Slavery and Resistance Thesis PDF

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Alyssa Chesney

March 2019
Mr. Daides
Slavery and Resistance Thesis

Slavery is one of the worst acts the world has ever had and has ever known. The

Europeans and Americans traveled to Africa and took africans away from their families and

forced them to work for them on their farms and as their helpers. The slaves were not treated

well and they suffered from racism all of the time. This affected them emotionally because they

had no way to be in contact with their parents. The slave were just trying to fight to go back to

their families and for some rights.

● Taken away from the countries and families

○ They know no one

○ Alone

○ Scared because they probably did not speak the same language

○ This affected people emotionally because they did not know where they were

being taken to and also did not understand why there family was taken away

from them.

● Suffered from racism

○ Not treated with respect

○ Bullied and Abused

○ Were not allowed near the people who they worked for because of their race

● Not treated well

○ Not feed

○ Not in good shelters / houses

○ Abused

○ Paid little or not at all

○ This affected people physically and mentally because they were physically and

mentally abused

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