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The Secretary of State for the Environment is required to compile lists of buildings of
special architectural or historic interest for the guidance of local planning authorities.
Conservation policies are often based on the lists, which are being revised within a
national re-survey programme.

How the buildings are chosen

The principles of selection for these lists were originally drawn up by an expert
committee of architects, antiquarians and historians, and are still followed. Buildings
that qualify for listing are, (a) All buildings before 1700 which survive in anything like
their original condition, (b) Most buildings between 1700 and 1840, though selection is
necessary, and (c) between 1840 and 1914 only buildings of definite quality and
character: the selection being designed to include the principle works of the principal
architects. Selected buildings of 1914 to 1939 are also considered.

In choosing buildings, particular attention is paid to:

Special value within certain types, either for architectural or planning reasons or
as illustrating social and economic history (for instance, industrial buildings,
railway stations, schools, hospitals, theatres, town halls, markets, exchanges,
almshouses, prisons, lock-ups, mills).

Technological innovation or virtuosity (for instance cast iron, prefabrication, or

the early use of concrete).

Group value, especially as examples of town planning (for instance, squares,

terraces or model villages).

Association with well known characters or events.

A survey is carried out by the Department’s Inspectors of Historic Buildings, for each
local authority area and buildings are classified in grades to show their relative

Grade 1. These are buildings of exceptional interest (less than 5per cent of
the listed buildings so far are in this grade).

Grade II These are buildings of special interest, which warrant every effort
being made to preserve them. (Some particularly important
buildings in Grade II are classified as Grade II*).

(Note: There was previously a Grade III which did not form part of the statutory list.
Since the adoption of current standards, many buildings originally shown as Grade III
qualify for selection, particularly when they possess group value, and are situated in the
revised lists accordingly)
Listed Buildings and Ancient Monuments

‘Listed buildings’ as described in these notes are buildings listed by the Secretary of
State for the Environment as being of special architectural or historic interest, and are
often occupied buildings.

‘Scheduled ancient monuments’ are buildings or other structures scheduled under the
Ancient Monuments Acts. They are usually unoccupied in any case where a listed
building is also a scheduled monument the control provisions of the Ancient Monument
Acts supersede those in the Town and Country Planning Acts.
The 8th List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic
Interest in the City of Liverpool
Vol : 392 & 393 ( 19.06.1985 )

Map Address Grade Date

Ref:No. Listed
57/1 Abercromby Square L7 II 28.06.52
Garden House

57/2 Abercromby Square ( west side ) L7 II 28.06.52

55/2 Nos. 1 to 7 (consec) No. 7a

57/3 Abercromby Square ( south side ) L7 II 28.06.52

No. 8

57/4 Abercromby Square ( south side ) L7 II 28.06.52

Nos. 9,10,11 ( consec )

57/5 Abercromby Square ( south side ) II 28.06.52

No. 12

57/6 Abercromby Square ( south side ) II 28.06.52


57/7 Abercromby Square ( south side ) L7 II 28.06.52

No. 14

55/8 Abercromby Square L7 II 28.06.52

No. 17

55/9 Abercromby Square L7 II 28.06.52

Nos. 18 & 19 ( consec )

55/10 Abercromby Square ( north side ) L7 II 28.06.52

Nos. 20 to 27 ( consec )

41/11 Acrefield Road ( east side ) L25 II

Blair Lea Lodge

41/12 Acrefield Road ( east side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Aymestrey Court Hostel

41/13 Acrefield Road ( east side ) L25 II 14.03.75

The Lodge to Aymestrey Court Hostel

41/14 Acrefield Road ( east side ) L25 II 14.03.75

The Coach-house at Aymestrey Court Hostel

44/15 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 8 and 10

44/16 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 12 and 14

44/17 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75
No. 16

44/18 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 18 and 20

41/19 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75


41/20 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

The Mount

41/21 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Acrefield Kindergarten

41/22 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 05.09.73


41/23 Acrefield Road ( west side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Acrefield Cottage

45/24 Aigburth Hall Avenue L19 II 14.03.75

No. 1

45/25 Aigburth Hall Avenue L19 II* 23.02.60

46/25 No. 3 ( Stanlawe Grange and The Granary )

46/26 Aigburth Hall Road L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 17 and 19 ( Oak House )

42/27 Aigburth Road L17 II 14.03.75

Entrance gates, corner Aigburth Road
and Mossley Hill Drive

42/28 Aigburth Road L17 II 14.03.75

Aigburth Lodge ( called Fulwood Lodge )

42/29 Aigburth Road ( east side ) L17 II

No. 301 ( Barclay’s Bank )

42/29+1 Aigburth Road II

Mile Post at NGR 37948668

46/30 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

Roman Catholic Church of Saint Austin

46/31 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

No. 561 (Saint Austin’s Presbytery)

46/32 Aigburth Road L19 II

St. Austin’s Parish Hall

46/33 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 563 and 565

7/34 Aigburth Road L17 II* 12.07.66

Church of St. Anne
7/35 Aigburth Road L17 II
Gate piers to Saint Anne’s church

46/36 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Cressington Park

46/37 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

Gate piers at entrance to Cressington Park

46/38 Aigburth Road L19 II 14.03.75

Street Lamp near the Lodge, inside
Cressington Park

30/39 Albert Dock L3 Dock Traffic Office I 28.06.52

30/40 Albert Dock L3 Warehouse A I 28.06.52

30/41 Albert Dock L3 Warehouse B & C I 28.06.52

30/42 Albert Dock L3 Warehouse D I 28.06.52

30/43 Albert Dock L3 Warehouse E I 28.06.52

30/43+1 Albert Dock L3 Swingbridge II

30/44 Albert Dock L3 Hydraulic Pumping II

Station to East of Canning Half-Tide Dock

6/45 Albert Dock L3 II

30/45 Sea wall to west of Marine Parade

6/46 Albert Pierhead L3 II

Original Dock Master’s Office

6/47 Albert Pierhead L3 II

Gatepiers to Albert Dock

6/48 Albert Pierhead L3 Dock Master’s house II

6/49 Albert Pierhead L3 Workshop II

26/50 Alder Road ( north side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Thimble Hall

26/51 Alder Road ( north side ) L12 II

Entrance to Sandfield Park

26/52 Alder Road ( south side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Alder Lodge

7/53 Allerton Road L18 II

Church of Saint Barnabas

39/54 Allerton Road L18 I 28.06.52

Church of All Hallows

43/55 Allerton Road L25 II 14.03.75
Allerton Golf Club House

43/56 Allerton Road L25 Obelisk on lawn to II 14.03.75

south east of Allerton Golf Club House

43/57 Allerton Road L18 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Allerton Park Golf Course

43/58 Allerton Road L19 Allerton Priory II* 12.07.66

43/59 Allerton Road L25 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Allerton Priory

43/60 Allerton Road L18 II 14.03.75

No. 442 ( Hoarwithy Lodge )

43/61 Allerton Road L18 II 14.03.75

Former stable block to Cleveleys

43/62 Allerton Road L18 II 14.03.75

Cleveley Cottage

43/63 Allerton Road L18 New Heys II 14.03.75

44/64 Allerton Road ( south side ) L25 No. 25 II 14.03.75

44/65 Allerton Road ( south side ) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 27 ( Lake House )

44/66 Allerton Road ( south side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 61 and 61a

44/67 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 No. 30 II 14.03.75

44/68 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 82 to 86

44/69 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Woolton Library

44/70 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 II

Nos. 104 and 106

44/71 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 116 and 118

44/72 Allerton Road ( north side ) L25 No.120 II 14.03.75

17/73 Almonds Green ( west side ) L12 II* 28.06.52

The Old Court House

17/74 Almonds Green ( west side ) L12 II 14,03.75

The Hare and Hounds Public House

17/75 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Nos. 11, 11a and 13
17/76 Almonds Green ( west side ) L12 II 14.03.75
Nos. 15, 17, 19a and 19

17/77 Almonds Green ( west side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Nos. 97 to 103 ( odd )

17/78 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II* 12.07.66

Church of Saint Mary

17/79 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Croxteth Hall with railings and
gateway to the north-west of the lodge

4/10103 Almonds Green, II 27.04.98

Margaret Beavan Special School

4/10105 Almonds Green Entrance Lodge at II 27.04.98

Margaret Beavan Special School

4/10106 Almonds Green Boundary wall, gate piers II 27.04.98

& letter box at Margaret Beavan Sp. School

17/80 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Street lamp and fountain in front of
Croxteth Park entrance

17/81 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 to 6 ( even )

17/82 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

No. 8 ( The West Derby Public House )

17/83 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II* 14.03.75

Village Cross

17/84 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 II 14.03.75

Village pond and stocks

17/85 Almonds Green ( east side ) L12 No. 10 II 28.06.52

Alpass Road L17 No. 2 II

see No. 3 Southwood Road

4/86 Anfield Cemetery L4 South Chapel II 14.03.75

4/87 Anfield Cemetery L4 North Catacomb II 14.03.75

4/88 Anfield Cemetery L4 South Catacomb II 14.03.75

4/89 Anfield Cemetery L4 II

Mc Lennan Monument to north west of
crossing of main paths.

Anfield Cemetery L4 Cherry Lane Entrance II

See under Cherry Lane

Anfield Cemetery L4 Lansdowne House II
See under Priory Road

Anfield Cemetery L4 Priory Lane Entrance II

See under Priory Lane

Anfield Cemetery L4 Priory Lane Lodge II

See under Priory Lane

Anfield Cemetery L4 Priory Road Entrance II

See under Priory Road

Anfield Cemetery L4 Priory Road Lodge II

See under Priory Road

Anfield Cemetery Entrance II

See under Walton Lane

Anfield Cemetery No. 302 ( Lodge ) II

See under Walton Lane

Anfield Cemetery No. 304 ( Lodge ) II

See under Walton Lane

16/90 Anfield Road L4 Anfield County Girls II 14.03.75

Secondary School ( old building only )

6/91 Anfield Road L4 No. 5 ( Roseneath Cottage ) II 14.03.75

16/92 Anfield Road L4 No. 9 and 11 II 14.03.75

4/93 Anfield Road L4 Nos. 35 and 37 II 14.03.75

4/94 Anfield Road L4 Nos. 39 and 41 II 14.03.75

4/95 Anfield Road L4 Nos. 43 and 45 II 14.03.75

Anfield Road Lodge to Stanley Park II

See under Stanley Park

30/10044 Argyle Street, No. 15 II 29.11.96

30/96 Argyle Street L1 No.17 II 13.11.80

( The Old Bridewell ) ( including boundary
wall along streets to south and east )

30/97 Argyle Street L1 No. 23 II 20.02.89

30/10045 Argyle Street Nos. 28 & 30 II 08.10.96

30/10036 Argyle Street No. 33 II 29.11.96

See under Nos. 14-18 (even) Henry Street
4/98 Arkles Lane L4 The Arkles Public House II

33/99 Arundel Avenue L17 Church of St. Clare I 28.06.52

33/100 Arundel Avenue L17 Presbytery adjoining II 28.06.52
Church of St. Clare

Ashfield Road L17 No. 2 II

See No. 301 Aigburth Road

44/101 Ashton Square L25 Nos. 1 to 6 ( consec ) II 14.03.75

44/102 Ashton Square L25 No. 7 II 14.03.75

55/793 Ashton Street Physics, Biochemistry, II 25.01.90

Physiology, Pathology and Old Anatomy 03.07.91
Schools together with former Medical
Museum to rear.

55/103 Ashton Street L3 Ashton Building II 14.03.75

18/104 Athol Street L5 Church of St. Alban II

19/105 Athol Street L5 Leigh Bridge II

7/106 Bagot Street L15 Church of Saint Bridget II* 28.06.52

16/10042 Bankhall Street No. 41 Canal Warehouse II 01.08.96

16/107 Barlow Lane L4 Nos. 59 to 73 II 14.03.75

3/108+1 Bath Street L3 Gate opposite Roberts St. II

27/108+2 Bath Street L3 Gate to Princes Dock II

27/108+3 Bath Street L3 Gate to Docks 24, 27, II

28 and Princes Dock

40/109 Beaconsfield Road L25 Beacon Hill II

40/110 Beaconsfield Road L25 Abbots Lea II 14.03.75

( original mansion only )

40/111 Beaconsfield Road L25 No. 35 II 14.03.75

( The Cottage ) and No. 37 ( Beaconsfield )

40/112 Beaconsfield Road L25 No. 84 II 14.03.75

( Beaconsfield House )

40/113 Beaconsfield Road L25 No. 46 II 14.03.75

( Stoneleigh ) and No. 48

40/114 Beaconsfield Road L25 Knolle Park II 14.03.75

( Saint Gabriel’s Convent )

40/115 Beaconsfield Road L25 Lodge to Knolle II 14.03.75

Park ( Greek Lodge )

40/116 Beaconsfield Road L25 Entrance to II 14.03.75

Knolle Park ( corner Church Road )

7/117 Beaumont Street L8 Church of St. Clement II* 14.03.75

55/118 Bedford Street North L7 II 14.03.75

No. 2 ( Students Union ) ( old part only )

57/119 Bedford Street South ( east side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 151 to 163 ( odd )

57/120 Bedford Street South ( west side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 78, 80, and 82

57/121 Bedford Street South ( west side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 120 & 122

57/122 Bedford Street South ( west side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 124 & 126

57/123 Bedford Street South ( west side ) L7 II

No. 132

57/124 Bedford Street South ( west side ) L7 II

No. 134

Bedford Street South L7 Nos. 128 & 130 II

See Nos. 64 & 66 Falkner Street L8

Bedford Street South L7 Nos. 167 & 169 II

See Nos. 25 to 51 Huskisson Street L8

Bedford Street South ( east side ) L7 No. 165 II

See Nos. 52 to 74 ( even ) Canning Street

Bedford St. Sth (w side) L7 Nos. 156 & 158 II

See Nos.18 to 50 (even) Canning Street L8

Bedford St. Sth (w side) L7 No. 180 II

See Nos. 79 to 109 Upper Parliament St. L8

28/125 Beech Street ( east side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Beech Mount

28/126 Beech Street ( west side ) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Oak Terrace
28/127 Beech Street ( west side ) L7 II 14.03.75
Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 Elm Terrace

45/128 Beechwood Road L19 Nos. 16 & 18 II 14.03.75

45/129 Beechwood Road L19 The Dell II 14.03.75

45/130 Beechwood Road L19 The Chestnuts II 14.03.75

41/131 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 1 and 2 II 14.03.75

and front garden wall

41/132 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 3 and 4 II 14.03.75
and front garden wall

41/133 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 5, 6, 7 II 14.03.75

and front garden wall

41/134 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 8, and 9 II 14.03.75

and front garden wall

8/135 Belle Vale Road L25..Church of St. Stephen II 14.03.75

8/136 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 1 to 4 II 14.03.75

Church Cottages

8/137 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 5 to 8 II 14.03.75

Church Cottages

8/138 Belle Vale Road L25 Nos. 9 to 12 II 14.03.75

Church Cottages

41/139 Belle Vale Road L25 II

Signpost opposite No. 66

36/140 Belvidere Road ( east side ) L8 II

Entrance to Princes Park

36/141 Belvidere Road L8 No. 13 II 14.03.75

with front railings and 2 lamp-holders

36/142 Belvidere Road L8 No. 15 II 14.03.75

36/143 Belvidere Road L8 No. 17 II 14.03.75

36/144 Belvidere Road L8 Nos. 44 to 74 ( even ) II 14.03.75

Benson Street L1 Nos. 4 & 6 II

See Nos. 57b, 59 to 67 Renshaw Street

54/145 Benson Street L1 Nos. 8 and 10 II 14.03.75

54/146 Benson Street L1 No. 12 II

60/147 Berkley Street L8 Greek Orthodox Church II 14.03.75

60/148 Berkley Street L8 Nos. 2 to 14 ( even ) II 14.03.75

56/149 Berry Street L1 Church of St. Luke II 28.06.52

56/150 Berry Street L1...Railings and piers II 14.03.75

surrounding church of St. Luke

23/151 Bevington Bush L3 II

North Corporation Primary School

23/10011 Bevington Street Eldon Grove Labourers’ II 24.09.93

Dwellings, West Block and attached railings

23/10013 Bevington Street Eldon Grove Labourers’ II 24.09.93
Dwellings, Central Block and attached railings

23/10014 Bevington Street Eldon Grove Labourers’ II 24.09.93

Dwellings, Eastern Block and attached railings

23/10015 Bevington Street / Limekiln Lane Railings II 24.09.93

and piers to Bevington St. Recreation Ground

57/152 Blackburne Place L8 Liverpool Institute II 14.03.75

High School for Girls

57/153 Blackburne Place ( north side ) L8 No. 3 II

57/154 Blackburne Place ( north side ) L8 Nos.5 & 7 II

Blackburne Place L1 No. 2 II

See Nos. 33 and 35, Hope Street

57/155 Blackburne Place ( south side ) L8 II 14.03.75

Blackburne Terrace Nos. 1 to 6 ( consec )

56/156 Bold Place L1 Nos. 6 to 15 ( consec ) II 14.03.75

53/157 Bold Street ( north-east side ) L1 II* 28.06.52

The Lyceum

54/158 Bold Street ( north-east side ) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 43 to 47 ( odd )

56/159 Bold Street ( north-east side ) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 75 to 79 ( odd )

53/160 Bold Street ( south-west side L1 II 15.01.74

Nos. 12 to 16 ( even )

53/161 Bold Street ( south-west side ) L1 II 14.03.75

No. 52 ( Marlborough House )

53/162 Bold Street ( south-west side ) L1 II

54/162 No. 58

56/163 Bold Street ( south-west side )L1 No. 92 II 14.03.75

19/164 Boundary Street L5 Boundary Bridge II

19/167 Breckfield Road North (south-west side) L5 II

Lamp standard at junction of Mere Lane

20/168 Breckfield Road North L5 II 14.03.75

Church of St. Saviour

20/170 Breck Road Church of Holy Trinity II

20/171 Breck Road L5 Richmond Baptist Church II 14.03.75

- 10 -
Bridge Street L18 No. 3 II
See Nos. 1 to 15 ( odd ) Gordon Place

29/172 Broad Green Road L13 II

St. Vincent’s Hospice

5/173 Broad Green Road L14 II

Sewer vent at corner of Thomas Lane

8/174 Brocklebank Lane L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 24 and 26 ( Springwood Cottages )

55/176 Brownlow Hill L3 II 14.03.75

Victoria Building, Liverpool University

6/177 Brunswick Half-Tide Dock L3 II

Gatekeepers hut at pierhead to North
of dock entrance

6/178 Brunswick Half-Tide Dock L3 II

Gatekeeper’s hut at pierhead to South
of dock entrance

52/179 Brunswick Street L2 II 28.06.52

No. 5 ( Barclay’s Bank )

52/180 Brunswick Street L2 II 14.03.75

No. 6 ( Halifax House )

49/181 Byrom Street L3 College of Technology II* 12.07.66

and Museum Extension

40/182 Calderstones Road L18 Calderstones House II 14.03.75

40/183 Calderstones Road L18 II 14.03.75

Stables to Calderstones House

40/184 Calderstones Road L18 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Calderstones Park

40/185 Calderstones Road L18 Harthill Lodge II 14.03.75

57/186 Cambridge Street L7 Nos. 2 and 4 II

30/187 Canning Dock L3 No. 1 Graving Dock II


30/1214 Canning Dock L3 II

52/1214 Canning Dock retaining wall

30/1215 Canning Dock L3 Swing Bridge II

over entrance to Canning Dock

30/188 Canning Dock L3 No. 2 Graving Dock II


- 11 -
6/189 Canning Half-Tide Dock II 14.03.75
Watchman’s hut on North side of pierhead

6/190 Canning Half-Tide Dock L3 II 14.03.75

Watchman’s hut on Canning Island

6/191 Canning Half-Tide Dock L3 II 14.03.75

Watchman’s hut on south side of pierhead

30/192 Canning Half-Tide Dock L3 II

6/192 Dock retaining walls

6/193 Canning Half-Tide Docks L3 II

Sea wall to Canning Island

6/194 Canning Half-Tide Dock L3 II

Sea wall to north of Canning Island

30/195 Canning Half-Tide Dock L3 II

6/195 Sea wall to south of Canning Island

57/196 Canning Street ( north side ) L8 II 28.06.52

Nos. 1 to 19 ( odd )

57/197 Canning Street ( north side ) L8 II 28.06.52

Nos. 21 and 23

57/198 Canning Street (north side) L8 No. 25 II 28.06.52

57/199 Canning Street (north side) L8 No. 27 II 28.06.52

57/200 Canning Street (north side) L8 Nos. 29 & 31 II 28.06.52

57/201 Canning Street (north side) L8 No. 33 II 28.06.52

57/202 Canning Street (north side) L8 Nos. 35 & 37 II 28.06.52

57/203 Canning Street (north side) L8 No. 39 II 28.06.52

57/204 Canning Street (north side) L8 Nos. 41 & 43 II 28.06.52

57/205 Canning Street (north side) L8 II 18.12.78

Catholic Apostolic Church 20.11.87

60/206 Canning Street (north side) L8 II

Nos. 45 to 55 ( odd )

60/207 Canning Street (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 57 to 61 ( odd )

60/208 Canning Street (north side) L8 II

Nos. 79 to 93 ( odd )

Canning Street (south side) L8 No. 2 II* 24.11.94

See Nos. 1 to 10 (cons) Gambier Terrace

- 12 -
60/209 Canning Street (south side) L8 II 28.06.52
Nos. 4 to 16 ( even )

60/210 Canning Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 18 to 50 ( even )

60/211 Canning Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 52 to 74 ( even )

60/212 Canning Street (south side) L8 No. 76 II 14.03.75

Canning Street (south side) L8 Nos.78 & 78a II

See 37 to 40 (consec) Falkner Square

Cases Street No. 16 II

See Nos. 21 and 23 Ranelagh Street

52/213 Castle Street (east side) L2 II 14.03.75

No. 1 ( Midland Bank )

52/214 Castle Street (east side) L2 Nos. 3 & 5 II 15.05.74

52/215 Castle Street (east side) L2 II 15.05.74

No. 13 ( Queen Insurance Building )

52/216 Castle Street (east side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 17 to 21 ( odd )

52/217 Castle Street (east side) L2 No. 25 II 14.03.75

52/218 Castle Street (east side) L2 II 14.03.75

No. 27 ( Yorkshire Building Society )

52/219 Castle Street (east side) L2 I 28.06.52

Bank of England

52/220 Castle Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 and 4 ( Midshires Building Society )

52/221 Castle Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 6 and 8 ( Cheltenham/Gloucester Socty)

52/222 Castle Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 10 to 18 ( even )

52/223 Castle Street (west side) L2 II* 28.06.52

Nos. 20 to 26 ( National Westminster Bank )

52/224 Castle Street (west side) L2 Nos. 32-34 II 14.03.75

( National Westminster Overseas Bank )

52/225 Castle Street (west side) L2 No. 36 II 14.03.75

52/226 Castle Street (west side) L2 II* 14.03.75

No. 38 ( Co-operative Bank )

- 13 -
52/227 Castle Street (west side) L2 Nos. 40 & 42 II 14.03.75
( National & Provincial Building Society )

52/228 Castle Street (west side) L2 No. 44 II 14.03.75

52/229 Castle Street (west side) L2 No. 46 II 14.03.75

52/230 Castle Street (west side) L2 Nos. 48 & 50 II 14.03.75

52/231 Castle Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 52 & 54 ( Scottish Provident )

52/232 Castle Street (west side) L2 Nos. 60 & 62 II 14.03.75

Catharine Street (east side) L8 No. 1 II

See Nos. 42 to 50 Falkner Street

57/233 Catharine Street (east side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos.3 to 11 (odd) No.11a & Nos.15 to 23 (odd)

Catharine Street (east side) L8 Nos. 29 & 31 II

See Nos. 18 to 50 (even) Canning Street

60/234 Catharine Street (east side) L8 No. 43 II

60/235 Catharine Street (east side) L8 No. 45 II

60/236 Catharine Street (east side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 47, 49, 51

60/237 Catharine Street (east side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 53, 55, 57

60/238 Catharine Street (east side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 59, 61, 63

Catharine Street L8 Nos. 65 & 67 II

See Nos. 79 to 109 Upper Parliament St

60/239 Catharine Street (west side) L8 Nos. 38 & 40 II 14.03.75

Catharine Street (west side) L8 No. 42 II

See Nos. 41 & 43 Canning Street

Catharine Street (w-side) L8 Nos. 42a & 42b II

See Nos. 4 to 16 (even) Canning Street

60/240 Catharine Street (w-side) L8 Nos. 44 to 50 II 14.03.75

60/241 Catharine Street (w-side) L8 No. 52 II 14.03.75

60/242 Catharine Street (w-side) L8 No. 54 II 14.03.75

27/244 Chapel Street L2 II 28.06.52

Church of Our Lady and St. Nicholas
- 14 -
27/245 Chapel Street L2 II
Retaining wall to west of and railings to
south of Church of Our Lady & St. Nicholas

27/246 Chapel Street L2 Simpson Fountain II

48/247 Chapel Street L2 No. 5 (Hargreaves Bldgs) II 12.07.66

57/248 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No. 161 II 28.06.52

57/249 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No. 163 II 28.06.52

57/250 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No. 165 II 28.06.52

57/251 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No.167 II 28.06.52

57/252 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No. 169 II 28.06.52

57/253 Chatham Street (east side) L7 No. 171 II 28.06.52

57/254 Chatham Street (w side) L7 Post Office II 14.03.75

Pillar-Box on corner of Abercromby Square

7/10009 Chatham Street L7 II 30.11.92

Communication Studies & T.V./Audio Unit
University of Liverpool

57/255 Chatham Street (west side) L7 No. 90 II 28.06.52

57/256 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 142 to 148 (even)

57/257 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 150 to 154 (even)

57/258 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 156, 158, 160 (even)

57/259 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 162 and 164

57/260 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 166 and 168

57/261 Chatham Street (west side) L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 170 and 172

48/262 Cheapside L1 Main Bridewell II


4/263 Cherry Lane L4 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Anfield Cemetery

8/264 Childwall Abbey Road L16 I 28.06.52

Church of All Saints

- 15 -
8/265 Childwall Abbey Road L16 II 28.06.52
Hearse House in All Saints Churchyard

8/266 Childwall Abbey Road L16 II 28.06.52

Elm House

8/267 Childwall Abbey Road L16 II 14.03.75

Stable block at Elm House

8/268 Childwall Abbey Road L16 II 28.06.52

Childwall Abbey Hotel

8/269 Childwall Abbey Road L16 II 14.03.75

No. 48 ( Lodge to Childwall Hall )

31/270 Childwall Road L15 No. 1 Thornhill II 14.03.75

31/271 Childwall Road L15 Nos. 2 Thornhill & 10 II 14.03.75

31/272 Childwall Road L15 Mossfield II 14.03.75

31/273 Childwall Road L15 Lock-up II 28.06.52

31/274 Childwall Road L15 II 14.03.75

Clock tower, and 4 iron lamps

28/276 Church Mount L7 Nos. 1, 1a,1b II 14.03.75

28/277 Church Mount L7 No. 3 II 14.03.75

28/278 Church Mount L7 No. 5 II 14.03.75

28/279 Church Mount L7 No. 4 II 14.03.75

Church Mount L7 No. 8 II

See Nos. 18 to 22 Marmaduke Street

Church Mount L7 Nos. 2 and 2a II

See Nos. 1 and 2 Holland Place

10/280 Church Road Garston L19 II

Church of St. Michael

7/281 Church Road L15 Bluecoat School II* 14.03.75

7/282 Church Road L15 II* 14.03.75

Chapel of Bluecoat School

31/283 Church Road L15 Church of Holy Trinity II* 28.06.52

31/284 Church Road L15 II 28.06.52

Progressive Synagogue and No. 28

44/285 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 7 to 19 ( odd )

- 16 -
44/286 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II 14.03.75
Nos. 21 and 23
- 18 -
44/287 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II 14.03.75
Nos. 25 and 27

44/288 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II

Roman Catholic Church of Saint Mary

44/289 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II

Presbytery of St. Mary’s Church

44/290 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II* 14.03.75

Church of St. Peter

44/291 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II

Lych gate to St. Peter’ Church

44/292 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II 14.03.75


41/293 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II

Boundary Stone on south side of
Reservoir Road junction

40/294 Church Road, Woolton (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1 to 3 (consec) Knolle Park Mews

44/295 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 8a

44/296 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 10 and 12

44/297 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 14 to 22 (even)

44/298 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 24

44/299 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 26

44/300 Church Road Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

St. Peters Parish Rooms and office

44/301 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75


44/302 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Archbishop’s House (Roman Catholic)

44/303 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

44/304 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75
Riffle Lodge

- 17 -
44/305 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

44/306 Church Road, Woolton (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Reynolds Lodge

53/306+1 Church Street L1 Nos. 25 and 25a II 14.03.75

53/306+2 Church Street L1 Nos. 33 to 45 ( odd ) II 14.03.75

( Compton House )

53/307 Church Street L2 No. 69 II

3/308 Clarence Dock L3 Graving Docks II

54/309 Clarence Street L3 Nos. 21a and II 14.03.75

Nos. 21 to 29 ( odd )

54/310 Clarence Street L3 No. 33 II 14.03.75

Clarence Street L3 No. 35 II

See Nos. 97 and 99 Mount Pleasant

54/311 Clarence Street L3 No. 36 II

8/312 Clarke Gardens L25 The Cottage II 14.03.75

Clayton Square L1 Nos. 10, 12, & 14 II

See Nos. 2 & 4 Elliot Street

53/10029 College Lane Nos. 20 & 22 II 16.06.95

Pair of Warehouses

56/313 Colquitt Street L1 No. 14 II

56/314 Colquitt Street L1 Royal Institution II 28.06.52

and No. 26

53/10029 College Lane Nos. 20 & 22 II 16.06.95

Pair of Warehouses

52/315 Cook Street L2 No. 16 II* 12.07.66

46/316 Cooper Avenue South L19 II 14.03.75

Oak Cottage
14/317 County Road L4 No. 195 (Glebe Hotel) II 14.03.75

14/318 County Road L4 Old School House II 14.03.75

14/319 County Road L4 Sandstone wall all II 14.03.75
round churchyard, with 2 entrances on
County Road and one on Walton Village

Cropper Street L1 No.23 II

See Nos. 16 and 18 Newington

Crosshall Street L1 Nos. 1 and 3 II

See Nos. 86 to 98 (even) Dale Street
- 18 -
49/320 Crosshall Street L1 No. 5 (Juvenile Court) II

58/321 Crown Street L8 Drinking fountain and II

lamp standard at corner of Falkner Street

5/322 Croxteth Hall Lane L12 II 14.03.75

Aintree Lodge to Croxteth Hall

15/323 Croxteth Hall Lane L12 The Cottage II 14.03.75

5/324 Croxteth Hall Lane L12 Old School House II 14.03.75

15/325 Croxteth Hall Road L12 Bridge over II

Path to Croxteth Hall

15/326 Croxteth Hall Lane L12 II 14.03.75

Farm Lodge, to Croxteth Hall

15/327 Croxteth Park L12 Croxteth Hall II* 28.06.52

15/328 Croxteth Park L12 Stable block II* 14.03.75

to north and west of stable yard

15/329 Croxteth Park L12 Riding school II 14.03.75

to north of stable yard

15/330 Croxteth Park L12 Entrance to II 14.03.75

north side of stable yard

15/331 Croxteth Park L12 Carriage-washing II 14.03.75

shelter in stable yard

15/332 Croxteth Park L12 Row of cottages to II 14.03.75

east side of stable yard

15/333 Croxteth Park L12 Dairy II* 28.06.52

15/334 Croxteth Park L12 Croxteth Hall Home II 14.03.75


15/335 Croxteth Park L2 Bull-box in paddock II 14.03.75

15/336 Croxteth Park L12 Laundry and II* 14.03.75

Laundry Cottage

15/337 Croxteth Park L12 Head game-keepers II 14.03.75


15/338 Croxteth Park L12 Kennels II 14.03.75

15/339 Croxteth Park L12 Babtam House II 14.03.75

2/340 Croxteth Park L12 Stand Farmhouse II 14.03.75

2/341 Croxteth Park L12 Stand Farm Barn II 07.02.85

- 19 -
2/342 Croxteth Park L12 Stand Farm Lodge II 14.03.75

Croxteth Park L12 Aintree Lodge

See under Croxteth Hall Lane

Croxteth Park L12 Bridge over path to Croxteth Hall

See under Croxteth Hall Lane

Croxteth Park L12 Farm Lodge

See under Croxteth Hall Lane

Croxteth Park L12 Finch Lodge

See under Deysbrook Lane

Croxteth Park L12 Gillmoss Lodge

See under Gillmoss Close

32/343 Croxteth Road L8 No. 7 II 14.03.75

32/344 Croxteth Road L8 No. 14 II 14.03.75

32/345 Croxteth Road L8 Nos. 16 & 18 II 14.03.75

41/346 Cuckoo Lane L25 Oakfield Terrace II

Nos. 1, 2 and 3

48/348 Dale Street (north side) L2 No. 1 II 28.06.52

( Liverpool and Globe Building )

48/349 Dale Street (north side) L2 No. 11 II 20.03.74

(Union Marine Buildings, original part
by Sir James Picton only)

48/350 Dale Street (north side) L2 No. 17 II

( Saddle Inn)
48/351 Dale Street (north side) L2 II 14.03.75
Nos. 21 - 25 (odd) ( Rigby’s Building )

48/352 Dale Street (north side) L2 II

No. 35 ( Guardian Assurance Buildings )

48/352+1 Dale Street (north side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 51 to 55 ( odd )

49/353 Dale Street (north side) L2 II 14.03.75

Magistrates Courts

49/354 Dale Street (north side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 135 to 139 ( odd )

52/355 Dale Street (south side) L2 II 15.05.74

Nos. 8 to 12 (even) (Queens Buildings)

48/356 Dale Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75

53/356 No. 14 ( State Insurance Building )

- 20 -
48/357 Dale Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75
Nos. 22a and 24 ( The Temple )

48/358 Dale Street (south side) L2 II 12.07.66

Nos. 30 to38 (even)
( Prudential Assurance Building )

48/358+1 Dale Street (south side) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 38 to 46 (even) ( Buckleys Building )

48/359 Dale Street (south side L2 II 16.11.73

Nos. 48 to 54 (even) ( Muskar’s Buildings )

48/360 Dale Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 58 to 66 (even) (Imperial Chambers)

48/361 Dale Street (south side) L2 No. 68 II 14. 03 75

( Municipal Annexe ) including area,
balustrade railings and lampholders attached

48/362 Dale Street (south side) L2 II* 12.07.66

49/362 Municipal Buildings. Balustrading to
area of Municipal Buildings

49/363 Dale Street (south side) L2 Nos. 86 to 98 II 14.03.75

28/364 Deane Road L7 II 14.03.75

Jewish Cemetery Screen with front railings

28/365 Deane Road L7 No. 13 II 19.11.74

28/366 Deane Road L7 No. 15 II 14.11.74

Dean Street L1 No. 2 II

See Nos. 6 and 8 Elliot Street

25/367 Derby Lane L13 Church of St. Paul II* 12.07.66

25/368 Derby Lane Stoneycroft L13 No. 75 II 14.03.75

52/369 Derby Square L2 II 14.03.75

Queen Victorior Monument

52/370 Derby Square L2 II 12.07.66

Castle Moat House

32/371 Devonshire Road (south side) No. 11 II

32/372 Devonshire Road (south side) L8 II

Entrance to Princes Park

32/373 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Former stable block

32/374 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 No. 12 II 14.03.75

- 21 -
32/375 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 No. 14 II 14.03.75

32/376 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 No. 16 II 14.03.75

32/377 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 18 and 20

32/378 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 22 and 24

32/379 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 26 and 28

32/380 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 38 and 40

32/381 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 42 to 48 ( even )

32/382 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 50 and 52
32/383 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75
Nos. 54 and 56

32/384 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 58 and 60

32/385 Devonshire Road (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 62 to 72

5/386 Deysbrook Lane L12 Nos. 283 and 285 II 14.03.75

5/387 Deysbrook Lane L12 II 14.03.75

Finch Lodge to Croxteth Hall

36/388 Dingle Lane L8 Turner Memorial Home II 15.11.73

36/389 Dingle Lane L8 II 14.03.75

Lodge at Turner Memorial Home

7/390 Dovedale Road L18 II

Mossley Hill Baptist Church

40/391 Druid’s Cross Road L18 No. 14 II 14.03.75

40/392 Druid’s Cross Road L18 II 21.05.81

Druid’s Cross Stable Block

30/393 Dukes Dock L3 II

Dock retaining walls

30/394 Duke Street (north side) L1 Nos. 1 & 3 II 14.03.75

30/395 Duke Street (north side) L1 II

Nos. 17 to 25 ( odd )

- 22 -
30/396 Duke Street (north side) L1 No. 105 II 14.03.75

56/397 Duke Street L1 Nos. 159 - 163 ( odd ) II* 29.03.82

56/398 Duke Street (north side) L1 II* 14.03.75

Nos. 169 and 171

56/399 Duke Street (north side) L1 II* 14.03.75

Nos. 173 and 175

30/400 Duke Street L1 Nos. 48 and 50 II

30/401 Duke Street (south side) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 92 and 94 ( The Monro Public House )

30/401+1 Duke Street (south side) L1 No. 98 II

30/402 Duke Street (south side) L1 No. 116 II 28.06.52

30/403 Duke Street (south side) L1 No. 118 II 28.06.52

30/404 Duke Street (south side) L1 II 28 06 52

Nos. 120, 122 and 124

30/405 Duke Street (south side) L1 No. 126 II 28.06.52

30/10035 Duke Street Lane, Warehouse II 08.10.96

56/393+1 Duke’s Terrace L1 Nos. 1 to 9 (consec) II 14.03.75

28/407 Durning Road L7 Church of St. Cyprian II

28/408 Durning Road L7 No. 7 II 14.03.75

( Inter City Recovery Service )

7/409 Earle Road L7 Church of St. Dunstan II* 14.03.75

26/410 East Prescot Road L14 No. 256 II 14.03.75

( Ivy Dairy Farm )

26/411 East Prescot Road L14 Drinking fountain II 14.03.75

in wall of Knotty Ash Community Centre

17/412 Eaton Road North L12 Nos. 65 to 71 (odd) II 14.10.74

28/413 Edge Lane L7 No. 91 (The Flamboyant) II

28/414 Edge Lane L7 No. 115 (Adelaide House) II 14.03.75

28/415 Edge Lane L7 No. 293 II 14.03.75

28/416 Edge Lane L7 No. 307 II (Dropped)!

28/417 Edge Lane L7 No. 311 II 14.03.75

29/418 Edge Lane L7 No. 561 ( Elms House ) II 25.05.88

- 23 -
28.419 Edge Lane L7 No. 2 II

28.420 Edge Lane L7 Nos. 4 and 6 II

28/421 Edge Lane L7 No. 8 II

28/422 Edge Lane L7 No. 10 II

28/423 Edge Lane L7 No. 12a II 14.03.75

28/424 Edge Lane L7 No. 144 II 14.03.75

( Lodge to Botanic Gardens )

48/425 Edmund Street L3 Orleans House II* 14.03.75

60/426 Egerton Street (north side) L8 II

Nos. 1 to 27 (odd)

60/427 Egerton Street (south side) L8 II

Nos. 2 to 32 (even)

23/428 Eldon Street L5 R. C. Church of Our Lady II 14.03.75

of Reconciliation of La Salette

53/429 Elliot Street L1 Nos. 2 and 4 II

53/430 Elliot Street L1 Nos 6 and 8 II

39/431 Elmsley Road L18 No. 23 (Rockbank) II

1/432 Everton Cemetery L9 South Chapel II 14.03.75

Everton Cemetery L9 Entrance to Higher Lane II

See under Higher Lane

Everton Cemetery L9 Higher Lane Lodge II

See under Higher Lane

Everton Cemetery L9 Entrance to Long Lane II

See under Long Lane

Everton Cemetery L9 Long Lane Lodge II

See under Long Lane

Everton Cemetery L9 West Lodge II

See under Long Lane

23/433 Everton Road L6 Nos. 47 & 49 II 14.03.75

23/434 Everton Road L6 No. 51 II 14.03.75

23/435 Everton Road L6 No. 53 II 14.03.75

23/436 Everton Road L6 No. 55 II 14.03.75

23/437 Everton Road L6 No. 57, 59 & 61 II 14.03.75

- 24 -
23/438 Everton Road L6 No. 63 II 14.03.75

23/439 Everton Road L6 No. 65 II 14.03.75

23/440 Everton Road L6 No. 71 II 14.03.75

48/441 Exchange Flags L2 Nelson Monument II* 14.03.75

48/442 Exchange Street East L2 II

No. 28 ( Mason’s Building )

52/50 Exchange Street West K2 Telephone II 10.12.86

Call Box outside Liverpool Town Hall

52/51 Exchange Street West K2 Telephone II 10.05.88

Kiosk adjacent to Liverpool Town Hall

24/443 Fairfield Crescent L6 No. 16 (Bronte Villa) II 03.01.74

24/444 Fairfield Crescent L6 II

Bandstand at west end of Newsham Park

61/445 Falkner Square L8 II 14.03.75

Central garden railings, gates & gate piers

58/446 Falkner Square (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1 to 16 (consec)

58/447 Falkner Square (east side) L8 II 14.03.75

61/447 Nos. 17 to 24 (consec)

61/448 Falkner Square (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 25 to 36 (consec)

60/449 Falkner Square (west side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 37 to 40 (consec)

57/450 Falkner Street (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 19 to 33 (odd)

57/451 Falkner Street L8 No. 6 II 14.03.75

57/452 Falkner Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 8 to 14

57/453 Falkner Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 16 to 24 (even)

57/454 Falkner Street (south side) L8 No. 26 II 14.03.75

57/455 Falkner Street (south side) L8 Nos. 28 & 30 II 14.03.75

57/456 Falkner Street (south side) L8 Nos. 32 & 34 II 14.03.75

57/457 Falkner Street (south side) L8 Nos. 36 & 38 II 14.03.75

- 25 -
57/458 Falkner Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75
Nos. 42 to 50 (even)

57/459 Falkner Street (south side) L8 No. 54 II 14.03.75

57/460 Falkner Street (south side) L8 Nos. 56 & 58 II 14.03.75

57/461 Falkner Street (south side) L8 Nos. 60 & 62 II 14.03.75

57/462 Falkner Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 64 & 66 (even)

27/463 Fazakerley Street L3 New Quay Ventilation II 10.10.80

Station to the Mersey Road Tunnel

Fenwick Street L2 No. 3 II

See No. 7 Water Street

8/464 Fieldway L15 Nos. 45 and 47 II

8/465 Fieldway L15 Nos. 46 and 48 II

8/466 Fieldway L15 Nos. 50, 52, 54, 56 and II

Nos. 49, 51, 53, 55

53/10110 Fleet Street No. 6 Warehouse II 24.08.98

16/467 Fountains Road L4 II

Church of St. John Evangelist

42/468 Fulwood Park L17 No. 1a (Lodge) II 14.03.75

42/469 Fulwood Park L17 4 entrance piers II 14.03.75

42/470 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 3 II 14.03.75

42/471 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 Nos. 5a & 5b II 12.07.66

42/472 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 Nos. 9 & 9a II 14.03.75

42/473 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 13 II 14.03.75

( Osborne House )

42/474 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 15 II 14.03.75

42/475 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 17 & 17a II 14.03.75

42/476 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 19 II 14.03.75

42/477 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 No. 21 II 14.03.75

42/478 Fulwood Park (east side) L17 Nos. 23 & 25 II 14.03.75

42/479 Fulwood Park (west side) L17 No. 4 II 14.03.75

42/480 Fulwood Park (west side) L17 No. 6 II 14.03.75

( Parklea )
- 26 -
42/481 Fulwood Park (west side) L17 No. 8 II 14.03.75

3/482 Galton Street (north side) L3 II 14.03.75

J Bibby & Sons Warehouse

60/483 Gambier Terrace L1 Nos. 1 to 10 (consec) II* 28.06.52


60/484 Gambier Terrace (north end) L1 II

Gatepiers and gates on corner of Canning St.

46/485+1 Garston Old Road L19 No. 33 II 14.03.75

46/485+2 Garston Old Road L19 No. 37 II 14.03.75

46/485+3 Garston Old Road L19 No. 41 II 14.03.75

46/485+4 Garston Old Road L19 No. 45 to 57 II 28.05.74

( St. Mary’s Terrace )

41/486 Gateacre Brow (north side) L25 II 14.03.75

The Black Bull Public House No. 41

41/487 Gateacre Brow (north side) L25 II 14.03.75

Drinking Fountain

41/488 Gateacre Brow (north side) L25 II 14.03.75

Jubilee Memorial

41/489 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 2 II 14.03.75

41/490 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 4 II 14.03.75

41/491 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 6 II 14.03.75

41/492 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 8 II 14.03.75

41/493 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 10 and 12

41/494 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 II 28.06.52

Unitarian Chapel

41/495 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 28 ( a, b, c, d )

41/496 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 34 II 14.03.75

41/497 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 38 and 40

41/498 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 No. 42 II 14.03.75

41/499 Gateacre Brow (south side) L25 II 14.03.75

Clegg’s factory building

- 27 -
52/500 George’s Dock Way L2 George’s Dock II 10.10.80
27/500 Ventilation & Central Station of the
Mersey Road Tunnel

27/501 Georges Pier Head L3 Port of Liverpool II* 12.07.66

Building & stone balustrade, iron gates & piers

27/502 Georges Pier Head L3 Cunard Building II* 12.07.66

27/503 Georges Pier Head L3 I 12.07.66

Royal Liver Building Iron railings & piers
surrounding Royal Liver Building

27/504 Georges Pier Head L3 II 14.03.75

War Memorial in front of Cunard Building

27/505 Georges Pier Head L3 II 14.03.75

Monument of Edward VII

27/505+1 Georges Pier Head L3 II 14.03.75

Monument to Sir Alfred Lewis Jones

48/863 George Street No. 35 (Windsor Building) II 01/11/89

48/864 George Street No. 33 (Berry’s Building) II 01.11.89

2/506 Gillmoss Close L11 Gillmoss Lodge II

41/507 Glenrose Road L25 Strawberry House, II 14.03.75

Mossdene and Crawfordsburn

Glynn Street L15 No. 2 II

See No. 246 Picton Road

39/508 Gordon Place L18 Nos. 1 to 15 (odd) II 14.03.75

39/509 Gordon Place L15 Nos. 2 to 16 (even) II 14.03.75

7/510 Grafton Street L8 Tunnel entrance II

8/511 Grange Lane (east side) L25 Chez Philippe II 14.03.75

8/512 Grange Lane (east side) L25 Grange Hollies II 22.06.73

41/513 Grange Lane (east side) L25 Grange Lodge II 14.03.75

41/515 Grange Lane (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1 to 4 (consec) Soarer Cottages

41/516 Grange Lane L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 & 3 Paradise Row

41/517 Grange Lane L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 4 & 5 Paradise Row

- 28 -
41/518 Grange Lane (west side) L25 II 14.03.75
The Cottage Nos. 1 to 4 (consec)
Grange Mews and Riding School House

41/519 Grange Lane (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1 to 7 (consec) York Cottages

41/520 Grange Lane (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 8 to 14 (consec) York Cottages

46/521 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

4 gate piers to the estate

46/522 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 1

47/523 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 3 ( Arcadia )

47/524 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 12.07.66

No. 5 ( Ormiston )

47/525 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 11

47/528 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 23 (Langdale) & No. 25 (Holt House)

47/529 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 33 (Norwood) & No. 35 (Gage House)

47/530 Grassendale Park, North Road (sth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 37 (Stapley)

47/531 Grassendale Park, North Road (nth side) L19 II 12.07.66

No. 10 (Norton)

47/532 Grassendale Park, North Road (nth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 14 (Angorfa)

47/533 Grassendale Park, North Road (nth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 20 (Woodside) & No. 22 (Wensted)

47/534 Grassendale Park, North Road (nth side) L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 24 and 26

47/535 Grassendale Park, North Road (nth side) L19 II 14.03.75

No. 28 (The Old House)

47/536 Grassendale Park, North Road L19 II 14.03.75

11 Street Lamps

47/537 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II 14.03.75

No. 7 (Beechville)

47/538 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 No. 17 II 14.03.75

- 29 -
47/539 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II 14.03.75
No. 31 (Mitford Lodge)

47/540 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 39 & 41

47/541 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II 14.03.75

No. 12 & No. 14 (Southwood)

47/542 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II 14.03.75

No. 22 (Whitehouse)

47/543 Grassendale Park, South Road L19 II

15 Street lamps

47/544 Grassendale Park, The Esplanade L19 II 14.03.75

No. 1 (River Bank)

47/545 Grassendale Park, The Esplanade L19 II 14.03.75

Nos. 9 & 11

47/546 Grassendale Park, The Esplanade L19 II 14.03.75

No. 13 (Fairholme) & No. 15 (Scarletts)

49/547 Great Crosshall Street L3 No. 55 II

59/548 Great George Place L1 Nos. 3 & 4 II 14.03.75

30/549 Great George Square L1 II 14.03.75

59/549 Nos. 18 to 21 (consec)

56/550 Great George Square L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 30 to 33 (consec)

56/551 Great George Street L1 II 28.06.52

Former Congregational Church

3/552 Great Howard Street L3 II 14.03.75

Bonded Tea Warehouse

18/553 Great Howard Street L5 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Stanley Dock at north end

3/554 Great Howard Street L5 II

Entrance to Stanley Dock at Stanley
Street Corner

Great Howard Stree Bridge over the Leeds II

& Liverpool Canal & four canal locks
See under Stanley Dock & Leeds & Liverpool Canal

19/555 Great Mersey Street L5 No. 107 II 14.03.75

19/556 Great Mersey Street L5 II 14.03.75

Nos. 109 to 117 (odd)

- 30 -
25/557 Green Lane L13 West Derby Library II

25/558 Green Lane L13 Wall and gatepiers II

to West Derby Library

34/559 Greenbank Drive L17 II 14.03.75

No. 1 (Greenbank Lodge)

34/560 Greenbank Drive L17 II 12.05.83

Greenbank Synagogue

38/561 Greenbank Lane L17 II 28.06.52

Greenbank House (University Hostel)

30/562 Greenbank Street L1 Nos. 45 to 51 (odd) II

Grove Street L7 No. 25a II

See under Nos. 25 to 36 (consec) Falkner Square L8

61/563 Grove Street L7 Nos. 198 & 200 II

31/564 Grove Street L7 Nos. 1 to 9 (odd) II 14.03.75

Grove Street L15 No. 11 II

See Nos. 16 to 34 (even) Orford Street

58/446+1 Grove Street L7 Nos. 190, 192, 194 II

58/446+2 Grove Street L7 The Octagon II

37/564+1 Hadassah Grove L17 Nos. 7 & 9 II 15.01.74

37/564+2 Hadassah Grove L17 Nos. 11 & 13 II 15.01.74

37/564+3 Hadassah Grove L17 No. 17 II 15.01.74

37/564+4 Hadassah Grove L17 No. 19 II 15.01.74

37/564+5 Hadassah Grove L17 II 14.03.75

Gateway at south end of road

37/564+6 Hadassah Grove L17 No. 2 II 15.01.74

37/564+7 Hadassah Grove L17 Nos. 4 & 6 II 15.01.74

37/564+8 Hadassah Grove L17 Nos. 8 & 10 II 15.01.74

37/564+9 Hadassah Grove L17 No. 14 II 15.01.74

10/564+10 Hale Road L24 All Saint’s Church II 14.03.75

10/564+11 Hale Road L24 II 14.03.75

Lychgate to All Saints Church

10/564+12 Hale Road L24 Nos. 30 to 34 (even) II 14.03.75

- 31 -
41/565 Halewood Road (east side) L25 II 14.03.75
Nos. 5 to 9 (odd)

41/566 Halewood Road (east) No.19, L25 Kingsley II 14.03.75

41/568 Halewood Road (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Gateway to Gateacre Hall Hotel

41/569 Halewood Road (west side) II 14.03.75

Nos. 10 and 12 (The Brown Cow)

41/570 Halewood Road (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 78 and 80

Hampton Street L8 No.68 II

See No. 2 Berkley Street
53/571 Hanover Street L1 Church House II 12.07.66

53/572 Hanover Street L1 II 14.03.75

No. 85 (Neptune Theatre)

Hanover Street L1 No. 10 II

See No. 96, Paradise Street

30/573 Hanover Street L1 No. 12 II 14.03.75

(Warehouse Block between Duke St,
Argyle St. and Duke Street Lane

30/574 Hanover Street L1 II 14.03.75

Warehouse adjoining No. 12

53/575 Hanover Street L1 No. 24 II 14.03.75

30/576 Hanover Street L1 Nos. 26 to 30 (even) II 14.03.75

56/577 Hardman Street (south side) L1 No. 2 II

57/578 Hardman Street L1 No. 24 Merseyside II 14.03.75

Trade Union Community and Unemployed
Resource Centre

0/10002 Harthill Road Allerton Beechley II 09.01.92

392-0/0/ Harthill Road Allerton II 09.01.92

10003 Entrance gateway to Beechley

392-0/0/ Harthill Road Allerton II 09.01.92

10004 Ha-ha approx. 30 metres sth-east of Beechley

0/10005 Harthill Road Allerton Beechley stables II 09.01.92

40/579 Harthill Road L18 II 14.03.75

Calder High School (original building only)

40/580 Harthill Road L18 Quarry Bank House II 14.03.75

- 32 -
40/582 Harthill Road L18 II
South Lodge to Quarry Bank

40/583 Harthill Road L18 Harthill Lodge II

13/584 Hartley Avenue L9 II 14.03.75

Entrance Gateway and pavilions

13/585 Hartley Avenue L9 II 14.03.75

Dining Hall at Hartley’s Factory

13/586 Hartley Avenue L9 II 14.03.75

Engine house & chimney at Hartley’s Factory

49/587 Hatton Garden L3 Central Fire Station II

49/588 Hatton Garden L3 II

Merseyside Transport Offices

17/589 Haymans Green L12 Nos. 2 and 4 II 14.03.75

17/590 Haymans Green L12 II 14.03.75

Lowlands (West Derby Community Association)

30/10036 Henry Street, Nos. 14 - 18 (even) II 08.10.96

includes: No. 33 Argyle Street 29.11.96

7/591 Herculaneum Dock L3 Casemates II

19/592 Heyworth Street L5 Church of St. George I 12.07.66

19/593 Heyworth Street L5 Everton Library II 12.07.66

19/594 Heyworth Street L5 II 14.03.75

Mere Bank Public House

1/595 Higher Lane L9 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Everton Cemetery

1/596 Higher Lane West Lodge II 14.03.75

1/597 Higher Lane L9 The Lodge II 14.03.75

7/598 High Park Street L8 Public offices II 14.03.75

7/599 High Park Street L8 Toxteth Reservoir, II

retaining walls and corner tower

31/600 High Street (north side) L15 II 14.03.75

No. 35 (Rose Cottage)

31/1500B High Street L15 K6 Telephone Kiosk II 19.05.89

31/601 High Street (north side) L15 II 14.03.75

No. 89 (Wavertree Town Hall)

- 33 -
31/602 High Street (north side) L15 II 14.03.75
No. 111 (Lamb Hotel)

31/603 High Street (sth side) L15 Nos. 22 & 24 II 14.03.75

31/604 High Street (sth side) L15 No. 26 II 14.03.75

31/605 High Street (sth side) L15 No. 28 II 14.03.75

31/606 High Street (sth side) L15 Nos. 30 & 32 II 14.03.75

31/607 High Street (sth side) L15 No. 34 II 14.03.75

31/608 High Street (sth side) L15 Nos. 38, 40, 42 II 14.03.75

31/609 High Street (sth side) L15 II* 28.06.52

Nos. 98 to 102 (even), No. 102a

8/610 Hillfoot Road L25 Camp Hill Lodge II

23/611 Hodson Place L6 Retaining wall II 14.03.75

24/611 to covered reservoir at water works

28/612 Holland Place L7 Nos. 1 and 2 II 14.03.75

28/613 Holland Place L7 II

Lamp standard on triangular island

28/614 Holly Road L7 II 14.03.75

University Hall (old portion only)

28/615 Holly Road L7 No. 12 II 14.03.75

28/616 Holly Road L7 No. 14 II 14.03.75

7/617 Holmefield Road L19 No. 27 II 14.03.75

7/618 Holmefield Road L19 Holmefield II 14.03.75

(now part of I. M. Marsh College of
Physical Education)

7/619 Holmefield Road L19 II 14.03.75

No. 14 (Grange Hotel)

5/620 Honeys Green Lane L12 Leyfield House II 14.03.75

56/621 Hope Place (north side) L1 Nos. 5 & 7 II

56/622 Hope Place (nth side) L1 Nos. 9 to 17 (odd) II 14.03.75

57/622 (Nos. 11 to 17 only)

56/623 Hope Place (sth side) L1 Nos. 2, 4, 6 II 14.03.75

56/624 Hope Place L1 Nos. 8 to 22 (even) II 14.03.75

57/625 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 15 II

- 34 -
57/626 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 17 & 19 II

57/627 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 21 II

57/628 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 23 II

57/628+1 Hope Street (east side) L1 II

Nos. 25, 27, 29, No. 29a

57/629 Hope Street (east side) L1 II* 19.03.81

Philharmonic Hall (Including detached 06.04.92
poster-piers to South-West & North-West)

57/630 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 33 & 35 II 14.03.75

57/631 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 37 & 39 II 14.03.75

57/631+1 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 41, 43, 45 II 14.03.75

57/632 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 47 II 14.03.75

57/633 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 49 & 49a II 28.06.52

Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 51 II

See No. 2 Huskisson Street

60/634 Hope Street (east side) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 53 to 59 (odd)

60/635 Hope Street (east side) L1 Nos. 61 & 63 II 14.03.75

60/636 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 65 II 14.03.75

60/636+1 Hope St. (east side) L1 Nos. 67 to 71 (odd) II 14.03.75

57/636+2 Hope Street (east side) L1 II

No. 22 (Masonic Hall)

57/637 Hope Street (west side) L1 No. 28 II 14.03.75

57/638 Hope Street (west side) L1 No. 30 II 14.03.75

57/639 Hope Street (west side) L1 II* 12.07.66

No. 36 (Philharmonic Hotel)

57/639+1 Hope Street (east side) L1 No. 58 II

57/640 Hope Street (west side) L1 No. 60 II 14.03.75

57/641 Hope Street (west side) L1 No. 62 II 14.03.75

57/641+1 Hope Street (west side) L1 Nos. 64 & 66 II 14.03.75

57/642 Hope Street (west side) L1 College of Art II 14.03.75

56/642 (now part of Liverpool Polytechnic)

- 35 -
Hornby Place L9 No. 1 II
See Nos. 32-54 (even) Hornby Road

Hornby Place L9 No. 2 II

See Nos. 2 to 30 (even) Hornby Road

13/643 Hornby Road L9 Nos. 2 to 30 (even) II 14.03.75

13/644 Hornby Road L9 Nos. 32 to 54 (even) II 14.03.75

1/645 Hornby Road L9 Walton Prison II 14.03.75

Entrance gate-house

1/646 Hornby Road L9 No. 69 II 14.03.75

60/893 Huskisson Street (north side) L8 No. 1 II* 05.08.92

See Nos. 20 to 32 (even) Percy Street

60/647 Huskisson Street (north side) L8 No.3 II 14.03.75

60/648 Huskisson Street (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 25 to 51 (odd)

Huskisson Street (north side) L8 No. 53 II

See Nos. 37 to 40 (consec) Falkner Square

60/649 Huskisson Street (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 to 12 (even)

60/650 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 14, 16, 18 II 14.03.75

60/651 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 20, 22, 24 II 14.03.75

60/652 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 26 & 28 II 14.03.75

60/653 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 No. 30 II 14.03.75

60/654 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 32 to 40 (e) II 14.03.75

Huskisson Street L8 No. 42 II

See No. 54 Catharine Street

60/655 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 44, 46, 48 II 14.03.75

60/656 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 50 to 56 II 14.03.75

60/657 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 Nos. 58 to 68 (e) II 14.03.75

60/658 Huskisson St. (sth side) L8 No. 70 II 14.03.75

Huskisson Street L8 No. 100 II

See Nos. 24 to 34 (even) Sandon Street

38/659 Ibbotsons Lane L17 “The Bridge” II 14.03.75

28/660 Irvine St. L7 No. 33 and garden wall II 07.10.77

- 36 -
28/661 Irvine St. L7 Nos. 35 & 37 & garden wall II 07.10.77

28/662 Irvine St. L7 No. 39 & garden wall II 07.10.77

28/663 Irvine St. L7 Nos. 41 & 43 & garden wall II 07.10.77

28/664 Irvine St. L7 No. 45 & garden wall II 07.10.77

28/665 Irvine St. L7 No. 47 & garden wall II 07.10.77

28/666 Irvine St. L7 Church of Saint Mary II 14.03.75

27/667 Irwell St L3 Former Dock Manager’s Office II

23/668 Islington Square L3 No. 1 II

23/669 Islington Square L3 No. 3 II 28.06.52

3/670 James St. L2 No. 30 (Albion House) II* 28.06.52

28/671 Kensington L7 Christ Church II 14.03.75

28.672 Kensington L7 Public Library II 14.03.75

28/673 Kensington L7 No. 36 (Barclays Bank) II 12.07.66

56/675 Knight Street (nth side) L1 Nos. 39, 41, 43 II

46/675+1 Knowsley Road L19 Cressington Station II 14.03.75

37/676 Lark Lane (west side) L17 No. 63 II

37/677 Lark Lane L17 The Albert Public House II 14.03.75

including lamp holders

37/678 Lark Lane L17 Gate to Sefton Park at II

north end of street

24/681 Laurel Road L6 No. 4 II

24/682 Laurel Road L6 No. 6 II

Leece Street L1 No. 45 II

See. No. 32 Rodney Street

18/680 Leeds & Liverpool Canal L5 II 14.03.75

19/680 Four Canal Locks

5/679 Leyfield Road L12 No. 67 II

28/683 Lilley Road L7 No. 39 (Hailes House) II 04.03.74

28/684 Lilley Road (west side) L7 No. 22 II

23/685 Limekiln Lane (w side) L3. Street lamp II 14.03.75

between Eldon Grove and Bevington St.

- 37 -
54/686 Lime Street L1 Lime Street Station II 14.03.75

54/687 Lime Street L1 Lime Street Chambers II 28.06.52

50/1500 Lime Street L1, Telephone Kiosks II

54/688 Lime Street L1 No. 43 (Crown Hotel) II 14 03.75

54/689 Lime Street L1 Nos.81 to 87 (odd) II* 14.03.75

(The Vines Public House)

50/1362 Lime Street The Empire Theatre II 16.10.90

53/690 Lime Street L1 ABC Cinema II 19.03.81


36/691 Linnet Lane L17 Christ Church II


Little St. Bride Street L8 No. 17 II

See Nos. 23, 25, 27 St Bride Street

28/692 Lockerby Road L7 Nos. 11 & 13 II 14.03.75

28/693 Lockerby Road L7 No. 17 II 14.03.75

5/694 London Road L3 Nos. 225 & 227 II 14.03.75

(Prince of Wales Public House)

50/695 London Road L3 George III monument II 14.03.75

4/696 Long Lane L9 Entrance to Everton Cemetery II 14.03.75

4/697 Long Lane L9 Lodge to Everton Cemetery II 14.03.75

12/698 Longmoor Lane L10 New Hall Dining Hall II 14.03.75

12/699 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 1

12/700 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 3

12/701 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 5

12/702 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 7
12/703 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75
New Hall (west side) No. 9

12/704 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 11

12/705 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 13

- 38 -
12/706 Longmoor Lane (west side) L10 New Hall II 14.03.75
Superintendent’s Office & laundry block

12/707 Longmoor Lane (west side) L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall Kitchen Yard buildings

12/708 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 15

12/709 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 17

12/710 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 19

12/711 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (west side) No. 21

12/712 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 2

12/713 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 4

12/714 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 6

12/715 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 8

12/716 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 10

12/717 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side0 No. 12

12/718 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 14

12/719 Longmoor Lane (east side) L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall Willow House

12/720 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) Superintendent’s House

12/721 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 16

12/722 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 18

12/723 Longmoor Lane L10 II 14.03.75

New Hall (east side) No. 20

50/724 Lord Nelson Street. (north side) L3 II 14.03.75

Nos. 9 to 15 (odd)

- 39 -
50/725 Lord Nelson Street (north side) L3 II 14.03.75
No. 17 (former Owenite Hall of Science)

50/726 Lord Nelson Street (north side) L3 II 14.03.75

Nos. 19 to 33 (odd)

Lord Street L2 No. 35 (Boodle & Dunthorne) II

See Nos. 28-40 North John Street

53/727 Lord Street L2 Nos. 81 to 89 (odd) II 14.03.75

4/728 Lorenzo Drive L11 II* 16.01.81

Church of St. Christopher

17/729 Lorenzo Drive L11 II

Stable block in Norris Green Park

1/730 Lower House Lane L12 II

Entrance to West Derby Cemetery

1/731 Lower House Lane L12 II

Northfield & office to West Derby Cemetery

1/732 Lower House Lane L12 II

Lodge to West Derby Cemetery

52/732+1 Mann Island L3 Pumping Station II

24/733 Margaret Street L6 II 12.07.66

Water tower and north building

24/734 Margaret Street L6 II 14.03.75

South building of water works

28/735 Marmaduke Street L7 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 to 16 (even) Clare Terrace

Marmaduke Street L7 No. 16c II

See No. 5 Church Mount

28/736 Marmaduke Street L7 Nos. 18, 20, 22 II 14.03.75

28/737 Marmaduke Street L7 No. 24 II 14.03.75

28/738 Marmaduke Street L7 No. 26 II 14.03.75

28/739 Marmaduke Street L7 No. 28 II 14.03.75

Marmaduke Street L7 No. 30 II

See Nos. 1 to 7 (odd) Wavertree Road

Maryland Street L1 No. 2 II

See No. 7 Rodney Street

44/740 Mason Street L25 No. 1 II 14.03.75

- 40 -
52/741 Mathew Street L2 No. 23 II

7/10034 Mather Avenue (south-west side) II 02.12.97

Sports Pavilion, Geoffrey Hughes Athletics Grd

17/742 Meadow Lane L12 West Derby Church II 14.03.75

of England Primary School

43/743 Menlove Avenue L25 II

Fletchers Farm House

22/744 Mill Bank L13 Bowden Fountain II

22/745 Mill Lane (sth side) L12 Church of St. James II

17/746 Mill Lane L12 Nos. 76 to 82 (even) II 14.03.75

22/747 Mill Lane L12 Nos. 92 to 98 (even) II 14.03.75

22/748 Mill Lane L12 No. 158 (Sandheys) II

22/749 Mill Lane L12 No. 162 (Fremont) II 14.03.75

31/770 Mill Lane L15 II 28.06.52

Monk’s Well at corner of North Drive

31/751 Mill Lane L15 Sandy Knowe II 19.11.74

31/752 Mill Lane L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 1 & 2 Olive Mount Villas

29/753 Mill Lane L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 3 & 4 Olive Mount Villas

29/754 Mill Lane L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 5 & 6 Olive Mount Villas

29/755 Mill Lane L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 7 & 8 Olive Mount Villas

7/756 Mill Street L8 Florence Institute II 14.03.75

48/757 Moorfields L2 No. 67 (Lion Tavern) II

38/758 Mossley Hill Drive L17 No. 1 (Glenhill) II 14.03.75

38/759 Mossley Hill Drive L17 No. 2 II 14.03.75

38/760 Mossley Hill Drive L17 Nos. 3 & 4 II 14.03.75

38/761 Mossley Hill Drive L17 No. 5 II 14.03.75

38/762 Mossley Hill Drive L17 No. 6 (Duffus) II 14.03.75

38/763 Mossley Hill Drive L17 No. 7 (Bridge House) II 14.03.75

- 41 -
38/764 Mossley Hill Drive L17 Iron bridge between II 14.03.75
Ibbotsons Lane and Queens Drive junctions

7/765 Mossley Hill Road L18 II 14.03.75

Sudley Museum and Art Gallery

7/766 Mossley Hill Road L18 Sudley Lodge II

Moss Street L6 No. 2 II

See No. 1 Prescott Street L3

54/767 Mount Pleasant (north side) L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 73 to 79 (odd)

54/768 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 Nos. 81 to 83 II 14.03.75

54/769 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 Nos. 85 & 87 II 14.03.75

54/770 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 Nos. 89 & 91 II 14.03.75

54/771 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 Nos 93 & 95 II 14.03.75

54/772 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 No. 95a II 14.03.75

54/773 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 Nos. 97 & 99 II 14.03.75

54/774 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 II 14.03.75

Nos. 101 to 107 (odd)

54/775 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 II 14.03.75

Nos. 109 to 125 (odd)

55/776 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 II* 28.06.52

Wellington Rooms (now the Irish Centre)

55/777 Mount Pleasant (nth side) L3 II* 14.03.75

Roman Catholic Cathedral 07.02.94

54/778 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 II 14.03.75

Monument, in garden above Upper Newington

54/780 Mount Pleasant (sth side) No. 50 II 14.03.75

54/781 Mount Pleasant (sth side) No. 52 (west) II 14.03.75

54/782 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 52 (east) II 14.03.75

54/783 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 54 II 14.03.75

54/784 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 II 12.07.66

Nos. 56 to 60 (even) (Y.M.C.A. Building)

54/785 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 62 II 14.03.75

54/786 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 64 II 14.03.75

- 42 -
54/787 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 Nos. 64a & 66 II 14.03.75

54/788 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 II 14.03.75

No. 68 (with green railings)

54/789 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 II 14.03.75

Nos. 76 to 80 (even)

55/790 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 92 II 13.11.80

(Central block of Convent of Notre Dame including Chapel)

55/791 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 No. 96 II 14.03.75

55/792 Mount Pleasant (sth side) L3 II* 28.06.52

Nos. 114 & 116 Liverpool Medical Institution 05.09.95

56/793 Mount Street (nth side) L1 No. 3 II 28.06.52

56/794 Mount Street (nth side) L1 No. 5 II 28.06.52

56/795 Mount Street (nth side) L1 No. 7 II

56/796 Mount St. (nth side) L1 Nos. 9 to 25 (odd) II 14.03.75

56/797 Mount St. (nth side) L1 Nos. 27 to 33 (odd) II

56/798 Mount Street (nth side) L1 No. 35 II 14.03.75

56/799 Mount Street (sth side) L1 No. 2 II

56/800 Mount Street (sth side) L1 Nos. 4 & 6 II

56/801 Mount Street (sth side) L1 No.8 II

56/802 Mount Street (sth side) L1 II 14.03.75

Liverpool Institute

44/803 Mount Street L25 Much Woolton II

Roman Catholic School

4/2000 Mount Vernon Street II 31.10.89

Church of the Sacred Heart

57/804 Myrtle Street L7 Myrtle Street building of II

Central Liverpool College of Further Education

56/805 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 Nos. 10 & 12 II 14.03.75

56/806 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 Nos. 14 & 16 II 14.03.75

56/807 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 No. 18 II 14.03.75

56/808 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 No. 20 II 14.03.75

56/809 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 Nos. 22, 24, 26 II 14.03.75

56/810 Nelson Street (nth side) L1 No. 44 II

- 43 -
54/811 Newington L1 No. 16 & 18 II

27/812 New Quay L3 Mersey Tunnel Entrance II 09.03.82

24/813 Newsham Drive L6 Judge’s House II 14.03.75

24/814 Newsham Drive L6 II 14.03.75

Stable & coach-house to Judge’s House

31/815 North Drive L15 Nos. 18 & 20 II 14.03.75

31/816 North Drive L15 Nos. 29 & 31 II 14.03.75

31/817 North Drive L15 No. 33 II 14.03.75

(Cross and Passion Convent)

31/818 North Drive L15 No. 35 II 14.03.75

31/819 North Drive L15 Nos. 37 & 39 II 14.03.75

31/820 North Drive L18 Church of St. Mary II 14.03.75

52/821 North John Street (east side) L2 II* 28.06.52

Nos. 1 to 9 (odd) (Royal Insurance Building) 20.11.95

52/822 North John St. (east side) L2 Nos. 19 & 21 II 14.03.75

(Solicitors Law Stationary Society)

52/823 North John Street (east side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 37 to 45 (odd) (Central Buildings)

52/824 North John Street L2 Ventilation Station II 10.10. 80

to the Mersey Road Tunnel

52/825 North John Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 18 to 22 (even)

52/826 North John Street (west side) L2 II 14.03.75

Nos. 24 & 26 (Harrington Chambers)

52/827 North John St. (west side) L2 Nos.28 to 40 II 14.03.75

(even) (Marldon Chmbrs & Clarence Bldg)

38/828 North Mossley Hill Road L18 Quendale II

38/829 North Mossley Hill Road L18 St. Saviour’s II 14.03.75

Convent.(& terrace formerly listed seperately)
38/830 North Mossley Hill Road L18 No. 21b II 14.03.75
(Holmstead Cottage)

38/831 North Mossley Hill Road L18 II 14.03.75

Holmstead Lodge

38/832 North Mossley Hill Road L18 Entrance II 14.03.75

gates & piers at St. Saviour’s Convent

- 44 -
28/833 North View L7 Nos. 6 & 7 II

28/834 North View L7 Nos. 8 & 9 II

28/835 North View L7 No. 10 II

28/836 North View L7 Nos. 11 & 12 II

28/837 North View L7 No. 13 II

28/838 North View L7 No. 14 II

10/840 Oglet Lane L24 Yew Tree Farmhouse II 14.03.75

54/841 Old Churchyard L2 No. 2 (Mersey Chmbrs) II 12.07.66

48/842 Old Hall Street. (west side) L3 II 12.07.66

No. 11 (Harley Buildings)

48/843 Old Hall Street (west side) L3 II 12.07.66

Nos. 21 & 23 (City Buildings)

27/844 Old Hall Street (west side) L3 Nos. 91 & 93 II

48/845 Old Hall Street (east side) L3 The Albany II* 12.07.66

48/846 Old Hall Street L3 Cotton Exchange Bldg II 14.03.75

56/847 Oldham Street L1 II 14.03.75

Caledonian Free School & No. 19

49/674 Old Haymarket L1 II 10.10.80

Entrance to Mersey Tunnel

31/848 Old Mill Lane L15 No. 14 (Newstead) II 31.12.73

31/849 Old Mill Lane L15 II 31.12.73

Wall & gate piers to No. 14

31/850 Old Mill Lane L15 Olive Mount Children’s II 14.03.75

Hospital (original house only)
29/851 Olive Lane L15 Sandown Hall II 28.06.52

29/852 Olive Lane L15 No. 42 (Bloomfield House) II 14.03.75

& No. 44 (Eastgate)

29/853 Olive Lane L15 No. 46 (Rooklands) II 14.03.75

No. 48 (Westfield)

31/854 Orford Street (nth side) L15 Nos. 1, 3, 5 II 14.03.75

31/855 Orford St. (nth side) L15 Nos. 7 to 15 (odd) II 14.03.75

31/856 Orford St. (nth side) L15 Nos. 17 to 25 (odd) II 14.03.75

- 45 -
31/857 Orford St. (nth side) L15 Nos. 27 & 29 II 14.03.75

31/858 Orford St. (nth side) L15 Nos. 31 to 37 (odd) II 14.03.75

31/859 Orford St. (sth side) L15 Nos. 2, 4, 6 II 14.03.75

31/860 Orford St. (sth side) L15 No. 8 to 14 II 14.03.75

31/861 Orford St. (sth side) L15 Nos. 16 to 34 II 14.03.75

48/862 Ormond St. No. 12 (Lombard Chambers) II

4/863 Orphan Drive L6 Park Hospital II 12.07.66

4/864 Orphan Drive L6 II

Lodge to north of Newsham Park Hospital

4/865 Orphan Drive L6 II

Building to south of Newsham Park Hospital

28/866 Overbury St. L7 Church of Saint Anne II

28/867 Overbury Street. L7 II

Presbytery to Church of Saint Anne

28/868 Overbury Street L7 II

Memorial in yard of Church of St. Anne

57/869 Oxford Street L7 No. 14 II

57/870 Oxford Street L7 Nos. 16 & 18 II

57/871 Oxford Street L7 Nos. 20 to 26 (even) II

57/872 Oxford Street L7 No. 28 II

57/873 Oxford Street. L7 No. 30 II

30/874 Paradise Street L1 No. 96 II

38/875 Park Avenue L18 II 14.03.75

Mossley Hill Hospital (original house only)

Parker Street L1 Nos. 2 & 4 II

See No. 69 Church Street

30/876 Park Lane L1 Swedish Seaman’s Church II 14.03.75

7/877 Park Place L8 Chapel of Saint Patric II* 14.03.75


7/878 Park Place L8 No. 22 II

(St. Patrick’s Presbytery)

36/879 Park Road L8 Toxteth Unitarian Chapel I 28.06.52

- 46 -
36/880 Park Road L8 Nos. 367 & 369 II

59/881 Parliament Place L8 Nos. 1 to 9 (odd) II

36/1100 Park Road Nos. 363 & 365 II 10.01.89

56/882 Parr Street L1 No. 57 II

38/883 Peel Street L8 No. 37 to 43 (odd) II

51/884 Pembroke Place L3 II 14.03.75

Royal Infirmary (Waterhouse Building only)

51/885 Pembroke Place L3 No. 12 II

38/886 Penny Lane L18 Oakfield II

Percy Street (east side) L8 No. 1 II

See Nos. 4 to 16 (even) Canning Street

59/887 Percy St. (east side) L8 Nos. 3 to 17 (odd) II 28.06.52

60/888 Percy St. (east side) L8 Gates, gatepiers & II

perimeter walls to Saint Bride’s Churchyard

60/889 Percy St. (east side) L8 St. Bride’s Church II* 28.06.52

Percy Stree L8 No. 19 II

See No. 30 Huskisson Street

60/890 Percy Street (west side) L8 Nos. 2 & 4 II 28.06.52

60/891 Percy Street (west side) L8 No. 6 II 28.06.52

60/892 Percy St. (west side) L8 No. 8 to 18 (even) II* 28.06.52

60/893 Percy St. (wt side) L8 Nos. 20 to 32 (even) II* 28.06.52

60/894 Percy St. (wt side) L8 Nos. 34 to 38 (even) II 14.03.75

60/895 Percy St. (west side) L8 II 14.03.75

Flats 1 to 27 (consec) Fir Grove

60/896 Percy Street L8 5 Gas Lamps in street II 14.03.75

31/897 Picton Road (north side) L15 No. 199 II 14.03.75

31/898 Picton Road (south side) L15 No. 238 II 14.03.75

31/899 Picton Road (south side) L15 No. 240 II 14.03.75

31/900 Picton Road (south side) L15 No. 244 II 14.03.75

(Wavertree District Library)

31/901 Picton Road (south side) L15 Piers to front II 14.03.75

of No. 244 (Wavertree District Library)

- 47 -
31/902 Picton Road (south side) L15 No. 246 II
(Picton Sports Centre)

31/903 Picton Road (south side) L15 No. 260 II 14.03.75

(College of Further Education)

56/904 Pilgrim Street (east side) L1 No. 25 II

56/905 Pilgrim Street (west side) L1 Nos. 36 & 38 II

4/906 Pinehurst Road L4 Church of St. Columba II

25/907 Prescot Road, Old Swan L13 II 12.07.66

No. 521 (Barclays Bank)

24/908 Prescot Road L7 Nos. 10 & 12 II

51/909 Prescot Street L3 No. 1 (Barclays Bank) II 12.07.66

3/910 Princes Dock L3 (see 3/1500) II 10.10.89

27/910 Entrance to Princes Half-Tide Dock

31/923 Prince Alfred Road L15 Nos. 9, 11, 13 II 14.03.75

31/924 Prince Alfred Road L15 Nos. 15 & 17 II 14.03.75

31/925 Prince Alfred Road L15 Nos. 19 to 25 (odd) II 14.03.75

31/926 Prince Alfred Road L15 Nos. 27 to 35 (odd) II 14.03.75

60/920 Princes Avenue (east side) L8 II

Merseyside Centre for the Deaf

3/1500 Princes Dock Princes Half-Tide Dock II 10.10.89

32/911 Princes Gate L8 II 14.03.75

Statue of Hugh Stowell Brown

32/912 Princes Gate L8 Entrance to Princes Park II 14.03.75

Princes Park L8 Entrance to Devonshire St.

See under Devonshire Street

Princes Park L8 Entrance to Princes Gate

See under Princes Gate

32/913 Princes Park L8 Memorial to Richard II 14.03.75

Vaughan Yates facing main entrance

32/914 Princes Park L8 II 14.03.75

Boathouse at South end of lake

60/915 Princes Road L8 II 14.03.75

Florence Nightingale Monument

60/916 Princes Road L8 II 14.03.75

No. 3 (St. Margaret’s Vicarage)
- 48 -
60/917 Princes Road L8 Church of St. Margaret II* 12.07.66

60/918 Princes Road L8 No. 5 (Streatham Tower) II 14.03.75

60/919 Princes Road L8 Jewish Synagogue II* 14.03.75


32/921 Princes Road L8 Welsh Presbyterian Church II 14.03.75

32/922 Princes Road L8 II 14.03.75

Drinking fountain at Mulgrave St. junction

Princes Road L8 Statue of Hugh Stowell Brown

See Prices Gate

4/927 Priory Road L4 No. 242 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Anfield Cemetery

4/928 Priory Road L4 II 14.03.75

Main entrance to Anfield Cemetery

4/929 Priory Rd L4 No. 240 (Lansdowne House) II 14.03.75

4/930 Priory Rd L4 No. 238 II 14.03.75

(Lodge to Anfield Cemetery)

4/931 Priory Rd L4 Entrance to Anfield Cemetery II 14.03.75

4/932 Priory Road L4 II

Crematorium at Anfield Cemetery

4/933 Prospect Vale (west side) L6 II 14.03.75

No. 1 (The Hollies)

43/936 Quarry Street L25 Nos. 65 & 67 II 14.03.75

43/937 Quarry Street L25 Nos. 69 to 75 (odd) II 14.03.75

43/938 Quarry Street (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 81 to 87 (odd)

44/939 Quarry Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 2 to 8 (even)

43/938+1 Quarry Street (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

Newstead Farmhouse with attached buildings

44/940 Quarry St. (east side) L25 Nos. 10, 12, 14 II 14.03.75

52/941 Queen Avenue L2 Nos. 1, 3 & 5 II 15.05.74

(western part only)

52/942 Queen Avenue L2 II 15.05.74

No. 5 (eastern part only), 7 & 9

- 49 -
52/943 Queen Avenue L2 Nos. 2 - 14 (even) II 15.05.74

52/944 Queen Avenue L2 Nos. 16 & 18 II* 14.03.75

(Royal Insurance Building)

52/945 Queen Avenue L2 Nos. 20 & 22 and II 15.05.74

gateway to Sweeting Street

22/946 Queens Drive L13 Basil Grange II 14.03.75

22/947 Queens Drive L13 Basil Grange Lodge II 14.03.75

22/948 Queens Drive L13 II 14.03.75

Park entrance adjoining the Lodge

22/949 Queens Drive L13 Gwalia II 01.08.73

54/950 Ranelagh Place L1 The Adelphi Hotel II 14.03.75

53/950+1 Ranelagh Street L1 No. 19 II 14.11.82

53/951 Ranelagh Street L1 Nos. 21 & 23 II 04.11.82

54/952 Ranelagh Street L2 Nos. 25, 27,29 II 4.11.82

(Midland Hotel)

54/953 Ranelagh Street L2 No. 31 (Central Hotel) II 14.11.82

3/10000 Regent Road No. 173 Sugar Silo II* 23.09.92

18/954 Regent Road L5 Dock wall from opposite II 14.03.75

Sandhills Lane to Collingwood Dock with entrances

18/955 Regent Road L3 II

Collingwood Dock retaining walls

18/956 Regent Road L3 II

Bramley Moore Dock Retaining walls

18/957 Regent Road L3 II

Nelson Dock Retaining walls

18/958 Regent Road L3 Hydraulic engine house II 22.01.87

of Bramley Moore Dock

18/959 Regent Road L5 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Stanley Dock at north end

18/960 Regent Road L5 Entrance to Stanley Dock II

on corner of Saltney Street

54/961 Renshaw Street L1 II

Nos.35 to 43 (odd) & Methodist Central Hall

54/962 Renshaw Street L1 II 14.03.75

No. 57b and Nos. 59 to 67 (odd)

- 50 -
40/963 Reservoir Road L25 Water Tower II

1/964 Rice Lane L9 II 14.03.75

Walton Hospital (original building only)

13/965 Rice Lane L9 No. 499 (Barclays Bank) II 14.03.75

54/966 Rodney Street (east side) L1 Nos. 1, 3 & 5 II 28.06.52

54/967 Rodney Street (east side) L1 II* 28.06.52

Church of Saint Andrew

54/968 Rodney Street (east side) L1 Sunday School II 14.03.75

to north of Church of Saint Andrew

56/969 Rodney Street (east side) L1 Monument to II

W. Mackenzie aprox. 7m to south of Church
of Saint Andrew

54/970 Rodney Street (east side) L1 Gate piers II

56/970 and front wall to Church of St. Andrew

56/971 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 7 II 28.06.52

56/972 Rodney St. (east side) L1 Nos. 9 to 21 (odd) II 28.06.52

Rodney Street L1 No. 25 II

See No. 2 Hardman Street

56/973 Rodney Street (east side) II 28.06.52

No. 27 (Roscoe House)

56/974 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 29 II 28.06.52

56/975 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 31 II 28.06.52

56/975+1 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 33 II 28.06.52

56/976 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 35 II 28.06.52

56/977 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 37 II 28.06.52

56/978 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 39 II 28.06.52

56/979 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 41 II 28.06.52

56/980 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 43 II 28.06.52

56/981 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 45 II 28.06.52

56/982 Rodney Street (east side) L1 Nos. 47 & 49 II 28.06.52

56/982+1 Rodney Street (east side) L1 No. 49a II 28.06.52

56/983 Rodney Street (east side) L1 II 28.06.52

No. 51a & Nos. 51 to 75 (odd) 23.02.60

- 51 -
54/984 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 2 II 28.06.52

54/985 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 4 II 14.03.75

54/986 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 8 II 28.06.52

56/986 No. 6 14.03.75

56/987 Rodney St. (west side) L1 Nos. 10 & 12 II 28.06.52

56/988 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

Nos. 14 to 18 (even)

56/989 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

Nos. 20 to 24 (even)

56/990 Rodney St. (west side) L1 Nos. 26 & 28 II 28.06.52

56/991 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 30 II 28.06.52

56/992 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

No. 32 (Midland Bank)

56/993 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 34 II 28.06.52

56/994 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 36 II 14.03.75

56/995 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 36a II 23.02.60

56/996 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 38 & 40 II 28.06.52

56/997 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

Nos. 42, 44, 46

56/998 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 48 II 28.06.52

56/999 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

Nos. 50, 52, 54

54/1000A Rodney Street K6 Telephone Kiosk II 19.05.89

56/1000 Rodney Street (west side) L1 Nos. 56 & 58 II 28.06.52

56/1001 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 60 II 28.06.52

56/1002 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 62 II 28.06.52

56/1003 Rodney Street (west side) L1 II 28.06.52

Nos. 64 to 72 (even)

56/1004 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 72a II 28.06.52

56/1005 Rodney Street (west side) L1 Nos. 74 & 76 II 28.06.52

56/1006 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 78 II 14.03.75

56/1007 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 80 II 14.03.75

- 52 -
56/1008 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 82 II 28.06.52

56/1009 Rodney Street (west side) L1 No. 84 II 28. 06.52

56/1010 Rodney Street (west side) L1 Nos. 86 & 88 II 28.06.52

54/1011 Rodney Street L1 II

56/1011 Lamp posts to both sides of street

Roscoe Street L1 No. 26 II

See Bold Place L1 Nos. 6 to 15 (consec)

49/10000 Roe Street The Royal Court Theatre II 09.01.92

41/1012 Rose Brow L25 No. 1a & Smithy Cottage II 14.03.75

41/1013 Rose Brow L25 Nos. 1 to 5 (consec) II 14.03.75

41/1014 Rose Brow L25 House to north of II 14.03.75

Gateacre Grange and belonging to it

41/1015 Rose Brow L25 Gateacre Grange II 14.03.75

(Home for retired Seafarers)

41/1016 Rose Brow L25 Lodge and stable block II 14.03.75

to Gateacre Grange

7/1017 Rose Lane L18 Church of St. Matthew II* 14.03.75

38/1017 and St . James

7/1018 Rose Lane L18 Wall, entrances & drinking II

38/1018 fountain to Church of St. Matthew & St. James

38/1019 Rose Lane L18 II 14.03.75

Vicarage and Mosslake Lodge

38/1020 Rose Lane L18 Township boundary stone II 14.03.75

39/1021 Rose Lane L18 Nos. 1 and 3 II 14.03.75

52/1022 Rumford Place L3 II 13.09.82

Nos. 6, 8 and No. 10 (Nautilus House)

52/1023 St. Andrew’s Gardens L3 II

51/1023 Flats 1 to 32 (consec) A, B, C, D

23/1024 St. Anne Street L3 Nos. 24 and 26 II 14.03.75

23/1025 St. Anne Street L3 Warehouse of Owen II 14.03.75

and T. J. Hughes

23/1026 St. Anne Street L3 Nos. 34 & 36 II 22.01.87

57/1027 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 No. 1 II

- 53 -
57/1028 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 No. 7 II

57/1029 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 Nos. 9 & 11 II

57/1030 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 Nos. 13 & 15 II

57/1031 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 II

Nos. 17, 19 and 21

57/1032 St. Bride Street (east side) L8 II

Nos. 23, 25 and 27

St. Bride Street L8 No. 2 II

See Nos. 42 to 50 (even) Falkner Street

57/ 1033 St. Bride Street (west side) L8 No. 4 II

57/1034 St. Bride Street (west side) L8 No. 6 II

57/1035 St. Bride Street (west side) L8 II

Nos. 8 to 14 (even)

57/1035+1 St. Bride St. (west side) L8 Nos. 16, 18, 20 II

57/1035+2 St. Bride St. (west side) L8 Nos. 22 & 24 II

19/1036 St. Domingo Road L5 Roman Catholic II 14.03.75

Church of Our Lady Immaculate

49/1037 St. George’s Plateau L1 St. George’s Hall I 28.06.52

49/1038 St. George’s Plateau L1 Statue of Major- II

Gen. Earle attached to south east angle of
St. George’s Hall

49/1039 St. George’s Plateau L1 Statue of II

Disraeli on steps to colonnade of
St. George’s Hall

49/1040 St. George’s Plateau L1 Prince Albert II 14.03.75

Monument to south of war memorial
49/1041 St. George’s Plateau L1 War memorial II 28.06.52
to east of Saint George’s Hall

49/1042 St. George’s Plateau L1 Queen Victoria II 28.06.52

monument to north of war memorial

49/1043 St. George’s Plateau L1 4 Lions to east II 28.06.52

50/1043 of war memorial

49/1044 St. George’s Plateau L1 41 lamp standards II 28.06.52

50/1044 on Lime Street front

59/1045 St. James’ Place L8 Church of St. James II*

59/1046 St. James’ Place L8 Wall, railings and II

gates to St. James’ churchyard
- 54 -
59/1047 St. James’ Road L1 Anglican Cathedral I 28.06.52
church of Christ

59/1048 St. James’ Road L1 Saint James’ II 14.03.75

Cemetery Lodge next to gateway

59/1049 St. James’ Rd L1 Saint James’ Cemetery II

gateway to south end of St. James’ Road

59/1050 St. James’ Road L1 Huskisson Monument II 28.06.52

in Saint James’ Cemetery

56/1051 St. James’ Road L1 Carriage ramps and II 28.06.52

59/1051 Catacombs to Saint James’ Cemetery

56/1052 St. James’ Road L1 Rock-cut arch in II

Saint James’ Cemetery

30/1053 St. James’ Street L1 Roman Catholic II 14.03.75

Church of Saint Vincent de Paul

30/1054 St. James’ Street L1 Saint Vincent de II 14.03.75

Paul Prespbytery

49/1055 St. John’s Gardens L1 Rathbone Monument II 14.03.75

49/1056 St. John’s Gardens L1 Forwood Monument II 14.03.75

49/1057 St. John’s Gardens L1 Balfour Monument II 14.03.75

49/1058 St. John’s Gardens L1 Gladstone Monument II 14.03.75

49/1059 St. John’s Gardens L1 Lester Monument II 14.03.75

49/1060 St. John’s Gardens L1 Monument to the II 14.03.75

King’s Liverpool Regiment

49/1061 St.John’s Gardens L1 Nugent Monument II 14.03.75

49/1062 St. John’s Gardens L1 Retaining wall, II

gatepiers, and terrace wall

49/1063 St. John’s Lane L1 Nos. 7 - 12 (consec) II

(St. John’s House)

49/1500A St. John’s Lane L1 K6 Telephone Kiosk II 19.05.89

46/1064 St. Mary’s Road L19 Church of St. Mary II 14.03.75

44/ 1065 St. Mary’s Street L25 Dining Hall of II

Much Woolton R.C. School

36/1066 St. Michael’s Church Road L17 I 28.06.52

St. Michaels Church

36/1067 St. Michael’s Church Rd L17 Iron railings II 14.03.75

and 2 gate piers at St. Michaels Church
- 55 -
36/1068 St. Michael’s Church Road L17 No. 1 II* 28.06.52
(The Friary or The Glebelands)

36/1069 St. Michael’s Church Road L17 Carfax II* 28.06.52

36/1070 St. Michael’s Church Road L17 II* 28.06.52

The Hermitage

36/1071 St. Michael’s Road L17 Nos. 51, 51A, 51B II* 28.06.52
The Carriage House and gate piers to garden

36/1072 St. Michael’s Road L17 The Cloisters II* 14.03.75

36/1073 St. Michael’s Road L17 No. 4 (Arnewood) II 28.06.52

36/1074 St. Michael’s Road L17 No. 6 (Vicarage) II 14.03.75

with garden wall and 4 piers

27/1075 St. Nicholas Place (west end) L3 II 14.03.75

Memorial to “heroes of the marine engine room”

29/1076 St. Oswald’s St. L13 Church of St. Oswald II 28.06.52

29/1077 St. Oswald’s St. L13 II 28.06.52

Presbytery of St. Oswald’s

29/1078 St. Oswald’s St. L13 Convent of Mercy II 26.06.52

29/1079 St. Oswald’s St. L13 Montini Youth Centre II 26.06.52

St. Vincent Street L3 No. 12A II

See 19 to 33 (odd) Lord Nelson Street

27/1080 Salisbury Dock L3 No. 19 II 14.03.75

(Dockmaster’s House)

27/1081 Salisbury Dock L3 Victoria Tower II 14.03.75

27/1082 Salisbury Dock L3 Dock Master’s Office II 14.03.75

27/1083 Salisbury Dock L3 Dock Retaining Wall II 14.03.75

27/1084 Salisbury Dock L3 Sea wall to north island II 14.03.75

at dock entrance

27/1085 Salisbury Dock L3 Sea wall to island at II 14.03.75

27/1086 Salisbury Dock L3 Sea wall to south of II 14.03.75

dock entrance

23/1087 Salisbury Street L3 Roman Catholic II* 28.06.52

Church of Saint Francis Xavier

23/1088 Salisbury St. L3 St. Francis Xavier’s School II 28.06.52

30/1316 Salthouse Dock L3 Dock retaining wall II

- 56 -
Saltney Street L5 Entrance to Stanley Dock II
See under Great Howard Street

Saltney Street L5 Entrance to Stanley Dock II

See under Regent Road

5/1089 Sandfield Park (central drive) L12 Kiln Hey II 14.03.75

22/1091 Sandfield Park (south drive) L12 St. Ives II 14.03.75

57/1092 Sandon Street L8 Nos. 9, 11, 11A, & 15 II

Sandon Street L8 No. 17 II

See Nos. 1 to 16 (consec) Falkner Square

Sandon Street L8 No. 19A II

See Nos. 25 to 36 (consec) Falkner Square

61/1093 Sandon St. (est side) L8 Nos. 21 to 27 (odd) II

60/1094 Sandon Street (west side) L8 II

61/1094 Nos. 24 to 34 (even)

31/1095 Sandown Lane (west side) L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 35 & 37

31/1096 Sandown Lane (west side) L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 47 & 49

Sandown Lane L15 No. 2 II

See Nos. 2, 4, 6 Orford Street

Sandown Lane L15 (east side) No. 4 II

(The Edinburgh Public House)
See Nos. 1, 3, 5 Orford Street

31/1097 Sandon Lane (east side) L15 II 14.03.75

Nos. 12 to 34 (even)

31/1098 Sandown Road L15 Nos. 69 & 71 II 14.03.75

31/1099 Sandown Road L15 No. 87 II 14.03.75

29/1100 Sandown Road L15 No. 50 II 14.03.75

31/1101 Sandown Road L15 No. 66 II 14.03.75

53/1102 School Lane L1 Bluecoat Chambers I 28.06.52

53/1103 School Lane L1 Railings gates and gate I 14.03.75

piers Old Bluecoat School

44/1398 School Lane, Woolton L25 II* 28.06.52

Much Woolton Old School

8/1399 School Lane, Woolton L25 Golf Lodge II 29.01.75

- 57 -
19/1104 Scotland Road L5 Roman Catholic II 14.03.75
Church of Saint Anthony

30/1105 Seel St. (north side) L1 Nos. 45 to 51 (odd) II


56/1106 Seel Street L1 No. 77 (Doctor Duncan’s) II

56/1107 Seel Street (north side) L1 Nos. 79, 81, 83 II

30/1108 Seel Street (south side) L1 Nos. 48, 50, 52 II

30/1109 Seel Street (sth side) L1 No. 64 to 72 (even) II

Seel Street (south side) No. 60 II

See under 30 Slater Street

30/1110 Seel Street (south side) L1 II 14.03.75

56/1110 Saint Peter’s Roman Catholic Church

56/1111 Seel Street (south side) L1 No. 76 II 14.03.75

56/1112 Seel Street (south side) L1 No. 78 II 14.03.75

56/1113 Seel St. (sth side) L1 Nos. 94 to 104 (even) II

37/1114 Sefton Park L17 Palm House II* 12.07.66

37/1115 Sefton Park L17 Statue of William Rathbone II 14.03.75

42/1116 Sefton Park L17 Boathouse at sth end of lake II 14.03.75

42/1117 Sefton Park L17 II 14.03.75

Drinking fountain at south end of lake

37/1118 Sefton Park L17 Shelter on east side of lake II 14.03.75

37/1119 Sefton Park L17 Shelter on west side of lake II 14.03.75

37/1120 Sefton Park L17 Grotto to west of lake II

37/1121 Sefton Park L17 Tunnel to nth west of lake II

37/1122 Sefton Park L17 Bandstand on island in lake II 14.03.75

37/1122+1 Sefton Park L17 Eros Fountain II

37/1123 Sefton Park L17 II 14.03.75

Drinking fountain at north end of lake

33/1124 Sefton Park L17 Monument to Samuel Smith II 14.03.75

37/1124+1 Sefton Park L17 Statue of Peter Pan II

33/1125 Sefton Park L17 Grotto to north east of park II

- 58 -
Sefton Park L17 Aigburth Road Entrance II
See under Aigburth Road

Sefton Park L17 Aigburth Road Lodge II

See under Aigburth Road

Sefton Park L17 Greenbank Lodge II

See under Greenbank Drive

Sefton Park L17 Princes Lodge II

See under Ullet Road

Sefton Park L17 Ullet Road Entrance II

See under Ullet Road

38/1430 Sefton Park The Dell II 21.01.87

32/1126 Sefton Park Road L8 No. 12 II 14.03.75

32/1127 Sefton Park Road L8 No. 14 II 14.03.75

32/1128 Sefton Park Road L8 Nos. 16 & 18 II 14.03.75

32/1129 Sefton Park Road L8 Nos. 1 to 35 (consec) II 14.03.75

Princes Park Mansions

7/1130 Sefton Street L3 Carriage ramps & steps II

6/1131 Sefton Street L3 Customs Depot II

6/1132 Sefton Street L3 Hydraulic Station at II

Toxteth Dock

50/1133 Seymour Street (east side) L3 II 28.06.52

Nos. 11 to 53 (odd)

31/1135 Shanklin Road L15 Nos. 7 & 9 II 14.03.75

Shanklin Road L15 No. 12 II
See No. 50 Sandown Road

23/1136 Shaw Street (west side) No. 37A & 39 II 14.03.75

23/1137 Shaw St. (wst side) L6 Nos. 41 to 49 (odd) II 14.03.75

23/1138 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 51 II 14.03.75

23/1139 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 53 II 14.03.75

23/1140 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 55 II 14.03.75

23/1141 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 57 II 14.03.75

23/1142 Shaw Street (west side) L6 Nos. 59 & 61 II 14.03.75

23/1143 Shaw Street (west side) L6 Nos. 63, 65, 67 II 14.03.75

- 59 -
23/1144 Shaw Street (west side) L6 Nos. 69 & 71 II 14.03.75

23/1145 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 97 II 14.03.75

23/1146 Shaw Street (west side) L6 No. 99 II 14.03.75

23/1147 Shaw Street (west side) L6 Nos. 101 & 103 II 14.03.75

23/1148 Shaw Street (west side) L6 Nos. 105 & 107 II 14.03.75

23/1149 Shaw St. (west side) L6 Nos.115, 117, 119 II 14.03.75

23/1150 Delisted 26.06.96

23/1151 Shaw Street (east side) L6 II

Particular Baptist Chapel

23/ 1152 Shaw Street L6 Liverpool Collegiate School II* 28.06.52

23/1153 Shaw Street (east side) L6 War memorial at II

north end of Whitley Gardens

23/1154 Shaw Street L5 Former lock-up II 14.03.75

24/1155 Shiel Road L6 Post Office pillar box II 14.03.75

corner of Huntly Road

53/1156 Sir Thomas Street L1 Nos. 19-23 (odd) II

Sir Thomas Street L1 No. 24

See No. 45 Victoria Street

48/1158 Sir Thomas Street L2 No. 14 II

49/1158 (City Education Offices)

49/1159 Sir Thomas Street L2 No. 20 II

(Minerva Chambers)

Skelhorne Street Lime Street Station II

See under Lime Street

Sir Thomas Street No. 24 II

See No. 45 Victoria Street

54/1160 Slater Street L1 No. 4 II 14.03.75

30/1323 Slater Street (west side) No. 30 II 23.05.88

including No.60 Seel Street

30/1324 Slater Street (west side) No. 32 II 23.05.88

28/1160+1 Smithdown Lane Nos. 134 to 170 (even) II


7/1161 Smithdown Road L7 No. 1 II 14.03.75

- 60 -
7/1162 Smithdown Road (west side) L7 II
Boundary Public House

7/1163 Smithdown Road L15 Royal Hotel II

34/10016 Smithdown Rd, Sefton Pk Tower to former II 11.10.93

Presbyterian Church of St. Columba

21/1165 Snaefel Avenue L13 Mortuary house II

6/1166 South Rerry Basin L3 II

Dock retaining Walls

South Street L8 Nos. 180 & 192 II 14.03.75

See former stable block opposite No. 3,
Devonshire Street

36/1167 Southwood Road L17 No. 3 II 14.03.75

36/1168 Southwood Road L17 Nos. 16 & 18 II 14.03.75

36/1169 Southwood Road (west side) L17 No. 20 II 14.03.75

36/1170 Southwood Road (west side) L17 No. 22 II 14.03.75

(Norwegian Fishermans’ Church)

36/1171 Southwood Road (west side) L17 No. 24 II 14.03.75

10/1172 Speke Church Road L24 Village Hall II 14.03.75

10/1173 Speke Hall Road L24 Speke Hall I 28.06.52

10/1174 Speke Hall Road L24 Outbuilding at II

Speke Hall

10/1175 Speke Hall Road L24 Bridge over moat to II 14.03.75

north of Speke Hall

10/1176 Speke Hall Road L24 Bridge over moat to II 14.03.75

east of Speke Hall

10/1177 Speke Hall Road L24 North Lodge to II 14.03.75

Speke Hall

10/10043 Speke Hall Road, E-Shaped range of farm II 15.10.96

buildings to the east of Speke Hall

10/1178 Speke Road L24 Liverpool Airport II* 07.09.98

Control Tower & Terminal

10/1179 Speke Road L24 Liverpool Airport II* 07.09.98

Hangar 1

10/1180 Speke Road L24 Liverpool Airport II* 07.09.98

International Terminal

- 61 -
10/10025 Speke Road, Garston II 26.11.97
(The former Bryant & May Match Factory) 17.02.98

44/1181 Speke Road L25 Woolton Hall I 28.06.82

44/1182 Speke Road L25 Woolton Hall Lodge II 14.03.75

10/1183 Speke Road L25 Hunts Cross Station II 14.03.75

(Incorporating Stationmaster’s House)

10/1184 Speke Road L25 Hunts Cross II 14.03.75

26/1185 Springfield Park L14 Nelson Monument II

23/1186 Springfield L3 No. 1 II 14.03.75

10/1187 Springwood Avenue L25 Oak Farmhouse II 14.03.75

392-/10/ Springwood Avenue L25 L-shaped range of II 17.12.96

10048 outbuildings at Oak Farm

7/1188 Stanhope Street L8 Higsons Brewery & II

Grapes Public House

18/1189 Stanley Dock L5 Tobacco Warehouse on II 14.03.75

south side of Stanley Dock

18/1190 Stanley Dock L5 Stanley Warehouse to II 14.03.75

31/1190 south of Tobacco Warehouse

18/1191 Stanley Dock L5 Warehouse on north II* 14.03.75

side of dock

18/1192 Stanley Dock L5 Hydraulic tower to II 14.03.75

west of north warehouse

Stanley Dock L3 II
Entrance to Leeds/Liverpool

Stanley Dock L3 2 Entrances to Dock at II

north end & Stanley Street corner
See under Great Howard Street

18/1193 Stanley Dock L5 Bridge on the Leeds & II

Liverpool Canal at head of dock

4/1194 Stanley Park L4 Screen wall II 14.03.75

16/1195 Stanley Park L4 Pavilion at west end of II 14.03.75
main section of screen wall

4/1196 Stanley Park L4 Pavilion at east end of II 14.03.75

main section of screen wall

16/1197 Stanley Park L4 Terrace to north of II 14.03.75

screen wall

- 62 -
16/1198 Stanley Park L4 Small iron pavilion to II 14.03.75
north of bowling greens

16/1199 Stanley Park L4 Conservatory II 14.03.75

16/1200 Stanley Park L4 Bandstand in front of II 14.03.75


16/1201 Stanley Park L4 Lodge on Anfield Road II 14.03.75

16/1202 Stanley Pk L4 Shelter to sth east of lake II 14.03.75

16/1203 Stanley Park L4 Bridge over lake II 14.03.75

4/1204 Stanley Park L4 Bridge at east end of lake II 14.03.75

4/1205 Stanley Park L4 Bridge to north of east II 14.03.75

end of lake

4/1206 Stanley Park L4 Pavilion to east of lake II 14.03.75

4/1207 Stanley Park L4 Bridge to east of pavilion II 14.03.75

4/1208 Stanley Park L4 Bridge to north west of II 14.03.75

pavilion to east of lake

4/1209 Stanley Park L4 Shelter at east end of park II

16/1210 Stanley Rd L4 Kirkdale Community Centre II

Stanley Street L1 Nos. 7 to 11 (odd) II

See Nos. 48 to 54 (even) Dale Street

48/1211 Stanley Street L1 Nos. 6 to 20 (even) II

Stanley Street L1 Nos. 22 to 26 (even) II

See Nos. 25 & 27 Victoria Street

39/1212 Stanley Terrace L18 Nos. 1 to 10 (consec) II 14.03.75

39/1213 Stanley Terrace L1 Nos. 11 to 19 (consec) II 14.03.75

Sugnall Street L8 Belvedere Public House II

See Nos. 19 to33 (odd) Falkner Street

32/243 Sunnyside L8 Nos. 1, 2, 2a, Nos. 3 to 6 (cons) II 12.07.66

Nos. 7, 7a & 8 Cavendish Gardens

32/1216 Sunnyside L8 Nos. 1 & 2 II 12.07.66

32/1217 Sunnyside L8 Nos. 3 & 4 II 12.07.66

32/1218 Sunnyside L8 Nos. 5 & 6 II 12.07.66

32/1219 Sunnyside L8 Nos. 7 & 8 II 12.07.66

- 63 -
52/1220 Sweeting Street L2 Nos. 15-19 (odd) II
(Barned’s Building)

Sweeting S.t L2 Gateway to Queen Avenue II

See under Nos. 20 & 22 Queen Avenue

52/1221 Temple Court L2 No. 6 II

52/1222 Temple Court L2 No. 8 II

Temple Lane L1 Nos. 1 & 3 II*

See Nos. 3 to 9 (odd) Victoria Street

26/1223 Thingwall Lane L14 The Cottage II 14.03.75

8/1224 Thingwall Road L15 Wavertree Garden II

Suburb Institute

26/1225 Thomas Lane L14 II 14.03.75

Church of St. John Evangelist

26/1226 Thomas Lane L14 No. 28 II 14.03.75

26/1227 Thomas Lane L14 No. 30 II 14.03.75

26/1229 Thomas Lane L14 No. 76 (Oak House) II 14.03.75

26/1230 Thomas Lane L14 II

Guide Post at corner of Thingwall Lane

392-/23/ Titchfield Street (east side) Railings & Piers II 24.09.93

10015 to Bevington Street Recreation Ground

23/1231 Titchfield Street L5 Street lamp between II 14.03.75

Eldon Grove and Bevington Street

48/2000 Tithebarn Street Nos. 59 to 61 II 04.09.91

Tower Gardens 1 - 11 (odd) II*

See No. 22 Water Street

28/1232 Towerlands Street L7 No. 11 II

28/1233 Towerlands Street L7 No. 13 II 14.03.75

28/1234 Towerlands Street L7 St. Mary’s Vicarage II

41/1235 Tower Way L25 Woolton Tower, II

Tower House and Tower Cottage

5/1236 Town Row L12 R. C. Church of St. Paul II 14.03.75

17/1237 Town Row L12 Nos. 52 & 54 II 14.03.75

17/1238 Town Row L12 No. 56 II 14.03.75

- 64 -
7/1239 Tunnel Road L7 2 carriage ramps and II
tunnel entrance

7/1240 Tunnel Road L7 II* 14.10.74

Range on north side of Edge Hill Station

7/1241 Tunnel Road L7 II* 14.10.74

Range on south side of Edge Hill Station

7/1242 Tunnel Road L7 Engine house to II* 14.10.74

north of north range of Edge Hill Station

7/1243 Tunnel Road L7 Hydraulic plant house & II 14.10.74

accumulator tower to east of Engine House
at Edge Hill Station

28/1244 Tunnel Rd L7 Entrance to Waterloo Tunnel II

32/1245 Ullet Road (north side) L8 No. 9 (Parkside) II 04.03.74

33/1246 Ullet Rd (nth side) L17 Church of St. Agnes’ I 14.03.75

33/1247 Ullet Rd (nth side) L17 St. Agnes’ Vicarage II* 28.06.52

33/1248 Ullet Rd (nth side) L17 II 14.03.75

St. Agnes’ Church Hall behind Church

33/1249 Ullet Road L17 Unitarian Chapel I 14.03.75

33/1250 Ullet Road L17 Unitarian Church Hall I 14.03.75

33/1251 Ullet Road L17 Wall & gates to II

Unitarian Chapel & church hall

33/1252 Ullet Road (south side) L17 II 14.03.75

No. 34 (Princes Lodge)

33/1253 Ullet Road (south side) L17 Entrance to II 14.03.75

Sefton Park (at end of Sefton Park Road)

33/1254 Ullet Road (south side) L17 II

No. 36 (Ullet Grange)

33/1255 Ullet Road (south side) L17 No. 38 II

33/1256 Ullet Road (south side) L17 No. 40 II

33/1257 Ullet Road (south side) L17 No. 42 II

33/1258 Ullet Road (south side) L17 No. 44 II

(Lau’s Cantonese style restaurant)

33/1259 Ullet Road (south side) L17 II

Gates & gatepiers to No. 44

33/1260 Ullet Road (south side) L17 No. 50 II 14.03.75

(Sefton Court Mansions) 22.03.95
- 65 -
52/1262 Union Court L2 No. 9 II

27/10100 Union Street No. 7 II 20.02.98

56/1263 Upper Duke Street L1 The Oratory I 28.06.52

56/1264 Upper Duke Street L1 II

Railings and piers to the Oratory

56/1265 Upper Duke Street L1 II 14.03.75

Nos. 29 to 37 (odd) (Mornington Terrace)

57/1266 Upper Hope Place L7 Nos. 28 to 38 (even) II

Upper Newington L1 Nos. 2, 4, 6 II

See Central Hall, Renshaw Street

60/1267 Upper Parliament St. (nth side) L8 No. 33 II 14.03.75

60/1268 Upper Parliament St. (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Third Church of Christ Scientist

60/1269 Upper Parliament St. (north side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 79 to 109 (odd)
61/1270 Upper Parliament St. (north side) L8 II 14.03.75
Nos. 155 to 177 (odd) (Falkner Terrace)

60/1274 Upper Parliament St.(south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 24 & 26

60/1275 Upper Parliament St. (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 28 to 34 (even)

60/1276 Upper Parliament St. (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

No. 36 (City of Liverpool Day Nursery)

60/1277 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 40 II 14.03.75

60/1278 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 42 II 14.03.75

60/1279 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 44 II 14.03.75

60/1280 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 46 II 14.03.75

60/1281 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 48 II 14.03.75

60/1282 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 50 II 14.03.75

60/1283 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 58, 60, 62

60/1284 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 64 II 14.03.75

60/1285 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 66 II 14.03.75

60/1286 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 68 II 14.03.75

- 66 -
60/1287 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 70 II 14.03.75

60/1288 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II 14.03.75

Nos. 72 to 74

60/1289 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II

(Princes Park Hospital)

60/1290 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 100 II

61/1291 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 No. 140 II

7/1292 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II

Nos. 248 & 250

7/1293 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II

Nos. 268 & 270

7/1294 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) No. 276 II 26.07.84

7/1295 Upper Parliament St. (sth side) L8 II

Nos. 312, 314, 316

Upper Stanhope Street L8 No. 123 II

See Nos. 2 to 14 (even) Berkley Street

52/1296 Victoria Street (north side) L2 II 14.03.75

No. 1 (Regina House)

52/1297 Victoria Street (north side) L2 II* 14.10.74

Nos. 3 to 9 (odd) (Fowler’s Building)

52/1298 Victoria Street (north side) L2 II 22.03.77

Nos. 21-23 (Union House)

52/1299 Victoria Street (north side) L1 II 12.07.66

Nos. 25 & 27 (Bank of Ireland)

49/1300 Victoria Street (north side) L1 II

No. 45 (Bank of Liverpool)

49/1301 Victoria Street (north side) L1 II

Nos. 57 & 59 (Crown Buildings)

49/1302 Victoria St. (nth side) L1 Nos. 61 to 71 II 14.03.75

(odd) (Jerome Buildgs & Carlisle Buildgs)

49/1303 Victoria Street (north side) L1 II

Nos. 73 to 79 (odd) (Abbey Buildings)

52/1304 Victoria Street (south side) L2 II

Nos. 8 to 10 (even) (Produce Exchange Bldgs)

49/1305 Victoria Street (south side) L1, No.42 II 14.03.75

Midland Railway Goods Offices

- 67 -
4/1305+1 Walton Lane L4 II 14.03.75
No. 302 (Lodge to Anfield Cemetery)

4/1306 Walton Lane L4 II 14.03.75

(Lodge to Anfield Cemetery)

4/1307 Walton Lane L4 II 14.03.75

Entrance to Anfield Cemetery

16/1308 Walton Lane L4 II

Mile post on corner of Tetlow Street

16/1309 Walton Road L4 No.1 (Post Office) II

16/1310 Walton Road L6 No. 63 II

14/1311 Walton Village L4 Church of St. Mary II 28.06.52

14.1312 Walton Village L4 Sundial in churchyard II 14.03.75

10m south of porch of St. Mary’s Church

14.1313 Walton Village L4 II 14.03.75

Mortuary to right of entrance to churchyard

14.1314 Walton Village L4 II 14.03.75

Hearse house to right of entrance to churcyard

Walton Village L4 II
Churchyard wall & two entrances on County
Road & one entrance on Walton Village
See under County Road

4/1315 Walton Village L4 II 14.03.75

The Old Rectory (now part of High School)

30/1317 Wapping L3 Wapping basin II

30/1318 Wapping L3 II 14.03.75

Hydraulic tower at Wapping Dock

30/1319 Wapping L3 Warehouse at Wapping Dock II* 12.07.66

30/1320 Wapping L3 Gatekeeper’s Lodge at II 14.03.75

entrance to Wapping Dock

30/1322 Wapping L1 Baltic Fleet Public House II 14.03.75

3/1323 Waterloo Road L3 Waterloo Warehouse II 14.03.75

3/1324 Waterloo Road L3 II

Hydraulic Tower at Wellington Dock

3/1325 Waterloo Road L3 South Gate to Docks II

28 - 31, Victoria, Princes, & Waterloo Docks

3/1326 Waterloo Rd L3 Gate to Waterloo Dock II

- 68 -
3/1327 Waterloo Road L3 North Gate to Docks II
28 - 31, Victoria, Princes & Waterloo Docks

3/1328 Waterloo Road L3 II

Gate to Victoria & Trafalgar Docks

3/1329 Waterloo Road L3, (Gate to Clarence Dock) II

3/1330 Waterloo Road L3 II

Gate to Clarence & Clarence Graving Docks

Water Streeet L2 No. 1 II

See Nos. 2 & 4 Castle Street

52/1331 Water Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75

No. 3 (Former Midshires Building Society)

52/1332 Water Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75

No. 7 (General Accident)

52/1333 Water Street (south side) L2 II 14.03.75

India Buildings including Holt’s Arcade

48/1334 Water Street (north side) L2 Town Hall I 28.06.52


52/1335 Water Street (north side) L2 II* 12.07.66

Nos. 4 & 6 (Barclay’s Bank)

52/1336 Water Street (north side) L2 I 12.07.66

Nos. 14 & 16 (Oriel Chambers)

27/1337 Water Street (north side) L2 II* 14.03.75

No. 22 (Tower Buildings)

28/1338 Wavertree Park L7 II 14.03.75

Fountain in middle of the park

28/1339 Wavertree Road L7 Nos. 1 to 7 (odd) II

33/1340 Wellington Avenue L15 No. 2 II 14.03.75

33/1341 Wellington Avenue L15 Nos. 12 & 14 II 14.03.75

31/1342 Wellington Avenue L15 II 14.03.75

Sikh Community Centre

31/1343 Wellington Avenue L15 Methodist Chapel II 14.03.75

33/1344 Wellington Field (nth side) L15 Nos. 3 & 5 II 14.03.75

Wellinton Field (south side) L15 No. 2 II

See No. 2 Wellington Avenue

24/175 West Derby Road L6 II

Nos. 8, 9, 10 (Brougham Terrace)

- 69 -
21/1348 West Derby Road (north side) L13 II 12.07.66
No. 611 (Barclay’s Bank)

21/1349 West Derby Road (north side) L13 II* 28.06.52

No. 695 (Tue Brook House)

24/1350 West Derby Road L6 Bowden Drinking II 14.03.75

Fountain at corner of Boaler Street.

24/1351 West Derby Road L6 Olimpia Social Club II* 14.03.75

21/1352 West Derby Road (south side) L13 I 28.06.52

Church of St. John Baptist

21/1353 West Derby Road (south side) L13 II 14.03.75

Vicarage of St. John Baptist

21/1354 West Derby Road (south side) L13 II 14.03.75

Nos. 340 to 352 (even) (or Nos. 1 to 7 consec)

21/1355 West Derby Road (south side) L13 Nos. 354 II 14.03.75

Whitechapel No. 4 II
See Nos. 19, 21, 23 Sir Thomas Street

49/1356 William Brown Street L1 II* 28.06.52

William Brown Library & Museum

49/1357 William Brown Street L1 II* 28.06.52

Picton Reading Room & Hornby Library

44/1358 William Brown Street L1 Walker Art Gallery II* 28.06.52

50/1359 William Brown Street L1 Sessions House II* 14.03.75

50/1360 William Brown Street L1 Steble Fountain II* 28.06.52

50/1361 William Brown St. L1 Wellington Column II* 28.06.52

53/1362 Williamson Square L1 II* 14.03.75

Playhouse Theatre (old part only) 30.06.93

32/1363 Windermere Terrace L8 Nos. 1 to 4 (consec) II 12.07.66

32/1364 Windermere Terrace L8 II 12.07.66

No. 5 (Windermere House)

32/1365 Windermere Terrace L8 9 street lamps II 14.03.75

32/1366 Windermere Terrace(south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Bellerive Building

32/1367 Windermere Terrace (south side) L8 II 14.03.75

Lodge in grounds of Bellerive Building

59/1368 Windsor Street L8 Toxteth Public Library II 14.03.75

- 70 -
7/1369 Woodlands Road L17 II 14.03.75
Kelton (House of Providence)

53/1370 Wood Street L2 Nos. 6 & 8 II 22.01.87

44/1371 Woolton High Street L25 II 14.03.75

Woodleigh (former Lodge to Woolton Hall)

44/1372 Woolton High Street L25 II 14.03.75

Woolton Wood Lodge

44/1373 Woolton High Street (south side) L25 II 14.03.75

Gateway to Woolton Hall Park

44/1374 Woolton High Street L25 II 27.07.83

Woolton Manor (Nurses Home)

44/1375 Woolton High St. (north side) L25 No. 2a II

44/1376 Woolton High St. (north side) L25 Nos. 2, 4, 6 II 14.03.75

44/1377 Woolton High St. (north side) L25 No. 8 II 14.03.75

44/1378 Woolton High St. (north side) L25 No. 10 II 14.03.75

44/1379 Woolton High St. (north side) L25 No. 12 II 14.03.75

44/1380 Woolton High St. (nth s) L25 Nos. 14 & 16 II 14.03.75

44/1381 Woolton High St. (nth s) L25 II 14.03.75

Nos. 20 to 28 (even)

44/1382 Woolton High St. (nth s) L25 Nos. 30 & 32 II 14.03.75

41/1385 Woolton Hill Rd. L25 Cliff Cottage II 14.03.75

35/1386 Woolton Rd. L16 Saint Joseph’s Home II* 14.03.75

35/1387 Woolton Rd. L16 II* 14.03.75

Lodge to St. Joseph’s Home

35/1388 Woolton Road L16 Stable & coachhouse II 14.03.75

to Saint Joseph’s Home

35/1389 Woolton Road L16 Bishop Eton Monastery II* 12.07.66

35/1390 Woolton Road L16 Lodge to Bishop II* 14.03.75

Eton Monastery, and adjoining gateway

43/1391 Woolton Road L25 Lodge to Allerton II 12.07.66

Tower, with adjoining gate piers

8/1392 Woolton Road L25 II 14.03.75

Laundry and stables at Allerton Tower

8/1393 Woolton Rd L25 Allerton Tower Orangery II 14.03.75

- 71 -
8/1394 Woolton Rd L25 Springwood House II 14.03.75
(now a Cheshire Home)

8/1395 Woolton Road L25 Springwood Lodge II 14.03.75

8/1396 Woolton Road L25 Allerton Hall II* 14.03.75

8/1397 Woolton Road L25 North gate piers to II 14.03.75

Allerton Hall with connecting walls & railings

44/1400 Woolton Street (west side) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 2 (Greenbank)

44/1401 Woolton Street (west side) L25 Nos. 4 & 6 II

44/1402 Woolton Street (west side) L25 II

Stable block to Nos. 4 & 6

44/1403 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Elephant Hotel and Restaurant

44/1404 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Street lamp at junction with Allerton Road

44/1406 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

No. 25 Salisbury Farm Dairy

44/1407 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Former farm building to rear of No. 25

44/1408 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Village Cross at junction with Speke Road

44/1409 Woolton Street (east side) L25 II 14.03.75

Former Corporation Offices

44/1410 Woolton Street (east side) L25 No. 35 II 14.03.75

44/1411 Woolton Street (east side) L25 No. 35a II 14.03.75

44/1412 Woolton Street (east side) L25 No. 37 II 14.03.75

44/1413 Woolton St. (east side) L25 Nos. 39, 41, 43 II 14.03.75

44/1414 Woolton St. (east side) L25 Nos. 45 & 47 II 14.03.75

44/1415 Woolton Street (east side) L25 No. 49 II 14.03.75

(The Old House)

44/1416 Woolton Street (east side) L25 No. 51 II 14.03.75

5/1417 Yew Tree Lane L12 Broughton Hall II* 14.03.75


5/1418 Yew Tree Lane L12 II 14.03.75

Lodge to Broughton Hall

- 72 -
and attached boundary walls
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

66. cont; 33/10120 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Anglican Chapel at Toxteth
Park Cemetery.

33/10122 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Patience Simpson Memorial
approx. 200m S of entrance
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10123 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Thomas Pennington Memorial
approx, 180m of entrance at
Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10125 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Dr James Shellman Muspratt
Memorial approx, 220m S of
entrance at Toxteth Park Cemetery

33/10129 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Sir John Bent M.P. Memorial
at Toxteth Park Cemetery

33/10130 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Eleanora and William Gillespie
Obelisk at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10131 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Alice and Henry Nixon Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10132 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Agnes and John Rowe Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10133 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Roberts Rodgers Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

67. 27/10143 Bath Street (west side) II 28. 09. 99

Princes Dock Wall

68. 7/10144 Beaufort Street. (west side) II 21. 02. 00

Beaufort Street School
(East range)

69. 1/10116 Rice Lane. No. 93 (PH) II 27. 04. 00

The Prince Arthur

70. 60/10150 Catharine Street II* 25.05.00

St. Philip Neri , R.C. Church

72. 48/10153 Vernon Street II 04. 08. 00

Bands Warehouse

73. 7/591 Herculaneum Dock, L3 II 17. 08. 00


75. 392/60/208 Canning Street (North side) II 24. 01. 01

19/06/1985 Nos. 79 – 93 (odd)

392/60/208 Sandon Street (West side) II 24. 01. 01

19/06/1985 No. 22

77. 392/27/108+2 Bath Street, L3 II 29. 01. 01

19. 06. 1985 Gate to Docks 24, 27, 28 & Princes Dk

392/27/108+3 Bath Street, L3 II 29. 01. 01

19. 06. 1985 Gates to Princes Dock

76. 392/31/10162 Church Road ( West off ) II* 07. 02. 01

War Memorial at
Holy Trinity Church Yard

78. 392/4/10158 Arnot Street II 12. 04. 01

County Primary School

80. 392/0/10165 Fox Street II 16. 10. 01

RC St Mary of Angels, with
attached Friary, arch, bell frame,
walls, railings and gates

82. 392/23/151 Bevington Bush L3 De-listed 30/10/01

North Corporation
Primary School

John D drive
( Previous amendments included in main text )

58. 49/10115 Peter Street II 29. 10. 98

No. 3 Warehouse

59. 54/10111 Pleasant Street II 10. 11. 98

Pleasant Street School

60. 27/1075 St. Nicholas Place (West end) L3 II* 22. 12. 98
Memorial to “ heroes of the
marine engine room”

61. 48/10010 Exchange Buildings II 28. 01. 99

55. 53/1362 Williamson Square II* 02. 02. 99

Playhouse Theatre Amended
New addition upgrade Description

63. 48/10109 Dale Street L2 Nos. 31-33 II 19. 03. 99

Trident House (GV)

62. 53/1362 Williamson Square II* 26. 03. 99

Playhouse Theatre Amended

64. 10/10096 Speke Road II 16. 04. 99

Four Gatepiers at entrance to
Liverpool Speke Airport

65. 33/10136 Ullet Road II 17. 06. 99

Holt House and attached
Garden Walls

33/10137 Ullet Road II 17. 06. 99

Boundary Wall and Gatepiers
at Holt House

66. 7/10118 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Nos. 122 & 124, Entrance Lodges,
gates, screen and boundary walls
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

7/10121 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

No. 120, Monumental Masons
Yard, gateway and boundary wall
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

7/10139 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Hetherington Memorial 5m
South of E Lodge at Toxteth
Park Cemetery.

33/10119 Smithdown Road and II 07. 09. 99

Arundel Avenue.
Rear entrance gateway, steps
and attached boundary walls
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

66. cont; 33/10120 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Anglican Chapel at Toxteth
Park Cemetery.

33/10122 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Patience Simpson Memorial
approx. 200m S of entrance
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10123 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Thomas Pennington Memorial
approx, 180m of entrance at
Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10125 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Dr James Shellman Muspratt
Memorial approx, 220m S of
entrance at Toxteth Park Cemetery

33/10129 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Sir John Bent M.P. Memorial
at Toxteth Park Cemetery

33/10130 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Eleanora and William Gillespie
Obelisk at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10131 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Alice and Henry Nixon Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10132 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Agnes and John Rowe Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

33/10133 Smithdown Road II 07. 09. 99

Roberts Rodgers Obelisk
at Toxteth Park Cemetery.

67. 27/10143 Bath Street (west side) II 28. 09. 99

Princes Dock Wall

68. 7/10144 Beaufort Street. (west side) II 21. 02. 00

Beaufort Street School
(East range)

69. 1/10116 Rice Lane. No. 93 (PH) II 27. 04. 00

The Prince Arthur

70. 60/10150 Catharine Street II* 25.05.00

St. Philip Neri , R.C. Church

72. 48/10153 Vernon Street II 04. 08. 00

Bands Warehouse

73. 7/591 Herculaneum Dock, L3 II 17. 08. 00


75. 392/60/208 Canning Street (North side) II 24. 01. 01

19/06/1985 Nos. 79 – 93 (odd)

392/60/208 Sandon Street (West side) II 24. 01. 01

19/06/1985 No. 22

77. 392/27/108+2 Bath Street, L3 II 29. 01. 01

19. 06. 1985 Gate to Docks 24, 27, 28 & Princes Dk

392/27/108+3 Bath Street, L3 II 29. 01. 01

19. 06. 1985 Gates to Princes Dock

76. 392/31/10162 Church Road ( West off ) II* 07. 02. 01

War Memorial at
Holy Trinity Church Yard

78. 392/4/10158 Arnot Street II 12. 04. 01

County Primary School

80. 392/0/10165 Fox Street II 16. 10. 01

RC St Mary of Angels, with
attached Friary, arch, bell frame,
walls, railings and gates
82 392/23/151 Bevington Bush, L3 De-Listed 30.10.01
North Corporation
Primary School
81 392/38/561 Greenbank Lane L17 II* 26.10.01
28/06/1952 University Hostel
Amended Description
84 392/56/149 Berry Street II* 22.08.02
Church of St Luke Up-Graded
85 392/56/150 Berry Street II* 22.08.02
Railings, Plinth Walls, Gates Up-Graded
Piers and steps at church of St
87 30/1053 St James Street II* 16.10.03
RC Church of St Vincent de Up-Graded
88 392/0/10210 Irvine Street at St Mary’s II 18.12.03
91 17/590 Haymans Green L12 II 29.04.04
Lowlands, (West Derby
Community Association) & II
attached boundary walls &
gate piers
92 392/0/10193 Duke Street II 06.07.04
Nos 183-185, inc The White
House PH
93 392/0/10205 Duke Street II 21.07.04
Nos 135-147
94 392/0/10198 Duke Street II 21.07.04

York Street
392/0/10198 Nos. 2 & 4 ( see under No.50 II 21.07.04
Duke Street

Henry Street II 21.07.04

392/0/10198 No.27
See under No50.Duke Street
95 49/1254 Berry Street II 21.07.04
Nos. 24-30 (even)

49/1254 Seel Street

No 87 II 21.07.04
See under Nos 24-30 (even)
Berry Street
96 49/1254 Berry Street II 28.10.04
Nos 8-14 (even)
Alternatively known as No 87
Seel Street
No Ref No Address Grade Date Listed
97 932/0/10191 Duke Street II 02.02.05
No. 96
98 49/2324 Queens Drive II 30.08.05
St Matthew’s Roman Catho lic
99 53/1102 School Lane I 01.09.05
Bluecoat School
Formerly listed as Old Bluecoat
101 392/0/10164 Arnot Street II 22.03.06
Rainbow House

West Derby Road, L6

24/175 Nos 8, 9, 10 Brougham Terrace II 22.03.06
102 10/1178 Speke Road, L24 II* 20.03.06
Former Liverpool Airport
Control Tower and Terminal

Speke Road, L24

Liverpool Airport
10/1179 Hangar 1 II* 20.03.06
Speke Road, L24
Liverpool Airport
Hangar 2
10/1180 II* 20.03.06
103 494841 Prescot Road II 27.03.06
St Anne

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