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Welcome Class!

Math Applications Room #200

Lancaster High School
Mr. Justin Rysz 740-681-7500 x6583

Who Is This Class For?

Math Applications is for the student who needs a 4 year of Math credit. This class is
NOT for a student who is going to college next year. This class is for a student
going into the work force or military next year.

Improve skills in working with and understanding numbers and number sense.
Improve organization and budgeting skills. Create a hard working attitude. Improve
technology skills in an online classroom environment.

Class Site
My goal is to have all notes, homework assignments, and materials available for you
on the Math Applications website.

We will also be using an Online Learning Management System.

Classroom Attendance
We will follow school policy and The Student Code of Conduct. You expect our best,
and we expect your best. Be an active participant and willing to try. Being on time
and prepared for class is a great start.

Daily Materials
Pencil or Pen
Folder or 3-ring binder for returned work and any other permanent worksheets
Loose-leaf paper for work to be turn in on

Grading this is not an inclusive list

Announced and Pop Quizzes
Announced Test
Quarterly Notebook Quizes
Semester and Final Exams

We will be using a total point system. For exam if you earn 650 points out of a total
700 points, then your grade will be a 650/750, or 93% for that final grading period.

Homework Policy
Some homework assignments will be collected and graded on correctness, others
homework will be graded on completion.

Homework will be passed forward and collected at the begging of class, unless
mentioned otherwise. Homework will be graded on completion. Each homework
will be worth 4 points. i.e.

If 100% of homework is done, 4 points

75% of homework is done, 3 points
50% of homework is done, 2 points
25% of homework is done, 1 point
No homework, no grade

Everyday each homework assignment is late, 1 point will be deducted.

I will keep track of each homework assignment that is collected and once you have
10 (ten), 4-point homework in a row, you will receive one homework pass. You can
use the homework pass for a 4 on any homework assignment or 4 bonus points on
any test or quiz.

All missing work and assignments must be turned in the first day you get back. You
will be required to turn in the work and the assignments from the day that you were
gone AND the work due from the first day back. Example: If you went to school on
Monday and were absent on Tuesday. You are required to turn in Monday’s
homework on Wednesday and required to turn in Tuesday’s AND Wednesday’s
homework on Thursday.

Be prepared to take test and quizzes on your first day back. Mr. Rysz will make any

An unexcused absence will be treated like you were in the class that day and did not
do anything.

Remember this is Mr. Rysz’s classroom, so I have the right and the power to make
any and all changes whenever I like to the rules.

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