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Department of Electrical Engineering

COMSATS University Islamabad Attock Campus

Design of Over/Under Voltage Protection Relay using Arduino Uno





Supervised By:
THE aim of this project is to develop a low voltage tripping mechanism to protect the load
from damage. The fluctuation in supply is frequent in homes and industries. The abnormal
under and over voltages voltages may be caused due to various reasons such as sudden
interruption of heavy load etc. The sensitive electronic devices in these conditions can get
easily damaged. It is preferable to have a tripping mechanism to protect the load. Our project
aims at protecting the electrical equipment from under and over voltages using an Arduino.
The main purpose of this relay is to isolate the load from over voltage conditions by
controlling the relay tripping coil with an Arduino. It detects any voltage lesser than 9V and
greater than 12V (pre-set value). If the voltage is greater than the pre-set value, it initiates a
trip signal which in turn is given to the circuit breaker. Then the circuit breaker isolates the
load from the source.. After getting this data, based upon the programming in the memory
(ROM/RAM), the controller takes the decision of the tripping of the system. This device can
be used directly as a standalone equipment between the mains supply and the load, or it may
be inserted between an existing automatic/manual stabilizer and the load.




SOURCE CODE…………………………………………….




The word over voltage is in use from 1907. According to IEEE standards,
Overvoltage is defined as: “Voltage between one phase and ground or between two phases, having a
crest value exceeding the corresponding crest of maximum system voltage.”

It can also be defined as the voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit. Also
an overvoltage is a voltage pulse or wave which is superimposed on the rated voltage of the network

UNDER-voltages occur in a system when the system voltage down over 90% of the nominal rated
voltage. There is always a chance for suffering of an electrical power system from abnormal over
voltages. These abnormal over voltages may be caused due to various reason such as, sudden
interruption of heavy load, lightening impulses, switching impulses etc. These over voltage stresses
may damage insulation of various equipment’s and insulators of the power system. Although, all the
over voltage stresses are not strong enough to damage insulation of system, but still these over
voltages also to be avoided to ensure the smooth operation of electrical power system.

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate a
switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it
is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation between
control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. The relay
here we use is a single pole relay which, upon being activated by the Arduino makes under normal
mains supplyvoltage and brakes under abnormal mains supply voltage. Its rating is 5vdc, 230v ac,
50 hz. 90millliamps.

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message -
and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.
Arduino is the controller used in this project. It compares the input fluctuations with the preset value.
If the fluctuations are within the limit then it makes the pin connected to the relay high. This trips the

So our aim to produce that system from the combination of these devices which protect our system
from high voltages (above 12 v) and low voltages( under9 v) . . The abnormal under and over voltages
voltages may be caused due to various reasons such as sudden interruption of heavy load etc. The
sensitive electronic devices in these conditions can get easily damaged. It is preferable to have a
tripping mechanism to protect the load. Our project aims at protecting the electrical equipment from
under and over voltages using an Arduino. The main purpose of this relay is to isolate the load from
ov er voltage conditions by controlling the relay tripping coil with an Arduino.
 5V Relay Module
 Arduino, Board
 Cable, Plug, Socket
 Voltage sensor


We can control high voltage electronic devices using relays. A Relay is actually a switch
which is electrically operated by an electromagnet. The electromagnet is activated with a low
voltage, for example 5 volts from a microcontroller and it pulls a contact to make or break a
high voltage circuit.

Relay Module: module, which has 1 relays with rating of 10A @ 250 and 5 V and 10A @
30 and 28 V DC. The high voltage output connector has 3 pins, the middle one is the
common pin and as we can see from the markings one of the two other pins is for normally
open connection and the other one for normally closed connection.
Arduino uno: Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and
software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, or a Twitter message - and turn it
into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.


it is used giving to giving power to devices .

Voltage sensor:

By name its sense voltage and gives signal to arduino.

Cable: its provide connections

Wires: its also used for connection.

In that circuit we supply normally dc 12v . Due to the fluctuations in load, it might vary.
case of increase in mains above 12v and decrese above 9v, the load might get damaged. In
order to avoid this, we developed over voltage and under voltage activated relay system.
Relay is working when its detects the voltage and voltage is detected by voltage sensor and
signal given to controller(arduino)and actuate by actuater(relay) .When the supply exceeds
and decrease the specified limit, the relay operates and isolates the load from the circuit. A
filter comprising of a capacitor is connected to smoothen the pulsation. After the
smoothening, a sample of the output voltage is fed to the Arduino and then we removed
hising noise from bulb which occurs at above 12v. This voltage is unregulated and therefore
varies as the input mains voltage varies Arduino has five analog input pins and 13 digital
output pins. It has an inbuilt analog- digital converter. . The 13 th pin contains a bulb.
Arduino takes an input voltage of 5-12 V and gives an output of 5 V or 3.3 V. A preset value
with tolerance is given to the Arduino. The Arduino compares the preset value with the
analog read value at A0. If it lies within the limit the relay does not operate and bulb on. If it
doesn’t lie within the limits, the Arduino checks if it falls,load off.


OUT OF LIMIT: Above 12v and below 9v


Now make a simple code and test relay module how it will work. Here’s the simple code, we
will just use the pin number 7 for controlling the relay, so we will define it as output and make
a program that will just activate and deactivate the relay each 3 seconds. I will mention once
again here that the input of the module works inversely so a logic low at the input will
actually active the relay and vice versa.
There is a demonstration of this example at the end of the video of this tutorial. I tested 3
devices on it. First a 100W light bulb, then a desk lamp and a fan heater. All of these devices
work on 220V.

So that’s how we can control any High Voltage Device using Arduino or actually any other
microcontroller. And of course the possibilities are now endless, for example we can control
the devices using TV Remote, Bluetooth, SMS, Internet, And so on.


The aim of designing and constructing a low cost Arduino based over/under voltage
protective device was achieved in this work. The device supplies power to the connected
load whenever the input supply is within the required pre-set voltage, thereby protecting the
output connected loads from un-necessary damages. The device is found to be economical,
easier to maintain and repair.



International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2277-1581) Volume

No.3 Issue No.9, pp : 1225-1229.

i.Bayindir R., Sefa I., Cola I., and Bektas A. (2008) “Fault Detection and Load Protection
Using Sensors”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 734– 741.

ii. Close K. J., and Yarwood J. (1979) “Experimental Electronics for Students” 1st Edition,
Chapman and Hall Ltd, Britain.

iii. Delton T. H. (1989) “Basic Electronic Theory with Projects and Experiment” 3rd Edition;
TAB Book Inc. Blue Ridge Summit, P.A.

iv. Gurevich H., and Vladimir S. (2005) “Electrical Relays: Principles and Applications” CRC
Press, London- New York.

v. Ian S. L. (2000) “Passive Components for Circuit Design”, Texas, USA, p. 170. ISBN

vi. Maddock R. J. and Calcute P. (1994) “Electronics: A Course for Engineers” 2nd Edition;
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vii. Martin P. B. (2008) “Programming 8-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C with Interactive

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viii. Paul H., and Winfield H. (1989) “The Art of Electronics”, Second Edition, Cambridge
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