol/l is inserted into depending on the composition,
silver combination electrodes, are more affected by fungal
since as little chloride as pos- growth and bacterial attack.
sible should escape. In some As the electrodes behave in a
surfactant titrations sodium very linear manner, there is no
chloride is recommended, in need to calibrate with more
organic solvents LiCl in ethanol than 2 buffers, even if measured
or glacial acetic acid is used outside the range of pH 4 to 7.
depending on the solvent. Calibration is only mandatory if
an endpoint titration is carried
out to a fixed pH. In a titration
with EQ evaluation, it only
depends on the change in the
measured value, and not on the
value itself. The maximum of the
first derivation is consulted for
the EQ calculation. The calibra-
tion values are however a quality
criterion for the electrode.

Titration guide
The slope and the zero point All other electrodes are checked
are calculated. Their limits by the titration of a standard and
depend on their own requi- evaluation of the titration curve.
rements of the measurement
uncertainty. The following limits The criteria are:
are widely used, within which an
electrode is still considered to be (1) Is the content found again?
trustworthy: (2) Is the EQ in the expected
potential range (Fig. 30 )?
  Slope > 95 % to 102 % (3) Does the titration take longer
  Zero point pH 6.5 to pH 7.2 than normal?
(4) Are the start and stop poten-
The slope of the electrode and tials in the expected range
the response time are often (Fig. 30 and)?
linked. A slow electrode also (5) Does the first derivation
has a low slope. The response have the usual height or the
behavior is important for the usual value at the maximum?
titration. We recommend an (6) Is the titration free from
exchange with a slope below noise?
95%. Too slow electrodes can
lead to errors: If the titration is If one or even more of the criteria
carried out with an electrode is not met, the electrode should
which is too slow, a value that be exchanged after a thorough
is too high is often found. error analysis.



6.77 ml
200.0  196.3 mV




0.0 0 ml
0.875 1.75 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.25 6.125 7.0 7.875
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 30  Criteria for evaluating the electrode quality

Titration guide
4.4 Reagents Sodium hydroxide
The most commonly used Sodium hydroxide is used in
reagents are (sorted by the a concentration of 0.01 mol/l
frequency of their applications): to 1 mol/l. The highly diluted
solutions can absorb CO2 from
 NaOH, sodium hydroxide (for the atmosphere and thus alter
the determination of acids in their content. They are used for
aqueous systems) very accurate titrations under
inert gas. The reagent bottles
  HCl, hydrochloric acid (for the with alkaline reagents are closed
determination of bases, carbon- with CO2 absorption tubes.
ates and bicarbonates in aque- These contain soda lime, a mix-
ous systems) ture of solid NaOH and Ca(OH)2.
This must be exchanged regu-
 Na2EDTA (for complexometric larly. An indicator in soda lime
determinations) indicates the exchange too late.
Higher concentrations than
 HClO4, perchloric acid in 0.1 mol/l can attack the glass
glacial acetic acid (determination of the cylinder. Therefore, the
of bases in organic solvents) tightness of the pistons must be
specially observed.
When using the reagents, in
addition to the safety regulations, Hydrochloric acid
some matters must be observed: Hydrochloric acid in concentra-
tions up to 0.1 mol/l is easy to
handle. It is corrosive in higher
concentration and can cause
damages in the titrator. It is
recommended to remove the
unit from the titrator when not in

Na2EDTA (NH4)2Fe2(SO4)2
Na2EDTA contains some NaOH. Ammonium iron (II) sulphate is a
The same aspects apply as with reducing agent. It is often stabi-
sodium hydroxide Concentra- lized with sulfuric acid and there-
tions of 0.01 mol/l to 0.1 mol/l fore has a corrosive effect.
are common.
KOH in Ethanol or isopropanol
AgNO3 Potassium hydroxide in alcohol
Silver nitrate can be used over a is a very strong base. The same
wide concentration range and is aspects apply here as with
also very stable. Due to the high sodium hydroxide.
molecular weight and the easy
solubility, a silver nitrate standard HClO4 in glacial acetic acid
solution can be produced very Perchloric acid in glacial acetic
accurately. Silver nitrate is sensi- acid is a very strong acid.
tive to light and must be stored Perchloric acid is usually used
in dark bottles. with 0.1 mol/l. Solutions which
are more diluted lead to flatter
Na2S2O3 titration curves.
Sodium thiosulphate is a reduc-
ing agent and is stabilized with
commercially available titrants.
If you make it yourself, the titer is
only stable after some time.

Cerium sulphate is a strong
oxidizer and must correspond-
ingly be handled with care. It is

Titration guide
4.5 Titer determination
The titration is an absolute The real concentration of the
method which is directly attrib- titrant is often calculated during
utable to the chemical conver- the titer determination:
sion. The measured value is the
volume of titrant that is convert- W
ed during the reaction. This as- real concentration T =
EQ ∗ M
sumes that the concentration of
the titrant is actually correct. It In the software of the titration
is therefore always the first step devices from SI Analytics®,
of an application to determine the term “Titer“ describes the
its concentration accurately. If real concentration and not the
this is carried out with a certi- dimensionless factor. We also
fied standard, the concentration use this term in the examples
can be traced back to a nation- of titration applications in this
al standard (original titer sub- guide.
stance) and its concentration
can be determined accurately W ∗ F2
at the same time. The certified T [mol / l] =
(EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
standards must be treated care-
fully. They should be kept dry
at 15 - 25 °C in their original T: Real concentration of the titrant
W: Weighed sample standard /
sealed packaging. If necessary sample in [g]
they must be dried before use EQ: Consumption titrant
(Fig. 31). M: molar mass of the standard
B: Blank value of the solvent
F1, F2: variable factors e.g. for the con-
The titer is a dimensionless num- version of units, stoichiometry
ber for correcting the indicated c: Target concentration of the
concentration. The titer is about titrant

Titer =
EQ ∗ c ∗ M

Standard titer Molar mass
Application Formula Drying
substance [g/mol]

Acidimetry sodium carbonate Na2CO3 105.99 180 °C

free of water
C4H11N03 121.14 105 °C
aminomethan (TRIS)

Alkalimetry Benzoic acid C7H602 122.12 -

Potassium hydrogen phthalate C8H5K04 204.23 105 °C /3h

Argentometry Sodium chloride NaCl 58.443 110 °C

Karl Fischer Di-sodium tartrate C4H4Na2O6*2H20 230.08 -

titration Di-hydrate

Complexometry Calcium carbonate CaCO3 100.09 105 °C

Zinc Zn 65.37 -

Oxidimetry di-arsenic trioxide As2O3 197.84 105 °C /3h

di-sodium oxalate C2Na2O4 133.999 105 °C

Iron(II) ethylene (CH2NH3)2 S04 * 382.15 -

diammonium sulfate FeSO4*4H20

potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 294.19 105°C

potassium iodate KI03 214.00 150 °C / 180 °C

Fig. 31  Standard titer substances and reference materials for the titration

Titration guide
Titer determination of bases
Alkalis can be adjusted with Instruction for the titer determi-
acids. Suitable acids are nation of a 0.1 mol/l NaOH
potassium hydrogen phthalate, Approximately 200 mg of
benzoic acid, oxalic acid dihy- potassium hydrogen phthal-
drate or amidosulfonic acid. ate are weighed into a 150 ml
In water or acetic acid as solvent, beaker with an analytical
potassium hydrogen phthalate is balance to four digits after the
recommended, in organic solu- decimal point and are filled up
tions, e.g. in the pharmaceutical with deionized carbonate-free
sector, benzoic acid is usually water to approx. 100 ml.
used. After complete dissolution, the
titration is started to a pH 11 or
The reaction equation for the up to an equivalence point. The
titer determination with potassi- equivalence point is evaluated.
um hydrogen phthalate is: The consumption is approxi-
mately 10 ml.
PhtKH + NaOH → Pht2- + H2O + Na+
+ K+
Handling of the standard
Potassium hydrogen phthalate  Drying:
(Fig. 32) is only weakly dissociated two hours at 120 °C
in aqueous solution. The titration  Storage:
curve therefore increases initially, Tightly closed in the original
similar to acetic acid, to show packaging, protect from light
a steep jump after a plateau. and humidity, at room tem-
The pKs2 value is 5.41. perature (+15 - 25 ° C)
 Observe the minimum

The following must be Calculation of the titer
observed: W ∗ F2
T [mol / l] =
 The slope of the pH (EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
electrode is > 95 % for
the aqueous titration T: real concentration of the
 The NaOH solution in the titrant
storage bottle must be W: Weighed sample standard /
protected against CO2 sample in [g]
EQ: Consumption titrant in [ml]
influence with soda lime B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
 All crystals of the standard M: 204,22 g/mol (molar mass of
must be completely dissolved potassium hydrogen phthalate)
at the start of the titration F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - L)
The following titration
parameters are recommended:
  Dynamic titration
 Normal (average) titration speed
  Dynamics: steep
  No damping
 End criterion 1 EQ with slope
value 700 mV/ml and pH 11


10.13 ml
8.568 pH






3.5 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 32  Titer determination of an 0.1 mol/l NaOH with potassium hydrogen
Titration guide
Titer determination of acids
Acids can be adjusted with Instruction for the titer determi-
bases. As a base, e.g. sodium nation of a 0.1 mol/l HCl
carbonate and TRIS (tris(hy- Approx. 120 mg TRIS are
droxymethyl)-aminomethane, weighed into a 150 ml
or according to IUPAC 2-amino- beaker with an analytical
2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1.3- balance to four digits after the
diol) are suitable. TRIS is recom- decimal point, and filled with
mended, as the handling is deionized, carbonate-free water
simpler and more secure. to approx. 100 ml. After com-
plete dissolution, the titration is
The reaction equation for titer started to a pH 2.5 or up to an
determination with TRIS is: equivalence point. The equi-
valence point is evaluated. The
C(CH2OH)3NH2 + H3O+ → consumption is approximately
C(CH2OH)3NH3+ + H2O 10 ml.

A falling titration curve (Fig. 33) Handling of the standard

results, which can be interrupted  Drying:
at the EQ or which can be 24 hours via desiccant in the
counted back after overtitration desiccator
of the EQ. The latter method is  Storage:
recommended if carbonates are Tightly closed in the original
expected. packaging, protect from light
and humidity, at room
temperature (+15 - 25 ° C)
 Observe the minimum

The following must be Calculation of the titer
observed: W ∗ F2
 The slope of the pH T [mol / l] =
(EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
electrode is > 95 % for
the aqueous titration T: Real concentration of the titrant
 The added solvent must W: Weighed sample standard /
be free from CO2 sample in [g]
 All crystals of the standard EQ: Consumption titrant in [ml]
B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
must be completely dissolved
M: 121.14 g/mol (molar mass of TRIS)
at the start of the titration F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)
The following titration
parameters are recommended:
  Dynamic titration
 Normal (average) titration
  Dynamics: steep
  No damping
 End criterion 1 EQ with
slope value 700 mV/ml and
pH 2.5






8.76 ml
4.375 4.857 pH


2.625 0 ml
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 33  Titer determination of an 0.1 mol/l HCl with TRIS

Titration guide
Titer determination of silver
Silver nitrate is often adjusted Instruction for the titer determi-
with NaCl. This is available as nation of a 0.1 mol/L AgNO3
a secondary NIST standard. Approx. 58 mg of NaCl are
Although KCl would have a accurately weighed into a
higher molecular weight, it is 150 ml beaker to four digits
often not available in the neces- after the decimal point using
sary purity. an analytical balance, filled
with deionized water up to
The reaction equation for the ti- approx. 100 ml, and 2 ml of semi-
ter determination with NaCl is: concentrated HNO3 or H2SO4
are added. The equivalence
Na+ + Cl- + Ag++ NO3- → point is evaluated. The
Na+ + NO3- + AgCl ↓ consumption is approximately
10 ml. A white precipitation
An increasing titration curve forms during titration.
(Fig. 34) results, which can be
interrupted at the EQ or which Handling of the standard
can be counted back after over-
titration of the EQ. When a glass  Drying: at 110 °C 3 hours
electrode is used as a reference,  Storage: Tightly closed in
a falling titration curve results. the original packaging,
protect from light and
humidity, at room temperature
(+15 - 25 ° C).
 Observe the minimum

The following must be

 The titration shall last between
three and five minutes.

The following titration Calculation of the titer
parameters are recommended: W ∗ F2
  Dynamic titration T [mol / l] =
(EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
  Measuring speed:
Measurement time 3 s T: Real concentration of the
Drift 10 mV/min titrant
Min time 3s W: Weighed sample standard /
Max time 15 s sample in [g]
  Dynamics: steep EQ: Consumption titrant in [ml]
  No damping B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
M: 58.433 g/mol (molar mass of
 End criterion 1 EQ with NaCl)
slope value 400 mV/ml F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)



10.02 ml
201.7 mV




0.0 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 34  Titer determination of a silver nitrate solution with sodium chloride

Titration guide
Titer determination of
perchloric acid
Perchloric acid is a very strong Handling of the standard
acid that can be used to titrate  Drying:
potassium hydrogen phthalate two hours at 120 °C
as the base in acetic acid.  Storage:
Tightly closed in the original
The reaction equation for the packaging, protect from light
titer determination with potassi- and humidity, at room tem-
um hydrogen phthalate is: perature (+15 - 25 ° C).
 Observe the minimum
PhtKH + HClO4 → usability
PhtH2 + K+ + ClO4-
The following must be
The titration is performed as mV observed:
titration. It therefore increases
and does not fall, as would be  All crystals of the standard
the case with a titration with acid must be completely dissolved
in the pH range. at the start of the titration!
 LiCl in ethanol or in glacial
Instruction for the titer determi- acetic acid should be used as
nation of a 0.1 mol/l HClO4 electrolyte.

Approximately 200 mg of potas-

sium hydrogen phthalate (Fig.
35) are weighed into a 150 ml
beaker with an analytical balance
to four digits after the decimal
point and are filled up with glacial
acetic acid to approx. 80 - 100 ml.
After complete dissolution, the
titration is started up to an equiv-
alence point. The equivalence
point is evaluated. The consump-
tion is approximately 10 ml.

The following titration Calculation of the titer
parameters are recommended: W ∗ F2
  Dynamic titration T [mol / l] =
(EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
  Measuring speed:
Measurement time 2 s T: Real concentration of the
Drift 10 mV/min titrant
Min time 3s W: Weighed sample standard /
Max time 15 s sample in [g]
  Dynamics: average EQ: Consumption titrant in [ml]
  average damping B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
M: 20422 g/mol (molar mass of
 End criterion 1 EQ with potassium hydrogen phthalate)
slope value 300 mV/ml F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)

9.94 ml
550.0 540.2 mV








350.0 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 35  Titer determination of a perchloric acid with potassium hydrogen

Titration guide
Titer determination of
Thiosulphate is usually adjust- Handling of the standard:
ed with potassium iodate. This  Drying:
is available as a secondary NIST at 150 °C 3 hours
standard.  Storage:
Tightly closed in the original
The reaction equation for the packaging, protect from light
titer determination with KIO3 is: and humidity, at room tem-
perature (+15 - 25 ° C)
5 I- + IO3- + 6 S2O32- + 6 H+ →  Observe the minimum
3 S4O62- + 3 H2O + 6 I- usability

A falling titration curve results The following must be

(Fig.36), which can be interrupt- observed:
ed at the EQ or which can be
counted back after overtitration  A platinum combination elec-
of the EQ. trode is used as electrode
 Potassium iodate and potassi-
Instruction of a 0.1 mol/l um iodide react iodine in acid,
thiosulphate solution with their oxidizing properties
 Sufficient acid must be present
Approx. 50 mg KIO3 are weighed in the solution
into a 150 ml beaker with an ana-  The iodide must be present
lytical balance to four digits after in a very high excess
the decimal point; approx. 1 g
potassium iodide is added and
filled with deionized water to ap-
prox. 100 ml. 5 ml of approx. 5%
HCl is added. The equivalence
point is evaluated. The consump-
tion is approximately 14 ml.

The following titration Calculation of the titer
parameters are recommended: W ∗ F2
  Dynamic titration T [mol / l] =
(EQ − B) ∗M ∗ F1
  Measuring speed:
Measurement time 2 s T: Real concentration of the titrant
Drift 10 mV/min W: Weighed sample standard /
Min time 3s sample in [g]
Max time 15 s EQ: Consumption titrant in [ml]
  Dynamics: average B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
  No damping M: 214.00 g/mol (molar mass of
potassium iodate)
 End criterion 1 EQ with F1: 1 / 6 as stoichiometric factor from
slope value 300 mV/ml the reaction equation
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)



300.0 4.67 ml
312.3 mV


150.0 0 ml
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 36  Titer determination of a Na2S2O3 solution

Titration guide
Titer determination of iodine
The titer of an iodine solution Instruction for the titer deter-
can be set directly with arsenic mination: a 0.05 mol/l iodine
(III) oxide. However, this is not solution
recommended due to the tox- 5 ml of a 0.1 mol/l sodium thio-
icity of arsenic. Nowadays it is sulphate solution is pipetted
best to use an adjusted sodium into a 150 ml beaker, filled with
thiosulphate solution, which is deionized water to approx.
titrated with the iodine solution. 100 ml and 5 ml of approx.
5% HCl is added.The titration
The reaction equation for the can be carried out both as a
titer determination is: potentiometric titration with a
redox electrode and as a Dead
I2 + 2 S2O32- → S4O62- + 2 I- Stop titration. The consumption
is at approx. 5 ml (Fig. 37).

The following titration Calculation of the titer
parameters are recommended: V ∗ F2
T [mol / l] =
  Dead Stop titration ( EP − B ) ∗ M ∗ F1
  linear steps: 0.02 ml
 Pre-titration: none T: Real concentration of the
 Dosing speed 20 % titrant
 Titration direction: V: Volume of the Na2S2O3-
increasing solution [ml]
EP: Consumption titrant in [ml]
 Measuring speed:
B: Blank value of the solvent in [ml]
 fixed waiting time 1s M: 1
 Polarization voltage: 100 mV F1: 2 as stoichiometric factor from
 Delta endpoint: 1.0 µA the reaction equation
 Titration end: 2.0 µA F2: Concentration of the Na2S2O3-
solution [mol/L]
 Endpoint delay: 5 s

2.625 2.0 µA
5.191 ml
0.0 ml
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5 3.125 3.75 4.375 5.0

Fig. 37  Titer determination of an iodine solution (Dead Stop)

Titration guide

5.1 Overview
Titration methods have to be The titration takes place in many
adapted to the type of appli- individual steps. It is true that
cation and partly to the type of part of the titration volume can
samples. be added in one step or contin-
uously. However, the part of the
This adjustment requires the titration curve that is used for
selection of the measured vari- the calculation is created in de-
able (and the associated sensor), fined steps as a list of data with
the appropriate titrator or attach- consumption, measured value,
ment with the associated reagent time and possibly additional
and the correct parameters in the information. From these data, the
titration device or the software. endpoint or equivalence point
The selection of the measurand is calculated with appropriate
and the reagent can be found functions.
in the application description.
The settings in the methods An important requirement is that
and the theory behind them the measured values are also
shall be briefly described here. reliable. This is achieved by
A titration is parameterized by monitoring the measured values
five elements: and only taking them into a titra-
tion curve when they are stable.
  Control of the dosage From the calculated equivalence
 Response behavior of the or endpoint, the result can then
electrode and speed be calculated taking into account
  Definition of the titration end the weighed sample, titer and
 Calculation(s) blank value in the correct unit.
  Documentation of the result.

Titration guide
5.2 Control of the dosage Linear Titration
Reagent addition can be done in In linear titration, the reagent is
titrators in three different ways: added in equal steps. Usually, it
is waited after each step until the
 Continuous addition potential has adjusted or it can
 Equidistant steps be assumed after a fixed waiting
(Linear titration) time that the potential is stable.
 Step size dependent on the A titration curve should not have
gradient of the titration curve too many but also not too few
(dynamic titration) measuring points. Too few mea-
surement points lead to a less
These can also be used in a com- accurate calculation, but also too
bined manner. For example, it is many. This is due to the small
possible to add continuously in potential change with small steps,
order to then continue to titrate resulting in less stable measured
in a linear or dynamic manner. values and less accurate dosag-
es. In addition, it is not always en-
The continuous addition has the sured that small volumes actually
advantage of a fast addition. arrive at the titration tip. As a rule
Even if measurements can be of thumb, a linear titration should
generated during the addition, have 20 to 50 measured values
this does not mean that the re- and only exceed 100 measured
action speed is set correctly or values in special cases.
that the adjustment behavior of
the sensor is taken into account. In Fig. 38 a/b, the influence of the
In practice, for most titrations, too smaller number of titration steps
much would clearly be found in is shown.
this manner with fast continuous
addition, but too little with a
kinetically inhibited reaction.

60 500
Ca with EDTA linear 0.1 ml steps
40 450


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
mV -40
-60 A


-140 50

-160 0

60 500
Ca with EDTA 0.2 ml steps
40 450


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 350
mV -40

200 B


-140 50

-160 0

Fig. 38 a  Ca determination with EDTA linear with 126 (A) and 64 (B)
measured values
Titration guide
60 50
Ca with EDTA 0.5 ml steps
40 45


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 35
mV -40
C -60


-140 5

-160 0

60 35
Ca with EDTA 1.0 ml steps

0 25
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
20 dmV
mV -40

D -60

-100 10


-160 0

Fig. 38 b  Ca determination with EDTA linear with 26 (C) and 13 (D) measured values

A titration curve with 126 titration Application areas of linear titra-
steps is clearly overloaded, 64 tion are e.g.:
measuring points result in a per-
fect titration curve (with many  titrations in organic
measuring points in the low ml solvents,
range). At 26 measuring points,  titration of very small
small changes of the distribut- contents,
ed first derivation can already  conductivity titrations,
be observed. At 13 measuring  photometric titrations
points, it may no longer be possi-  µA titrations
ble to carry out a correct evalua-
tion, as measuring points may be It has important advantages:
missing for the EQ calculation.
With such a titration curve, it is  more stable potentials result,
recommended to select smaller as usually sufficient reagent
titration steps in order to obtain is converted in order to
a larger number of measuring achieve a significant potential
points and a titration curve that change,
can be evaluated in a better  disturbances of potentials only
manner. have a small influence on the
titration curve.

The disadvantages can be seen


 too many measurement points

in areas where little happens.
 only a few measurement
points in the EQ area.

Titration guide
Dynamic Titration This means that in the flat part of
Dynamic titration is the preferred the curve large volume steps are
form of reagent addition. It is dosed and in the steep part small
used in most titrations according steps.
to the Nernst equation, for exam-
ple: Fig. 39 clearly shows what mat-
ters: The titration shall be carried
 Acid-base titrations in aque- out quickly, but also very accu-
ous and alcoholic solutions rately with high resolution. Due
 Chloride determinations to the high resolution, e.g. errors
 Redox titrations can be found in the titrant: The
KOH in Fig. 40 is contaminated
It has many advantages: with carbonate. This is often not
detected in a titration. For this,
 High accuracy the titration in the steep part,
 Fast titration but also only there, must be
 Only the number of data points titrated with a particularly high
which is really necessary resolution, so that both EQs are
It is not used when:
Fig. 39 shows the individual
 A connection according to the addition steps with dynamic
Nernst equation does not exist titration. In the beginning, it is
 Stable potentials do not exist carefully started with small steps
 With very small contents so that it is not over-titrated.
 Organic solvents are used Then a few large volume steps
follow until just before the EQs.
With dynamic titration, the step The EQ area is then titrated with
is calculated as a function of the small steps. Even if the distance
slope of the titration curve. of the steps in the jump area
appears to be different, on the
x-axis with the ml values, the
volume steps are all equal to the
smallest set step.

KOH with HCl dynamic





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ml HCl

Fig. 39  Representation of the measure values on the titration curve

14.00 2500 14.00 2500

KOH with HCl dynamic

pH 8.00
pH dmL




0.00 0 2.00
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ml HCl

0.00 0
9 9.5 10 10.5 11
ml HCl

Fig. 40  Titration curve of a carbonate-containing KOH dynamically titrated with HCl

Titration guide
The calculation of the step takes This hyperbolic function is de-
place on the basis of a hyper- rived from the Nernst equation,
bolic function: which represents an "In" function.
a The derivation of the ln(x)-
Step size [ml] = +c function is 1/x, which is behind
this formula.
with "a", "b" and "c" as calculation
factors, which are automatically Fig. 41 shows that large steps are
determined from the titration titrated with a small slope value
curve. and small steps with a large slope.




Dosing step [ml]







0 100 200 300 400

Increase [dmV/dml]

Fig. 41  Function for calculating the step of the titration curve






pH dmL

6.00 ml Gradient ml per step
2.300 3 1.000
3.300 4 1.000
4.300 5 1.000
500 5.300 6 1.000
6.300 8 1.000
7.300 11 1.000
8.240 17 0.940
8.796 28 0.556
2.00 0
8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 9.548 149 0.044
mL 9.580 179 0.032
9.610 206 0.030
9.632 244 0.022
9.652 310 0.020
Fig. 42  Regulation area of the dynamics 9.672 413 0.020

Fig. 42 shows the regulation   Largest step in [ml]

areas of the titration. Within the   Smallest step in [ml]
blue area, the step is reduced  Gradient, until which the larg-
or increased again, in the orange est step shall be dosed
area, the smallest step is dosed [dmV/dml]
with a defined accuracy. The  Gradient, from which the
following entries are required smallest step shall be dosed
for the parameterization: [dmV/dml]
In the above example these are:
  1.000 ml
  0.020 ml
  15 mV/ml
  250 mV/ml
Titration guide
In order to obtain meaningful 5.3 Response behavior of
results, the settings "steep,
the electrode and speed
average or weak jump" are
usually sufficient. Steps that The adjustment of the step
are too large steps can lead to alone is not sufficient to control
over-titration, too small lead to a titration curve. It must also be
potential differences and thus ensured that the "correct" stable
to strong noise of the curve. measuring signal is applied to
This reduces the accuracy of the the electrode. In certain circum-
titration. As a rule of thumb, stances measuring signal needs
approx. 5-10 % of the total titra- some time until stable values are
tion volume are suitable as the adjusted. This time depends on
largest step, 2 % for the smallest various factors, such as type, age
step. Certain requirements for and condition of the electrode
extra accuracy or speed may and the concentration of the
require different settings. material to be measured. In
practice, therefore, the setting
behavior of the electrode is
observed and evaluated the
course of the measured value
per unit time. The change in the
measured value per time is called
drift (Fig. 43). The measurement
unit is [mV/min].

Fig. 44 clearly shows that most

of the titration time is used for
accurate drift control in the area
of the equivalence points. The
graph shows a linear titration
with the same step size, in order
to avoid effects due to several
small volume additions instead
of one large addition.

Drift as measured value per time


Measured value [mV]







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time [s]

Fig. 43  Measured value change per time

H3PO4 Titration curve and time behavior

12 300

10 250

8 200
Titration duration [s]

6 150

pH curve
time curve

4 100

2 50

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
NaOH [ml]

Fig. 44  Titration curve (blue) and titration duration (green)

Titration guide
As parameters, It is recommended to select the
minimum time not too short, as
 the minimum waiting time,
an alternating system can build
 the maximum waiting time,
up. The current value is accepted
 the window for the testing
very quickly, but causes the next
value to take longer to adjust.
 the drift value,
can be set (Fig. 45). In some cases, it may be sensible
to work with fixed waiting times
The minimum waiting time must instead of a drift-controlled
be waited for in any case, even waiting time; especially for
if the drift within the testing time applications that provide only
is already monitored during this a few stable measured values,
time. low potential changes, or do
not provide mV or pH values
A minimum waiting time of 10 according to the Nernst equation
seconds is waited for in Fig. 46. (e.g. μA values, mS values, or
Within the last five seconds temperatures). Fixed waiting
(testing time), however, the times are usually set in the range
drift is already determined and of 5 - 30 seconds.
compared with the target value
(Fig. 47). The window for the
testing time will continue to
move until the maximum drift
time or drift value is reached. The
value represents the gradient of
the drift curve.

Titration Minimum waiting time Maximum drift time Measurement time Drift value
duration t_min [s] t_max [s] t_p [s] [mV/min]
Fast 1 5 1 50
Average 2 15 2 20
Exact 5 20 2 10

Fig. 45  Setting parameters for the drift (practical values)

Time = x[n]



Measured value [mV]







0 5 10 Time [s] 15 20 25

t_p t_min t_max

Fig. 46  Setting the drift and the necessary parameters

(description of the parameters, see Fig. 45)
Time = x[n]



Measured value [mV]







0 5 10 15 20 25
Time [s]

t_p t_min t_max

Fig. 47  Setting the drift with control time window

(labeling see Fig. 45, parameter “Exact”)
Titration guide
5.4  Definition of the Titration up to:
 a maximum volume
titration end
of the titrant
With a manual titration, the  a certain endpoint (pH or mV,
titrator stops as soon as the also µA or µS are possible)
"manual button" is released.  a certain duration
What if the user cannot be (pH Stat, KF titration)
present for the entire time? This   one or several EQs
is often the case during titration.   a calculated result
  a manual interruption
In order to terminate an auto-
matic titration, several criteria The essential criteria for stopping
exist: a titration are listed in Fig. 48.

Titration curve and derivation Lidocaine HCl value

12 2500

EQ end
10 2000

Titration duration [s]
8 1500

pH 7

6 Value derivation 1000

4 500

2 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NaOH 0.1 mol/l ml]
ml end
pH value Derivation

Fig. 48  Criteria for ending the titration

Titration interruption at Titration interruption when
maximum volume recognizing an EQ
This criterion should always be For titrations in which a clearly
there, as beakers are limited in recognizable EQ is calculated,
their volume. Usually 20 to 50 ml this is also the most sensible end
are used as an additional criterion. criterion. An EQ is calculated as
For some titrations with very small the maximum of the first and the
changes in potential (e.g. TAN) zero point of the second
it can also be the only criterion. derivation. It is therefore asso-
ciated with the value of the first
Titration interruption at derivation. The first derivation
a certain measured value must reach a certain (adjustable)
value in order for the EQ to be
If it is not known how many
accepted as such.
equivalence points can be
calculated, this criterion will
be used. E.g. a maximum pH
value is defined at which the
titration stops. Then it can be
decided in the calculation
whether one or more EQs
should be calculated. For EP
titrations to a defined endpoint,
the interruption criterion is the
desired endpoint. This endpoint
must be exceeded for a defined
time (endpoint delay) or by a
certain value.

Titration guide
For some applications, other With the Karl Fischer titration,
criteria exist for terminating the one titrates to one endpoint.
titration. During the pH Stat A voltage is applied to the indi-
titration (the pH value is kept cator double platinum electrode.
constant for a while), the duration A current flows if a reversible
of the titration is used as a crite- redox couple is present in the
rion (Fig. 49). The total volume solution (iodine and iodide). The
should always be a criterion, as titration is stopped if this reaches
the titration cell can also over- the set end value.

10 8




ml NaOH 5 4 pH




0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Duration [s]
Consumption [ml] pH value

Fig. 49  pH stat titration with stat phase of 180 s

5.5 Evaluation of the
During the titration, endpoints In practice, the EQs are almost
(EP) or equivalence points (EQs) always used to calculate the
are evaluated. result. In order to calculate an
EQ, it is over-titrated by a few ti-
In a titration to an endpoint (EP), tration points and interpolated
the titration is typically interrupt- from the titration points around
ed at the point that would cor- the EQ. The result is the more
respond to the colour change accurate the smaller the titration
of an indicator. EP titrations are steps. If measuring points are
thus conventional methods that missing after the EQ, it may be
are primarily intended to provide possible that a calculation is not
good comparability. EPs are thus possible. It is therefore import-
also the last point of a titration ant to ensure that there are still
or partial titration. Titrations with enough measuring points for a
several partial titrations with up calculation after an EQ (see Fig.
to three endpoints exist. 50). The calculated pH or mV val-
ue of the EQ is of minor impor-
An equivalence point (EQ) is tance for very steep curves. The
determined based on a turning slope of the titration curves can
point of the titration curve. The be very high, so that the changes
maximum of the first derivation of the pH value in the volume
and the zero point of the sec- often have practically no effect.
ond derivation are calculated for The volume is however used for
this. Typically, the turning point the evaluation and calculation of
corresponds to the equivalent the result.
conversion of the reagent with
the sample. With several turning
points, however, it may happen
that the actual equivalence point
has not yet been reached when
the curve "bends" for another
EQ. In some cases corrections to
the EQ are advantageous. Their
complex calculation shall not be
discussed here. 97
Titration guide
If the correct EP or EQ is deter- Formula for the titer
mined, the desired result can be W ∗ F2
calculated from this. Titer =
EQ ∗ C ∗ M ∗ F1
Titer: Dimensionless number,
Basically, only 2 types of formulas for example 1.0
are used hereby: on the one hand, W: Weighed sample standard /
the calculation of the titer or the sample [g]
concentration of the titrant, and EQ: Consumption titrant [ml]
on the other hand the calculation C: specified concentration of the
titrant [mol/l]
of the concentration of a sample. M: molar mass of the standard
F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)




10 1400

dpH/dml 1200


8 pH
6 8 10 12 7.5



6 0
9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10 10.1

Fig. 50  Interpolation of an EQ

Sometimes a blank value has to Formula for the content in % as
be included in the calculation of back titration
the result. Some solvents have (B−EQ) ∗T ∗M ∗F1
a (small) self-consumption of Content [%] =
W ∗ F2
titrant. This self-consumption is
B: Consumption during titration
deducted from the EQ or EP, so of the added reagent without
that only the consumption of sample [ml]
the sample contributes to the EQ: Consumption titrant [ml]
result in the calculation. Another T: Exact concentration of the titrant
type of blank value can be found [mol/l]
M: molar mass of the substance to
in the back titration: The blank be determined [g/mol]
value is the consumption of the W: Weighed sample standard/
used reagent without sample. sample [g]
Here the consumption of EP or F1: 100 conversion in %
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l)
EQ is deducted from the blank
value. The titration often has an "accu-
racy" of four significant digits
Formula for the content in % in total (regardless of whether
with blank value in the solvent before or after the decimal
(EQ− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1 separator). However, all the
Content [%] = individual components in the
W ∗ F2
formula must also be defined
EQ: Consumption titrant [ml]
B: Blank value of the solvent [ml] with this number of digits,
T: Exact concentration of the starting with the weighed
titrant [mol/l] sample through the molar
M: molar mass of the substance to weights to the consumption.
be determined [g/mol]
W: Weighed sample standard /
To achieve higher accuracy, all
sample [g] numbers in the formula must
F1: 100 conversion in % always be defined with a higher
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l) number of digits.

Titration guide
Titer of silver nitrate with NaCl NaCl content in %
The titer of a 0.1 mol/l silver The NaCl content of a sample
nitrate solution shall be deter- shall be determined with the
mined with NaCl: above-mentioned standard
the molar mass of NaCl is
58.44 g/mol,
the exact concentration is
the weighed sample W was
00994 mol/l
0.584 g,
the molar mass of NaCl is
the consumption EQ was at
58.44 g/mol
10.05 ml,
the weighed sample W was
with F1 = 1 and
1.12 g
F2 = 1000 (conversion ml - l),
the consumption EQ was at
the following results:
10.05 ml,
0.0584 ∗1000  
with F1 = 1 and
Titer =
 mol   g  F2 = 1000 (conversion ml - l),
10.05   ∗ 58.44  mol  ∗1 the following results:
 l   

= 0.9943 Content [%] =

or the exact concentration used  mol   g 

10.05[ml] ∗ 0.0994   ∗58.44  mol  ∗100%
for most calculations T:  l   
1.12[g] ∗ 1000
 mol   mol 
T  = Titer ∗ 0.1  = 5.21%
 l   l 
0.0584 ∗1000 In the example, the sample
= would have a sodium chloride
 g 
10.05 [ml] ∗ 58.44   content of 5.21%.
 mol 
 mol 
= 0.0994  
 l 

The 0.1 mol/l AgNO3 solution

thus has a concentration of
0.0994 mol/l.

Examples from the
application database
For many applications, applica-
tion documents can be down-
loaded from our homepage.
Some applications shall be listed
here as examples.

Titration guide
6.1  Acid-base titrations
Titration of citric acid in drinks
Almost all drinks contain acids The following must be
that are usually already contained observed:
in the raw fruit materials. They A titer determination takes
improve the taste and the place with potassium hydro-
durability. Acids are still added gen phthalate.
to some soft drinks. Citric acid
(Fig. 51) is a tribasic acid, whose  The sodium hydroxide must
pKs values are very close be protected with a CO2
together and therefore difficult absorption means.
to titrate individually. As drinks Soda lime is recommended.
often also contain other acids,
an endpoint titration to a pH of  The electrode must be calibrat-
8.2 (in some cases also 8.1, 8.3 ed. The buffers pH 4.01 and pH
or 8.5) is carried out in practice 6.87 are recommended.
(Fig. 52).This corresponds to the
change of phenolphthalein.

The manual titration with colour

indicator is often difficult to
carry out in contrast to the
potentiometric titration due to
the inherent colour of the drinks.
The calculation is also carried
out for other acids with the
molecular weight of citric acid
(192.13 g/mol). O OH
One usually titrates with a NaOH
0.1 mol/l.
Fig. 51  Structural formula citric acid

The following titration Formula for the acid value in g/l:
parameters are recommended: EP ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
acidity [g / l] =
  Endpoint titration to pH 8.2 V ∗ F2
  Dosing speed 40 %
 Linear step: 0.04 ml normal EP: Consumption titrant [ml] to pH
(average) titration speed 8.2
 Delta value for the linear T: Excact concentration of the titrant
end part: 1.2 M: Molar mass of citric acid
192.13 g/mol
  Endpoint delay 5 s V: Volume sample [ml]
  No damping F1: 1
F2:  3 (stoichiometric factor,
3-basic acid)

8.75 12.12 ml
pH 8.200









3.125 0 ml
1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0

Abb. 52  Titration curve orange juice

Titration guide
Titration of a strong acid
Many applications contain The calculation is different,
strong, completely dissociat- depending on the type of
ed acids such as HCl, H2SO4 application (Fig. 54) and the
or HNO3. These behave the sample weight (volume vs.
same for the acid-base titration. mass). The result can be cal-
Sulfuric acid e.g. behaves in culated as acid concentration
aqueous solutions as a dibasic mol/l, acid content g/kg, mg/g
strong acid and it is thus or g/l or mg/ml. For some
difficult to distinguish it from applications it is sensible to
"two" monobasic strong acids. indicate the acid content as base
Different organic acids as e.g. consumption/g sample, thus mg
salicylic acid (Fig. 53), whose (NaOH)/g or mg (KOH)/g. One
pKs value is approximately in usually titrates with a NaOH 0.1
the area of the 1st protons mol/l.
of phosphoric acid, behave
like a strong acid during titra- The following must be
tion. The titration usually takes observed:
place in a dynamic manner up  A titer determination takes
to an EQ. With an endpoint place with potassium hydro-
titration, the indicator would gen phthalate.
depend on the type of acid.
 The sodium hydroxide must
be protected with a CO2
absorption means.
Soda lime is recommended.
 The electrode can be calibrat-
OH ed. Buffers pH 4.01 and pH
6.87 are recommended.
 The calibration parameters
serve as proof of the state of
the pH electrode. The slope
Fig. 53 Structural formula salicylic should be > 95 %.
acid with proton of the carboxyl
The following titration Formula for the acid value in g/l:
parameters are recommended:
  Dynamic titration (EQ − B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Content [%]=
 Normal (average) titration W ∗ F2
  Dynamics: steep EQ: Consumption titrant at the
  No damping equivalence point
 End criterion 1 EQ with slope B: Blank value of the solvent
value 700 mV/ml and pH 12 T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar mass of salicylic acid
  Dosing speed 100 % 138.12 g/mol
W: Weighed sample [g]
F1: 100 (conversion %)
F2: 1000 conversion ml - l)



11.20 ml
7.875 7.464 pH







1.75 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0 11.25
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 54  Titration curve salicylic acid

Titration guide
Titration of phosphoric acid
The phosphoric acid is a tribasic The following must be
acid, of which only the first two observed:
protons can be titrated in aque-  A titer determination takes
ous solutions. The third proton place with potassium hydro-
has such a high pKS value that gen phthalate.
the aqueous sodium hydroxide
solution is not basic enough.  The sodium hydroxide must
Some methods are based on be protected with a CO2
the fact that phosphates form absorption means.
compounds with heavy metal Soda lime is recommended.
ions, in which the protons are
then released in an equivalent  The electrode can be calibrat-
amount. The direct titration ed. Buffers pH 4.01 and pH
with sodium hydroxide and the 6.87 are recommended.
calculation of the content is The calibration parameters
described here as difference serve as proof of the state of
of the two EQs (Fig. 55). Strong the pH electrode. The slope
acids do not interfere, but weak should be > 95 %.
or multibasic ones such as e.g.
citric acid. The following titration
parameters are recommended:
One usually titrates with a NaOH
0.1 mol/l.   Dynamic titration
 Normal (average) titration
  Dynamics: steep or average
  No damping
 End criterion 2 EQ with
slope value > 200 mV/ml
  Dosing speed 65 %

Formula for the phosphoric acid
in %:
(EQ2 − EQ1) ∗ T ∗M ∗F1
Content [%]=
W ∗ F2
EQ2: Consumption of titrant at the
respective equivalence point
T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar mass of phosphoric acid 98.00
F1: 100 (conversion %) H3Po4 with NaOH 0.1 mol/l
W: Weighed sample [g]
F2: 1000 (conversion ml - l) 10 600



pH 6 300 dpH/dml



2 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
NaOH [ml]
mV dmV/dml

Fig. 55  Titration curve phosphorous acid with two EQs

Titration guide
Titration of Alk. 8.2 and Alk.S 4.3
The titration of the alkalinity The following must be
(Alk.) is carried out with HCl observed:
and determines which pro-  A titer determination takes
portions of carbonate and place with TRIS
bicarbonate are contained in  The electrode must be cali-
the water (Fig. 56). The alkalinity brated. Buffers pH 4.01 and
values are a measure of the 6.87 are recommended
temporary hardness of the
water, which can be removed The following titration
by boiling. Scale = lime precip- parameters are recommended:
itates during boiling, the CO2
is boiled away. So that the
results of manual titration can  Titration to two endpoints pH
be compared with an indicator 8.2 and pH 4.3
(phenolphthalein and methyl  Normal (average) titration
orange, often referred to as the Speed
p and m value), one titrates to   No damping
endpoints (pH 8.2 and pH 4.3)   Dosing speed 15 %
[6]. The electrode must thus be  Delta value for the linear end
calibrated. part: 1.0
  Endpoint delay 10 s
The basis is the carbonate/hydro-   Linear steps 0.02 ml
gen carbonate system in water:

H2CO3 + H2O ↔ H3O+ + HCO3-

HCO3- + H2O ↔ H3O+ + CO32-
CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3

The endpoint at pH 8.2 corre-

sponds approximately to the car-
bonate content, the consump-
tion between pH 8.2 and pH 4.3
to the hydrogen carbonate con-
tent. One usually titrates with a
HCl 0.1 mol/l.
Formula for the Alk.8.2: Formula for the Alk.4.3:

EP1∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1 EP1∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Alk. 8.2[mmol / l] = Alk. 4.3[mmol / l] =
V ∗ F2 V ∗ F2
EP1: Consumption titrant [ml] EP2: Consumption titrant [ml]
to pH 8.2 to pH 4.3
T: Exact concentration of the titrant T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: 1 M: 1
V: Volume sample [ml] F1: 1000 (conversion mol - mmol)
F1: 1000 (conversion mol - mmol) V: Volume sample [ml]
F2: 1 F2: 1





7.875 1.92 ml
pH 8.200




6.05 ml
3.5 0
pH 4.300
0.75 1.5 2.25 3.0 3.75 4.5 5.25 6.0

Fig. 56  Titration curve carbonate system with HCl on 2 EPs

Titration guide
Titration of sodium carbonate
Sodium carbonate is the sodium The following titration
salt of carbon acid. It is titrated parameters are recommended:
with hydrochloric acid. Sodium
bicarbonate is formed in the  Dynamic titration to two EQs
first step, which is converted to   Dynamics: flat
carbonic acid in the second step   Dosing speed 100%
(Fig. 57).  Normal (average)
titration speed
Na2CO3 + H3O+ ↔   No damping
H2O + Na++NaHCO3
With pure sodium carbonate it
NaHCO3 + H3O ↔ + would be sufficient to calculate
only one EQ. However, if free
H2O + Na++H2CO3
alkali is still present or more
hydrogen carbonate through
One usually titrates with a HCl 0.1
CO2 intake, the difference of the
two EQs is often evaluated.
The following must be
A titer determination takes
place with potassium hydro-
gen phthalate.

 The electrode can be calibrat-

ed. Buffers pH 4.01 and pH
6.87 are recommended. The
calibration parameters serve
as proof of the state of the pH
electrode. The slope should be
> 95%.

Formula for the carbonate in g/l Formula for the hydrogen
carbonate in g/l
EQ1∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
CO32− [g / l] =
V ∗ F2 (EQ2 − EQ1) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
HCO3− [g / l] =
V ∗ F2
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
first equivalence point
T: Exact concentration of the titrant EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
M: Molar weight of CO32- first equivalence point
(60.01 g/mol) EQ2: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
V: Volume sample [ml] second equivalence point
F1: 1 T: Exact concentration of the titrant
F2: 1 M: Molar weight of HCO3-
(61.017 g/mol)
V: Volume sample [ml]
F1: 1
F2: 1



3.75 ml
9.0 8.346 pH





4.0 7.46 ml
4.481 pH


2.0 0 ml
0.875 1.75 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.25 6.125 7.0 7.875
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 57  Titration curve sodium carbonate with two EQs

Titration guide
Determination of pharmaceu-
tical bases as hydrochlorides
with NaOH
Pharmaceutical bases are usually The following titration
titrated in acetic acid with per- parameters are recommended:
chloric acid.  Dynamic titration to two
equivalence points
Another method is the determi-  Normal (average)
nation of the hydrochloride of titration speed
the base. For this, the sample is   weak damping
mixed with an excess of HCl and   Dynamics: steep
titrated with NaOH. As the  Titration end: 2 EQs,
pKa values of free HCl and the slope value flat
hydrochloride differ significantly,
one obtains two EQs whose Formula for Lidocaine in %
difference corresponds to the
hydrochloride of the base. (EQ2 −EQ1) ∗T ∗M ∗F1
Lidocaine [%] =
W ∗ F2
One example is the determina-
tion of lidocaine as hydrochlo-
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
ride. The titration is carried out first equivalence point
in ethanol with aqueous NaOH EQ2: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
(Fig. 58). The first jump corre- second equivalence point
sponds to the excess amount T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar weight of lidocaine (234.34
of HCl (2 ml 0.1 mol/l). The g/mol)
difference between the two W: Weighed sample [g]
EQs corresponds to the hydro- F1: 0.1 (conversion l – ml and %)
chloride of the nitrogen base. F2: 1
PharmEur describes the method
with the addition of 5 ml of
0.01 molar HCl (or in an even
lower concentration).


300.0 0.44 ml
244.2 mV




0.0 ml


8.16 ml
-151.5 mV
0 0.875 1.75 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.25 6.125 7.0 7.875
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 58  Titration curve lidocaine hydrochloride

Titration guide
Determination of pharma-
ceutical bases with perchloric
acid in glacial acetic acid
The most common method for The following must be
the determination of pharma- observed:
ceutical bases is the direct  Determination of a blank
titration with perchloric acid in value of the glacial acetic acid
glacial acetic acid.
 Consideration of the humidity
A titer determination of per- of the molecule
chloric acid is carried out with
potassium hydrogen phthalate.  Humidity in glacial acetic acid
A blank value of the glacial or at the sample flattens the
acetic acid should be deter- curve
mined, even if the PharmEur
does not require this. A pH As the jump is very clear, a dy-
electrode with a ground-joint namic titration can be performed
diaphragm and a filling of LiCl up to an equivalence point.
in glacial acetic acid or ethanol A ml end criterion ensures that
is used as electrode. In our an overflow of the titration vessel
example, the titration of is impossible.
diclofenac sodium is shown.
Approx. 0.250 g dichlophenac The following titration
sodium are dissolved in approx. parameters are recommended:
30 ml glacial acetic acid (Fig. 59
and Fig. 60).   Dynamic titration, mV
  Dynamics: average
  Normal measurement speed
COO -   average damping
Cl  Titration end:1 EQ, slope
Na+ N value 300 mV/ml

Fig. 59  Diclofenac sodium

Formula for diclofenac sodium
in %

(EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Lidocaine [%] =
W ∗ F2

EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the

equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar weight of dichlorfenac
sodium (318.1 g/mol)
W: Weighed sample [g]
F1: 0.1 (conversion l – ml and %)
F2: 1


675.0 7.59 ml
641.6 mV




375.0 0 ml
0.875 1.75 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.25 6.125 7.0 7.875
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 60  Titration curve dichlorfenac sodium

Titration guide
Determination of the free
fatty acids in vegetable oils
The determination of free fatty A fixed waiting period of 15 s is
acids in unsaturated oils and fats suitable for the blank value. A pH
is a measure of their freshness. electrode with a ground-joint
The lower the content, the diaphragm and a filling of LiCl in
fresher the oils. ethanol is used as electrode.

The titration is carried out with The following titration

KOH in isopropanol or ethanol. parameters are recommended:
Ethanol/diethyl ether 1:1 is used   Linear titration, mV
as the solvent. The blank value   Step size 0.05 ml
of the solvent mixture must be   Measuring speed:
determined (Fig. 61). Both the Measurement time 4 s
titration of the blank value and Drift 10 mV/min
of the sample are carried out in a Min time 7s
linear manner. The titration of the Max time 20 s
blank value takes place with an   strong damping
end consumption of 0.3 ml and  Titration end: 1 EQ, slope
an step size of 0.01 ml or 0.02 ml. value flat


0.0 ml


-67.5 0.05 ml
-61.7 mV





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 61  Blank value solvent mixtures FFA

Formula for FFA in mg KOH / g Formula for FFA in % acid
(EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1 FFA [%] = (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
FFA [mg KOH/g] =
W ∗ F2 W ∗ F2
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the equivalence point
equivalence point B: Blank value of the solvent
B: Blank value of the solvent T: Exact concentration of the titrant
T: Exact concentration of the titrant M: Molar weight oleic acid
M: Molar weight KOH (56.1 g/mol) (282.46 g/mol)
W: Weighed sample [g] W: Weighed sample [g]
F1: 1 F1: 0.1 (conversion l – ml and %)
F2: 1 F2: 1

The adaptation of the amplifier

The sample for FFA should be
to the titration in organic media is
in the range of 0.2 - 1 mg KOH/g
important. The adaptation of the
at 10 - 20 g and in the range of
damping has been proven to be
1 - 10 mg KOH/g at 1 - 3 g.
efficient, which can be adjusted
in the method parameters. The
In the example, the FFA is given
strongest damping is adjusted
as mg KOH/g. In other cases,
here (Fig. 62).
however, the reference magni-
tude is not the amount of KOH,
but the molecular weight of the
titrated oil, usually the oleic acid
(molar weight 282 g/mol) is




-100.0 1.81 ml
-92.9 mV



0 0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 1.875 2.25

mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 62  Titration curves FFA in rapeseed oil

Titration guide
Determination of acids in oil
(TAN, ASTM 664)
The titration of acids in oils is one A titer determination is carried
of the most difficult applications. out with potassium hydrogen
A mixture of toluene  (50%), phthalate and the blank value of
isopropanol (49.5%) and water the solvent is determined. The
(0.5%) is often used as solvent. blank value is performed as an
Titrant is KOH in isopropanol. EQ titration.
The challenge for the pH elec-
trode is the titration in a medium The titration of the blank value
that contains hardly any protons is carried out as a linear titration
or ions at all. In addition, the glass with steps size of 0.01 ml up to
membrane is occupied by the oil, an EQ or a consumption of about
which additionally complicates 0.3 ml. One preferably titrates
an exchange [5]. with a fixed waiting time of 10 to
20 s. At a higher consumption,
A pH electrode with ground-joint the solvent mixture should be
diaphragm is used, with LiCl exchanged.
in ethanol as electrolyte. The
electrode must be cleaned, In some cases it is so small that
conditioned and be re-adapted no EQ can be detected. Then,
to the solvent after each titration. one titrates with very small steps,
For this, the electrode is rinsed e.g. 0.004 ml to the potential at
successively in different solvents: which the EQ of the sample is
 1 minute in toluene or toluene/
  1 minute in water
 1 minute in clean toluene/
isopropanol / water.

Fig. 63 shows a typical titration Fig. 64 shows the titration curve
curve for the blank value of the of a used transformer oil. The EQ
solvent mixture. Here the BW is can be evaluated very well here.
high enough to detect an EQ. For different oils, the titration
curve may be too shallow or too
The TAN titration is carried out restless to detect an EQ. In this
in a linear manner. The titration case, one has to titrate to an end
end is set to 4 to 6 ml or until an potential. The potential which
EQ is detected. The drift is often adjusts at the electrode in an
parameterized with a fixed aqueous buffer of pH 11 is used
waiting time of 15 s. This as the end potential.
waiting time is adapted to the
sample until a titration curve
results, which enables a clear
evaluation of the EQ.





0.07 ml
13.0 mV
0.0 ml


0 0.0125 0.025 0.0375 0.05 0.0625 0.075 0.0875 0.1 0.1125

mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 63  Blank value titration TAN

Titration guide
The following titration Formula for TAN in mg KOH / g
parameters are recommended: (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M∗ F1
TAN [mg KOH/ g] =
  Linear titration, mV W ∗ F2
  Step size 0.05 ml EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
 Measuring speed: equivalence point
fixed waiting time 15 s or B: Blank value of the solvent
measurement time 4 s T: Exact concentration of the titrant
Drift 10 mVmin M: Molar weight KOH (56.1 g/mol)
Min time 7s W: Weighed sample [g]
Max time 20 s F1: 1
F2: 1
  strong damping
 Titration end:
1 EQ, slope value flat





0.0 ml

2.94 ml
-50.0 -34.2 mV
0 0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 1.875 2.25 2.625 3.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 64  Titration curve TAN of an oil sample

Determination of bases in oil
(TBN, ISO 3771)
The base number in oils, like A rule of thumb for the sample
TAN, is a sum parameter and amount is: g sample = 28 / ex-
is determined according to pected TBN. The TBN titration is
ASTM 2896 / ISO 3771. carried out as a linear titration.
The titration end is set to 4 to
A pH electrode with a ground- 6 ml or until an EQ is detected
joint diaphragm and LiCl in (Fig. 65). The step size should not
glacial acetic acid is used as the be too small, e.g. 0.1 ml.
electrolyte. If the base number
of the sample is not too low, The titration is carried out as a
it is also possible to work with mV titration either drift-controlled
LiCl/ethanol. Many electrode or with a fixed waiting time of
adhesives are not resistant to 15 - 20 s.
acetic acid. The electrolyte LiCl
in glacial acetic acid should
therefore only be filled into
electrodes that are intended for
this purpose.

The solvent for the titration is

acetic acid/chlorobenzene, the
titrant is perchloric acid in gla-
cial acetic acid. Potassium hy-
drogen phthalate is used for
the titer determination. The
blank value of the solvent must
be determined. The result is
calculated as mg KOH needed to
neutralize 1 g of sample. The
consumption should not exceed
4-6 ml, the sample amount must
be adjusted accordingly.

Titration guide
The following titration Formula for TBN in mg KOH / g
parameters are recommended: (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M∗ F1
TBN [mg KOH/ g] =
  Linear titration, mV W ∗ F2
  Step size 0.1 ml
  Measuring speed: EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
Measurement time 4s equivalence point
Drift 10mV/min B: Blank value of the solvent
Min time 7s T: Exact concentration of the titrant
Max time 20s M: Molar weight KOH (56.1 g/mol)
or fixed waiting time 15-20 s W: Weighed sample [g]
F1: 1
  strong damping F2: 1
  Titration end: 1 EQ,
 Slope value flat


3.25 ml
668.2 mV





450.0 0 ml
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 65  Titration curve TBN

6.2 Argentometric
Argentometric titrations are AgNO3 is used as titration solu-
carried out with silver nitrate trion. The concentration can be
as titrant and silver electrodes. 0.001 to 0.1 mol/l. The potential
A combination electrode with jump is more pronounced, the
silver indicator electrode and higher the concentration (Nernst
Ag/AgCl reference electrode law). As it is a precipitation
is usually used. The reference titration, the formed precipitate
electrolyte should contain as few can contaminate the electrode
chloride ions as possible: KNO3 and disrupt the titration. This can
2 mol/l with little KCl (0.001 mol/l) be prevented by the addition of
is recommended. polyvinyl alcohol (1 ml of a 0.5%
PVA solution). Such an addition
The reaction equation is as fol- is not necessary with very low
lows: contents. The titration must take
AgNO3+NaCl → place in an acid environment
so that no silver hydroxide is
Na++ NO3- +AgCl↓ formed. Diluted HNO3 is suitable
for acidification.
For samples in which the pH
is constant or also in organic The titration can be carried
solvents, a silver electrode can out with samples with chloride
be used which has a glass elec- contents of a few ppm - 100%.
trode as the reference electrode. Depending on the chloride
Due to its resistance, the glass content, the amount of sample
electrode is connected to the should be adjusted:
indicator measuring input and
the silver indicator electrode to Chloride content [%] weighed
the reference measuring input. sample [g]
< 0.1 > 10
0.1 – 1 1 – 10
1 – 10 0.1 – 2
10 - 50 0.05 - 0.1
50 – 100 0.05

Titration guide
Titration of salt in butter
For food, sample preparation The following titration
is important to capture all the parameters are recommended:
chloride. Often the sample is  Dynamic titration to an
crushed (also automatically with equivalence point
a homogenizer) or stirred in hot   Dynamics: steep
water.   Measuring speed:
Measurement time 3 s
Approximately 2-3 g of butter Drift 10 mV/min
are weighed in, 100 ml of boil- Min time 3s
ing water is added, 1 ml of HNO3 Max time 15 s
1 mol/l is added, the electrode   no damping
 Titration end:
and the titration tip are dipped
1 EQ, Slope value 400
into the solution and the titration
is started. The titration is carried
Formula for sodium chloride
out up to an EQ (Fig. 66). It can be
in %
seen from the increasing titration
curve that an Ag indicator (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗M ∗F1
NaCl [%] =
electrode and an Ag/AgCl refer- W ∗ F2
ence electrode were used here.
The result is calculated as % NaCl. EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar weight NaCl
(58.443 g/mol)
W: Weighed sample [g]
F1: 0.1 (conversion l – ml and %)
F2: 1

7.25 ml
150.0 141.8 mV

0.0 ml
0 0.875 1.75 2.625 3.5 4.375 5.25 6.125 7.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 66  Titration curve chloride in butter

Titration of chloride in
drinking water
Up to 250 mg/l of chloride may The following titration
be contained in drinking water, parameters are recommended:
thus significantly less than e.g. in  Dynamic titration to an
butter. The titration is analogous equivalence point
to the titration of salt in butter,  Dynamics: steep
only the slope of the EQ has to   Measuring speed:
be adjusted due to the flatter Measurement time 3 s
jump. Drift 10 mV/min
Min time 3s
100 ml water is mixed with 1 ml Max time 15 s
HNO3 1 mol/l and the titration   no damping
is started. The curve in Fig. 67  Titration end: 1 EQ, gradient
shows a falling titration, typical value 150 mV/ml
for a silver electrode with a glass
reference electrode. The calcu-
lation takes place as mg Cl/l.

Titration guide
Formula for chloride in mg/l
− (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Cl [mg / l] =
V ∗ F2
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar weight Cl- (35,45 g/mol)
V: Volume sample [ml]
F1: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
F2: 1







0.71 ml
0.0 13.6 mV ml


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 67  Titration curve chloride in drinking water

6.3 Potentiometric redox Iodine number for character-
titrations izing fats and oils
In redox titrations, oxidizable or In the determination of the
reducible samples are titrated iodine number of an oil or fat,
with oxidizing or reducing the oxidizable components and
agents. double bonds are determined.
The more double bonds an oil
Titrations with oxidizing agents contains, the higher the iodine
generally show increasing titra- number. The iodine number is
tion curves falling with reducing defined as the amount of iodine
agents. A titer determination of that can be added to 100 grams
the titrant is recommended. of fat or oil.
The detection is performed with
a combined platinum indicator One form of the determination
electrode with an Ag/AgCl refer- takes place according to
ence electrode. DIN 53241-1:1995-05 with Wijs
reagent (organic solvent, acetic
The titrations can be carried acid, iodine, iodine trichloride).
out as direct titration or as back In an upstream reaction, the
titration. iodine trichloride and iodine
react to iodine monochloride.
In the back titration, e.g. an The reaction mixture must
excess of oxidant is added and be anhydrous, otherwise the
the reagent which is not convert- formed iodine monochloride
ed is back titrated with a reduc- will decompose to HCl, I2 and
ing agent. Even if back titration HI.
shows the errors of back and ICl3+ I2 → 3ICl
forth titration, benefits such as
faster response and better detec- However, iodine monochloride
tion are clearly in the foreground. in pure form is also available, so
that one can also use a solution
of iodine monochloride in glacial
acetic acid (16.2 g / l).

Titration guide
The iodine monochloride reacts The sample is weighed into a
in an electrophilic addition to the 200 ml Erlenmeyer flask, 20 ml
double bond of the oil: of glacial acetic acid, 25 ml of
iodine monochloride solution
R1CH = CH - R2 + ICl → and 20 ml of magnesium acetate
R1CHI - CHCl - R2 solution are added. The flask is
closed, shaken, allowed to stand
The excess iodine monochloride
in the dark for 5 minutes and ti-
is converted with KI to I2:
trated after addition of 15 ml of
ICl + Kl → I2 + KCl KI solution and 50 ml of distilled
The resulting I2 is then titrated water (Fig. 68).
with sodium thiosulphate in a 1:1
reaction: A blank value titration is carried
out under the same conditions.
I2 + 2 NA2S2O3 → As it is a back titration, the
2 NaI + Na2S4O6 consumption of the sample is
subtracted from the blank value
The iodine monochloride is
(Fig. 69).
dissolved in glacial acetic acid
(16.2 g/l), the KI solution is
aqueous (25 g/250 ml), magne-
sium acetate (45 g/l glacial acetic
acid) is used as catalyst.



45.89 ml
250.2 mV


150.0 0 ml
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 68  Titration curve blank value iodine number

The following titration para- Formula for iodine number in
meters are recommended for g(iodine/100g(sample)
the titration and blank value
(B − EQ1) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
 Dynamic titration to an IZ =
W ∗ F2
equivalence point
 Dynamics: average
  Measuring speed: B: Consumption without sample
Measurement time 3 s EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
equivalence point
Drift 10 mV/min
T: Exact concentration of the titrant
Min time 3s M: Molar weight I (126.9 g/mol)
Max time 15 s W: Weighed sample [g]
  no damping F1: 0.1 (conversion l – ml and
 Titration end: reference to 100 g)
1 EQ, slope value 350 F2: 1




28.79 ml
247.6 mV


150.0 0 ml
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 69  Titration curve iodine number of olive oil

Titration guide
Determination of the vitamin
C content with DCPIP
Vitamin C is added to many As the DCPIP is not very stable,
drinks as an antioxidant and also the titer is determined with
specified with its content. Lots of freshly dissolved ascorbic acid
natural vitamin C contain citrus in a first titration. Fig. 71 and 72
fruits and their juices. show the titration curve with
calculations for the titer determi-
The titration of ascorbic acid = nation and sample titration.
vitamin C is possible as a redox
titration with DCPIP (di-chloro- For the preparation of the DCPIP
phenol-indo-phenol) (Fig. 70). solution, 163.1 mg of DCPIP is
The ascorbic acid reduces the added to 250 ml water and stirred
disodium DCPIP (Tillmann's at 50° C for 20 minutes. The solu-
reagent), a 1:1 reaction. As the tion is then filtered, transferred to
redox potential drops during a 500 ml volumetric flask, 50 mg
the titration and then increas- KHCO3 (for stabilization) added
es again, a large step is initially and filled up to 500 ml. For the
dosed before the titration is titer determination, freshly pre-
continued in a linear manner. pared ascorbic acid solution is
The blue DCPIP is decolourized used: 50 mg of ascorbic acid is
during the titration. dissolved in water in a 100 ml
volumetric flask, 10-20 ml of
oxalic acid solution (100 g/l) is
added and filled up to 100 ml.
N Cl
+ 2H+ + 2e-
N Cl


Fig. 70  Redox reaction DCPIP

For the titer determination, 10 ml The following titration
of oxalic acid solution (100 g/l), parameters are recommended:
15 ml of distilled water and 1 ml  Linear titration to an
of sodium acetate solution equivalence point
(100 g/l) are placed in a beaker,  Step size: 0.05 ml
1 ml of the ascorbic acid solution   Measuring speed:
is added and is titrated with the Measurement time 2 s
DCPIP solution. Drift 40 mV/min
Min time 5s
Max time 10 s
 Pre-titration 1.2 ml,
10s waiting time
  no damping
 Titration end: 1 EQ, slope
value 80



300.0 2.97ml


260.0 0 ml
0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 1.875 2.25 2.625 3.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 71  Titer determination of DCPIP with ascorbic acid

Titration guide
For the titration of a juice Formula for ascorbic acid
sample, 0.5 - 5 g of sample mg/100g
are mixed with 40 ml of oxalic (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
acid solution (100 g/l) and 1 ml Ascorbic acid [mg/100g] =
W ∗ F2
of sodium acetate solution
(100 g/l). 40 ml water is added EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
after 5 minutes and titrated with equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
DCPIP (Fig. 72). T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar mass of ascorbic acid
The following titration (176.12 g/mol)
parameters are recommended: W: Weighed sample standard/sam-
 Linear titration to an F1: 100 (conversion l – ml, g - mg,
equivalence point reference to 100 g)
 Step size: 0.05 ml F2: 1
 Measuring speed:
fixed waiting time 7 s
  no damping
 Titration end:
1 EQ, slope value 80






250.0 0 ml
0.375 0.75 1.125 1.5 1.875 2.25 2.625 3.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 72  Titration ascorbic acid in a drink

6.4 Dead Stop Titrations
The Dead Stop titration can be
used when reversible redox
pairs occur. An important Indication
example is the titration with
iodine. The detection with a
double platinum electrode
proceeds much faster than the
potentiometric detection with
a platinum redox electrode. At
the endpoint of the titration,
both iodine and iodide ions
are present in the solution.
Two anions of iodide migrate
to the anode and release two
electrons there. At the cathode,
the iodine absorbs two
electrons and reacts to form two
iodide ions. With an applied
(low) voltage (approx. 100 mV)
a current flows, which is detect-
ed (Fig. 73). + -

2 I- I2

Fig. 73  Reversible redox reaction of iodine

Titration guide
Direct iodometric determina-
tion of vitamin C
The iodometric titration of ascor- The following titration
bic acid is usually performed as parameters are recommended:
a Dead Stop titration. It is the   Dead Stop Titration
usual titration for many drinks. As   linear step: 0.02 ml
sulfite ions can also be present   Pre-titration: 0.1 ml
in drinks, they must be converted   Dosing speed: 20 %
with glyoxal.  Titration direction:
50 ml of sample and 2 ml of  Measuring speed:
glyoxal solution (40% in water, fixed waiting time 1 s
adjusted to pH 7 with NaOH)   Polarization voltage 100 mV
are placed into a beaker. After   Delta endpoint: 2.0 µA
5 minutes, 5 ml of 25% sulfuric  Titration end: 2.5 µA
acid are added and titrated with   Endpoint delay: 5 s
0.01 mol/l iodine solution. The
content is calculated as acorbic
acid mg / l. Formula for ascorbic acid mg/l

In our example (Fig. 74), the Ascorbic acid [mg/l] =

ascorbic acid content of a fruit (EP1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
juice was determined. The iodo- V ∗ F2
metric determination offers - de-
spite the lower selectivity - some EP1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
advantages over the titration endpoint
B: Blank value of the solvent
with DCPIP: T: Exact concentration of the titrant
M: Molar weight ascorbic acid
Iodine solutions are significant- (176.12 g/mol)
ly more titer-stable than DCPIP V: Volume sample [ml]
F1: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
solutions, additionally iodine
F2: 1
standard solutions are available
in various concentrations.


3.0 µA
0.909 ml






0.0 ml

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig. 74  Titration curve ascorbic acid with iodine

Determination of the SO2

content in wine
Wine is protected from oxidation The titre of the iodine solution
by adding SO2. Free and bound can be determined with thio-
SO2 are therefore differentiated. sulphate solution (Fig.  75). If
additionally ascorbic acid is
The free SO2 is determined by present in the sample, the sum
adding 3 ml sulfuric acid 10%, of all reductones is titrated in
30 mg Na2EDTA and 10 ml this application. The ascorbic
KI solution (5%) to the 50 ml acid can be determined after
sample in a beaker and titrating the addition as described in the
immediately with iodine. The section "Direct iodometric deter-
total SO2 is determined by mination of vitamin C" according
adding 8 ml 4 mol/l NaOH to to the reaction of SO2 with glyoxal.
a 50 ml sample and waiting 5
minutes. Then 10 ml of 10%
sulfuric acid are added and titrat-
ed immediately with iodine.

Titration guide
The following titration Formula for SO2 in mg/l
parameters are recommended:
(EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
  Linear step: 0.02 ml SO2 [mg/ l] =
V ∗ F2
  Pre-titration: none
EP1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
  Dosing speed: 20 % endpoint
 Titration direction: B: Blank value of the solvent
increasing T: Exact concentration of the titrant
 Measuring speed: M: Molar weight SO2 (64.06 g/mol)
V: Volume sample [ml]
fixed waiting time 1s
F1: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
  Polarization voltage 100 mV F2: 1
  Delta endpoint: 1.0 µA
 Titration end: 2.0 µA
  Endpoint delay: 5 s



2.25 2.0 µA
1.581 ml





0.0 0 ml
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

Fig. 75  Titration curve SO2 in wine

6.5 Complexometric
Complexometry enables the At high pH values, the hydroxide
determination of numerous formation is a competitive
metal ions. Chelate complexes reaction. Work is often done in
have higher stability than com- ammoniacal solutions.
plexes with several smaller
ligands for two reasons: The detection of the titration is
carried out with ion-sensitive
 One molecule instead of indicator electrodes (ISE) and a
several small ligands reacts (usually separate) Ag/AgCl refer-
with a central atom ence electrode, preferably with
(entropy effect) a platinum diaphragm.
 If a bond is free, the metal
central atom still remains

Na2EDTA, di-sodium-ethylene-
diamine-tetra acetic acid is often
used. The stability of the com-
plexes there depends on the
pH. The higher the pH value,
the more stable the complex.
In acidic solution, the less
dissociated acid provides less
complexation possibilities. The
pH dependence of the complex
stability can be exploited during
the titration. Stable complexes
can still be titrated in acid, while
less stable complexes require a
high pH value.

Titration guide
Calcium and magnesium in
drinking water
In drinking water, calcium and If the pH value decreases,
magnesium form the permanent the Mg complex becomes less
hardness of the water as cations. stable and the Ca jump more
The determination of water hard- pronounced. The first derivation
ness is an important parameter shows to peaks of an approx-
of water chemistry. Calcium and imately same height. If the pH
magnesium can be determined value is too low, Mg can no
next to each other with Na2EDTA longer be detected, but the
and a calcium-sensitive electrode. Ca complex also becomes less
stable, the potential jump will be
Two potential jumps occur flatter.
during titration (Fig. 76). Their
form can be influenced by the In practice, one titrates at a pH
pH value and the addition of value of about pH 8-9. Acetyl-
auxiliary complexing agents. At acetone and TRIS are added as
a very high pH value, the weaker auxiliary complexing agents.
Mg complex is also stable and
the difference between the Ca In the titration of tap water,
and Mg complex in the potential 100.00 ml of the sample are
is very low. This means that first pipetted into a 150 ml beaker.
the stronger Ca complex forms, 15 ml TRIS/acetylacetone buffer
but that the Mg jump follows (20.4 g TRIS and 12 ml acetyl
soon. acetone to 1000 ml) are added
and titrated with 0.05 mol/l EDTA.
The first derivation therefore
shows only a flat first jump A Ca-ISE indicator electrode and
for the calcium. Only after the an Ag/AgCl reference electrode
magnesium, if no other metals with a platinum diaphragm are
are present, comes a strong used as electrodes.

The following titration M: Molar mass of CaO
parameters are recommended: (56.08 g/mol)
V: Volume sample [ml]
  Dynamic titration F1: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
 Dynamics: flat F2: 1
 Dosing speed 100%
  Measuring speed:
Formula for magnesium oxide
Measurement time 4 s
Drift 5 mV/min [mg/l]
Min time 5s (EQ1− EQ2) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Max time 12 s MgO [mg / l] =
V ∗ F2
  no damping
  Titration end: 2 EQ, EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
  slope value 120 first equivalence point
EQ2: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
Formula for calcium oxide [mg/l] second equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
(EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗M ∗F1
CaO [mg / l] = T: Exact concentration of the titrant
V ∗ F2 M: Molar mass of MgO
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the (40.32 g/mol)
equivalence point V: Volume sample [ml]
B: Blank value of the solvent F1: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
T: Exact concentration of the titrant F2: 1



0,0 2.48 ml ml
-15.1 mV




3.18 ml
-84.8 mV

0 0,375 0,75 1,125 1,5 1,875 2,25 2,625 3,0 3,375

mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 76  Titration curve drinking water

Titration guide
Total hardness in drinking
If the total hardness is to be The following titration
determined, it often makes parameters are recommended:
sense to have only one jump in   Dynamic titration
the titration curve (Fig. 77).  Dynamics: flat
In this case, the sum of  Dosing speed 100%
all metals is determined.   Measuring speed:
A Cu-ISE indicator electrode Measurement time 4 s
(solid-state electrode) and an Drift 3 mV/min
Ag/AgCl reference electrode Min time 5s
with a platinum diaphragm is Max time 12 s
used as indicator electrode.   no damping
So that all metals can be detect-  Titration end: 1 EQ, slope
ed, Cu(NH4)2EDTA 0.1mol/l is value 120 mV/ml
added as indicator. With very
small contents (< 0.1  °dH), a Formula for water hardness
blank value must be determined. [mmol/l]
(EQ1− EQ2) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
Water hardness [mmol/ l] =
Almost all divalent metal ions can V ∗ F2
be titrated in the same manner.
The water hardness is nowadays EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
given mainly in mmol/l alkaline equivalence point
earth ions. From this it is easy to B: Blank value of the solvent
T: Exact concentration of the
calculate the water hardness in titrant [mol/l]
other units such as °dH or °fH. M: 1
V: Volume sample [ml]
5 ml of ammonium chloride/am- F1: 1000 conversion g – mg
F2: 1
monia buffer pH 10 are added
to a 100 ml sample and 1 ml of
indicator Cu(NH4)2EDTA 0.1 mol/l
is added, then one titrates with
Na2EDTA 0.05 mol/l.







0.71 ml
0.0 13.6 mV ml


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 77  Titration curve drinking water

Titration guide
6.6 Determination of
molecular weights by
Titration is usually a method for The formula indicates the acidity
the quantitative determination in % of a salicylic acid solution
of known samples. The method having a molecular weight of
can also be used for the deter- 138.12. However, if the content is
mination of substance sizes if the known very accurately (because
content of a sample is clearly and a pure compound is present),
precisely known. the molecular weight can becal-
culated from the consumption:
The simplest case is a reversal of W ∗ F 2 ∗ [%]
the calculation formula for the Molar mass [g/ mol] =
EQ ∗ T ∗ F1
determination of salicylic acid:
W: Volume
EQ ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1 [%]: Content in %
Salicylic acid [%] = EQ: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
W ∗ F2
equivalence point
EQ: Consumption titrant [ml] until the T: Exact concentration of the titrant
equivalence point [mol/l]
T: Exact concentration of the titrant F1: 0.1 (conversion l-ml and %)
[mol/l] F2: 1
M: Molar weight [g/mol]
W: Volume If a compound is thus prepared
F1: 0.1 (conversion l-ml and %) in pure form, its molecular weight
F2: 1
can be determined in this
manner. The most common
application is certainly the deter-
mination of the crystal water
of a molecule, as the molecular
weight changes significantly with
crystal water.

6.7 Determination of pKs

Further substance-specific para- At the point on the titration curve

meters can be determined from where HAc and acetate ions have
the titration curve: pKs value the same concentration, the pH is
(acid strength), pKb value (base equal to the pKs value:
strength), complex stability
pH = pKs
constants, solubility products,
stability constants and extraction This point, the half neutralization
equilibria. point (HNP), can be read from
the titration curve (Fig. 78).
As an example, a simple possibil-
ity serves for the determination In methods for determining the
of the pKs value: pKs value, the equivalence point
is thus determined first. The pKs
HAc + H2O ↔ H3O+ + Ac-
value is then determined from
Here, the HAc acetic acid is an the titration curve suring the con-
example of a monobasic acid sumption EQ/2 ("y at x"). This is
which dissociates in water to also possible with several jumps
a hydronium ion and acetate and EQs in a first approximation.
anion to a small extent. The
concentration of water is consid-
ered constant in diluted solutions
and is included in the equilibri-
um constant.
[H3O+ ] ∗ [ Ac − ]
Ks =
The negative logarithm of the
equation is:
[ Ac − ]
pK s = pH − log

Titration guide
However, the pKs values thus Special software (for example
obtained are still subject to small Hyperquad) is used for the eval-
errors. In order to accurately uation.
determine the pKs value of
an acid, other factors must be
considered, for example:

  Electrode properties
 (Slope, zero point, deviation from
the theoretic behavior in acid and
 The ion activities instead of the
 Evaluation of a larger curve
area instead of an individual
data point

Acetic acid with sodium hydroxide


Titration degree = 1

pH Titration degree = ½

At titration graph 1/2: pKs = pH


0 5 10 15 20 25
ml NaOH

Fig. 78  Graphic representation of the pKs value from the HNP point

An interesting variant is the rep- The advantage of this represen-
resentation of an acid profile. tation is evident in applications
The pH value of a titration curve where several acids or acid
is plotted on the x-axis and the centers are present in a molecule.
quotient dml/dpH on the y-axis, In all cases, it is sensible to have
similar to the gradient of the more data points in the flat part
titration curve, only transferred of the titration. Dynamic titration
to the normal pH-y axis. The pKs is therefore unsuitable and linear
value can be recognized as the titration is the method of choice.
maximum (Fig. 79).


Profile acid strength acetic acid




dml/dpH 8

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 79  Graphic representation of the acid strength with pKs value as maximum

Titration guide
6.8 pH Stat titrations The titration is divided into
phases; an setting phase in
pH Stat titrations can cover very
which the starting pH must first
different applications. Even an-
be reached, at which the reac-
alog potentials of other sensors
tion proceeds optimally and a
can be kept constant.
Stat phase in which a defined
pH value or measured value
Typical applications are:
must be maintained (Fig. 81).
 Enzymatic titrations in which
The following can be consulted
protons are released.
as the result:
 Extraction reactions, e.g. of soil
samples from which alkaline
  The total consumption [ml]
acid components are released
 The consumption of the Stat
for 24 hours by an acid.
phase without setting phase
 Stability studies of e.g.
concrete at very low pH values,
 The gradient of the Stat phase
in order to get an idea of the
consumption per time [ml/s]
corrosion behavior.
or [mmol/s]
 Crystal growth, in which the
ions, which are removed by
The duration of the stat phase
crystallization from the solu-
starts when the pH value of the
tion, are supplied continuously
reaction is reached. Two different
in order to always obtain the
times can be set as time variable;
same concentration.
the total duration of the titration
 Neutrality reactions over a lon-
and the interval for the docu-
ger period of time.
mentation. The total duration is
the period during which the pH
In the pH Stat titration, one often
value is kept constant. The time
works under nitrogen at an accu-
interval defines the number of
rately set temperature to prevent
measurement points for the
the influence of CO2 from the air.
documentation. One also titrates
between these intervals and the
pH is kept constant.

If a titration takes 24 hours, that Time NaOH pH value
are recorded every five minutes. [s] [ml] [pH]
288 value triplets with consump- … … …
tion [ml], time [s] and pH value 44.013 3.509 6.905
[pH] are obtained. 46.014 3.574 7.116
48.016 3.624 6.984
50.018 3.724 6.977
Fig. 80 shows a data section of
52.02 3.759 6.987
the pH Stat titration from Fig. 81
54.021 3.857 6.957
with a recording frequency of 56.023 3.874 7.043
two seconds. A pH value around 58.024 3.974 6.874
pH 7.00 is kept constant. 60.025 4.024 7.073
62.026 4.106 6.867
The pH value is kept very 64.028 4.174 7.089
constant on average between … … …
the documented time and
volume values. Fig.  80 pH-Stat table with an interval
of 2 s

pH is kept constant
10 8

ml NaOH 5 4 pH
Continuous addition, gradient =
reaction speed 3
2 NaOH is added, until the starting pH value
is reached = setting phase

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Dauer [s]

Fig. 81  pH-Stat titration curve with the phases of the pH Stat titration
Titration guide
6.9 Gran titrations (and the highest value is scaled
to 1), the green straight line in
The Gran titration is led back to
Fig. 82 is obtained. The "Gran"
two publications by Gunnar Gran
values do not reach the value
[7], [8]. It is based on a lineariza-
"0", but they become very small.
tion of titration curves.
If a straight line is now placed
through the Gran function
The basis is the Nernst equation:
until just before the equivalence
R∗T a
E = E0 + ∗ ln ox point, the Gran line will intersect
ze ∗ F a red the x-axis exactly at the equiva-
E Electrode potential lence point. The values can also
E° Standard electrode potential be extrapolated linearly, the
R Universal or molar gas constant titration does not have to reach
R = 8.314 J mol−1 K−1
T absolute temperature this point then. The advantage
(=Temperature in Kelvin) is of course that "later" distur-
ze Number of electrons transferred bances are not included.
(also equivalence number)
F Faraday constant,
F = 96485.34 C mol−1
Analogously, the excess of
a Activity of the respective redox hydrochloric acid can be calcu-
partner lated back to the last equivalence
point with the Gran function, in
The acid/base equilibrium is that the pH value is used as a
contained in the equation in a negative exponent in the Gran
logarithmic form. An exponential equation:
notation thus leads to a linear-
ization of the titration curve. (Start volume+
Thus if, taking into account the
titration volume) *10-pH
volume correction, a titration of
a base with a strong acid is cal-
This Gran function can be seen
culated according to the formula
as an orange function in Fig. 82.
In order to detect no further bas-
(Start volume+ es or acids, the straight line area
titration volume) *10pH must not be placed too close to
the equivalence point.

This opens up the possibility Acid samples in which acid/
of a number of applications. base titrations falsify metals
Whenever the endpoint or by hydroxide formation at the
equivalence point is disturbed equivalence point.
by other effects, Gran titration is
an alternative. Examples are: The pH value of the equiv-
alence point must not be
Determination of the acid
  reached because a subse-
capacity in waters where quent reaction is then no
other acids (humic acids, longer possible.
phosphates) than carbonic
acid interfere with the usual




Gran scaled



4 0.2

2 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

HCl [ml]

pH Gran base 10^pH Gran acid 10^-pH

Fig. 82  Gran function at a titration of NaOH with HCl

Titration guide
A widely used application is the The titration is carried with HCl
determination of alkalinity in up to a value of pH 3.0 . For a
seawater [9]. range of pH 4.0 to 3.0, a Gran
evaluation takes place.
The standards
In Fig. 83, the classic titration
ISO 22719:2008 [9] ASTM
curve is shown in dark blue. The
D3875 - 08 [10] ASTM D1067 -
evaluation range of the Gran
06 [11] ASTM D513 - 06 [12]
titration is marked with dark
describe methods for determin- blue dots. The light blue first
ing the hydrogen carbonate or derivation shows how difficult
the alkalinity for various waters. it would be to calculate an
Even in wooded areas, a simple equivalence point or endpoint.
endpoint titration is often not The Gran function is represent-
possible due to humic acids [13]. ed in red and orange. For the
evaluation range between pH
The determination of the alka- 4 and 3, the Gran straight line
linity should be picked out here. is marked with red dots. The
The CO2 equilibrium has a large extrapolation of the Gran
influence on our climate. A straight line with the x-axis gives
multiple of the CO2 content of the alkalinity.
the atmosphere is dissolved
in seawater. If the pH value The excess of hydrochloric acid
decreases and/or the tempera- is calculated back to the last EQ
ture increases, less CO2 dissolves by means of the Gran evaluation.
in the seawater. The change of As a result, disturbances in the
the pH value is called acidifica- area of the EQ have no influence
tion. Instead of a pH value of 8.3, on the result.
nowadays only a pH 8.1 is usually


pH values Selection Gran (^-pH) Gran (^pH)

Gran pH 3-4 Derivation Linear (Gran pH 3-4)


8.00 0.900




y = 1.7463x - 2.1402
R² = 0.9998 0.400

4.00 0.200


3.00 0.000
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
ml HCl

Fig. 83  Gran titration of sea water

Titration guide
Classic titrations usually work  Acid / base titrations in aque-
with an optical indicator, in order ous and organic solvents
to display the end of a titration   Complexometric titrations
(also see section 2.5 “Manual   Redox titrations
titration”). Many standards there-   Precipitation titrations
fore still require the use of optical
indicators nowadays. The use of Tyical application examples for
a photometric sensor to detect photometric sensors are:
the endpoint offers several
advantages:  Determination of chondroitin
sulphate sodium according
 Objective evaluation of the to Ph.Eur. and USP.
colour change  Determination of carboxyl end
 Possibility of method automa- groups in PET according to
tion ASTM D7409
  Low-maintenance sensor  TAN/TBN according to ASTM
  Inert against most solvents D974
  Simple operation  Titration of sulphate (indicator
  Long lifetime thorin)
 Complexometric determina-
As optical indicators exist for tion of the total hardness
almost all titration applications,
a photometric sensor also has a
correspondingly broad applica-
tion range for:

7.1 The OptiLine 6
The OptiLine 6 electrode offers
the possibility to select between
six different wavelengths (Fig. 84).
The shaft material shaft consists
of titanium, whereby a maximum
compatibility with the different
solvents is ensured. Power is
supplied through a USB inter-
face, via which the measured
values are also transmitted to
the TitroLine titrator (digital sen-
sor). The setting of the titration
parameters, such as wavelength
and intensity, is performed
directly in the titration software.
In addition, the sensor has an
analog DIN/BNC interface,
which allows you to connect the
OptiLine to any titrator with a
corresponding input.

Shaft diameter 12 mm
Shaft length 132 mm
Minimum immersion depth 25 mm
Shaft material Titanium
Cable Fixed cable
Connections USB interface A, BNC interface, with BNC-DIN adapter
Current supply via USB
Measurement range 0 – 2000 mV
Temperature range 0 – 50 °C
pH range 0 – 14
Adjustable wavelengths 470, 520, 570, 590, 605, 625

Fig. 84  OptiLine 6 electrode, technical data

Titration guide
7.2 Measurement principle
During a photometric determi- The wavelength should be
nation, the change in intensity selected so that the absorption
is measured, which is caused by difference between the start and
the colour change of the indica- the end of the titration is greatest.
tor used. Due to the colour of the In order to determine the cor-
solution, the light emitted by the rect wavelength, you could use
sensor is absorbed. The change a photometer to record a spec-
in absorption that is caused by trum at the start and at the end
the colour change of the indica- of the reaction. The maximum or
tor, is measured as a change in minimum of the difference spec-
intensity on the detector is used trum shows the optimal wave-
as a regulating parameter for the length for this determination.
titration. The wavelength closest to this
wavelength can now be selected
During a precipitation titration, for the determination.
either turbidity is generated
during the titration, which reach-
es its maximum at the end of the
reaction or the occurrence of
turbidity indicates the end of
the reaction. In both cases, the
turbidity causes a dispersion of
the light emitted by the sensor,
which in turn causes the change
in intensity on the detector.

7.3 Error sources 7.4 Applications
Air bubbles Determination of the
In particular in aqueous media, alkalinity KS 4,3
air bubbles may form on the A general description of the
OptiLine. These lead to alkalinity can be found in
refractions of light, whereby no the section "Titration of KS 8,2 and
stable signal can be measured. KS 4,3". The indication takes place
Therefore, one should work with by means of methyl orange
degassed water if possible. The (0.2 % in H2O).
degassing of the water can take
place via a vacuum or boiling.
Furthermore, the sensor should
be aligned in such a manner that
the optical range of the sensor
points against the flow direction
so that any air bubbles in the
sample are removed.

Ambient light
As optical electrodes are light
dependent, in certain circum-
stances, strong ambient light
may interfere with the measure-
ment leading to erroneous
readings. As such, it is important
to consider the location when
performing photometric titra-

Titration guide
a) Titer determination
Approx. 120 mg TRIS (Tris-(hy-  Waiting time: 10 s
droxylmethyl)aminomethane)   Pre-titration: 8.5 ml
are weighed in for the deter-  Wavelength: 520 nm
mination of the titer. The deter-   Titration end: 1 EQ
mination takes place at 520 nm  slope value: steep
(Fig. 85).  Intensity: 30 %
 Smoothing: average
The following titration
parameters are recommended: Formula for titer in mol/l
 Measured value: mV (E) W ∗ F2
cHCl [mol / l] =
 Linear titration to an (EQ1− B) ∗ M ∗ F1
equivalence point
EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
 Linear step: 0.05 ml
equivalence point
  Measuring speed: B: Blank value = 0
Measurement time 3 s M: Molar weight of TRIS
Drift 10 mV/min (121.14 g/mol)
Min time 5s W: Weighed sample TRIS [g]
Max time 12 s F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion g – mg)




1100.0 10.00 ml
1106.2 mV





980.0 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 85  Titration curve of a photometric titer determination with 0.1 molar HCl

b) Sample measurement
To determine the alkalinity of   Pre-titration: none
drinking water, 100 ml of sample  Wavelength: 520 nm
are placed in a 150 ml beaker.  no damping
Depending on the alkalinity,   Titration end: 1EQ
the sample amount must be  slope value: steep
adjusted (Fig. 86).  Intensity: 30 %
 Smoothing: average
The following titration
parameters are recommended: Formula for KS 4.3 mmol/l
 Measured value: mV (E) (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
 Linear titration to an K s4,3 [mmol /l] =
V ∗ F2
equivalence point
 Linear step: 0.05 ml EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
  Measuring speed: equivalence point
B: Blank value = 0
Measurement time 3 s T: Exact concentration of the titrant
Drift 10 mV/min [mol/l]
Min time 5s M: Molar weight = 1
Max time 15 s V: ml presentation
F1: 10
F2: 0.01





3.71 ml
1050.0 1084.8 mV



900.0 0 ml
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 86  Titration curve of a photometric Alk. 4.3 determination of drinking water

Titration guide
Photometric determination of
acids in oils (TAN)
A description of the optical in- The following titration
dication of the acid titration in parameters are recommended:
oils can be found in the ASTM  Measured value: mV (E)
D974. 0.05 mol/l KOH in ethanol  Linear titration to an
is used as titrant. The solvent equivalence point
consists of a mixture of 500 ml of  No damping
toluene, 495 ml of isopropanol  Linear step: 0.05 ml
and 5 ml of dist. water. Indicator   Measuring speed:
is p-naphtholbenzein (1% solu- Measurement time 3 s
tion, dissolved in the solvent). Drift 10 mV/min
Min time 5s
a) Titer determination Max time 12 s
 Waiting time: 10 s
The determination of the titer is   Pre-titration: 4 ml
carried out in the aqueous at a  Wavelength: 520 nm
wavelength of 520 nm by means   Titration end: 1 EQ
of potassium hydrogen phthalate  Slope value: steep
and phenolphthalein as an  Intensity: 30 %
indicator. Approx. 50 mg of  Smoothing: average
potassium hydrogen phthalate
are weighed in and after Formula for titer in mol/l
the dissolving, 50 µl is added
(Fig. 87). W ∗ F2
cKOH [mol / l] =
(EQ1− B) ∗ M ∗ F1

EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the

equivalence point
B: Blank value = 0
M: Molar weight of potassium hy-
drogen phthalate
(204.22 g/mol)
W: Weighed sample potassium
hydrogen phthalate [g]
F1: 1
F2: 1000 (conversion g – mg)




5.26 ml
750.0 821.2 mV




150.0 0 ml
0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5 3.125 3.75 4.375 5.0 5.625
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 87  Titration curve photometric titer determination 0.05 molar KOH

Titration guide
b) Blank value of the solvent
To 100 ml of the solvent,  Wavelength: 625 nm
0.05 ml of indicator is added and  No damping
the titration is carried out. The  Titration end: 0.3 ml max.
measurement is carried out at dosing volume
625 nm (Fig. 88).  Intensity: average
 Smoothing: average
The following titration
parameters are recommended: Formula for blank value
 Measured value: mV (E)
Blank value [ml] = EQ1
 Linear titration to an
equivalence point EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
 Linear step: 0.02 ml equivalence point
  Measuring speed:
Measurement time 4 s
Drift 20 mV/min
Min time 10 s
Max time 40 s





0.10 ml
1400.0 1491.1 mV


1000.00 ml
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 88  Titration curve of a photometric blank value determination of

a solvent mixture (toluene/IPA/water)
c) Sample measurement
The weighing in of the sample  Wavelength: 625 nm
depends on the acid number of  Titration end: 1 EQ
the oil. The sample is dissolved in  Slope value: steep
100 ml of the solvent (Fig. 89).  Intensity: average
 Smoothing: average
The following titrationparame-
ters are recommended: Formula for FFA in mg KOH
 Measured value: mV (E) (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
TAN [mg KOH / g] =
 Linear titration to an W ∗ F2
equivalence point
 No damping EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
 Linear step: 0.04 ml equivalence point
  Measuring speed: B: Blank value of the solvent
T: exact concentration of the
Measurement time 4 s titrant [mol/l]
Drift 20 mV/min M: Molar weight KOH (56.1 g/mol)
Min time 10 s W: Weighing in the sample [g]
Max time 40 s F1: 1
F2: 1





0.53 ml
1702.8 mV




1200.00 ml
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 89  Titration curve of a photometric TAN determination of an

insulating oil
Titration guide
Determination of carboxyl
end groups in PET
The determination of carboxyl b) Blank value of the solvent
end groups in PET pellets For the determination of the
(polyethyleneterephthalate) is blank value, the solvent is treated
described in the ASTM D 7409. as described above, but no
Bromophenol blue (0.5% in sample is added. The blank value
ethanol) is used as indicator, is boiled under reflux just as long
0.05 molar ethanolic KOH as as the sample needed to
titrant. A blank value determina- dissolve. The titration is carried
tion of the solvent is carried out out after adding the indicator
(Fig. 90). (0.04 ml).
Approx. 1 g of the pellets are The following titration parame-
weighed in for the determina- ters are recommended:
tion. 20 g o-cresol is added to
the sample. The sample is  Measured value: mV (E)
boiled under reflux until it has  Linear titration to an
completely dissolved. An adjust- equivalence point
ment of the sample and solvent  Linear step: 0.004 ml
amount is necessary if e.g. pre-  Measuring speed:
cipitations result. After cooling, fixed waiting time: 20 s
the mixture is mixed with 35 ml  Wavelength: 605 nm
of chloroform. For the indication  Titration end: 0.1 ml max. dos-
0.04 ml bromophenol blue are ing volume
added (Fig. 91).   Intensity: 50 %
  Smoothing: high
a) Titer determination
Formula for blank value
The titer determination can be
Blank value [ml] = EQ1
determined photometrically, as
described in the part "Determi- EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
equivalence point
nation of the alkalinity KS 4,3".




800.0 0.02 ml
813.1 mV





500.0 0 ml
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 90 Titration curve of a photometric blank value determination of a solvent

mixture (o cresol/chloroform)

Titration guide
c) Sample measurement
The implementation of the mea- Formula for R-COOH in mmol/kg
surement is described in the
general method part. (EQ1− B) ∗ T ∗ M ∗ F1
R− COOH [mml/kg] =
W ∗ F2
The following titration parame- EQ1: Consumption titrant [ml] until the
ters are recommended: equivalence point
B: Blank value of the solvent
  Measured value mV (E) T: exact concentration of the
 Linear titration to an titrant [mol/l]
equivalence point M: Molar weight = 1
  no damping W: Weighing in the sample [g]
F1: 1
  Linear step: 0.1 ml
F2: 1000 (conversion g – mg)
 Measuring speed:
fixed waiting time: 20 s
 Wavelength: 605 nm
  Titration end: 1 EQ
 Slope value flat
 Intensity: 50 %
 Smoothing: high






600.0 0.54 ml
620.7 mV


375.0 0 ml
0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1.0 1.125
mV/ml dmV/dml

Fig. 91  Titration curve of a photometric carboxyl end group determination of

PET pellets
8.1 The Karl Fischer
reaction and reagents
The Karl Fischer titration serves to The oxygen of the sulphate ester
determine the water content of a comes from the water molecule.
sample. It has the advantage of The examinations of the mech-
faster determination compared anism show a change of the
to the drying method and is also stoichiometry when working in
more selective. The exact mech- other solvents. The addition of
anism of the Karl Fischer reaction other solvents should therefore
has been controversial for a long not exceed 50  % by volume.
time. Even the stoichiometry of In addition to water, four compo-
the reaction was not clear for a nents (an alcohol, sulfur dioxide,
long time. In principle, a titration a base, iodine) participate in the
would not be possible therewith. reaction; these must be present
In more recent times, there have so that the reaction takes place.
been some investigations of the
mechanism, which have resulted With the classic KF titration, all
in the following reaction equa- components are offered as a
tion: combined reagent and are avail-
able in sufficient stability with
ROH + SO2 + R´N → [R´NH]SO3R
suitable bases and alcohols. In
H2O + l2 + [R´NH]SO3R + 2 R´N → addition, 2-component reagents
are also offered nowadays, in
[R´NH]SO4R + 2 [R´NH] which the solvent component
contains an alcohol, a base and
ROH An alcohol, e.g. methanol,
ethanol, ethylene glycol mono-
ethyl ether
R´N A base, e.g. imidazole (previously
often pyridine)

Titration guide
The titration solution then con- The KF titration is largely selec-
sists of an iodine solution in an tive for water under the given
alcohol. This reagent has the circumstances. However, there
advantage of pH buffering and are of course limitations for a
a higher concentration of all number of secondary reactions.
components on the left side These can be divided into the
of the reaction equation. The following types:
reaction is clearly faster and the
reagents last clearly longer.  Reactions which generate water
 Reactions which require water
With the one-component rea-  Redox secondary reactions of
gent (Fig. 92), it is possible to iodine
adapt the solvent to the solubility   External water
of the sample.

1 component reagent 2 component reagent

Sample Titrant Sample Titrant

• Methanol • Alcohol • Alcohol • Iodine

• Base • Base
• SO2 • SO2
• Iodine

Fig. 92  Schematic of 1 and 2 component reagents

The best known water-producing Aldehydes can also form a bisul-
reaction is the formation of phate addition with SO2 under
acetals or ketals. The alcohol certain conditions. This reaction
necessary for the reaction and should be largely suppressed
used as a solvent reacts with with a correctly set pH value.
carbonyl groups (C = O) while This reaction also requires water
forming water. This water is also and could pretend in this way a
detected by the titration. The water content that is too low.
titration does not seem to stop.
A high permanent “drift” results. Further reactions with water
formation are the reaction of
However, acetal or ketal forma- carbonyls with amines to form
tion can be avoided by using Schiff's bases, the formation of
special reagents for aldehydes enamines and the esterification
and ketones. A second possibil- of acids with the alcohol of the
ity is the mode of operation with solvent. The risk is reduced when
reduced temperature. One works using methanol-free solvents.
at temperatures below 0 o C. The
ionic KF reaction proceeds in External water is the most com-
a virtually unaffected manner, mon error source in KF titration.
while the acetal and ketal forma- It can reach the titration cell
tion is significantly slowed down. through various possibilities.
The lower temperature limit is First, the solvent or the presenta-
determined by the viscosity of tion component must of course
the solvent and the crystallization be dry-titrated. This procedure
of secondary components. is called conditioning. If External
water still gets into the titration
cell, this is assigned to the
sample as External water.
External water reaches the titra-
tion cell in the following man-

Titration guide
he titration cell is not tight.
T The KF titration is strongly pH-
Foreign particles can for exam- dependent (Fig. 93). At values
ple hang between the ground below 5.5 pH, the reaction speed
joints. Another possibility is slows by up to a factor of 1000.
defective O-rings on the screw
connections of the titration cell. Secondary reactions can occur in
the alkaline range. But this also
 While the titration cell is
implies that in the KF titration
opened to add the sample, air
of acids, bases must be added
humidity enters.
and in the titration of bases (e.g.,
 The septum for the addition of
amines), acids must be added.
liquid samples is leaking and
 Acidic samples: add imidazole
 The molecular sieve in the
or methyl imidazole
drying tube for pressure equal-
ization is used up and must be
 Alkaline samples: add benzoic
acid oder salicylic acid
 Humid air is present in the
pump system. The air for
adding the solvent must also
be dried with the molecular

k Reaction speed

Slow area
KF area area

pH value
5.5 7.5

Fig. 93  Dependence of the reaction speed from the pH value

8.2 The detection of the
KF titration and titration
The KF titration uses a double However, the current curve does
platinum electrode for detection, not give any information about
to which a voltage of 20-200 mV the course of the reaction. There-
is applied. The titration is titrated fore, a representation is usually
with an iodine solution. The chosen in which the time is
iodine reacts directly to iodide plotted on the x-axis and the
in the KF reaction. No current consumption on the y-axis. First,
can flow at the double platinum the reagent is added quickly and
electrode of the detection sys- a steep increase results. Then,
tem. However, as soon as the one titrates slower and more
first drop of an iodine solution carefully, because the titrator de-
is present in excess, a reversible tects the approaching endpoint.
redox system of iodine and The smaller reagent additions
iodide is present. A current flows, make the titration curve increas-
which is measured and indicates ingly flatter until no more reagent
the end of the titration. is added and the titration runs
parallel to the x-axis (Fig. 94).
Bend which is
not too acute

Flat curve,
parallel to the x-axis
Consumption [ml]


Steep increase,
fast reaction

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Titration duration [s]

Fig. 94  KF titration curve

Titration guide
If a secondary reaction is present 8.3 Sample handling
during the titration, e.g. because
The samples must be com-
ketones are present and two
pletely dissolved for the safe
moles of water are formed per
total determination of the water
mole of ketal, a continuous in-
content. Not all samples dis-
crease can be seen, the drift does
solve in methanol or the solvent
not go down and the titration
component of the 2-component
does not stop when there is no
reagent. In these cases, the
time limit. Fig. 95 shows an exam-
one-component reagent is pre-
ple for a titration with secondary
ferred and the methanol is treat-
ed with a solubility enhancer.
For polar samples, formamide
is often used. For non-polar
samples chloroform, xylene or
long-chain alcohols are used.



Consumption [ml]







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time [s]

Fig. 95  Titration curve with secondary reaction

Even a sample that does not The possibilities are often limit-
release the water immediately ed by the water content and the
would show a continuous in- type of the sample. Thus, ex-
crease. Different ways exist to ternal extraction is unsuitable if
optimize the water release: the water content of the sample
is significantly lower than the
 Adaptation of the solvent, water content of the solvent.
where possible (Fig. 96)
 Heating of the solution (to For some samples, however,
approx. 50 °C) by means of a drying oven is required for
a heatble magnetic stirrer, sample preparation. An exam-
or a double jacket vessel and ple are plastic samples that are
a water bath virtually insoluble, at least not in
 External sample preparation/ a solvent that is suitable for KF
extraction titration. However, the oven can
  Use of a homogenizer only be used to a limited extent
  Use of a KF oven if the samples decompose
before they release the water or
if volatile components outgas
and condense in the colder part
of the oven.


Duration Methanol and formamide

Dissolving trials Polarity of the solvent Methanol

Temperature Methanol + chloroform

Fig. 96  Dissolving trials with the KF titration

Titration guide
8.4 The coulometry
The volumetric reagent addition At the cathode, hydrogen is
is preferably replaced by coulo- generated by reduction. The
metrically generated iodine with amount of iodine generated
low water contents. is calculated from the titrator
according to Coulomb's law:
Coulometry is based on the M∗Q
same chemical reaction, but m=
z ∗F
the iodine is not dosed by
m mass of the water to be
a burette but generated in situ determined
at the anode of a generator M molar mass
electrode by oxidation of iodide Q measured charge amount
(Fig. 97). z valency
F Faraday constant
(96,485.3 Coulomb/Mol)


Iodine generation Indication Iodine dosing

- + -

2 I- I2
2I I2 I2
From KF
reagent KF reaction

Fig. 97  Comparison KF coulometry and volumetry

Coulometry is an absolute Only with very small amounts of
method; a titer determination water, difficult samples and very
is not necessary and also not high demands of the accuracy,
possible. KF volumetry and electrodes with diaphragms are
coulometry are the same except used. Then suitable reagents
for the iodine addition (Fig. 98). are available for the cathode
Nowadays, a generator elec- chamber.
trode is mostly used, which dis-
penses with a diaphragm.

Coulometric Volumetric
KF titration KF titration
Switch on titrator Switch on titrator

Carry out the first filling

Fill the solvent into the titration cell Fill the solvent into the titration cell

Start the method

Condition the solvent Condition the solvent

Start the titration Start the titration

Place the sample into the titration vessel Place the sample into the titration vessel
next next
titration titration
Weighing in and designation Weighing in and designation

The titration is running The titration is running

The results are issued The results are issued

Pump off the solvent

Fig. 98  Workflows for the coulometric/volumetric KF titration

Titration guide
In a direct comparison, the cou- Both methods complement each
lometric KF titration is simpler, other and one can rarely be com-
as there is automatically condi- pletely replaced by the other.
tioned in the background, so Coulometry has its advantages
the titration cell is kept dry. With in the ease of operation and
volumetric titration, condition- the determination of very small
ing is added, which is necessary amounts of water, while volume-
for each sample prior to titration try can be used far more flexibly.
(Fig. 98 and 99).

Property Coulometry Volumetry

Water content und

Wassergehalt and • small
contents • medium
mittlere und
large water
sample amount • small
amounts • adapted

• liquid • solid
Sample types • gaseous (e.g. oven) • liquid
• fixed samples with oven

• direct
mit Spritze
with the
syringe • solids
• gas introduction with oven • Probenzerkleinerung
sample crushing with mit
Sample addition
Probezugabe und
• external extraction • Homogenisierer
and preparation
• fheat out solid samples • Arbeiten
work withmit erhöhtertemperature
increased Temperatur
in the oven • mit

• very fast • fast

• very simple • simple

• μg range
Bereich • mg range
Working range
• 10 μg to
Wasser • 200 μg to
μg water

• very good for small • very good for water amounts

Correctness water amounts > 400 μg > 5 mg water (+/- 0.5% current
water (+/- 0.5%) titer determination necessary)

>5 mg Wasser,
5 mg water,
> 400
Reproducibility typischer RSD ca. 1%
typical RSD
RSA ca. 1%
approx. 1% typical RSA approx. 1%

Fig. 99  Comparison use of coulometric and volumetric KF titration

9.1 Overview
An important prerequisite for In principle, all devices and meth-
the correctness of titrations is the ods must be validated in the
correctness of the concentration laboratory so that traceability can
of the titrant. The titration is an be guaranteed.
absolute method, that is, the con-
sumption is directly attributable Definition of the validation
to the chemical conversion. according to (DIN EN ISO 8402,
As many titrants cannot be
weighed in directly or their "Confirmation by examining and
concentration does not always providing an objective evidence
remain the same, the current that the special requirements for
content must be checked and a special, intended use are ful-
documented again and again. filled...
This happens by means of the Verifiable information based on
titer determination of the titrant. facts obtained by observation,
measurement, test or in another
Usually secondary reference manner."
materials according to NIST are
used nowadays. These are pro- For the validation, a comparison
vided by the manufacturer with between the requirements and
a certificate of the exact content, their fulfillment must always un-
uncertainty and durability. All derlie according to ISO 8402.
titrations whose titers have been This is verified with the execu-
set with such a standard can be tion of a validation process.
traced back to NIST. Titer deter-
minations are described in detail
in section 4.

Titration guide
9.2 Qualifications
The qualification of a titrator
happens essentially by check-
ing its correct volume (the mea-
surement unit of the titration)
according to ISO 8655. For use
in the laboratory, however, the
device additionally has to be
qualified by a series of process-
es (Fig. 100). IQ and OQ can
usually be carried out by the

After the qualification, the device

can be used in the laboratory for
the routine. An additional valida-
tion is necessary for the methods.
This takes place with the same
scheme for all analysis methods
and is described in detail in
the literature [14, 15] for many

Qualification Description What has to be done? Aids/documentation

The DQ specifies the functional ● Describe the usage purpose ● Manuals, operating instruc-
Design and operational qualifications ● Select the instrument tions
of an instrument. ● Evaluate the manufacturer ● Standards and quality
qualification guidelines
(DQ) ● Conformity guidelines
● Manufacturer documents

The IQ ensures that an ● Check delivery scope ● Operating instructions

instrument in the delivery state ● Set up ● Device support
Installation corresponds to the ● Start up ● Support of the manufacturer
qualification specifications of the order. It ● Carry out a test ● IQ document
(IQ) also documents the installation
of the selected work

Within the scope of the OQ, it is ● System suitability test ● OQ forms

Operational verified that an instrument in ● e.g. linearity with standard ● Standards
the selected work environment ● Determination of the ● Certificates
qualification standard deviation ● Training certificates
functions in correspondence
(OQ) with the operational ● Calibration
specifications. ● Training

The PQ verifies that an ● Adapt analysis methods ● Log book

Performance instrument continuously ● Validate the methods ● Application support
qualification delivers the performance ● Seminars
according the specifications ● Standards
during normal use. ● SOPs

Maintenance The MQ describes and ● Cleaning and care ● Maintenance contracts

documents the necessary ● Re-qualifying ● Technical customer service
qualification maintenance. ● Maintenance ● Test means monitoring
(MQ) ● Titer checks

Fig. 100  Qualifications of a titration measurement place

Titration guide
9.3 Validation
The extent of the validation
depends on how much of a
product is contained in a sample
and how the influence of the
sample matrix is. Fig. 101 repro-
duces the validation scheme
according to USP (United States
Pharmacopoeia). In practice, the
focus is on precision and linear-
ity, as they give characteristics
such as area, determination and
detection limit.

Category I Category II Category II Category III

Characteristic (Content (Limit (Quant. (Quant.
determination) check) determination) determination)
Precision + - + +
Correctness + (+) + +

Verification limit - + - +

Determination limit - - + +

Selectivity + + + +

Range + (+) + +

Linearity + - + +

Robustness + + + +

Regulations of the USP XXII for validation:

• Category I: Main components
• Category II: Secondary products
• Category III: Performance parameters (substance release)

Fig. 101  Validation elements according to USP

9.4 Check of the
correctness of a titration
It shall be shown at an example
that the small additional effort
of a linearity test compared to a
simple multiple determination
provides a great number of infor-

A relative standard deviation

(RSD) of almost 12% is the
result (Fig. 102, a). The linearity
now shows that a negative con-
sumption of 0.3 ml results from a
0.00 ml sample. This indicates
a defective sample amount.

The used pipette was examined

according to ISO 8655 and the
found volume error was insert-
ed into the data as correction.
At 0.2%, the RSD is in the expect-
ed order of magnitude after the
correction. The linearity shows a
correlation coefficient of 1,000.
The straight line passes (almost)
through the zero point (Fig. 103).

Titration guide
y = 6.01x - 0.3431
R² = 1


ml sample ml result “content”
0.2 0.8558 4.279
0.4 2.0596 5.149
0.6 3.2748 5.458
0.8 4.4574 5.572 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Mean 5.114 sample mass
SD 0.585
RSD 11.436

Fig. 102  Linearity of the titration results shows a serious error

y = 6.01x + 0.0055
R² = 1


ml sample ml result “content”
0.142 0.8558 6.027
0.342 2.0596 6.022
0.542 3.2748 6.042
0.742 4.4574 6.007 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Mean 6.025 sample mass
SD 0.014
RSD 0.238

Fig. 103  Linearity after the correction of the volume error

For a simplified validation, only The curves are analysed and
a few characteristics have to be the results are represented in a
checked and only a few titrations graph:
are required. In the example
  x-axis = sample amount
(Fig. 104 and 105), five titrations
  y-axis = consumption.
are performed, the average
value and the relative standard The RSD is very low at 0.02 %.
deviation RSD are calculated. For a titer determination, values
up to approx. 0.5% would be
routinely accepted. The average
value is also exactly where you
expect it.
Titer determination NaOH 0.1 mol/l

No. Weighted sample [g] Consumption [ml] Titer NaOH

1 0.1189 5.8445 1.0060
2 0.1576 7.7489 1.0057
3 0.2090 10.2722 1.0061
4 0.2578 12.6710 1.0061
5 0.3045 14.9631 1.0063
MW titer 1.0060
SD titer 0.0002
Fig. 104  Result of a titer determination RSD titer 0.0218

Linearity y = 49.128x + 0.005

R² = 1.000
Consumption [ml]

-2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4
Weighted sample [g]
Fig. 105  Linearity representation of the titer determination
Titration guide
The titration curve is a very It is important that sample
important element for the preparation is taken into account
evaluation of the titration result in the various titrations. It is not
(Fig. 106). permissible to take several partial
amounts of a prepared sample.
The criteria are as follows:
Fig. 107 shows an example of a
 Calm titration curve without validation of a KF coulometer.
“dents” and “fluctuations“ A volume test is not possible due
  Steep 1st derivation to a lack of burette, but the linear-
  Even form of the derivation ity test can also prove the correct
 Only one peak, no secondary
function of the device here. By
means of the linearity test and a
reference substance, the correct-
If the titration curves are correct,
ness of the water determination
the linearity is examined.
is verified according to specified
The characteristics are as follows:

 Correlation coefficient better

than 0.99(9)
 Interface with the y-axis (x = 0)
smaller than a drop of titrant
(0.05 ml)
 The factor of the slope is exam-
ined if necessary

Some parameters such as the

correctness have not been
examined. This could be checked
by adding a standard that can
be recovered at 100%.



10.13 ml
8.568 pH






3.5 0 ml
1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 6.25 7.5 8.75 10.0
pH/ml dpH/dml

Fig. 106  Exemplary curve of a titer determination

Test protocol of manufacturer test TL KF Trace

KF Reagent:
Hydranal Coulomat AD, Fluka Analytical No. 34810
LOT SZ BA 0760, Date of Prod. Mar.2010, Exp. Date Feb. 2015

Hydranal Coulomat CG, Fluka Analytical No. 34840

LOT SZ BA 014 A, Date of Prod. Jan.2011, Exp. Date Dez. 2015

Reference Material:
Hydranal Water Standard 1.0 , Fluka Analytical No. 34849
LOT SZ E 93380, Date of Prod. Mar. 2010, Exp. Date Nov. 2014
y = 1005.6x - 1.0075
Temperature: 22.7°C Linearity R2 = 0.9998
Specified value 1.000 [mg/g]


No. Sample Weight [g] Result [µg] Found [%] 500.0

Water [µg]

1 0.2153 214.9 99.8 400.0

2 0.2879 288.8 100.3
3 0.3684 371.0 100.7
4 0.4269 427.1 100.0
Mean 100.220 100.0

RSD 0.241 0.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Weight [g]

Fig. 107  Check of a KF titrator with the help of a linearity test

Titration guide
9.5 Measurement uncer- The variables are quantified and
converted into equal measuring
units. Then the relative errors can
Today, the accuracy of a method be plotted as shown in Fig. 109.
is no longer specified, but the The uncertainty "u" of a titer
uncertainty "u" is estimated. For determination then essentially
this, a method is examined by depends on the correctness of
means of a cause-effect diagram the volume.
(Fig. 108) for all parameters
that have an influence on the The uncertainty is multiplied by
calculated result. In the titration, a factor k = 2 and added as an
all factors are evaluated that are expanded uncertainty to an
directly or indirectly contained in analysis value, such as e.g. can
the calculation formula. be seen on the certificates of the
reference materials.
Volume expansion
Volume expansion
Titration parameter Repeatability
Electrode properties empty weight

Repeatability gross weight

purity NaCl
Deviation EQ turning point

Titration speed temperature weighing


Concentration mass NaCl

Uncertainty chloride
Weighing Uncertainty sodium

Mass NaCl

Fig. 108  Cause-effect diagram of a titration

Description Value Standard Relative standard
uncertainty Uncertainty u(x)/x
rep Repeatability 1 0.0005 0.0005
m KHP Weight of KHP 0.3888 g 0.00013 g 0.00033
P KHP Purity of KHPs 1 0.00029 0.00029
M KHP Molar mass of KHP 204.2212 g mol-1 0.0038 g mol -1 0.000019
VT Volume of the NaOH during 18.64 ml 0.013 ml 0.0007
KHP titration

V(T) Highest uncertainty





c(NaOH) Result
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
u(y .x ) (mmol )

Fig. 109  The uncertainties of a titration in comparison according to GUM [15]

Titration guide
[1] Schulze, Simon, Martens-Menzel, Jander Jahr
“Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der Titration mit chemischen und
physikalischen Indikationen”, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston,
18. Auflage, 2012

[2] DIN EN ISO 8655-3:2002-12 Volumenmessgeräte mit Hubkolben

— Teil 3: Kolbenbüretten (ISO 8655-3:2002)

[3] PTB-Mitteilungen 112 (2002) Heft 2, S. 139-149

[4] Gernand, K. Steckenreuter, G. Wieland „Greater analytical accuracy

through gravimetric determination of quantity“,
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. (1989) 334:534-539

[5] pH-Fibel, SI Analytics 2014

[6] DIN 38409-H7 Summarische Wirkungs- und Stoffgrößen (Gruppe H)

— Teil 7: Bestimmung der Säure- und Basenkapazität

[7] Gran, G.
Determination of the Equivalence Point in Potentiometric
Titrations, Acta Chimica Scandinavica (1950) S. 559-577

[8] Gran, G. (1952)

Determination of the equivalence point in potentiometric titrations
— Part II, Analyst, 77, 661-671

[9] ISO 22 719 First Edition, 2008-03-15,

Water quality — Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using
high precision potentiometric titration

[10] ASTM D3875 - 08 Standard Test Method for Alkalinity in Brackish

Water, Seawater, and Brines

[11] ASTM D1067 - 06 Standard Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of


[12] ASTM D513 - 06 Standard Test Methods for Total and Dissolved
Carbon Dioxide in Water

[13] Handbuch Forstliche Analytik (4. Ergänzung 2009), C 2.1.1-3

[14] S. Kromidas, Handbuch Validierung in der Analytik, 2014

Wiley-VCH Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3527329380

[15] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008: Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3:

Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement

[16] Küster, Thiel, Ruland, „Rechentafeln für die Chemische Analytik“,
Gruyter; Auflage: 105., aktualis. A. (16. Oktober 2002)

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