Fundamentals of VLAN's - Router On A Stick

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Fundamentals of VLAN's - Router on a stick Log in / Register to participate in the

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Created by Navneet.Gaur on Feb 17, 2014 5:32 AM. Last modified by Navneet.Gaur on Aug 5, 2017 4:36 PM.
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Author: Navneet Gaur
Date: Feb 2014 Register for free
Description: This document tries to explain the fundamental concepts related to "router on a stick"
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Reference Layout A quick summarized view to Private
Points to consider
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Section 1
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Section 2 VLAN and trunking.docx
The inter-linking of Vlan numbers and the sub-interfaces
Section 3
Situation 1 - Standard operation & Analysis
Situation 2 - Different native vlans at both ends & Analysis Incoming Links
Situation 3 - Different native vlans at both ends, within same network & Analysis
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Update: Caveat
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05 Aug 2017 Re: Vlan and Router on a stick
Update: Section 3 Situation 2
The ARP problem Re: Inter-VLAN Routing
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Re: Configuring Router on a stick
Important note
All the scenarios that have been mentioned in the following narration, used the following setup, with a fresh reboot
with every change in configuration
A router running IOS version 12.x
A switch running IOS version 12.x as well
Three computers running different versions of windows

One important factor that needs consideration in all the scenarios, is that,
before a ping request can be generated by the end device,
it needs to find out the mac address of its gateway, using address resolution protocol.

Accordingly, for a lab setup, where the configuration on an already configured router may be altered to check the
impact of the change, there are certain factors that merit consideration.
These considerations relate to address resolution protocol - ARP query & cache, and the following discussion
covers them to a certain extent.

Reference Layout
*Click on the image to enlarge
Points to consider
The switch has three Vlan's configured on it
Vlan 1 has a PC attached to it with an ip address
Vlan 2 has a PC attached to it with an ip address
Vlan 3 has a PC attached to it with an ip address

Switch's port numbered Gi0/5 is connected to the router

The router has its main interface FastEthernet 0/0 subdivided into three virtual interfaces
FastEthernet 0/0.1 with an IP address -
FastEthernet 0/0.2 with an IP address -
FastEthernet 0/0.3 with an IP address -

Section 1
Sample configuration

We are going to create three Vlan's on the switch
We are going to assign ports numbers from FastEthernet 0/1 to 0/12 to Vlan 1
We are going to assign ports numbers from FastEthernet 0/13 to 0/24 to Vlan 2
We are going to assign ports numbers from FastEthernet 0/25 to 0/36 to Vlan 3

We are going to connect the router to port numbered GigabitEthernet 0/5 on the switch
We are going to configure this port on the switch to work as a trunk port

configure terminal
interface range FastEthernet 0/1 - 12
! The following command is a macro
! The result is as follows
! switchport mode is set to access
! spanning-tree portfast is enabled
! channel group is disabled
switchport host
switchport access vlan 1

interface range FastEthernet 0/13 - 24

switchport host
switchport access vlan 2

interface range FastEthernet 0/25 - 36

switchport host
switchport access vlan 3

interface GigabitEthernet 0/5

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1Q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport nonegotiate

We will connect one of routers FastEthernet interfaces, FastEthernet 0/0, to the switch's trunk port GigabitEthernet 0/5
Further, we will sub-divide this single FastEthernet 0/0 interface, virtually, in to three sub-interfaces
On a router, if an Ethernet interface is subdivided, it can route traffic only if it is configured to work with a trunking protocol, like ISL or

We will associate the first sub-interface, FastEthernet 0/0.1, to Vlan numbered 1 and assign it an Ip address
We will associate the second sub-interface, FastEthernet 0/0.2, to Vlan numbered 2 and assign it an Ip address
We will associate the third sub-interface, FastEthernet 0/0.3, to Vlan numbered 3 and assign it an Ip address

configure terminal
interface FastEthernet 0/0
no shutdown

interface FastEthernet 0/0.1

encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
ip address

interface FastEthernet 0/0.2

encapsulation dot1Q 2
ip address

interface FastEthernet 0/0.3

encapsulation dot1Q 3
ip address

Section 2
The inter-linking of Vlan numbers and the sub-interfaces

Point 1
This association between the Vlan number and the interface,, helps the router
To decide, where to send the incoming frame for further processing, by checking its Vlan tag
If an incoming frame has an "Vlan Id 2" "clipped on" to it, then that frame will be "sent" to the sub-interface that has been associated
with Vlan-2

*Click on the image to enlarge

The interface to which an incoming frame will go to, is decided by the Vlan-Id-Tag attached on to it
If there is no Vlan-Id-Tag attached to the frame
The frame will be sent to the interface that has been configured as "native" interface using the command - Router(config-
subif)#encapsulation dot1Q vlan number native
As a default, any interface, associated with Vlan-1, is automatically configured with the native command in the running

Point 2
This association between the Vlan number and the interface, helps the router
To decide, which "Vlan Id Number" to attach, to the outgoing frames
If the frame is going out of interface numbered FastEthernet 0/0.3, then attach Vlan-3 tag on to it

*Click on the image to enlarge

The Vlan-Id-Tag that needs to be attached to a frame that leaves the router, is decided by the frames destination Ip address /

A subdivided FastEthernet interface is different from an interface that has multiple IP addresses configured on to it
An interface with multiple Ip's still works like a single interface and cannot read data that has been encapsulated with any one of the
trunking protocols

Section 3
Situation 1: Standard operation
Two points of configuration
One at the switch
Second at the router

1. Configuration on the switch

The switch has the following configuration on its trunk port, GigabitEthernet 0/5

configure terminal
interface GigabitEthernet 0/5
switchport trunk native vlan 1

show interfaces GigabitEthernet 0/5 switchport

Name: Gi0/5
---output omitted---
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (VLAN0001)
Voice VLAN: none
---output omitted---

For frames being ejected out
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-1 - Transmit it without any modification, i.e. un-tagged
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-2 to 4094 - Transmit it after attaching an identifying tag, i.e. tagged

For frames coming in

If the frame is untagged, send it to ports in Vlan-1
If the frame is tagged, send it to the Vlan indicated by the tag

2. Configuration on the router

On the router, we will designate the sub-interface FastEthernet0/0.1 as native interface
*This has already been specified in the suggested sample configuration

configure terminal
interface fastethernet 0/0.1
encapsulation dot1q 1 native

The PC attached to Vlan-1 with an IP pings PC -, that is in Vlan-3

Step 1
A frame is sent from PC - to its gateway at
This is an initial arp request sent from PC - to find the mac address of the gateway

Step 2
When this frame is "ejected" out of trunk port on the switch, it is sent unmodified
Because it is coming from a port
Which belongs to native vlan specified on the switch's trunk port

*Click on the image to enlarge

Step 3 - Part I
When this frame is received by the router, the router can "see" that the frame is unmodified
So, it directs the frame to "FastEthernet 0/0.1" which has been configured to accept unmodified frames
With the help of the command - Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 1 native earlier

Step 3 - Part II ARP

The source IP of the incoming frame is checked against the IP configured on the interface
The source Ip is from the network
The routers interface FastEthernet 0/0.1 has the network configured as as well
Both the Ip addresses belong to the same network -, so further ARP processing takes place
Following this, PC- is able to resolve the mac address of its gateway & subsequently sends the ping frame

Step 3 - Routing
When this ping frame arrives at routers interface FastEthernet 0/0.1
The destination IP is checked
The destination network is attached to interface "FastEthernet 0/0.3"

Step 4
So, the frame is modified and a tag is attached to it that says Vlan-3 - "the Vlan that FastEthernet 0/0.3 is part of"
And the frame is ejected towards the switch

Step 5
The switch receives the frame on its trunk port GigabitEthernet 0/5
It checks the tag that reads Vlan-3
So, the switch sends the frame, out of the ports in Vlan-3

The return journey is similar

Step 1
A reply is sent from PC - to its gateway at

Step 2
When this frame is "ejected" out of trunk port on the switch, a tag - "Vlan-3" - is attached to this frame
Because the frame is coming from a port
Which does not belong to the native vlan specified on the switch's trunk port

*Click on the image to enlarge

Step 3 - Part I
When this frame is received by the router, the router can "see" that the frame has a tag that reads - "Vlan-3"
So, it directs the frame to "FastEthernet 0/0.3" which has been configured to accept frames having the tag - "Vlan-3"
This was done by issuing the command - Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 3 - on this sub-interface earlier

Step 3 - Part II Routing

The destination IP is checked
The destination network is attached to the interface "FastEthernet 0/0.1"

Step 4
The VLAN tag of the frame is removed and it is ejected towards the switch,
Because the interface from which this frame will be "ejected" - FastEthernet 0/0.1 - is configured as a "dot1Q native" interface on the

Step 5
The switch receives this frame on its trunk port GigabitEthernet 0/5
It analyzes the frame and can "see" that the frame does not have any tag attached to it
So, the switch sends the frame, out of the ports in Vlan-1
Because, the native vlan configured on this switch's trunk port, GigabitEthernet 0/5, is Vlan-1

The ping is successful

Situation 2: Different native vlans at both ends

The ARP problem
Address Resolution Protocol - ARP can be considered to operate at Layer 2.5 from the perspective of Open System
Interconnection model of networking.

The reasons are as follows:

An ARP frame is limited to the local network boundary, network that can be reached by directly connected wires.
In the addressing portion, this frame includes mac addresses, to propagate itself within the network.
The contents include the senders IP address as well as the Ip address whose MAC address needs to be resolved.

And here is the catch.

If somehow an ARP frame reaches an interface that does not have the reverse path back to the sender IP address that
is included in the contents section, the router drops that reply.
The interesting part is that the contents of the frame are not "considered | supposed" to influence the routing decision.
The routing decision is influenced by IP addresses in the addressing portion of the frame, which in this case comprises
only of MAC addresses.
The ARP&problem
Scenario Topology
*Click on the image to enlarge

Consider the above topology. When R1 tries to ping, it sends an arp request out of its interface because it
considers to be in the local network - because of the mask of
However, when this arp resolution request reaches R2, after reading the contents - not the address field, R2 considers
the reply to be directed for a network that is not attached on the interface -{ Network with a mask of }- on which this request was received.
Therefore, R2 drops the reply.

R2#debug arp
*Mar 1 00:01:33.539: IP ARP req filtered src c001.2ce8.0000, dst 0000.0000.0000 wrong cable,
interface FastEthernet0/0

That is the reason I consider ARP to operate at Layer 2.5 of the OSI model.
Although its scope is limited to the directly connected network - Layer 2,
it is still influenced by the IP networks - Layer 3, included in the contents, while replying.

Two points of configuration

One at the switch
Second at the router

1. Configuration on the switch

The switch has the following configuration on its trunk port, GigabitEthernet 0/5

configure terminal
interface GigabitEthernet 0/5
switchport trunk native vlan 1

show interfaces GigabitEthernet 0/5 switchport

Name: Gi0/5
---output omitted---
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (VLAN0001)
Voice VLAN: none
---output omitted---

For frames being ejected out
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-1 - Transmit it without any modification, i.e. un-tagged
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-2 to 4094 - Transmit it after attaching an identifying tag, i.e. tagged

For frames coming in

If the frame is untagged, send it to ports in Vlan-1
If the frame is tagged, send it to the Vlan indicated by the tag

2. Configuration on the router

On the router, we will designate the sub-interface FastEthernet0/0.2 as native interface

configure terminal
interface fastethernet 0/0.2
encapsulation dot1q 2 native

The PC attached to Vlan-1 with an IP pings PC -, that is in Vlan-3

Step 1
A frame is sent from PC - to its gateway at
This is an initial arp request sent from PC - to find the mac address of the gateway

Step 2
When this frame is "ejected" out of trunk port on the switch, it is sent unmodified
Because it is coming from a port
Which belongs to native vlan specified on the switch's trunk port

*Click on the image to enlarge

Step 3 - Part I
When this frame is received by the router, the router can "see" that the frame is unmodified
So, it directs the frame to "FastEthernet 0/0.2" which has been configured to accept un-modified / un-tagged frames
With the help of the command - Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 2 native

Step 3 - Part II ARP

For ARP reply, the source network of the incoming frame is checked against the network configured on the interface
The source Ip is from the network
The routers interface FastEthernet 0/0.2 has the network configured as
Both the networks are different
Therefore this arp frame is dropped
And accordingly, there is no return journey for this frame.

Step 3 - Part III

Since PC - is unable to resolve the mac address of its gateway, further frames cannot be built.

The ping is un-successful


This can be modified by forcing the switch to attach a tag to all the VLANs by issuing the following command
Switch(config)#vlan dot1Q native tag
By issuing this command all the outgoing frames from a switch will be tagged and now the frame from Vlan-1 will reach
routers interface configured with Vlan-1, which in turn will be able to resolve the arp query for PC-

Situation 3: Different native vlans at both ends

However, now the IP address scheme matches on the native Vlan of the switch's trunk port, as well as the native Vlan on the
routers interface

Two points of configuration

One at the switch
Second at the router

1. Configuration on the switch

The switch has the following configuration on its trunk port, just as before

configure terminal
interface GigabitEthernet 0/5
switchport trunk native vlan 1

show interface GigabitEthernet 0/5 switchport
Name: Gi0/5
---output omitted---
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (VLAN0001)
Voice VLAN: none
---output omitted---

For frames being ejected out
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-1 - Transmit it without any modification, i.e. un-tagged
If the frame is from ports in Vlan-2 to 4094 - Transmit it after attaching an identifying tag, i.e. tagged

For frames coming in

If the frame is untagged, send it to ports in Vlan-1
If the frame is tagged, send it to the Vlan indicated by the tag


If the tag on an incoming frame on the switch trunk port,

Somehow reads "Vlan-1", i.e., the Vlan that is configured to accept un-tagged frames, the switch will drop the frames
With the configuration that follows
Interface FastEthernet 0/0.1 on the router no longer belongs to the native vlan
And its IP address is
When PC- tries to ping PC-, the router will try to resolve PC-'s mac address before forwarding any
frame towards it.
ARP frames sent from the router, towards PC-, will have a VLAN-1 tag attached to it.
The router will send an initial ARP request to the switch,
To find's mac address, through its FastEthernet 0/0.1 interface,
With the tag of Vlan-1 attached to it,
The switch, however, will drop it because it expects un-tagged frames for its native VLAN, which is VLAN-1 on its side.
Subsequently, the router will fail to build the frame and an error of 'encapsulation failed' will result in failed ping
This applies to the native vlan configured on the switches trunk port
The stipulation is that the native vlan of a trunk port, under standard and normal configuration, will accept un-tagged
frames and drop frames, if they are tagged with its vlan ID
That is Vlan-1 on the switch in this given scenario

2. Configuration on the router

On the router, we will again designate the sub-interface, FastEthernet0/0.2, which is associated with Vlan-2, as a native

configure terminal
interface FastEthernet 0/0.2
encapsulation dot1q 2 native

However, we will change the addressing for the sub-interfaces

For FastEthernet 0/0.1
configure terminal
interface fastethernet 0/0.1
encapsulation dot1q 1
ip address

For FastEthernet 0/0.2

configure terminal
interface fastethernet 0/0.2
encapsulation dot1q 2 native
ip address

The PC attached to Vlan-1 with an IP pings PC -, that is in Vlan-3

Step 1
A frame is sent from PC - to its gateway at
This is an initial arp request sent from PC - to find the mac address of the gateway

Step 2
When this frame is "ejected" out of trunk port on the switch, it is sent unmodified
Because it is coming from a port
Which belongs to native vlan specified on the switch's trunk port

*Click on the image to enlarge

Step 3 - Part I
When this frame is received by the router, the router can "see" that the frame is unmodified
So, it directs the frame to "FastEthernet 0/0.2" which has been configured to accept unmodified frames
With the help of the command - Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 2 native

Step 3 - Part II ARP

The source IP of the incoming frame is checked against the IP configured on the interface
The source Ip is from the network
The routers interface FastEthernet 0/0.2 has the network configured as as well
Both the Ip addresses belong to the same network -, so further ARP processing takes place
Following this, PC- is able to resolve the mac address of its gateway & subsequently sends the ping frame

Step 3 - Routing
When this ping frame arrives at routers interface FastEthernet 0/0.2
The destination IP is checked
The destination network is attached to interface "FastEthernet 0/0.3"

Step 4
So, the frame is modified and a tag is attached to it that says Vlan-3 - "the Vlan that FastEthernet 0/0.3 is part of"
And the frame is ejected towards the switch

Step 5
The switch receives the frame on its trunk port GigabitEthernet 0/5
It checks the tag that reads Vlan-3
So, the switch sends the frame, out of the ports in Vlan-3

The return journey is similar

Step 1
A reply is sent from PC - to its gateway at

Step 2
When this frame is "ejected" out of trunk port on the switch, a tag - "Vlan-3" - is attached to this frame
Because it is coming from a port
Which does not belong to the native vlan specified on the switch's trunk port

*Click on the image to enlarge

Step 3 - Part I
When this frame is received by the router, the router can "see" that the frame has a tag that reads - "Vlan-3"
So, it directs the frame to "FastEthernet 0/0.3" which has been configured to accept frames having the tag - "Vlan-3"
This was done by issuing the command - Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 3 - on this sub-interface earlier

Step 3 - Part II Routing

The destination IP is checked
The destination network is attached to interface "FastEthernet 0/0.2"

Step 4
The VLAN tag of the frame is removed and it is ejected towards the switch,
Because the interface from which this frame will be "ejected" - FastEthernet 0/0.2 - is configured as a "dot1Q native" interface

Step 5
The switch receives the frame on its trunk port GigabitEthernet 0/5
It analyzes the frame and can "see" that the frame does not have any tag attached to it
So, the switch sends the frame, out of the ports in Vlan-1
Because, the native vlan configured on this switch's trunk port, GigabitEthernet 0/5, is Vlan-1

The ping is successful

Final Notes
Note One
The concept of native Vlan states that any frame belonging to the native Vlan will be sent without any modifications, i.e. un-tagged
Native Vlan is specific to each trunk port separately

For example, a trunk port 1 can treat Vlan-1 as native Vlan

While, trunk port 20 can treat Vlan-20 as native

This means that when frames are ejected out of trunk port 1, if the frames originated in Vlan-1, they will remain untagged
This means that when frames are ejected out of trunk port 20, if the frames originated in Vlan-20, they will remain untagged

If any unmodified frame enters trunk port 1, that frame will be sent to the ports on Vlan-1
If any unmodified frame enters trunk port 20, that frame will be sent to the ports on Vlan-20
Therefore, the native Vlan is specific to a given port
However, as a default, whenever a port operates as a trunk, Vlan-1 is automatically selected to be the native vlan for that port
This can always be modified

Note Two
Even though the switch sends frames from the native vlan without any modification, it can be forced to avoid this behavior
By issuing the command, Switch(config)#vlan dot1Q native tag , a switch can be configured to tag all the frames, even if the frames
come from native vlan configured on that trunk interface
However, this command is not available on all the switches

The End

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Milan Feb 28, 2014 4:36 AM

Great Work Navneet.......Bookmarked.....


Fabiola May 4, 2014 11:05 AM

Nice explanation Navneet!


Navneet.Gaur May 4, 2014 11:19 AM

1. Thank you !


1. Thank you for all the nice comments !

Take care, both of you,



Fabiola May 4, 2014 12:58 PM

You are very welcome Navneet, thanks for sharing the content you produce :)


ARandall Jun 13, 2014 5:36 AM

Great Work Naveet............again your your grapical illusrations integrated with your knowledge base helps to enchance my
understanding of the logical process of packet forwarding !



Lee Jun 13, 2014 7:12 AM

Thank you very much!


Navneet.Gaur Jun 13, 2014 7:20 AM

Hi Alvin.

1. I appreciate your wonderful comments.

Thank you and take care,


It is a pleasure !

Take care,


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